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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (June 22, 1906)
THE OREGON ' DAILY, JOURNAL. PORTLAND; FRIDAY- EVENING, JUNEfcC 190tJ. 17 - FOR SALE-ImISCELLANEOUS. BIlXARD AND POOL tiblM for rest or tor , ala on e.av peyment. : XUS BaVWSwn K-BALKB COIXIttDEB CO. - 4a Third at, l'ortland. FOR SALB OR RBNT NEW 4NI SBCOND- HAKD SEWING MACHINES, STANDARD SKWINO MACHINB AOKNCX. H. O. JONtH, Sou YAMHILL. ST. ' WKSTERN OREGON MINING MILLING Co! heedqiiarters; lock far mil and Informatlua t ar first it Phone Mala 1S2S. WH need farntture and will pay fnll value. Phene Pacific TBS. Western Salvage Oa-, S2T Washington at. - SHOWCASE. AND FIXTURES made an erdevj : second-band goods for sale. Carlaoa 4s KaU atrom, 3a Coach at. Phone Clay 871. , SHOWCASES? counters, fixtures- boagbt, aold or ' fMfciuint, Western Salvsge Co., 421 Waeh. ingtnn at. Pacific TBS. : TO BUILD houeee or qnttage aea 0. B. Blark. contractor and builder; bsve aome fair . ' ground lirrahar; can eave too money oo re ' -' pair work. Phon Woodlawa Bud. .. ISoS Alblna av. "ARTISTS' materials, pictures and tramln(. H.Monrliona-dr ;.. all AliJaJ at. 4 RANDSOMR waU esses. 14 feet. 11 feat. - , fast. Western Salvage Co., 027 Weahlng- ton at. . . v -. . . . ONE art copper funnels; can be -act to All any -sis bottle or Sack, automatically! Am for drsgglata'or llqsor-dealrre. r 1.. Journal, TOR SALB ilood fresh milch cow. with a - wlthnat calf: a aov! horee. 1.600 rxmndi and xentlf. 1001 Mllwaukl ave.:SeU wuoa car 10 uraicon a urove. Ft NN large gaaollna lanncb; capacity 100 nao- pi ; engine, nothing Better! news rare Bargain L If aold now. Owner.. 1MB Sixth at., Portland, .. op phone ratine iibt. . - i OALB WINDOW RIIADB CO.. 887 Salmon at. -fOR SALE Old .runabout In good ahapat a nargam. pnona woouiawa . lO-HOKHKPOWKR Olrta 100A tonrlng-car at bargain. Club Auto Oarage, 601 Alder. FOR fUT.Fj onod family cow, cheap., f 62A Jefferaoa at. Inqntra lnn.oon bard-burned Tabor Slid. brick far aale. Phone IU0 IH'YS a rdnabnnt auto worth V, Pacific 24.1, after -p. ro. - Phone FOR SALE Retail milk route. Sr enwa. waaona. hnraea. cana; good paying hualneaai axcellent location. K ih, rare jonraai. PERSONAL. MADAME ANNA LUCK ET Principal f tha American Beauty Parka, gl'ra aclentlflc treatment ' for removing wrtnklee and failal blemlahea with the French paate; alao Mm. Karmw'a faritoua remeolea. Electric and vapor hatha given. Patlrota- received. . with treatment, beard and room. Satlafactloa guaranteed. Teetl ttoiilala from leading; phyalctana. Suite IS : Lange -hotel. Sixth aad Waablngtoa ata. rhot e Main BOH. -t-w . - r BCITS preeaed white you wait.- 80c. Ladlaa eklrte preeaed. SOc Gilbert. 106 S Sixth at., next to Qnella. rbona i aHfle JOM. DR. PIERCR. apedaltat dlaeaaaa of women all - Irregularltlea corrected: no exnoeure: advlca free. Call or write. Room a. 51 H Third at. ANT man or woman caa na atrong and happy TT by aatng Seal tie Pllla; the great tonle i artea gi a box. s noxea IS, with rail .gaaraatea. Addreea or call J. A. Clemanaoa. drugglet. cor. Second aad Tambin ata Portland. Or. PETECTIFB AOBNCT-Ceafldeatlal raveatW gatlooai report made oa any Individual boat. Beaa or property: mtarlng relatlvea located l " " bad dehta collected: charge veaaooenlet eav reepondaace . aollcited. Oregoa Detective Service, erflcee KH-JI1S Colnmbla bldg., asg t Waahiactoa at. - Paoae Mala MIS. - . - AD1K8 Turklab bftfha, maaaaga- hydilatrla parlora; atrlctly drat-claa place for la dice only. Flat A. SSI Waahlagtoa at., hetwaaa Idtk and 17th ata. MANLY vtan reatored by Dr.- RobertaV Narvj G loon lea. Oao month'a treatment, St: I " tnoatha. (Si eent- aecnrely aea led y mail. , , Agent, Woodard. Clark A Co.. Portland. Or. DR. 0. V. KKTCHUM earea promptly privet .. oiiieaane. vinney, nervoo. ia no repciei female troublea. Call or. write. Office 170W Third- at., cor. Yamhill. Phone Pacific ecu. 4 TURKISH HATH 8, Ban Oreaonla hldg.i ladlra aaye, aantiemea, atgors. main iaa. . 'FORBIDDEN FRUIT," "A Oay Lothario, Story of a Slave." ;,Fanny HIlL" Agaaa,' -Woman of Fire. BOc each; 11 ta free- 4 ' W. Srbmale Co.. S2S Flrat at. DOLL'S HOSPITAL Repairing and diaaalag. SSI Tamhia at. BINO CHOONO. Imnortor of Ctlneaa root medl dnea; aelt Chin tea. that la certain care for all dleeaeea. 101 Second bet. Yamhill ""aad ajypje, , SCIENTIFIC vibration rellevea onpreeed, pain. ful monthly perloda, paralvsi. men ma turn trea axaminatioa. la BALM OF FK1S for all female dleea . Eaat Belmont. Pbona Beat 40S. cm DISEASRS OF WOMEN Private maternity hrnatr-rnilet location and anaclal care. Dr. At wood, S'Vk Morrlaon It., room A Phon ' Paclfle 1744. - - ELECTRO THERAPEUTIST. , Ben). H. Stahl curee everything, tUra pcclally. IH Flrat, at. rhauma- TES. Palm Tablet make yoa aleep perfectly: they euro aervoonee and make yoa atronai v price due a box. 4 boiea xxao; guaranteao, AH druggiata. or eddree Brooke Drug Com 47 North Third at.. Portland. Oregon. SEXINR PILLS core all forma of net-rone or r- muacular weakneea. For men or woman. ' Price fl a box. 4 boxea $ with run guaran tee. Addreaa or cM J. O. Clemeneon. drug- ; glat. Second and YamhlU Bta, fort la na. or, BOLD ON There ta one thing that wll cure rnenmatlam. Aak your drnrgtat ror pari - tonla or addreaa or call J. 0. Clemeneu. drug alat. Portland;-Or. . PROF. CNEIL, teacher of dermatology, mani curing and heantv culture: aclentlflc treatment of the complexion, hair, eralp and akin; face bleachlnr; manual and clectrle maaeare given; auperflone hair and all facial blemlahea per- manently removed without leaving ecar: all work noettlvely guaranteed; beet reference flven. Parlor HI Eleventh at corner Alder bone Main SHOT. BOLDEN'S RHEUMATIC ClIRB nr car for i rbeamatmn. Hold by all druggiata. HUMAN HAIR SWITCHES Pay after yoa re ceive them: ernd n eample of your hair and wa will eend yoa ana or our li no switrnea, Sit ..' 