-- THE OREGON DAILY. JOUEIJATJ, PORTLAND. TUESDAY EVENING. JUNE " 19. 1808. TODAY'S UIIAIIS MIGHT BUILD REFINERY Company Said to Be Planning Sugar Factory for the At- lantio Seaboard." . : i WOULD HIT TRUST A VERY HEAVY BLOW feig Concern Makes , .Sharp, Cut in Package .Coffee Cheese la in Bet ter Position, .With Prices Same fr Eggi Are Firmer; , Front Street, June IfThe principal featare er the Portland whole! auun loay arei Ctieeee anarkat I firming. Creamery batter hold Jut eteady. v Bad break la package coffee. , Hothouse cucumbers very plentiful.'" . " Hop sale ere being made. I HawaUana likely to build refinery , ' llaery arrivals ef cantaloupe. Chirry euppllea ar small. , Eaatera a 11 rather high. . Big ahad joomlng front Columbia. Unn com la getting dowa. v String been plentiful; price off i Peach sierket la la good shape. Plret California peare arc In. , Hewaiiann Likely t Build Beftaery sast. Information recelTed -from tha south to The Journal Indicate compllcatlone la tha augai market. It la aald to ha tha Intaatloa of Ua California A Hawaiian . Baflntng company ta " build a large and modern refinery at soma ' prominent pulat oa tha. Atlantic eaabord. Tha company baa a plant at Crockett. California. Thla auppllaa territory weat of tha Boekle. Tha poalllua of tha Hawaiian, although etrong ' aa far aa evallableeeuppllee ot raw eugar re - eoarerned. la not aa necur aa might be. It ' la aaacrtad that a working majority ot tha 1 otork of tha Wnetern Bugr Refining eon. fan la owned by tha Heveiwiyec crowd tha Ig aaatarn concern. If thla ta traa It'maana that ttoe HawaUana ara etrlklug tha truat at ' point of Uttla conacouene a far- vnlum A hidnaM AnaMrnWt fnf nraetleallT 71 - par cent of tha angar oed In tha United gtau4 la eoneumed aaat of tha Boekle. Taking tnu Tiew of tha attnatlon. It nieane that tha Weet. ra Refinery can fa aa losing away aa lis - faolfle aoaat boalnea for aa Indefinite period for what It loaaa on tha Pacific alopa it mora thaa aiakaa np br eon trolling tha market f tha eaat. Thla la aald to hare caaaad tha HawaUana miKh food for thought and a de otion to jtiika lots th 'eaatera field la aald to ba tha outcome. la tha meantime Woatera angar people ara loalng money on erery aala !. - - "BtaawTrnarrarHTJefTaar- There aeama to ba all aorta ot trouble aa - tha baada of tha angar traat at thla time. A ahara cat waa announced yeaterdaf In tha price of Ltoa eoff, tha product ef tha Wool aejr Sptea company; another arm of tha A mart . can Sugar Refining company'a loan of bnatneea la aald to hare canaed tha big aoaeara ta aim a aarage blow at tha Arburkle people, and - yeetorday "a decline of mo a pound or 11.50 ' - caaa la tha raaalt. Thoa far no change haa been made by Arburkle. Tha caetera coffee , attnatlon aoaa not abow a ay weakaeaa at thla Uma. .... ... -- -. v Ohaaaa Harkabi U Ttrmlng Oooaldarabw ' mora f Irmneea ta abowa today In tha cfaeean market although auotatlonaj ara Bnenangoa iron yerieroey. una aurago eperutluaa ara now vary heavy, the Jane prod act being elaaaed ua Ideal for thla pnrpoaa. Adrancra expected. . Creamery butter la aalllng quit wen - at tha price. Country (tore la better demand . at aa adrance.. Kgga are firmer wfth amaller nrrlrala, and meet aalea ef local .fmh at 22c. Eeatera ' ea atUlng about tta aame flgora- at-area. - ant. Poultry ahowa no change from yaaterday. Becetpla only fair and nnleaa they become , htarUr tha price will not likely drop' during ' tha prenent week. rirat , Oallforata aan Arrive; ; " Tha flrat peara to arrive from Callforala - thla aaaaon are now In market. Page aV Bona were tha receiver. Stocka la good ahapa with J, tha price at I1.&0. , String beana are much mora plentiful from local potnta and tba price today m lower at Qc. , . - Cantalonpea ara In better anpply today with tha price tower. Salea ara larger. , Quality ' batter. ' , - i Cherry enpnltea are email today -with price V firmer. Rtrawbrrrtee only la fatr anpply with price allghtly off. Lngaiiberrlea aomlng faatar b-t quality la pot the beat yet. Green corn irom CaTlfcnIarloW IB' llberil eapplyrpylc dowa to 25c a doara. Peach market la good : ahapa. Stock look better and bara larger aal. Price of fancy a high aa 1.18. Orangea are very firm with aweeta going at $S.T84.00. Hothonaa cuesmbera eery plentiful today. Frio -allghtly off. . . Big Shad Coming from Oolnmlila, Shad receipt ara again picking np. Lata arrlrala abnw eery larga alee, aao flab taught In the Willamette alongh weighing 10 H riada. According to Malarkey Co. tkla one of the largeet caught ot lata. Salmon arrlvela ara heaelet with prion oaawr with a tendency to drop. . The trade paya the following prtcee ta Front afreet. Prlcea paid prodacera are lea regaUr eommiulona: Srala, Hear ead Teed. ? WHEAT Cltih, T2c ; red Suae lan. 6; blae ' alem, 74c i valley, TO 71c, BARl.KT Fred, rolled. a.00OM.00l brewlna. M4 00. , ; CORN WkoU. H4.B01 aracked, 12.50 per ten. k ' RTK tl RS par cwt 4 OATS-Froaucer-' prT No. 1 White, $28.00 axHK.iw): gray, i.wikik.w. rLooi -ne Amm eaatern Oreeoa natenra.'' ti aOifl S.0K; t.lht, $S.40eJ.80; export, 1.1 15.0; wlley, in no; grn. ia, aa.o"; waoi wheat. e3'Tn rC. P"V-l'Wi UHiee, e.o. M!LITrjrrS Bran. $17. B0 font mtnV dllng. I2.V00: ahnrt. couatry tia i: ebon, ila.00i32t.60. 