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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (June 22, 1906)
" lilKjoM:GWIx DAILY-JOURNAIirPORTLAND, FRIDAY-IEVENINCS.XTNE' 22, . 1SC3. CRM 111 WED K ISS DOAROnAfJ - PA J.XOr 1VJ.CU. IVCl JJpJXCI j Masachusetts. Senator Engaged , to Marry, Friend of thar. Roosevelts. . GROOM TO BE WIDOWER " . TWENTY-FOUR YEARS Uretl ' Sni". Us ' Caused Throughout Bay , "State ; by Announcement Ceremony Will Be a Quiet One and Tak Place In Manchester, ... j : ThU la loganberry-tlm end If a ttra you i war stung ready to put away those supplies you spok about a year ago whan It wu too lata. Thera -will ba a vary heavy production of logan berries this season and pncea win o lowar than last season. Thara will ba a heavier demand bacauaa - every on who baa prepared loganberries will put away a doublo amount thla year. They're rood. Best things - you avar saw . for plea' Baat 'anything In aay Una Evaa wild blackberries which bava hereto fore been given first plao In point of demand ara now string way to The loganberry. . Tha time to buy logan- rrlet Ch"pet and with peetquallt y me nrsi (WaaMngtea "areas ef The JearsaL) WeehUntUMv-Juaa tl-Iha aanaunca-. nt Mls Josephine Boardman'a ngag "Jnentte Senator Cran of MaeaaebHeeUa " " 7. - ' . .. " ' t .. ' " ... i ; & ' If:. W Senator W. M. Crane. 'has (Iran, a surprising but 1 tog-other delightful start to early summer lov -rfj-s main -rmrtnetits-or Maasaenu- sstta-ara rat " rubbing; their eyes and saving- there must be a mistake. - Senator Crana wu looked upon aa a confirmed widower and for' 14 years re fused to open hla house at Dalton, Mas- sachusstts. for other man a ramiiy party. Ha was derated to his flraLwlfjs. l,,,,., considerable amount of cream- - who died when their only son "was born, and only -the lor affairs of tha younger Crane ahowed that thera was a spark of romance left In tha -breast of tha eena-- -tor.-- Tha son was married -not so very long ago and no on was mora enthusi " astle over the event than was the father of the young bridegroom. , j What, then, was tha surprise, not of " sorlety -people her so tnnch they are totally blind and deaf but of tha staid ': business - men of Massachusetts. - when they learned that Murray Crane was going to marry again. Mlaa Boardman is a gentlewoman of tha highest type. and after gracing official society her for two seasons will area -If the sen ator should not eome back--i;ba-in rlnaa mHtrgood. . , , Ceunh evlth WMMngtonJirsrougn ner fmrenta' Prealdant and Mra Roosevelt are . wonderfully , interested in - the en gagement; being among tha first to ten-" fler their congratulations, and will prob ably go to the wedding." MT. and Mra. Boardman and Miss "Boardman nav TJread y left-Waahtn "Ion for Massachusetts, ancTTrom now on arrangements will go rapidly forward for : tha wedding, which will take place at Wtndyclyffe, Mascheeter-by-the-Sea, tha middle of Jury. Whit H wtU be sur rounded by all the -eharm of-aoountry woddlng la summer time. It will be com- 1 paraUrely, a onlet affair, afterth-wytfaster-na tha prtoa la a' tuna lower. of widowers, and probably few people .will witness tha ceremony outside of the two families. .