23 Inrben: etamln It; If a big br- : gain remit; If ant return, Addreaa Iidlea " Hair Emporium, 824 Dearborn at., Chicago, III. bstrl MOLES, wrinkle, runerfloona It ma tell vort hnw. No charr. Mr. M. D. ' Hill. Suite 1, SerUng-Blracb bldg. Paclfle 185. WB MAKE a apeojalty of .nperflnon hair, ' akin refining, acalp Invlroratcd. manicuring, , f blemlahea removed, balance - treated: work . guaranteed. Room . iM3 Ooodaopgk bldg. MISS ETHF.L WARD, far and acalp maaaaga. - manicuring, cniropony, noom xt, Jn ata. VIOLIN leaaona by Mlaa M. A. Sterrftt. fcrroar. ly from the eaitt, at SOB Market at. Phone t'aciric an. "MAN with conalderahla baipllNl aiiatleina, 'aa . ateward, iinrea and attendant, open to take - cnarge privni inviia; magnetic maaaaga a aoeclan.v- . n at. car journal. 1 ELDERLY lady with property wteheu to meet r gent over rei matrimonially mcltned. X 18, care- ' MAN In bualneaa owning own home and other ' mean wrxild Ilka tn meet young lady 24 to i SB with mean, r. id. para journal. A CHRISTIAN lady wlabea to meet a ChrietlnB , gentleman- aged anout so; object, matrimony If suited. Addreaa X- ft. car Journal. PBDlCURlNfJ and healing! rheumaflam rnved by nandrunmng. 144 Hixta at., near Alder. . CIRI.CR tonight held by John Slater, world- renowned teat meaium. stet Menlaon, near Fifth. Mra. Selp. Phon Pkrlflc Hid. AUTOMOBILES. COVEY A COOK Motor Car To. Fifteenth aad Washington Agenta tog i adlllae. Pierce. Great Arrow -and Stevena-nnrye amtor-can machlnea ranted, repaired aad stored. Mala WW. ART EMPORIUM. PROFE!aoR R, MAX MEYER, 444 Aider. Portrait and land aea pa artist and teacher. - ATTORNEYS. A. H. TANNER, attorney, not Commercial hlk , Jacond and W aaliington ata, Phoaa Mala 442. -.ABCHITECTST H. BL M"!OW, Architect. Ill ASSAYERS. GARVIN CTANIDB EXTRACTION CO.. alontana Assay Office, las Morrison at. and BUTCHERS' SUPPLIES. a. BIRKUNWALD CO.. S04-4O flverett at. Largest batchers' enpply boose aa tha euaet. BATHS MASSAGE. Vol NO lady glvea vapor, alcohol and medicated bathe. Parlor 37. IMSfe Stark at. . I LADIES Bath, far and eretp I Ma Kir in. bat. Taylor and Salmon, TWO voting ladlaa gtra masssge, tub and Tapor bath. IlOt Fourth at., cor. Washington. Ithoumatlam rnred by maaaaga by young Oar nan lady. 2o4Vs Stark. 21-21 Taeoma House. THE SNOW DEN BATHROOMS, JHTVi Alder at.. between 4th and nth iud and vapor Datna, lona Main own. . all fit WEST. 3tft'i Stark at., aolta la, Taeoma kooaa Maaaaga and magnetic treatment. MIH8 RAYMOND alvea hatha and maaaaga treatmrnta. Tha Coamoa, 2UHI4 Morrlaon at. LADY from the aaet (lvea acvcffHnc maaaaga. vapor and tub. hatha. Bulla Third at. Li YOt'NO aclentlflc naaaenaa glrea- electrical. laermai, aiconone aaa meaicniva TrwaiaienTa. YJL Lenge Hotel, our. Sixth and Waabtngton. BLANK-BOOK MAKERS. Howe; Davis kii.ham, loo-m saeond t. Blank book ananufacturera! agenta for Jonaa -' Improved Laoae-Leat ledgara; aea tha naw Eureka leaf, the beat on tha market. COLLECTION AGENCY. DOM ANY ONE, OWE" YOU MONEY? WB TTTtLECT B A D DEBTS OF ALL KINDS. NORTHWESTERN LAW aW OLLKCTION CO., : 123 GRAND AVE., ROOMS 14 AND 16, , CITTERNS' BANK BLDQ. CUT THIS OUT. PHONE EAST 4045. CLAIRVOYANTS AND PALMIST. Frcc Free Free IF NOT , CORBECT. . J RBOFESSOR A. PYO. "7 . The - Eminent Clairvoyant Paychle Myatlc, Special Reduction Tula . .Week. Keadkiga file SOc 0c oOc rV 60c We oOe fruc Wonderful, bewildering, la the work of Pyo, wane reeding are a revelation; advlca on love, marriage, courtahln. baohieea. mine alao rennlteo tlm ee pa rated ; glvea aecret power to control gn.vona la 21 daya. He telle. your full nama and what you want to know. All bualneaa atrlctly confidential. Tha, Olive. SORH - Waahlngtoo at., corner Firth.. Hour a. m. to w p. m. . Alwhya Conault the Beat. PROFr- B. RHIMO. Oreateat llvlnr aatral dead-trance clalr- - voyant of tha . are! ' advtaar oa bualneaa and all affalra of life: telle yoar full nam and what yon called for, whom yoa will marry, bow to control the one yoa love, even thoach - mile away: reunite tha ecparatod t glvea eeerer powera to .control; no loug uetays.ia waiting, rroara 10 to 8, dally - and -Sunday. . Permanenllv locsted In bl own noma. 145 Fifth at,, corner Madlaoa at. . A SPECIAL..W" rgdlnr-for-r: St. fleorge Ormonde. Royal Bnglwh Gypay. tonanlt him on love, bualneaa. rhangea. marriage. dt vorce; tell namea, date, ecreta, how ta get well, be magnetic, physically and men. tally vTaorou! overcomea bad habit, give good luck, cure vital louse, evil lonneucee. apell. desfneaa. ahecnt treatment, locate mlaalng friend, bnrled treantr. mine, or vein; fell -von exactly what yoa wlah to know. llOtt Fourth at. corner Washington at MRS." TlTCTENS.Tniwnd-Uflrir pelmtet, aatrologer and clairvoyant. 