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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (June 22, 1906)
XHEQSEGOIC DAILY JOURNAL, , PORTLANDf FRIDAY EVENING JUNE 22, 1909. n TODAY'S WEATHER HOLDING FRUITS BACK Continued ', Coolness Causes "Lesser Arrivals in the I? ' u Produce Markets ALMOND NUTS LIKELY'. TO SHOW SHORT CROP ;' ";Mixed 'Situation Ruling in Efgft With Three Cars of Eastern' About to ArrirePoultry-J4HoU-u X Owii Easier Tone in Wheat. Front Street, Jan 22. Th principal feature -,tf th Portland wholeaal mrku txxiaj rt: .-, Almond outs I b higher. , W VMlatr sold hack fruit. -'-. - Mlaed ltuatkn la egg, i - -,r Poultry market holding Ma own. Salmon receipts tlll growing. f 1 Eultr ton -la whttl and fleur. , . Dull situation rule hop. - '., "i- Dtinil meats continue wasted. "' . Local Hf potato com faaler. '-. t . ; Weather Sold -Sack Fruit. v" ' r t'ufetorepl weather to etllt holding: back iranat of tha frutti. Cherrlee ara vary acarca for (nod atock today, moat of tha arrlrala bhig , , hlf green or alaa very small la ala. Apricot ,. 'ara coming even mora a lowly from California . "and boat (lock ara firm at I a boxt noma If grade Mil aa low u 1 today. California .peach ara la but, fair (upply and price ara "Abpat 5c a boi awar. than yeaterdar. , . . " ? Almond Jfuta to B Higher. ", Tha aoaaon for hwm4 nut and prleot to :' 'aboot the eame7: Tba araatbar 1 CaUfoftila .during flowering tlm wa Very dnfaTorabla - to tba apricot and-llkawlaa to tha almond.: ' .Tha eouMaoenc to .that producer ara predicting vary abort crop of almonds this seuoa with strong poealbllily of blghar Tallica. ' Mis Situation ia'Xgga. ' "'.. Tba gg market, whlla holding at high price. . rather mixed aa to sentiment. Tbrea mora , car ara du to arrlt In tHIa city from tba aet la tba near future. rAI( of theaa' ara known i aa trlctly freah candled atock and can be laid .'down In tbla lty at lee tbaa 30e a doaen. Local gra ara coming but fairly- with demand beery. Tha arrlra 1 of tha additional cara from 'tha out la at per ted to eae tna tone cfialder- " rably, earn- dealer ?-- etedleftng - i decline tn price. Tbla sentiment.' bowTr. la not .genera I, for receiver of tha eaatern atocka aay " they aril not aell under current quotatlona. If tba market abould weaken and go below -present value the foreign (fork. will be placed ; . In cold etnrtge. t the present trm there la a eery good demand for eaatam agga from , .Alaska, and moat of tba aalea of thla grade , !haT been made la that direction during the All Otty Oraamariag Meat Kit. - The tie of lHc a pound made aeteral weekt ago by large creamery butter factory In thla . rlty baa bean mat by all other local Inatltutlona, Ith remainder of the .creamer lea falling Into Din tbla morning.- Atone Front atreet butter ahowa rather a weak feeling, with moat of the aalea at lBe... ..- j. . Cheeea eontlnoea to tlrmnp with moat of .tha aalea of flata today at 13c a pound. Poultry la holding, lta awn .today. Arrlrala ' ara suite fair with 'demand Jnat about eaual to rappltes. Moat of the torga bnyara are now 'fillet up with atjx-ka and ara a boot to' begin . a bear campaign agalntt tba market. .Prlea Mama'May. : ..-.J"-' -y Jl i'i tttmt Tone U Wheat karatl.Jj Aa eaalcr ' tone la tinted In tha local wheat "market today. Tha abiwer floor demand baa .'mad tna miller and lwijvi-eir cautloua and moat of them are trying to buy. oc, lea. Lo 'eally the floor market to oulef. ltX...'y Icl Hair-Fatatoaa Com raatart.. , A fair Incrtaaa la ahowa In arrlrala of Ineal 'were reclred thla morning, but found only a fair semana. via po'atoea atlii nndlng lair ctll for local eonanmptlon, but pgr nulalde bualneea of net . baa appeared. ' -Ai few amall ahlpmaott to tba aonth tha only one reported Minor Votes f Tarlau Karkata. . " Dreaaed meat continue In quite good requeat " on areount f the cool wealber. Buppliea large, however. ,, -. i-. . .... - Rna ( ulmm It allghtly- Impmred, but .muddy water to keeping back tba big Increaa experted. . Hop ar very dnll today with aom ef th 'bolder getting weak-kneed. Ioganbrrlea ar..allgntly higher Inatead of . Vwer aa eipected. Cooler weather and leaaer receipt the rauee. , . , : Th trad pay th following price to Pmnt .street. Price paid producer are lea regular Grata, flour and feed. " " , WHSAT 'lnh, 72c; red Buaaiaa. Me; blue, tem. Tc: taller, T07le. BABLBT Feed, 34.00;. gdUadV 38.00e28.00; reding. IS4.00t CO EM- boWTTH-BOj' cracked, IJ8.60 per RTrl.Mr-ewtr ' ' OATO Produce" nrtf---rtorT wblt. IM.OO J!W).0O: gray, $JS.0Ot.OO. FLOUR New etern Oregoa patents, tg.soifj ' .!!: at.alrht. 1.1.403.50; eiport. $1 lays ; taller, S Mj graham, Ua gs.50; whole wheat, 8.T8: rye, ftoe. 5 00) baiea, $3.75. . MILLSTUFFa Bran. -1T.60 per tnni mid dllnga, I2-VO0: horn, country, 130.00; city, 1"0: chop. tlS.OOiifSl.M. . HAT Producer' price Timothy.' W1 Harriett valley, fancy, 113.00: ordinary, $10 OOaiO snj eastern Oregon, flS.on017.OO; mixed. flO.OO 10 W: cbirer, ; grain, I7.506S.60; cheat. 