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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (June 22, 1906)
. : . '! , - ' ' , : . . y , . ; . -'- -. -t THE -OREGON - DAILY- JOURNAL. PORTLAND, FRIPAYLV ENINO. JUNE t3. XSCl .1 15 r TAKE OflE McCredie's Juggling In Right Field '.Rf sponsible for the . : Visitor' Runs GARVIN WAS NOT SO EFFECTIVE AS USUAL punching of Hita and Errors In Sec? ond and Fifth Innings Cave Parke WUson'a Men Four Hunt and Vic- M vers. Was I San rruduo 4. Portland 0, ' Batteries. Mrn and Wlleon; Oarvtn '". lend McLean. ; . The Olanta were bad yesterday. Ml wry bad at "that. I Thaw,Orrst-Pno' Pt the bunch .was the genial manager, ,o Crodle, the man who always' wears'an . angelic smile, and who ' everkh6ws what is to be cross. The aaid Mc Cradie waa so nutterngereoV--ye4tis . day that he . practloally preverted, ths' lour runs- , to the - Seals. - Wild BUI ' . Sweeney wu thera until tha wild heave to the: bleachers, whloh counted In tha visitor" favor. The only good thine to yesterday's conteat - waa ' the eood ; work done by the Seals. Parke Wilson and his band were In fine trim and- pnt up a gilt-edged exhibition. Myers was ' In the box for San Francisco, and he - had tha Olanta faded away, being etfeo' tlve " throughout - the contest. Garvin '. wti not himself. His1 customary clever ness was lacking. Of course, with the support he received he could not have won his game, but aside from the flag rant mlecuee, his work was not .up to the standard. ; t The Seals taeored twice In the' second on three hits.. . and - McCredie's - and Sweeney's bungling work. From the press box It looked as if the local man sger waa trying to eat the ball, but on closer observation it was learned that ' he was only making faces at It Hence t the trouble. . t In, the fifth Inning three more hits and similar stunt by McCredls'-gavs the seals two more tallies. Tbs locals .. could not do anythlngwith - Myers' curves, so there you are. Score: -',-PORTLAND. AB. R. H. FO. A. E. McHale. cf. , 1 0 11 0 Mitchell. If. ,.,,.... 1 o 1 lit Mccredle, rr. ....... 4 10 0 1 Smith, to. -.w.'.idi. .7-4 Juieter, 10. ............ I 0 0 II 0 1 Moore, ZD. !b. . . ."i. .... t O l fl 10 Garvin,' p.- Totals ............ ,0 Hi ( Z7 14 ( rr -SAW JTRANCISCa - - AB. R. H. PO.A. E. Spencer, c. 0 - 0 0 Wheeler. Mohler. lb. - Htlrfebrendr-4; 4 1 l"o"o Jrwin, ie. William lb,. . 4 0 0 110 0 10 0 vv uson, c Mysrs, p. ,J 1 8 0 4 1 1-0' Totals t ......t..lT 4 1011 II Oarrln bunted third strike. : . . . . .. . J jSCORB BT INNINGS. ' . Portland . .....0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Hits r-.......,0 0 ri 0 1 0 0 1 I San Francisco ...0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 , HIU .0 111MM If SUMMART. ' ' ;;- , Struck out By Garvin, ; by Myers, Buse on balls Oft Myers. Donhla play Mohler to Wheeler to Wllllama. Sacrince hit McHale. Stolen base Moore. First base on errors San Fran Cisco, 1. Left oa bases Portland, C; San Francisco, 7. Time of game One -1 ft? n'mt-r I'mplre Ifnell. PACIFIC COAST LEAGUE. -Wnn.-Lost.- If V ...14 11 t.c: .704 .154 -.811 .441 Ban Francisco Portland . . . - Los Angeles .i rf feattie Fresno 11 .il 1 II It .148 Sail Batted Ont. ' Jnui usf SJueflMl -Hi tin - - Oakland, Cel., June 21. The locals had a plcnio with the Angels yesterday. Boon; R.H. E. . . i-. t i Loe Angeles . ...... wkl&nd .. ,...1111 1 Batteries Hall. Burns and Eager: cates and Bliss. Umpires McDonald . and Hod son. . T.r-r-r; , yifsrs Am Blaaksd. T "" ' (Special Dapetck le Tbe JearoaLt Seattle, . Wash.. June 11. The locals had an easy time In shutting out the Tlgere yesterday. Score: Seattle . , . , . . . .1 0 I 0 1 1 1 0 S T O . . ' . ' ' ' - JJ jj p. Fresno . . ... . . . 