164 Sevcath at, opp. Hotel Portland. - MADAMS ANNUVB. tha wonderful chah-voy. ant ana trance medium: conault her before en gaging In any undertaking of any natural past, present gtd future given; palmlatry reading. 8, -147 W eet far. . at. Morrlaoa. - JOHN SLATER, hnatnea teat medium; reading daily, 10 to 4. Tha Auditorium, 208a Third at. PROF. WALLACE, the great palmlet, tell you everything from tha palm; teachee palmlatry: about marriage, love, bualneaa; complete reading 40c; accurate and. truth ful. 84 sixth at, near Stark. COMMISSION MERCHANTS. EVERDlNd" A TAHRrXprodues hd caaunhv lloa aacrcnaata. leu rroac su. ruruaao, ur. Phon Main ITS. coal and-wood: CHI'RCHLEY BROS.. 429 Kearney at.. Phon -Main 471. Now the largest woodyerd In the city, carrying all kind of wood - aad-coal. Dry aawed wood a epectalty. -- ALBINA FUEL CO. Dealer In cordwond. coat and greea and dry alabwood. R. R. and Alblna av., 2 block aaat ot terry. Eaat 574. WK8TFRN Feed A Fuel Co.. on Front, be. , tween Gllean and -Hoy t, dealer In all kind of ooala aad blackamlth eoala. rhona Main 101S. STEEL BRIDGR FUEL CO. Dealer In coal, cord wood and dry alabwood. I'hone Eaat 424. OREGON ' wood. FUEL CO. All kinds of coal and 40 Alder at. Phone Mala 46. - BOX and planer wood. Standard Wood Oa. - tmmedlet delivery. Phone Esst 1815. 4-FOOT cord wood f.1.50 per cord; aawed. $.T7t BIOS. aad 44. 4Nw Commercial at. mors B. PORTLAND SI.ABWOOD CO. Alabwood, 1,50; end wood, f 1.70; Inside. 3; dry, I3.S0. Mala 8114. CARPENTERS AND BUILDERS. WASHBURN A FLOYD Carpenters. Jolnera and carriage work, ox ata at. rnona racine iiih. STAPLES A MOORE, contractors and Jobbing; all klnda of cement work, walla built or stone and cement blocks. 181 H First. Msln 5o&4. C CARMICHAEL. oonfrsctor and builder; atore ar.d oflca Bttloga. s Finn at. rnone racing 4ti6,. . HENDrRHON Carnantelina and Jobbing promptly attended to. Bwldenca wank I at. Eaat 2488.. os. Mil- CIGARS AND TOBACCO. M. A. OUNST COe DUtrlbutora ef , FINB CTOARS. Portland. Orsgoa.' CROCKERY AND GLASSWARE, WHOLESALE crockery and gia PraeL Hegeie a ce.. ion ta i-m sirto, cor. Stark at. CARPET CLEANING. STANDARD. Carpet Cleaning Co., largest plant on tha coast.- uxing ana Harding sta., tele phone Eaat 280 Carpeta cleaned, refitted, newer and laid; both, atram and latest rom- pred air process; renovating matti and feat oars a specially. SANITARY carpet cleaning, auction aad com-J pressed air combined; carpets cleaned on Boar witbout removal. Mala MSA. Mala 8200. t. - HUNTER, areata ca rpet and mattreea. Pbona Main 814. Cleaner. 000 Jetrereoa. CAFES.- THE OFFICE 284 Wsshlngtoa it., phone Mala tii. nrmaei vigneux. . CHIROPODISTS. CHlROrODT AND PBDICURINO.' Mr. M. D. Hill, Suite 1. Selllag-Hlrsrh Bldg. Paclfle 185. CLEANING AND DYEING. WHITE LILT TAILORING CO. Cleaning, preaalng, repairing: French dry cleaning. Pbona answered promptly. Pacts 414, Aids and Tta. Portland Steam Cleaning A Dyerng Worker frac. ncai naiter la eonaeetioa. ill tn.,rcinc wui. CIOTHES cleaned and pressed II per moots. Unique .Tailoring Co.. I4T waahlagtoa at. . i 1 " . ' W. TURNER, nrofesa tonal dre- and alaaaar. KM Jaffaiaos at, Phon Ms la 3614, DRESSMAKINO. PBEWSMAKlNB-of aH klnda. " Hotel ICenyoa, 18th and Waablngtoa. Phono Paclfle 4U4. DANCING. LESSONS la dancing at your boma'nr at my roaldenca. O. P. Smith. Pacific 111. ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES. PACIFIC EUECTRIO CO.Rnglnaera. contrac t"T. repalrera. electric wiring, .euppllea. S4 Flrat. our. Stark. Mala Soft. O. H. Tata, mgr. FURNACES. BOYNTON warm-air fnrna caa eava fnel. J. C . Bayer Furnace. Co., 264 Second. Malnf 441. ' ; FURNITURE FACTORIES. OREGON Furniture Manufacturing Company Manufacturer of furniture for tha trade. Portland, Oregon,. , FURNITITRE maaufactnrtng and at eclat ordera. - Lc Raveoeky'a furniture faelory, 7 Froat at. TJROCERS- WADHAMS -CO. whoreaale- grocer,- aiana facturera and oommlaaloa marcbanta. Fourth and Oak ata. ALIJEN A LEWIS, commlaalon and produce mer chant. Front and Da via aU., Portland. Or. "FENCEANDJWIRE"WORKS. PORTLAND WIRE IRON WORKS MS I Flandere at., cor. Third:. Phone Main 0. GASOLINE ENGINES. TATlONAttY" and marine l r"Ltf lie Bnecial" gaaollna launch, IUS; aeoond-hand alactrla - lauachea and bulla. . , RE1ERRON MACHINERY CO., 1M-4-S Morriwm at. HAY AND GRAIN. B. L. COOPER A CO. Potatoe feed and flour. 12S Union ava. Pboaa Eaat 1BI7. .HOTELS. HOTEL Portland, American plan; 45 par day. BELVEDERE; sraropaaa plan; 4th and Aider ata. HAT FACTORIES. , HATS cleaned; blocked, made Hke new for BOe; expert Panama bleacher. 44 Third, near Pine. Branch, 424 Flrat. Paclfle 18. HARDWARE. Portland Hardwire Oa. aollclt opportnrrlty ta quote price. IKS lit at, cor. Alder. Mala 1SS4. INSURANCE. ISAAC U WHITE, bldg. . . :.- Bra Insurance. 400 Dakota JA". McL WOOD, employers' liability and In- tnnxtotffvSSr " MONEY TO LOAN. MONET TO LOAN Oa Improved city .property or for building porpoaee, for from t to 10 years' time, with - privilege,- repay-sll or part of. loan after two years. Loan epproved from plana and money advanced as bntldlng progreasaa) sserigagee raaen np ana rep la era. - FRED H. STRONG. Financial Agent. .... 