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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (June 20, 1906)
THE - OREGON DAILY JOURNAL PORTLAND,1 WEDNESDAY EVENING. JUNE 20. 1603. 2 WW A 10 DOUBLE GUARD AT Disquieting Reports from Chi - ness Boxers President Can not JHelp. Russian Jews. . Washington. June W. Tb Lnlted State government 1 likely o Increase lts legation guar a i . - ' i n.niiiHiar Information' re- i... a.fyfin the ' activity of the Boxer and anti-foreign . element ha . mlniii -conference .between " Hoot; TSTt and 1 iwmiri uflii . last few dsys. t - ' Simon Wolf, representing" the BNI . -B Rith society, asked the president to day to interfere la behalfof the Jews V in Rossis. Tba-preaMent expressed his sympathy, but hla Inability to itty """ reseritatIonW tna RuasloT. Btvvrment. ? Th houaa paaaed th bill approprlat- Ing ISi.OOw for $h president traveling -'' . expenses. ' " ' ' 1 " '. -," ' , '. ' HAS NARROW ESCAPE" FROM FEROCIOUS BULL 'A- V - " 1 . 1 ' ' ' (Special WepeirB to Tbs leerasD ' Baker City. Or..- Jun JO. -Luther . Bpeelman. a ' prominent rancher' living -.about six mllea from Baker, had a nar- - row escape from being gored to death by ft mad bull yeaterday. As it wss ; Mr. Spellman Buffered avr Internal Injur! and a dlalocated shoulder. Th bull waa tied 4n th- oorral and . after turning th other -cattle ou Mr. Specimen went up to take th baiter off th bull and turn him out. Aa aoon ' ' a h had removed th halter the bull mad a plung and catching Mr.-Spoel-.', man In th right aid- daahed him ; agalnat th rail of the corral, dlaloeat ; In the ahoulder. Alinoet unconacioua Mr. Specimen fell to- the ground and ' the Infuriated bull atood bellowing and pawing up the earth over him. ' Mre. Bpeelman came to the rescue, and opening the lower corral gate man ' sged to drive the mad bull out Mr. Bpeelman had lain quite atlll during the , proceeding and tt la probably to thl , . that h ewea hla IK. ' . r riNATIONAL CONVENTION ". OF MILLERS IN SESSION (Joenul Special Service-V 4 , Milwaukee Wla,vJune iO. A conven tion with delegatea-lrom all part of - , the United States and -- from eeveral foreign countrlea, representing more 1 wealth, probably, than any other con vention ever held in Milwaukee, ia that of th MlUera' National Federation. ". which began a three day" eaion today, with headquarter at the Hotel Tfjster. : An Intereatlng and Instructive program 1 haa been , arranged for the convention. The 11a t of speakers Includes, among '' other, 8. T. Ballard of Louisville. A. W. " Howard of Minneapolis, - Charlee Es penachled of St. Louts, Harry K. Hooker '" of -Lanalng. Michigan; H. Bv Bparke of Alton. Illinois; B. J Rothwell of Bos V ton. and H. B. Taaker of London. - LIBERALS TO WIN IN NOVA SCOTIA ELECTION (Journal Special BerTlce.) ' Halifax, N. B., June . 1 nere ij doubt that th Liberal party, wnicn n held power contlnuoualy In Nova Bootla atnee 1S83. will receive a eweepln- ma Jorlty at today's elections. The general policy of the government has not been aerlously challenged by the oppoaltlon, sndUhe flnancea-cf the-pTdvlnoe, Qwlng ' to- the. rapid development of the coal mining Industry, are In a very astlBfac- tory condition. i- 1 PORTLAND GENERAL IS. ; . ;lt7 FIGURING ON PLANT (Special Dlipatc te The JeorssLI Aurora, r June 20. The Aurora Electric company of thia" city has re v reived an offer for Its plant fnera the -Portland General Electric company and la figuring on selling out. The plant here. gives service to Aurora, Barlow, Canby. Hubbsrd and Cervals, The peo. pi around here are easprly looking for a 4-hour service, which the Portland General Electrie would give If It se cured th local plant. . Last. $ LiO Beaalde -excursion next Sunday. CHINESE REFUGEE IS ' i: TIRED OF EXISTENCE ' ' (Spertat Dlapetck te The Journal.) . - The Dalles, Or, June Voung Tuen. a former Chines merchant of Ban Vraaclsoo. who was burned out and lost everything attempted to commit sui cide this morning by Jumping, In the river .with rock tied to hla neck. He waa .rescued and. taken ta Th Dalle' hospital.! It Is a apposed hie temporary insanity waa caused by h!. business trouble and alcoholism. Hla brother haa a restaurant In thl city. Bchool Xlectlon. 