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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (June 20, 1906)
; 13 V THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL,; PORTLAND,' WEDNESPSYEV-ENINrtorJUN& SOi, 1SCX- NEW TODAY. H Yca'rc a Fighter and Yoa'rcIUtYotfinVin .. . That U our experienCS elace we have Started to " , TlCaTfflg THE EEEF TBUSf i- We are positively the only wholesale batcher la- Portland who haa not Joined ttia uuit . . Shoulder Steak, per lb.. .....$ld Round Bteak. per lb.......t......lO Loin Steak, per lb. ......;. . Prime Rib Steak, per lb.........l47s) Prime Rib Boaat Beef, , per lb... to 12HeJ Rolled Boaat Beef, per lb...,....10 Pot Roast Beef, per lb 84 Boiling- Beef, per lb 4 Corned .lieef. per lb ...-Of to tff Mutton "hopi and Veal Cutleta, ; per lb 10f Breakfaat Baoon, per lb........l7Hd Lard. fc-lb. pall. ...'.. ........ .04 Trade with Smith an avoid- in Met truet and all the retail markets con trolled by the beef trust. Especially low prices to people who use quantities. Frank L Smith Meat Co. SW jUdauT It, Beta eon, 1st and Id Sts, Gent ' INTEREST ' " : ' 1 ' OSAVINQS ACXX)UNTS THE Savings Bank -OF THE TITLE GUARANTEE & TRUST COMPANY Pays 4 par cent en Certificates of De- ; posit , . - , ' Pay 4 per cent on savins' (Interest Compounded semi-annually). Pays S per cent on daily balances of check accounts. ' Banking hours ........ $ a. m. to 4 p. m. Satnrdcys ....... V.. I a. m. to 1 p. ra. '. Saturday evenlng-s........l to ( o'clock -240 Washington Street Corner Second. Portland, Oregon Wo hold in TRUST FIRST MORT- OAOB LIENS of a DOLktAR for every " DOLLAR - Invested. . This means that every dollar of your SAVINGS; Is Ilf- . 8URKD against loss. IT MEANS TBAT WE CANNOT HYPOTHECATE or DI8 " COUNT, your security. - If you believe 7 In both PROGRESS and SAFE methods call and set acquainted. We have oon , atantly on hand a large Una of securities which set the Investor per cent per Interest payable semi-annually. : : Our Certificates 1 Issued to small Investors are secured by apeclflo LIENS held" In TRUST and , which pay PER CENT PER ANNUM. Too can choose your aecurlty and the , leng-th of time your money is invested. Ton aa open an account with Is or it is a, pleasure to furnish In- vestora information. Northwestern Guarantee and Trust Company BnUdiaar (ad floor). 51 $.TOO Fnr tot near -IT ear Una, Terms tUf cash, bahxnee fit month. $-325 MxlM, a nice lot on Summer street near oar Una. Kaay terms. $350 Nhsa level lot on ear Una, aaat front. . 94 HO i 0x1 Oe on iBsat Sixth street North, near ear. "1,250 Two lota on 'Shaver nw Williams avenue, a beautiful alta for a home. "Very gooA terms. " 1.500 A businaaa corner near Pled mont car barns. fl,TOO Btora on Union avenue North. 9 ii-BO New house sj7nostflnTshed; VMM move In naa. T.nn. tvin a..k f balance MS.6 month., Whjr pcy rentT wwrm suv. - near stores and - J streetcar. . ..--:. . - . . $3.30O FVr fine home on east s'fcle. Cash or terms. MrErThompsbn ' MS lOaanawlppt Ave. WoedlawB Soft. New Cottages wrnms BWI-rn ate-ta eattan; full -re. aaaat raandatloe,baaraMi 4 hr ni.a. tar). pnmUla batn, bat aad eold waur: larr 1 anrAbaa. aleruv llsh: wa bar Oinw that ?.. ? ." .T" ay -raaaooebU.rffer will aaWPw iiHnvwei uvwB. r- TAPT OO.. ITS Stark at. A OMWB CrOXaTO TO Klamath Falls .AH" kinds of Klamath countv. Or ton, lands. We pay transportation of all 11 m roriy vacant lots In this city lit cash, It par month. r.E tO-LAW'SENCE COMPANY - v tava rim nrctt, 01tr I Rrst 12: 0 Hortgage ( f) Security v0 NEW TODAY. "MADE IN OREGON" IN 1887 Oltara Ita Intereat-nVarlns p-lal OrtlB rataa ef Depoalt to tbe public, with tha aa auraora that no athar 1r.ti.. naMiri of laTaatawat comblnM Btora adranta4; rt are aar.nrrotUble, Uanaferable and By a b la oa abort call. mZaOUkCM OTZS'I,M,M)0. ' Portland Trust Company of Oregon Sl.J-fj and Oak ata. pfcoae r 7. BbM. 1. COHKSi....,..,, .'.PrealdMit f.J,JTO('ix B. LIB PAOKX i.......-ratarr I. O. UOLTRA... .Aaalataat tlcretary D'OTsT'TT Fall to see ear Hat ef Real EsUte Bargains. . 'v "Lota 1 v' : ; -Residences Business Properties : : Fruit Farms " J. H. Heilbronner i Co. Hood River and Moaler Fruit Lands. fie-ol Ziuaber Bsohanfs, Sd and Stark. West Side CORBUTT AND """WHTTAICIR "TS. " ' 100x100 rPbom nodtva da la and Ima cottifa taring eaat; Incona 1100 per month and room for 4 store data; thhT la the beat bur ea weat aide; prlo (H.KiO. l . S7S Stark St., Chamber ot Commerce bldf. adala 160. NEW STORES and OFFICE ROOMS FOR RENT SL eat. , Third sad Madlaoa; Affotr Estate of D. P. Thompson T riJIST OTaXXT. WEATHER REPORT. The crest ef the high pressure ana yesterday 'or th north PiHb ... Monfn and Wromlne ana a low i.r. arear eppeieotly of ellgbf nerry. la Approach Ing tha Washing too ooeat. TV Ullnol dis turbance hat advanced aorta te Lake Superior ana th mw pressur area yesterday ever Art fna ,tai Hew Mexico has spread outward te laelade waiters Taxaa Light te moderately heavy rains bar occurred at scattered place lU-HlamH rlesc, b.i fai, areather continues in U Horsy mountain and Pacific "" It Is warmer la Oregon, Washington and Brltlah Columbia, and cooler U I'tab, Colorado, Vromlat. aatbMtira Idabe and toe wettera pnrtlo,of the Dakntaa. la tndloatlotia aiw fh iLtm. Tknnday In rfctrame aorthweat Orrfon. nnrth wrat Waahlnctoa and extrrae nnrtbers Idabe, wlta fair wratbr ekwwbare la tbate etatra. Obearntleae takes at a. .. PaetSe tiax: 1 1 Tm n Ktationa ' - Un. Iint -OLDEST YiMICT ' IFtUJI COMPANY IN ' OREGON Win. Prerlp. 