- Thla would ba quit - --- after tha msnnsr In which Mr. and Mra ' Boardman conduct their social arrange '. ntenta. ; .PLAN VACATION NOW..: "Pottar" Does am Jua SO avow Vpper . OofaunM Jttrer Kates. ." Jons J tha T. J. Potter." tha popu lar O. R. 4e N. aeaarid exeunrlon steam er, makes its first trip to North Beach, touching Astoria going and returning. Very low excursion rates .now - ln af fect. Delightful eating1 trips may be made t apper Colombia river points. Hie, local a B. N. train leaving Union nation at 1:11 a. m. dally and return ing at I p. m. tha asm day, making it possible to spend a day at any of the , points of Interest along - tha river' be tween Portland and Tha Dallea Very low ratee In affect. For particulars about the summer re sorts and trips ask at Third and Wash ington streets, Portland. C W. Stinger, city ticket agent. - , . is within the next few daya or second day of tha week will b best. They are going down- avery day but will soon reach tha bottom.. Strawberries have .almost been taken from tha iit because of the smaller supplies, poorer quality ana nign prices. Just a few tame Diackoerriea nava oeen received of late .and the price Is high. Raspberries rare now coming in best shape. ' Reports indicate that to crop will "Only " taBtalr 1 ona thla season; Prices not likely to go much lower. Currants are so scarce that prices In tha markets aire too high ror general During, a very short crop Is noted and already about thre . quarters .of this haa bean aoid. .,-v r It wilt soon ba peach time, supplies from California ara now coming quit fast and there la a noticeable decree In the price day by day. There Is a Ilk Improvement aa regards quality. At present Alexander's ara tha only variety coming. . , - Cherrlea are not MsntiruL ' The only kind that ara really reasonable In price la - tha - kind for canning tha - Kentish variety. Three are now coming to mar ket quits fast. TbsyTe as low as likely this year. ' .;." NO us to think or putting away many cans of apricots this season, for every Indication points to a very email pro duction In this state aa well as in the southr - Stocks ao scares In California now that prices ar almost as high as when they first appeared. , ' .. It's rather early In tha year bat east- ei egwa have already made their ap pearance In thla market. This is to earliest that eggs have coma from that direction - for many years and Indi cates that' thers-'wtll ba no lower prices on ths local product. Just now ranch eggs ar very alow in coming. Most of the eastern eggs now in market ar Intended for - Alaska. The upward and downward fluctua tions In the chicken market ar about as regular as . clockwork. It's time now for a decline In prlooa. About I cents corn 0o pound, celery two heads 34c. FRESH FISH Halibut vlo, salmon 16o, sturgeon 16a, striped beis loo, soles J 6o, black cod 11 Mo, perch yea, floun ders 10c, ahad 8s. aeavtrout VOo pound. rraoa x wo aacn, salmon oneaaa sac dozen, shad roa 1 So and-lea nmtfUt. BUTTER AND EGOS Best creamery Bio per two-pound roll, cooking Mo roll Fresh ranch ears tie dosen. t - TOITLTRT- California -1 So -pound, ducks 760 It II.II each, gees II. to 11.60 each, turkeys 16c pound, aorlng chickens 7 So. pair, friers 76o to 11.60 pair: aquaba 7Se pair. . i ii m fi, - Loganberries. - Ths "flavor of this delicious fruit la best preserved In Everlasting Jars. . All glass. No metal or, rubber cornea - In contact with fruit. Absolutely sani tary. Portland retail prices: Pints. 