130.001 el ty, H 1 T Producer' price) Timothy.' Willamette 'ralley. fancy. tH.fXt: ordinary,1 HOOOfllOBO; eaatera Oregon, S 18. 00 eft 17 .00: arlxed, IIO.OOQ 10.M;. clorer, i grain, 7.6038.60; cheat, ii.ooas.oo. i - t ' Butter, Egg aa4 "feultrr. ' . - BUTTFH. f AT r. ob. Pert land Sweat cream, ! aour, 1. ' BUTTS ROlty creamery, SI He; eotalde fancy, t; ordinary, 17HCJ atore. 1IHQ14C. . KOGB No. 1 fraab Oregoa, caadlad, 2iVkt S2c CFIBESB New Full cream, flat a. IlHci Xtinna America. IStl California lata, lie, ' POUITRT Mixed chicken, lRUc par fti! fancy bena. ' per Ibj rooatera, old, 10H II., itan. I1C11VC ID! fryera, lHUc; broh- -w.jm4w. iMree. i.e lea pr inir eprtna duck. 10c per lb; geeae. ai?c lb) turkeya, lie per lb; dreeaed. toe -per lhi aquaba, 2.6Ol.U0 per oua; plgeoae, 12.00 per do. , Rope, Wool and Hldaa, , ' HOPS Contracta, 1108 crop, 10 per lb) tSOS Oregon,. ISHCilSe. WOUlc lo8 clip "alley, coarae to eaadloa, tar; fii, Snc; eaatern Ortcoa. S0Q81. MOHAIR New, SOa. HHEKI'SKINS Sneerlaa. 1BC)I0 eacbf abort wool. an40c: medlua. weoL S0175a aaaki tng wool. 7Vtl.0O each. ,j f TALLOW Prime, per In, MCci Ho. t and artaee. :JHc CHITTIXt B.4RK per n. - - - .TUESDAY PRICES IN . THE WHEAT MARKET j, . tJUIW , Dfpb e9 Chleas-B ......I .SJHA ,Ii4 A Mlnnoa polls Mllwauko ... Duluth ....... Wlnnlpes I.lTerpool ..... Kanana Clly. Bt. Louis .UK ss4 : 7H4 .744 7S ' a A... Isle e 'I 4444. MARKETS JOURNAL'S DAILY TIPS ON MARKETS e a several aaiea ot 1 nopa nave w 4 been -report! at valley point ' 4 4b ' rjurlng tha paat 24 hours at , e former price. Inqulrlea from.' d tba cast are Increasing and there i 4 1 a dlapoaitlon to - rnlaa tha ' a e price offered to a figure that . caa be considered by dealer ) here. ' Holder eera willing to e 4 let sro around 16 cents for good e 4b good a, but under that firuro It 4 will be liard to buy. Crop condl- a tlona not of the beak J i 4 e ;4Fr 4 HIDES Dry, Ko. 1, 1 Ibe and an. tSHQ I7He per lb; dry kip. No. L, S te IS lha, 14c; dry calf. No. 1. aadae k lba. ISc; ealted bldee, ateere. eonn'l, 80 lb and over. 102 tic; cowa, tMOHc: etaga and bulla, aonnd, BfiTc: kip, IS to SO lba, c; calf, aonnd. under IS Ibe, lle green, insetted, la laaei eulla. . per lb baa; boreehldea, ealted, each. I1.2S41.TS; dry, each. ai.Oill.&0! enlt bltlea. SaetOoej goat aklna. conimoa. each, lOQlbai Angora, each. 86c41 1)0. . .... ' ' .' rralts aad Tegetablea. . POTATOES Beat aorted, TOe per ack pro- Jueer' prlca far car. lot SOs per ewt; ordinary, u46c; producer' price, ( )! saw potatoaa, el.M4S.28. - - ONIONHJobblng price Texa. l4e par lb; new California, gl.SO; garlic, Sti per lb. reran rsniTa Aooie. S2.6octS.0Oi arancea. Mediterranean. tl.liH: banana. 6c lb: Jeumne, cbolea, t.S0ilM per box; fancy, .O0u.6O per box; lime. Mexican, 75c per i'K: tangerinee, I pineapniaa, aievican. e.iui HawalUn, ; atrawberrlea 1.01.8 par eeate r,MihrHM AeeAe nee cnemee. Baiioe lii: nliima. 1 zr.ui.BO ner crate: aorl- cot. 1.7Si&t200; peecbe. SOc11.26; Logan- oerrlea, gi.tktI.TOi caniaioupea, o.w raapberrlea. S1.7B, , VKflKTABlES Tnrnlpe. -new, fl-M par aack! earrota, tl.&O per eerki beet., ll.tO per aack; . paraalpa, 11.60 per aackl ore eon radian, aoe per do; cabhag. California, (1.7H per ewt: Oregon. Sl.BAi2; bell peppera. tHtSOc lb l Mexican tomee. 12.28; Bootb ern, 88.80; local botlmne. $4.00: paranlpe, SOrfft $1; atrlng beana, Oregoa SiftSe lb; California girt iuc; ceull cauliflower. fl.UO doe: Pea. 4S48o lb; boneradlab. 6437 lb; articbokea. 76e per doe; hothouse lettuce, $l-2n per box; eranbeniea. iereeya. aie.oe ear not: two oar ana iuie mook, $10.00; aapareaa. Oregon. 8Ot70e per do bunchee: Walla Walla. $1.40411.60 per box; eqoaan, ie; apinaea, owe per ooa onion. Orea-on. 12U ner-do banebea bera, 8D70c per do: celery, BOe per doe) green corn, 25c do; ummr aqnaah. Tact! uox; eggplant, eue in. DR1KO I ttUITS Apples, evaporated. ISt) lc per lb; aprlcota. 14c pee lb; peecbe, iattltt per lb; eaeke. Ha per lb Wee; prone. SO to. 40, Set He drop aa each eliteenth ataa flea. California black. 8SI6UC lbi California white. 