242 Stark t- THB STAR LOAN CO. Any aalarled employe, ware-earner, caa get en Bl note, witbout mortgage , : Month. U Month. Wee. 1.00 Repay to aa 418 3.1 or 44.50 or IS.Wl 5.00 Repey to na 4 4.5 or 43.45 or 41.64 koo Kapay ta oa s 4.00 or 42.00 at . HO McKay bldg., ' CONFIDENTIAL loans on sslsiiee. Inauranca policies, pianos, fumlture. warehouea re ' celrtta, eta.; any deserving peraoa may eecore a liberal advance, repaying by eaay weakly or monthly lnstallmente- BVtVERA LOAN TRrST COMPANY, v 204 AhtngtoB bldg. MONEY ADVANCED SALARIED PEOPLE - And othrra apon their own name) "without wiinir; enrapeex raceav vwaievs paymvnie, office In M prlnHp! cltlea: aav yourealt money by getting onr terma flrat. TOLMAN. 2 Ahlngton bMg.. 104H Third at. HEADQUARTER FOR SALARY LOANS Money caa be borrowed on eaey pal lowest ratea; etrtrtlv. conntleuTiai TRFSrEin lonco..- 428 Mohawk bldg;. cor. Third and Morrison. MONEY to loan on real. pereonal and collateral security; epaclal attention to chattel fagea; note hought. eat bldg., 84 BUtb C. W. rallat. 804-4 1 HIGHLY raapectabla place where " radtee aad gen. can norrow money en uiamonaa eno Jewelry. Collateral I-oan Rank. 2o Wash- Ingtoa st Phone Blark. Tl. MONEY to loan on Clackatass county lands.. E. - F. and F. B. Riley. 808 Chamber or com merce. LOWEST rate on fnmltrrre and pianos. East ern loan im.. enerioci Ding raeme ana. MONEY TO LOAN on all kinds of security. Wllllsm HoU. room B. . Washington bldg. TO LOAN Sam ta anlt oa chattel R. A. Frame. 514 the Marquam. urlty. WILL Vtan $.1,000 or less oa real estate security at 4 per east. Farrtngton. SIS Chamber f Commerce. , PRIVATE monev to loan near Portland at reasonshte rstea. Bo Bloom. 6SB Chamber or commerce. - - Money to Loan From private fund on Improved j, u WELLS CO.. proDerty. 44 Grand ava. TO LOAN Money tn small an ma on real estate: very reaeonaDI. Addreaa r a, car journal. MONEY TO LOAN at 4 per cent Fir and . caauslty lnuruce. Henry C Prodhomme, bib Lumner cxvnanga. rnona Main 13,000 OR lees to loan on real aetata. Job neon, 814 Commercial hlk. 0. A. MONEY loaned aalarled people on note; cheap. I ear. rare, r. a. newton, z anington mug. MONUMENTS. NEU A KINGSLEY. 2ns" Flrat at.. Portland leading marble aad granite work. MUSICAL. EMIT, THIELHORN. pmrtl ot SBVCIK." violin teacher. - Btudlo IBS Sixth. Tel. Mala SUSs. MACHINERY. THE H. O. ALBEB CO Recood-band aaaehlnary. aawmiua, eta. sea urano ava. BIPPELY A MYERS, machtntste and alee. trtdane; electric alevatora, electrical machln- cry asd gaaollna englnea a specialty. 234 Oak at. Phoaa Mala 1820. B. TRENKMAN A CO Mining, aawmlll. log. - king awehlnsryi hydrsnlle pipes, casting; all ' kinds repaired. 104 North Fourth. MAGNETIC HEALINOTV SEXUAL dtaeaeea or both men and women cured: consultation free. Mam 4178. t, C. - inamona. u. a. Heart, ins seventa at. OSTEOPATHS. DBS. AplX A NORTH R!TP, 415-14-17 Dekum j bldg , Third and Waablngtoa ata, , PboaeJ Main 148. Bxamiaatloa free. THE vary- beat lady oatsensth In tow. Dr. U U. Jonnenn, nulla 14. Belliag-Harsrh bldg. DR. PIERfE. oatermath. light. S1H Third; at. elhrattoa and the new Fboee Panne' SST. mm a . , ORIENTAL RUGS. rRIENTAL RUOS repaired aad eh na'tve eaperte; use ase tha original dva cashmere wool for our repel cleaned by . veaetal'l renelrlnal all work guaranteed. Call up Oriental Rng Re- pairing On., Teclfla lWcl. 444H Wash, at. PAINTS, OIL AND. GLASS. F. B. REACH A CO. Tha Pioneer Pal.t Co. winoow-riaea aaa giaaing, sew Iirai (awna 134. - - FINANCIAL BANKS-. b: 4HKISS" LCMBrAMAVS SAaTK Fortland, Oregxm. Corner Second and Stark etreeta. ' (oatuerclal and aavlnga department. Intereat paid na eavlnga acoonnta. Dratta and lettaea t m4 i - . , ( . . . 1 1 . a ,l . . a. AwAlnve chm I, " 'be accummodatloa. of cuatomere. riuT-n .. .. ' .....Preeident H- ROTnrniLD...Flrt Vlca-Preeldent JOHN A. KEATING Second VI.-. I'realdrnt iT11, OF OALTTOXVIA Eatahllahad VBUIiai nalfl tJ lii mm M ,V1 L neral Baoklng gad Exckaoga Bnalneaa '" ma depoalta, Accounta opened fee Chamber of Wht A. MjlOJlAtl Maaagar. u VITiU) STATES JIATIOBAL WAVX OF tranaaota a fraaaral -e-klna Buataeaa. t . . . Kwthnaf riM the finite Utmtmm - I n I - . U iremoent j. C- AIN8W0RTH .,.T . reeioeni ..B. LEA TARNKS Aaalatant Caahler. A. M. WRIOHT C?IRST BATIONAt kia-w OF VOBTLAVO. I .. liaalgnaud Denoattory and Financial Agent of PreaMeiit a f. utt 19 rM ct ii.tnn 1""' fdlt leaned Available In Fiirope aad the aTaatera Stataa. . "'aht Exchange and Telerraphlc Tranafer aold aa New York. Boaton. Cbleego. St. Louie, Omaha, Ban PVanrleca and the principal polsta In the Northweat Slrht and Mme bill drawn In aama to anlt an London. Parla. Berlin. Frank fort -on-the-Male, Honkogg, Yokohama,- CWnhnea. Stock helm, St.- peteraburg,- Maiecow.. Enrich.- Howolnle, ADD TflTOE, BArTKEXS (Eatahllahed la H6.) . ,. , Traaaacta a Oeneral Wanking Bualaaaa. Collactlona made at aH nohite oa -avor. ante terma 1 mmmm , i . -u .Kl. Ihhm 4 ,H MMnVe le rhe TTnlteel Stafel' fn rnr'Trira ,- It. Loul. Denver. Omaha. 8ar ranciseo aad Montana and Brltlxh Columbia. Fxi-han en London. Pari. Berlin. Frankfort. Honckena. Yokohama. Manila and Fcavnlnlo. M1 XEOHANTS KATTON AL BANK. FOBTLAVD.. 