't7.ooea.on. Butt, Zgg aad rmltry. BCTTKB KAT r. a, b. I'orUaad gweet 'Cream, 2ci anur. ISc. ? BUTTER City creamery, lIHe; outalda raney. -9fane; ordinary. 17He; at ore. WQlic. ... . y.iil.K No. 1 freah Oregnn. candled, 22c. CHGKHR New Full cream. flatYmtil3c , Tnnng America, 12VilHc; California fUta. 11c. POtXTRT Mlied chicken. 13V,o per lb; fancy bona. lllHGIee hef lb: ronatera, old, 19t4c - Itirr-eraxa. Utu W H- friere. ltlill.1 To: hriY ore. 164 I 'c per lb; old dure, UAA 16 per lb; prlng duek. Ida per !b; geeea, SO 12 per lbi turkey. 1ft per lb; dreaeed, foe r idi enoaoe, .a.ovs.uv per eua; pigeon, 2.00 per do. ' ' I ' Hon. Wool aad Hid. HOrtVf-Conrraet, 108 crop, 10 pr lb; 1903 Oregon, 10Y 11 He. - WOOL -1906 clip Valley, coara to medium. 22c; fine, 84c: eaatern Oregoa, 80121. 1 MOHAIR New, SO. ' .... . BHBKP8KIN8 Bnearln. IHQ20e eacht abort wool, 2B40c; medlu. wool. 004170 ch long wnoL 7BC0II.OO eaah. . t TAIXOW-Prlme, per In, S04cl Re, 1 aad grtaae, 24J2HC. - MIITTm BABK--1908 JtockvJa3!4c per lbi JS04. nominal. HIDES Dry. No. 1, 1 lb and up, 1SUO 17H per lb; dry brnr No, t, I le II I he. 14cs dry calf. No. I, ander t lb. lSe; milted hide, ateer. aonnd, SO lb and tr, lOtfllc: eew. SVaOSHc; tg and bulla. Bound, SiStfc; kip, 1ft to 80 lb. Bet calf, aoand. ander IS lb, lie; areen. iinaalted. 1c lea: cnll. per lb lea WINTER WHEAT HARVEST SHOWS GOOD CONDITION , (Jnnrnat Bpaciat tlertlc. , St. Louis, June 22. The Mod ern. Miller says: - ,,Tne- winter -wheat harreat Is proaresslna with Uttle InterniTitTnn on aom unfavorable .'.' weather. , Where threahlnir f" completed or going -4 on-Xh yield Js aenerally. satis . factory and In biany instanc is - 4 abov expectation. The fin 4 character of wheat -Is especially commented ujon.-th tst weight being; heavy and . th - mUUna quality equal to Isat year's crop. 4 Rains relieved the- drouth in 4 Nebraska and northern Kanaas, 4y ' but crop conditions- in that lo- 4 rality are regarded aa Unsatls- ' f setorr. '.: i ' , ; ' ' W MARKETS JOURNAL'S DAILY - - ; , TIPS ON MARKETS - Th cblttlm bark situation is rather compllcsted at this time. There ara very heavy Stocks left over from last year and alao th previous seaaon for which deal ers paid very hlh prices., - If J he re ahould b heavy pooling V lower orloea ar expected to rule V on in sea somewhat better but It will need be considerably Increased before 4 the accumulated stocks ar got m out ot ma way. baneblde. aaHed. each, fl.41.7Sl dry, each, rl.Ooai.60i olt bide. XnUSOe; goat eklna. rem moo, each, 10S1S Angora, each, SocJ ; .1.00. ..-' ... - Trait a TgtoHs. , ' ' POTATO B8 Best aorted. SOe per aacki pro nurem'.4rlc for bear lota.. paBejrcwt: ordinary, .Wa48c: producerr price. i new potato, 1. 50. - ONIONS Jobbing price Texaa. l4e par ,1b; new California. $1.M; garlic, 8t'9 per lb. -. rREBH ..FBUITS Apple. . ga.BOOS.00: orangea,' Mediterranean, 3,7bi9; bananaa, Be lb; lemon, choice, 4.B0fa5.26 per box; fancy. 1.1 50tt..V per boa; .lime. Mxxlean. TUc per 100; tanferlnee, 1 pineapple., $2.7ni&3.00: Hawaiian. atrawberrtoa, 1.B01.5 per crate; gooehTle. BHiSa pee lbi ehwrle. 6t8c lb; plum. 1. 2AM 1.00 per ert prl .eota, fl.OOftfS.OOi pearhea. ftOrQfl.lS: logan berrte. 11.2.11. BO; canuloupee. gl.oOfiSO; raapherrlra, ll.oO. VKOBTAPMi Turnip, new, I.KO pee earkt earrota, f.1.75 per aack; beet, l.Kr per ack; partnlpa. 11.60-par aack; Oregnn radtauaa. 20c don: cabbage, Oregoa, ll.oOWl.vTO: bell peppera. innglgie it; Mellran vamatnea,; waiunr i. 1 . I . j no. naMntna Oorin 11.00; atrlug beana, Oregon. Bor per lb; cauliflower, 1 1.00 per do; peaa, 4rtSc par lb; knnmillih. 61T lh! artichoke. 7fte Der do: cranberrlee. Jereeea. 114 bbl: Coo bay and Tllle- mook.flo.eor aeferague. reem. . ouraouo iper, doa bunch; -yValla Walla, 81.00 per boxt aqimab, lc: -plnah.- BOe per Tiox; green onion. Ore con, 12tte per do bunch; eucnnv her, enJ70c ner go; celery, woe per oo: c en corn, zoc aoa; summer aquaaa, iwafi.w ix ; egitplant. 40c lb. -DB1EU rROlTS Annie. - eta nor ted. ISA 14c per lb; aprlcota.: 14, per lbj peachee. ItAlSHe per lb; aak. H per lb lee: prone SO to 0. e: Ut dron on each alt teen th mailer uw; figs, California Waek. "flj,e lb; California whlte,-rHe per lb: datee, goldaa, JW per n; raroa, i.oii.oo per ip-in box. . vreowMa, " mm. tw. STTaAB Rack baala Tuhe. g. SO: powdered. 88. IB; fruit arannlated. 85.18; dry granulated. 15.0ft: conl A. S OB: beet grannlatrd. weafern, fd.Sb; Hawaiian. fB.OB: extra 14.50: goldea C. 14.-4BI D reiJWr-4i5ar-bbla,'10ei U bbl,. tc; boe.6W Mftrie.oh aack, b'ala., leeejfte par ewt for iS-TlSrr'li X44J16 r in. ... - . - I A not nrlea annlr 't aale ef lea than ear Iota.' Car lota at special price ubjct to Buetntloh. I . ,r-,-JiB-..j .re - HONF.Y 8.) per crate. V "' COFFKB Packaae branda, 1 .9JHB14.TH. ' ALT Ooaraa Half aroond. 100a. 80.00 per ton; 50a. 29.50; table, dairy, 50a, 812.00; lrina, 811.75; Imported Llterpool. 60. -817.00: 100a. 81S.AP; 224, aifl.OO; extra fine. tbla. 2a, 5. JO, . 84.50irfB.rm; bulk, 820 lb. 84.0035.on: aark. 50. 65ttsdc; Llterpool lump. rock. 819.50 per ton; 50. lb rock. 89 00; 100a. 8" 00. 