8&i4c per lb; datea, golden, tiec per, ioj zaroa, iuci.ow per as-ib no. , etovMrarlee, Bat. It a. BrOAR Bck bla Cube. $3.30; powdered, $8.16; fruit granulatad, $8.18; dry granulated, $6.06; roof. A, S88; beet graauUted. weatern, $4.86: Hawaiian, $5.06; extra C, $4.68: gold. C, S.4t; D yellow. 84.661 bbla. 10c: U bbl, 2Ac; box. &0c adrance on aack be. la, lea 2M per ewt for -aaah, 16 eayai - awpka, - Ut)16 per lb. (AboT prlcea atmlr -t aalee of tea tba jr lot. Carjimt epflaijrJt DjctJa I aiut'iusi iitiuaj. ; . HONEY SS.SO par erat.. COFFEE Package brand. llS.SBai4.T8. SALT Coaree Half ground, 100a, $6.00 per ton; 60a, 60: table, dairy, 80a, $13.00; Ifloa, $11.78; "Imported Urerpool. SOa, $17.00; lofM, 818.SO; 124, $18.00: extra fine. bbla. t. Be. 10. f4.604t6.6i: bulk. 820 lp. $4.00(35.001 aack. 60a, 6rf88e; Llrerpool Inmp rock, MM per ton; 50 lb rock, .O0; 100. $9.00. ; ORAIN BAOB Calcutta, SHOrOov.. RICK Imperial Japan. No. I. 6c1 No, 9. B0Sic; New Orlenaa bead. T AJx. 8o Creole, 8 Ate. BSANB- email wnlte, l.8a - targe .White, $4.00r pink. $8,001 bayee, S8.00I Lima, 84.00; ktexlcen reda, 4t, pTUTB Peanuta. Jnmboa. an per lb; Tlrrlnla. UHc per lb; routed. fV4o per lb; Japa nese. 6Hici roaated, Tn7l4e per lb; eocoa auta, SotjSOc per doa;. walnut. 164)lSHe lb; ptnannta, lOAlXHe per lb; blckoay auta, 10 per lb; cbeetnnta, eaatern, 1 divide rer lbt Braxll auta laOftlBe per lb) filbert. 14'316 per lb; fancy pecan, 16c; almond. 16Q17c ralata. Deal Oil. Zta. ' ROPB Par Manila, 14e; aUadard. ISUel alaal. He. , . ' - COAL OIL Pearl or Aatral Caaee, ISe par gal; water white. Iron bbla, 14c per gal; wooden, 17e per gal; headlight. 17u-deg, eaaea, BlUe per gal. OABOUNB -dcg, taaee tAl per gal. tree bbl. Ke per gal. BEN7.INB 83-det. eases SB par gat, Iroa bbl IftH per gal. TURPENTINE la caaa SB pea gal; wooden bbla OSc per gL : - - WHITE LEAD Ton tots, Ttte per lb; 600-lb lota ae per lb: lea lota, 8 At per lb. , WIRE NAILeV-Preaent baala at SJ.68. - - LINHEFH OIL Pure raw. ra B-bhl lota. Met 1-bhl lot. SSc; eaaea, 88e per gall genuine kettle- boiled, eaaea, eoe per gal; D-bbl lou. See; 1-bnl lot 8Bo per gal; ground rak, car lota, $20.0 per too! lee than ear lota, $80.00 per toe. Heat. link and PrTtton. -FRESH MEATS Front etreet Beef ateer. 4S)6c per lb; cowa, 8tt4e per lb; bog, fancy. JH4Je: orninary JJ"a'WTi poor. u ' per in; bnlla. SQSVtc per lb; real, extra, 7c par lb; - u, .ii. ms. aa Dee. 11, : buhum. fancy. RHc per lb; lamb. Be. HAMS, Iiuun, iiu, reniug pace tiocait i ma. 16 to 14 lha. 16a per lb: 14 to 1 lb. 14Vte per lb; breakfaat bacon. 18ttI20e per lbi nlcole, 104 per lb; cottage, lOAt par lb; regular abort clean, aninxix.a. iuhc per lb; smoked. 114 per lb: clear back, aaamoked. 10H lb; amoxeo, Jike per in; union butta, 10 te IS lba; aumoked. Be per lb; aaaoked. So ear lbi clear belli, ansmoked, 11 per lb; smoked, 13c per lb: ahenldsre. lOKe per rb. LOCAL LAKU Kettle Jeer, . loa, 12 per lb; 6. llAte par .lb 80-Ib tin. 11V4 per .b: team rendered, lua. lie per lb; Be,. Um per lb; eomnonna. ion, a vie. CANNED SALMON Colna-bla river. 1-tb tall. 1.0; S-lb talat, $2.78; fancy, l ib Sara, 81 (to; H-lb fancy aau. al io; rancy i-io avaai, J jo Alaska telle, sink. MttlMei red. Sl.bOi axwlaal 8a, tall, $2.00. FIBH Hock cod. Te per lb; Sounder, So per lb; hallhnt. Be ner lb: eraba. $1.60 ner doa: etrtped bee. 1H per lb; eatnea, Ta per lb; aaimon, uoiumma river rninone, vc per lu, eteelhead (1 per lb; herring. Be ne lb; eolee. 8a per lbt shrimp. 10c per lb: perch. Be per lb: black cod. Te per lb; torn cod, Te per lb: Hear amelt, T per lb; lobster,- IB per lb; freb mackerel. Be per lb: era em. a, aoe par doa: abad. So pf lb; aturgeoa, 10 pac lbw OTBTERS Bboalwatar bay. par (aL 1129: ler eeck. HTJ ... ,t.ni9 naroeneii, pw ..wi lama, $2.00 pet box.. I JULY COTTON LOSES " HEAVILY ON SELLING New Toe. June lO.r-Julr cotton ' waa eold heavily by long and bat IS points from-the opening. Official " quotation . by-'trrartockr ttT Cooke company: , , ... . . . , Oner). tTlgh. fxwe, Olnsa. 1 44 10.44 10.61 10.80 'lO.M 10. S January 10.48 10.88 10.48 Fenenarr .......... ..... Mareh w M Jnn .....10.41 10.41 10.61 10.41 ,10.t 10. S3 July .............. 10. BO 10.80 Anruat , ........... aw.eu iv.w .30 lrt.M 10. M 10. US Lrrarpoel "Cottoe lower.' " TJrerpool. Jon IS. Cottoa fataree cmeed y, 4 to T point lower .J SAW . fxUMOTBOO tOOAt tTOOM. . . Bs " Tf incuwo, 'Jana 1 IS. OfttcUt ' aloaer - Bid. . A. Contra Casta Water. Bbh Ml Hprlng Valley Water. ........... 814 - 21 H Mntnal Blectrl ! - - (Hani Powder.................. 1 lI ' Honoken Snrar ..t... 10T4 "12 Hutrblaoei Acgar 1S .... Makawall Sur..,..... .. Wit- Onome Bnar... SO , Si Paauha Sugar . IT 17 H t'nlon Bngar.... ; 4S Alaaka Parker ni so Hawaiian Cno BOH .... Cat. Win aeaocUtton..... 