0BEO0W. . FRANK WATSON ...Preeldent rt . dim r.,, , . , .caenie UM'nu n nun.,... ejw.ur v.... - Tranaaota a General Banking Buxlaoea. Dratta and Letter of Credit lard Avallabto ' to All Parte of the World. Col Ice-Hone a Specialty.; '. TRUST COMPANIES. m T W VT In eanae Mu ' aw Aeu.e r RRHOtTiirra nvttu a, aiAAn ai i ' SAVINGS ACCOUNTS. - Time e-rtlfloatea, and Oak ' ata. rhooe RENJ. I COrlE!!.. B. LEE PAGET,... Preeldent . .Secretry SECURITY SAVINGS A TRUST COMPART 464 Morrteoa Street. Portlaad, Orfoa. Tranaaeta a General ok Ing Bnalneaa. SAVINGS DEPARTMENT. Intereat A Itovrea aa Time aad Bavlnga t t. Acta a Truataa for Ette. Dratta ' d Letter ad Credit '' 1 ' Available In All Parta of the World. aw ie. 0. f.. ADAMS........... Preeldent L. A. LEWIS Flrat yloo-Prealde-1 A. L MILLS Second Vice I .cideat B. 0. JirBITS .ecrtry OEO. F. RrSRKLL Aaalatant Cecretary THZ MOBTOAG. DtlUlllTTT A, Tan ST I Oenaral Banklna and Tntat Bualneaa Traaaacted, Intereat P1d riPiriL WATEBBURY Preeldent B. LOGAN HAYS . ' Elk' Temple. Seventh and Stark ! OETHWXbTEBI -wTrABAHTZX A TRUST 1 Lambar Exchanga. 8. E. corner SBa-t a a a Amuaa asAtj Stat. Omty, Monlclpnl and Ornortt04a BonAB P int AU MT.Z I W "II aivi npiin4?aq. Bincii rpiTL t aniDXTFi a.TinaT noatiATTt4n Waahtnrton MORTGAGE LOANS an Portland Real a tracts BONDS AND M ORRIS BROS. 141 .tret Btraat, Portland. Oregon. rrcj3'-Rdga -Irrreatmantav' la Municipal and Railroad B""d. ,. , Write or Cart OWBIBOHOPXIKS COMPART Establish BTOCKa, BONDS, 0 RAIN Bought Prtvste Wlrea. ROOM 4 CHAMBER TT " Z ZTZ T - . uverDeca, sinn &.w&c co. OH ATW PRO YTSTOrTS COTTON. STOCKS AND BOslDS. v , . . WE DO A STRICTLY COMMISSION BT8IVXBS. Ountlnaoua Market by Private Wire. Quick Service. REyERJNCES ladd Tllton, Bank--L. .a i states National Rank of Portland. Unexcelled facilities for 'handling Tonopah. Gold Jet MtjiJIClPAL SCHOOL AND . CORPORATION :B0NB: Blghaat Betnma.Jo Investors Conafctaat With Abaelnta Safety. -PORTLAND A NORTHWESTERN BOMB TELEPHONE A TELEGRAPH 8PCTJBIT1BS PLUMBERS. DONNERBERfl A RADEMACHER, removad No. 403 Burnalde at. FOX A CO., aanltary plumber. 231 Second, bet. Main and Salmon. Oregon rnona aism aoui, FINNIGAN BROS. A CO., S4 Third at. Phone Main 2500. Plumber and heating engineer. PRINTING. Tint uodfrn PR1NTERY Artistic minting; 2fl Rusael bldg.. Fourth and Morrlaon. Pbona ' Pacific 1624. ANDERSON A DUN1WAT COMPANtprtntlng. Ttthoarnmnrr Blank doox. i non aism ii. T)8 2tuera(: : RUBBER STAMPS. KS, 440 Aldae at,, phone Hal T10: rubber stsmns. aea ts.-tenclla baa gaga. trade checks;, send for catalogue Ko. xs. ROOFING. TIN ROOFINQ, guttering, reoslrlng and general Jobbing. J. Losll. Z12 Jerrersnn at. SAFES. DIEROLD Jlanrsneae Bank and Fireproof Ka fee. I NEQUAl.EU. ruj-wit nxn, ciaae "A" buildings, seven H thin well sarea out - of 135 partially protected contents. Davis , sella Jacks, metal vault flxturea. opens lock outer repair. I'hoa lhVfi. 60 .Third- PORTLAND SAFE CO., aole agenta for HER BlNl. HALL-MARVIN Safes aad MANGA - NKSB Steel Bsfe Co.'a Bsnk Safe. B2 7th at, STREET PAVING. WARREN Construction Co.. street paving, aide; waise ana craeainge. uv vrrnuviiaA otug. I THE Barher Asphalt Paving Co. ot Portland. Offlt'e SPd Woneatu Showcases and tixtures. SHOWCASES of every deacrtptlnn; bank, bar and atore fixture mad to order. Tha Lutk Manufacturing Co., Portland. , B. H. Bl RD8AI.L. designer: agent M. Winter Lamber Co.. T Hamlltoa bldg. Main 5.13a. SECOND-HAND GOODS. ATWATER A CARL furniture bouse Highest price paid ror. second na no furniture. Z13 Second at. Pbona Pacific 443. HIGHEST cash price raid neennd-hand good, .moo Eaat orrrT. lZtl Union ava. SIGN-PAINTERS. GOLD 8I0NS. window lettering, cloth- banner, econntnfoel electric elana and signs or stl klnda made quickly, roarer A KtelacT, llftd aod Everett. Pbona Exchangs 05. W. P. BEROER A SON, 284 Yamhill at. Signs of all ainde, I'ttona racine Eaa SCALP TREATMENT. SCALP aad face massage, manulcnrlng; arent .ror Dr. Chtiatlson s French toilet articles. 11-12 Grand theatre bldg. Milo 84TI 4 80 to 4. Vt SUMMER .RESORTS. FOR BENT, near Seavlew, Waahtngton S-romn furnlahed cottage; good water, nrepiac and all convenience, e'none Ht a', city, or writ W. W. Plimpton. Hereon, Washington. TELEPHONES. - TPR only -excbislve rercphon houae. . B.-R. 7 r.lectrlc A Tete,bona Maaufactnrlnf coes ny, 42 . Fifth St. " TOWEL SUPPLY. CLEAN T0WEI4 DAILYr-omb. brnah, snap. Jl per moath. Portland lamadrV and Towel apply Co., Ninth and Coach. Phono 410. TYPEWRITERS. HEW tvp writer, sll make, rented, ald and repaired. Coaat Agency, iut Stark. TL 1407. WINDOW SHADES. , UAIB W1MMIW SIIAtiB CO., 2H7 Salmon t'Ula noil fancy shade mad to eraar, -- t j . . rr. r. amna t naniw H. D. STOREY Aaalatant Caahler PLATT A I'LATT Orneral Couneel 1444. Read Ofdoa.