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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (June 20, 1906)
TO M2CLR Q, FRANX STOIUC ESTABLISHED IflSf The Proper Styles and Pest Qualities at Reduced Prices TR MEIER a FRANX STORE ESTABLISHED 1857 Men V Clothing FOR, COAST WEAR. . , . . t ' , Boys Clothing D epartment Men's Path Robes in Terry cloth and blanket materials of plain or fancy .50 Men's Outing Trousers in neat stripes of homespuns, fancy tvccds and ' jSg 2.50 to $5.00 Dig lino of Men's Putins Suits, round or doublo breasted, in newest mate rials and at a saving of fully 25 per cent over exclusivo clothing stores $?30 to $25;00 mm, wis Special in Poys' "Mother's FriendMlaun detachable waist bands ; made with or without collars ; material, blue percales and neat light striped percales; n rflcnilnr 50 waists- Snerfal - J Jl ta Roys' all-wool Norfolk Suits in cheviots and twecdsrstees? Wte y earsTWgidar $6.00, $6.50 and $7.00 56.00, bso ana f .00 fl a nQ values Special . . , . .: . . . P1. Young Men's all-wool OutingTrouscrs, peg tops, made with belt loops and turn up bottoms of neat styles, and patterns ; regularr4.0 Qvq 1 uesf regulaf4.Q o val lies (j q The Meier (& Floor Take Elevator lown Topics f ,.. towiohti AMvmmn.' Holllg... "'Bald Pestie' IUe..,...."Wkea .W., Were Twl7-w l.jrle tar.. uraao VOdtTllU Official announcement of the dat of th National Guard encampment at American Laic haa been received from Washington. D. C.. and the Oregtm aol dlers wilt -b,, great military field ... m time the Washington state -guard. August-II." The Oregon boy will be at American IJJLJsyjand. will probably receive jwq mmi.17 " ms each day. --, The-encampment will be under government supervision and the members of the National Guard are - expecting to receive a strenuous train ing while In camp. Sixteen companies of Infantry and hospital corps wilt be Included lit the Oregon contingent, the ' artillery companies spending an outing .In 1 practice march through the Wil lamette valley. ' - Collins - Hot - Mineral-Springs - hotel. moot beautifully situated on the north bank of the Columbia river. Is open for guests the whole .year. The mineral water Is especially good for rheuma- J. tlstn. stomach, kidney and liver troubles. t Will gusrsntee ' good accommodations. Easy of access either by rail or boats. All boats stop at Collins Hot Springs. O. R. A N. local leaves Portland at 1:11 s. m.. arrives at Collins at 10:t . m.: only two hours' ride On train, fitesmer Spencer, and Regulator line of steamers leave Portland at T a. m. dally. C. T. Belcher, proprietor, will . welcome you alL ,' , ' . Special excursions conducted by George W. Boyd, general passenger agent for the Pennsylvania Railroad company, will be run from New Tork City, to Portland... durfng the summer. The first train will leave New Tork The regular meeting of the Portland Admen's league will be held 'Friday evening. Instead of this evening, at the rooms of the chamber of commerce. The chance wss mads because of the ex pressed desire of number of the mem. bars to attend the opening of the Rock Island club. . A debate has been planned and tue apeskers will be: Affirmative, Messrs. Estes. Held, JJrey and Chap man: negative, R. M. Hall. W. C. Keim. P. W. Custer and Charles A. Foster. The subject of the debate will be: "Resolved, Thst the Portland Admen's league shall take en active part In all great public m.vementa for the welfare and advance ment of the city of Portland, the stats or uregon and the Paclflo northwest." Members of the men's classes of ths TJf. C.