7V ' 81 . TVrnB STATES eOjncXBaUaTt BONDS. New Tor. Jos IB. OoTernmeat bond: P.ie. Bid. A.. Twna reelstered.. 1IK.J iri Vw 104 inn 108 ee eoupoai, . .............. j i' Tbraea, renlatred... il 13T4 lie oHifsAi I0S Fnnra, rirttr.4. .......... 18"T 1o2i do oiP'n ' . lei Me. 4 r.iwtared I'A loSl l'k "'V. 184 lh nil ! iiiiiiiii lull . . . , . October v 10 .40 10.41 . 10. M Norember 1Q-44 10.48 10 4 Daceaber lO.oa 10.H 10.8S ovnoawaenee vua LLISfl OUT WHEAT IS OFF Reports From Crowing Centers J Favor Higher Figures but ; Bears Have Control. UVERPOOL-CLOSE THREE- EIGHTHS OFF TODAY Chicago Is Weak From the Start and All Options Ara Lower Except tha july Which Retains an Advance of an Eighth. , , , KELATITB WHEAT TALUKS. Close ' Oloae Cloaa Loae . June IS. June IB. luoo.- June 19. July. ....p .'iia a sts s ioi 2tiA ajjA- Beotember Mi .82'iB Iecembr. May...... Oaln. .MA .SU All CUcaso. June) lS.Jnet - what make the wheat market go contrary to tha new cannot be explained by the trading element except prhp that manipulator are again at work. Today'e report from th growing wheat were of a bulllab natnre the aame aa yaaterday, but loser are ahowa at the cloaa in all options except the .July which closed Va higher thaa yaaterday. Receipts of 4,000,000 bosh la ef eara 'ar expected for Chicago thla week, Tbl manna a rapid accumulation ef atocx. Tba corn now arriving a going direct to private levator and la being bald by aale of July. The eaatern demand at current prieee appears ta be over for the nreeena. All nrennt .hi no In sale are filled and there la so saw distributive or export demand ef consequence. It 1 esti mated that the total country porch yee terday for thla market, including those ma as on bids sent out Saturday nigat. aggrcgat orer 70,000 bnsbola. . Official quotation by orarback, Starr Cooke company: i .... ' V WHEAT. 'i . Open. Hlkh. . tow, Jniy.....$ ,.2H ,sa Sept.... fo..... May. 18.SS 1T.O0 18.80 IT.OO 18.76 - 16.78 18.80 18.80 .to -1B.1S -16.18- - 16. U ; LARD. . July 8 M 8 M S.TT , S 80 ' Sept-... 8 07 8 7 B OO 8.06B JabjM.Ll -. T BIB S.1T - SHORT BIBS. July.-.. S40 S.4S S.ST $40 Sept..;. ....S.ST S.88 S.2S . -. S.87 - Oct.... S.10 S.12 S.0T S.10 raiXART CBAUT XOTXXXBT. ' Chicago, Jan 18 Primary receipts: r . Today , Tear age "'"" ' Bnah. Bun. Wheat SH7,0O9' S42.0OA Corn .1,126,000 '800,000 Bhlpmantat . . Wheat 11T.0O8 Jo.. One, Corn 831,0(0 89S.0O0 Total elearanceei wheat, none; corn. i4,oow baabela; eats, aone; flour, 10,000 barrels. - " CHIOAOO CASH WHEAT. ' , Chlcags, Jun lSe-Oah wheat elocci June 18 Jnn 1$ Did. $ .88 .88 . .T8 .86 .84 .80 Bid. - Ask. a sms St nap No, S red.. No. 8 red.. No. S bard. Mtlt.f eTTU S .O I .88 .M .U1 .88 8 No. 8 hard No. 1 northern Ne. S northern M No, S aprlns ABSENCE OF ARRIVALS IS GOOD FOR MARKET - Some Sales of Hogs Are Today Reported as High as Seven and a Quarter. Portland TTnloa Stockyard. Jnn It. re stock receipt; 1 -- Hota. Cattle. Sheen. Today 60 1,0V) n ago. .......... ...... sue - iuc . sos Month ago 404 Vear eg ... 3S Tba absence of arrival la tba bog market today had a atlffeolng effect anon demand and value are ranging between 7 7 it with ecoa atonal aalea at the latar price. Cattle remain doll with but GO tea a in 8 ur ine; the pant 24 boor. Although unchanged ta price today the trade la atlll predicting lower value. "Exptot th prloo to go under $8.76," any Plummer. ft beep ar holding (teady today with vary tlreral irrtral of 1,000 bead. Price unchanged xlay i . -.-. - orriciai iireatoca nuotanons: Hoes Beat ea.tarn Oreaon. 8T.00i9T.xTl! blocker and China fata, (6 60; atockara and feeders, $8.28. "- ''- Cattle Beet . eaatera Oregoa steer, 8.T8: been .cow and heifer, 14.23; atoefcar aad feeder. $8.00: ball, $2.60. Sheen Shearling. gQe; iamb, 7J44. , - EASTERN HOGS GOOD. AalTeatoek SMtnatloa Better Xor all Beef aTtxoiis;. . ... .. i Chleeao. lun 10. Live tor k recelnfs: i!. . . Hoc. ctl). Sheen. Chicago ' U i.pO 8.600 16.000 Kaneas Clty...j,j.,..l.fw) 11.000 4.0O0 Omaha 14.000 4.J00 IN) Hogs ar etrong with 8.000 left orer. Re eetpte a year ago ware 32.000. Todar'a price: Mixed, M.40',1 n.TO: good, $4.8008.70: rough, Sil.40M.SS: Itcht, $6.404.8.80. t attie nteaay Sheep Strong. T SAB TBANCISOO MUmiO STOCKS, Sm FrancUco, June is. Official eloeei Hid Bid. Belmont S S.''tt Ooldr Har .... O. Bull Frog.. I 1.07 , .18 -.T8 , SAO .ft M .4 Caah Boy .1A Onldea Anchor. .45 Con. Csl.-Vs... f)ih-. Horn .w Jim Buller. . 