- California. U,i.n1n. mnA nn11eA hmM SO, earn. ail , Tranaacted. BAVINUS BEPABTMBNt euma of-410 and upward. J Portland aUaaiA- Commerce balldlna. J. T. BUHTCHAEIX. Aaalatant Maaagae OBTt ATJn)BF00 eTT Tk ra and Oaa mtm. DRAFTS IMI'KD Available la AR CIMea at . M f I ttu.lH, afada aa rarorakU Term. W. B. AYER Vlca-Prealdenl. Caahler....... . K. W. SCHMEEB Aaalatant CaahleC. ; W. A. HOLT OREGOW. tha Cnlted Stataa. ......a. W. riarwnmn a ..,. ckIm n W itivehi . r .i n. v.w vw v..httr.i. rblcaa-o. R. U DURHAM !vFee Meat 'tm w - nuu, T . . - tai k...u. r....... mm etl aiavVa of tn woria. to 4 pee RATIONS . Boathaaat earner Third Private Evcbi H. U P1TTOCK . O, flOLTRA. .Vice-Preeldent . Aaalatant Secretary flOMPAYT BAaTK. Tlra Deieaalta. ......Tloa-Praaldaal ItcA.ooaov ft W. MILLER Aaalatant -ecretary ' Btrcota. Pbene Mln ISA COMPABY Portland. Oregoa, Second aad Stark B treat i floor). fWDBAB lnT1f.tfl ' twmvht and aoM. Kaw utarprtaaa arniaw - 14K v-a A iv..u. , ann tywioar rnsmHrvi. . y -Batata at Loweet Bates. Titlea Insured. Ah- rurulehea. INVESTMENTS. ad H9S BROKERS ' r : r- and Bold for Caaa and on' Margin. - OF COMMERCE, - - Pbona Mala ST. ,w.. (Mmbera Chicago Board, of Trade.) . 102 Third St., McKay Bldg., ; maud, Orrgea.. field, Manhattan and other listed mining-.stocks. Rooms S. 4 aad S La Fayette bldg., ear. Stxt and--Wak. St - Partlasvd. Oragoav DIVIDEND BANK-AND CORPORATION STOCKS- TRANSFER AND -HAULING. SAFES, piano and furnltare moved, packed ready for ahlnulna and shinned: all work guaranteed; Urge, 8-story brick, fire-pront warehouse for atoraga. Of See 2() Oak at. a M. 01rn. Pbon Main 047. .tt. n . cii . sis a. Tiuvin nfl Mcto . a: eietr i rvl .,11, onuiiau. , ' ki .mi b ana.,n.m V . ' ' . . cor. Sixth and Oak ata.; baggage checked from hotel or residence direct to destination; passengers therefore avoid rush and annoy ance at denote. Private Exchange 48. Cc-O. PICK, office SS First at., between stark X . aod Oak ata., phon 506; pianos and furniture moved and packed ror anippingi commooiou brtrk warehouse with separata Iron rooms. Front and Clay at. - i. ORROON TRANSFER CO., 184 North Sixth. '. I Hone Mela St), Heavy healing aad storage. POST SPECIAL DELIVERY, No. 200 Weak. ' Ing ton at. Phone Main 8L- .. CUT rate on hotrsehold roods to all points aaat: we rmha up crleadi pac1l room for JrunKI WB1I watting. Oregoa Anto-lesspatrh, ia v irst sc. rnona Main Tin. WIR3 AND IRON WORKS. EAST TORTLAND FENCE A WIRE WORKS. I.Ki E. Water at. Phone Eaat 821. JlenrietU Crosman Tonight. Henrietta Croaman, who begins an engage ment of three., performanoaa at tha llelllg theatre tonight, 111 dieplay marveloua gowns. Miss Croaman'a play will be "Mary, Mary, Quite Contrary,' a modern comedy whoaa arena cU fnc handaoma dreaslng. Not alone Mlsa Croaman. but all the other woman of tha company will wear atrlklng and beautiful toilette. All of Mlsa Orosman's gowna were mad In Parts. Th ppearanca of Mlaa Croa- luan in Diodern, comedy bolda promise of rare !l. Il-t r1 a..l- - ..111. .. a uffjLL,n.,. d light. iWs now sclllug to jLillhid tomdr- ryw and tomorrow night. "The Telephone CirL" ' On of tha beat and Boat spirited musical comedlea that has aver been presented ' to th American public Is "To Telephone UlrL" by Uustsv Klrker. It will he the blU for the third 'week of tha. musical eomedy aeaana at tha nelllg theatre, Fourteenth and M'aablng ton atreete, opening Sunday night, Jnna 24, Owing to the magnitude of tha product loa tha price of eesra fur tha flrat ten rnwa In th orchestra will be T8 cents, beginning Sundsr night. Best aale now open at the iioluf theatre ror tna entire wees. "Madame Sans-Gene." , There ta going to he snms fun at th Baker theatre neat . week, aa well aa a wonderful. apectacnlar drsms. "Madame Sans-tlene" la to be tha bill (w tha seventh week ot the stock aeaaiin, beginning at tha regular Sun day matinee,- June 24. The opening scene of the prologue haa a washbonee episode that will take the town by storm. It will best anything tale aide of th opening of a Balsas novel. . . " . . : rr The .Trinity. There ara, many Una elements tn "When TVe V re Twenty-One," the - eirrulalte nlar of Henry V. Eamond, -running thte week at the Ilaker theatre. The three- characters who are Mirk Carewe' rhnai are per h an th moat mpreaalve mica that any dramatist ( latter date has drawn. In the hands at Mr; Dills. Mr. Ka melton and- Mr. Brers these three men tand ou forcibly In th play. "Said Pasha" at Empire Tonight Tnnlght la the first night that the Kendall mnelcal company sings "Said l'aaha"-at tha Kmplre. tbaaue. They had to move over- to tha Empire from tha Helllg to make room tot Henrietta croaman, who wa hooked at tba llelllg aom tlm ago, "Said laaba" la the beat light opera that Richard Stahl wrote and it la full or attractive music. " Matinee at Empire Tomorrow. The Kendall nrnalral company will give a fsmlly ata 1 1 nee at th Empire theatre tomor row afternoon. "Held Paataa" will be the hill. Popnlsr price. 1A cents snd 2f centa r lat perforaiaaca at Empire tomorrow night! VAUDEVILLE AND STOCK. . At the Grand. , VS'hltllug '. aruuad. la oMiuaita . dlracUOoA ' at AT THE THEATRES. I i sayaaaaj(aAashs QUREnHuTMEIlED BY SALEM BUTCHER- Fenrirjch Charged With Attempt "ing toSell Adulterated Food to Convicts. - (Special Dispatch to The' Journal. Salem, Juna aj. ConalUorabla Intereat Is manifested In this city over the caaa ot tba stato of Oregon against Ueorgo Fendrlch, a local butcher, which, was argued today. In the Juatlce of the pence court. .That defendant is accuaed, by J. W. llalleyy. at&te food and. dairy com mlaaloner, of having sold lard Msy 8, 1404, which Is aald to have been adul terated with tallow, which. InJurloualy affected the, quality ami purity of the. article of food aold, and that the am was not marked to plainly distinguish It from