0000000 0 0 1 Batteries Vlckera and Blankenehlp; Lempks and Hogan. Umpire Perrlne! NORTHWEST LEAGUE. Basy Xo Oiays Xasbo. i (gpeelai Di.patcfe tm TUe Joaroal) ' Aberdeen. Wash., June 13. Oravs Harbor outbatted the Butts men yes-Urday.-iioore; yw . . . . . . .'. . R. H. E. Orsys Harbor .V1I9O000 4 11 f ttutte , doUs'iTiood- I win and L. Boettlger, Hurley.. - Last Sunday. $110 . Feaaide . excursion next To give a superior grade SEALS FROH GIANTS Oil . , Pve f$ at ?30 (OUR MTIOlHQllrTTiriel of which: todayDrings $4.00 - - - ... ; x ... "'f yTt?ye' HltJt f2.50 COUR QUALITY HAT), showing the styles of $5.00 'goods " .and the wear and durabihtj of any .$3.00 hat in town. , ' . .rii3v aU Shge and Hat money ta bring 'you better resUltSh more satisfaction. " - - And to satisfy, you'that. otir aim Is well directed that we are hortest in our endeavors, drop in tomorrow and we'll talk over that new TOP AND BOTTOM. ' - -,:i.-. - 303 ; ; GCTFTwTNTv7NSTHE SUBURBAN HANDICAP ' " - - . (Joeraal SDeetal Seriea.t 1 New York. June IS. Go-Bet ween, at I to 1. captured the Suburban nan cap at Sheepshead Bay track yester day, being given perfect tide by Shaw. Dandelion waa seoond and Colonial got third.- The customary big crowd wit neased the event, but the Interest vu somewhat modified on acooUhfof "some of the crack horses not being entered. uo-netween ran a beautiful race, com ing into the stretch waa leading bunch of four, with Oo-Between keep' Ing well up in the procession In the home stretch Shaw let his mount go and passed tinder the wire a short head winner from Dandelion. The results were:'- - ----- . Bteeplechaae. short course CoJigny won. Paul' Jones second. Kernel third. Time. :0l 1-1. - i Six- furlongs Brookdale Nymph won. Tradition second. .Time,' 1:11. Two starters. : The double event, five and one-half furlonae Ballot won. Water Pearl seo- srErram-Ttina: TimoTTios. . The suburban handicap, mtle and a quarter Qo-Between, -U 8haw, lo I. won rDandeliod, T.or TMlllerT. ' t to 1, second;. Colonial Girt. 111 (Sewell). It to L third. Time. 1:0( Proper, To Kaion, cairngorm, Oxford, Dolly Spanker, Astronomer, Coderstrom. Xu rokl,, Agile' Also" ran; ; ; Five furlongs Oeorge 8. Xavls won, Aletbuo second, '" " Yankee -iGlrl - third. Time, ,1. ' ; ' .. '. r- Mtle And "rwlxteerith on turf Benev olent ' won. . Prince Frederick second, Lancastrian third. Time, 1:4 1-8. .. DRAWINGS MADE FOR CONSOLATION EVENTS The handicap committee of the Mult nomah club made the following draw ings laat evening for the consolation events In the tennis tournament now in progress for theXadd cup: R. Wilder, bye: A. Alexander vs. R. Rylancs: T. E. Harrlgan vs. N. Barrett; W. Anderson vs. H. E. Plummer: E. C. Durham vs. J. C Zan; J. W. Ladd vs. A B. MoAlpln; A.- A. Morrison, bye; M. Dunne, bye. ..' The finals for both' tbe Ladd cup and the consolation prises will corns off on June 10. It. Is the wish of the com mittee that all- of tbe scheduled events for the consolation shall be played off as early as possible. ... NATIONAL LEAGUEc ""i-Won. 41 ; Chics New York . vlT a Pittsburg .-. Philadelphia ,! lifUll a. 24 Cincinnati . St. Louis Brooklyn 7...... : k Boston ; At Philadelphia. ' R. H. E. St. Louis . . Phtladelohia 1 1 Batteries Druhot and Murray: Pit tinker and Donovans Umpires Ca er ana vonwsy. At Boston. ' R. H. E. ....10 II I and Brown; Boston Chicago . Batteries Llndaman Bee be. Overall and- Moran. Umpi Johnson. v 1 ' ' At Bsw Tock, . ' R. H. V.. Pittsburg . V . . i New Tork .i ..