The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, June 18, 1906, Page 7, Image 7

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    yc:::;v::.:':ii3 g:!.'.::o
tonight's uwann ' v
He . :..."i6 ph
er .."Wbu We Were Twentr-Ona'
.,.., . n Serpentine's mine
51"' .... ......Eterjoodr'a FrltnS
'" ' , ........... Vauaerl II
rU '.
. Bur-death to the. potato blight) and
very other parasite that prey upon
the plant of the tuber ia promised by
in advocates of the new potato spray
Ing machine. The first of theaa ma
chines r recently . put "Into , use In "'the
.' east-baa been received by J. .It. Re id
horticulture commissioner at . Mllwau
. kle. It la declared that the use of this
machine - will bring visible results n
increased crop of potatoea.v Mr. Reld
will make an experiment with three 10
ei ti actar Sum row wl II be apteyed
three time,' some twice and others not
at all. Records will be kept and the
difference In the amount and quality of
the crop rioted, Mr. Reld will also use
the machine Uo spray a grape orchard
- 'f J. M. Facr. retired United Btatea ma.
: rl ne. died Saturday afternoon at the
. home of his son. Lawrence Fata. 11
6pokany street, 8tll wood. Mr. Fagg re
tired from the marine aefvlcaeverat
years ago, .having spent most of his life
; In the service In Alaaka.- He waa sep
- a rated from hist aon xfor many-yeare,
each thinking the other dead. The son
saw his father's nam in an Alaaka. pa
per and wrote a letter of inquiry which
resulted in their reunion several months
aa-o. An esoort of marines from the
. cruiser Chicago attended . the funeral
services, which were - held at A. B.
. Hemstock' chapel yeatarday afternoon.
. Interment waa In Mllwauki cemetery,
AT. Davidson, an employ of the
Eastern eV Western Logging company
- at camp No. 1. near" Stella,' Washing
ton, was instantly killed yesterday art
arnoon by being crushed between two
- cars of a ' logging train. The unror-
. . tunata man waa riding on the bumpora
and as the train started down a heavy
grade the cars came together with great
- force, horribly oruahlng Davidson. The
, , body was brought to thla city last night
- on the Astoria train and taken in charge
upon arrival by Coroner Flnley. . - David
eon waa IS years of age and a resident
of Eugene, Oregon.'- It is expected that
the body will be shipped to-that-eUy
for interment. ,
- Collins Hot ' Mineral Springs hotel,
most beautifully situated on the north
bank of the Columbia river, ia opaji for.
gueeta the whole year.- Thar mineral
water la especially good for' rheuma
tism, atotnach, kidney and liver troubles.
-Will guarantee good accommodations.
Easy of acces either by rati or boat a
. AU boata, stop at Collins Hot Springe.
O. R. A N. local leaves Portlatid"aT
a- m., arrives at Collins at 10:01 a.
m.; only two hours' ride on train.
Steamer Spencer' and Regulator Una of
steamers leave Portland at I a. Lm.
dally. C. T. Belcher, proprietor, will
, iwalcom you all. . , " , , ,,,
Member of the park board' will meet
with Mrs. R. U Hawthorne and Whit
ney I Boise this evening to see if fa-
- vorable terms can be mad for the city
for the ultlmste purchase of.;. Haw
thorn park. If so, an option . will be
taken, and next June the people will
vote on the purchase. ' The old lease
for on year haa expired. The disposi
tion of the water from Hawthorn
springs will also be discussed this even
ing. ; ..-
1 , J. O. McNIchols of this city haa filed
-'. voluntary petition in bankruptcy n
-the United States district court. Hla
liabilities are given as iJ.ilS.OS. with
, assets amounting to 1 1.111 At, of which
fiib la claimed as exempt. Mr.. : Mc
NIchols haa been engaged in the man
ufacture of mattresses at Front
Street. ,,,,- , , ';..
, Water-through hose , for sprinkling
yards or sidewalks, or washing porches
or windows, must be paid for in advance
and used only between the hour of t
and I a. m. and and t p. m. It must
not v be used for sprinkling streets. If
used contrary to theae rules, or waste-
fully, it will b shut off. ' . i
"'- The Dusting Compound w are using,
furnished by F. K. Beach A Co., is the
best thing we have found for purpose of
keeping- dust from rtalng when aweeplng.