tha pure) article. Juatlce Tur ner has taken tba caaa under advlae. "manT.lfrAppeagcxha-tha iU tiaorgs Fendrlch submltrtad a bid to lurnigo lard for tha pentitentiary. and that alncs two of tha lowcat blddeisr -made the ama bid tha contract -was" wajrad t each for half of tha amount of lard called for In the blda. Tha' contract oalledorUdenveiTr-SOtr-poonda of pure lard. "Another Balem butcher furnlahed 460 pounds and Fendrlch waa to furnlih' tha other 460 poundav Tha prlaon commissary, through precaution, had him deliver 60 pounds of lard aa a sample, that Its .purity and quality might be tested. On opening- tha ana a peculiar odor was noticed and alter soma Investigation It waa found out that tha alleged lard contained muoh tallow. A. sample was forwarded by tha prison officials to Food .and Dairy Gpm mlsatoner Bailey for examination. Tha report preaentod by. Herman V. Tartar, tha chemist of tha department, and also that of. the professor at tha Oregon Agricultural oollege,' showed that about 25 per cent of tallow had been mixea in thia lard. That tha subatanoe sold to the aUta ' Drtaon-Jwaa not pure -lard aeems to- bar evident, according to tha testimony of tha experts. During the trial when cross examined Fendrlch stated that he had not. par ticipated In the rendering of this lard and that ha had no knowledge it Was not the Dure article. Superintendent James of tha penitentiary was one of the wltnesae for tha proseoution.. also the-eommlssary at tha prison, and 11. V. Tartar, tha expert ohamist, - DALLES WILL OUTDO jjSELF ON FOURTH (Special Dispatch ' The Journal.) -The Dalles. June 22. This city Is plan ning for the grandest celebration of tha Fourth of July ever held east oTthe Cascade mountarhs.Atrtn4 meeting of tha committees last night all plans were perfected and a feeling of harmony per vaded all regarding tba arrangements. Tha third and Fourth of July will be get apart for tha festivities. In tha grand-parade- on the Fourth tha floats will be tha most picturesque and beauti ful ever witnessed on any similar oc casion, and novel featurea will be Intro- ducecLTha Goddess of Utxwty will oc cupy a single carriage, - followed by others In which will be representatlvea of the. different states, not excepting the newty created one of 'miahoma-Thavf mayors of Goldendale, uurur, vvaaco and Hood River have been requested to send a representative young lady aa at tendant to tha gnddesa, and tha kiks of Cascade lodge. No. 301, will have over 100 members In uniform, aa a guard of honor. The principal streets of tha city will be adorned" with bunting of . the national colors, and the usual oration, reading declaration, etc.. will occupy proper places on tha program. Suitable prises will be offered for horse racing. hosa tournament and other amnsementa. There la a unanimity of feeling regard Ing this celebration nnd thcrJsjoodimbtJLiV'hyteu lr" Will be a grand succe. CRAZEDTWOMANTHAS-- DOGS IN HER BONNET (Special Dispatch to Tha Jouma: Walla Walla. Wssh. Amelia Bartsch, a queer little German washer woman, whose love for her pet dogs brought her In frequent conflict with th police and her neighbors, waa examined Monday aa to her aanlty and ordered committed to the MedicSl Lake aaylum by ' Doctors Roblneon and Gammon. Th Barsch woman and her dogs have" been a disturbing element, In th southwestern part of th city for two weeks, terminating Tuesday after noon In the woman trying to drown her self In Garrison creek because the pound-master- shot one- of hr -dosna. Neighbors held her until the police could arrive and take her to Jail. Two weeks ago neighbors complained ot the number of dnga that Mrs. Bartsch kept around' her home and an investigation by the police resulted In 14 canines of various ages and pedlgreea being dragged from beneath her houae where she kept them. Th stench drove afc- orriajf trnm tha placa rii ppt, fre for they had counted several graves In her yard where she had burled de parted pets. . BAKER COUNTY LIME COMES TO PORTLAND - (Special Diana tch to Tha Joarnal) V Huntington, H "June 22. The Ilm kilns at the mine near Huntington, tha property of the Oregon Lime company of Portland, are rushed to full capacity day and night filling ordera for ship ment to Fortland and all parts of Ore gon, Washington and Idaho. Th company- In putting-out about 400 sacks per day In Portland alone. This planter la mixed In Portland from tha lime shipped from Huntington. . Tha mining of lira stone In Baker county la be coming one of the chief. , Industries of th state. , EDUCATORS TO TOUR - -INTERIOR OF STATE Salem, Or.. June 33. State Superin tendent Ackerraan. ,' President P. L Campbell of the University of Oregon and President & D. Reseller Of the State Normal school at Monmouth are planning an Institute tour of Eastern Oregon during the month of September. President B. FT Mulkey will Join the educators at Lakevlew and "Professor A.