75cj quarts, 86c; half gallons, II. to per dosen. Tour grocer, will sell you th Fverlastlng. a pound la the general -drop -at retail when they have . reached the lowest level at. wholesale, - Receipts hav been coming quit fast tha past i few .-days but prices -paid hav been - about the same as a week ago. ry butter la being stored away for winter's us . by. .local ' handlera The present price la- Just ' right for. such operations. The taking away of this stock la keeping "the pries from going fcOWn. 1, -" --S .- : Now applea hav mad their appear ance In tha markets. Arrivals ar from California and ar good specimens of tha product from that state, but they can not ba compared oven with last year's Oregon apples even if th price la higher. Florida is shipping - a very-liberal amount "of pineapples to this market. While not "of such good quality -or so large as those. f ram Hawaii they ara L Price la about 6 cent lower. : . . ) Local at ring beans ar --how quit plentiful In th retail ' market. Stocks are now. coming front The Dalles and have' taken tha market ' away from tha California product The ' latter cannot compete with The Dalle baaoa no mat ter what th price. CENTRAL MARKET Is not a stranger to economical house wives They all know It's at tha CEN TRAL, they get thwbest of everything. OyR ROASTS ar our specialty.. .. Beef j Por k7 Mutton, JLamb -"We aeUFISHrJreah. , , Kindnrf Rrnf5. , fTJprilinj. aVa-sBIllW finiuueu tvisj aVa iwi Ave 130 OraaCTaCrThofirXat auv-t Spring Lamb Leb. par lb . ...15s) XOf Cantaloupes ar getting in prima con dition and the -price is almost .within roach ef your avery-day purs. Today In th retail market they sell- at 16. centa each or two for IS cents. Get cheaper next week. Hew celery from California la coming Still too high for general usa Today at It cents for two heads. ' Sixes small. . .. Some retail prices: . BERRIES Best atrawberrtea, lOo a box;v three 'for 16c. "Raspberries IOC r Currants "lOo a box. Logan berries '10e a box.1 ' FRUITS Bananas tOo doaen, lemons 1 to and lOo. , limes 16o . doaen, , cherries to and 10 pound, applea 0o and 00c INSURANCE CONCERNS ISSUE $10,000,000. STOCK PuUic Asked to Subscribe in . Order to Help Companies . -Recover Loss. IDAHO. LUMBERMEN TO - - GUARD AGAINST FIRES - maerlal Phpetdk to Tbe Joarnal.) Tewlaton, Idaho.. June It. The forest ' jiatror employed by tha Clearwater Fir Protective association to prevent fires during th summer will commence op ' aratlona today In th timber belt north . of Plerao.CIty. This, is the re ' suit of aii association formed for th 1 purpoa -of protecting th timber In tereete ln -the- Clearwater -valley and embraces all of tha Urea,, lumber, com-1 , panles operatlnit along -ha Clearwater and Pouatch nvera ASTERNTOIOffRTOS i r , i ' -' v : l . Jan 83, 8, July t and a, Angus T, a, " rf Septembee a and 10." On th above dates the Great North era Rallwny will have on sale tickets to Chicago and return at rata of $71.60, St. Louis and return 101.60,-St. Paul, Min neapolis and Duljith, Superior or Sioux City and return, ISO. Tickets first claaa, good going via the Ureat North ern, returning same or any direct route, siopovera allowed. For tickets, sleeping, ear reservations or any additional - In formation call on or address Hi Dickson. C, P. T. A, 111 Third street, Portland. 