4 ' (-' prtl Pamtck to The Jnnraal.) ' Wood bum. Or.. June It. At .the annusl school meetlna Monday B. - T Randair waa elected director for three year and K. P. Morcom reelerted clerk for One year. Send postal for "Vook of PEKING - ""V -MM -a. - SB -V r jffi tllc secret ofV -: V ScndkM the Wave ) ) ) ) wiy. A Wondeilul! ) ) VVthaii WBak-vBWy V another y ' ; : A int Powder that yvVi day ! J J ' j costs three times 5Sl f SHOUemiEY'SrILLTO - BE COIITESTEO Estate Left " Entirely to Widow but, Heirs Claim Circus Man's Mind Unsound. j fJtmraal SiwtaJ Bwvlre.l White Plaina. N..Y- June SO. Accord ing1 to paper-filed with the surrogate at White Plaina objections to the probate of the will of the late James A. Bailey, the millionaire circus owner, who died at Mount Vernon recently, have been mad and there will, In all .probability, be a conteaC. . Objections were filed by lawyers who represent Anna E. Robinson and Mary rrf,n heir of Hallevwho reside at Detroiu and Gordon Dane 7; anotner heir. They allege that Bailey was "not of sound mind and memory and under standing-" when he mad hla will and undue raftuenc was exerted on in oe- cedent. ly-BalUy'a.wlU hi entire estsl ori about . 000,000 is innsritea oy nis wldow. . NEW LIGHTSHIP FOR MOUTH OF COLUMBIA (Wubluftaa Bares ef The J oorral.) Waahlngton, June 0. The e senate approprlatlona committee 4 reported on th sundry-civil bill 4 today with a commute amena- . w tment to the appropriation for 4 O IU0.00O for a lightship for the e mouth of th Columbia. 41 Congressman Hermann ' e- cured th passac in h house of his bill granting th Bllets Irrigation company a rigni or way aorpai-Uia Bileta . Indian reservation. ' Preferred Block Oamaed Ooeda. Allen Lewis Best Brand. RAPID RIDE TO HEAD OFF GRIM MESSENGER (Special Papetcb t Ta JoaraaLI Cove Or. June-SO. Word by - tele phone yesterday morning from - Bt, Kllaabeth hospitsj at ipaaer tuny aa sures one' of th pioneer famllle of Cove of th successful operation en one of their number tot atrangulatlon in a case of hernia, a section of Inflamed intestine" havlng-been- removed, adding that the patient had stood th hurried transit by carriage ana rati and in surgery In good shape. William Alexander complained- Mon day of feeling- symptom of a return-of a chronlo trouble, .but thought it not ao severe aa to detain his wlf from her duties In the church choir during th funeral services preceding th burial of a neighbor, err Meyer or union, now over, on his arrival, found th eaa had progressed beyond local surglcsl aid, and. taking the paUent in hla buggy, hurried him 19 miles to the nearest O. R. N. station In time to take, the train for Baker City. - Hla escape from death la regarded aa a narrow one. Laet 11.60 Beasld sxcurslon 'next Sunday. JUDGE ELLIS PASSES HIS LAST SENTENCE , (RpeeUI Dlapatck t The Journal. I Pendleton. Or.. June 28. timrmr C Stone, the Weston lawyer .who was con victed or check forgery, waa thia morn ing given an indeterminate sentence to the penitentlazy by Judce Ellis of the circuit court This Is probably Judare Ellis' last sentence, aa he I congressman-elect and hi term as Judge expires July 1. Lat $1.50" Beaslde excursion next Sunday." RICHARD IVINS WILL HANG FOR HIS CRIME fjoaraal Special Service.) Springfield. 