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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (June 20, 1906)
THE OREGON DAILY JOURtTAI PORTLAND. WEDNESDAY EVENING, JUNE 20. 1809. SEALS 10 HATCH FOR GIANTS- Parke Wilson's Men Were Given a Trimming Yesterday In i - Opening Game. '..T ) -" PITCHER O'BRIEN WAS UNSTEADY AT TIMES Visitort Ran Two Men Acrou in the .( First Inning, but Locals Did Like. " wise. Finally Winning Out in Easy . Fashion in 'Third. Seventh. Eighth. Portland I. Bnn Francisco I. Batteries Esslck and McLean; O'Brien and -Bradburr. Pitcher O'Brien of the Ban FrancUeo Seals contributed greatly to the down fall of his team yesterday, and the defeat mar me charged up, to hint. While 'he pitched a fairly-- good gam, allowing but five hits, Ms fielding was -o- IooLtfct-H helped the ouuits con siderably on the bases. ,v . r The Seals ere a fast combination; They play the prettiest bail of any . - team seen on the home grounds this sea son, with the exception of the Giants, ' ef course, but if the locals want to take ' the majority of games, they will have to plsy faster ball than was displayed In - yesterday's contest. The ever-welcome element of luck was with the Portia ndera and this with O'Brien's in accurate fielding helped the Giants on to victory. . The Seals scored twice In tha first .. inning . and : that elided their work at securing runs. : Wheer got a bsse on ' balls and Mohler and Hlldebrand hit safely. With the bases bulging Irwin drew e buse on ball, forcing Wheeler acroBS the plate. ' Williams cracked one ' st Moore and Mohler cams home. Here Bill Esslck settled down and prevented further conngn"'" '--- . Not to be outdone the locals got busy - in their half of the first McHale l"!Jdaiilili!dViBwceney ,Jiit pne to O'Brien ,. and the later tried to head off McHale st third, but the throw was not true and both runers were safe. On Mitchell's out- and-Jud Smith's bunt, both men lcrosed the rubber. ; McHale scored again on a hit by pitcher, a stolen base, an out and an infield drive to short. Mclaan scored in tha seventh on a base on balls, Kaelck'e pass and McHale'a hit. In the eighth McLean aent McCre lle and Smith across with a corking -drive, through the InfleldV - The contest was the snappiest-tn-a. - -T.we.ek and the fans were pleased. The score;. .. PORTLAND. AB. R. H. FO, A. I. MeH8lrff. Sweeney, ss. Mitchell, If. i J z 1 0 4 J i e i 10 0 110 0 1 0 4 0 1 10 t o o 0 0 0 1 1 1 10 1 0 .;. Smith, 3b. .......... uater, ID. --- Mclean, e. Moore.. I! Esslck, p. ........... t 0 0.0 0 Totals , ....20 t t IT It I . - SAN FRANCISCO. - AB. R. H. PO. A. B. Spencer.. cf, i.. :... O.o.j.o 0 - Wheeler, as. ........ 4 ' Mohler.. tb. ......... 4 HUdabrand, if. ....Jt, 4 Irwin, 3b. ... rr. ...... 2 , Williams, lb. ........ 4 Sears, rf. ........... 4' . Bradbury, e. ........ t O'Brien, p. .......... 2 2 J 0 1-0 10 1 I 0 0 10 0 0 o is f ' o 0 0 0 S- I .:. 0 1:1 I ; Totals . ,.....'.....8$" 1 T 14 IS t SCORE! BY IICNlNGS. . . Portland-. ....... Z 0 1 0 0 0 1 t 8. lilti i I Hl hM Snn Francisco . ..2 0-0 0 0 0 0 0 9 2 Hits . . ........a a i i o o o i 07 --.'.- SUMMARY. Struck out By Esslck, 8: by O'Brien, . S. Bases on- balls Off Esslck. 4; off ""O'Brien, 2. Two-base hlte McHale, - Wheeler. Sacrifice hits Smith, Mltch "j ell, Irwin. Stolen bases McHale, Smith, McLean, Wheeler Hit by pitched balls Mnliale, Smith. First base on errors Portland, 1; San Francisco, 1. Left ' ori bases Portland, I; San Francisco,!. Time of game Two hours., Umpire Knell.