- Ar are planning sn elaborate supper at-the Little Ina. at the close of the year's work, Friday,- June M. Toasts will be given under the direction of C. H. Gilbert toaatmaster, and Miss Louis. Hagner will play. - The following toasts will be given: "The Y. M. C.NA.." nr. J. K. weataerbt: "Qymnaslu: fCommlttee.11 Dr. J. I- Hewitt; -"Who's Who In the Gym.." E. L. Wills: "Edu catlonal Value of Basketball. " Charles Mackle: "Odds and Rnds," Dr. j. Whlt oomb Brougher) "Regularity;" H. W. Stone,. - - W. H. MOORE E. E. LYTLE W. COOPER MORRIS LEO FRIEDE H. A. MOORE Officers nd Directors Oregon Triist & Savinos Bank Sixth and Washington Street!, ' Portland, Oregon.. ; Thb Bank Is Open SATURDAY NIGHTS To accommodate Ita cuatomora and the public, pay checka and receive deposit! and do a general bank ing business from 5 to o'clock. WE HAVE FOR RENT Sale Deposit Doxes , ( ....... , II you have private papers, notea, mortgagee, policiea or dceda oa hould have a box. Call and in apect our. vaulta. - V ' 0 July I, with upwards of 109 people aboard. The second train will start early la September. These train will consist .of . Pullman equipment, - with every modern convenience of travel, and will visit th principal polnta of In terest In the Paclflo northwest Charles Whittlesey, . who was found guilty yesterday afternoon in Judas Wol verton's court of opening mall be longing to Arthur N. Veateh, wilt prob ably bv sentenced tomorrow . morning. The maximum penalty for the offense Is five years In the penitentiary and a fins of 1500. J. R. Turner, whs wss In eluded with- Whittlesey. In ths Indict ment, made his escape at the time of Whittlesey's arrest snd hss not been heard of since. The treasury department has at last acceded to th. requests of Postmaster Mlnto 'for an addition to' the Janitor force In the federal building, and In a communication - received this morning informed the Portland guardian of Uncle Sam's building that one more knight of the broom and mopsttck would be al lowed on the payroll. There are a num ber of candidates for the, position and ons will be selected this week. The newly elected officers of th. United Artisans of Bstaoada are: Master-Brttisn. Edward "Mall ory7eui perlntendent, Neal Brownson; Inspector, Clyde Schock; secretary, H. W, Green; treasurer. Earl Day; senior conductor. O. Krlgbsum; master of ceremonies, Mrs. Day; Junior conductor, Roy Mor row;, field ' commsnders, Mrs. W. K Havllsnd and George Shults. . 1 - The hearing of a motion for a new trial In th. case of W. A. Frader, th. Roseburg-poetmaauz who.waa found guilty of embeasling government money, wss postponed until Thursday, June Is. Tho Frader case wss the only one set for todsy in th United States district court and Judge Wol vert on ordered tb. court dismissed .for the day. An epidemic of typhoid fever at Eu gene forced Morris Ooldblstt to file a petition In bankruptcy with the clerk of the United .Statea district court yes terdsy afternoon. According to ths schedule filed by Goldblatt. the assets amount to IT. 100 and th. liabilities to 111.41. With th. exception of $1,100, none of the 'claims sgainst ths estate r secured.'. ... .. ... , Th picture, of High school art dust- Ing class officers In yesterday's Journal were made from excellent photograph taken by. Charles Butterworth. -T Max Smith Opens New Plsce. Friend and patron are informed that the new and elegantly fitted premises at 141 Seventh street, between Alder and Mor rison, wlU t open for business fatu day morning under the management of Max Smith., as tho Savor Restaurant. The sme old name, but new through- Htyf:;1 -rvi . - Articles of incorporation of the Union Jumoer company were filed In the .of floe of the