111.. June 10. Th su- preme court has ref useJF to" interfere in th execution of Richard Ivlns, ho was convicted and sentenced to hang for ma uiuruer 01 Mrs. tsessie liolllster. -Lst-tl.S0j Sunday. ; Beaslde excursion - next RAILROAD OFFICIALS . OWN COAL STOCKS Jiiersal Special BerTlee.) - Washlng-ton, June 20. The interatate commerce commission Is investigating todsy the connections of railroad com panies in thia jart of the country with coai com pan lea A number of railroad Officials tectlned to- owning- coal stock. Last Sunday. tl.SQ, Seaside excursion next DRYD0CK DEWEY IN . STRAITS OF MALACCA Penang. Btralts Settlement,' June 20. The drydock Dewey has been sighted In the Btralts of Malacca and signaled that I all Is well. JaquetJifs. Co. Chicago A NEW PIANO 1 -. STORE BY FALL EILERS PEOPLE VACATE THE BIO WASHINGTON STREET SALESROOMS. New Lease Secures Entire Upstairs, but; Occupancy Not Until Thia Winter. Extensive Improvements and Alterations Planned. . New Re dtal Hall to Be the Best Appointed in the Weat. Further Particulars of the Big Deal. . . ' H m" "A a V"ffrf'gtj t" behold t the famous oldVUuarter Ploi X yes terday. Even with the augmented de livery service of flv large vana, which nave Deen woraina nigrix ana oy, 11 mmm lmoosslbla to deliver all the In struments which were sold laat Friday and . Buturday. Commingling with, th draymen were the carpenters, who com menced yesterday morning In deadly earnest to remove wall and partition preparatory to th many alteration and Improvements that are 10 wniat.- It aloea .not Htm to be aene rally un derstood, however, that. Ellera Piano House Is now practically out or tne re tall city bualneaa. The big- store. Ilk several or its fellow-stores In th am block. 1 vacant And awaiting for th new tenanta. A stated heretofore, w wr rort- nate In securing at th very laat mo mm. m maw w.vaLP Iraaa on the uth stair of th block, but th upstair por tion la now occupied Dy rortiana iao Ing bualneaa college, for which Institu tion a nne. new ouuaina tm .now ovma erected on the corner of Tenth and Mnrrimn atreeta. When the new building la completed we are to take possession of th old premise upstairs here. They will be converted Into the moet beautiful, moat convenient and beat-llahted piano aales rooms in the United BUt. : - Will Open In the FalL But until these many change are completed and possession has been se cured. Eller Piano House is compelled to remain out of the retail piano trade. A a aoon aa possible after October 1 we ahall commence work remodeling th upstairs premise. Convenient stairways and a modern elevator will be installed. Several very fine muelo studios en suit or slngl . will also be provided. We shall have a fin recital hall, twice a large aa our former one; a fine Aeolian and Pianola library room, and also talk ing machine parlors will, be some of th noteworthy eat urea The upper or western portion of th block formerly d voted to Aeolian Hall will be remodeled and rebuilt, aa an en trance to th new -upstairs salesrooms, a portion also being devoted to show windows, delivery room and privet ofllcea of the varloua managers. . . In the old Aeolian Hall la now lo cated temporarily the Pianola subscrip tion library, and In the front portion will be found The Oregon1" Premium talking machine record distributing de partment. Offices WU1 Remain. The new arrangement will not nces sltat th removal of the general and wholesale offices to our wholesale quar ters at Thirteenth and Northrup treet. A clever architect ha solved th pussl aa to their location by erecting a mes santne floor in the north-of the-western portion of our new quartera. which Is now being built Herela where the city bookkeepers