-. ......!.. .5 11 I Batteries Leaver. McFarland and Olbson; McOlnnity, Mathewson and Bowerman and MarshalL Umpires Emslle and O'Day. , , , AMERICAN LEAGUE. Won. Lost. PlC. .421 ,518 .674 .637 .628 .610 Cleveland . . ....... .-. .83 20 New xom . il . is St Louis . .2 ; 15 Detroit . . 28 '15 Chicago . . 24 - 16 461 Boston . --- .18 40 7 .271 At Detroit. First came R. H. E. Detroit .0 7 1 .0 II 0 Cleveland Batteries Mullln. Warner and Payne: rieeet-anq. jaemis. .. . Second game . - . R. H. E Detroit . . ...... ...r... -vzttt. 2 .1 3 Cleveland . I 14 0 Batteries Kllllan and Warner: ,. Eela and Bemje. - . i . . At Washington. - R. H. V.. Washington".-;. 7r;v.fcr.v...i 10 l Philadelphia . . ...............1- 1 Batteries smith and Wakefield:: Ben der and Schreck. SPORTING GOSSIP. Claude. . one . of tha best racehorses In the country, died yesterday at Lex ington, Kentucky. Claude won 11 races nd earned 870,000 for his owner. M. J. Daly.. ' . :.- -.- e e Roy Elliott, captain-elect of the ttnl- verelty-of California football team, has resigned because the faculty Insists upon Rugby football being played. . e Tale defeated Harvard yesterday In a championship baseball game, I to 1. e e Umpire Jim McDonald of the Coast league has been retired on account of Illness. Pitcher Hodson was appointed In his place. ... , Sugsne XJbrary Work.. . daie'nOr.fjuVeW2BeglTnTng' July snd continuing till Julv 17. Misa Cnn. nella Marvin, secretary of tha state 11- Drary commission, will conduct a course in. library work ot Eugene. of merchandise at an inferior Lost p.C 1 .081 10" .HI 18 -. .484 21 .817 I6J407 7400 r4 .! 40 . .110 Aim WASHINGTON STREET Just West ot Fifth' Street OARSttEfTARlt READY itikii nub i iknu FOR ANNUAL REGATTA - (Jooraal Sneelal aerrlea.i Poughkeepsle, N. IT, June 11. Onoe more is the lethargy of this old town aroused over an Jtatereollegtete regatta. One hundred men representing the best the colleges have been able to develop by constant training will compete here tomorrow arternoop in the annual re gatta of tbe Intercollegiate Rowing as sociation. Tha crews which will strive for premier' honors represent Cornell. Syracuse, Columbia, - Pennsylvania, Georgetown and WIconaln. and the eve of the regatta rinds the same element 'of uncertainty which has been charao- terlstla of the event elnce Its inoepuon. Preperatlona have been made for a big crowd. Already the town Is filled with hundreds of graduates and undergradu ates, partisans of the ..six colleges which . will participate In the , regatta. discussing the probable winners In the three racea which will make up tomor rows program. The town wears a holi day appearance, the colors of all the universities represented being displayed The Influx tomorrow Is expected to be In excess of anything sver known at Poughkeepsle regatta, and it Is predicted that the largest crowd that ever wit nessed a rowing event In America'. will see the rival crews struggle for honors. YrM.CrArSENIORS-TO HOLD ATHLETIC MEET The T. M, C, A. senior athletic cham pionship will be held at the Irvlngton track . Saturday afternoon .at I o'clock. Oold. sliver and bronse medals will bs given to the three men scoring the larg est number of points and ribbon badges will be given for first, second ana intra In each event The association cham pionship Is also at stake snd there are number or athletes in me association who aspire to that honor.