county clerk thla morning, by E. O. Potter, R. J. Potter and A, M. Potter. The object la to conduct a gen eral aawmijl, lumber and logging busi ness, with a capital stock of '425.000. Th principal place of business will be Portland. . The Incorporators - are from Washington county. The Graham string quai;tetjave its inira concert last mint in the ehapel of the First Unitarian church. The pro gram," .composed of numbers from Mo sart. Bach and Haydn, was deeply .ap preciated ny the audience. ' The quartet conBlpts-Bf-WlUlani Wallace Graham. -Mrs. Sherman Brown. Ferdinand Konrad and Emit Thtelhorn. To the Warships snd Oaks. The Chi cago, Princeton, Paul Jones and Preble, now in th harbor, are quickly reached, every seven or eight minutes, from 1 to 6 p. m.. from Favorite boathouaa. foot Morrison street. South slds bridge, and tn Uk every few minute all aft ernoon. " Rev. John Glen ha been appointed churchTEast Ninth and Mill streets. He has already held that charge for the peat two years and this must therefor be his last, as a Methodist psstor must be moved after three year in one loca tlon. - ; ' Richard William of th board of edu cation is seriously ill at his farm In Washington- countyrThree1 hemorrhages have weakened him considerably. Th other, director will postpone election of teachers and other board business un til he Is sble to attend the meetings. Water through hose- for sprinkling yards or sidewalks, or washing porches or windows, must be paid for In advance and used only between the hours of and I a. m. and and p. m. It must not be used for sprinkling streets. If used contrary to these rules, or waste fully. It will be shut off. Mrs. U B. Jlck of Spokane Is th guest of Mr. Robert Berger, IK Cor bett street. Mr. Berger will receive her friends In honor of her guest Thurs day aftsrnoon from 1:10 to I o'clock. Attorneys H. M. Tomllnson of Port land nd Ctmrles P: M. Murphy" of Baker City were admitted to practice In the United Statea district court this morning, ; Th first eraduatae. of th Ockler Green school will receive their diplomas Monday evening. There will be a short proaram. - Th graduatea are:- Ruth Schwarta, George Albers. Chester Clark, Wynn Redman. Von Redman, - Harris Ednsrs, Fred Bertlesen, Laura Jones, Meryl Whltcomb, Esther Lebermsn, Belva Baahfort and Helen Munson... Who wsiiis'lu move lu floridaf ' l wn a 110-acr farm on rulf coast. Lwill sell or exehang at barjraln. Ad dress Hlrsm yroomsn. Box 464, Port land. , W are still selling eye glasses at II: a perfect fit guarantsed or money re funded. Mtsgr 4s CO., ill sixth street CT E. Walborn. furniture repalrlna. pol ishing, peeking, shipping. TeL East till. Aem Oil Co. sell th best safety oil and fin. gasolines. - Phon East 711, Short dry wood 11.10 'per load. Call up Main 411. Th Nlcolal Bros. Co. Women' exchange, ill Tenth street lunch. II to I. Panama hatter, til 4th. Phon Pee. iT. ' Milwaukl Country Club. 11 "Memphis and Loulevtll races. Take Sell wood and Orexon City cars at First gad Aide NUMBER THIRTEEN H00D00S THIS PHONOGRAPH CONCERT Mr. and Mrs. Thomas O'Neill gave a party at their horn on tb Base Line rosd, two snd a half miles beyond Mon ta villa, Sunday evening and It cams near costing ths lives of th boat and hostess, ss well as all th honored guests. Whils Mr. O-NelU 1 abl. to attend to hi work aa longshoremen, his better half 1 suf fering from several severe bruises snd the effects of a terrible shock to her nervous s-ystem. Ths O'Neills purchased a phonograph not long ago and It talked" so funny and sang and played o well that Mr. O Nelll. who himself is an ardent admirer of tuneful ballads and octop