It takes all the duat up and leaves tho
floor as clean as though It had been
scrubbed. Alvln 8. Hawk, Printer.
Annie Pike Alleged to Have Pil
fered Drawer In Local
;.' Department Store.
Annie Pike, a .comely young woman
11 years of age. waa arrested yester
day by Detective L. C. Hartmaa and
booked at the-city prison on a charge
of larceny. It la alleged that Mlaa Pike
atole a purse containing f 1T.6 and
book of ear tickets belonging to. Ada
Hastings, from a drawer in the millinery
department of Meier , Frank's depart
ment store. , .. ""; '.' j .... v
Miss Hastings t g nllUn"1 ""1 r
ployed in the ator in question. Ao- her story, th Pike girl, in
company with a friend. Inspected a nam
ber of bats and then left, declaring she
would return later. She made her re
appearance In a ahort time and paid. the
purchase price of the hat. -At oloalng
time Mlea Hastings discovered that her
pocket-book had .been stolen and notified
the police of her loas.
In Miss Hastings' nurse waa a badly
battered Coin and thla the detectives
have recovered from Doorkeeper Rice
of Pantagea theatre, to whom it waa
given by Miss Pike, in addition to other
money, for safekeeping.
The accused woman haa been In seri
ous trouble before, hsvlng been arrest
ed by Detective Vaughn for th larceny
or a pair or diamond earrings atolen
from th realdence of her aunt. On that
occasion, upon th recovery of the Jew
elry, me relatives or tn girl would not
prosecute and the charge waa dismissed.
Miss Hastings swore to a complaint thla
morning and the ease waa continued for
hearing by Judge ; Cameron- until
w edneeday.
the big earthquake and contains Inter-J
estlng and valuable data, compiled by
Section Director A. O.- Me Asia. - it is"
recorded that on April II there were 17
distinct earthquake shocks, and SO more
before the. end of the -month, making
tf aiatinct shocks in two weeks. - - -
The regular monthly meeting of the
Women' North Pacific: Board of ' MlaJ
tons W1IT be held at the First Pres-
byterian church, tomorrow afternoon at
1:10 o'clock. A cordial Invitation ia ex
tended to all those , interested to at
tend the meeting.
The banner codfish pack , of the sea
son waa brought tn by O. W. P. motor
ear No. 47 thla morning at o'clock.
There were 144 people In the car. The
eating capacity la II persona
CtfneTOt tswatructlon Corr-791 Cham
ber of Commerce, - manufacturers of
concrete stone blocks.. Contractors for
all kinds of cement workv Tel Main 110.
Women's. Children's Hosiery
This week in the ladies' hosiery section of
interest but of the ordinary. .Here are some
of the values Morrison street entrance
Large assortment' of allover lace effects,
.i.s. i;t. .,.:u. i:i :
- miri iiii, ,lti iicuiUJU-ncili iIICS III
Y black, white and tan; all sizes; 1 J
elirVrkr Misses' and children's allover lace lisle Hose,
IV handsome designs, all sizes, 6 to Ryi; reg-
ular 35c and 50c values, special, pair 23f
Five Darsoins in Laces
.The. spcctalfjitrgAlyiysJntcrjsting
here. , Exclusive patterns specially priced
for Tuesday and Wednesday. v : :
White Embroidered Robes, white, pink and
. blue embroidered bands, flounced skirts,
ilvith materials for waists, yals. to$7.f 3.50
White Net Robes, flounced and elaborately
, trimmed with niching; $7.00 value. 4J3.60
Allover Embroidered Batiste and Swiss, va
rieties of patterns, for shirtwaists; value to $175, yard.. 98
Corset Cover Embroider j-, nainsook "aTid cambric;
values to 75cr yard. ,J7C
Summer Waist Darsaifts
Good bargain news always from ' the waist
section. . - . . - . ,
Cotton Shirtwaists, dotted Swiss; lawn and mull.