1.U0. Mexican ...... McNsniara .M . Midway 3 20 Caledonia- Ficheqiier Norrroee Cold -Crown.... tlreaf Bead.,.. Montau S.a.1 North . Star. . An l-.OO - .85 - .44 --.12 Wilo r .27- Ton. Exten.... SonA. Nerada 18.no Weal End.,... S..VS Adam ....... .08 Black ButU Eg .08 Tramp ,M imu rieimoat.. A"A Atlanta ....... .1 Bluebell -e.e. J Montgomery Mt ;; .48 mineet .VA..., . jo ftcepfrc ....... ,.20 Msnhattna .... ?.0t Bay. Hnmprey. JH Bontk ........ .30 CohittiMo Mt.,- .SO 8 Con. Q'larry... .1 Ptamoudfteld . .34 iviin .a.,,... m. . Dixie .07 (iranny ....... Hold Wedge... Tva Star...... (it. Bend Ex... .20 .18 .en .12 A Onldfteld .48 Jumbo 1.80 da Extea w Kendall . ."OA do Aa Crearant I agon .20A 10 May uoeea.... ' Mohawk ...... 188 Hed T.:.... 1.40 Cowboy , Penear "Annaa.. Bnlla aV bear. Black Bock.... N. T. Coneol... ; 35 .BAA :f.A Sendetorm .... .M Sllrer Pick.... JO St., Ire i .40 Pt.,IW.. j.... Naflmml Bank .4.1 M.nhstt.a Oon, lytrne jne Mayflower .... Jumping Jack.. DnTt 1.05A Ecllpe . - Vw Tark-Londoa Silver. hew Tort, Jus IS. Bag gUrsay tlm ta eVcaw SO se .. r--v HEiVS BU : Cmae. U $ JUVt S Jt'i" .Sal - Mt .824 , , .824 A 4H" 4I- : .sin, . .ton ... .atlTb twvk Jm ' COBN. ... .. .. July...', J&2, JI1A4 .811 . Sept..... .624 .62A, Xli --- .6114 1MO M) . 1.4BA, 0B OATS. ' July. 40 .4014 ' JMAi JH Kept..... . J61 .87 . JI7 .88J4A Ie. .... -JKt - - - JlTH ; .804 -- 8 ft .,.., ' " ' HESS POBat.-".-. '. fiy Bept..... Jan... ;rr May Be Something Doing In Sugar Market Soon ' Trust Raises Prices In East but Holds Them Here to Drive Hawaiian Out. A BULL BULGE IN HEW YORK Stock Market Acts Better With a , Large Volume of Business ' f : ';,'' During Day. COPPEfriSSUES-AC QUEER DURING TRADE Anaconda Loses Heavily, While -Amalgamated Is Up a Good Move Colorado Fuel Is Two Points Higher at Close. " r . " KBT GAINS. .. HIKsty ,,'..'....... i .. I Mlaeoorl Pacific... 1U Aaralgamatad Atchlsua, Sugar , Norfolk ........... 2W Smelter . 1H!n. X. Central...... 1 Csr Foundry.... tiiOnt. Weatara...' A, Brooklya lk)pnnylTanla .....a 2S Baltimore 2 V Reading S4 loioraao rati g Kepunuc Bteei... St. Peal 1 Hock Island Cbaaapeak ...... 1 Va tkMitbar Pacific. uxnmoure xikiTexae racina Dearer :::::: I l'nloa Pacific. Eric 111. Central LenlevlUc , Anaconda . f-eoplea Qt U. . Steel......... do preferred .... Ped. Smelt, pfd... l 1 NET LOSSES. ... SHIGreat Weatara..... I' ' Wall Street, N. Y.t Jane IS. The ' Itock market bald a eery bullish ton today and th general list moved sercral point higher Just previous to the cloaa. A feature of the market waa the Intense weakneee of Anaconda and the etrength ef Amalgamated. The for fife .closed with a lo ef ovt point whll th Utter 1 1A4 points np. New York Central ' report abowa for a quarter ended June 8 a deerea'e eg $129,500 ta eorpiua after charge. Cor Product preferred waa given a uuaxUrly divi dend of t per cent today. American atocko 1 London are A to point above parity. Trad ing In thla market waa more active today with ever 800,000 chare eold to noou. The etoalug today waa etrong. Official quotation by Overbech. Starr a Cook company i a DESCBimON. Anaconda Mlnlh Co,.,.248 555" 248 ?4TvJ Amal. Copper Co...... Atchison, eofa......,T S5 1U 80 1U2 S94 STS 88 'S8H 1R2H yi.imra,,,.,,,,,. Am. Car V round., com. 8H1 10TJS uo preterrea. Am.-Sugar, cot Am. Smelt, cos do Preferred. 188 ISSA 148A4 10 neuiiie 14W Baltimore A -Ohio, com, do preferred..........! A lO 11 117 92 Brook lyo Rapid Transit J 804 sov TO SO At 160 U i aoaaiaa raciric, Cbi. at Alton, com 160 160 16 27- Tl 174 oo prelerred... Obi. at 0. W.j com..., CbU Mil. St. Paul.. ChL A N. W., com CbL Terminal Ry i IT 17U HI 178 202 202H 1 ir 88 'S 48 1 8844 7844 176 14844 Obeaapeika 4 Ohio..... BT 88 44 66H uoia. fuel A iron. com. Colo. Southern, com,... .do Sd preferred..... Denver A H. O., com.. do preferred ......... Brie, com. do Sd preferred...,. da taf preferred...... Illlnola Central........ Loulaellle A Naahrllle. Manhattan Railway..., Mexican Can trsl Ry.,.. Minn., Bt. p. Sta. M Mlaaonrl Pacific M, K. A T.. com...... do preferred...,.,.... New York Central. Am. Cotton OH .., ni 48V4 4B( 4 87 7 ITS 148V4 16 140 22 Jt Sim 1664, A 14 05 83 67 8 88 87 44 87 i 187 Ii 188 44 137 82 u 88 V, Am. I .oco mot yederal' Bmelter 0T 8814 80 4 41 Norfolk St West., com.. do preferred North American N. T., Ont. A West.... Pannay Iran la Ba llway , . . P. U , L. A C. Co Preeeed Steel Car., com. Pacific Mall B. B. Cc... Bep. Iron Hteel, com.. do preferred .......... Bock iKland. com. ...... , do Preferred... il se it 40 40. 1M isot. 182 S2H 1 01 48 1S2W as gov, 08 V 821, 88V, Southern By M Com...... do preferred Southern Pacific. do preferred.......... Bt. L. ft S. P., Sd pfd.. 8t. L, S. W., com.... do preferred Texaa ft Pacific Tena. Coal ft lroa...... 118 48 1 21 82 82 84 162 Tol., SI. Ii. ft W., com... 27 ne prereri'sq. Union Pacific, com,.... do preferred. ........ 