1 I ' (Journal RpacUl sTTle.) New York. June I J. Bine . th San Francisco disaster tha atookholdara In tha fir Insurance companies bavs been privileged and In Instances forced to subscribe o a considerable amount of new Insurance atock. . Thla was dua 'to 4th old . . oompanlea lncraaalng their iwa. ui gniw iu imof men iiieir finan cial status and to tha formation of new companlea ' In aoma cases th general Dublto haa been privileged to subscribe. - The total par valu of th new stock is roughly 1 10.04,000 and it haa been put out. or Intended to put it out, at a rats that will produoa a surplus of approximately an equal amount. In numerous cases nw atock of th , old companies amounts to a stock as. sessrnenb- aa tha plan of increasing ths stock carries with-it on to decrease -U as well. In many Instance this new stock has not been eubacrlbed'Tor as yet and it IT"polble It will not J. RARE,CHANCE TO TRAVEL. awsBBWawasaawaa- Tery lrOw"Xo4T Tlx Bound Trip Tlok- eta Xast Tte O. EkX. Summer excursion ratea Sale data June II. II, July 1, I, August T, I. t. September I. HO. Rata from Portland to Chicago, 171.10; to St Louie, 147.60; Kansas CMy, Omaha and St. Paul, 0; Denver, : - " , - T For Information In reference to rate and particulars ask C W. Stinger, city ticket agent. Third ano waanington treats, Portland. . -Tale (Joarnal Special aervra. . II aw Haven. Conn- June lA Tha ex- erets of onmmeneemant week, at Tula Vnlvarsity began today wilth th de livery of th Town aend prise orations ia tha Battall chapel by members ef the senior claaa Sunday the baocalaaraat- , aaaree wm be delivered by president Had ley. - ' v - Last LI stand r: "1 Seasides eaeursloa naxt 3; "TShlrT Baler""" " At t o'clock Saturday morning betrlns the great sal of Mount Hood shlrta Swell style' and best materials hi French madras, soft golf, French per calea. open front and back, also silk fronts. ILtt and $1.60. Tour pick for 10 centai Other lots. Including boys and youths', at I6o ani lie. MoAUen Mc Donnell.- , Preferred gtock Oaansd Ooeda. Allan ft bevta Beat Wrand dosen. apricots 60c ' basket, ' plums 60c and 71c basket, pineapples. 15c and 40c aach, gooseberries three pounds for 1 5c VEGETABLES gg plant 40c pound, peppers, ' bell, three for 16c, small slses I6o pound, peas three pounds for ISo, string beans 16e pound, asparagus three pounds f or I8o, .cucumbers to and 10c aach, summer squash lOo pound, new California onions to pound, rhubarb to pound.; new potatoes 4o pound, green onions 10 dosen bunches, new -carrots three bunches for to, head lettuce three ror loo, water cress to, hothouse let tuce to head, radishes two bunches for lOo, cauliflower 10c and lto head. ' to- matoes IQc.l hothouse 4o pound, green I lOo and tOo- dosen, maaVWUMl OOcI THE highest: GRADES 0FCOFFEE ROASTED IN TH NORTH- - west : ; ATY0UR GROCERS; mm Fail To secur ypur BUND ATS DINNER on - -v ume. . . .- - .... . , G. Covach iffirCo. Can aupply you with the best POULTRY, PISH eAND SEA FOOD J JtT MMAMOMAMVB nxamm. ; rthe city. Call tipfatn tit oreaIl at 171 FIRST STREET. - pcce mm liiz GRCCHUES 10c Bottle Blueing. ;Y...5 20 lbs. Dry Granulated -Sugarr-r?l00- ' Scotch Rolled Oats. ............. .lOo? 3 15c Bottles Extract, any flavor,, . ,25e 1.1h Tain Salmon ' ,.... r , r 25 2 Mb. Flat Cans Salmon Steak..... 25 3 1-lb. Cans Mustard Sardines..... 25 7 -lb. Cans Domestic Oil Sardines 25 1 doz.laskaKiaC-IIerrinif-fC..20 aCans-PbtaSant Oysters. ; . : . .25 2 lbs. Brick Boneless Codfish. ...... la 1444bCan-ImpXCGrdines1Oa Mason 1 Fruit ( Tars,.