- AMERICAN LEAGUE. A ... won. Lost. PC Philadelphia .......22 - 21 .404 Cleveland . . ..........80 20 -.00 New York ..,,-. 81 II --..M6 Detroit .............. .27- 22 .649 St. Louts . ...... ..j. ,20 2S " ,62T Chicago . , ..25 2S ".00 Washington.. ....... 1 24 ,8S8 Boston ,. 15 -SO .271 At St, Xouls. R.H. E. St. Louis . .............. Waehlnsrton . . ..2 7 4 ..2 S 1 Batteries Glade and O'Connor; Falk- enberg ana tieyaon. At Cleveland. .., R.H. E. Cleveland . . 0 7 2 -.Philadelphia............. 2 t 0 ' Batteries Joss and Bemls; Waddell ana oenreca. - . -V At Detroit. Detroit ...... TZ. ....... New York . ri ... . , . . t . ": Batteries Donohue and Orth and Klejnow., - RiH. E. ,.4 11 0 ..1 0 S . Warner; NATIONAL LEAGUE. Lost." 12 17 . 19 2 ' 24 2 24 ... ss.: PC. .!e ..'7 ,5 .604 -.414 .407 ,S2 .204 Chicago . . .40 Plttaburc . ..,...,...14 New York .......... .2.. Philadelphia . . 2 St. Iuls . 24 Cincinnati . . . v ... . ,24 Brooklyn.. ........ ..22 Boston i ....... i ..... 1 7 'At Boston. R.H. E. .0 S 1 Postort ... ... , . , , . . Chicago . . . . i 5 0 - Bstterles Dorner and Brown; Pfets- ter snd Moran. ' Umpire Johnstone. -AOmiada R. H. E. Ft. Louis ........,..,..2 S Philadelphia .... . . . . . P 7 2 Bitterleaa-Taylor and Grady; Rlchlt and Dooin. Umpire Carpenter. . 1 The South Atlantic league is bathing , In the tide of prosperity this season. -The salary limit is 21.700 snd each club Is allowed 14 men besides the mansger. ' Y' CTOBBS OLD SOBBS. .' ' Westmoreland. Kan, May S, 102 Ballard, Snow Liniment Company Your Snow Liniment cured an old sore on the side of my rhln that was supposed to be - a cancer. The sore wss stubborn snd would not yield to treatment, until I tried Snow hinlment, which did the work in short order. My sister, Mrs. Sophia J Carson, Allensvllle, Mlffln county, . Pennsylvania, hss a sore snd mistrusts that it Is a cancer. Please send her a SO-cent bottle. . Sold by Woodard, Clarke A C. - --- - "- - - OAliSfll GATIIERtSPORTIIJa 0J THE IIUDSOH - College Crews Arriving at train ing. Quarters Along the .JT.'I?;. Famous Course.""; 'X,... ON FORM CORNELL . LOOKS LIKE A WINNER Yale and Harvard Will Meet at New ' London on June 28. to Settle Their Difference Perm's Crew, Appears Jo Be In Line With Surprise.' (Journal Sneeial Service.) ' New York, June 20. The college oars men hold the center of the stage so far as amateur athletics are concerned, and will continue to hold it for the balance of this month. New London and Pough keepsle are the points oa tha map which have the greatest attraction for the un dergraduate world of tha east and part at least of tha west. Time was when the annual boat race between Tale-end Harvard . -had about the same place in American aquatica-aa that between Oxford and - Cambridge holds In England.. While tha New Lon don race is still a matter of. wide in terest, it no longer holds the predomi nant place it once held. And the raesorr is not hard to find. . There is a shrewd suspicion that the winner of the Pougb keepsle regatta could take the measure of the winner on the Thames. -Tale'and Harvard will settle the ques tion of superiority .on the .water on June 21. Both crews are hard at work. Tale at Galea Ferry, and Harvard at Red Top. The youngsters are full of eon fldence and enthusiasm, and it bids, fair 10 be a corking good race, rwttlmo ure thing for either crew. Despite, the fact that 'Harvard was beaten by Cornell early. In the season, it is probable that If the race were to be rowea-now sne would come 1 a winner. - Her work In the boat is more even than Tale's, and 'ha'sous'oV' ElbChrQwevcrhharedsabit