17 Ai 148A4 Central leather, com.. oo prererrea U. 8. Rubber, com do preferred... . . , 0. S. Steel Coy com,.. do preferred Wheal, ft U E., coca.. do 2d preferred do let preferred Wleeonrln Central, con. do preferred Weetera In loo Tel.... 4SA4 siit 44 104 104, 03 A Northern Pacific. S906V Total Sle for da V. 1 OofTfnO aharee. CU money closed St 83 per cent BOSTON OOPPEE KAKKXT. Boston, Jon 10. Official rioae: Bid. Osceola ....... 10T 68 Adrentare .... B.751 Royal ......... 18.13 A loon 88 Bnl Trinity ., 7.7,1 Arcadian tOOTnlted Cop 41.38 Atlantic 12-7SI Wolverine ...v..-lS7.flO Calumet .. SHO.O0IIT-. B. Mining, 67. 2B Centennial ...... Cop. Bang ... Daly Went.. Greene Cos.. ... Oramby ....... Maaa Mohawk Nevada Con.,.,, North Butte.... Old Dominion... , 22.0A'Coal ft Pitt.... 80.00 80.00 18.00 . &.) 000 28 62 81 Ml 111.08 its.ss 74.001 r. S. ft Pitta.. IB 60J pitta, ft Dal... B4 871 JunctJon ...... 11.76 Black Mt T AO' Boston Con..... 84.00 E set Butte 17.76 Coal ft Art.... 88.12! Ely 88.001 . " ttvxkpoot OBAnr iuim Liverpool. Jane 10. Official price 1 . WHEAT. Onca v CI' ' Clone toe June IS - Jnn IS Jane IS Jane IS July.. Sept.. a 74 e svd . ne TV e 7,1 A4fl 8 8d . 8 SVid . ; Aid CORN. Jnly 4 Sd 4 '4d 4 S " Sept 4 Sd 7d - 4 Sd CBICAOO OBAIB CAB 10TS. Chicago, Jun lSlrala ear lots: -1908. Wheat eg e 8 4 V e 88 J 92,? 240 73 8 8 -874 361 T48 ' 188 Oala . iMiBiiiiiMMMMaiiMiMasVSixxxzitxaxaaaxa; Oregon Journal Educational Contest NOMlfsATINC CERTIFICATE ; Kama f Centeatnt.....e..e... v. ..........e : A g.......;Addreas.. . ....ee. ....... . e. ..... ...m.... ......a..... school last attended er at present attending ..............e Hecemraended by. ..............................'......4 ee.ee ''-V " .-. .;. .... . .. .. llllllll4lt'sl - SStftla4tSvS w eP4 , PACKERS GET OUT AX FOR TEDDY Their Employes Ordered to Dis credit President at Every Opportunity. ; HIS POLICY DECLARED 1 :.;: TO BE GREAT MENACE Employ Declares ,-JVIejt Trost la; Seeking . Systematically to ; Place 11 Repute With tha Public"- ' " ;;; An antl-roosryeTC onxnpalgn tn which very employ in the .United States mut takev part If he would bold Ills job this, according- to a Portland scent of one of the big; packing oompanlea, la the kind of way the big interests of )h Chicago, Kansna City and Omaha stock yards have declared upon the national president. ' . - And the whole Axnertcan publle la to become the subjeot for the antl-Roose-velt propaganda, "Our local managar in every seetlon of the country," declared the employe of the beef truat, "have received their secret lnetructlona, whloh, by the bye, include order a to how to instruct th lr employee, drummers, a to. W ar. told that Roosevelt la a dangerous man, that he jumps at conclualona, that he la a menaoe to the buslnesa lntereeta of the country and that we must dls credit him at every possible opportunity. This all of ua at supposed to do, high or low, or our Jobe may be considered in danger.. Besides this w are given a lot of literature defending the packers and discrediting the men of the muck rake, whloh we are ordered to pass out to' the people, our customers especially." Orders Talllag Off. The employe of the packing firm also declared that In th past week the orders for canned goods and sausages, products ot the big packing-houses, had fallen off more thaa 6 per cent In this section. The sale of ether meats, such as hams and bacon, did not seem to be affected. One firm, he declared, which had promised an order of 160 cases of canned meats for the paat week had canceled the order on acoount of. the falling off In the demand for the food. A sample piece of literature sent out by the trust to be distributed by Its em ployes is a facsimile of a clipping from the Chicago Tribune, dated May It.' The text follow: "Dr.-8.-XB Bennett, chief government Inspector at th stockyards In this olty. In speaking of the present meat agita tion yesterday, reiterated with emphasis his aesTtlnn that 'net ft pound ot tainted meat escapes Into the local mar ket." . . .. 