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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (June 20, 1906)
THE ORfeGN DAILY JOURNAL,. PORTLAND, WEDNESDAY " EVEN;0. JUNE 20, 1S03. 8 ST. JOHNS SCHOOL STARTED FIRE TO COVER CRir.lE '; . - ' . : . rr i : ... , u ; Young Anarchist of Portland U -. Charged With Arson by Astoria Officers. I TFSMAE WOOD CLAIMS TO BE WIFE BOARD III n Uh ohlNA 1 UK 1 HUM A J M. Willamette .Valley : Traction Company Has Five Hundred Tons of Rails and Will V Have Line in Operation Soon Two Directors Resign After Hot Nemesis of' Aged Statesman Session In Which Many Accu sations Are Made. Makes Sensational Assertions . In Lawsuit Filed. i DO YS 60,0 DO RAILROAD rLAl 1 I v ' i ' Sixty "thoussnd ties have-been pur , chased by th Wlllsroette Valley Trac ttoa company from an Aurora, mill and too tone of steel rails ere purchased V and bow being; delivered for construc tion ot the electric road between Fort- . land and Salem. The company haa set . upon a-date about lS,months hence when ll Is expected to coinplote the road aait hea-in ODaratlon. - T mam aauee'ed 1 IS nave .ue loau nmniMMl In time for hauling the Port - land delegation to the next session of the Oreeon legislature.' but owing- to, de lays In tbe franchise proceedings It has been necessary to revise dates- .The company received, six csrloads of rails at Salem yesterday from , tha' rolling mills o4 the remainder will be de livered as fast as needed. - It Is not proposed to rush construe- . tlon of tha rail Ime ahead of the bridge work. The bridge across the. Willamette river la the controlling- factor"and other .work will be planned accordingly. Plans for the bridge are now under considera tion between the company 4 and the United States engineers In Portland and questions regarding clearance of ship ping are being settled. Tha company has purchased two large eeows and oon- FREEMAN MYSTERY Toledo ,- Physician .Who Disap peared Is Believed to Have Re-'- turned Home and Eloped. - Dr. W. r. Freeman and his 1-year-old son are still numbered among the miss ing.'. From tha circumstances surround. ' Inghls disappearance the grief-stricken wife believes that her husband haa do ., sorted her for some peculiar - reason. She. would not admit that there Is an other woman In the case,: but 'In re sponse to a telephone message to Toledo yesterday she received tha Information that It was undoubtedly an elopement lira Boyers, the long distance operator ati that point,. Informed -Mrs.', Freemen : that It was advisable to come there at ; once as detarls could not bo given over - the wire. ., She mentioned something about 'Dr. .freeman having sloped and -declared that one Spangler, a a loon man, was in possession of all the de- . talis. . airs.'' Freeman departed for Toledo - last Bigot- to -Investigate the "matter. .Patrolman Welch, on duty at tha Union depot, has reported ' to Chief . Orlts macher that a man and child answer ing tha description of the missing phy sician and his son boarded the 1 o'clock Northern Pacific train Monday, after noon, tha day of the disappearance. The policeman remembers distinctly that the child wore patent leather ahoes with white tops, which tallica exactly with tha description given by Mrs. Freemen. Aa to tha point fqr which Freeman pur chased tickets nothing haa been ascer tained. Mrs. Freeman in a conversation with Chief Orltsmacher yesterday atated that her husband was oh friendly terms with a young woman of Toledo, but did not believe that ha had eloped with the girl. Tha family Ufa -of the phyalclan and - hla wife was extremely happy Jintll by accident ,Mrs. Freeman learned: that her husband had deserted a former-wife in Paere county, . Iowa. When Freeman 'learned that shs was in possession of -this Information his manner changed toward her and he became cold and distant. . so Mrs. Freeman alleges. PIONEER ODD FELLOW :- .DIES IN WALLA WALLA Walla Walla. Wash.. June 20. Dr. W. G. Alban, a pioneer physician of the northwest . and past grand master of Washington state Odd Fellows, died this morning at .the age of 85 years after a " short Diners. Dr. Alban was bom In Jlanafleid, Ohio, and waa. a schoolmate of John Sherman. Both were Initiated Into the Order of Odd Fellows at Mans field In IMS. Ha moved west during -tha gold excitement of 1841 and became associated with . Senators Sharon and Fair, Crocker and Flood In the publica tion of tha Nevada Journal at Nevada City. Dr. Alban came to Walla Walla in 1S7I and engaged in the practice of medicine. DRAGGED BY BRONCO AND