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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (June 22, 1906)
THE OHEGOW DAILY -JOURNAU PORTLAND. FRIDAY EVENINO, JUNE 22, -1CC3. v SEtJTEfJCE backers ancj Railroad Assessed Eighty-Five Thousand and Freight Brokers Sent ' to Prison. . ; .. 11 1 '" (jaurnal KhcW Crrrin.1 " '' Kansas citv. Mo.. June 12. Elxhiy- five thousand dollar waa ordered fcald . in iinaa and two men aant to uu py Judge; Mcrheraoa In the federal oourt - thla morning In sentencing tha defend .-. anta convicted of rebate practices. -The Chicago, Burlington at Qulncjr railroad, the Cudahy-Faulting company, the Ar mour Packing companr. Bwlft aV Co. and Morrla A Co. were each fined $18,000. . George TX.:r Thomas. a. - New Tork ' freight broker, was fined ts.OOe ' and sentenced to four months la jail and hie .: clerk, I. B. Tlggart. was fined 14,000 and sentenced to three , montha' lm- " ArilAnmAnt 1 ...... '... ' . '; . Previous fo the sentencing tha court overruled the motions for new trials, Pending: : appeal no attempt will be ..made to enforce the sentence for .; week. - - .-.Xhe packers and railroads war eon meted by a jury laat week In tha federal court after a trial lasting; several days. .Thla la tha first case of Ita kind tried ' by a Jury. Judge McPheraon, , In delivrlng .the sentence, reviewed each case In detail dwelling; particularly upon tha manner In whclh tha rebates were paid in cur- rency ojr -messenger - or - In , plain, en velopee. How the firms receiving them -did not enter them upon the books "all , concerned, by eecrecy, practically eon- freeing their knowledge of deliberate -A guilt." . . -' ' V ... , ., , .'..' . WEBER REFUSES TO 1 ... WORRY ABOUT NECK . (Joamal SdwUI service.) ' " Auburn, CaL. Juna ll.--Adolph Weber, the. condemned murderer, rested quite well laat night and when he was flrat .notified of the supreme courfa decision be was Indifferent. 'Later he became communicative - and ' remarked to the sheriff "Well, you've won your point, not casting any . reflections your law pulnt. 1 mean." When asked tt he- wished to sea his attorneys, ho replied "I would like to sea Kr. Johnson.', SANTA CRUZ CASINO J . . DESTROYED BY FIRE ' (Journal iDeelil gervlce.t '-. ---- Banta. Crus, CaL. Juna 14. Fire early thla morning destroyed the Casino and all the restaurants along- tha waterfront adjoining. The Casino was recently built at tha coat of a quarter of a mil- lion dollars, t. The total loss la estimated . -at' (300,000. - . . CHINAMEN PLANNING TO LAND ON FOREIGNERS f ' ifJoarnil Bneclat lervlee.l f Berlin, June; tJ. The Frankfurter Zeituna- states that tha Chinese govern ment intends. io carry out an Important anti-foreign measure upon the return of the commission which has toured Amer tea and la now In Europe. - ' . EXPLOSION OF STOVE - ' Kll I S THRFF BARFS r i I (Joanuil Roertel Rnvtre.! Harrison, uiuo, June -a gaaoiine atove - exploded - at the. .residence of Charles Weushorn tbl -morning- and burned To death three children, aged I, 4 and 8 yeara, CAFE AND MUSIC HAIL : WEEK BEGINNING MONDAY, JUNE 25 Nancy, Rice v' World's Greatest Harpist Fiechtl's Tyrolean Sextette in V-; SPECIAL ACT Last Week Before tak ing European Toar The Dazellr Comedy Acrobats Trixetta" Serpentine Dancer and Contortionist - ' . : 1 ; .1 . BelleiLawrence In Specialty r MOVING" PICTURES Special Daily Matinees from ".. ""v 2 to 6 o'clock. - SrECIAISVNDAY MATINEE TT:2 to 5 o'CIock rr V Program Changed Daily.