4-- ' 1 titrrer aw anything like the frensy displayed over thla question,' he aid. "Men who never saw the Interior of a packing-house are learnedly discus sing the necessity of giving the inspec tors - the-sight to destroy all the meat they condemn. They do destroy It now. They always have done ' ao, at least since I came hers 10 years ago. - " 'Just as soon aa tha "tagger" puts the "suspicious" tax upon a carcass it Is hauled off to th government's - room and. locked tn there. No one has the key to that room except the government. By and ny trie inspector, wno is a trained veterinary, oomes around and examines the meat If his Judgment corroborates the verdict of the "tagger" then th animal la dumped forthwith into the "tank" and converted into ferti liser. The packer gets nothing from that animal except th hide, hoots, horns and the fertilising material.. "'For any one -to assert condemned meat escapee into the local market or into any other market Is the .veriest nonnena.' " BLOOD POISON ton MORI THAR TWEHTf TEAll w bar made the ear of blood poison specialty. Prtiswwy,Bcadry er Terttary Bleed Poinea Permanently Cured. Yoeeaa b treated at home under gaemnty. Capital 8600. 000. W eoliolt the moat obeli nate eaaea. If you btc exhausted the old method of treatment, and atlll hare ache and palna Mueu Patchee In Month, Bore Throe. Pimple. Ooppr-Oolord Spot. Vlocr on nor pert of the body, Balr er Eyebrow failing out, writ tor proofs of una. 100-pag Book Pre. COOK REMEDY CO lBSf litHII TEkVU, Ihaag. ti. eUXimtd. L..ieiVvB,. BVBSi SlOW W BAIL. Tarrant I kxtree ef OaheU and Oepalbcla oAPiutil: Sen, feat aad lAee ear fe waiase. ac ar eeeiieet te carry. Tuny eafai aa. PrleeSk. a Huw A alartln a. ail' Waal.loa-ton at Portland. Oregon er by null from TUe Tarrant Co. k. a Hudaoe tH New for a. ..Ormd 81 llBiT I , . kPi eateieiTt If you have any 'Blood 1 4 fix I nm. -oeettpetlee. aaii f 14T 14K4, 1 NATIVE HCBES teal rs eau, er east I f ..... S3T4 ' nsunne. I awn Tii.iemil, ti. liuiiawe 104 10t3 ?f?i'tr H 1 ' 40 88 Bz wMMaMeM..Mai 808U)4ti Bfawawanuwawawaa, 1 : . TRANSPORTATION. ALASKA EXCURSIONS I. B. apokaac, Sane T, Sl Jly 8. S Angvat f. -AxovMa-roarr tovwv rxoTrasiOBS iTui rm Bin ' S0TJTBXABTIt AXASXA BOOTH.. Pre Seattle at p. at. for Ketchikan, Jnnean.-Bkagway, White Bore. Dawooa and tan-bank--. B. S, City SJacttlc. June 18. SO, SO. S. 8. Pamboidt. Juae 4. 14, tS. a, S. Cliy at Topek (el Sitka). Jan IB, SB. ''. VOn BOTJTX. , Becoad aalllng B. S. Senator aboat June SB. fOB SAB yBABCISOO BOUCOt. PYeai anettl at S a. a.. Queea, Jnn S. Sit tfrnatllla. June IS, S8-. City of Pueblo, June 18, July B ,. tartUai Of 1c. St Waahtngtea St, . -. mam aw. a O. D7JMAMW, Q. P. A., ' 10 Market St.. Baa rraaoUec TELEGRAPH Sstest a the atvea : ' . Th only steamboat making a round trip , ' BAMXT ' ' Kxeept Sunday Btwn PORTL Af D vnd ASTORIA suns wat roorrs -. . Leave Portland. ............. .T:S a. m. Arrtv Aetorla ..!:! p, m. Iev Astoria. .............. .1:18 p. m. Arrlv Portland ,...1:80 p. m. . Ua.! BERVZD A tA CARTE JTcHlaBd Xaandlmr, Aid Btrcct Beak. Astoria Tiaadlng, Oalleades Seek. BL B. SCOTT. Agent Phone Main Itl. ALASKA FAST ARB POPTJtAB STBAhUHirS , Leave awattla "XTTTTSSOW," May tT Jan B, IS. " ! "DOLtHlX," Kay tt( Jaae 1, IS, St. CAIXtBO AT . ' Retchlkaa. Senaaa, Pouglae, Bats. Baas way. Connect with W. P. A Y. root (ar Atlln. Dawnoa, Taaa, Nccae, eta - For AO Boatheaatara Alaaka Porta. CaB or send tor 'Trip to Wonderful A leap." "Indian Baaketry' "Tta Poles." . TK AIASBA 4k BV 00. - Praak ' Weeaaay Csw. Agent, BIS Oak at. Portland. Aa "REGULATOR LINE" The Dalles,-Portland Astoria Navigation Corr Boats leave Portland and The Dalles dally, except Sunday, at T A m., arriv ing about I p. m., carrying freight aad I aeengera. Bplandld aocommodatlon for outfits and livestock.'' Dock Poet ef Aides , PortlasAi foot - - t oonn stm, iu uaucs. . Phoae, Bali SlV Portlaad. North Pacific S. S. Co;s STEAMSHIP ROANOKE 2,500 tons, sails for San Fran cisco, Los Angeles and Eureka Thursday, Tune 21, Jul 5 and July 19 at 8 p. m. Ticket office 132 Third, near Alder. Phone Main 1314. H. Young, Agent. S. S. F. A. Kilburn Pw Coos Bay; Boreks aad Bas Pranchw. . Neit sailing from Portland, Tuesday, June It. Next Bailing from. 8n -Francisco, Monday, Jun 15. P. U OaSBHOUOH, Agt, rMtsb DS . A Pasnw Male 181. C. GEE WO Portland's" . Widely Known and Successful Chinese Medicinal, - Root and - Herb Doctor Rls ' fasion rtnedles, the Ingredient of which we Import direct from th Orient ta large fuaafltie and prepare and- pat ap for a I . hie ap-to-dre lab lory. No aereary. poison or drug t aar--kind -seed. .. Purely regetable. The Doctor freer neeeefally and guarantee to ear ll toeh trouble, catarrh, asthma, lung, throat, rhenmstlam. , aerrouaness, live, kidney aJ Vt manhood. LnOIAU TBOtTBI.r-8 AB AIX PXITATB , DISIASEA No false ar solslrsdtng ttement te the afflicted. A eefe aad laatiag cure In the qule. eat poaalble time and at th loweat east pea. ctbhr- for boneet rreatment. If yo cannot call, write for aymptnta blaak tad circular. Incloe 4 ceata la ataape. OOBSDTTATIOB PBXX. The C. Oee W Chlneaa Mdiola ,, 18SH runt St., Oer. Merrleea, Pertland, Or. Paaaae aatlea this papa. . . EvcrflVcnian . atlasareatad and ahoald knew I Tha Jaw Vaftnl rrawa, MJf men sec oncriec, uaxe sat. I Mo, cearvanleal. AtMavevMi It be eannoteutnly the MASVRIe kouapt BO other, km send ttamp for lllnatrated boo a.!,, ft full partlonlar and Oireetmne In veluabletolao'!. MIRVil, r ea n. it. la.a. B, f, BKIOMOBi A C0 141 -CKIBS SIA1BX. ABB WOoSaBA CXABAA CO. Scctt's S!:t2l-P;s:.i C2;::::s avpcsitiye cuns Par Inflawaxatlce. rOiarrb ef the bladder 4 lteed , ner, hOSa.SBta,g. Car inlraly aad rMnllr wrs4 eaeea of we- (ad C - S a a .r of b- ... 