43 .0 54 . .0 04 .84 e . en ,nt en .0 7S .64 .'- .oa B3 .e 44 .0 SO T 44 .0 M .0 44 .0 IW . .0 60 .0 05 M Baker City. Oraana. ....... 4 Bxatoa. Maanrbaaatta..... M Chlnae,. IUlnol.. 72 DenTw, Cokndo. 7 Kaaaaa City, Mleaoarl TD Lea Anaalaa, Cillfornia... M Near Orlraaa. Lonlalaaa... M New York. New York To Portland. Oro. .......... 74 Rowbors. Oriaxa 7K Bt. Louia, Mtaeoart. 70- Q . 1 f k . IT..k mm naa PraneUo. raillhrolal.!' M Spokane, v.aahln-ton...... 7m Tacoma. Waahlnston M Walla Walla Wa.hUif ton.. 7 waaaiDatoa, V. c... TS MARRIAGE LICENSES. 3. A. Marlltt. 8: Mamie Hobertaoa. 1 bfartOB Dnfnr Alv.r. 9S: kiIuIm.ii, Bath aurora. J. uaorira Wrlat, 36; Llnte Wlat 19. . 0. Olara. 23; Varta Rrtaraaahn. 30. Hrrmas Uo.tlr, laotiia Roavt, tarloa K. Welah. 23; OcaerlrT Hclllnr. 21, A. Heyat, m; Anna O. Matblrara, 20. Genre L. Oman, 20; Alice W. Hwwnn, M.' Loota P. llMralfla. KVlaalaa B - flair aim. 20. . T Renrr Baner. OM Oceana atraai. SS: atarv Brrltwnlaer, 20. s " Hermaa B. Kddr. ZB; Wlnlrred n. Hoaaey, 20. T. L. Oarr. 23; Orel I a Kmmona. 2H.e Jamea Olaaa. L'nltad Btataa am. M: Vara taaara, 2X J una urckmaB, : Anna at. Knnka. 28. Hnrara I. Ml)fa. 25; ulla t. DaTla. 23. Joaph Rldl. Stt; Mary Fa liar. 87. - JoacDh Hu4aoa. T41 aflnoceota aveona : Florence Balnea, IS, Emmett V. riamtnr. Chewelah. wukhrtna 29; Charlntte M. Linton. 20. rand H. Wlinama. loft Eaat Ttilrtrhlrd atraet, 27; Minnie Mr Parte, 27. J. a. nnaner, uotai urctoa, aa; Orsee M. Medatw, 28. Weddlai a,5 Carda. W. O. Smith A Co., Waeb- tngtou bl cur. Farth and Waablagtoa eta Wedding and ealtlns carda engraved er printed. E. T. Beabtos, 832 Vr- Waahlngtoa et. Miaa Bertha Martin, room 818 A I laky bldg. Stamping and In needlework ; iaaaona glrra. BIRTHS. PORRINOTON June 18, to Mr. end Mrs. Abra ham Porrlngtoa, 87 North Seventeenth, a boy. GHOUT Juo 18, to Mr. and Mr. Fen wick iimut. two Kearney, a glrL FRIED June lu. to Mr. and Mr. Louis Fried, ISA North Seventeenth, a rtrL MCCRLEI June , te Mr. .and Mr. B. 8. Murkier. North ParHflc Baaatorlnm. a hnr. DEMPOET June 18. to Mr. and Mr. Albert W. Demnaey, Eaat TwDty-eecaan aae 8urv men. e atrL DKLPHlNd June 10, to Mr. and Mr. Bar- thnlomo Delphlno. Fulton Garden, a nor. MI'RPHT June if. to Mr. and Mre. Michael Marshy, Eaat Forty-fourth sad Dlrteioe. a Siri. v. DEATHS. BOWLES June 20, J Samaritan hoard tal. T. Bowles, Good SCHWARTZ June 18. Otto F. Srbwarta, body ronnn in Willamette, gnnanot wound. JOHNSON June 18, Anna O. Jobnaon, 4 reara. Third and Aider, earelnnina LOCKW0OD June la. Jack Lock wood. 28 year, i nion armia aaa seat Aah, elec tric ahnck. O'BEIIXV-Jnne 18, William B. O'Reilly, 84 year, 1 H roartb, puunonary tuber cu FUNERAL NOTICES. TBOWT.TtSTn funWinsr-!! late Jeaae T. Bowl will be beld from bl family real- w-n. I"1 ii iin a... iBurpaay, ia:D e. as. KNOWU la tht city, June 19, Charlee w. Knowie, ard 71 year, mneral aerr W will be beld at Holman'a-rhapel, Third and Salmon ., Thnraday morning. Jane 2t, at 10 o'clock. ' Friend are Invited te attend. Plena omit flower. UNDERTAKERS. J. P. Flaler1 A Von. funeral director and entbalmeea, eurner Third and Madlaoa atresia Ofacer ef eouaty coreanr. Telephone Mala B. Dunning. M-Ente A" Otlbeua-h. smdertakm sad mealmer! sadder to erery detail. Sa.tu ! h and Plea. Mais 43a Lady aealaUsC al BMiMk wAea.kep mmA mIsIm. tart Thrrtsantk aad Umatilla at. Phone BelU wood TL - - Ertcktos ' t'drtklng Co., embalming, 408 Alder at. Phone Mala 8IS8. Bdward Holmae, andertoker, 220 Third etreet. BITERTIXW OZMITEST. Mngl graeee 810. Family lot T8 t 81.0nn. The only cemetery la Portland wale par paiimllr SMtalalaa end rare for Iota. For full Utormattna aiyly to W. R. Maakenale, Wer tasut Mesa, ett JT, at, U44, piealseat,. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. Kahaaaa J. Landars ab4 baa hand te . Mare-ant VadjuUa. - tut t, block 4. tlaurr'e addlUoa .'. Soo a. -a. iMvay te Jobs Oreaa, lots 1, S. ' ' block 6S. SuDBalda t.l Kacbary Swett and wife te Eraret Oatra ' ... and wire, aaat H ot lota and ' block 277. Alkaa's addltloa J.0O9 Joiin mattainaa : and wlfa to Katie . anrm, ipi u aaa 11- OC BUS 1U, - M ' block 4. Hraeh'e addltloa .............. 2,K)0 a.ii aacaia inreaiore aaaortauoa te Cast Wland. lot 1. block U . 900 AlOrrt nittaw and wire to W. J. Oorco raa. eaat H of Iota sad t, block 3MO. Uawtborna Park :. Jennie IC .Vaa Buraa to Clinton A. Ant. oruaa, aM I. block XI, OulumbU oniav Ti Oeorao W. Howe and wife to Addle Scbwarts. waat H of lots IT sad Is, . block T. Central Alhlna 600 C. H. Blanchard and wife to Bambard Carlaoa. parcel land baeinnloc at aoutb-" aaat corner of tract of land eoSTOied br C. W. Oar and wlfa. oil UO Jamea Hardy and wife te Portland A rx-attie tcauway compear, lota a, s. . block , Nortbera Hill addltloa ' Anna Downs to blather la Kandrlck. fractional block a, Jajaes John's ad 2,000 00 Llnna May Kuha aad boa band to Charlee B. Kabloaoa at sL. lot T, block t, Bhtnna addition ' . SIS I. M. llllaa and wife te Oalla L. Hewett. anuth 20 feat of iota , . and north 25 feet ef lota and . block 1. Buckmaa BddltlAa CaaiJlUl. weat H lot 7 aad S, block 71, Cs- rulherar addition ..