- ; The following events . win De run on In the order given: 100-yard dash, pole vault, 440-yard run. discus throw, high. jump. 120-yard dash, 11-pound shotput. broad Jump, faille run. ' The entries In so far are: - jamieeon. Oeerge Carlson, Sheets. Bruce, Johnson, Wetterborg. Erts. Backus. Flo, Ughty, C Spooner, L. Spooner. Footer, Pinkham, Robinson, . Rlea, BcBwarts. v. Morrow. H. Wyld. R. Hale. Oeorge Newell. A. Haller, Newell. Stubbs, A. Carlson. Bamblers "Win Agnla. ' (pedal Dlspstcb t Tbe Journal.) Salem, June tl. The Rambler base ball team added another trophy to their long list of victories by.wlnnin Wednesday arternoon from tha plucky Dallas Tribunes. ; Tbe Anal score was to I. ' .. - -- Dallas mads two tallies in tha second Inning and kept tha lead till the eighth, when the Ramblers scored . three runs. Jit that same inning the Tl tallied once. The deciding run was made In the ninth. Holman for the Ramblers pitched in fine style and Syron for the Tribunes did some clever twirling. - The batteries were: Dallas, Syron, pitcher: Baker, " catcher r - Ramblers,- -: Holman, pltcherr.Bashoratehen-Nace ot WU- lamette umpired. , '. Basing- at Seattle.. (Special )lspatrfe to The JnraaL) Seattle. June 1 1. Yesterday's races at Seattle Meadows: Four furlongs Grace St. Clair woa Katherine C- second, St Albans - third; time. 0:61. ' Six and a half furlongs--T soman won. C. of Diamonds second, Rasmus third i time, 1:H. ' Seven . furlongs watonrul won, Ku m US second, Ebel' Thitcher third;, time. 1:80H. ' - -..i - One mile Funnyslde won, Wenrick second. Harbor third; time, 1:41V. Six furlongs D.' Boland won. Presi dent Wheeler second, Pelhaih third; time. 1:144. - Mile and a sixtsenth Major Tenny won,- Duelist -second, Iras . third;-time, t:81H- . : , TRILLWOOD PREFERS - --PRIS0N T0 ASYLUM ' (Koeeisl- Dteoaich ta The Journal. i , -Klamath Falls. June Circuit court t opened here Monday morning with Judge Burnett of Salem on the bench. One of n the-firsf-cases -called . waathatfnf tha t k.L. .iimi ' A., v. 1 111- avvu.. released ' from the penitentiary, haying been sentenced tor-10 years for assault ing J. Frank Adams with a dangerous wapon.T By-.-good -hehavlor ha gained slmost three years) Vnd upon his release waa rearrested, as two other Indictments hare been pending against htm for as sault upon two other members of the Adams -family at the same time eight yean ago. - Trlllwood insisted upon ths appointment of Judge Drake- andAt torney JTtone to defend him, Both begged to be excused, on the ground that the only defense they could set up was the one he positively refused to .allow thera to make Insanity. The defendant him self demurred to the indictment, on -the ground that l read "on or about" a certain date. , The court sustained his demur. Then the district attorney asked that Trlllwood be held till an Information be filed against him for Insanity, which the court could not do, but Indicated that by referring the matter to the grand jury, In session, to bring In "not a true bill," ths suggested course could bs pursued. , Bnehasr astaes Filed. , (Spectal Dispatch to The loarasl.l ..' Albany. Or.. June 22. The estate ot the lata Conrad Buchner was yesterday flled in the office ot, the county clerk for :.:?..r-..r:r.:e.l personal property of the probable ralue of 110,100. His son. John W. Buchner, is namsd as administrator and will have charge of the settlement of the estate. ' ' ' ' - n. .rt. nf th. .i- price, f - -V .a .i, fj . .'J! iS I "i ';''. " ' ribunee also . TFAH-nfQ-rMvTMTnfY At 41!OTi MlflrAllO ' - ... ..