44RA1N -BAOS Calcutta,- tHfl"ei-- ; RICK Imperial J pan, N. I. - er- Ke. . 53BV4e: New Orleans bead. Tel Ajai. c: Creole, SH. '." :" .-- BRANS 8mall " white. 24.2!t larg white. 88-50; pink.. 83.75; bayou, 84.781 Umaa, 88.50; Mexican reoa. e. NtiTH Peanut. JDmbM. Se oer th: Vtrrtnla. tHc per lb; riaated, SrSt,e per Tb; Japa- neee, ninne; roaareo, iwetw per in; cocoa eats, asQuOe per doat walnut. 1515 lb; ptnennta, l0312He per lb; blckorr auta. lOe per lh: eheetnnt. eaatern. lBStlftr per lb; Rrexll nnta. 14'31ftr per lb; fflherta. 14515e pet lb; fancy pecana. 15c: almoad. 16JlTc Paint. Ooal Oil. Zte. TlOPe Pur Manila, 14-Mc; standard, HUei -C0AH OIL Peart ar Aatral Owe. Istie per gal;, water white, Iron bbla, 14 per gal; wooden. - 17c per gal; headlight, I70deg, , im per gal. OASOUNg -dg. eaeea 24H par gal. iron bbla. IV per gal. B KN Zf N B -dS-deg. 85 par gal, troa Wile ISHe per gal. - . TOHPINTIST la to par gait wooden bbl OS per gL - WH1TB LBAD Ton lot. T4e per Tbi 800-lb tora.. He per lh: leaa lota. Be pt lb. WIRK NA1I. PreaenF baal at HTBS. . LINKUP!'. OIL Pur raw, to B-bhl Iota. IMe: 1-bbl lot, BSc; caae. 58 per fall genuine kettle boiled. cea, SO per (; fl-bbl lota. 54: t-bbl lot 55 e per gal; ground ekL rrr lot. 820.00 per - ton; lea than ear lota. 8.10.00 per ton. . Keata. Ttoh aad Jrottaloa. FREEH M EATS Front tret Beef ateer, 405s per lb; cow,. 8t4 per lb; nog, fa art, 8l,r; ordinary, 7HSc: poor, 737Hc per lh; bull. 413c per lb; teal, extra, 7 per lb; ordinary. 4c per lb; poor, 6e per lb; mutton, fancy. SR-ie per ll: lamb. So. HAMS. BACON. ETC. Portland Park (local ha ma, 10 to 14 lb. 15c per Ul 14 to Id-It. 14!c per. lb: breakfaat bacon. l-4)20a pet lb; picnic. 10S per lb; cot tare, 10 per lh; regular abort clear, anamoked. 10c per lb; amoked. llr per lb: clear back, anamoked, 10H per Tb; amoked. llUc per lb; Union butt. 10 to IS !br vuamnked, 8c per lb; amoked, 8 per lb; cleee bellle. anamoked. He per lb: amoked. 12c per lb; hon)4r. 10je per lb.- - LOCAL LABD Kttl lef, In. 12c per lh; 5a, 12Ve par lb; 50 1b tin, 11 He per .b; ateam rendered, 10a. Tie par id; Da, UMi CANNRD 8ALMON Columbia rlter.' I -lb tail. 81. SO; t-lb telle, 82.75; fancy, l ib Sate. 81 90; H-lb fane Bate. 1.I5; fancy I-lb Ota la, 82.751 Alaika tallm pink, 85090 red. 81.50; nominal 2. ran, n.w. FISH Rock end. Te oer tbr Bounder. 8 per lb; halibut.. 5r .par lb; rraba. 21.50 per do; trled bee. !2He per lb; catttah. 7c per lh; Mlinon, tVlurrla rlter Chinook. Sc lb; eteel heada, Se lb; blnebarka, 7 lh; herring, Be lb: aole. Sc lh: ahrlmpe, lOe lb; perch. Be per lh; blr cod, 7 per lb; tonieed, 7 per lh liter amelt, 7 par tt lobatee, IB per lb; freih mackerel, Sc per lbi crawflab, 25 par doa; abad, 8 per. lb: (turgeon, 10c par Tb. OT8TKBS Sboelwater bay, par gal, 2128; per HO-lb ack, 84.00. ' CLAMS irardabell, par box, flOgi raaor 4a ma, 82.00 per b. . A fEW "HEAD OF GOATS Hogs Are Narrow and Cattle Steady -Sheep Hold Yester day's Rise of Twenty-Five. Portland Tnlon Stocltyarda, June 29. Lit. tuck receipt j , f Hog, r Cattle. Sheep. vV'ek"ee .' . 50 M.mth go 4U ! en Sear o....:. ..., 4-- ia .80 Only a few head of goat arrived In th local terda todat. Btocka of all klnda bate a allclitlt better feeling, but the hetjf recent purrbe of bog in tne nymcai para ra la affecting th latter market. Cattle ar teadynd unchanged. Wieep Srm" at the d tance of 25c told In The Journal yeeterday. Official II re took quotation! . Mora neat eaarern wiron, blocker and China fati, 86.50TStoeker and feeder. 2S 25. , -T. e. Cattle Fleet aterw Oregon ateer. B3.TB: beat cow and heifer. 83.25; ateckera and feeder. 23.00; bull. 22.50. Sheep Bbaarllnga. 8H4c; tomhe, iVittSc "EASTERN HOGS FIVE OFF. olpts jjarfsr Tham Taag Afo Oa- " tls etroaa;. jrna 22. Lltntork recelnta: . . Hew. - Ctrtw ajeeri. ntc4 d J". Sf.Tf! . :2o.norr 20.000 . s oon Kanaa City . ..i. . .-.... ..10.000 1.5") - 10,O"0 Omaha -v.... w... i-..t.. 7.ROO 900 BOO Mora ara Be lower with s.ftoo left oter. Be celpt a yer ago were 14,000. Today' pfWt MliH. 24.25(3.6.55; good. f.B0e.87; rough, 10iT.wt1.4u: ngnt, fO.i(B.0i. Crtl Strong. Sharp Stdy. ; i Teratga Coffe Market. Hatre. June 22 Coffe dtanTd U. Pam- burg nnchned to H "PI Bio, receipt. 5.000 hex. mrxer oar it teair. price nnrnanei: Santo, receipt, 14.00U b MUlt aulal, .l.OlilYJBPALS nc a ut, . - . v . . A SLIGHT ATTEr.lPT AT Dips in Wheat Market Due to At- siting by Long Interest In Chicago. SATISFACTORY CROP . ' J SAYS MODERN MILLER July Close Unchanged .While Sep tember and May Are an Eighth Off -ecembetLoaeB L a jQuarter--- Lowcr Curb One; Cause. BELATIVJt WHEAT TALCEB. - ' , i '. Cloa Clo . Clo Loaa - " June 22. June 21.' 1905. June 23. July....'...... .KH8 8 .H3V.B2 .SOi, g.,oo .,tet .OOU Bptemnr.,.. .nnA .kib . Irember.., .84i .8444 .84 May.... AT .87 MB ..... ChlcaeA." JirHr2b.