and also the general and wholesale accounting departments will be located. A commodious Br and burglar-proof safety depoelt vault la to be InataUed In another part of th prem ise. In ehort. by late Fall the estabr llahment of Eller Piano House will be aa complete, and aa thoroughly conven ient, a any In th Union, and probably equal to the very beat of them In at tractiveness. . Big Saving; In Rent. And, best of all, th nw arrange ment will mean a saving In rent to Ellera Piano House of over. MS, 000 for the five-year lease, an average of 17,100 a year. Thl benefit alone will enable Ellera Ptano House this Fall to offer piano and musical merchandise on more advantageous terms than ver heretofore. . . Telephone number remain aa hereto fore, 'Exchange ta." City collections will be paid at the old office aame as before, only that during alterations our offices will have, to be shifted to- varloua portions of the hall. It will be the aim of contractors to cause as little Incon venience aa possible-to eallere. Puat and dirt will be carefully avoided, and our bookkeeping work will proceed with the very least Interruption. The old street number. "161," will be retained (in reality It will be ISS though). Temporary Display Rooma We have arranged to Inaugurate an automobile and carriage service be tween our present quarters ana our wholesnle department at the corner of Thirteenth and Northrup atreeta. for the convenience of those who desire to purchase a Chlckerlng, or a Weber, or a kimkiil. nr a Pianola Dlano. Pianola or organ, etc., etc. BUiiaDie temporary showroom win oe im up "i ie wrw r.ouee to properly display the Instru ments. ... Pianos will also be supplied for con cert! and rental, a heretofore, but all appllcationa must be made at our down tnwn nmcea. 2S1 Washington street, aa above, at the corner of Perk Ellers PlHno House-always the biggest, busi est and best piano dealers, with stores In every imporism western cny, in cluding Ban Francisco. RICH COAL MINE IS FOUND AT MEDF0RD (Special nispatrk te Th JnersaL) . Mmlford. Or.. Jun 10. Not discour aged bv the abandoning or tneir eoai prospect on th Furrey property, east of M.rtford. by th Boutnern i-acinc, a nartv nf Medford man organised a com. nany a few week ao and. hav been prospecting for the coal vein which they were sure waa to be found In that vicin ity. As a result of their work they have tincovered a 11-foot vein of.-th finest bltumlnou coal which promise to prove -unlimited. .. . Tha Medford company ran It tunnel Into-the mountain some J00 feet higher on eia' the mountsln and about reet ot tMBoTltheTrr- Pad fie tunnel) After gong In more than 100 reet tne rein was uncovered. :A shaft haa been sunk to bedrock and an upraise run. Mir era now anlarcMK tne tunnel ro e worklna- also and a large crew win n k nut to work In doing the neces sary development wora. aiier wnui tlve operation or tne mine wn mence. - -:; DAVIS NOMINATED BY- DEMOCRATS OF MAINE .. (Journal Special fVTTlr ) . Bangorv MeJun0v Tha Demo era tic etete convention was called to order her today. with a full attendance of deleaves. All sign point to th nomination of Cyru W. Dvl of Water villa for .th governorship. 