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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (June 20, 1906)
i THE OHECON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND. WEDNESDAY EVENING, JUNE 0; 1CC3. S . :..' The Famous $50000 Stocfe Bought at ;35c on the Dollar ireat Sale "V -:; '.' -7.; .7 "77 -P.T.-' . . ' " 7 .' 7 TAKE "AD VANTAGE OF The Famous Entire Stock on Sale at; Xess Than f Half, Price: U fi CtofMii 9u i If ...... .... q; Lay in your season's supply "The Best Is None Too Good" was the motto of the Famous Clothing Company for twenty lyears they sold the best makers of MEN'S GOODS THAT BRAINS COULD BUILD OR MONEY COULD BUY--that mag nificent stock compl6tc in every detail is now on salelat The Hub at less than on Can you realize it? Can you imagine what it is to buy your entire season's outfit of the best and most stylish apparel that was ever shown or worn on-tne coast? And get itarONE-HALFTHE PRICE THATAN Y O XBERFlkST-ci ASS STORE" in this town will charge you for the" self same goods? : ' :'l Qur-selling force is doublellwe arc dpen-alWayandjupj(;o 9 o'clock in the evening, so that men in all walks of life can get of our GKK ax U ASH DEAL. - Your money back if the goods ain't rights- r , - e oene Furnishings : The Famous, of San Francisco, were both jobber and retailers of fine furnishings. This great stock was carried In the basement, be c ing in readiness to. be placed on the main floor for Spring trade, but when the earth shook their calculations were soon upset. The ' Hub is now. slaughtering this fine stock. See - what yoa need and come and get it and save ' lots 'of -money. " y ' ' v 34 For Colored or White 10c Handkerchiefs. 5 For Colored or White 12c Handker chiefs. ,. '' , - - ;. 8 For Colored or White" 15c and 20c Hand . kerchiefs. . . ' ". j ' .; t 10 For Hemstitched 25c Handkerchiefs. - 12 For Hemstitched 30c Handkerchiefs. . 15 For Hemstitched 35c Handkerchiefs. " " For Slack or Tan 10c I Sox. iyt4 For Black or Tan 15c Sox. 10 For Black, Tan or Fancy 20c Sox, 12f For all styles 25c Sox. . j 15 For all kinds 30c So -7; 19 For al) kinds 35c Sox. 2S For all kinds 50c Sox. 29e F6r AU kinds75c Sox. 94 For 25c Suspenders. 144 For 35c Suspenders. -194-For-40e-Suependers 294 For 50c to 75c President and other Suspenders. 394 For all grades of Silk and Worsted, Web $ 1.00, Suspenders. - v- - 394"Fo5dcand6Sc Coif "andegligee Shirta. 454 For 75c Golf and Negligee, Sateen,. Madraa and Penang Shirts. --- ' 654 For all kinds of $1.00 Shirts. . 754 For high grades, all styles, of tUO Famous Shirts. ., 954, For Silk Bosom, Madras, Penang, Mo hair and Pongee style. Golf or Negligee,' also stiff bosom; Worth to $2 JO. 294 For aU kinds of 50c Underwear. I.; 494 For all kinds up to $1X0 Underwear. 694 For Mercerued and all other kinds, up . to $1.75 Underwear. 994 For elegantVide-needle Mercerised, also T lisle and Balbriggsn, up to $2.50 value. 604 For best-grade Canvas Gloves. . 194 For Jack Yellow Tan 40c Gloves. 454 For all kinds of 75c to $1.00 Gloves.: 754 For all kinds up to $1.50 Gloves. 954 For Dress, Driving and Buckene $2.00 Gloves.... 124 For Pure Silk 25c Neckwear. , ' , 194 For all styles of 50c Neckwear. 