In lace,- embroidery or rows of 1-inch tucks.l
with round xr square neck; short f 1 1 fl
' and long sleeves; extra value for. : , P 1 1 O
All Cotton Shirtwaists, $3J0 to $65; hand-made
lingerie, fine linen, French lawn, batiste and all-.
over embroideries, at reduced prices.
cyd"n'! 7i,ite-b,ck -OM vonderfui' i q TTIofir CovnrirnTA r.Trttinri TTtr
vaiue at ajc, tcr ciose at, per pair,, .,,.,..., I - Ow yn
Parasols, express shipment received yesterday, f8.50 to f5 The celebrated Cre Matting Rug. The coolest Rug made
for summer purposes for porch or seaside cottages, or-for
furnishing inexpensive rooms. , Our entire assortment of floor
coverings are all of the new designs and colorings. Our
prices on all of-the rugs in this list are unttsitaWy low. - - -13x36
at.... ,.43 54x90 at. ..fa.K
2f54 at.,-..T, 83e ' fivO feet at j
30x60 at.... ... 8x10 feet at....,......5.65
36x72 at....,.....v:,.fl.a7 9x12 feet at, ..r.65
45-inch Spotted Nets, in white, cream or ecru, as- eT
sorted patterns, values up to Jl.Mr, special J
Trunks and Valises, 3rd Floor
The Largest Assortment of Best Trunks and Valises, 3d Floor
34-in. basswood,3-ply box, heavy canvas-cor-ered,
fiber-bound, heavy malleable iron set
. corners, two trays; reg. $22, spec. 18. TO
-rCanvas-cbvered -waterproof- painted-trunk,
solid malleable set corners, full linen
' lined, with two tray
36-inch, regular $21.'..,.;..".;'.....f 1T.85
32-lnch, regular $19; . . . ........... .f 16.15
34-in. canvas-covered leather-bound Trunk,
hardwood strip, solid gem corners, two
leatherf straps over top, full linen-lined;
two trays; regular $13.25, special, 11.27
Lace CurtainsvPorticrcs,BedSets
Only partly told news from this depart
ment third floor. ' :-.:'' ; v .
Rope y Portieres Heavy chenille cords,
green, reds, blue and oriental colors; will
""fit any size door, up to 6-0ywide; regular
$7.50 values, each. .5.93
Bonne ,- Femmes Corded . Arabian Bonne
Femmes made on cable net with a 9-ineh
ruffle; 50 inches wide and 2'i yards long
' to be used one at a window; three pat
terns to select from; $4.50 . CO QC
quality! at each. . . w . . woW 7 V
Ruffled Bed Sets Maden French Nets with Rrnaisance
' motifs.ih center' of Spread and sham trimmed with Renais
sance insertion and edge; $5 kind for, each,., ,....3.05
Silks and Drcss.Goods Bargains
New Foulard Silks, ' yard
Kajah Mlks, yard... .i..-.,
Coin-Polka-Dot Foulards, latest New York era
Colored Taifeta Silks, all shades, yard........
Fancy Mohair Suiting, jnst the thing. for the seaside
or mountains., ....... ........ . ... ....... . .,
Colored Alpaca, right thing for Bathing Suits..
Cream Crespine," latest for dresses and bathingsults.T7.50f
v "aar- es ayr
In Ladies' Tailored Suits
Yon" will find some very exceptional bar
gains in the ladies section. " There's always
goojbargain "news here. , This splendid Value"
for' your choosing: - .- .
Ladies' line' tailored-Suits, in jacket or Eton
style, long or short sleeves; circular skirts,
' in tweeds, Panama, worsteds or serge, in
navy, black, gray, Alice blue and violet;
Values, special price. , .., , ;,. .$23.45
Dargains in Men's Furnishings
7Men'a nj Negligee Shirts, in light and
dark colors, of Madras and Ox- 0
-orrcloths; $1 value, special...
Men's GolfShirts jn fine imported Madras,
nBuv iuunu, una smau iigures, mane
coat style, cuffs attached: $2 value.
, Jvew Japanese Crepe Golf bnirts, m plain
coiors, or oiue. cream ana CI t I
; white; $1.50 value., ........ lUj
JIen s white pleated Golf Shirts, mad with
. pin- pleat, coat style, cuffs 1 1 C
r attached; $1.50 value.. ...... O 1 1 D
Headquarters for Racine Linen Mesh Underwear.
VVcddins Gifts at Savins Prices
Cut-Class Nappies,-5-in size;-
reguiar $1.75 each, for each.