of oomlng on toward the last of the training time, and they can always Jte relied upon to put up a good fight. At Poughkeepsle the situation has not developed sufficiently-to warrant a pre. diction as to the result. . Tha Hudson is fairly alive with oarsmen snd hard work Is the rule. Wisconsin is the only crew not at Poughkeepsle- now, and her oars men are scheduled to arrive today, On form Cornell looks tha most likely wlnner-but-experts , regard every crew as a possibility, Coach Jasper T. Goodwin of Columbia greatly encouraged, and while he la making no claim there is an idea that tha New Yorkere will make a stronger showing than' they have In recent years. Syracuse Is always dangerous, and now Pennsylvania haa a stronger crew than she haa had for a long time. Ellis Ward haa his men , in fine condition -and Is confident tbeywm give Cornell a fight. All the crews but Georgetown and Syracuse will , be on the west bank of the river this year. Cornell, which comes tomorrow, will again occupy the Oaks, which tha college tried to buy, but found the price prohibitive, viaoonein goes for the first time to the west shore, occupying a house at Highland and using a new boathousa not far from Pennsylvania. -: v? V Wisconsin Will bring this year .three crews 'varsity eight, 'varsity four and freshman eight. If there is any choice of positions the luck of the drawing went to Wisconsin and Pennsylvania. The Quakers have the inside course in the 'varslty-four-rnlle race and Wlseon-- sin has it In' tha two other events. In a few days it msy be possible to get a line on the capabilities of tha crews. GOLF PLAYERS MEET AT OMAHA TODAY - (Toeraai- Special Service.) Omaha, Neb., June 20. A large field ana um marked the openln day of the sixth nun cnwnpipninip ill mq Trans-Mlslsslppl Golf association at the Field lub grounds.--Crack player were uu liawi from HI. Louis, nt. Joseph, Denver, Wichita, Clinton, Dubuque, Salt Lake City. Lincoln.. Cedar Rapids, Bur lington, Kansas City. Colorado Bprlngs, Des Moines, Minneapolis, ; St. P.aul, Keokuk, Rock Island, Sioux' Falls, and one or (wo other points. - , , j ' Today's program was as follows. 2:20 a. m. First half qualifying round at medal play for Trsna-Mlssisstppi ama teur championship. It holes., r 1:20 p. ra. Second ' half qualifying round at medal play for Trans-Mlssls-slppt amateur championship. 12 holes Prise for the lowest medal score. The players making the . next 10 lowest scores In the qualifying round to com pete for the directors' prise and the players making the next 10 - lowest scores In the qualifying round to com pete for' the secretary's prise. The tournament will continue for , tha re mainder of the week. YESTERDAY'S WINNERS -VON THREE RACETRACKS The following horses win' first money In the races held at Oravesend. Latonla and Kenllworth tracks yesterday: Gravesend track First race, Masac ralp; second race, Delbaigam; third race, Patswdla; fourth rsce. Arkormjas; fifth race,' Greuncladr sixth race. Sin bluroy. - - ; Latonla track First race. 'Infecarev; second race, Mtssaledl; third race, Oak tlntra; fourth race, Rallntros; fifth race, Ethnonagn; sixth race. St. Dcnbel; aev. enth race, Theuncstr. Kenllworth track First " rare,. i. Bob iMiii..r-uMiu race, Keawlicar; fourth race, .Montiana; firth race. Earrutsal; sixth race, Thel subro. ... ; .., ' .. HAVE WON NINE OUT v OF ELEVEN GAMES ? 1 - ' In their last game-at- McMlnnvllle the MoCoy Colts defeated the McMlnnvllle El Verlnoea by a score of -10 to 2. It was a fussy match from start to finish,, Line-up ee follows: .