- pints, doz 65? .Mason Fruit jars, quarts, doz T5 Mason Fruit Jars, half gallon, doz. 85 1 lb. Town Talk Coffee.. V... 4 ,J...20o 1 lb. Army and Navy Coffee. . . . I. , . 15e lb. Monarch Blend M. & J. Coffee 25e r-,lb. 40c Gunpowder Tea........... 25 1 lb. 40c'B. F. Japan Tea. .... . , .'. .25 3 pkgs. Crespo Breakfast Food, same as Forcer. ... , . . .25 2 pkgs. Aunt Jemima's Pancake - Flour ............... ... .'15 9-lb. saclrNcw York Buck : wheat... 30f . . FIST AK3TAYLC2 RIEATS Posilively the Greatest Value : . On the market in high grade ' Meats. Tempt "your appetite ; with a nice juicy Tenderloin or Sirloin Steak, a Royal Pork Roast , or a Prize Stock Beef Roast' for Sunday's dinner. ' " RFI!F!!rrD AII9 a!TTA "A $uick Dime Beats a Lazy Quart er." SPECIAL DELIVE3T to AU Puis cf City St. Johns Delivery. Wednesday, Arleta and Sellwood Friday. ' 9-lb. sack Yellow or White V Cbrnmeal 25 1 sack Liberty Bell Flour........ f 1.00 5-gallon can Pearl Oil. ".f 1.10 PtlOVISIOBIS 10c Bottle"Ammonia. .... . . . ........ 5 1 Sark Bnrhank Potatdes . . . . . . f ...75 10 lbs. Swift's C. P. Lard;......... 85a 5 lbs. Swift's C. P. Lard..........45e 10 lbs'. Monarch Lard........... 81.10 6 lbs. Monarc4r-Lard.t i nt . . ; 4 ; .65 H Picnic Hams, per lb. ............. .lid? Sugar Cured Small Eastern Hams. .15 Cottage Hams, per lb. ........... .lie Full Cream Cheese, per ,1b,.. .'.; ,.;15: Brick Cream Cheese, per lb.. . v,,.l5 1 3-lb. Carton Soda Crackers . .....20 -1 galColumbiaTable-Syfup...... .40a 7 lbs. net weight Macaroni. ....... .35 7 lbs. net weight Vermicelli.. 35 7 lbsrnet weight Spaghetti. 7.. .35 2 Cans Cream, any kind...... 15a ' J lbs. Pink or White Beans . .25 1 lb. Silver Star Pure Baking - Powder V.V........T.;..;10e 2-lb. Glass Jars Chipped Beef. ... . .25t 10 lbs. Worcester Table Salt. ,".....15$ 3 lbs. Evaporated Apples .......... .25$ ..' 2-lb. Roll Fairview Creamery Butter 45$ 8 BarsJCLNT Laundry Soap.".v;..25$, ; 12" Bars Savon Soap, ..... . . . . . . . .25$ - Oaee there was a raa was saU "I weald rathar-W elsat thaa yraaldaat," sat what a eiaaaear fee the AoMrieaa oaosle t wae ia iisav aaa 10 a The expaaure W the yackan waa a aauU teeam aaa lor we eeuaueea. uvea taai an aaan aaa eaoa aar for aa ether raaiaa -taaa to the wealth at the .keef trust.- small raoampaaae far the Ilraa ef ear baraea, far la the word, ef eaaaial Mlleai "It waa the beef tme waa took mora IWee la the Bpaatah- aaiartoaa war thaa aid tha aaaaar a eaueta." Ea the rood, elsaa. kaalthy, wholeeeme staat af ParUaa4's - ealy taaasaaaaat waelaaala Vnteaar aa4 seeker. We are sosKirely Ua lojuy one aot is me xroai. .. . Frank L Smith Meat Co. as AIAee at, tewn. Tarst and Seoona. Alsu esi Ttrst BK near lxa hrwgs (andar a new .manager). Prime Rib Roast Beef, per lb... 12 Ha Rolled Roast Beef; pr lb. . . . . . . . lOf Pot Roast Beer,, per 10 ;P S LolrkStesk. per lb ...12H Rtbfereak. per -.-jir,v;Kair. 12 H Round Steak, per lb. i ...... lO Boiling Beef, per lb... Be) Bte Beet perjbjt,.. . . Of Shoulder Roast Veal, per lb.;.....10 Breast Veal, per ia ,iur Veal Cut let a per lb. ............. .104 IeyVeal. ptrlfev.v.wtTmwwl 1 Veal,. sausage, per id. ............ .lUf Spring Lamb Loin Chops, per lb SDiina- Lamb Shoulder Chops. per lb........:.... ...;....:.1Z Snrlna Lamb Shoulder Roast. . per lb.... .o...lU Breakfast Bacon, per lb, ..,..4TH Hams, fancy sugar-oured, per liar.. 16 Corned Beef, perjb.. ...... .