-"gTter eonaldarabl acorlng early In tba day BepUmbcr wheat ckawd lower than laat night. Tha weabneaa noted on tb Thuraday curb wa followed by rather urprtatng atrength at th opening today, when tb Sep tember aold at 84 Mi. Th market want back and forth from thla figure and 84Mc aeveral time durtn th aeaalon. It looked as If th dip ware mor tb reenH of aelllng ef long heat and" mild attainot ar -raiding turtle OS the part of trader, . While thahorfa were actlt buyer on every bulge from tint fo laat, moat of tn new of th day waa bulllah. aa It haa been all tb week, wltb th' kxl trad rather Inclrned te fight any advano. - It I tlalmed that th let-up In country earn offering 1 do to th fact that tb cooler weather to not favorable for the plant. . Official quotation by Oterbeck, Starr Oooke com pa ay: -' , . . . HHA T . Onen. ' ' Hlrh. ' Lew. Cloae. July... . .g : ,A34 3TA-.. r Sept .4 . .M4 Pee..... .4'i .85 May..... .87 .S74 , - ! CORN. - July... .Bit .8a 11' w? Dec.,.. J Jnly... Sept...., Dic. .... IU n . 4 Kfi.' ;B2U 1A..52H JiOiJ .50 -OAT,,. jkft .i4 ::; .814 .8'i .sn JIB 14 JWB8 P9BK, Jnl.r...VV1.S0 5-17.10 IS. 00 I S.SO. . 18.55 14.90 ''v. -8.77"--77A : a id -8.05- 8.90 Bopt...,. 1S.45 16.45 1S.B5 Jas, 14.90. 14.95 14.78 LARD. . 8.70 ; - S en S 8S S.77 8.85 8.77 duty... 8 SS Vtmr3 8 2 wi. a. si . . . u.. - 8HOBT BIBS. 2.1 9.15 - 4,15- a. 07 8.85 - 8.77 - Jnly... 8.17 ttept..T-r -t -Oct...... S.SO UTz&roox, oBuur kaskxt.- . "T,tTerpooL Juattt.:Ot1ieWr'pttcrr;' - , - WHEAT. Open Cloe ' Cloa Cain - June 2X June 23. June 21. June 22. July 7Hd S ISd 5 714 d ' ptaaber . 6 ii 8 sftd 6 Sfid ' - CORN. Jolt . 4a Sad 4a 8td 4a ST4d - September . 4 7Vid 4 Iid -4a 74 Loa. - rkncaxr 4baw motzmebt. ;. Cfflc4'tii"tt Primary receipt : ' ; v - : Todat. 3Tr Ago." ... Biiahel. Bnahel. Wheat, 2:12,000 Corn S71.0UU 681,000 Shlpmant Wheat 1S2,0(10 178.000) Corn ...,,..TT.. 417.000 857.000 Totl clekranrea: Wheat, none; eorntltn.Tiij bohla; oat,7 104.000 buaheU; flour, 50,978 narraia. Chicago, Jan 5B. Caah wheat: . - ., JUDt 22 June 11 Bid. Ak. Bid. . 2 red.,.. ....8 .St I .e 2 .S4T4 .... .84 . , .M M S3 ' '.S5, .83 - .82 .78 No. 8 red . . No. 1 hard... No. bfct.. CrHICAOO OBAXV OAS LOTS. Chicago, June S3. Grata ear lots: Car, tirade. . Eat. 1905. Wheat ............... 4 18 t Corn 44S ' 218 453 BSl Oata 14S 44 184 110 Wheat cara today;, Minneapolis 190; jnuuUaU 88.- year ago: atinneapoiia. 14(; uuiutn, ai. Minneapolis Oraln Karkat. Xflnneapolla, June 22. Wheat, Bptmber, 24tT- : . Daluth Or in Karkat. Dubtth, r Jua 22. Wheat. September. 884 -. COTTON FUTURES THREE TO FOUR POINTS UP New Tork. June 22. Cotton future closed 8 to 4 point np. Official -quotations by Ovrbck, Starr Cook company: ' 0i Open. Hlrh. Low. June 22 Jun 21 January . .10.40 10.52 10.47 10.61 10.47 renruary loot March ......10.57 10.59 10.57 T.10.5S Jun ..,.t:-4.82 10.87 10.82 j. 10.58 10.47 10.54 10.S1 10.33 10.38 10.54 July 10.25 10.89 10.35 10.35 10.43 10.88 -1042 10.34 10.SB M.41 10.3S 10.41 ' 10.41 10.47 Augnvr . September October . .10.59 10.42 I0JI8. 10.83 10.83 Ntivember ,. . .... December ...10.48 10.49 10.43 10.43 Liverpool Cotton Higher, Tlvelnool, June 22. -Cotton cleaed 1 point ap ea the new ana a up on u 010. B08T0M OOPBTS XABJUT. . . Boston, Jun 22 OfBrlal copper cjoalntr:-.. ma. 1 vin. Adventur ... S-28 A Hour ...... 85.O0 ArradlA 8.00 Atlantic ,..'.., 83.00 Wnrhim-... 28.50 Calumet 80.00 Centennl! .. 3I.OO--Copper Hang. 71.50 Dnly Weat ... 15.23 Old Dominion.-- 88.60 Oaceola .;... 107.00 Parrot ....... 26.25 Phoenix ...v.. - " .80 Qtilncy ...i. sooo. Shannna ...... 8.23.. Tamarack ... 95.00 Teas ... 42.00" Trlnlty .f S.75 Oranhy Pranklls ..... Oreen ....... M . .. Mohawk ..... .Nevada r . North Butte.. I nlted Itah .'. Vlrtorl ...... Wolverine ... ji..a? . 19.75 24 S2H 7.25 . SO. 75 17.75 87.00 SS.25 55.75 7.75 187.00 Hl. Aria... Boat Com.--RoyaL- .2S25 1S.124 6S.124 V, S. Mining. TnnTED ITATES 00 TEK BnTCTT SOWOS. New Tork. Jun 22. Oovernnwnt bond: Pete, Rid. Ak. Two. rltrd.r.i iuo.1 do coupon .,.,, 1103 TbrM, reglatered ISO dO' coupon 1908 Two, m4 hond. ......... .j- Ponr. rettlatered..,..!...... 10O7 do rmpon .v'TOOT four, rl.trd 126 do coopoe.-r v 1925 Platrlct- at Columbia........ .... PhUlppla 4a lo;iu 103; 103 108 IO214 02 4 103 V 12914 129 V4 117 110 108 "a 103 tl 103 i, 5o4U IO414 1W 130 - - BAJI rACIaC0 LOCAL STOOKS. aa rranclace, Jun 22. Official elo: - V Bid. Ontr Ooeta Water i 6flU Spring Valley Wtr ....... 21 T Olaot Powder . . Aak. 82 i 82 S3 Hawaiian Commercial.... Slft I nloa Sugar:.. 45 H revoke Sugar. .,.. 11 Makawall Sugar..., 84 Onnmea Sugar. 1, 81 '4 I'aaiiha Kuiar ... ...... .......... 17 Alaaka rarkra . t .... ..1.. ....... 85 , Aiunrleted Oil ' aft . 'ss 40 aij U'.dfi Slatas Vtopaoas.fMltut.JUI ti RAIDING ,73'V.B .RlC . .-.SRA .Mil ".S4 . .84'J .87 .81 u . ' .Bt4 . .51 ? . J13B .404, - 0 1 .3SB 854 Unfavorable Weather Has Been the Portion of Fruit Growers All Over the Pacific Coast This Season ,- Prices Are Very High. union SOUTHERN PACIFIC LEAD Harriman Issues - Forge to the Tronl In TudayanTirading ; , -': in New York. LAWSON HAS A TIRADE AGAINST THE BIG ONES Bearish News Turned TowarrJ the Wall and All Prices Are Forced to a Higher ' Limit Artivitir It Ouftg Marked During the Day. V .KIT fjAlNS." Anaconda . .. Amalgamated Atcbleon .... .... 