Cut-Cflass NappTesTG-lri. sizerWith or with
out handles regular $2.25, for each 1.79
ounuun iisnes, wunoui nan-
dle' regular-$3.50, for...,.
Cut-Glass Bowls, 8-inch size;
regular $5, lor............
Cut-Glass" Bowls.' regular $6."5o for. .5.18
Cnt-Gla-Vasajrgularl$675 for.58
4-piece silver-plated Tea Set; fIO A K
regular 15.5U set for...,...)leVsY
Smr-ttimUft2l.i0-4ofnTrr, r: . . . 23.45 - J
Breid Trays, regular $3.50 for....,;i...i,, A.. .
Nickel-plated Chafing XUshes, regular $12.50 for.
Regurat4?,5.0 JFor ,T. . . . . . .
. W are still selltnc eye a-lasaea at 111 '
-Berlect-jClt-Kuaranteed r money re
funded, Metsger Co.. Ill Sixth street!
C. R Walborn, furniture repairing', pol-1
lshlna. packing, shipping. Tel, East 11.
Aeme Oil Co. sell the Vest safety oil
and flne gasolines. Fhone Eaat T9.
AIHlFxAT n vniF
mm m mm m-m-m-mm- m m , . m mm 1 , p -
Short dry wood $1.0 per load. Call
np Main 45. Th Nlcolal Bros. Co.
Women'a exchange, ISt Tenth street
lunch, ll to a. ,
Panama batter, Jli Ith. Phone Pae, 0T,
wnen m. Harae & son purchased a
large quantity of . copper Wire from
Oeorge Dyer they agreed to pay . th
market price,- and Dyer accordingly ex
pected to receive about 175. But In
stead of paying for the wire H. Barde
s Son notified police headquarters, and
on the advice of a detective refused to
pay and also refused to relinquish pos
session of the wire. -
. That Is the cause of th suit that I
rpendlng In Justice Reed's court in which
Eyer Is plaintiff and M. Barde A Son
are defendants. Dyer Is aulng for.the
sum he claim to be due him, while M.
Barae son claim tnat tney have a
written order from a detective authoris
ing them to hold the property.
Four- Suburban School Districts
Will Decide Question of
Joining With Portland. ;
DfrP.'Xi'ltcKenal wilt be In-th of
' rice of the late Dr. Oeorg Wlgg, Burk
Iiard building. East Burnslde street and
Union avenueforconsultationjfroml
to 11:S0 wtrtn. until -dleposal Is road of
th offlc effect. , V - ' r
Owing to the destruction of th Ban
Francisco offloe of th weather bureau,
the monthly ollntatologlcal report for
the ' California aectlon waa published
from the offloe in this city thla morn
ing. The report deals extensively with
Districts of South Mount Tabor, A r
leta,. Mount Tabor and Woodstock
Will Probably Merge With City
District as Result' of Election.
Without life Insurance,, but you won't
live so much. -. -
Nothing adds to th seat of living like annexation.
knowing your family Is protected by a
policy In the Penn Mutual Life. 8herman
II Harmon, general agenta. - i---.
The people In four auburban school
districts will this evening vote on the
annexation of their schools to the Port'
land district, t Mount Tabor. South
Mount Tabor, ' Arleta and Woodatock
will In aU , probability vote for . this
annexation. - . - , - ' ;
The north half of Mount Tabor and a
cllon on the east are already In the
city, but the school waa not affected
byJthact Pt :th legislature. There-4
for th people of the north half aa well
as the south half will vote on th school
Milwauklr Country Club.'
Memphla and Louisville- raoes. Tak
Sallwood and Oregon City eara at Flrat
an.1 Alder.
Th vote In the other three districts
affecfts the scr(Ooh-tlyj -i MOntavllla la
In the city, and no further' voting on an
nexation is necessary. Her, however,
there will be a school election and direc
tor and c.lerka elected. In-the four
district which may be annexed these
officer will wind up the bualneas of
th dlstrlot and go out of offlc.