-.TT.... Roderick L Macleay te ' Barbara B. . Daltoa, acre and ether property la , northeast eoratr. of Hector B. Camp bell dnoattoa land claim, eeetloa 22, - towaablp 1 eneth, ranae 1 eaal Barbara B. Daltoa" to Mre. H. A. Swan eon, 1 acre aad ether property is north- eaat eoraer of Hector B. Campbell ' donatioo land dalaa, eactloa 22, tows- ahlp l sooth, ran a 1 eaat .a Knima 0. AUmea te Jobs AMealna, eaat H ef ante aad B, block 2K3, elty. . J. C. Alnswortfe and wife So Frank B. Mr, lota 2, 2, block W. Ceojch's ad dition - Nellie Henahaw and huabaad to R. 0. 8,000 2.800 .sot Yeoeey, lot , block 211. city 18.000 Portland Treat Company or ureses to E. W. Godfrey. kt 20, block 12, Wtl llama Atciiu addition Philip Nen to Frederick 0. Kea, lot 2, block 16. 'offln'a addltloa 488 ; w D. . Buchanan and wife to Jt. B. Gam- bee, lot .10. block 7ft. Unlraraltr Park. too W. H. Nana and wife to Jobs M. Pit- tenaer, weat H of lota J and 8. block . Maeslr HlchUnd 828 Mike Peat to William J.-Black, lot la. bine 12. Oak Park addition. 8T8 The Title Guarantee A Truat eomp ipanr to J. H Klnaalar. lot 21. block A. Hol- ladar Park . .'TOO Arleta Lend eompany to Ida R. Stnkea, lot 20. block 8. Arleta Park No. 2 1 The Baiimod Lend f ImproTement com pany to Camilla A. tola, niocs aa. Dak Grove 1.560 Suala W. Smith et aL te W. F. White. low a aad 4, block 44, Carter's sddl- - . - MadaUne Smith ef aL to W. F. Whit. lota 8 and a,- block 44. Carter's addl tloa 1 W. Smith. guardian.--te W. F, White, lots 8 and e. block 44. Carter's addition 80 4T Sheriff to Aloys Ramld. loot I and 4. - block 44. Carter's addition Aloya Harold to W. F. Whit. lots 1 and 4, block 44. Carter's addition . 1 Park Lead company to A. B. Black, lot ' Id, block 106, InlTeralty Pare '210 Ethel B. Taa Natta and hnaband te:, - Oecer A. Aedaraon. Iota 71, 72. T3, block t. RoaaUwa sddltlnarTTTv. . 800 Ckrlatlaa ' Jorg and huahand to Fred- . ericn F. Jorg, tot 7. Clock IX, ataeg- ; It HlahUnd . 82 0, H. Chambraen and wife to Victor " - Coltenz, 10 aerte la HngB rnry ttonw- -atead, sectloa 18, townanlp.t aonth. ran- 2 eaat 1,800 Nleelat -et al.- to Fknra e, Jooaa. lota 18. 14. block 14, Central, Ajmaa .-...........- a.w Bmlly C. Darling et al. te C. ft. Stone aad wife, 1 acre beginning at aoutb. eaat corner el 1 street, Tinnetie- . Hneaeatead .-. 1.808 C F. Clement and wife to Nellie Rurg w- snd. wife, lot a. blocs O, Btarsat street addition 1800 . W. Meyer et aL to William M. . Gregory, lota and T. block 4, Paul naa- , lar addition ..... v. . ."i . r. .-. ' 1 . F la nek et aL to Helena Broader, lot U. block 14. Georer'e addition .. 10.080 N. P. Noren and wife to W. T. Boas, nart ef lot B. block . Oak Park 800 J rule M. Dotaoa aad hatband te Harn- sna w. amaiwiy, aortn eo net et an 1, and north 40 feet or west H ef let 18. block 64. Rnnnyaide 1,290 H. S. Wllann te George n. Watt. lot 80 to 88. Meek 14. Nortbera BUI addition 1.128 T. 8. McDanlel and wife to Fred Rleuerher et aL, lot e sna T, Mora B, Eaat Portland Heights Lewie R. Cbeadle and wife te Thomas Dohenn, lota 7. 8, B, Olork T, centsai Alblna sddltlon 808 Cbarlea B. OUrer te Jneepbln Oliver. weat fat 8 and 4. block 1, Murray Hill addition i Point View Real Eatare company te L . M. Olhua. lots 19, 20, 21, 2 - block 24 400 roar the Title Guarantee A Trust compear. 24aWaablngtoa etreet. NOTICE. - OFFICE DIHBCR8INO fjf 11 ARTE RM ASTER, Portland. Oregon. June 18. 1908. Sealed Kopoaala. In triplicate, will be reeelres re until 11 a. m.. Pacific time, June 27, 100S. for furnlahlng 40 mule '(20 wheel aad 20 leadi for four-mule teams. Dellrery to be mad at Portland. Oregon, er other prom inent railroad point. Further information furnished at this office. United Btatee re- aerree tha Flailt IS- oe all bid or any part thereof. Envelope containing prnpoaau ahonld be marked "Pro pel for Mule" and addressed to Alfred M. Palmer, major, quartermaster, C. 8. A. dleburelng euartermaater. NOTICW TO BTOCKHOLDER8 Tbe anneal meeting of tbe a tock holder ef tbe Mcxlcaa Rubber Culture company will be beld Tues day, July 10. 180A. at 11 o'clock la tbe fore noon, at the office ef tbe raid company. rooml8l2 18 Ctmribtc a Commerca bldg Portland, Oregon, for tbe election ef direc tor and for the purpose of eonaldertag end acting upon changea in It by-lawe, end the tranaactloa ef ach other buemeae ae may lawfully come before tbe meeting for act toe. F. a BARNES, Secretary. 0FFICD DIBBURHINO QUARTERMASTER. Portlaad, te-. June IS, 1B0S neM pro posal. In "triplicate, will be received tier until 11 o'clock. Pacific time. 'July 2. lOOd, for 2.075,000 feet of lumber for the Philippine lelande. Informatloa fnmlehed here. United fttatee reastia the right to reject er accept any or ail bid, or any pert thereof. En Telopea containing propose la hould be marked "Proposals for Lumber for Philippine Islanda." and addressed to Alfred M. Palmer, Ms)or, guarteraiaatar, V. S.- ADIsbsralag Qusrter matr. . Koncs to Pips manufacturer . Blda will be received by tbe undersigned for furnishing Tb Port of Portland with BOO feet of 80-lncb pontoon pipe. .Plan and apectficatlona can be had at the office of ' the Commts1oa hi the city kail, Portland, Oregon. Blda should be marked "Blda foe furnlahlng 80-Inch pontoon pipe," and most be filed fa the office of the Board ea or be- fore noon, July 2, 1900. The Board rerra the right to reject any er all bids. Das J. Maber. clerk. of. the board. .$20 Reward For tbe spprebenawn ef each of tbe persona now at large who committed the murderous assault on tbe crew ef the ahlp Jobaa Poulaea on the sight of June J2. 