- Entrance at 21 North Third Street, 21, 21 and 25 North Sec ond street, and 243, 245 and 247 Burnside etreet. IIIGII IIOW FOR L1I1S. LOriGl'OilTII Given Precedence by the King o England Above Peeresses '7 :"' of Nobility, toarset Special gwTfce.l ' -' London, June 10. Evidently the king waa charmed to meet tha president s daughter, as the unprecedented honors sbOwa her h&ve set all LiOndon to talk int.- . . .. ... Given precedence over all the peer- asses of England, she "waa seated. Mrs. Nicholaa Longworth andaome of the peereaaea over whom ahe waa given . precedence. Keadinglf 1 from the top downward .these peer eaaea ar the Ducheaa of Marlbor oughTounteasnde-Orey-and-ieH : Ducheaa of Bnccleugh. ther klng-'a persoiad requeet. beside- hla majesty at tha extraordinary dinner and reception aiven by Ambassador and Ura. Raid, In honor of 18f. and Mrs. JJong- worth at Dorchestar hous. It was a deliberate . mark of distinc tion to a daughter of tha United States that haa made Mrs. Long worth the center of attraction, tj Brttaln today. ;The klngr chatted with her -continual ly throughout the; "-elaborate function, and Mrs. Long-worth'a heightened color and hlh spirits-showed how she appre ciated the ocoaslon. The dinner and reception were -per haps ' tha most remarkable that have aver been' given by tha representatives of any-, foreign government In -London. They wttracted the attention of tha en tire social. .- diplomatic-and -v- political world. Tha wholee affair ' waa marked throughout by lavish display and in-, difference to cost. , - WOMAN REFUGEE RIDFS IN HUSBAND'S CLOTHES In Order to Get East, Wife Takes Charge of a Car of Cattle ' Shipped to Omaha. " ' , (Anmial Bpeelel Service.) -lOmaha. Neb.. June J 3 Dressed in her husband's clothes, lit charge of a car of cattle. Mrs. Kate-Miller made her way band rode on a' passenger train on 'a paas. George H. Miller lost all hla earthly possessions in the fSan Fran cisco fire. Tha couple came to Denver with one of the trainloada of re fusees which, left the stricken city after tha disaster, but failed to find work. , A friend secured a pssa for Miller, on which hla description waa punched as a male. Mrs. Miller could not ride with him. ' Miller, however, also had an offer to go to Omaha in charge of a load of cattle. Then Mrs. Miller remembered how ahe had caredTafeowa 6fl r her father's ranch In tha old days. She de clared she would cut her hair 'and wear George's duds snd ride on the cattle train. Reaching South Omaha this morn- nr aha met her husband and they re- oalrea-T0 tr small hotel, where She) changed back to ner own cunnea. r- FEDERATION COUNCIL ..- ADJOURNS SESSION V- -' " (Joeniai Special Service.) ' Washington, D. C. June 12. The executive council of the American Fed eration of Labor adjourned today. It failed to publish the political procla mation to worklngmen ' which was scheduled for today. The committee aa not finished drafting the proclama tion. . - . , FOLK GRAfJTS TIME . HE PROMISED WOMAN ' . (Jown.l BpeeUl Service.) ' Jefferson City, Mo., June It. The governor haa given 10 days' reprieve to Aggie Meyers and Frank Hottman. who are eentenced to hang toe the murder of L.DD 0!i d' AGAKJ TODAY Explains Origin of the Occident Investment Company in Re ply to Questions.' HELD NO PERSONAL r STOCK IN CONCERN AH Stock He Controlled Waa Held . for Ladd ft Tiltonr Prorlilnra nl tha, . Johnaon Estate Hearing ' Being Continued Thla Afternoon.' ' At 11 o'clock thla morning the hear ing of tha testimony of William ' M. Ladd In .the con Uo vers y over tha ad mlnlstratorshlp.of tha estate of A. II. Johnson - was renewed In tha connty courti In- response to-the tjtieiitlons of his attorneys, Mr. Ladd explained tha origin of tha Occident Inveatment com pany. Ha aaidi- ' . - ' "About