394 For alt styles of Imported Silk up to $1.00 Neckwear. , 3000 S Oj , - (I, Single and Double Breasted Styles 93.95 For dark color, Famous' $7.50 Suits. 93.05 For small size, light color, Famous' $8.00 Suits. ' ..". 7: - . 93.95 For Oxford gray, Famous' $7.00 ; Suits.1 V'"; . -, 94.95 For black cheviots, Famous $10.00 ..'suits. ' " " : 18 94.95 For ainion worsted. Famous' $10.00 Suits.- ' :; . 96.95 For clay worsted. Famous' $15.00 , SuitS. : . . ' ' .' ; 90.95 For gray mixed cassimere, Famous' $15.06' guit,- - - -Ty. 7- ; 96.95 For black Thibet, Famous' $15.00 .. suits. ; ' ' ..7;r; 96.95 For fancy mixed worsted, Famous' iuits. 3 : 7 96.95, For blue sergeFamous $15.00 .. Suits. .. .'; , rv , " ' ,;. ' ' . 99.95 For-royal twee4,Fairiousl$20.00 .. ; Suits. ' r 99.95 For imported serge, silk lined, Fa mous $20.00 Suits. 7 99.95 For- black clay worsted, Famous' $20.00 and $22.00 Suits. ' 99.95 For gunmetal gray, Famous $20.00 and $22.00 Suits. 99.95 For broken plaids, worsted, : Fa mous' $22.00 Suits ' 99.95 -For - black- unfinished worsted,- Fa mous $20.00 Suits. . : : ; 99.95 For high quality cassimere, Famous $20.00 Suits. "'-""'-';V - -1- 7 99.95 For gray clay fancy worsted, Fa mous $20.00 and $22.00 Suits. 99.95 For 1,000 fancy color; Famous' $18, $20, $22 Suits. 7 912.95 For Prince" Alberts and Frocks, . Famous' $25.00 Suits. V L , 9I9.95 For iilk "mixed, dark color," Fa- rnous $25.00 Suits. ; ' 912.95 For imported dark blue serge, Fa mous $25.00 Suits. T"'v.-' 912.95 For Tuxedo, crepe cloth, Famous. $25.00 Suits." " . 9I2.95 For hand-tailored English wor sted. Famous' $25.00 Suits. 912.95 For homespun. Famous' $25.00 to $30.00 Suits. 912.95 For silk lined, hand-tailored Thib eCFamous $27.50 Suits. x 912.95 For French worsted gray effects, $25.00 Suits.. : r: 912.95 For F. & H. pin check, Famous' $24.00 Suits. 912.95 For medium-weight fancy wor , sted, $25.00 Suits. x 912.95 For blue Thibet, latest style, ex tra long, Famous' $25.00 Suits. 912.95 For English' walking, Famous' $25.00 Suits. i : - v 912.95 For pin check, worsted, Famous' $27.50 Suits. 912.95 "ForTthadbwTplaid,-wbrstedgrayr Famous $2100 Suits. Ll 912.95 For 'peacock blue, check, Famous $27.50 Suits. " . , .7.":-"; 912.95 For extra fine cassimere, velour, ' Famous $125.00 Suits. v 912.95 For real. Bannockburn Scotch tweed, Famous $25.00 Suits. ; 912.95 For choice of 600 fancy; all styles, Famous' $25.00 to $27.50 Suits. 914.95 Forthehighestquality serge, Famous $30.00 to $35.00 Suits.--" 914.95 For full dress, Famous' $30.00 to $40.00-Suits. 4t95' ForFrench silk mixed worsted,. $30.00 to $35.00 Suits. , 914.95 For Highland and select Scotch tweed, Famous' $30.00 Suits. 914.95 For latest grays, velour, check, Famous' $35.00 Suits." 914.95 For soft top Chelsea, hand-tail-,4 ored, Famous $30.00 Suits. 914.95 For- black worsted," Battenfield, Famous' $32.50 Suits. - ' 914.95 For custom-finished Belgian wor ' steds. Famous' $30.00 to $37.50 Suits. 914.95 For' silk-lined Tuxedo, Famous' ' $30.00 to $35.00 Suits. " : 914.95 For newest merchant tailor pat terns. Famous' $32.50 Suits. 1 914.95 For Skinner lined silk worsteds, $30.00 to $37.50 Suits. -914.95-For-choice-of 5O0;finestTiualities $27.50 to $40.00 Suits. Pants 468 1 Pairs Famous Pants 854 For gray stripe $2.00 Pants. 854 For black chevip.t $2.00 Pants. 