jokes, decided to invito a few of trm neighbors to a little concert- It wss more of an im promptu affair than anything else, and so when the roll was celled there were just 11 present. A more perfect evening oouid not nava been selected. Th. sun was Just begin ning to dlsappsar Into a sea of purple behind ths hills that form the bowl In which Is located th. town of Montavllla and It expanding suburbs .when the host led the way to the -portico rrom which the view of th mountain ranges to th east was moat sublime. Those who did not find chairs seated themselves comfortably, on th railing surrounding th portico and number after number floated from th large funnel Into the stilt evening air ana blended beautifully with th. chirp of th. birds in th. oluster of wild roses across ths road:- Everything would prob ably have ended aplendlly and another concert would probably bs on th books for next Sunday avemna nad Mr. u went not put on ons of the late and popular songs, sung by on of th leading nailad singers of th country, for when It came to th. chorus, th. applause became so violent thst with a x roan and a crasn th. portico supports aavs way and th whole party took a very sudden tumbl to me lawn below. Tb pnonograpn, too. went down with the heap, but for tunately escaped uninjured smd wa still singing while ths guests were finding tbetnselve in the ruins.- PRESBYTERIANSTOCONSIDER CALL OF DR. HILL Minister - Is Offered Chair of Homlletics in McCormick's SeminaryjChjeago. A special session of ' the authorities of ths First Presbyterian church of thla city will be called next week for the purpose of considering a call that has been made to Dr. Edgar P. Hill to the chair tf homlletics In McCormlok sem inary, Chicago. It is likely that Dr. Hill will accept th call and d I scon tlnu hi service as pastor of the First Presbyterian church early In the fall. Dr. Hill announced the offer at a meeting of the board of dtrectors of the church laat week.. He stated "at the tlm that he was considering ths cell. He-stated hls mornlng-that' he had not deolded to accept and that th matter would be thoroughly considered at th meeting next week. Dr. Hllrre'cenny returned-from- trip abroad and th announcement of hi probable departure wa a great sur prise to th member of his church." In making the announcement Dr. Hill atated that he had received several calls last year from various prominent churches, but that his attachment to Portland had Compelled hlra to decline. SKATINGINIWILL- COST EIGHT-THOUSAND - Three permits for additional amuse ment features at th Oaks havs been granted to th Portland Railway com pany. On 1 for th big akattng rink, which Is to eost 11,000; another Is for nine frame buildings to be used for various purposes, to ost ch, while the other Is for th Old Mill, to cost IB.000. - ' . Every day several permits to repair buildings are Issued, ss It seem to be ths tlms of year -for -o-ernauiinr. and alterations. Of the four just Issued the most important Is that to T. rVott SAT- TOO A OOVO-f A doe. of Ballard's Horshound Srruo will relieve It Have you a coldt Try it ror wnooping eougn, ror asm. ma, consumption, for bronchltl. Wra Jo McOrath, 127 B. First street Hutch inson, Kansas, writes: "I have used u Herd's Horshound Byrap In my fsmtly fer five years, and find it th most paf e table medicine I ever 'used. Sold by JftfAMMUUSt MeV. WB Brook for -his brick "building on Was1 ington street between Seventh and Park. These alterations will cost 16.000. Permit hsv also been issued as fol lows: Mrs. W. E. Robertson, one-story dwelling, Stephens between East Thirty eight and East Thirty-ninth, eost 