tha time It became apparent that there would b a sale of tha prop erty of the estate at First and Taylor streets to satisfy tha judgment of Isom White, Mr. Mcintosh, Mr. Woodard and myself talked -tha matter over.' Mr. Woodard suggested that the creditors of tha aetata ought to do something fo proteot themselves. "A corporation was formed' to be a bidder at tha sale. Tha stock of tha Occident Inveatment company wag all held by tha United ptatea National bank, the 'London As Ban Francisco bank and tha barik of Ladd TUton. Each bank TielcTTstock "In Drooortion "to- Ita claim against tha estate. .. . Purpose of ' Company. ' 77 'In real estate values were very law. Jn every-Toreclosura aJ tha mortgagaa had to bid in tha property. and they oould buy It In at nearly any figure they wanted to, We formed tha Occident IAvestment company for tha purpose of making Mr. White pay Just as much for tha property as we could. I held no stock m the corporation per sonally.' What I held waa for Ladd A TUton, as creditors of tha Johnaon es tate. Th Occident Investment company bought tha property for ahout $18,000. At that time I had J8t In my hands that belonged to the estate. The prop erty waa sold (n 1902, about three) years after the sale, for f 20,000. ' There was a time -during the redemption period when I had enough, money of tha es-. tats DBhand to redeem the" "property. At one time I had advanced 17,700 to pay the bills q the estate.". The hearing of Mr. Iadd'e taatlmony ta being continued thla afternoon. At torney Rlddell,- representing-thai John son heirs, has not yet begun the cross- examination, , - SHOOTS. HERSELF : - (Continued from Page One. to this city a week ago from Britten Columbia and engaged a. room at the YMan-Ha tedgtwff-hoess- s sOlty -Third street. The identification or the suicide was entabllshed by Mrs. BL. BLTomson. whose address waa found on a slip In the purse 1yinrTrtBe-wrnry.- Asked to See Revolver. -- 4 It was-ahortly after 7:80 b'clock hla morning that the Le. Mont woman en tered Johnson A Cladius' gun store at m Yamhill atreetand asked Mr. Cladius to show her a revolver. "I want a pistol of heavy caliber," ajie . Bald. "for use on a camping -trip, and I would ima to -teai.tnajfeaPQP Cladius. took a Bmlth & Wesson .S8-cailber police reVorver from the caae and banded it to the woman:. After anapplng the trigger several times. She stated that if-It -did not kick too hard ahe would "paythi Cladius was alone in the store at the time he declared that it would be neces sary to postpone the test until hla part' ner arrived. Accordingly the woman seated herself in a chair and. taking a pack of cigarettes from her purse, leis urely lit. one and. watched the smoke curl toward the celling. ? Ooes Into Basement, v At S o'clock C F. Johnaon. tha other proprietor, made his appearance Just as Cladius waa preparing to accompany the women to the basement to test tha weapon. Johnaon relieved his business associate of - the : task and preceded Miss La Mont down a flight, of steps into the collar. " Upon turning on the electrio llghte he loaded the weapon and handed It to her, without any Inkling tof the tragedy about to occur. He noticed that ahe waa slightly nerv ous and did not seem to understand how to handle a weapon. He instructed her in the use of the pistol and then walked to the end of the baaement with the in tention of nailing a paper target to the wall. - As he stooped to pick up a stick with which to drive the nail, there was flaah and a muffled shot and John son turned In time to see his prospec tive customer fall mortally wounded to the ground. jTqiioeJlrt jrotaiet