1 Th party plans to pursue a vigorous. campaign on the Issue of resubmitting te th people the question of prohibition and feels confident of making th best showing ever made by the Democrat In Main. , T TeUva os Btaad, Ucarnel Special PTflt ) Chlcaao, Jun io.Voliv Is ,nn th stand In th Zlon cae in the federal eeurt today,' Th Dowl sids has rested IU cat. ' ' . PROFESSORS LEAVE OIL UNIVERSITY Policy of Economy at Rocke feller College Drives Instruct ors to Stanford. (Jeurssl pedal terries.) Chicago, Jun. 10. Another "faculty mystery," involving the resignation of flv member of the teaching staff, haa arisen at th University of Chicago. Flv- professors hav severed their re lations with th university, soms 1 of them declaring In explanation that th big school with a flO.OOO.sO endowment from Jehsi P, ttookfllr was not hl to "pay them sufficient salary because of th nawly Installed policy of rigid economy. Th teacher are: Thorsteln Veblen. assistant professor of political economy and author of-two much discussed books, "Th Thory of" th Llur Claaaf' and "Th Theory of Bualneaa Enterprise": Oliver J.k Thatcher, . asso- clat professor of history and author of numerous text books; Dr. C C Guth rie and Dr. Alexia Carrell of th psy chology department and : Charlee . A. Houston. -Instructor In English. Professor Veblen wlU go . to Iceland Stanford Jr. university next Auguat, to oooupy the chair In political eooaotny, and Mr. Houston wilt enter the aame university to become a' member ex th taw faoulty. j , . . WORK PROGRESSES (Continued from Pa una,) , . son to xamln th free-hold oertlfleat. H wanted th affldavlta produoed and examined, he aald. r- . - : Whom do jrou rprant t asxea Judg Fraaer. . m I represent a. numner ot eiiisen Interested In dishonest elections,- waa th reply. Th. (iMn ruled that the matter waa one wholly apart from th Word-Htevena contest and would hav to b presented at another time. Tho affldavlta. th publication of whos " oontents I so eagerly awaited by many clUaana of Multnomah county, will therefore re main a secret ht the hand 01 vouny- Clerk Fields a while longer. ' Attorney Maiarkey announced to the court that he and McQlnn bad agreed that the question of th iagallty ot any ballot cast would not be touched dur ing th recount, but that each would reserve th right to prob Into that mat tr later. This means that th BeUwood affidavit ballots will be counted aa legal vote and that their validity will not be Inquired Into, at leaat untU th and of th recount, which is apparently a num ber of day' off. Malarkey alo srvd. notifi. an tn court that at a later dat b might rale an objection to th whol proceedings, attempt to invalidate th recount, on th around that . th notice or coniesi did not state In particular wherein th irreg-ulsrttte, occurred, -where they bad occurred, nor wher .toa recount should b hald. ' During the recount of th first pre cinct four ballots wr o&jectea to. thre registering a rot for Btevena ana on for word, two oi use were counted at once knd two passed tempo rarily and . were count ed afterwards. One of the Stevens votes which bad been rejected by the election board waa considered valid by th court and waa co.unted. Thia resulted In- a chang from th official canvaas of on vote. Formerly Btevena was credited with 110 and Word 77 votes from precinct No. 1. It now stand: Stevens, ill; Word. TT. )-V Bauoia XTregejeWV aaaraee. The ballots objected to were Irregu larly marked In som way. In on ease the voter placed hla croe after the num ber Instead of Immediately after th name. In several other h bad drawn lln through, th name of rejected candidate or through a whol ticket. in on rase h had voted for a candi date end then written another nam in the blank spac In the same division. In other cases Initial were round or un necessary mark made. In th first two cases th ballot were counted but In the other they were rejected or laid aald for a later decision. Up to noon two ef th Word and on of th Stevens ballots cast in precinct no. uaa own rejected. . Aa previously stated, the de cision on these may be changed -by Judge Fraser on a reconsideration of th merit of th case. " FROM LUXURY- (Continued from Pag On.) numerous roboenee nave neen com mitted Inside prison walls and" those In authority