----..i. McCoy Colts.. ',, r. .1.': ElVerlnoes. E. Enes.. , ss ,. Hendricks .....tb and p......... 81ms lb., Caiavln, . . .'. . ,S ..p. . . .... , . . . Alex .0. , Dennis . , ,.2b. , , , , , , Eakln ...... . Houner Johnson . McKee . .. Post ..... Buttelck .' Williams . A. Enea.., Graves , . i ..If . '. Pool Jones ...rf...... Delaahment Score by Inning - MoCoy . . 2 III MM 110 McMlnnvllle .....1 00 0010003 The McCoy'-Colts have won nine out of eleven games played. GOSSIP OF THE DAY Predella, at One Hundred Eight, Wins the Ascot f : Royal Stakes. to BRIEF ITEMS OF SPORT FOR RAPID READERS All Sorts. of Gossip for the Fans of v Every Calling-rainmar ' School Athletes WjU .HoIsL-lesm Meet ; This Afternoon Boxing Chaff. -Predella at 100 to won the Royal Ascot stakes 'yesterday at London. King Edward and his royal party were pres ent. -Twenty horses started. ' Lord Derby Gourd, the favorite, finished' near the last.'-." ' e '. e. - .-' , ; , " The preserving season haa. begun. Several ball players were tin canned laat week. ' v.- ,. , . . . e ' '. i Now- they-ajre-after Herrera's $1,000 deposit and the publio hopes they will get It. . -., m Cook, the - phenomenal athlete from Chlllieothe. Ohio, is wanted by Michi gan," Cornell Brown, Pennsylvania. Chi cago and Ohio State. Bounds like a, lob for an auctioneer. , ,. e e ' - . ". James "J. "Jeffries Is considering the proposition of purchasing the Los Ange les baseball franchise, and one can easily form a mental picture of the dis cipline he will be able to command. . , ...... v a . e. v --' A Denver baseball player wants $500 because' another man kissed his wife. From what we have seen of Denver la dies we believe the value of tha kiss ia ridiculously- underestimated. " The English system, if It may be called a system, of betting on the races would fit American racing conditions aa snugly as a 24 scantling- would 1 fit a half-Inch gasplpe. It is all -very well for the favored few who think they support racing, but how about tha com men sinners who actually dot An Illinois girl baseball player broke her arm trying to button 'her waist up the back.. In these days, unless a girl ia a contortionist, she can't wear olothea at all. If shs is a contortionist she wears tights, not a gymnasium .uni- lorm, , n 1.- r e e - Tommy Burns, the ; near-champion heavyweight of. the. world, evidently has no - manager to suport. . Hs hasn't issued a single sweeping deft stnoe his coronation. -T Perhaps he has his own Ideas of propriety. Miohael J: Sullivan, a member of Governor Guild's council f Boston,' and formerly, a pitcher of the New York roauonaj -casus oaseDait cino, oiea at the City hospital of cerebral hemor rhage last week. .... After abandoning baseball . a dozen years ago,. Sullivan entered the- Boston univiraiiy law sunooi, ana upon nis graduatlon.was admitted to the bar and practiced hla profession In that city, - Mr. Sullivan waa the only Democratic member of the governor's council. He wss about 40 years old. A widow and child survive. The much "talked about grammar school meet will be held this after noon on the Multnomah field. r The National Baseball league voted $800 to the Paclfio Coast league yester- day to assist tha organisation lasting t nrougti uie season. Report has It that a Southern Cali fornia league is to be formed, the cir cuit - to comprise Los Angeles, Santa Ana,- San Diego and San Bernardino. . The fifty-ninth annual regatta of the New York Tacht club will be sailed, t M--Unorrow on lBland ,oun)1 7i New York Yacht club