854 Foriancy check $2.00 Pants. :- 854 For dark gray $2.00 Pants. ' 854 For Corduroy $2.00 Pants. . $1.99 For dark stripe $4 00 Pants, ' ' f 1.99 For fancy worsted $4.00 Pants." 4 7 fl.99 For pure Wool Cassimere $4.00 Pants. $1.99 For tailor-made cassimere $4.00 Pants. $1.99 For fancy check cheviot $4.00 Pants. $1.99 For black dress worsted $4.00 Psnts. $2.99 For form-fitting fancy mixture $8.00 "- Pants. , . $2.99 For-iine blue serge $6.00 Psnts. $2.99 For-imported worsted mixture' $6.00 - Pants.' -rr- -- $2.99 For black dress worsted $6.00 Psnts. $2.99 For custom-finished stripe ' $6.00 ''Pants. : i ' ' '' $2.99 For choice of 1,000 pairs $5.00, $6.00 and $7.00 Pants. --.-x .- $3.99 For Tine imported ' light . $8-00 and $10.00 Pants. . $3.99 For newest stripe worsted $8.00 and $10.00 Pants. $3.99 For broken plaids, medium color, $8.00 and $10.00 Pants. $10.00 Pants. $3.99 For silk stripe and check worsted $8.00 and $10.00 Pants. $3.99 For elegsnt hand-tailored $8.00 and $10.00 Pants. Tie IiliD . The Famous stock of Hats arethe bon ton styles and brands, from the famous J. B. Stetson down to the chesp, reliable grades; all this Spring and Summer styles. ' 254 For 75c Straw Hatis. , : ' " . -504 For $1.00 to $1J5 Straw Hats. T54;For up to $2.00 Straw Hats. $3.50 For water bleach Panama, up to $16 Hats. 7. ' .. 504 For choice of 1W0 Soft and Stiff up to $2.00 Hats. 954 For Soft and Stiff $2.50 Hats. 1 $1.35 For the Sutro, the standard Famous $3.00 Hsts. 7 $2.50 'Fof Wellrow, 'the world's" beat. $5.00 Soft and Stiff. Hats. , - r 254 For a lot of 50c and 75a Famous Caps. 4 tees TT1 rl MeFVl! 111 It sells to be at least one-half less than the same quality can be had elsewhere; Thisrapplies to every garment or article in the . If there is a man or boy in this city that misses this sacrifice of Famoua Fine Shoes, it's money that you never can overtake 10,- 000 pairs of the finest Shoes at the cost of the leather. " - $1.35 For Calf, Velour, few pairs of a kind, $2.50 Shoes. $1.85 For CairVelou7;VicCCordo"vir:Iak and Tan $3.50 Shoea. . $2.35 For The Famous $4.00 and $4.50 se lect quality Shoes. , ' ' $2.85 For Patent. Enamel,' Vld, Cordovan,1 Calf, etc $5.00 Shoes. $3.45 For Hand-Welt Top Vid, Petrle Calf, Patent Colt, Cordovan tanned, Velour, etc $6.00 and $7.50 Shoes. - , - . .. Tlwr Famous stock consists of " Oxfords. Bals' Bluchers, Congress, in lace or button . styles, and are the most select stock of fine Shoes ever offered at real sacrifice in the history Of Oregon. ,,, "', " great Famous stock of San Francisco. v During this unparalleled slaughter of fine goods we employ the entire force of salespeople c 7 7 from the Famous at San Francisco; besides having doubled our 7 own regular selling corps. . '-r::::: :.y.:. --:.---. i! WE 0PM AT 7:00 1. ri All) CLSE AT 9M , H I And on Saturdays we keep open until 11 p. m. in order to give the entire f 1 public, an oppbrtuhity to attend the sale that never had an equal in Oregon 109000 Garments and Articles i AT ONE-FOURTH TO ONE-HALF 2 PRICE " ymbrellss. Suit - Cases. Telescopes. Cuff Buttons, Scsrf Pins, Collars, Cuffs, Collar Buttons, Canes, Silk and Jap. Han&srchiefs, etc Every ankle muet be sold; no reserve. . Special attention given to dealers who Ivy In . large i"mtlties for cuX Y.. ; U h