-v- . - I Bet Stark and flAL AGAINST TRUST President Determines td Proceed at Once Against Standard Oil r , CompanyjOtfjclals. TO PUNISH VIOLATIONS . ' ' OF-ANTI-REBATE LAW Wall Street Gets a Tip on Pcobabla ' Action and Stocks Tumblt In Qon- sequenco Steps Taken to Locate Leak From the CapitaL ' '' (Joarsal npseisl Ssrriea) x ' . Washington, June 12. Plans to begin immediate criminal prosecutions against the officers of the Standard Oil com- f any for violations of the. Sherman anti rust act and prosecutions against Standard Oil officials and high railroad officials for violation of the Elkln's anti-rebate law have been completed by tbe administration, according to in formation gained from high authority last night. . . ' ' These plans, It is understood, were considered at a' mysterloue meeting of five csblnet officers at the White Uouae Wednesday night, which aroused much speculation In all circles. It Is said it had been 1 the Intention to ' keep the matter secret for a few days until the ACTION department of justice was ready to. KMkUZrrKnrxriL ita initial blow, wall street, however, which appears to get Information from every conceivable source, even when a secret is supposed to be confined to the president snd his confidential advisers, got a "tip" that . Standard Oil and the railroads wsre in for new trouble and on tbe strength of this stocks tumbled. Reports from New Tork say that Washington already had heard of the "leak"' and that steps havs been taken to locate It - It is believed that fears that some deep-laid plot is contemplated may-have given impetus to 'the presi dent's Intention of - prosecuting . the greatest trust and. leading railroads Im mediately. STAQKPOLTHASBAO V RECORD BEHIND HIM (Dedal Dispatch to The JonrasLV ' Butte, Mont, June - 11. Ernest O. Stackpdla, who with Mrs. Artlla Schreck Is charged with - the murder of Joel Schreck at Los Angelee, which case Is attracting widespread attention because of tha claim of the wife that she was hypnotised by Stackpole, la a native of Twin Bridges, Montana, and of very highly respected . parents. Stackpole sprung Into local notoriety by demand ing llf.000 from Senator W. A. Clark, upon pain of having his bank held-Op. Only ' the friendship existing bstween Stackpole's father . and Senator Clark prevented the young bandit from being sent to prison. Stackpole blew open a safe at Silver Star. Montana, and again his . prominent oonneotlons saved - him front the penitentiary. - He waa sent to San Ouentln prison. California, for hlah. war robbery but friendship was brought Ito bear upon ths executive of that' stats and Stackpole . wag pardoned with hla . '- ; - ' i' ' 1 ' ' It's after you have bought .;,;-;- : 1 v , .. .. ... ' l','-lVi:l -AM That-thev-wereHust-what-yoii- wanted a little lower than you It is that satisfaction that the purchaser of one of bur suits may enjoy. Will satisfy matter as to fabric, style or fit We are ready to v - -. m ' w ......... - m - ' . ... . ; V I Oak Wi 87 THIRD ST. Bet sentence, hut a quarter served. For II years Stackpole has been roving around. serving .one term- In the Utah peniten tiary during that time.. ... i .. AFTER STRENUOUS LIFE - -HEC0MMITS SUICIDE ..'