will be aailed. to ne rtrrr mm uaiial, h off m. rw . ... . -. The chsmpfon"Tes "Moines ' learn has taken its place a lop orTh Wr st ern league- procession and to the man on the fence "It looks as though it will be hard work for the - other clubs to oust Brother Mike's men. e e - With four new players. Carr, Vinson. Hlnes and Atherton. the Indianapolis club of the American association Is showing improved form and the Hoosler fans sre hoping for a climb to tha top of the column.; Addle Joea la Cleveland's wlnnlna- pitcheffthis season... Raymer, last year with the Boston Nationals, Is plsying a great game for the .Johnstown team of the Trl-State league this season1.. " Slr Mortimer Durand. the British am bassador, haa been elected president of the cricket club of Lenox, Massachu setts,, snd. will plsy with the club this summer. - ".;:.""- - -. -.- ..- :- Duck and candle pin games are fast becoming popular among the bowlers In the weatln New England the small pins have been -need both summer and winter for the past two years, , Great preparations . are belhg made for the ninth annual skst congress -of the North American Skat league, to take plnce neat -month In Buffalo. Reports received by the local committee point to a record-breaking attendance. With the Suburban handicap the most coveted prise on the turf calendar to e run at Sheeoshead bav tomor- rnw of rarlna- from San Fran. I ICIHco to New York sre Juat now rubbing their-eyes and . bethinking themselves of the probable outcome of . the mo mentous struggle. . SHOOTING TOURNAMENT ON AT WALLA WALLA .Opeelol m'r t The JoaranLV Walla, Walla. Wash. June 20. What promises to be the most -notable shoot ing tournament ever held in the north- west opened at the. fair- grounds here today, to continue four - daya. - Crack marksmen are on hand from many parts of British' Columbia. California, Wash ington, Oregon, Idaho, Utah, Nevada and Montana. PACIFIC COAST LEAGUE. V ' . Won. . Lost, TO, San Francisco . i .27 16 .712 ' , .484 - .845 .448 . .&0 ,a portlsnd . . lns . Angclea I4j,i4lt1 : 18 25 23 , 89 ti 20 pea .tie .24 Fresno . t ............21 Oakland . , julaaj. AQUATIC i;iGHT A SUCCESS at Y.n.c.A. GYr;.:iAsm:.i Working Boys Win the Tug-of- War Contest In. an Excit ing Competition. The aquatio meet held last" night in the Y. M. C. A. pool was a great sue cess and tha competition waa so keen in both clasaea from tha start that it was Impossible to pick the winners until the last event waa finished. The tug of war waa won by the work ing boys' team, which waa the Lighter of the two teams. They put up a plucky fight, - and although they were steadily losing at first, they kept up a steady stroke thst finally won me con test for them after 40 seconds of the hardest kind of swimming. Their suc cess is due to good coaching and hard work Of Captain Gould. The Junlur eents weie. 1 ' - . . SO-yard swlra Burdlck. first; H. Hale, second; W. Pfsender, third; U. Pfaenuer, fourth. Time. 0:12. . 40-yard' swim Burdlck, first; H. Hale, second; W. Pfaender, third; E. Pants, fourth. Time. 0:22 2-0. Diving for plates W. Pfsenden first, 10 out of 24; Burdlck, second, '17 out of 24; Pants, third. IS out of 24; Mankurts. fourth. 12 out of 24. Long dive W. Pfaender,' 14 feet; Bur dlck. 0 feet; Pants, 84 feet; R. Carroll, 71 'feet. ". - -j- Tub race H.- Hale, first; W, Pfaender, aecona; K. tarroii. tnira. - - The winners In the Junior class were as follows: W. Pfaender, 17 points, a aold medal: B. Burdlck. is points. silver medal; H, Hale. 11 points; K Pants, ( points. W. Pfaender. 