KICKED IN FACE . gpclJ THapatch I Ta JoaraaL) - ".McMlnnville.. Or.. June 20. This morning Timothy Derr was thrown from a fractious horset snd seriously injured. When riding down the street . lha ho roe began burklng-and threw Mr. Dorr against a telegraph pole. His foot caught In a rope and the animal dragged htm about to yards, kicking him in the face and lacerating It dreadfully. The unfortunate man. was carried to the of fice of Dr. J. C Mlchaux. where he was cared for. Ha will probably recover. EARLY. PIONEER IS r. CALLED TO REWARD asyUIDtaptrtto T1i JouraLl Mene- fee died at Dufur early this morning. Ha ram to Oregon in 1(61 and settled In' Yamhill county. He started for Walla Walla In lUfr. but heard of the Whitman massacre while at The Dalles and stopped here In consequence. After ward In company with four others Mr. Menefe went to Fifteen- Mile: creek, where they erected a fort, which has bean there ever since. , - Deoaaaed waa one of the oldest rest dents of Wasco county. He had ' been CASTOR I A lor Infant and Children, Tht Kind You Han Always Bought Boars tha.', Signature of c 3ajO MAY BE SOLVED v. to I Permission was secured this Week from the city council at Balem for lay ing a temporary track on streets In that city to convey the materials from the freight yards of the Southern Pa clflo to the point where construction work is to be commenced' on the rail road- The grades made soma" lime ago between Salem and Chemawa will be somewhat changed and Fetter aTTgtv ment secured. Every move In the prep arations , for . work Indicates that the very best character of electric railroad wilt be built and that Portland and Sa lem will have a rapid transit line equal to tha best intemrban foads.Jn tha east era states. . Terminals have been purchased In Portland, and nearly all rights of way from Salem to the point of crossing the Willamette river have been secured, but to the present tlma little work has been dona between the bridge site and Port land by tha right of way department. This" workwllt be carried -on only so fast 'as' Is necessary to socommodate construction Diana. Tha route by which tha line will -enter Portland from the south has not yet been determined upon. Justice of tha peace for eight year a During recent years ne retireo rrom ac tlva business, but still held the presi dency -of tha company which supplies Dufur with wster. He was born In Vir ginia In IMS and moved west to Illinois In 1137, from there he came to Oregon In the year named. H loaves an axed .widow -and seven sons and daughters Henry of Dufur and rrank- of Tha Dalles. William B. at Condon. Mary," wife of F. M. Gilliam, ar-Fossil! Csrrle. wife of Hon. E. B. Dufur. at Portland; Hannah, widow of Warren-Emerson, st The Dslles, and E valine, widow of Hugh Moorhead. at The Dalles. H was a consistent mem ber of the Christian church for many years. Th funeral will be held to- THE DALLES ELECTS , WOMAN TO BOARD rSneelal Diana tck te The Journal.) " The Dalles. Or.. June 20. The, elec tion Monday resulted In J. I Kelly being elected mayor; R. Kurts, treas urer; wster commissioner st large, N. J. Slnnott; councilman, first ward for three y,rv-eorrwA.- LIbe; for two years, C. B. Simmons,, and one year, J. M. Benson; water commissioner for two years, T. J. Beufert; second ward coun cilman, for ' throe - years, Henry P. Steers; water commissioner, B. B. Hunt ington; 'councilman for three years, J. C Egbert; water commissioner for two ynara, Vlncant Circle. There waa a light -vote cast. A complimentary vote for G L. Phillips of l0 was -cant for mayor.: Kelly receiving iS.' " Phillips wss not . running and had no tickets printed. - :- - There- waa a spirited eon teat for school director. - Dr. Belle Ferguson re ceived 11)5 and H. J.'Maler, tha retiring member up for reelection, had 1ST. For the first time In its history Tha Dalles haa a woman achool director. CROWD WOULD LYNCH .RICH BREWER'S WIFE (Jmroal Special ServfcBh) : Sioux Falls. S. V., June 20. The magistrate today held .Mrs. Emma Kauffman. wife of . the millionaire brewer, without ball, to -answer- the charge of murdering her servant, Agnes Polrels. When Mrs. Kauffman left tha courtroom the crowds cried, "Lynch her." Agnes Polrels waa If yeata of age. It Is alleged aha was treated cruelly and finally beaten to death by her nilstrees. SALEM PLANS GOOD TIME FOR FOURTH rltpei-lil Dtipaich to me journal. Salem, Or., June 20. Ex-Oovernor T. T. Ceer has been chosen to deliver the Fourth of July oration at tha greatest celebration Salem ever took part .In. About