Frightened bjrthehprrpr. ofthe, af- rair Johnson rusnea up tne narrow stairway and hurriedly notified the po liceover the phone. -Captain Moore, Detective J. A. Meare aod Patrolman Innskeep raoed to tha scene in the pa trol wagon. An -examination of the body showsd that death had undoubt edly occurred instantly, and the coroner was notified. In a purse near rhe body was found a bunoh of keye. 10 cents, a pair of gloves. and on a leaf torn from a notebook the inqrwu di mri..jumiu, twmui murL i S1GK HEAD AGUE Positively cared Hfi these Little PUls. They also rellete Die trees from Dyspepsia. In dtgesUoa and Too Hearty Eating. A perfect rem edy tor Dtzxineas, Nausea. Drowsiness. Bad Taste in the " Hon. -Coated 'Ttffigao.Tain to the Bide, TORPID LTYTfR. They regnlata the Beweia. Purely Vegetable. SHALL PILL. S&ULL DOSE. SKA1LPSICE. - Cinuka Musi Bear Fao-Sirails Signaturt . REFUSE SUBSTITUTES. CARTERS Hat C sanWsTa STOi, taa sv-s-wrO-ti UAItl IWo CllTTL ;' : 1 -j egSafSMBBBBBBBBBBBaBBBBBBBBBSlBBBa ' . """""""""" - ' - $1 J! ..... y ..." ' . ' r ...v- ( , j Clatsop 1 Clatsop Sunday, JOcketC-on sale Saturday al 248Alder Street, and Sun- , dayofnihgTat-c-: Union The Little Doctor-in ouiestocketi: EE the tWn, round-cornered little Enamel Box below I When earried In tout vest pocket It eanrHealth-Inaurance. ' . It contains Six Candy Tablets of nitmint tante, glmogL-Stjleaaant aa chocolate. Each tablet la a working dose- of Cas careta, which acta like Exercise on the Bowela and liver, It will not pury,' sicken, nor upset the stomach Because It la not a driver," Bke Salt, 5o-... dlum, Calomel, Jalap, - nna. nor Aperient Waters. , . These waste Diges tive Tnloea of the yaterd needed to morrow, In -merely flushlnf out the Bow- -ala today, v , . e - Neither la it like Castor OU. Glycerine, or other Oiljr Lata- Uvea that almply lubricate the Intes- . II frrmTTTTTt 1 1 a kwA saBBBBBBk rr tfrr -o r m , Stt Ht t " Vttt PockeT Caumrtl Bex tomftand to Watch. tinea, tor transit of the food stopped up la them at that partle ular time. ' These emergency drugs aeBeva the ' Immediate trouble, but do not relieve ltsf ; Cause. TJie same trouble will therefore recur again ttll that Cause Is removed per manently. T)teic--caae-fuilTfairon--trTj Indigestion laa wealtnesaoiU)aMuscIes that contract the Intestines and Bowels. Carcareta are practically to the Bowel Muscles what a. Massage and Cold Bath' are to tha Athletic Muscles. A card of the Totem saloon was also discovered in the purse." Nothing else that ''wniiM un. ti MenHfv dncedent yaj found. ' i -f" . . It Is evident, from the fact -that 10 eenta no doubt represented all her store of- wealth. lha-J he -woman waa un doubtedly cognisant of the fact that it was tha 'custom of . the proprietors or gun store te tewt arms, In tha,JHtae- meht and she' laid her lana accordingly.- Both Johnson and Cladlua ars posi tive that they never saw ner peiore and It la a mystery how she came to kndw of the target range in tne cellar. - Body la Identified. . rjetectlvn J. A. Meare made an tnvee- ttgatlon aifa located Mrs. Tomson in the Cosmos hotel at Fourth and Morrison Streete. She ' admitted knowing a woman answering the description of tha dead woman and.. upon, viewing the re mains at the undertaking payors Iden tified -the bodx as that of Cecil i-a Mont. tha" toid muaro. If you are languid, depressed. Incap able for work, it Indicates that your liver la out of order. Herhlne will aaslat na ture to throw oft headaches, rheumatism and allmenta akin to. nervousness and restore the energise and vitality of sound and perfect health. J. J. Hub bard. Temple, Texaa, writee: I