190d. . Tll.t Citizens' Alliance 226 Sherlock Bid?. MEETINQ NOTICES. ATTENTION NEIGHBORS Something- Doing TONIGHT I1- BETTER C0ME! OREIKIN COVMANDPJRT, NO. 1, R. T. A . pedl eianiaie will be held et ear asylum Thursday morning et 8:80 o'clock for the purpose of art lug as escort to Portland lodge, Ne. 86. A. F. A A. M., conduct! oa th funeral ralce ef the lele Sir Knight ibri,w. KBowiee. All members are mended te attend. W. S. MACEUM. Recorder. PORTT.AND IOrvj. yG. 88, A. F. d) A. hL special commanlcu. tloa- will . be beld , tomorrow 1 (Thursday) morning et 8 SO o'clock for the pnrpoee of ean doctlng the funeral aer.kea of our late brother, Charlee W. All Meson respect full r Invited aad member ot inrtland Joug ommand4 ' to By order of w. M . V .W, VSAIX, tecretarr, - f CAMP i fill e- kl X ,V.I' m MEETINQ NOTICES.' WASHINGTON ' LODGE, NO. 48, A. r. a A. M Btated eommnal ' catbia this (Wedueailarl erenlnit. 8 o'clock. Burkbard bldg. Work m. A. degree. All Masons la- Tltcd. By order W. M. 'J. H. RICHMOND, Uecretarv. M. w A. Er EHGRKEN 4,'AMP. 8.41, meet edasaay erealag, Allaky bblg., Hilrd aad '. Morrlaoa ate. - . IVAMIOE I.mviE (tpeclsl meeting tonight at tail .. iWaali 4 lkl.J a. aw.srv nuiB Aaa in ir8 rstllB. , FRKD P. HOLM. ' fWerMtrj. U. W. die. Orvffott Qrmp Camp. Ntx .fT6. Mriss- HELP WANTED MALE. WANTfTD Varnlaher. machine and bench no, uregoa rursitare Mfg. C Macadam A I WI aecere employment tor members: aoecial mmbrrJp on month 82. I. M. U. A., rourta aad Xamblil, IF yea play pool, go te the Wellington Par- iocs. Aiiaey aidg.. Tnire and at urn sun. MEN AND WOMEN te leern barber trade la eight week; graduate ssra from 818 to 638 'Weekly: etpart Instructor; catalogue free. Moler System of Colleges, 8ft North fourth at., PortUnd. . SALESMEN WANTED For ewe er rhv mravst euraerle la tbe west ; ceeb advanced weekly rood territory open. Address Wash log toe Nursery Co. Toppealah. Wash. AGENTS WANTED to eeU superior, high-grade euraary atoch I enmplet outfit furnished trt cash weekly; write today for ebolee ef ter ritory. Capital City Nuraery Compaay,. Salam, 'Oregon. . , Union Hdttl ' 81 NOJITH SIXTH 8T. Weekly rate: Room, 81.26 opt room and board. 84.60 up. ' Aaderaon. proprietor. GOVERNMENT - POSITIONS Young men wanted te prepare for letter-carrier and rail way mall clerk. Weat Coaat Correspondence School 248 Stark at. v . A GOOD coat maker wanted. ' Apply U W, Kooa, walla Walla, Waahlngtoa. W A NTEIk Competent. eiperMaced Insurance producer Tor beat rraterniry extant: unerai eitmpensatlon. F. F, iiooae, president. Dea rer, Colorado. TOU can ears 828 weekly If yea leers te -operate moring-plrture machine; easy work, abort hour, ateady employment; leaaon reasonable. Office' J4B Sixth et.. room i. WANTED An Al aollrltnr. "a bualneaa get ter' who would be aatiaued .with 84 per day. X 14, eare ' Journal. : . " WANTED Oouchmakere; ateady work. 49 Fraat stij comer Darts. WANTED Bay about 17; ateady work. 48 Front at., Oorner Darla. . XANfE rapidly growing real estate office, hetjveen 25 yesr and 40 yeara of age; ability and character tbe crtterloa; drinking mea need sot apply. X 25.. care Journal. HOt'NO men. prepare for railway and wlreleea teiearapn aerricei nig demand for graduate: qui-ir arquirra; aiiumier raira now on. tan linmedlatrly. Pacific Telegraph 8chooL Grand Theatre bhlg. - - WANTED For United Statee army, able-bodied eamacrtea men netwaae ages or XI ana so, cltlaeoa of United Btataa. of good character and temperate habits, who can apeak, read and writ Engltab. Apply to Recruiting Of floar. Alnaworth klk.. Third aad Oak eta Portland, Oragon. WANTED men to shovel dirt, corner of Beech at. and Halgbt are.: take Upper Al blna car; pay 82.28 per day. WANTED Boy to learm .painting trade;' one tut naana tbe erusn. roone Alain esis. BRIGHT boy with bicycle .for produce market. v oa, care journal. WAITERS., cook familiar brat ; hotels, 247 North iztn, near aiaranail. Mr. Jamea. HELP , WANTED FEMALE, GIRT a about 18 years of sge to work Is fac tory. Apply at once. Asiee-tiarria-Neriiiji t)o.. Fifth and Deri ets. HANSEN'S LADIES' AGENCY, 848H Waahlnf- tnn St., cor. Beeentn. upataira. raone sum 2092. Female bulp wanted. . WANTED Glrhi to make "Boa of All" ever- alia at 76 First St. . GIRLS WANTED Operator to work oa shirt eed or era! la. Leeaooa gives to inexperiences. Apply at Standard factory No. 2, Gresd are. sad E. Tayior at. . . j; WANTED 2 waitresses; one for dinner hour only. ' Apply at once uobart-vurtie, ,ita and Jefferson at. " GIRL to aasatt with light housework and care ef children; good wages. Apply St 090 Deris, corner Slat. - ' small family; mnat a leap at home; American or Swedlah preferred. Call moralag. 697 Gantenbeln are. i BRIGHT girl te work in fancy good eterre graduate trom align- ecnaoi or ousineaa . mi leg preferred. Tb Needlecraft Sbop. 882 Waahnigtoa St. WANTED Competent girl for general soase- worw - v.1 ninisu a v-, iw.wwn m ... and Twentieth. , WANTED A good woman eook at Watson's restaur ant. sixta St., near rine. ap ply at once. THS HOME LADIES' AGENCY.' Female help furnlabrd free to employer. Regwtretlon Free. 10fH Pourfk et., upatalrs, room- S8. Main 8828. WANTED-Eiperlenced young lady for ma age parlor. Phone racifie zou. YOUNG ladlee. prepare for -commercial snd ,WIIIB leWRTSDU 1 IT.i wia IWUIIM. ' - graduates; quickly sennired; summer rate now en. Call Immediately. . Pacific Tele graph School, Grand Theatre bldg. WANTED Young women to preeere tbemaelree for bookkeeper and atenograpner. nine Sept. 1 we hare bad 476 applications from bualn men; during the eame period we here r laced 2A4 In poaltlon. Open all the year. ay end night. W will place yoa tn a posi tion when competent; enroll now. Catalogue. Bebnke-Walker Bualneaa College. WAITRESSES.: ehambermalda familiar with beat Place. 