tl.200 has been raised to mske the celebration a glorious success. The Elks' "Hkidoo." which will be held June 30 to July 4. Inclusive, will prove a great amusement feature. AGGIE MEYERS NOT TO SWING ON DATE SET Jefferson City, Mo., June. 10. The su preme court has overruled a motion for a rehearing of the Aggie Meyers case. She was sentenced to hang Juner-l-for the murder of her husband. Governor Folk says he' will grant a reprieve of 3.0 days. ACTOR DIES OF LOVE FOfT.MlZNER'S WIFE New TorkrJune 20. Benjamin How ard, an actor, who committed aulclde In this city Monday, said he had been Infatuated , by Mrs. Terkes-Mlsner. be fore her reconciliation wltb Wilson MIs- rier. , Howard was well known In San Francisco. " ' ' . SCHOONER PORTLANDS! T0 BE RESCUED SOON .... . Jimi Lai )ieci1 nln.) - Los Angeles. June'20. The. schooner Portland Is resting esslly on a sandbar near Ventura- There Is plenty of water and she will be lightered and pulled Off unless a westwlnd comes up. YORK IS KILLED BY "JUMPING FROM WINDOW Washington, D; C; June 20. Clarence M. tork. secretary to Chief Justice Ful ler,, waa killed today by Jumping from a window of Garfield hospital, where he was undergoing treatment. Trontdale . Sehool XXeotloa. Troutdak), Or., June 20. At th an nual, school election". Monday II. J. Wright was sleeted director for three years and F. "E. Harlow clerk. The clerk reports a good year with money enough on hand to pay the ex penses of the ensuing- year. Y The directors are J. 8. Hudson, C R Wilson and H. H. Wright, The teacners are James 15." Patterson, principal; Mlaa I. V, Ssbln, Intormw diata, and tha primary teacher la yet to ba elected. - . trac ted for construction of a third, be used In building the bridge. Senator Thomas M. Piatt TWO PRECINCTS PUT STEVENS IN LEAD At 1:80 o'clock t hla afternoon "the recount of precinct No. I wss ; completed in the circuit oourt. d The result gives Stevens 181 and dl Word 133 votes In the precinct. This is a variation of three rrom 4 tha original figures, which gave 4 Stevens 18 and Word 123. It d will therefore be seen that Word e d lost two while Stevens lost only one. This leaves Stevens in tno lead by seven votes to tha com- pletlon of tha 'count in tha sec- ond nreclnet. . At t:it tha preceding result was changed by Judge Fraaer ordering a - doubtful ballot counted fof Word. ThUg tha" .contestants break .. even on tha . precinct and Stevens Is left only six votes In the lead. AT THE THEATRES. Seats Selling for Henrietta Crosman. Wide gratification ba greeted the annnnnre. mont that Henrietta friwman. moat brilliant and aoat popular of American artrosam. will be at the llrllls theatre east Friday and Sat urday alshta, June 23, and M, with a apeclal price mailiiee ftntiirtay, ben (he will appear tbe most dutlnct or BM.nanr new iora mrrw. the nvxlera coaiIr. "Mrjr, Mary. Quite Contraiy."- It Is doubtful If any prom--lae of e tneatii-il attrartloa In thia city would be rwlTnt-wUk-ae mark eauefatloa e tbat at tbe vialt of V t'roiman. On bar vlalt to tbla dty ahe is certain to receive a moat eor dlal wi-lcome and be ta entitled to every de- of nthmlajaa that can. be extorded to Heat are bow wlllna: at'toe-Uelllg thea tre, rourUentB and Washington. " "The Telephone Girl" Next Week. The third week of moalral enmedy at tbe Hel- II theatre, the bill will ba "Tha Tolepbone tilrl." am at tbe real "big" how that took the jmbltc' - fanry axwt forcibly. Tha Innate I by Ouatnv Klrkrr.. and the lyrics hyiliiiKb Morten (aom do plume foe C. a. MH lellan. who wrote "Leah Klenchna"). "The Telephone 4rt' win pa-iiuudar nlaht. June Ins to the maanttufl of tbe production, tbe price of peata down autre will be T5 rente for tbe nrat to row in the orrtieatra. Beau sow selllnx It the Hfillg theatre. "Said Pasha" at the Helllg. . Tonight and tomorrow BUM are the only performanrm Mt for th llrllls theatre of Said Fauna" tola weea, rsoept tn vteaneaoay nd natnrdar matinee, aa tbe Kendall Mualoal company which atOK "Said pha" h te mora over to ' tbe Kmplr VYIday and Satur day niajbt to make roooi for Henrietta CToa maa at tbe llrllls. for a nxlodUm llsht op era, full of epmtdld ps, nritamios over Ith fun. and plrtorlally boautlful wltk lta wrll-drilled cboma and lovely coatumlug, tht production of "Bald Parte" raa be recom mended to every one. who llkra music and ap preciate artlatle - analwl - cosmmIv, At - the mH puce fbarged tula euuiuier 1 auu uf light opera I s rare treat. , , . Great Fun at the Baker. Tea raueaallr tell when e play In town ha mad aa' extraordinary