17 points, a gold medal B. Burdlck, 18 points, a silver medal; H. Hale. It points; E. Pants,-S points. The Intermediate events and winners: 20-yard swim Ross, first; . Grabsm, second; Hale, third; Latimer,- fourth. Timet 0:12' 4-8. r -.00-yard swim R. Hale. flrstrGraham, second: Ross, ' third;' Latimer, fourth, Time. 0:42. . Diving for plates Walters, flrut, 22 out of possible 24; Ross, second,- II out of 24; Latimer, third. 20 out of 24; Gra ham, fourth. 18 out of 24.- - Long diveWalters. 01 feet: Latimer; 84 feet; Graham, 82 feet; HsJ-rlschu, 72 feet. - . - Fancy - diving R, Hale,- first; Ross, . n i, T . 1 a ( A P...A. f mirth. -uimi . ! 1 ..... v . . " ..mi, - Points were soored by: Ross, Til. (told medal; R. Hale, It. silver medal; Wal ters. 10: Graham, s: Latimer. 0. Tne""offlclalsw,srei Referee, C. K. Herlow: ludgea. M. M.- Ringier-0: Forbes. - Percy Plo -and Louis Perry: timers, A. M. GrlUey, Ed Shockley and W, : Abegg; scorer, .W..JSV Hale i. starter. L. M. Myera; clerk of the course. FTank Guild. The Juniors have challenged the Inter mediates and a dual meet will be held In the pool ' next week. , The Juniors havs some sure winners 'and' believe that theyjean defeat the Intermediates this year. The older Toys have always won thla dual meet. - but those who know .the boys are looking for a victory for the youngsters. -Refreshments were furnisheB the boys' clubroom after . the meet last night and a series of events have been planned" for th summer which will-fee announced later. NORTH CENTRAL-JUNIORS WIN FROM HAWTHORNES The North Central - Juniors defeated the Hawthorne Juniors yesterday by the score of 13 to 4. The line-up: North Central.- : Hawthorne. F. Huelet ...e Castello C. Klein '. . .p . . . u . . . . Everest C. Hoppklns...., L. George F. Wsrren .8, Jumptegard L, Klein 2b Paul Duoko Fennal .2bx Dorny . . , . . A, Tauscher. , J. Turner..,.. E. Klein...... ......Twister . Phillips rf ........ . Drlsscol MULTNOMAH ATHLETES - Tp.GOTO SPOKANE The members of the Multnomah elub's track team will meet this afternoon for a final workout on the local field. This evening the boys are acheduled to leave for Spokane, where they will compete 1 in t p. N. A. Friday and Baturdsy, Bean's Jftt Did It. Seattle. Wan June 20. Tha Tigers won from the 81 washes yesterday en Truck Egan's drive In the eleventh In ning, which . scored McLaughlin. The acore: . , - R.H. B. Seattle : . ...0 00 00 2 00 000 2 0 4 Fresno 0 0 010 0 0 10 012 0 7 Batteries Jones and Blankenshlp; Fltsgerald and Dashwood. Umpire Perrine. ------ -r - Tor the Birth Cup. The' annual golf tournament for the Blyth eup at the Waverly held en Saturday. ' Allan Wright Is the present holder of the trophy. HUNDREDS OF OHIO - . SALOONS CLOSE UP Columbus, Ohio, June 20. The first payment of the f 1.000 liquor tax, as provided by tha new Alkln law, became due throughout Ohio today. Aa a re sult hundreds of saloons throughout ths state have closed their doors. ; The salaams remaining In business purpose to abolish the free lunch, raise the price of beer and take other -measures to meet the heavy Increased expense Imposed on them by the legislature. QRBAT HELP In preserving the wood of your house, barns, fenoes or wood- ,. work of any kind is good paint Our BAT BTATB paints are veri table life preservers of your "fences and buildings, and any . money Invested In it is returned a thousand fold in tha existence ; pfx your building. i'r ,l - m ni axel FAurT STOsva. . - Fisher, Thorseir & Co. - ' ' Front aad ' ltoTrtsen Sta. "... A ' EXPLAKiS HOVTEDDYDOOGES