'A " t .. 4 t " f I ' f ' ' r . .-e r ... . I X'IvCSa--II XetTaW TRANSPORT ATICri. 5 UtnorrPxinc 3 Trains to the East DaiIy---3 . . "M" re i una a eraaoara ana tsarrrai ' !B-Car SaOy ta Oaaab. Cbtnao. Baakami XrZ' v "aanlng-ear dally to aaaa City. Sn.rt t",u tr r-k. " .'no . INT Atvrea. rMcago-porth,,, gpH.i , aw" r1'l'lllnStP"-.!1.TJ. ;Mi ,r . .' . var roe , ,. aiie nrll, - Or... w.5,r S'Atoa -4 . ei:ie i ..w a r. .'P'-T'VBIA BIVBB DIVISION. te.Lf"i"r,..nd wT point, eoeneettaa wtftj RaaulL T"wmr od Berth . Be. tenw eenV sL?- - S P. as. Satry, Kt I "d"1 Batnrdae. 18 e. m. Arrives S p a,.. Mwflt Pes. k.IiMmiL fP BOTTTB. 9Bl!m...ITm 0tnt and T.mbm H swsta eteenwra Ruth and Vfodoc. A.kt. dork. Bi1tft,i Sally, except Sunday (water pee Endly.U -Arrt : P. . dally. i BIPB BOTTTB. Alneri. M,l0" ,bA w pMnt from rJfV- ah.. ete.mer Snekaaa and I-ewte. ITo r7.,i " . .. or npoa arrival Train tv-ear ess " r Ticket OfSr TMrd and Wreblngton ate, Tehnne Main Til. . i U CBAIO. Gaaeral Paaeen.ee Agent. EAST vu SOUTH Pnlon tVpot , Leer. Arrive Orerl.nd Iipree Train for Salea. Reeeberg, Ah- ' ' lead. Sacranaeoto, Ogden. . Sa Prancteoc, Stock toe ; . U Angela, B Pa so. New Orlesn and the eaat 8:S0 S:SS pel Morning train connects st Woodbura dally except : ' ' ' Bunday with train for 1 Mount Angel. Blleertna, . .. Broej neellle. Sprlngflald. Wendllng aad N .teen... 7 S:Bpai T:SSS Rngen neangr enn- ' noeta at Waadtmr with Mount Angel and Sllrar- " " ' "" ton Inea.. , r :1B at in-a tra orviiie neaeeneer .T-'Oani SbeeldsB naseanrer. 4t8 pus ror-er uroee n.eaeneee. ;iin:fl a -ail.T. Tinatle eeeee nnndar. jierPBRBnw-BTRBrr station. ' . . Pnr Pallae and Intermediate paint dally 4:18 p. m. Arrive Portland 10.18 a. ra. For time aad eerd ef Oewego annnrha trala only at City Ticket Ofnce, or Italian. Tlckta ta Baater point nd Fnropoj le Japan. China. Bonornla and Anarralla, City Ticket OftVe eeener Third ind Waste, tngtna f treete. phone Mala Tit. a W. BTINORB. A. T,. CBAIO. .-City Ticket Agent. - - Oca. Pan. 4 rest. ' TIME CARD OF TRAINS Portland TTnloa Depot r : Lear. Arrlea. Tellnwaton Park-Ran Clty-St. Loot Special foe ' " Chehalla. Centralis. Olym. , , pis. Oray'a Hsrbnr, Booth . r Bend. Taenma, ScattH, Sno. ' " y r kane, Lewtsto. Bntta. Bll. .. Una. Dearer. Omaha. Kan- ' - bbb City, Bt. touts and Bnutheeet. dally 8:80 ass 4:80 pa North Coast Limited, elec tric lighted, for T.eoma Seattle, Bpokaae, Butt. Mtnneenolla lit, Paul and th Eaat. dallr . . t:06'psi TO aa Pncet Bound Limited, for rieeeoaortt. Chehella, Ten.. . 4 trail. Taenma aad Seattle ' onle. dally 1.4:S0gm a-ij Twin Clt Kxnreee rnr Ta- .. eoma. Seattle. Spokane, , . ... rTelena Butte, Bt. PanU (... . Mlnneapo'1. Llncola. St. . , Tnaepb. Kanaa City. Owe. he, St. loula. without. I rnae of rer. Direct eon. , ; eeettone Tor n point - u Beet ne) S-ntbeeee. 811.. 11-aflrm trVBB a rt miai.Tnt- .let.. oeaeeai p get Agent. BBS Morrlaa trt, earaer Third, PortHnd. Oregon, i . - Astoria & Columbia ' River Railroad Co. TTnloa Depot Leave Aytt Far Maygera, Balsler. Clare. . . .. kanl. Weetport. Clifton, . ' Astoria. Warranto. Ft, eel, Hsmmond. Fort Stee. en. Oearhart Park. Seaside. 8:08 a J 11:88 sat Aetort and Scaaaore, ea pree. dalle 8 80 pas All train dallv. J. C MATO. O. P." end P. A.r Aetorla. Or. C. A. STEWART, Commercial AgeatV S4S Alder street, Phone Mala So. . - TBI COI41)SrTAsW AY. - 2 Overiasi Trslss Dally 2 The Oriental Ueainad. the Past BUB" TIA SSATTLB ABD SPOBAHB. k . Dally. Dallr. , Lv, Antra, Portland rime ackedole - To aad from Bpnkan. . - Bt. Pal. Mlnnuaolla, - . Dnlath and all potat '' Bast eta Beettl 8 80 -T! use ps :o pw Tw eed Own St. . Mlnneapoll. Dul'itk end ell polata Bast vis Bpokano S IS pel lti Oraat Berthera Btecauhtp Oa, SefllacT fmai Seattle Bar Isnsa aad 'Cblna port and Maalla. arrytag anger aad reelgbt. . B. a. Mlnnaasta. Jaly SS. . S, B. Dakota. Sept en bet S. -BIPPOB TVSIB B4USRA V - - (Japan MaU SleaaaaMp Ce. S. S. BUJna Man will aell fr Seattle bont eW SS fee Jane and China porta, terryteg ee 4 freight. . . gar ticket, tntaa. bartB - lesil 1 1 ttoae. etc.. eU a andreee k. DtcKsoB. a . T. a., Jsr yv F"T r- 8 n. 1 ' I aaTl south leTti m Clgt'