247 Nona utn, near maranau. Mr. James. BAI.F.HLADY for fancy dryrooda. Apply 208 Tbn-d st- -" " WANTED Experienced ' tellores: ateady poal thou. Apply A. 0. BieinDBca aa te. WANTED NIc. clean young girl for light homework: good boms snd good wage. Kt Market t- NTED Chocolate dipper' Apply at KV . Co.. 8 and 8 N. Front at. i. i WANTED Good atrong woman by tb day, nunlng. A newer et once, Jan tine at. WANTED Good stent Swede gtri for kouee- worki good coos. x ruia at. STEADY gi'I fr general hoaawork.r BIT atorris at., near t imams tw. ENERGE110 LADY with bualn ahllltyt short hour, pieaaanc wora, goofi salary; .n clone stamp. - Addrees B. A. Brick, general delivery, city. isssaaaa laamiaa T i 1 1 - i m i SITUATIONS WANTED MALE. 0EORGS T. MURTON. 6M Tbmnr ef Com merce, keepe hooka and dee general axpert accounting bualn. Phone Mai A YOUNO energetic married man wants work. Address O 19, cere Journal. A Ot'IET, truty boy. 14 year old, wants position. , O 10, care Journal. YOUNG man going te college would like a position where b could work forenoons sad ' renins. Addrees D 82, care Journal. WANTED&Pnaltloa a re meter tn city by mas that handle horse. O 8. cars Journal. EXPERIENCED, elderly, entire gardener wstirs to take care of private place, cliv or eouo iry; so bora. U 81, cars Journal , MALE AND FEMALE HELP. WANTED AT ONCsV-As iprleced party with 8100 to run paying lauudry. rot - psrttcaiar call 11 Fourth at., upaUlre, . UI1. XJf. nam ooau.. BIELtr waaian sou eippHrn. aaatw er icvvsie. n. G. Drake. JtolV Washington at. Pacla 1370, SITUATIONS WANTED-FEMALE WANTED Toaltlon a bookkeeper by young lady, well educated; will go out ef tows. ruoce Mais onvt. WANTED Sblrtwalat to launder and family waablng. Mre. Gray, lh2 Sherman at., rear of leu. - ' . YDUNU men. fl rat-class damonatrator aadr aa lee- man, finest city references, from naa Fran- elco. waal poaiimn. u s. care journal. TOI'NO lady wlahee plain aewlng to do tat raooe aeiiweou i.e. . WANTED Work by the day. cleaning, eweep- wgl no wssuiug. r-uewa rsciiio iwi. . WlW-Wn Dun .-hi. . . uI-m. ku. seputg vm a wioiwer, or ' wouio uov general burba. X Journal. . . ' WANTED AGENTS. WANTED Agent: enmethlng new; good sellari s atcrtsy Ding. AGENT wanted te sell e few 1-acre tracts - convenient to two electric llnfS. Cederbergh, -814 CoeHgerclel bib. . DICTIOSART OF . THOUGHTS. XT. B. TAYLOR CO PI BIJaHERS, , LABB&. BI.DG. PORTT.AND. OR. ' . AGENTS WANTED. . BIG PAT to oee egent In ch county- working tor tn lureator- uuia. en atarouam DUlg., Portland. Oregon.' EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES. THS Portland Employment Co., 206M MorMesa at. fDone raciae as. - HANSEN'S EMPLOYMENT OFFICE FOR MEN. 98 It. Second at Phone Mala 1628. BIO FOUR EM P. AGENCY Heln eupplled free. 18 North Second at Phone Mais 1818. WANTED REAL ESTATE. WANTED Iron ore, graphite er limestone land . or claim) If you owe or know of any large depoalt of Iron ore, grapblt r limestone In Oregon or Waabtngtou, and which are for ' al, end amplea and enrreapnod ' with C. . D. Charlee. 827 Chamber ef Com mere Portland. Oregon. -. WANTED Lot is eTchange for ' equity la 8 T-raom booas... Pbose Eaat SB41. WANTED House on eaay terms. , 818 Commercial blk. . Mala 8993. m tt iini nnmi yqmi-iiiiaru-US-JfliiuuiDL It is aic-where .located. 8end description now and we will an the reat. Investor' Guide Co., 811 klanjuam bldg.,- Portland, Oregon. A GOOD timber or bomeutrad rellnqnMbment wanted, or cheap land. Xf 8, care JournaL 8 TO 8-room bouse, or vacant lot, anuth of Jrffereon: will pay 81.200 cash, balance oa 'term; owners anly. J 2. care Journal. r . WANTED Cheep lot In Walnut' Perk; only. Phone Woodlawa 225. WANTED Lot en or near I'ntoa av. ; g1v InVatlon and lnwoat cash price or terms. Ad- dress X 20, ear Journal. "WANTED FINANCIAL.- WANTED 8500 to open up new, cooper mlnei will give an extra good opportunity snd In ducement. -Call la forenoon Jones' Book Store, 291 Alder t. . GET your mortgage loan from Th Dunn-Law- - renc company, i4i rrrat at. rienty Jowrataa- no commission. " : WANTED 8600 on ftrat mortgage security for 8 to 8 years; will pay T per cent; bo agents. Add res J 4. ear JournaL .. . . WANTED 81.000 from private party for 1 or 3 years, first Btortgag security. X 18. Journal. MONEY loaned salaried people on note: cheap est rate. F. A. Newton. 424 Ahlngtna bldg. WANTED TO REN1V WANTED TO RENT HOUSES. COTTAGES, FLATS, ROOMING-HOUSES. STORES. ETC Our rental department has been enlarged end provided with additional staff. ' -W invite Elating from LANDLORDS, offer peraoaal at ton tloa to end eontlnsoss -eupervlalos ever all property Intra at ed to ear car. PORTLAND" TRUST COMPANY OF OREGON. B. H. cor. 8d snd Oak ate.- Pbcns Ex. 72. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. WANTED Iron ore, graphite or iimeetone land or claims; if yoa own or know ef eny large deposit of Iron or, graphite er Iimeetone in Oregon or Weahtngton. and which are foe - aale, aend aamples and correspond with 0. D. Charlee, 327 Chamber et Commerce, Port land, Oregon. . . B. N. MORGAN, pioneer a prayer end white.. weeher. Call Eaat 8248. Remember th ' name E. N, Morgaal II yeara la koala IS Portland. - WE WILL BUY. SELL OR TRADE ANY OLD MING; WESTERN RALVAGB VOW-ege. 628 WASHINGTON. PACIFIC 798. WE -WILL BUY your furniture any eld time. Wester salvage Co.. 827 Waahlngtoa st. W HO IS M. O. MORGAN A CO. t . PAINTING, spraying snd wblteWMhtng trees, - baaementa. barn, dock, etc largest gaaolln praying outat ea th eoaat. M. 0. Mor gaa A Co.. 822 Lslos svs. Phone Eaat 617. FURNITURE and household goods. Don't worry, lose time er mosey. Just psoas Pa cific T98. BOATS WANTED Met your hosts, a fee mere, .launches, bargee, houseboats and boatboasee wltb aa for sale or rent. We have eall for tbem every day.. Eaat 184. , Main 8868 Main B85S FURNITURE WANTED FOR - SPOT CASH. " PORTLAND AUCTION BOOMS. -211 Pint t. r Mais 8858 WANTED To buy household furniture, corn plats, for cash. Pboo Pacific 2267. WANTED Male. pno. cocker span 11, whit Spits or bell terrier; give prices. Lock Bos 107, Medferd, Or. FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT THS RICHELIEU 8H NORTH SIXTH ST. Elegantly furnished, steam beat and be tha THE GRAND, 43 H Nirrk Third st. 1 tot gentlemea 81 .2B per week sns up. NEATLY - furnlahed- room, walking dlstiuee; bath and phone; 86 per month. Call area Ing 610 t- 824 MAIN Lovely front room,' beaement room 76e per week. reaaonabl; FOR RENT HOUSEKEEPING. THS MITCHELL. Flsnders snd Sevestb Room,, housekeeping and -translBt sesc vealent; price reeeoseble. 61.00 WEEK UP, clean, furnlahed he nee he. robms, with yard, parlor, lauadry.bath, far. sac seal. 208 H Stantoa St. V ear. LARGE elegantly . furnished - housekeeping roome; gaa range, running water. The Lowss- " dale, tmi Alder st. LINPA VISTA Sleeping snd housekeeping---roomsi-- 24TH "Flfrs -tr- ' t FI RNIRIIED honkeplng flatsfor rent, 80 snd 8o pea month. all down ta ha. Main 8502. 83aBeventh V $1.28 PER WEEK large, clean, Nrnlihed bouekeeplng-rnfms: laundry and balk, i 184 Shivman, South - Portlaad.. - FOR RENTES unfumlahed rooms, cheap. 1S3 Sherman,, cottage reat ef ISO, PLEASANT front bmaiekeeplng-ronma; rent; lertrle llgbl. phone. SMlVt Water St. THE HALLr-414 Fifth Fnrnwhad bouaekeeplng rooma Tourlata welcome. OR 8 ftimlahed housekeeping, with sink. 272 lll'.., ,,., , , ,, ROOMS AND BOARD. NH'W.Y furntahed room a. modern convenience, sous Bxllvkgas. 11. Mala ltWo, 298 liih St. FOR RENT STORES-OFFICES. urnca rooms. unfuruUbed ad smpt Apply ! room for teat. Bead sough - !. PART of shop o . rant, eulteble for palate vt plumber. 208 FouTOr . STORE for rent, eoraer. 281 North 19tb t- juat the place for s buteb.r-abop aad grocery eomhload; chaae rent to rtaht party.' Apply J. Kraemer. Commercial blk. , - FOR SENT Store-atted hie meat markrt; Union-eve., north, seat Aluawurth. luqulre grocery next door. FOR RENT 616 monthly, pactoua torrooa with llvliig-rooeia; good for . any bualneaa; ' good location. F. Fucbe, HH Klrat aU HOUSES FOR RENT FURNI. . . , ?PRB FPR SALE- 8x12 RUGS, almost newt also parlor, bedroom and dinlug-room furaltura goldea, waalbered oak and blrdaey maple, eou Kaat Aldor. SNAP 8-msm hoaae for rest, 820; furniture for oal. cheap; centrally located: suitable ' fur working people only. Mala WM8. ' People - going eway. . FOR RENT HOUSES. FOR RENT. 818 8-room atrictly rwalarn flat.- en L rar llna. soulheaat comer Monro st. snd Mil .i . 812 i-room sous witn Datn, nr intatei at. : fin car eervlce. 810 5-room flat on I'nlon v.. close in. 2J0 Store-and llvlng-rooma on Union sve.i good bualneaa locatlou; an excellent oppor tunity for a man with email capital. M. B. THOMPKON. -Phone Woodlawu 202. 4N Mlaalealppl are. KADPBRLY. TRANSFER CO.. prompt and re. liable piano and furnttur-movra; also stor age. Phone Mais ltoo. Of See 110 h. Third. THE CONTINENTAL COMPANY,. 248 STARK ST. ' INSURANCE. RENTALS. SEE USTT FOR RENT 8 modern B-roem cot tare, la- quire 494 Eaat Washington. Pboo Eaat T98. 8 ROOM hour for rent, 208 Arthur w Call ooa av . . " NEW T-reont home; furnace, etatlonary tuba. ahadee, gas rouge, enmblsillon ' lighting, large yard, beautiful view. Apply 849 Eaat Gllaan, near Union,' PART of nicely furntahed 8 room bouse, modern convenience. Jioo 1 1 III. rnone l. NEW room fnrnratied bona, tlolladay sddl- tlvs, rlo to car; lar fa aleeutng porch. Apply J 8. car JournaL . FOR RENT Furnished hone, eight room; moderate ' rent; desirable location.. Inquire 728 Northrup. - Phone Pacific 221, . 7-ROOM bona, 809 Second at., near Clay. . in quire naa t uamner ot commerce. - FOR RENT New d-room hone is Upper AV pin, -vluquh-e 808 Monroe tt. No small children. FOB REh'T room cottage, completely., for- ntaneu: gaa. natu; yard and Basement; only 820. AM Front at.. ribHIDKRN A room cottage. 