SECRET SERVICE CEII George B. Du Bols Says Presi dent Leads His Protectors Long and Weary Chase... "One half : the ' pleasure President Roosevelt receives from his horseback riding is dodging the detectives who rollow him on bicycles," said George B. DuBnia, who arrived from Washington Bunaay. . "From tha time the president leaves the White House until he arrives at the suburban spot where his horse ia kept In waiting for him, the detectives have a show to keep up with the strenuous Teddy. But when ha la once on his horse the fun begins. They ride miles In the country surrounding Washington and the detectlvee follow one another in much in the aame manner that the men do in the track events. As a usual thing ths president has tp wajt for the bicyclists who are picked men from the secret service department and are noted for their speed and endurance. - ' .."After riding for a long time the party starta on the return trip to the city, making the time aa ahort as possi ble ana generally arriving at the start tng point in a nappy and perspiring aiaie. "The entire presidential family lias Impressed Washingtoirtans by their sim plicity ,and democratic- manner. Young Archie attends one of the publio schools and has for his bosom chum a sjn of me uuuir ui me secretary or state. " Mr. DuBois -is stopping at the Impe rial hotel preparatory - to starting out witn a surveying party In Oregon. ampter a Celebrate, (Special Dtaseteh t Tka Innutl ' Sumpter, Or., Jane 20. Sumpter ' Is making preparations to celebrate glori ously this year. Committees have been appointed and a special train will be run from Baker City to Sumpter for. this occsslon. Nearly 12.000 has been sub scribed for tha celebration, a large part of this to be. given in prises for-the various sports. - It will continue two days.- July 8 haa been est for another day for races and aporta, OaUfotnlam Appotofesi.'"""'" -j rsneelat Otaipstck to T Joersal.) Washington. June 20. Dr. W. L. I jiama commissioner or eoueation, nas resigned and the president has appointed In hla place Dr. Elmer E. Brown of -the University of California. as;.SAVJE. MONEY AH work guaranteed for ten years. Lady attendant always present 'All work done absolutely without pain by spoclallata or from 12 to so yearr as peiienoa. . . , . Gold Fillings. Bridge Work. Gold Crowns, Artificial Teeth. - BOSTON PAINLESS DENTISTS StlH Morrison BL. Opp. Meier 4k Frank and PostorOoe, A Blind Man Can See, almost, the exceptional quality of this hardware showing then surely, the man with : even - ordinary- eyesight - ought " to for your hardware wants, and know for your own satisfaction the good we can do you. ; . ' Avery 8L Co. S T2UBD T, BBT. Frjra ASTB AS2L riae Dentistry All Work Ouarmnteed. Gold Crowns.. B4.00 Brldgs work..3.00 Full set teeth. S5.00 Telephone Mala 87 SO. Opposite Bllera Vlaao Boose. Portland's Widely Known and' Successful Chinese Medicinal, -.-. Root snd - : : Herb Doctor . RIs . fssmns restwtlea, tha Intredlents ef which we Import direct from the Orient ta large quantities an prepare o4 put nn fer aaa hi hla ap-ts-Oate Ubatney, No BMreorv, poiwMM or dracs ef any hind asee. Pnrei vwtihle. - . . .. The Doctor treats laeeesetntly bb4 gaarsntees to ears til stomsch tmahloa. eatarrh, esthete, inns, throat, rheematlam, , as? tees at am, IWer, hidoey sad .Icet maahood, rXXAXX TIOVBtrs- aT AU mTATS OISIASES. ' ! fake or stlsleadlnS statoaieats te the sfflleteit. A set aad lasting enre la the sales, est poaslhle time snd at the lowest east pos sible for hnneat treatment. If ? ranaot