refuse to assum th responsi bility of possible loss. . Bat megnlar vrlaea rare. At the- request of United - States Marshal - Reed Jailer Grafton haa granted the -woman every liberty, that could be aranted a prisoner. She takes hev.meala at his tame in tne aimng room of the Jail where the sheriff and deputies frequently take their meals. Her-food Is the regular far that Is served at th tabl. . h ata anarlnalr laat night and this morning also partook of little food. Sh haa made no request "for extra dishes of any kind snd. Indeed, ha ehown-the ut most appreciation for the courtesy with which ahe 1 treated. She talk very tittia when in th company of her jailer or other and refuse to allude In any way io ner prewoiiv Puter, who I confined la th man department of the Jail, 1 aald to hav Inquired frequently concerning Mrs. Wata6n sine be learned that ah had been taken Into custody on being ur rendered by her ... bondemen. Mrs. Watson, however, has avoided any allu sion to., her former con federate In the land fraud swindles and alleged paramour: , .... t MEDALS OF H0N0R-T0 VETERANS OF ISLANDS naefal tHsnatrk te Tse loerssLI Washington, Jun 10. Representative Bonyng ha succeeded In curing tbe paasag In th houae of his bill to grant medals of honor to all officer and en listed men wtio by the term of their enlistment would hav been entitled to a dlscbarg upon tn ratincaiion oi ins treaty -with Spain but who performed willingly th servle after that In suppressing the Philippine Insurrection. Colorado, Utah, Wyoming. Idaho, Ore .m and other weatern troops eome within the benefit of this bill, which probably will pass th senate prior to th adjournment of th preeent session. DR; BUNDY WILL TAKE ; CHARGES TO COURT Iftneclal Dlooetefc tn Tbe leeraal.1 ... Medford, Or., Jun 10,-r-Dr. U. Bundy, th member ef the tat board at dental examiners, who I charged by Dean Millar of th North Paciflo Dental col- 1 lac of having attempted ta extort VJ We arc prepared to furnish the office. Roll-Top ft 55 Desks, Flat-Top Desks, Standing Desks, Typewriter j) Desks and every thing m Office Chairs and Stools. VI ft : - v ' lwg ,M am. hi W''- - - (i ' N No 23SQuar!efe'4 Oak DesfcrS feet Ion, raised No. 445 42-Inch nels and polish finish; complete with jigeon- jaak I... ,10 Ws and letter fil ,7. j0.00 -y '. . -t 1 11 9A No. 476 A Desk made-in quartered golden oak , - fd and weathered oak something; new and just the .fa Ash Standing Deik.-A'ivr.Vr...f M.50 II -". thing for an office fitted in Mission , r - -. . . V style...................... ' 51- 6-foot Oak Standing Desk,.............,28.50Vr No. 235 A Roll Top" Desk,' in solid osk, finished '- VT f T'-n.milM.m TtaaatU aai'fK a4An flaa4i ' V fctiir tile. T.?l No. 450 50-inch RoU Top Desk, oak... mony from appllcanta for llcens to practice In the state, says tbe charges against him are false. H aya that h asked for no money and received none. He state that the charge ar made by Miller to "aquar hlmslf for th student falling on account of Improper teaching. All th finding of th board wer unanimous. .- II states that he will commence ..n. tnimt Millar at once. On of th graduates of th North Paolflo Dan- tal college na appnea m um it license and -haa been refused each time. Tki. Ttr Rundv contends. " ehowsth low standWg or tn cnooi. n. nimii. atanda man in tn esteem pf th people her and thers Is much Indignation over th charges of Millar, whll they are considered ridiculous. , - dss Xaaaah Dead. "iSpertai Vlapateo; te Tae Joarsal.) 1. ,.i Y .... a .a Lui.. T I IT 4 n Hannah died Monday morning about Co)W Robust-and Strong at:-8 . ' 1 1 ' . ",' , ' " .ii. ! t 'v !.f' l rv.V :"!"' 