-i8 to 8 Lard. - 6-le.- pall r. ..... 60 Pork Baosagar per lh. . . .Ztv.10 Hamburg, per lbi . i ." 1 0 Frankforta, per lb..y;... lot Bologna, Iba forX. 25e Wo ether 'tatabereaa nat eur Tri ia. Na other batcher sreteade to. Qo.llty the sot. We will b.ts an eitra force of elerke for Sattiaday; there wlU be aa taeioae watta -Vary . kwr prtcea t setrla. boarding houaea, raaUnrln. cafaa, koats and ahlpa. We are J. a c EYUON TEAS. TficUreaf Hit of the Portland Fair The Cheapest ; Tea to Buy I a iaa a a aa -SjaA- A- I bne Pound Equals Three No. 1 Ceylon and India H-lb. can. 40. No. C. and IJi lb..-.35r SOL'D BYJtLL GROCERS - ROE SIHIADy Sc Per Lb. HALIBUT, S pounds. .... .25 I JJalmon Troutr 2 lbs. . ... . .25 Chinook Salmon, lb......... 10$ Fresh Crabs, 2 for. ........ -S5 Crawfish, Live or Cooked. , ThreesrnaU for. . . i ...... -5&e? FRESH SHIPMENTS RECEIVED DAILY STANDARD GRAB CO. 171-173 MADISON STREET (at the Bridge) " HowMuch Do You Pay Jor Butter? LOOK UEyOUR-BILL- Fresh and halted "iah of Every Description at Lowest Prices Two Urje Crabs.. . ..rnT;.25e Crawnsh ooked rresh Uailr, Chickeos, lb. '. . 17c dozen .............. . . ; .25$ -No Cold. Storage Chickens Handled Here. Columbia Fish 1 .THIRD AND AN KEN V - ' PHONE. MAIN 6 FELLOWS GEIOCEIHY CO. THE BIG STORE. WITH. THE LITTLE PRICE We .Are Now in Our New Store, 349351 Oak Street Only two short blocks from Washington, near Seyanth Phone Main 2596" In order to better handle our large and in creasing . business Ve were compelled to' seek a new location. We were fortunate in securing this large store so near the business center .and just out of the laighrent district- - We are now able to give special attention to the prompt delivery of all orders. ' "' ' I. ":'.;'t-. ; ' ' ' A FEW. OPENING PRICES FOR SATURDAY: Meats , 21 lbs. Best Dry Granulated Sugar........... 91.00 22 ibsDry Gnulated Beet Sugar. . . . ..... ..1.00 Tacfc"goodard wheat Flour.. . . . . .", .' . .90s) Sack RoseCity fancy patent Floury . ii ... .fl.15 1 lb.Baker's Premium Otocolate. . . .77777777:; 30 1 Can Baker's Cocoa........ ......20 Cans Star Cream. . . . . ...7 .".7-7. 7. . .".7.60 1 - Pkg. Scotch or Quaker" Oats 7.77 ...... ... 7. . 7 10f 1 3--lb-Can-Assorted -SoaprT7: .. ... . .. 7 . .10e -1 Can Eagle Condensed Milk .7 ...... . ,7 , 74. 15 Prime Rib Roast BeeflbTT. 7777712' Pot Roast Beef, lb..7...:.6e to 8f ' Round Steak, lb 777;. v.v,V.! ...l0i Boiling Beef, lb..17...44..7. x5i - Roast Vel, lb. ... . w.7 ..'7.,.. 10 . Breast Veal, lb... .... . ..iW, .7.8 - SpringTnib71fegT lb. . . . 7'15a Pork Sausage and , Hamburger 7. 7J4 .. TOW rirerly rarmara " WHOLESALE AND RETAIL GROCER , L ZU,' tSS. Third at., ear. Jeffarssa. . Bit; Stora of UttU Prices T" rozxownrs moss vox aan tov ia 0K XTIBT D01XAB. ftUiXlTT aVAaajrXXZS scKiixiaa'a best aaxma Kwin Is still, per lb We DET aaaa-nXATXS tVGAt, MS SACX.H.W 1 IM BBT QXAMUUkTUt tWAS t pass Maroolla slaased 'tatraats .........Me t pks aaw Srsws sersed raMa ........tee Iba saw S-erews looaa Mnaratala WM 1-le eas Boral baklnc sewoer 40 Crease Biarkwell's eHra oil. qt 4-tb-pkf Ara A Haaer aoaa .....6a lal eaa fSsey table H-sal eas fasey taaie eyrap ........soe breddad Wbeet starait, per pas. ..........lot raaey Early Jnn Peaa, par eoe BOe IS ban Baral Baron soap ............Set T ease beat M. sardines la oil .....Sba B-Ib palle pore lard S5 10-lb pall pore lara..