11,100; B. S. Maoy, one-story dwelling. East Twenty-fourth, corner Hoi laday avenue, coat 11,150; O. W. Priest one-story dwelling, Gantenbetn avenue between Shaver and Mason, cost 11.000; Julia Dellschnelder, one-story dwelling,' Carl betweea East Twelfth snd Esst Thir teenth, eost I60; H. Hull, one-etory dwelling, gumner between East Seventh! and Eaat Ninth, cost 1900; Flanders estate, .repairs to store. Front, comer Couch, coat 1400; W. w. Ayers, one story dwelling. Eaat Washington be tween Esst - Thirty-third and Eaat Thirty-fourth, cost 11,100; Mrs. W. R. Jscobs, repairs to shed. North Sixth be tween Everett snd Flsnders. eost III; R. J. Bt swart, repair to store, Wash ington, corner Sixth, cost-11.000-. SUMMER SALE OF CLOTHING Th -tub-1 Plspoalng of the Xarg took of the Saxt rraaelsoo Clothing . Company to Ol It On oa box Motto. - - Th. Hub -clothing ator. Third and Burnalde, is sdvertising a monster sum mer sale, of tho stock of ths San Fran cisco Clothing company, at marked re ductions from ordinary price. It Is represented that this Is superior apparel made for high-class people end that on account of the deetruction of that city was sold to Th Hub at so great a saorl flce' that It' Is posslblejto, dlsposs of It Hers at a mere fraction of what" the gar ments nad been selling for Immediately preceding the great disaster. Prloee are quoted In the advertisement to prov these claim, which It will be of ad vantage to those desiring suits, coats, furnishings or underwear to peruse. Th Hub ha always been tb horn of moderation In prtcea. It 1 certainly sustaining It 'reputation In thla great sai. - ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY - JUNE BRIDES SO FAR Thers have been 110 June brides ae far In this county, which 1 10 more than th corresponding period tor last year and 40 mors than In 1104. If they keep on marrying as fast aa they hav th total for .the month will be lis. in 1004 there were 154 marriasea In the month1-of June amV lOl In 1805. Mora of the brides choose Wednesdsy , for .their wedding day than any other day. Friday Is least popular of all ths days for weddings, . . PECULIAR LEGAL QUESTION TO BE DECIDED Man Whose Wife Refused to Sign Deed Is Asked to Pay Damages. When a man .agrees to sell a pleos of property and his wife refuses to sigh the deed with him, how much damages can he be compelled to payf This ques tion will be deolded Inl th. circuit court In ths suit of A. J. Farmer for 11,000 damages from Otto Roenioka, proprietor of the Oregon Paper Box factory. Ronlck 1 said to hav. given aa op tion on hi residence at 421 Fifth street to I Goldsmith A Co who say they found purchaser for ths property In A. J. Farmer. Farmer la said to hav paid 1500 on th 'property, but It al leged that after tb tttl wa examined and approved Roenlcke'a wife would not sign a warranty deed, and th deal could not be completed. Roenlck testified that as soon as his wlf refused to sign th deed he in- fered to pay Goldsmith a commission of 1600 on th transaction and reim burse Farmer for any loss h. might hav. sustained. H. said that nalthsr Goldsmith nor Farmer would listen to this proposition, but began talking about a damage suit at "once. Th. sal. price of th property was 11,100. Th ult I being heard before Judg Bear. John C Bhlllock and John F. Logan ap pear a attorney for Roenlcke and Farmer 1 represented by B. 8. Fague. LILLIS DROPS APPEAL AND GIVES UP FIGHT W. P. LUUs, formerly deputy city en gineer, hss dropped the appeal to th civil service commission sgainst his dis missal from ths department. LUUs hsd promised to make a num ber of sensational disclosures when his appeal was