bit many people whom yoo-nieet on the tref. will aak you If yon have been to e the play In qneatlos. TM tli rawi.wlth "When we were Twvnty-un. w runnlns at the Baker theatre. It sa filled the public mind silxlitflv. Tbe ronpeny I preaentlng this beautiful play of Henry V. Kamond In a manner that In He entirety beat th performance given by Kat flood win and bta famoua' company when th latter ftrat played the piece in Portland. The audience ar o large at each performance t buy your aeate aa far aliead that it M aare to a convenient. "Madame Sans-Gene." "Milium Hana-Oene," the wonderfully Showy and Intensely dramatte plir ef Sardoa'a, which ivela Iavld Belanoo a famoua "Uu Barry ' production for Mr. Lll Carter, will be the bill at the ..Baker theatre for the regular sev enth week ot the t l eaon, open Ins at th Sunday matinee, June 24. In point of tnfttrilft. rrncv and elaborate cast th la bis production will probably go ahead of all the apiendld pro ductions they have put on this year at - the Baker, - . : VAUDEVILLE" AND STOCK. 'At the Lyric, r The thrllllnr romance ef tbe mine. "Th Serpent' Stlnf." which la th offerlns of the Lyric atork company for the current week, ia being placed before th public- In a moat cent mendable - manner, which I characteristic of tht efficient company. Th pleating manner In which the d-Ileal parta of the orod action are being handled, eod to light vets ef coroeil, running inrongnout the PUT, create a Bleaaant COB t mLto. grfatlT-acpreclated. At the Star.' "A flood Natured Man; or. Everybody Friend," I th Data of th at traction gives by the Rtar tock company. Tht Is a mutlcal farce, with aa funny situation . . mw h . t Van K.. n n Kah h. m h 5"f liindT. -Thjr ar new eang and as on- iimiim nuuiwrr on fiiirxTw,in,in, ttj lae rnoru. Mantle Cullln. Dick Mark and th rt of th merry-maker r In their element la tht week' bill. Th. hiw -move quickly and thl OMke It all tbe' bettor. . V .'I - 'At the Grand. t Bet of ventrllopilt I Hngb J. f!mmrt, who ) tbe kaadlluar thl week at th Urand, Kramett baa -. new art Uila time and kla talk- Jifk- dolkt keep the. boua In a roar. . Mr. and Mr. Horrman save a cjric wniri which eoa bine grac with daring, and It la vrv na tlonal. Stlth and Stltb ar )ngglra who have a novelty, andi Long a ad Mltrbrll, give a fnjira et-b with funny ltuatlona, eung and paroUI. Herbert Mitchell I a tory-UUer and Harold Hot f ainga tbe Portland long, "Papa, photo Me." . '. ' - 2ref erred Sjtoek Canned Goods, , Allen A Lewis' Best Ursnd. t ' u " ' ' v Thar are many Want Ads In today's Jomxaal that will lnterwrt yea. . " CLAIMS MARRIAGE LEGAL AND SHOWS CERTIFICATE Ceremony Alleged to Have Taken Place Five Years Ago at the Fifth Avenue Hotel in New York and Witnesses Cited. (Journal Special Service.) Colon. Mich., June SO. Miss Mas Catherine Wood, who since the mar riage of United Bta tea Senator Thomas C. putt and, Mrs. Ionian T. Janeway has announced that she. would publish a book entitled "Love Letters of a Boas, has turned over to Attorneys O'Flat. tery and Fulton of Richmond, Virginia, what aha insists Is a certificate of mar riage to Senator Piatt. By this and tha letters from him sha will endeavor to prove that her mar riage waa legal and that she waa never divorced. A photographlci reproduction or the certificate shows that her mar- Lrlage took place November . 1831, in an apartment at the Fifth Avenue hotel, New York, and that It waa performed by Rev. Eduard W. Rica, an Episcopal clergyman. The name of J.V". Jones, who Is said to have been employed by Senator Ptatt, appears aa a witness to the ceremony. Miss Wood claims sha kent tha mar rlage a secret at tha request of Senator rutL wno reared It would lnluro hla political chances, and ' that afterward shs was.hounded by government agenta and that tha postal department kept closo track of her for tha benefit of Senator Piatt. . r : GALLOWAY DECIDES rIMP0RTANT LAND SUIT - .