1 .... 1 . . ..... IX as a a 1 Mluouri Pacific... North American... : Norfolk .:, ,. N. V. Central... j.. Ont. A Weatern. Brooklyn Colorado rI St. Paul...... OhMapeake ,. Loromotlt ,. Pennatlvanla ,,,,r. .... H rvuj'in e u..,,.,. V Beading 1 Woolen . Northern .. U HeDUbl C IKeDublia Steel Pacific. llBork UUnd. I Book Island W Fed. Bmelter, pfd H, Houthern Paclfle... I1 nri Illlnol Central. Union Pacific,... Mexican Central -.a iaaa ar racizio. ... n V. B. Steel 1 I do preferred 1 NET LOSSES. ... Denver ........... Sugar It Canadian 10rt wetm, ... Rat: tr V Loniavut-rrrrr. . ,. v, Southern Railway.. tenneMe Coal,.... ltf Wall Rtreet. New Tork. June 22. -The cllou waa determined to put th atock market higher today at all hatarde and all bcarlab talk vii paaaed up by th trad. Law aoa cam out wltb a tirade agalnet th Steele, Copper and North Butte, but tbla bad no effect whatever upon price, except, per ha pa, to make the rtlnu work harder In forcing talue higher. Wny Tte wore cheapagalii and tal l we a neio 10 toe via one, rrn-ucnj in, ,u,i ,- ckd higher. Ore teat artlrlty wa In Union nd Southern ricinc, eacn witn a gam 01 ever m point over th prevknu day. Official quotation by Oterbeck, Starr , A Cook company: f sir DESCRIPTION. Anacomla Wining Co..., Amal. Copper Co....... Atrhlaon, eom..r,.,..,. . do preferred. ........ . Am.- Car A Found., eotHT do pre f ersed . . . . . ;.ttt Ara. Sugar, com. Am. Stnett.,' 00m. ...... do preferred. ...;Tr;.-. Baltimore A Ohli com. dt preferred.......... Brooklyn Rapid Tranalt. Canadian Pacific, com... Chi. A Alton, pfd..:... 243 245t4T230H 244 1I24 102 l'34fc 101 4 103 88 100 131 148 it 116 117 1"S 103 102 88 S Ml inr, 3IT 10O 13214 147 W IIAI4 1WW 8 1H 18214 14T4 1114 118'4 sv HI T 1014 Chl,A Gt,WeaU. cm.04 1TI4 17Vk 17 leu. atii. at. ran "I'M 177 200 I7S CM. A Nor thweat., com. OKI (hi. Terminal Ky peaK 8814 BOW 8.14 48 70 'ih'i 88 88 62 83 4S 87 Col. Fuel i Colo. South., com. do 2d preferred., do lit preferred . 88 48 TO o 43 88 Del., Lack. A Wt... D. a R. O.. eom. 48 88 4.'4 70 . do pra far rod . ......... Erie, com.. do 2d preferred...... do let preferred Illlnol Central LoulatiU A. Nashville; Metropolitan It. Ry... VUxtran Central By.... Mlaaourl Paclfle....... at.. K. A T , com....t do preferred New York Central...., Am. Cotton Oil Abu Looomotlv Pederal Bmeltera...... Norfolk A Weat., eom. do preferred .. ,r. ... . 42 424 78 TO TO 178 Mi ISO 14 17 143 V 148 22 B4'4 22' m 84 22 84 33 134 V4 137 138 J1Z 81 fill 7H 0 8U PS' 4 86 SS Sor in a merion ...5. . tTOnt. A Wert JJijj Pennayrtaala Railway. 180 1. u., l,. a c. t.o Prewwd Stl Car, eom. do- preferred.. Pacific Mall H. 8. Co... Reading, com do 2d preferred...... do let preferred...... Rep. iron Steel, com. do preferred. , Bork laland. com....... do preferred..., Southern- Railway, com, do preferred , Southern Paclfle d-i preferred St. L. A S-J-Jld -efd.. St. L. A 8. W., com. .. do preferred Teia a Pacific , Tena. Coal A Irani . . . . Tel.. St. L. a w., eom. rto JrJ ffTl1SaJ ,'Tfr r wsr Union pacific, eom do preferred Central Leather, frum... do preferred XJ. S. Rubber, om ...... do preferred......... V. 8, Steel Co., com.... do preferred.......... Wheel. A L. com.. do 2d preferred..... do lit o referred SO H 85 83 84 130 133 '274 K74, 24 'se 67 Sw 34 wit 9D ii'ij'iiieif iit 22- (18 81 S3 f.2V 82 81 132 134 134 2,7 "4 27 4- KtL 4114 147 14U 'ie 103 108 2 - 48 losvi 87 104 107 87J, Wlaeonaln Central, com. 24 2" it '4 4S - 23 'n 84 do prererred ,,. Weatera Union Tel Wabash, - com.., d preferred Am. Woolen Northern Pacific. .... 1 10 mi 48 8i7 -eo-87 fw4 203 20S l2fr7Ti4 Total aale tor -day. 908,800 aharel. Call money closed 8 per cent.... SAX rBAjroisco Kinma stocks. Saa ranlscey-jTine 22.-Offlctal rlo Bio, Belmont 833i Bid. lold Bar 81. oft O. Bull fro. ..8 .12 - CB Boy ..... Oolden Anchor'. 4trnateliiway--r.-rsT. .26 OK. I t .'.I .V. VO Home ..',: -.23A Ophlf ,.,f...'.i t.-ft r Mealran ....... .88 - Jim Butler .... 1.28 MaoNamara-vv.'"-'ie Midway 2 10 Montana 2 05 North Star .40 Ohio 29 Ton. Elt'S.... T.bO Netad -.-, IS 80 Weat KnaT AM Adam .03 Atlanta .18 Bluebell ,; 13 Booth .28- Caledonia 33 Noecroaa .87 ' OolaV Crown ... .85 A (it. Bnd 33 Keecue 12 . Black Butt Ef. .01 Tramp' l.OOA Gold Belmont. .42A. WontgotMry Mt..8S Hunaet ......... .17A Sceptre ; .29 Manhattan 07 Columbla Mt.... .2"A (.. duarrr TO Saylor-JiuBipre;, In-amondSeld i," .30 .40 Dili "7 OoldSetd 42 tlranny , tlold Wedge.... lne Star .2A .17A 10A .10 .10 A .12 J nun ho , L3o Jiimho Extea .. Kendall TewA lTlvr; Bend Hi.., .80 lt. Bend Annei .17 ICreacent Mat Jea .... jn iixiwm.y rw. .m .t", Mohawk 130 llienter Annet .i-.- .lo Red Top ...... 1.40 I Mnlla A Hear. .. .03 Sandatorm -.82 titlark Bork Silver Plck.. ,20 N. Y. CnaoI.... .2SA St. I tea 44 Manhattan, Con.. .74A National Bank. ,.42 Little Jo ...... .04 Ienver ........ IMatSower .rv... -.2 - trllpa ........ .84 Mumping Jack... .2oA POBTLABD BAM ITATZMZ BT. , Clearlnga Balaac .820.817 SO . 