814 Delay tj urg yarn, wmeow-anaoc ana near ia a, at ahopa. , -' FOR RENT FLATS. TWO flats, farnih4 or tutlirntmlitt) BUSINESS CHANCES. - Sawmill for Saler Fine mill, complete, with enais. running, logging engine, sou snd Ma teama. baackeroltb-ebop. ample boom apace, dam for Sumlng to 24-foot fall, affording uaterpower; Snest timber land and 500,000 feet luge In nond;. other timber and mill "'Sor' 'further description call or addree 808 COMMERCIAL BLK. PHONE MAIN 642. PICK-UP 29 rooms, brick building: running water in rooms, located on Washington at., rent J5A per month, clearing 8126 per month: nicely furnlahed: do you want it for 11,0601 TAFT CO STS Stark L, ' Chamber of Conuoercg bldg. Mala 168. ' WRITS a quick abnat recent Important de velopments ef tbe Hunt Automatic Switch A " Signal Co. buy a tock before big advance. J. F. Tlorat A Co.. 208 McKay bldg. WANTED AT ONCE Aa experienced party with . $UiO to rus s paying laundry. -For particular call 18KH Fourth st.t pat Ira, suit . XX. Mais 6828. : HOMF.SEEKERS ' EXCURSION overland "Is being organised to go to Harney county, Oreenn. - Far tuformetlen - Inuulre -008 -Com. merelai-bloeav corner Second aad .Washing- ton ata., or peons Main ota. BO ant keep Idle Btoncy. A postal card will bring you Information how to get the largest returns on an absolutely safe investment ef from 6100 to 8500. J. B. Bailey, 617 Lumber Exchange, Portland. Oregon. - ROMESEEKERN EXCURSION ' overland la being organlard to go to Harney county, T Oregon. - For information Inquire 0)08 Com mercial block, corner Second snd Waablng- ' ton ata. Maul 642. Address Arleta P. 0., Box 208. SEVERAL grocry tnre. well. located, rang ing from 6o te 82.600. Ni ew and second hand furnltoTV atqra and aardware, 8on, I'ounle aalonna. cbcUn. 'J Good llkuor ator In heart of city, ; $8,000.-' OTTO CROCKETT, 245H Waahlngtoa St. BIG MONEY-MAKER 100 room Wblngton at., rent $200; leaae; nicely furnlbd; positively clearing hnv alt expenae $2U0 per month; price $3,6U0; eaay 4, term. , TAFT A CO., . ' 275 Stark St., Chamber of Commerce bldg. ' Main 168. FOR .SALE A rare bargain may be hid. la ennnrrv aloe br ealilne on or ddrlns la, N. nmlck. mxonviii. iiougia eeuuty. Or. HALF Inte.vat In a paying office; little money rsqulrsd. P. O. Box 609. WE bur and aril All kind of rlty and suburban property: business , chance a peclalty. 24 Bnasel bldg. Main 6828. j ' $1.200 ON account of 111 health will sell mil - llnery snd ladlee furnishing good ator in llv town of 2,000; grand opportunity for two. dreaemaker and milliner. B T. Journal. FOR SAIJCr launch counter. t. Price ($26. , 28 North Third IMPROVED SMELTER STOCK, 4.000 at . per ebsre." Addrea R 6, cere Journal. 10c WANTED Party to Inveat $100 1n aecurlng patent en ealahl artlcln.for quarter Interest; reference required. K 11. care Journal. EXPERIENCED, reliable pruepector ha knowl edge ef large copper and crop on line of Alaaka Central railroad, went gruhaUk; reference. Address J 6, care Journal. $7AO CIGAR Btore In good locntlos OS s buy . street. Cell 107 A Third St. ' WAKTED Partner for light manufacturing . buetnea. wltb salesman, ability, and under 40 yeara of age preferred ; $250 rennlred; mnat furnish reference; agent save etamp. Addrea G 18, care Journal. WHO IS M. fl. MORGAN A 0O.1 A' L1TTLB BEAUTY 12 rooms, elrgsntly furnlsbeAi cbep rent, S-yr lesee. modern bouse, mom all full at good price: If you want something extra nice look st this price $i.aoo. TAFT A CO.. f- - 2TB Slarb St, Cbauiher of Commerce bldg. ; Main 150. 1 MERCHANTS $2,000 will handle well-located erumiry etnre - with poet and express office, clearing ever $100 monthly. F. FUCHB, 149A Flrat at. 12Vt SHARES for earn tn sn eld eetahllahed whnleaale bosltrea at par value of $100 per ' har. : With tlrl a lock good position can be bed. Call at 107, Third at. WANTED A man to act as ahloplng clerk at alary of $78 s month, beid pmata tn . bitalne; must have $no0 and act treasurer Of corporation forming now controlling estab llahed trade; dntle easily learned; reference required. Room 2Allky bldg., Third aud MnrrMoa .sts. . BAKERY for eale. In good tMMlnee town, about nun poniilatloni good opening and lecatloa . for detaurant: will exchang fv residence " proper tr In Portland euhurh or St. John. For -further particulars address Box 8, Moro, Onauu; ' r , , y ..1;'T'u. ...... . . -,,.r; BUSINESS CHANCES. I GROt'EHV and bakery for aale or trad f city or farm properly. Add ices D d.1, car Journal. BFKTAIRANT 8.-!Sa Large r.ut 11 Ul.l.a1, ulili this; In Ixl.lBca dtarrtct.- 1 piftw FOB SALE Real estate office; cheap rent! 090 Btyn toomlng-bous, 27 nhvly Airnlabed room, all Dill: rlieap rent, with lease; -. ?1i tr,;.k: .? b"aln and a muuey-makr. Call Ifuol, Morrlswi, room 4. - MA0 17 ROOMH, very central, nicely furnlabedi oheap reut. with leas. '1 hi Utile Ikhis clearing 6109 a month. ' Call st 206 S Moui- - i eon. room 4, . I7RO-22 ROOMS, all Mil, central location! cheap rent, tbre years' mas. Call 2U01A Morrison, room 4. , GOOD BUY "'' ' ' 4 acre. Powell Valley road; good new mor. ' era 9-room house; v, acre raspberrlea, 00 -8-year-old assorted fruit trees. 8.5UQ atraw. ' f'lm": br1 u,,i Prtcs M.aoo; 1 ' ta'ft A CO..' l' '' 1-'-2T8 Stark at.r Chember of Commerce jbldg. ' Main ion,- ' MANlKACTl'RINw Partner wasted; expert, ence miuecraearv beyond ability to attend of-8 fire and manage the help; 82.000 required: -will pay 8160 to fu) a month net to pur Juser. Call 28 Murk at. - . f A5A.UKSTtiTE bualee M.uio will ccw l- tert tllnl Till I nis ni.ii ,.,,, ncry. Particular at 248b Jltark eC GROCERY with living mom; will clear $208 a month ever all exnenae and trial given to' prove It; about $1.4iM required, tall 2-18 W Stark t. $200 WITH service will pay you $4 s day aa partuer lu rash bualneaa; experience as seary. -Call 4h. Stark st,v REGULAR SNAP . 24 rooms, Washington at. rent $75: S-yeat leaae. nicely furnished, clewing $78 not month; price $1,100. . TAFT CO.. 278 Stark St., Chamber of Commerce bldg. Main 150. - . $750 Partner wanted: owner want active, re liable man le check good and collect: will guarantee yon $l."t0 e mouth; bank references furnlahed. Call 2481 Stark at. CIGAR STAND Bonn: will nay yoa $125 a month net. Call 248 ) Stark St. FOR SALE Small cigar ator. Call 334 Stark. . FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. 