(Rpeelal Dlapatc to Tbe Joarnal.) Salem. Or.. June 20. Judae Oallowat haa passed upon the suit of John Scott et el. against Charles Scott at al.. In cluding thaLadd eV-Bush bank. Bank of woodhurn and Coolldge Jfc McClano. Robert Scott died In Marlon county in 189 r-learin hie ProDert-r-to bla-chil dren, share and share alike, the widow to receive an annuity of 1600 annually and -on third Interest In a mill property st Woodburn. " At tha time of hla death Robert Scott held promissory notes against. the Oregon Land company aggregating $66,140," secured by mort gages in Marlon and Claokamas coun ties. Charlea Scott began ault to fore close tha mortgages and tha lands were sold, the Marion property bringing $11,- duv ana ma uiacKamas property $11,000. The trial brought out that Charles Scott made purchases for the benefit of the estate. Aa creditors ot Scott the banks above named took action to poasess the lsnd Involved on tha ground thst tha property waa personal holdlnas of Scott. Osllowsy decrees to tha widow one third of tha realty Involved, tha balance to be divided In five eoual carta amona the belrs. I0NEERS FIGHT WITH PITCHFORK AND GUN Spetal nianateb te Th Joarnal.) Tacoma, Waah., June 20. Word h reached here from O'Brien. 20 miles rrom Tacoma, that William Cochran shot and possibly fatally wounded Thomas Sharkey last night. The cause of the trouble between thetwo men is not exactly known. They had been friends for years. Cochran, was driving home and passing Sharkev's house called him to the road, where a quarrel ensued.' Cochran jumped from his wagon and Sharkey tried -to run him through with a pitchfork, when Coch' ran ahot him three times with a re voiver. Cochran la fl years old and a pioneer of this state, being sheriff of King county at one time. - -, ROYAL1 PRINCES COME T0 SEE CORONATION (Joarnal Special Service.) '' -Trondhjera. June 20. The French rulser carrying the special embassy to the coronation - arrived this morning. ts guns saiuted ana were answered by he Norwegian men of war In port. The British royal yacht, bearing the Prince nd Prlnoess of Wales 'convoyed by two cruisers Is outside the harbor and Is expected to enter late thia afternoon the fog disperses. The French em- bsssy landed and was received by King Haakon at the palace. Major Gibson, an American attache at Ct. Petersburg, who waa detailed to attend the corona tion, arrived today. The r Norwegian cablnetjslll leave-today "for this city. FLOODS DEVASTATING SAN JOAQUIN VALLEY (Sneettt Placates to Tn Jnnrnal.) 8tocktoq, Cel., June to. The ... San Joaquin, old and middle rivers, are running bank' full, owing to the warm, weather and heavy melting of snows In the mountains. . victoria. Union and Roberta Islands, containing!", thousands of acres of valuable crope, are In imme diate danger.- The levee-on Coney Isl and broke this morning, flooding a tract of a thousand acres. If the hot weather continues disastrous floods are certain. Large forces are patrolling the levees. COUNTRY H0MFTWAS DESTROYED LAST NIGHT i ' -. i. (Special rHapatrb to The JoarnaLt Bilverton, Or., June -i 0. The - farm- bouse belonging to JC- Holland, located wo mllea northeast of this city, wss consumed - by . fire, last evening. The building waa occupied by A. J. Gslser, who lost nearly all his household furni ture. No Insurance waa. carried on either the building or the contents. The origin of the fire Is unknown, but it is presumed to nave been caused by a de fective-flue.- .. , ' -' ;. .' TALIAN BLEEDS AT NOSE FOR TEN DAYS ' (Journal Special Mervire.) ' Lewtston, Ida., June 20. After bleed ing at the nose fon daya, John Tor- toelll an Italian laborer on the Klparla line below Lewlston, died yesterday. The physicians were bsffled by his ex treme case and when they finally suc ceeded In ajtopplng the flow tbe blood poured ovef big, lung , 1 C ! Mae C Wood, Piatt's Nemesis. GRAND JURY INVESTIGATING JOHAN POULSEN BATTLE Evidence Will Be Given Relative -to Murderous Attack on Non- "r Union Sailors. The battle aboard -the-Johan Joulaen Is being Investigated by tha grand Jury, which gave up temporarily lta. election investigation to take up the esse. Evi dence In tha case -wss submitted this afternoon to that body by District At torney Manning. tha local branch of the aailora' - union. Is accused of being leader of tha gang of rowdies who made a piratical attack upon the steam schooner Johan Poulsen st 1VO clock on tha evening of Tuesday, -June 12, while, the vessel waa receiving cargo or lumber at the mills or in man. Poulsen aV Co. ' Two nonunion sailors, waiter Lafer and Joseph Strauss, were shot and serl ously Injured, while Fain Woodward and John Olsen were knocked down- and roughly handled In the . fracas.. .The rowdies also threatened to shoot Cap tain Levlnaon and Watchman Charles Johnson. The latter Identifies Busi ness Agent Bock as being the man who led the attacking party. Bock was arrested at 1:41 o clock on the morning following tha assault Edward and George Hansen were ar rested later In the day and -held on suspicion of being Implicated, in the affair. ,-. .. ,. ... SAILORS INDULGE IN SMALL ARMS CONTEST Teams from tha crews