78,403.28 . Sterling Kaahange Kate, New Tork, Jun 22. BterHng etrbinge: and, 488.18; SO day. 4X260. , De, Xrw York 0a Coffee. N Tork. Jun 22. Caah Voft Ne." T Bio, 7T4C1 NO. Santiia. 8cr- - . - a BUliara Tavo tdpfVityrr x'. t (Joaraal Special Service.) ' Milwaukee, Jun 23. The national maaa .meeting of flour millera adopted resolutions favoring reciprocity and sd Journed this sfternoon. ' -.' 1 ' t st fl.60 Seaside -excursion sajtt Sunday.. . PS ' 4 .130 , BO" . 47 TflH Tn lllinTR phdti Ann W- I UlllLnliU Washington Railroad Commi- sion in Colfax Meeting Would : Injure Clty'e ' Commerce and Aid Sound Ports. (Special Dispatch t Tb Journal.) Colfax. Wash., June !. Tha railroad commlelon 1st making slow progress In Its efforts to establish. cauaa for giving Joint rates on wheat In this state. As tba trial of the cssa progresses It be comes evident that th Investigation Is merely a flsrht nt the xttea at sn- sound to secure, by railroad rate, what ""7 have loat In commerce by the them In location and eaalness of aooeas by railroads, That tha aralrO business or esatem Waahlngtoa and northern Idaho has been diverted from the sound cities to ths metropolis of pregon haa been clearly shown and the efforts of Beat tie and Tacoma grain and milling man to show that-this has been caused by unjust dlecrlminatlon of ths . rail roads haa failed. Chairman Falrchlld and Commissioner Lawrence ara acting aa prosecuting: at torneys and chief witnesses and ara evi dently determined to make their caae against th O. R. V N. Co. and compel a Joint rat to divert wheat from Port land to Puget sound points.- Any -kind of avldenc damaging to tha railroads r, " .. . . . . . TTavroaa niiorneya. mucn or me eviaenc uruiaetni uuc oaing enureiy loreign 10 tha feoitiplalnt filed with th commlaaton on which the csseg are being tried. OOTdoa Make Jrtvtaat, r X Q- Oordon: attorney for the Great Northern, proteatad vigorously this morning; over being required to answer new complaints being. Introduced In th lvldenc and having no relatlon-tOnffret complaints with which th roads were served and which they were prepared to answer. His objections were . over ruled. The investigation Is taking In a much wider scope than th original complaint Indicated, and anyone hav ing a grievance aalnst tha railroad ls permitted to glva testimony. That tha Portland mill ar enabled to run- Jong, after the Puget sound - mills clone becau of a -hortge of wheat when the supply- of (tha Northern Pa clflo and Great Northern ' la exhausted was tna Burden of ths complaint of Morlta Thompaon. manager of -the Cen tennial Mine company, witn ntn-mm In Washington. Thompaon wants Joint rates which will enable him to et wheat from O. R. At N, territory In eaat ern Washington when the auppls on the other road la exhauated, admitting that the o. R. at N. tape th rich wheat belts of ths northwest. BIIlng7iam Baa. C D. Francis. - an" Independent buyer or - apoaan. - itiria that - prlo - on Puget sound averaged from 1 to S cents higher- then In Portland and that he wsnts a joint rata for thla remon Thla morning's session via devoted lagely to testimony regarding .tha rata to Beillngham, asked for by O. W, Ford an 4ndepndent buyer of Spokane. J. q. Woodruff, trafflo manager of th North ern Pacific, waa called by tha stats to prove that prior to one year ego Belling ham had tha same rate aa hay and feed grains aa Seattle. Everett and Tacome. but tha rat waa canceled then arid a new rate established t rents higher thsn theterminal rate to th three points mentioned. . H. Blskeley, general west ern freight agent of th Northern Pa cific teatlf led to tha same conditions. but stated -that-ttrta waa-an af fort to mjueuavo sroigiit rates, reaucuoni oeing made in many tnatarrcea while advances were made. In others. - y ' 2eny Joint Baa Mr. Blakelay denied that a Joint rat exists between th Northern Psclflo and the Washington at Columbia River road, saying that these are operated aa one road. A sworn report of the roads filed with the railroad cornmlsalon ahow they ar separata roads.' Mr. Blhkeley. ad mitted that a Joint rata agreement ex lat between the Northern Paclfle and Great- Northern- vla-tha-Adrlan -cntoff. and between tha Central Washington and Northern Pacific - P.- W. Lawrence, brother of Commla- I aloper twxejBoe. tMtlfled that the Tateoma Oraln company paid 5 cent per bushel more for wheat at Spangle, on th NorthernTaelflc,lhan tha Pacific Coaat Elevator company paid the same day at Waverly, on the O. R. A N.. th two point being but nine miles apart. Ha said Mr. Wilcox of Portland Is the principal owner and general manager of the Portland Flouring - Mllle company, which owns both the Pacific Coast Ele vator company and the Tacoma Oraln company. He waa aaked how ha knew thla and aald ha hsd been employed red)y Wilcox for two yesrs. Does 17 08 Frora Assertleas. John T. Bibb, general agent for th Tacoma Oraln company, and one of th chief complainant In tha caae now tin- t der Investigation, deolared that, prices of wheat ranged higher at Tacoma