. . . . . (RneciaT m. Batch, to The JmraaLk Bpffkanej Wesh, Jvnv ll.fiiifint Peterson committed suicide yesterday at Medical take by shooting himself with a rlf lev He-was found dead - at the slaughter-house on his ranch. He was arrested two months ago for assaulting hla wife. He was fined for that and the next day-was arrested for threatening the Ufa of his wife. - He .was put ln, Jail here under bonds to keep the peace. Ht kept sober during ths time of his bond a then drank again. Tuesday he ordered his will drawn, giving hla wife tl. That night he drove his wife from the house. She slept in the barn. Wednesday ha wanted ao buy a watca aa a present for his wife, but found his money was gone and claimed he had been robbed. Later he found hla purse with 170 In It where he had dropped it Wednesday night his wife saw hlnVlnJhe cellacjrlth-agun bet ween hll feet. He said be was going to kill himself If .aha left home. Dur ing the night Peterson wanted around to hla neighbors houses, threatening to kill some one. Yesterday, he waa found dead. - , i PARADE IS HELD BY . V V VETERANS AND LADIES (Apeclal Dispatch to The Jonrnal.) ; Grants Pass, Or., June 13. The great est and most Imposing spectacle of the grand encampment of . the Orand Army of the' Republic of Oregon, being held In this city, that has yet occurred during the week was the parade of laat even ing. The parade waa a long one and com prised the maJorttyof -the -veterans- of the a. A. R. m pigon. together witn. ana me ie- roms. There were over MO In line and thy were escorted from the busi ness section - of the city,- down Sixth street toward Rogue river, and to the encampment grounds. SPOKANE CONDUCTOR WANTS BIG DAMAGES Spokane, Washi" Juna - What promises to be one of the most bitterly fought personal injury cases that has been heard in the superior court for a long time has been started by Nicholas Miles against the Great Northern rall- rOTntrtrr wrhlclr-oarnsgeno th amount of 150.000 la asked. Miles ' was a conductor of a freight train last December, leaving HUlyard for Bonne re ferry, Idaho. His orders werd to leave two ears at Goodhue spur. A wild engine left tha same sta tion an hour later, overtook tha freight at tha spur, crashed Into . the caboose, demolishing It and- Injuring Miles. 5" ; v OXTBBS OU lOBls. L -. Westmoreland. Kan., May S, ' 101 Rallard, Bnow Liniment Company Tour flnow Liniment cured an old sore on the side of my chin that Wae supposed to be a cancer. The sore -was stubborn and would not yield TO trestment, until I tried Pnow Liniment which did the work In . ehoMorder. My sister, Mrs. Sophia J. Carson, Allehavllls, Miff In county, Pennsylvania, has a sore and mlntruaia that it lis a cancer.' Please -eend- her a to-cent bottle. Sold by Woedard, Clarke A Co. - k, c a satisfaction and that the your how oarticular talk with you whether BRYAN DISCUSSES LIOIJOPOLIES- You Might arTjaTgoLCorv ' trolling Burglary as of Con trolling Trusts, v NO MORE CONSERVATIVE ' THAN HE ALWAYS WAS Nebnutkaa. States That 1 What Uaed to Be Called Radicalism la Now Called Coneervatiem Because' the People- HaTe-Irtvegtigated. fierrles.t ' Trondhjem, Norway, June 11. When questioned about hla having become a conservative, William - J. Bryan, who. with Mrs. Bryan. Is here to witness the ooronatlon ceremonies, replied as fol lows: . .' ' . -T am hot responsible for the phrases used. ' I am responsible for my position on publlo questions. That position ought to be well known. Take the trust question, for Instance, as it seems up permost Just now. My position is that private - monopoly Is - Indefensible and Intolerable. That was the Democratic platform In 100, and tha plank was In corporated In 1904, and it Is the only tenable position. - . . '. . ."Tlnf. J. aoma. "talk e.wifrolllsis trusts. Tou