8 "i.OTS In TRihett' Homeatead. cle t car. !'"e ano -cioa in; sno down, 63 monthly. - V." ve. X 8-roorB house, mndera, eoraer -lot SOtlOo. concrete full beaement. t atorle; first else . plumbing; ullltak lot pert pay on Broad- way.. .opu. V -i4r1 lorner wt. is-room nat snd s 4 room rot- .agsj ,w.nmfw rrni 6'eti ira wart "rl. cln . to rarllne.. $2,250. - ... , lot SOJ50. ll-ronm house, rent $12 pet. month; 1 block from carltiie, wnat luc; $750. . Mt 50x85, tnoderu 8-room boner, on et ld near llnile.riinio julti rent $1J.. per month. 7 -room hnnee, new, modern, lot 4Ail25; rhlcken-vrd snd bouse, cement -Walk, sic.f Montevllla. $1,600; terms. - -Corner lot SMiHlo. I nlon sv. sod Scbuvler sta., $1,800. A good corner Utt ator or Sat a. 5 -room house, new. i-tarte; 2 Ma. bog 100; one corper lot; good condition. $2.600. W ' W- RSPEY " ' 81$ Commercial bidg., cor. 2d aad Waahlngtoa. FOR BALE lArge 7 -room houe: 'full cemeot haaetaeat. lot 60x100. cement aldewslka. gna lawn. tc.. ewer and atreet Improvements II In and paid for. eaay walking distance: price $2,500; you cent dupllcet tola. 8, car Journal. FOR SALE Neet 6-room cottage, :-Hotj 83x100: terms. 843 East 8titrv aorta. . CORNER X)T at Eaat Tamhlll and 21t la., to b eold before tb ?M this months Mount Scott Real Estate company. " Phone Scott 2284. LantS. Or ego. FOUR beautiful 8-room hnnaaa in a group, pa r. tng big income. 812.600; ell liev furnace, gaa and electric llxhta, full haeementa. are modem and complete. Excellent Investment. -J. B. Hoemer, 810 Allaky bhlg. Main .'ll.ln. MODERN new 5-room bun (alow, Nes 821 -Mult--nomab. Plione Eaat 1268. , $1.800 8-ROOM bouse, plaatered.- cellar, bath. room, 11 varieties fruit tree, near Pent nsulaff tatlon; lot 76x100. Cll 1074 Third st. Slf TIEDMONT. ,.;.- - . SEB PIEDMONT. : 7" ' All Inveators abould anrely SKR PlEDMONTT: iTk-"U.". St. Johna or Woodlawn cart car lev every 8 or 4 minute, Second ead . Washington ata. ANOTHER 8-room cottage nearly done; com very soon and we'll paint It to an It yon; ' price 81. MO, on ey rni; It I modern an I well- built. J. B. Hiwrner. 310 Alleky bldg. Main 8130. t noo a ROOM bouse.' stl modern convenience, four block from Mnegly Junction. Inquire 1919 Exeler t., rorUmouth. , In St. Johns y tot o Jersey -t., rlos In. $.V each. it la South St. John. $240 akd up. '$25 down. $10 s monlhr - Some acreage at fi lial per acre. 8-room hnuee. lot 6i1l. fenced, cloae ln price $1,001). 615U down and 810 month. ...- Branch office No 108 .Jcryt,j 8t, John, open Sunday. The Home Brokerage Co. Room 8, Brecdei l.ldaa. Third snd Waahlngtoa. WE have ef' large ami - at once: o COl.l': Cotn"; fiv water frontage tn f : let ua hear from yos VESTMENT CO.. . ..riii aud 1 nios. , . 1Mb ne IVoodlawe 228. $10,500 RI'VS a lovely home; tbe bouse Inaldo ami out) la elegant nd' th ground are nperb: close lu and oa block from earllnei 2 lovelraloi. See for yourself. J. E. ' Bu rner. 810 Allaky. bldg.- Main 31:M. - . $1,500 A home In St. John. , 4-room bona, ground roorloOr block north of Kboolhou. S07 Beat Charlatan. FOR SALE at a bargain If enld st ence. a 7-rnom modern houae In Irvmgton; bit r0il00; sewer connected, earnest , alilewalki electric ' light, gaa for rooking; hnrrlar alarm syateni: ha s good basement and plenty of attll fruit and fine roe: easy term If reiiiilred. Price $2 00. Call en er addrea owner, 448 Eaat 1.11b St., K, - AN out-of-town pronoaltlon thst will stand the very closest Inspection ran be handled for $7,500; take man of parts to, make It go, . but "If a hummer." See J. E. Hoamer, 810 Allaky bldg. Main 81841. 4-ROOM house, elgbtlv half block, fruit, flow era, $1,500. Main 8958. 818 Commercial blk. $350 PER ACRE 21 scree fin level land, sear 42d and Fremont sta. "(east of Irvrngton). A great ha r rata.. at that price. X -17. Journal.. S-ROOM bou built 2 year. $1,800; term! owner leaving. Mala 8958. 818 Commer - cll blk. - - - - WANTED Men sad women with money to Invest In paying snd rapidly advancing real . estate. It coara nothing to Investigate. J, 1 E. Hoamer, 810 Allaky bldg. . ' - " A ROOM. new. strictly modern bona, furnace. gaa. electricity, wall paneled, beautiful re- . centlon hall: a swell home, rioee lu: will all furnlahed or unfurnlahed. A bargain If enld st once. BEST at VAN FOSSEN, .. . 291 H Morrfcwa t. TEN acre, all In. eulttvatlon. stttes from of Portland and 1 mile weat. ef Claekama latins: fin spring water piped to the land under ,40-fnot preoaure. Price $200 par arr. . Five sere at th cam rat. Five acre 10 mile eaat of PortUnd. 1 mil ' from 0. ,W. P. electric line. fine eoll and nay to clear. $75 per sere. 240 sere 25 eillc north of Portlaad, 1" . sere ver r , ess v to clear, about 88 acre lu . cultivation.! ell No. 1 land: nrlce 820-per -arc. for IN or part. Will give term or j, mtgbt eichaoge for Portland property. Per particulars BEVES1, 404 East Alder afreet. Phone Eaat 481. FOR SALE Big kargala for quick aale; 8-room nburban cottage, ground looxiof) feet, trait nd ah'rubbocy; by owner 0. W. P. Town aid Co.. 218 Aid st.,; la 0. W. P. At Ry. waltlng-mom. - SEE Eaat Sid Peal Fatat Co, for eaat aid property. We have 2"0 farm (or mm, froe on acre as. 40T liawthoru V. pboee Eaat 1087, 5