of the four vessels of the Pacific squadron now In tha harbor took part rnta small-arms contest this morning. Two more dls tancea are to be shot at Thus far the Paul Jones is in the lead. Twelve men from the Chicago, Prince ton,' Paul Jones and Preble took part In the contest,. The average of the de stroyer Jone' men was 781, that-of the Chicago's T2T, of the Princeton's 720 and of tha Preble's 621. The Chicago's team would probably have made tmr best showing but for an' accident. A cartridge Jammed in the gun ot one of the sailors and he lost three shots, throwing the whole team behind. Both -rapid-fire and time shots were made. When the cruiser Boston arrives a squad from her crew will take part In the contest and lively competition is promised. ' i SIGNED STATEMENTS TO BE GIVEN BY SAILORS 81gned statements giving their version of the collision with Officers Isakson and Kienlan Friday morning win be made . by the petty . officers of the cruisers who lodged a complaint against the policemen. The polloe committee of the executive board has not yet reached a decision, but It has been realised that If the com mittee decides against the polloemen apd they, lsy an appeal before the civil service commission the aailora will be out of reach by the time the-case Is given a second hearing. A stenographer will " therefore visit the cruisers this afternoon or tomorrow, t FIREB0AT COMMITTEE APPOINTED BY CLUB The following committee was ap pointed today to represent the Commer-ciar- club-lnmeetlng-wllh "Fire Chief Campbell to discuss the advisability and means of securing another fire boat for the city: Chairman, E. M. Brannick; Tom Richardson, -U. J. Wentworth and Drake .O'Reilly. The committee will meet wTth the chief at noon tomorrow and discuss the proper methods of presenting the matter to the city gov ernment SEEKS INJUNCTION ON ; BEHALF OF REFUGEES " Joarnal BpHI ftarvte., --'.-rt- -Francisco, June . 20. Attorney Han Alva Knell, claiming to represent 10.000 refugees, this morning illed a complaint asking a restraining order, .preventing Mayor Bchmits and the finance commit tee from disposing of the surplus stock of 80,000 barrels of flour and from mak ing any dlspossl of the several million dollars in the relief fund until a newer snd better system of accounting caa be Instituted. . . .. ....... Save ITot Chosen Principal. . " (Special Dtptek te Th Journal.) - Fslrvlew, Or.,' June 20. At the school meeting of district No. If Monday aft ernoon, H. n. utone was reelected as director, to serve for three years, and A. L. Kronenbcrg was' elected as school clerk1 to succeed N. N, Hail, deceased, for a term of one year. The enrollment of scholars at the close of last term was 75, which waa an Increase over last year. The principal for the fall term has not yet been chqsen. ' id , Tsrewell Beoeptlos. (Special Inapatck to Iti Journal.) Woodburn, Or.. June 20. A farewell reception wss tendered Rev. Louis M. Anderson and family Monday evening In Odd Fellows' hall, which was filled with friends and admirers, , ; t . Angered at. the . accusations made against a former colleague, two mem' bera of the St. Johns . board of educa tion have, resigned, and a new . achool1 election must be held to choose dlreo- tors. : At the annual school meeting of the district Monday evening a flrst-clasa row developed, and 8.- A. Ogden and H W. Brioe resigned on tha spot. A peti tion ts now -being circulated asking Mr. Brlce to reconsider his resignation, as tha refleotlons on The were not Intended to apply to him. M. A.' Gulp has been a director at 8t Johna for some time. . 8everal months ago It became apparent that an addi tion must be made to the achoolhouse. It was estimated by . the directors that a three-room annex would coat from It.kvO to $3,600. There was no protest agalnat this expenditure. . . But - when the - contract . waa let by the 'directors lCwas not for .11, $00, but for IMSS. - . .v- .. a And the contract, went to a man. who Is reputed to be a partner of Mr. Culp. (The earns' contractor ' had' previously erected an annex at what was considered a high price. . ITotest zs ifade. Therefore a cry of protest was raised and swelled to an uproar. Tha climax came at tha achool meeting Monday night. On that day Hiram Williams had been elected director to suoceed Mr. Culp, whom his enemies declare can never again be elected to any of nee -In Bt. jotina. W. TThorndyke, city recorder, first raised -his voice in questioning the re cent action of tha directors. He wanted to know why the contract price' ahould