might ss well talk of con trolling burglary. ' Wa do not say they shall steal only a little, but that they shall not steal at all. v It is so of pri vate monopolies. It is not sufficient to oontrol or regulate them they must bs absolutely and totally destroyed. Cor porations should be wontrolled, but pri vate monopolies must be exterminated, root and branch; """ ;,"Now, yon can call that -a, radical doe trine. Tet it la more conservative . to apply thla remedy now than to watt un til predatory wealth baa, by Its lawless ness, brought odium on legitimate accu mulations. , - . " "What used to be called radical Is now called conservative, because- people have been Investigating: "The doctrine haa not changed, but publlo sentiment Is making progress.-" . ,- . IS RELEASED FROM' -JAIL BUT GOES WRONG --- (gperlst BWpsteB-te Tbe Jeemst.) ' - Baker Cltyr June tt. William Whlttlng, the young man who was released from the county Jail a fsw days ago aftar a criminal charge of passing bogus checks had been, dismissed, nar returned to his old practices and yesterday afternoon and last night passed a number of bogus checks on Baker business men. It Is thought, that Whlttlng haa now skipped the town. The-of fleers ars-looking for him and expect to locate him. - ' - Whlttlng I la a smooth--article. His parents, who live la .Washington. ' are probably wealthy. Upon his release from the county Jail he went to Wee Turiey and ssld: "I am broke, but I havs a good overcoat and a grip which I Will leave with yon and I would Ilka to bor row ts until my folks send me the to know price was ex pected wants; No you are StarK arid Oak -ln preserving -the -wood of -yur house, bsrns, f snces or wood- '"work of any kind la good paint - Our BAT STATa paints .are vert- . table life preservers of your fences and buildings, and ' any money invested in -It la returned a thousand fold in the existence -Of your bulldlnf. .,'';. ' j .j. y rmm io rAorr sroxm, . Fisher, Thorsen 5 Co . " Troat and Morrison Sta. money." The money was loaned. Last night Whlttlng came to Mr. Turiey and said that his money had arrived and he would cancel the obligation with a 110 check, taking the change ht good moneys . It now develops that the coat and grip which Whlttlng 'Was carrying -did not belong to him, but were the property of T. J. Mac rum, who waa sent to tha pent' tentlary. 1 .'-v .'. . ', When the check was presented to tha MtTik'-trrla immune the iWernrrtme and whlls saying It was - absolutely. worthless said that It was not the first one. that had been presented. Evidently Whlttlng worked to good advantage yesterday afternoon and evening and probably secured enough money to take Dim out ot. the state. , . 1 GOVERNOR MEAD WILL l 4-' J , - ADDRESS PYTHIANS V ,,.y..--wV e ... . rBpedtt DtspstFBtB Tbs Jenrnat f - " Walla Walla, Wash., June lOolum hla lodge Na I, Knights of Pythias, will hold publlo memorial services at K. of P. hall Sunday afternoon at I o'clock. An elaborate program hag beafrpTeTared for the event and a number of promt. ' . . nent out-of-town Knlghta have accepted . Invitations to be present. Rev. Jamee , - C.' Raid, pastor of the First Presbyterian church, will deliver the eulogy and Gov ernor Mead will make a short address.' . mi U'UC. ALWAYS RESTORES OOlOlt . AH O BEAUTY OF YOUTH TO CRAY MAiR, no matter how long lass : been CRAY f WHITE. Ittootbeaand heals scalp, ttOpm itching and pro. . motes s Bna, luxunoui growth ot hafe - , iraWeV FREE SAMPLE ' fktle Hay . Oet Rtwsrk, N. if ' Large aoo, bwtOesw AM Vnmtc i i .