and Seattle than at Portland. - He knew .this. because nf lhs . prices quoted- In the newspapers and from th grain flrma doing bunlnes in th placas men tloned. But when shown several dally newapapera of recent date, with tha quotations for wheat at Portland from 1 to 2 oenta higher on all grade than th quotations at Tacoma, Mr. Bibb de clared the newapapera "lied." . . Of the witnesses examined none have ahown that they have been Injured by failure tn secure Joint ratea to Puget sound points, or that being compelled MLto ahip. their, wheat lo Portland . haa caused them loaa. The witneaaes theo rised extensively, but offered no direct evidence ahowlng that they or any one in aatern-Waehlngton haa auftered .In jury or loaa by reason Tjf agisting con dition regarding th grain markets and freight rates on grain.. , . P. J. Hayfleld of Farmlngton. one of tha chief complainants, and th first witness called. Is doing business st Fnrrntngton, which hsa both line of L rail road th Northern Pacific and OT R. A N. His firm Hayfleld Brothers has wsrehounea on both roads and' .could ship grain to any point on either road. Oaa Ship Xltfcer Way. . r. . Mr. Hayfleld acknowledged that he csn load grain from his warehousa -on tha - Northern Paclfle and ' reach any market that -could b reached if Joint rates wsre atabllahed; yet for. 11 year ti Tiss. shipped iShagreater portion of his gralnrever th O. R. A N to Port land, and-toss two large warehouse Ta that road and on amallr on on'th Northern Psclflo. Owning three ware house and blng on both railroads, Mr. Hayfleld has chosn for II yjtars to pa tronls Portlsnd miliars and1 exporters snd to ship th bulk of tha grain han dled by his firm to Portland. As the! law which created tha railroad commission pro4Bdea that tha complain tug wl(na must show. tUat h baa l. 1, ,'A.i TRANSPORTATION. ALASKA EXCURSIONS . s. S. Spekaca, ua 8. July t. 80 Aaguet "AKOUBD-PTJOrr.SOtJTD' tXCUKSIOVI KTZKT FIT DATS. OTfTRXAaTXKV ALASKA ffjtJTX. From Sttt at S p. m. for Ketchlkaa. Juneau. Bkagway, White Bora. Bawaoa and ralrbanka . - . .. . a B. Cltf of Seattle, Jrm 10, 20. SO. B. B. Humboldt. Jun 4. 14. 28. -B. S. Cottag City (tl Bttk) June 18, 29. BOMB BOUTS, aad aalllag 1 3 Sam tor June W. nope.. FOB SAB FRANCISCO BISECT. From Seattle at a. m.. Cltv of Pueblo. 4ua en. rrtUna sag iraiihj i si . Mala 888. " . K. XXK. Pa. A Ft. Agi, a O. DTJNANN, O. f. A., 10 Mrst St., ea rrancuee. TELEGRAPH , . " tB mtwag - ; Tatt on th Xtvev r: DAZXT Excfpt Sunday Between PORTLAND and ASTORIA - anil wai raata ijeav Portland....... ..7:00 a. m. Arrive Astoria 1:38 p. m. lav Astoria ..2:80 p. ra. Arrive Portland ............. .8:00 p. m. Mi-.vLB SERVED A LA CARTE Vcrtlaad Zdtadlar, Aid Btrt Doek, Astoria Xaandtng, tTaUand Dock. -B. B. BCOTT, Agent Phon Main $8S. ALASKA - FAST AND POPTJLAB 8TBAMSHIP8 Lt Seattle . - '. JIFTIBSOB," Jon SO, July 12, 24. "DOLPBIB," July 8. 18, 80. :'' CALLINO AT Ketrhlkan, Juneau, Douglaa. Halnea. Bkag way, rvmnecta with W. P. A V. rout for Atlln, Daweon, .Tanaae, Nome, etc. For AU Soutbeaatera Alaska Porta. Call or send for 'Trip to Wonderful Alaaka." "Indian Bertftrr.".. ."Tbter-Polaa." T " '-'-TBTK ALASKA I. ft. CO. ; - Frank WooUey Co., Agent. jsa Oak at -Portland; "REGULATOR LINE" The Dalles, s Astoria Navigation Co. Boats - laat Portland and Tha Dalles dally. xcent Sunday, at 7 a. m.,arrlv Ing about I p. m., carrying freight and I taangra. . 8plndld accommodation for outfit and livestock. Soak foot of "Alder t., FortiaAdi Feat of Court at., Tba Dallas., . Ftaoaa kCala 814, Fogaiaad. S. S. F. A. Kilbiirn 1 - Fee Coos Bar. Bunk d la grander. Next sailing from Portland, Tuesday, June. 1. - Nent sa-lllng from San Francisco, Monday, Jun 15. F.L. OBBBNOUOB. Agt, Oraeawlek Doc R. A Pkaaw Mat lit DtVtDSP f;6.T spices, o COFFEE,TEA4 DAMNOFftYDER, FlaCCn .0 EXTRACTS rtWuhftrihr. flrtf at Fltvor, OrtattV SfrrniS. fi5rtWt frkei CWSSllJU)aOTaM v . - aVOIVTaLAVND. OPCQOM. - j ?SAVE MONEY " All work guaranteed for ten year Lady attendant alwaya preaant AU work don absolutely without pala by specialist of from 11 to 20 yr' aa- prlnc. - . : - Oold Fillings. Brldg Work. Oold Crowns, Artificial T th. BOSTON PAINLESS DENTISTS 1(1 H Morrison St., OppMir Frank and Portofflow. :- r- bn lnjurd by th rates or conditions af which he complains befor the com mission can tak action to remedy th evil, Mr. Hayfleld' evidence fell fiat. Ha has tha remedy In bla own hands, having warehouses on both roads, but voluntarily ships over th O. R A N. to Portland, and baa don sq for a fifth of a century. . ' ,' . "VJ"' ... SAY CORA LAYS FOR "COUNTRYMEN . 'Cora Tracy, an alleged pickpocket, waa arrested yesterday afternoon by FtrQl- man J. F. Prtca-and booked at the city prison on a charge- of vagrancy. Th polio claim that th woman la a clever thief. It la alleged that her method Is to get some unuspcUng Auuntrymaa tp her clutchea and then pick his pocket. The vagrancy charge again her will be heard by Judg Camarorr on Monday. .