-J. Chtrrchill of Poker City -wllVao-compsny them to John Day and Burns. Th localities which ar to be visited by th educational party a, re: John Day. Burns, La ke view and Klamath rl.iv break-neck speed, Mr. aad Mra. Hoffman per form one ef the moat aeaaattonal cycle whirls ver seen hare. This act . send cb1ls hp the hack of tha audience, hut tha tldera are per. fertly. secure and safe. Hnga 1. Emmett, the feature get of tba llrand tnla waeh, la a ven triloquist who ha no supertir tn this coantry. At the Star, - Wills and Collin ara In their element at the Star this week, sa the reutral character In tha miialcal' farce, "4 wh1 rialnrrd Man." Chi bill la been rnnntng with Immense sue. ceae since Molsy 4flrnon and Is mora than making gnod. The farce I the nnl rnlx-ug mt cosuiiUcaUooi ssd unewaaible alius Ueu. VillYTE AGAIN SITS III OLD OT Marylander After - Twenty-Rv -Years Absence Again Senator " at Age of Eighty-Two, GORMAN'S ARCH-ENEMY . SUCCEEDS TO HIS TOGA Defeated by Lste Boss a Quarter of 31Ceillui if Ae-o.-Ua-Liuea tn nmph Over His Enemies as tha) . Curtains of Night Are Falling, ' J (Journal Spwtal, rJervtee.) ' - . ;. Waahfugton..r aJuria - Jr. William Plnckney Whyte, tha man Arthur Pus, Gorman defeated for reelection to tha f senate, jn 'uso and frotrr arhom" her- wrested "control, of "tha" political - ma chinery of Maryland, after 35 "years) comes back to his old seat In tha aen-a William Pincknej " Whyte. ; ate. filling the place left vacant by th - death of his old-time enemy. ""vVhyte, - ; at 82, is tha central figure In a political drama to be fought out ln the next two yearn In Maryland. , His appointment by Governor War- field to succeed Gorman la a cunning political . play. Whyte la ylgoroua and. active, but his career Js practically closed. Tha legislature meets January 1, 1408,' to aleot a successor to Gorman. By appointing one who will not be a' ' candidate for reelection and around . whom tha shadows ara falling, Warflcld delays the precipitation of a fierce con-.- test ror tha senatorial toga and paves the way for his own entrance into tha .fight. -- " . - Msll will be out of office) by ths time th legislature meets, and It is safe to assume that he will bend every energy to get the place for himself." Tew of Old Senators Left, ' Whyte finds. In tha senate few of tha men who were there when he was a senator before.- Altlaon, Morgan, Frya, -Hle and Aldrlch ar th only ones there at this time.- ' - . - There probably la no man In Maryland who haa more devoted friends and ad- ,. mlrara within th Democratic party ' therenot to mention thoaa of differing political faith than former Governor Senator Whyt waa born In Baltlmor August t, 1S24. At IS he entered the cniintlng.hmiae nf Pnhny, R'ggt CI" . rounded by George Peabody, - and re mained there about two years.-In .1443 -he entered th law of floe of Brown ax Hrune, and In 1844 went to th Harvard - Admttte bar in 1844 and elected to th legis lature In 184T. and coroneirrpf " tbar- irvmurj jn - aoo.. v nt ruyraavniva mo Maryland Democracy In - the national Democratic convention of 1868. a aOs Vnbllo Career. Hi was elected to succeed "United " States Senator Regerdy Johnson In 1868, and waa elected governor of Maryland In 1871. serving mull 1874. when ho was elected United Stavra - a ana tor - for th full term. He' retired from th aenata In 1881 and waa elected mayor of Baltl mor the fall of tha lame year. Mr.Whyta - became attorney-general of Maryland in 1887, serving four years. He was appointed a delegate to the Con- ' gross of American Natlona by Preeldent Harrison In 1884, but declined because of th preaaure of his duties aa attorney-general. He was chairman of th city charter commission In 1898, and lit 1400 accepted his last public office that . of olty solicitor, under Mayor - "I"' -- r f n i ROAD FROM ROGUE V TO THE WILLAMETTE . (Special Piapatrn to Tha JeornaL) Eugene, Or.. June 22. K. W. DlUe- gran, representing the Condor Water as Power company of Gold Ray. Orgon. operating extensively In the Rogue river - valley, haa been In Eugene, for a few days looking Into th - feasibility of building an el eo trio railway from th Rogue river valley to th Willamette valley. The company, which now fur nishes light and power to a number ef cities and mines In southern Oregon, la contemplating th construction of- a ' trolley -railway connecting th town of th Rogue river valley 'and will seek: ' connections with proposed lines In Other parts of th state, .. . '. SPOKANEWOMAN IS RUN OVER BY CAR (Special Dispatch ta Tha Jonraai. . Spokane, Waah., Jun 1). Mra. ttarah' ' Brown was knocked down and seriously Injured last night by a Traction com pany' car. She was going tn visit a neighbor and was croeialng tba track when atruck by the ear. Tha motor man stopped and with the conductor carried her to tha houae. A physician waa aumrooned. Her head and fscw-- war covered with euta and bruises She complained particularly .of pains iny her right hip. It required twokhuurs ttvaww , urtith wounds. Mrs. Brown Je 44 yaaira) Tof age and may sot snrvlv the alio- . - rlhe la partially deaf and prubabiy did no hear th car, - ' To Be SBsa4iejal Oa, -'" - - (SreCal Dispatch ta The Jeoreal T -Adam a. Or, Jun it. Ixe ITU-e, a liveryman at this plac. haa fllo.1 a ault for dlvorc from bl wife, alleging ' deweri est)-ase) unfaithfulness. Attorney William.. Petareoa of Athena haa been engaged aa th plaintiff's ' attorney. -Both pai'tje-s wnt th ciiato-lf of tl u child, a boy 1 years oT age. Th eae will coins up for trial In Pendleton, and It Is .reported that aoma very sen tlonal facU wtU s brougU ( t; , : " k'" "