cell, write fee symptom hUah a circular. Inclose 4 seats In stsotps. - , - - COkBTTlTATIOll . nil. - , ' rke 0. See We Chlaase Modioiae Co., 182V tln St., Oer. Morrises, fortlaad. Or, .. risese BsaOoa tale ptiiar. . , - a kJ m m r'Z7 :.,.S. Grand The. .' tre Bldg. u CIGAR Costs only half as much as it is worth. .. You get the quality and satisfaction usually ex , pected only in ten-cent cigars at a cost of five cents. Smoke one to prove it Get It Jit Your Dealer's- T.1ASON, EHRhlAN & CO. DISTRIBUTCRS ; . PORTLAND, ALL' DER We'accept no Incurable . mm . ... . taiSS nopes ViS tuitiii our.promme8 tvu never fail In any case we take.""- 1 Our Pee $050 CONSULTATION FREE We Will Treat Any Single Uncompli- rnfArl A1 e-htaain f frt 1 O" frr Vl f T7rf '. BI.OOD FOZSOV, B2Xjr SUB ABB B, SOUS, TJItCBB, BIBIOTTJBB, TABZOOe OBXB, 2TTDBOOXU, BBBTOUB BBCOM, WBABarBBB, Rill , OS CXBOBXO SZSBAIBB OF TMM 2CCDBXYB ASTO FBOBTATB. The connecting link between wealth and happiness Is Health. Without It, yoit are In misery; your future looks dark, and everything goes wrong. Kvery man haa a a tending and cordial Invitation to call on us, and if you cannot call. write, u 11 uflui four irounitL ' We do not Offer yon any FBBB TBIAt TBBATUXBTB, BXtBCTBXO. BBtTBy WOBtTBXBBB OBATOBB, or other useless methods of treatment. Our ads are our own, and while othera may copv them, they cannot imitate our superior methods of treatment. Wl ABB TKI X.OBTOEBT Z.OCATBX ABTD OU)8f BPBOIAUBTB IB NMUID, having been located here 25 year. We do not advertise cheap. Inferior treatment, but we give you all ths results of year of ripe experience, gained in the treatment of many thousands of patients. We rive you our skill and ability in the treatment of diseases of men for at fair fee, which may be paid in anv way the patient desires. TJTTB BT1 QATB OVm BfBTKODS ABTD ISAM TUT WB ARB AX I, Wl CX.AIM TO BB, ABS VIM TOO FI.AOB TOTTBt OABB IB OUB 2CABOS TOT7 ABB BUBJB Or OBTTrjia raa best tbbaticbbt txat cab bb obtazbbs ajtt HOURS 0 a. m. to I p. m. Evenings, . .. , K, . , St. Louis, tfFnirif. ; rtmnrii ... ountjiuAij .. ooa. noon asib tambxu bts, mbtsvasts, oa. ipeelai lemsdies are offgetfn' If we had not unlimited confine would never make the following off Any person taking treatment wl In ANY BANK IN PORTLAND, T IB EFFECTED. - . .. We take monthly installments I Our terms are moat reasonable. em ine treatment that win restore We treat and eure all chronto bl eases; also stomach, heart, liver, k Our modern treatment will relle "I men ta in leas time and with greats . ence. - WB OtJABABTBB A COBB 232 2T21T 0112 VI VBBBBTA1 . OKAB4B BO 2TB B. -.' ''''' , ' Consultation free, tetters ConfldentlaL "Tnslructtve book?" for mtn' mailed free la plain wrapper. . : ; If you cannot call at office write for question blank. .Home treat ment successful . ..v.- , Office hours: 8 a. m. to 8 p.m.; Sundays and Holidays, 19 a. m. to I If AA iJ r 2rr r t-i Offlcea in Van Noy Hotel. I Third St., Corner Pine, Tertland, Or, OREGON ogO CASES ARE TAKEN UN-- . ABSOLUTE GUARANTEE . , cases Ws nsver hold out Iff, A ! '' 111. - . T to Sundays, 0 a. m. to 12 noon. w. ..... in a moat surprising cures. nee In our system and. appliances w er: .. fi- , ., . .. . -. . th us may deposit the price of a rare O BB PAID TO US WHEN A CURB f the patient pref era. and no hnneat. person need go with. , htm to perfect health. ' - ..--.'' ood, nervous, skin snd private dls Idney. bladder and thruat troubles. . va and , cure any of the above all r certainty than any other in exist- OB I Intrin Dispensary