have need Herblne for the past two years. It haa done for me more good than all the doctors. It Js the best medicine ever made for chills snd fever." . SOo, r Sold Beach M1E .. ' Beach June 24th Depot They atlmulate the Bowel Muaclea to eontractr expand, and'squeexe the Digea- ' Uve Juicea out of food eaten. CaacareladaJthla naturally, wlthoutl purrlne or discomfort. They don't help the Bowela and Liver ln eucfl t wajra ls makal almllar assistance tor the future. Thla ia hy. with. Caanareta, the dose may be lessened eaxnjuoceedlnf Time Instead eflft&eased. aa tt must be with all succeeding doses of other Cathartics and Laxatives. . Caacareta aot like exercise. - ;. If carried tn your Vest Pocket, (or car ried in My Lady's Purse), and eaten Just when you sus pect you need one, you will never know a alck day. from. Jha ordinary ilia of life. . 7 Because, nearly all -these Hla begin in ,the Bowela, and , partial Constipation pavea the way for ,-7-:'7 -' v -'..) ' all other Diseases. 7 "Vest Pocket" box 10 cents. A " Be aure'yu Kt the genulo'e',' made only by the Sterling Remedy Company, and never sold In bulk. " Every tablet tamped "CCC.'' TKt tTT O OUR rRICWDJrt We wtnt te send te ear friends a eeaetl! -FreoclHletlgned GOLO-PUITED BONBON B0 Baro-enameled in colors. It ( h.ntv Sir s dressing table. Jen cents la tumps is asked si a aieatar of food faith ind to cover cost efCassareta Wltk whlck IKscilnTy trinket U leaded. 715 Send t4ay, inenUonlnf this paper. Aadres SterUag Remedy Cempaay, Chlage er flew Tetk, MrsTTomson says the young woman was about 11 yeara of age and resided in this city about a year ago. - She came originally from Brltlah Columbia and She was often tnoroae and melancholy, but never voiced her Intention of com mitting suicide, .n ' , -Mrs. M. A. Robertson, the landlady that Miss L Mont came tff her-ptaoa laat Saturday, and paid a week'a rent In advance.. According to Mrs. Robert son the girl slept during the .day aris ing generally about 6:S0 p. m. From lettere Addressed to Coo 11 La Mont, Nanalmo, Brltlah Columbia, and to 117 Utrpont etreet, . Vancouver Brltlah Co. lumbla, the etory of her method of life was- learned. . The lettere written to her from Vancouver bear the heading of Center Hanna. undertakers, at , ( Heatings etreet. In that city, and are signed Marry Me. Adle. They breathe love and affection. There ia nothing In the eplntlee. however, that tends to shed any light on the motive for the suicide. . The poMce are now endeavoring to as certain where the woman spent her time while here, and.. the proprietors of the Totem saloon, at 110 Morrison street, where, tt la understood, she had been on several occasions, will be asked to tell what they know of her movements. Mrs.' Lou Earle of St. Johns, the po lice have learned, waa a friend of the WerAre ttie'Leading Specialists T ABSOLUTE GUARANTiX LOST POWER RESTORED 7 There ia not a man in existence who ia suffering from im potence that we cannot rebuild so as to accomplish tha arrestee! dej sire and satisfaction, and after we have cured a ease of thla kind there will never again bea sign of weakness except brcragt-oa hy imprudence. -- ,. .-'..77 . 