-. Core oyitera l-ID eaoa. Bona, per sas sot H-O eats. -lb pkfa, per pkg 1C Baat plcnle hama. par lb.. ............. .....lie Phreddrd eoeoeaat, per Ik lie Kard-wbeaf door, par sack- ..$1.0 ieotca eata, set pkg .10 roatan eeraal, per pkg'... Beat eoft-wheat floor, par seek. 1.09 lara Mocha snffee (refcolar sBe) sfta H boa sod4 rrarkars (aboat 1 laa) ...... .COt Kagllab Breakfaet tea. par lb .............lie Paaey Oeapowder tea (regater Me) ........If Blaoolt, par pkg. ...... be Cast Side ' bellnrles Tlnedaya ssd lrldaya ... , - raoaa Kant' os. . MbneySaved I" Money z Made : r Real preamerr butter. . einnA nreamerv butter.. Dairy butter BO 4 and Hameh egss, t dosan.......... ... Beat sugar-cured hams, pound.... Cheese, X . pounds.. Swlsa cheese . ... Cream brick cheeee. ............ . Umburger cheese Saturday la chicken day Springs. 4S 40e 35 45e 164 264 25 25 La Grande Creamery tee YAsfltxu. RainiecUMaciet Beat Meats at Pur' Hory7)rt -SOndBOeT Fresh Ranch Eggs, dosen. ... ...116e Finest Creamery Butter.. BO end.66 Fresh lot.Dslry Butter, per roU.40 Columbia Drippings, large can....25r Humpty Dumpty Flakes, pkg. .. ., .16 Two packages for....... ...26 Fresh Dressed. Chlckena Saturday; A rnQ Una ef Oaansd 0oosa and Soap. Freeh Flak avery Wednesday aaa Friday Butter, Egg and Cheese O. Bios, .7k aad VaMav ftnav alala las. MM i The Chicago fVilarket v Make Fresh Every TUESDAY The Genuine German Knock-Wurst Make Fresh Every SATURDAY: VEAL SAUSAGE ; . - : 'V FRESH KETTLE RENDERED LARD -We Put Up the Finest k Prime Rib Roast of Beef ' ' . . ' . , y . In the city. Take one home for your SUNDAY DINNER. 7 All kinds of Fresh and Salted Meats. . With our new - Hygienic Cooling Counter we are prepared to. render and serve better Meats, as it is protected from dust and flies. 1 87 Third Street, Near- Yamhill " PHONE MAIN"4l3. 47 ' 7 sstssssssnitttnttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttf Ne v York Market S Grocery r IV " .The Big Store of .Little Prices - r77' 477-479 WILLIAMS AVE.. ' " ; " 7 7 PHONE EAST 460 In spite of the fact that some east side merchants would love to drive us out of business we are growing, our -trade naving increased 50 per cent th past week.--, Why? Because we handle nothing but r the best and sell at living prices Watch for our BIQ ad. next Fri day. Hold your big order until then when we will surprise you with what we will save you... .. . 7 The best Flour irf the city.fl.10 A fine family Flour...'. ....95e 1-qt. Bottle C. & B. Lucca Oil -i.7T; . ... . .-. . ; .Yv. .65 A fine Sweet Corn, 2 cans 1. 15? The best broken Rjce, 10 lbs.40 The best Creamery Butter, per roll .v....745e t ine CounTfyBuTterTT0liTrT35V VV. I. P,ink Bean, 8 lbs. fof.25e The best Rolled OatsT Ibs.25e The-best Laundry Soap, 8 bars for 25e Good Laundry Soap, 12 bars 25 Good Tomatos7Tans7fprT;25 : 1Mb. sack Whofe Wheat -. Flour 7. . i . . 7 . . . , r . . .7 . 25 Yellow "of White Cornmealpef sack ...... ....7.....;...25e Albert Roche Sardines, 2 cans ...... ........ 7.7. 7.25e 25c Pkg. P. C. B. Co. - ' - -L Praflrra - , , 2Q ' 21 lbs.' Dry Granulated Sujrar for ......$1.00- lOO-Jb. Sack ".Dry .Granulated , ' Sugar . .v. . rr. ....,. .$4.75 1 Oregon New Potatoes, 15 ' lbs. ... i. ...7. ...,25i All Mail and Telephone. Orders promptly filled, and wV deliver the : goodiTlghtontime and -deli ver the -right - goods - every timer. .-, - . .... . - i , , r