heerd, but it was reported to th commission this morning that as hs had taken another position and did not car to be reinstated he would not carry hie appeal any further. Th complalrrtTigsrnBT LnnaWS that h4 hsd ordered a suit of clothes charged to .a contractor whoa work he had been Inspecting. When th contractor, George H. Simon, received th bill he refused to "pay It, and told City Engineer Tay lor. Lllll declared th whol thing wa a misunderstanding growing out of a Joke, but ths city engineer. could not It in that- light-and walking pa pers were lesued. . LUUs was In th de partment for a number of years, acting as sn inspector during several admin istration. . f , "MATNLY personal Miss Genevlev Eraley , of Ogden. Utah, I vllttng In th city. Deputy. County Clark C C Rose hss returned from a two weeks! vacation at Long Beach, and resumed hi duttea in the county clerk' off to. thl morning. - Best Easy Chairs. - For old age art bought early. They are caiiea endowments. Get particulars free. No Importunity. ... pENN MUTUAL LIFE, ' t Sherman eV Harmon, General Agent. Lsst 11. SO Seaalds excursion xt Sunder. AxctrnxaxTTS. Aih op Jin Y r aft kinds -rtf sHrsettnee, ta)m aeeenatoas, Berfcreters. mnntrlase. alneers. emvtng-elf-fwr Mamies entertsinisent and Fretn lurnt.bM fnr tke holidar. Knaui AsMSseSMai Aaeacr. aelVs tUla sb - AMUMMaatTB. W.V.,-. The HeUitf Theatre wIST la tke Orieatal Oeml4ara SAID PA8HA" mder aod Batarday Mights. Batnrday kUU lues, Sam BUI st Empire Theatre. , welfui sad MoErtsea. ' ,'lrolt'..'n' tree !. Me, 33, Sc and (We. Matinee, ISe aa lie. Vest Wash at the H.UigT ' -. "ita nxEraoxx siu: ' - ' .K5 HEILIGS" Wsaaingtes " "eaavawav Maait. rriaay sad 4tweay JleMs. Jsae ttultt. BgMial-Pnea Hatlsee eetsiaey, KEXsUXTTA CkOasLaJI j, Kerry Osmedy -r- lUary. Mary Quite Coatrary." IVENINO PRICK Lower floor, M. Ut 5"7' "'iS ticoaJl.Ji' an ao. Gallery, toe. Botes, fie. kUTUfEB PRICES Lower floor. II. M; last im 11. Baleooy, TOe ead eot. Sal- Urr. ISe sad SO. Seats sew selling at baxofSee. the Belllg, Baker Theatre Oragea TaaatM Oa, Pheae Mala 180T. TonUht all This Weak Matinee gatnrday. THB BAKER TKAT COM PANT IN Heary T. Xmoo4 BaeatlfaL aad Jasptnd Kvenlng prices te. We end SOe. MstlBee, 15e sad ase. Teelgkt Wiluaai Pills soevealf gleen away. Beat Weak "MADAME BAM im," LiYRIC THEATRE Bvery . Aftsneea aad Evealug PeiMa 141 A Beaissse ef the Mlaes Tne Carnent'a Celnrv" a uv a.aa a, m ssm. IT F0TTB A or a. FOLLOW TUB CROWD CONTHtCOUS PERPORMANCB. Admlasioa lOei B irva A Beats. gOe, Empire Theatre KOVSAT, JVTX U, AX tiU 9. It, . The U.S. S.Princeton Min strel and Specialty Co. Under th Maaarrment ef C. W. A tens. Chief -Master at Ansa. roa BXBrxrjT or ixaxuti aiiiiun PBICE r,, (Oe, Tie se4 U Bests ea seta. eooimenelng Thoraday. Jane set. el - Hrawniai,- Baft bliw. BTABJC STB. SBAOI HTTBtTIsOTO sed TreaM hi A aantmeeuu klni BoeHag Tares, a ej Will '"BtVjr Evaaa. MoJaa a rxttaa. The gaataalias. s. ' The Bliigisaik. laity at B:10, t:o .ni s. m. . and tOei hosas. Me. Ledlea an cklldrea take aay )eat at weekday sut laeee Perfnnnaaees da 11; Adralaaloit, lOe for TEN seats. -THE-GRAND wrcar na imii ta Bl Orskeea Tseievttla. - . . Hugh XauMt. WwU-l ad . Teatruetalst. Tke Koffmaaaj . aerkert MJtaMl. - tlth auta, ; . Leag lliteaefl. Bareld Boff. . Btb4Hms, . BASEBALL AthleUc tut f Osraer Taagaa aad Taeaiyfeaitk, ' Portland vs. San Fraadsco gaaaae Oallad at i . Bk Hetty, i, aaMS Oallad B s. sb Beseeje. -. ladles' Bey. Friday. ADW1MIOM XM. faaeaktad. Ile Ckudrea. Ilai Sea Beat,, ai STAR TH EATR3 CoBBWarlna Mm"tf, Tnne !. r V - gTAB llOCk tCMPAXt U. 4A Cccd-r::t:;:J V to1 MMt WHt f ' laeieeisg e-4 , . -"