7". -. :. - ' - . ' .' ' WlRE,THEONLYSUCCESSFIJI WHO CURE TO STAY CURED. A LIFE-LONG CURE FOR CHRONIC DISEASES. ULCERS. STRICTURE. HYDROCELE. VARICOCELE. BLOOD POISON. .KIDNEY AND BLADDER DISEASES. WRITE, if yoti cannot call. AH correspondence atrfctry confi dential, and all replies senrtHlaifferfvelopea. No names, cases, letters or photographs of patients published or exposed, Indoat 2-cent atamp to insure reply. . v ' HOURS8 to S, 7 to SLIiOuis UEDICAI AND SlIRGICAl COR. "SECOND AND YAMHILL STS, PORTLAND, OR. OT AXXi AOSS WIO ABB T7- nmxma raon mimm, Awav-Aiir-aiXiOOB-, awjor, arraw . Yotrs Ajrs gmorai pzaxAsxs. - -We give those afflicted with any of these distressing maladies "the "best kind of help. We help - them back to Bound health. OUR TREATMENT eurea. . " We Cure in a Week We do not experiment. Our long and extensive experience In the classes of- disease to which wa limit our practice enablea ua to make "a correct "diagnosis -and to apply the proper remedies to proper remedies to I . Wa lake . conatltu- fd each case, we take constltu ttonal neoullarltiea into account, pecauae we know that a medicine that will ault one person may' I amwrree wun anetner. tnougn ... . . . . i uffnrlnr from the same dl In the vast majority of Instances hereOthcr HavePailed to CureWc Heal--J sufelyand If you are sick we advise yon Our term are most reasonable If our means are limited we wtH accept weekly or monthly leetallmeaft y OR TOU CAN PAT WHKN " . iim.i i"M can nTPi'f'fc tPff price land, to be paui to ua wnan you araj ALL MEDICINES Onnaiiltatlnn .free. Call or write treatment .4a, suoceeifultand cures men sent uraaia9ajgi jnpuiia Office hours I a. m. to I p. m. Sundays and Holidays, 10 to li. Dr. W. Norton Davis & Co. Treading peoJalists of the TAJf JTOT JsXOTBX 88 H TXZB9 MADE IN BUY YOUR SUPPIY NOW IT-n-iniMTQ Ar m As If eJVrilaULr Vl JJm Black " - Where to Q6 TlaTtt the- OABOXaT ZI&Astd In the iotTTsI gSAS, is a moat ae. 7 tractive plaoe to apend one'a summer vacation. . aV aCAJaQPOeUa-Sails from Ban Franclsoo, July 1; with a party d.happy people on their way to witness ths unique native. - that-Trtlfi place . July 14. Tbe S. . -yiareaiA will remain over in the harbor Six days, affording ample time to mnke the trip around the Island and visit the native villages. -Clement Wrass- the . famous writer. In his JKomanca of the South .? ut.ym "Tahiti la one-ft pot worth while In a tour of be world." W& la the first-class rate flan-'Franclsco to Tahiti and back.' Oooa hotels In TaftlU ' at -ft.te to t per day. Write foe circular to r - OGEANIG-Se-SCOe-t FOUR CENTS REMAINED OF TWENTY THOUSAND '.'.'-' i llmml anaeUl Bervtre.l - - New - Tork, - June j Mr-rrederlck Wilson, who la wanted in Loa Angelee for embesslement of II9.0Q-, was turned over to the chief of portce. of Log An geles today. Wilson says he planned the theft deliberately because he wanted to see New Tork and lead the gay life of which he bad always heard. He now declares New Tork Is- too expensive be cause tne only Job he eeuld get paid but tt per .day and hla expenses were never lss t-n tie dally. ) He had only a few eenta v .en arreated here June I, i i m i iii Cot-Crove Nurs-' Two traveling e- ' ' -t out by a mlp-' --y . ti rv ; ' 71;,; ESTABLISHED 23 YEARS IN PORTLAND. CONSULTATION FRpE v Our Fee SKIN DISEASES. . GONORRHOEA. PROSTATIC- DISEASES. . NERVO-VITAL DEBILITY. NOCTURNAL EMISSIONS. 8:30 Daily-, Sundays, 9 to 1Z r! A i rzr-. 3t ., Pcrmantntly. te lose no time in getting treatment. w, j-m cur ia jm jjuia fw- weUT entjreiy UNTIL CURED for Question blank. Our home even complicated cases. Book for uto ; sTorthwest. ST, COS. Betabllshed 188. ran, yoBTikAaro, OREGON COAL $7 urn ime - Ua tbil - DEUVEKED Phnno PACT 7 iiivuvunui I ( Dginselfour Dlccdlj The true Blood DaHaat way to cure all I Baaaett'e Native J llerba drive eut pot- $12.50 for a Cure Dispensary . v n av i a .. - 1 3 I V.. eeww mm I f X wJV ft sssnsjsjBksQss eseaVeVasvVaa) I y hen'il. aiB m Llvw If js , swum rwin I I -rf ts mr4 l m rn I ' ' tin T r : r i. the woman a husbeod. ' ay Woodard, Clarke sk Co iXa Mont' woman, '.