- Last : Sunday. ILtO. Seaside xcurslon ' nxt ROAD WOULD QUASH 7 irTELEGRAPHERS- UNION L. f Journal Special Settle Louisville. Ky., June 12. Tha Rail road Telegraphers' aeaoctatlon haa ap plied for an Injunction against ' th Louisville A Nashville railway, alleging that tha road la trying by vartoue method to fore th organisation out of existence. . t - Wfttrt attock Oaaaad Oooda, AUa A jbwla' tsst traov TRANSPORTATION. BP .Siiqijr.iiua u. mion PATJIHC 3 Trains to the Et PaOy 3 TB-fA&k PmIIh.. ..-.a ..e - - ta-eara dally te Omaha, Chicago, Saobaa! llat awwlng-ear dally te Kaaaa OUT.. Th'""! reclining cfeairsar (eeeta tre 1 trunia Bepo'tr- ,1 "lrottiin- Bpeefal far aL.' ri Huntington, die. 8:30 a: loopm t..i, vvi us- at, najiv-risi W.ahlngtoa W.lls Wall. . V Oeee "lJPBm "'lena a-d . ' V hern potnte. dallf. 6:18 sts attanrf ;,, t fh gat tta H"nfn5ton. datTr! " : pa : ear 'gBa ria. - -- - - rmnrj-n m irwii tv-at H - pZZ'S? Bigg ad nenv... :1Sam 8:00 nee "f.T7MBIA BTVBB DIVISION. -j .f.pfJ9eiaand wy pHnta. conneetlg wttb y at . gwrw an aat. Saturdav. In a. 0, . Arrive p m eveent Ihteaev. . - AMHITIV- BIVKR BOtrri. C,fLT Drton. Ceegou City and Tmhm rl-ea lint, ateamer Rutfc ad Modoc. Aaht dee. eniMt-.w a,llF. eteept Buadat iwate . Bund.'' Arr,T T: V tn. dally. iir V tf". 'vT!B Bome. 'T lZ',Zn- 'lbo. and way patnta tmm Blpajl. W.ah.. ateamer Spokane end Lewts. IS? l',7r)B: s..-n upon arrival Trala V-avt'eTO - - etk... au.. . ... L rj,- xnrro IM winttctn eta. n - Telenhone Vr.t via . ' v r?l .7' ;T0BB, City Ticket A (Mb , L, OB A IO. Oeneral Paei.n;er AgenJ. ...... VIA SOUTH 4-fnlun Depot tt Lve. : Arrtv. wveriana Kipreaa Train . for Salem. Boaeburg. Ah , land. Sacrament. Ogden,---" - San Franrlaco. : Stockton .. Los An.l.I XI p.m.. Tfew Or lean, and tba at S:S0aai :BS t Horning train connect at Woodbum - dally - except Sunday with train for 1 Mount Aegetr Sllverton. Brownavllle. Spr1ng8eld. Wendllng ed Katro.k.. eg:g pnj . i 7:t8aJ Kuxene paaawiger ern- -:....-eeeta at Wondbnra with . .-.' Mount Angel and Silver- - -- ton local. e4r!pm 10:88 Corvellla peaeenrer.,.'. .;. ef.enrn : 8:R0 pm Short da neaaeneee. r. v.. , ed-SOpm S:2S Forot Oroee naaaener.T'inT4S em Ill:ft0pm ITl1r. HPalle eveent Snndav. I Q (OOMM. ajtaaWAl t laiA outt lol . ' JErrBKMf!-STRFItT TTIO!t. .. For Dallas and Intermedia t point dally v 4:18 p. m. Arrive Portland 10:10 . m. For time and card of Oewego nhtrbaa train apply at City Ticket Of See. or etatlne. , Tickets to. F.ntern point and fnrop: ale , ... Japan. Chin. Honolulu and Anatralla. City Ticket Of fire -corner Third lad Waa. ... tsgtn street. Pbon Mai 712. . C. W. STTNOBB. . , A. L. CBAIO. ... ... . City Ticket Agent. fJetv Pa a. Agent. TIME CARD TRAINS Portland; ITnlon fWiwi - Aeat. . Afllssh ' Tellowafun Park-STansa j Clty-St. Lonla Special for . . Chehalla. Cenrralla. Olym- . - pU. Oray'a Harbor. Sontk " i Bend, Tacoma. Seattle, Sno. , kane. Tewlaton, Potta. B1l- , 1 i HngsTiPenver. Omah. Kab- , , a Cltv. St. . fula and . . v Southaaat. dally S:80 ald :20 aa. - North Cot Llmlttdr-elee-'g---. xj trie lighted, 'or Tacoma ' I Seattle, SpotaneTButta.- ""r ' ...J... " Mlnneapolla r,t. Paul and - - the Bast, daily 2:00 pa t sat Pugat Soood Tlmlted. foe i rjaremont. Chehalla. Cen--fralla. Tacoma and Btattl onlt. dally d:atjpa B:SSS Twin Cltv F.Tnreea for.Ta. ' . . - J enma. SMle. 8pobn'. -J :.-.'; r Retro. Butte, St. Paul. , 1 Minneapolis. Lincoln. St.- Joaaph. Kanaaa City. Ore a. - bs. 8t. Lul. wlthent ebne of eer. TMreef eon. eeetlons for all eMnta ' rt and eVwrbeeet. dallv,. 11:48 rm 10:88. A. D. CTtABr.Tnrf, Aaltaat General Pa eoret Agent. tM Motrleo treat, Third, Portland. Oregon. 1 . - t AsfoFia XolLTmbia River Railroad Co.: Colon Repot Laat. Arrtv. For Maygera, RatnUr. nra kanle. Weatport. Clifto. Astoria. Werrete. ria- -tel. Hammond. Fort Btev. - en. Oearhart Park. Seaside. 8:00 11:68 la Astoria and Sea. bora. x- pre dally , f 0 par 8:8 All train dalle. ' J. C MATO. O. FV nd F. A;.- Atorli.' Or. C. A. STBWABT, Commercial Ageat, 848 Alder atreet. . Phoa Mala Boa. TNC COMrOKTABiC WAY. 2 Overland Trains Dally 7 'Tb Otlaatal Limited, the Fat MaB" VIA 8BATTLB ABO SPOSAWB . "Dally; 'Deity. Leat. Arrtt. Portland Mm aebed! 'To and from Spokane. . St. PuL Mlnnnpolta. 'Tniluth and all point ' " -Baat tla Seattle...... 8:80 T- Ut 88 sm Tn end St. FuL . : M1nnolla. Du'nth and alt point Baat via Spoken ....... S-18 pm Sai Oraat Brthrn 8toMklf 0. ' Sattlog teem Seattle for Jpa 4 Chts part and Maslls. enrrytag aenger and frelrbt,- - , 'C B. B."MlnMeta, Jul 88. ft. 8. Sakete. Septmahe A ' BIFFOM TWSBB B AOS HA (Japan Mall Steamahl Co.! 8. 8. Blejun Maru,wlU Mil from Seattle beut Jan 88 foe Jara and China porta, tar'tla . saeaeeger aad '"'"goe ticket. . rat. SottS- ll'" tton. ete , rait n at ddrea H. DTCBSOW 0. . T. A., 188 TH St.. Fertkua. Oragoa. Fna auia we. Steamer Ch:s. R. Spcn::? . F88T TTNfB. ' tr tbi cottmsiA t IT" r v -THl untia 8IA.A Leat Oah-eireet - f a. de" ' Iall aad wr point. rrl'ii 8 p. m. retureln 8 M p. . land 10 P m. (et-rpt Srldar 1 Cay rtcuraioM WK4 Lo.. turnln P- ei ' (V,re and wharf tti