1 I: f ' ft ? . s". , YM', ft lx ' V", V -k, i n -? a 's ' - - , M& BX W1LHELMI. ' ." ' Duffv's Fure Malt eV 2" Is aa absolutely pure, reatle-aad invigorating snmnraai ana toaio, Duuas up ta gives power So She brain, atrengtk and elaatlolty to the muscles and rlohass te Is lavaJnabls for overworked men, good a sella and longevity, snaaea ta oi young ana seeps ne yenag srvong. it as y a sas wauaey eomwua mm save . oU and 1 She only whisk.y that ha been reoo raised aa a medicine. Tkl ta a gnaraate. old by all druggist and groeara, or direot, la sealed bottles enlyi never in bnlk Frio" SI. lasurk ea th r nlna,' and se that th "Old Chemist" trade-mark la oa the label. Beware of refilled bottle and spurious malt walskew. substitute offered for aal by anscrnpnlons dealers. Th.y are positively kasaafal and wlU aot ear. Medical boekiek and doctors' advloa fre. Bulry Malt Whiskey 0 Booaastsr, Msw Terk. , MM ivo. onrv rial ion ?: .; in golden No. S Typewriter ...fST.OO- drop shelf ....... M0 at St. Elisabeth's hospital after a vary hort Illness ' from appondlcltla. Laat Wednesday morning aha waa sud denly taken with sppendicltls and waa removed to the hospital, where ahe waa operated on Friday morning. For a short time ah seemed to be doing nicely, when peritonitis set 1 " M1" Hannah was forced to glva up th un equal struggle. . - . - Mlaa Hannah wag 14 yara of ag. having Been born In California In 1S1. '-1 sssssiBSsasasassSBBaaaJJBaaaMBSBSaaesaBaaaBBSBBw "". ""' ' Xarthqnak la Jboaoo. I : - (Joe rnl special bti., V Manila, Jun to. Karthquakee are op- Curring in norinern - " Orient lslanda to Formosa. No losa or life la reported. - Ooinjnoem at Brow a. . i rnnm.1 BnMlal BerviesT) f providence, K. U June 10-Th on I. r. . ., annual com- nunarea -ana " 7ZLn "M4t .AVAVaiftv Mr. Wllhelml. of North- delicate woaaea and .sickly children. It atrenjrtheas th system, 1 a promoter of w 1 r t 1 LUiJi Roll Top Desk, In CoMetr V-- ............ ... - ' a ijmi. in noiacn oa...v.w.wv : " 1Tg0 Table, iron frsma sndt a. ...... . . . ... 9- - mencement exercises wer held at Brown university . today. Th speakers In cluded President W. H. P. Fauna. Gov. ernor Utter, Henry Wattereon and Charles E. Hughe. ' "" " " ," w-asja.aa.BsBSBSsaasa.sBa1 Saasa ssi Bt Ooaaptrollsr Wants BtaSsment, . Waahlngton, June 10. The comp troller haa called for statement from the national bank at the cloae of their 'v bualness June 8. . , TKAT TZBBB nX&kaTO. . v. . If you are languid, depressed. In cap-, able for work. It indicates that your llv.r I out of order. Herblne will assist na ture to throw off headaches, rheumatism and ailments akin to nervousness and restore th energies and vitality ot sound and perfect health. J. J. Hub bard, Temple, Trxa. write: "I hav used Herbln for th past two year. It haa don for m more good than all the doctor. It I th beat medicine ever made for chill and fever." iOo. Sold by Woodard, Clarke Co. , Mr. Wilhelml. of ampton, Mass.; has found the source of bodily health and 7 continued youthful t eellng in Duf fy Pure Malt Whiskey, even at the advanced age of 81. Interesting , and apprecla tlve letter Is here. V For the past few years I;fiaVe" used Duffy's Pure Malt Whiskey as a tonic on retiring, and occasionally '"when I feet run down I take it mors frequently, r . . JIereJsJKliaGti4as done for me. "On 'December 28, 1905, I wiiBr - years old. Have all my faculties and am in good bodily health. I have lived in Northampton for 85 years, . and . my neighbors and" friends will attest to the fact that I am a tem- -- perate man. Yet I heartily endorse DUFFY'S PURE MALT WHIS KEY as a tonic for all old people 6r . any one suffering with weakness or ill health. . - - . ; Whiskey aervs usenee, oaa p ta aears, th blood. Xt bring Into actios all th ' ..... : , . . ... J; ,. .... r . f n t