ao greatly exceed tha estimate which It had been declared, would amply cover the eost of the annex. And he wanted to know other things, among them what foundation there waa to .the rumors of a desl between tbe directors and the contractors who -received the contract. William Mpxon.took It up where M Thorndyke left off and . asked more questions. . Messrs. Ogden and Brlce waxed wrathy art the reflections oast upon them, arid upon Mr. Culp and in a few well-chosen, words resigned Imedlately, declaring that another election could be held and two more directors who would better suit the people elected. The new director. Mr. Williams, has called an election fotnexfc Friday-even ing. Meanwhile the petition aaklng Mr, Brioe to become a director again is being signed by numerous residents of Bt. . jonna. J - rr-r WANTED WITNESS TO rr - DEPART FROM CITY In the case of Ed Johnson, proprietor Of a restaurant op Seventh street; near Alder, charged with having sold liquor to Charles C. Conkey, a 17-year-old student of the Hill Military academy. W. B. Hendricks, ' a recent " graduate front that institution, who was also in the resort, testified that Johnson had sent a waiter to him yesterday with proposition to have Conkey leave town before the trial. , - Hendricks told of the -visit to the restaurant and the amount of beer, con sumed. -Conkey waa also called to the stand and told substantially the a story aa Hendricks. Detective Kay wss called to testify to the intoxicated con dltlon of Conkey and thia concluded the is of the prosecution, The. defense will be put in later tn the week. Information had been conveyed to judge (.amei'v.n mat ratroiinan u. net son had a conversation with Conkey after the arrest. In which the lad stated that he waa In the habit of visiting sa loons. Interrogation by Judge Cameron developed the fact that it was Hendricks and not Conksy wit ft whom Nelson, dis cussed the ease. i Aa an aftermath of this feature of the ease charges against Nelson are to be preferred by Captain Bruin, who al leges that tha patrolman- was disre spectful to him. FITZGERALD WOULDN'T STAND FOR THE JURY "There ils no use In taking p the time' of tbla court in trying thia case with the Jury summoned, and. I move that the Jury be discharged and the case dismissed." hotly declared Deputy City Attorney' Fltsgerald this mornlrig in the municipal court. , it was upon the calling of the names of the tales men-summoned to try John Gamble on a vagrancy charge. As Clerk Hennessy read the name of Ben Kosentnai, rorm- erly connected with the Portland club, the-etty- prosecutor angrily moved that the cas be dropped. The list of Jurors was made up by Chief Gritsmacher and Included C. C. Kline, a well-known business man, who waa later excused. No one can be found who will admit to placing Rosen thal's name on the venire instead. Chief of. Pollce..Grltxmacher is making an investigation of the affair. DETECTIVE SMITH GETS - HUFFY IN COURTROOM During the progress of the prelimi nary examination or r rea emitn, charged with . adultery by his wife, Acting Detective B. F. Smith, called by . tha defense, hurled tbe ,charge at Special Prosecutor Dltchburn that the case waa ons of blackmail. For some unacoounable reason the po liceman waa not called for. the prosecu tion, as was expected, but by the de fense, and it was on cross-examination by Ditchbura that the sensational Jsstl-I ineoy was eiicitea. Arter relating trie circumstances leading up to the arrest of Smith, who is chief engineer' on the steamer Capital City, the polfcemad was asked by Dltchburn "Why are you tak ing such a great interest In this caseT" Smith hotly retorted: "I am not taking an Interest In blackmailing peo ple, I can tell you that." . This closed the Incident and the case waa taken under advisement by Judge Cameron, who will render a decision in a f sw days. ' SENATORS IN HURRY v T0 ADJOURN SESSION - .-' ' (Jooraal Special Bervlc.) - I" " Washington, June 80. The determina tion, of the 'senators to adjourn by the last of next week was manifested today When Senator Hale requested a night session to consider the sundry civil appropriation-; bill, which waa .amended after passing .--the house and proyldee for nesriy-5 12,000,000. ttfThe house ln eludes nearly fl, 600,000 for the govern ment's participation In the Jamestown exposition- (Special Dl patch to Th Joarnal.) : Journal's Astoria Bureau, June 20.- 3. HJobason. a young Scandinavian, 14 confined in the county Jail in tbla city on charges of attempted robberv un arson. At, an early hour, this morning uu uiacoverea in in law of Judge J. Q. AvBowlby, on the second floor of the Odd f Fellows' block, Iq which, the Astoria National bank and Astoria Savinga bank are located. Suspicion was at once directed tnJ hie sleep snd taken to the scene at tha crime.-where he fainted while belnar questioned by the - officers. ' Jdhnann, came to -Astoria two or three daya agV from Portland and entered the omce of Judge Bowlby to study Uw. Ha had a. key to' the office and waa the last Mr. I son to leave it last night. At the tlma of the Ore both doors were found open. After the flames were extinguished an examination was made by the o Sloe re and it was .found thst tbe combination -has been knocked ' off the - large-offloa safe, apparently in an attempt to force an entrance Into it. This Isads to the belief that robbery was attempted and the place flred to cover the crime. - , ' Johnson la thought to be connected with the band of anarchists which ta working tn Portland. Papers were found In his possession which plainly Indicate anarohlatlo beliefs and and his actions tend to show that his mind Is unbal- anced. The papers found In his posses ston Indicate that he has lived in Min neapolis and Calumet. Michigan. Among) other articles found Is a baggage check. No. 604, from the Hotel Portland, where) he stopped on the night of June T. A sneak thief entered tha room ot Mrs. Ruth Knopf in the Oriel hotel -last night and . carried away a watch. and chain valued at I12S. Mre. Knopfn home ts in Arleta, Oregon, and she was . a guest at the hotel for the night At an early hour this morning she was awakened by- a man In her room, who Immediately apologised .. tot .. having takeu the wrong number and withdrew. The woman thought little of the oc-t eurrence at the time, but this morning" missed the watch and chain. . MAJORITY OF STUDENTS 4 ARE ADMITTED TO BAR Salem, Or., June 10. The bar exam! nation resulted as follows: Ben C. Dey, - Abner H. Jones, C .N. McArthur. Rich-. ard M. McCsnn. C Ban Rlesland, Her. - man A. Schmeer. .Edward O. Stadten Charles B.-Sternberg, David H. Stephen-, eon, Clarence C Stout, Vernon W. Tom-. nnaon, t. T. Treadgold, Thomas H. West and Harry Yancivtck of Portland, were admitted. , A. W. Parshley and Edwin U Mlnar. minors, of Portland will have 'certlfli oates Issued upon reaching their ma Jortty. ' Ronald C Glover, Clinton H. Medcalf and Fred R. Waters of Salem. Herbert" K. Hanna of Jacksonville, A. A. Hamp son of St. Johns, Harold Strong of Cor valtis and E. S. Van Dyke of Orantsv Pass were also admitted. Out of 31 applicants 31 passed. ' . ' - - Preferred gtoek Oanaed Sooda. Allen A Lewis' Best Brand. Sure Cure : - :For Sore Eyies (hateful Tatrem Tall ofAlmott snisjiiliwi curae or OataraoU, Omaalaaad Lid. Wild -Hairs, Uiom, Wak, Waurr Eyas and All Ev IWm Sad Toar aam aa Ad. drM Wltk Tw-0nt Stamp for fie Trial raoaage, ... Tbe cure belag mad br tbl mafic lotioaj very day ar traly r. siartabl. I have re peatedly retord t h atrht peranoe nearly blind for yara l.'lcer. IM balr. granulated 116a dlp- itk th sa of tbla ntaaie rmdv. Weak. repeateaiy cnrM wn-ra all other . reedli and all doctor hav failed. It ia Indeed ataxic remedv and t am alad o 4o .hla tree trial to any safferer rxosi sore area o any ej troohl. Handr-da . bar thmnrm.mwaT thAf, . .i.m.. after alng It a week. Preach, teacher, doctor, laaryer. enslneera, atudot. dm. Bial-r and all wbo their eve end atrata rtnrt with tills Made Ixitloa s saf. anr no quire reuer. ir yon sv sor ye ne any eye trouble write bi today. I ant la earnect in maalna my offer ef a free trial bottl of tbla lotion. It la tbe ealv nnaltlva car for cataract knows, and 1 am glad to ftrnta proof In many well-proven and thenrtc caaea where it baa cured cataract after tne -doctor aatd tbat onlr a dansernaa an4 eipenelv operation would av tbe alsbt. If yon bv eye trouble of any kind yos will make a aerkm mlatak If ' you do sot send for my great free offer of tbla Mafic Rye Lotion. Adtfreaa, with full description of your trouble and a two-cent alamo, rtofeaaor Hermaa T- Bcblesel. 1138 Mackinaw bids., Chicago, and yon will receive by return mail, prepaid, a trial bottle of bl maala rmdv tbat kaa retored hnndreda to ala-ht. ABSOLUTE SECURITY. Genuine- Littfe Liver Pills. Must Bear Signature) ef 5e Pse-Slmile Wrapper Beeaw. . as smfas. rOI IEABACXE. : FOR DiniNEtt. rOR RIUOUSIEtt. FOR TORPID LIVER. rOR COHTIPATIOR. rORSAUOWSXII. roRmcoKPiixioi rarsj u.i- WD Carter I Tery aaaall aaa CARTERS I Mrf t C4'"",J nlwreryj CUR I SICK HIADACHE V .: V