Wfca Aaaezatloa Kaaaav
Out Printing combines
e l e
art and commercialism.
is artiistic enough to attract
attention, practical
tp sell your wares
cost . will be no.
you nay tor tne o
, a r- - -
aricl tne
more than
ither kind -
F. W: BALTES fe? CO.;
First and Oak Streets Main 165
Th annexation of Mount Tabor, South
Mount Tabor, Woodstock and Arleta will
mean th addition of some 1,100 pupils
to th Portland t school, siontavuia
tiaa hrourht in another 42i. - -
John Teuscher Jr.. an attorney and
teacher, has prepared the following x
planation of several point in th achool
law: - ' s-
irominatioas, mow acaae.
Address chairman, then nam th man
and offlc.
No second is needed.
Any legal voter may nomlnat be
nominated. - .
Persons nominated may decline.
Persons nominated, If absent, should
accept In writing. t
i Totma. Sow.
If two or more are nominated, voting
must b by ballot.
- Voter should come forward, give hla
nam to th clerk, then place hi ballot
Into the hand of th dlreotbr, who puts
It in the ballot-boa.
Directors should permit no crowding
if dTsturbaricea near the bailor-box. -
Director are the Judge and a major
ity of them rules. - ...
. law Bxplalaed. . . . .7".
Wlf or widow, - over tl year, if
otherwise qualified, can vote.
Wife or widow of a man who ha only
declared hla Intention of cltlsenshlp
(first papers) can vote, it otherwise
qualified. V 1
A plurality vol eiecia.
Property purchased or Inherited after
March IS, last preceding tne election,
doe not give a property-right to vote. .
Proper ty owned-by - A B - onll does
not glv hi wife a right to vote.
Property owned by C O only, does
not give her husband a right to vote.
The fact that A' wife furnished part
or all of the purchase money for prop
erty held by him does not" glv her a
right to vote. ' - -'-
Evidence or siocx,- ownersrpp in cor
porations, or v copartnership, or other
document should b produced by voter
All voter must be in the state six
months, and 10 days In -district -
Evidence muni b produced before th
elos of th polls.
Number of names on clerk s sheet and
number of votea east must be th same;
If not. new vote must be taken., ' .
When voter is challenged he anouid
first be sworn, then questioned by the
judg about ftl qualification as a voter.
" Tor the cleverest and easiest' way f
making- $ all th hck and cT$ arlveri
In th city will "hand It to'" th driver
whose) stand Is at Third and Morrison
streets. He hasn't -boasted of his-feat
and thoae who paid him will never men
tion It, for they Imagine that he baa
done them a great favor, .
It waa late Saturday night, or rather
early Sunday morning, that the hack
driving episode occurred. - Two young
men who had plainly been looking upon
the wine when It was red were saunter
ing by when one of them suddenly dis
covered, that they needed -"another."
They weren't well acquainted with that
part of the city apparently, for, try as
they would, they couldn't find a place
that waa open, it waa 'after 1 o'clock.
In despair they turned to the driver.
"Say, old chap," said one, in a patron-
may quench his thirst.'
wisely as he said it. ' -" ------"Sure,"-
said the driver. . who-opened
the door' and assisted 'th- young men
in. Then he also winked at a number
of hi acquaintance who were watching
the' performance. ' H drove round the
block and stopped exactly where he waa
waiting when accosted by the young
men." They weren't-the lesst bit wiser.
He ushered them Into a restaurant and
o pleased were they with his knowledge
of . the town and hla favors tp 4hem
that-they paid him ft for th three
mlnut trip, bought him a . drink and
gave him aj;ip. . t
"There a notVn' like it," he said to his
friends when his patrona had o parted,
" 'cept takln' It away from a kid.".;
Lr a rv.i 1 1 1 ii -r i At m i a 1 1 rt i J J . .. . ........ ...... ":.."
Islng tone, "we want a drink. ; Tf late. Lill 11 " 1 M JfH7
bnt WBTieea IP. lo tskB- ugit'tiei a man JzVir' I Vr I BUal
II winked : v ' ----- IV .f'wj . -.; .'..'.;
Coasting from Spring atreet en- Port
land Heights to Sixteenth and Washing
ton streets, a bigcar on the Portland
Heights line this morning ran . on
schedule- tim-whTIeTiearTy SvlFy-otBeT
car tn the city waa delayed from 16 to
IS minute.; An engine at th ' com
pany' power ' plant,-near the Inman
Poulsen mill, went on strike for a brief
time, and the power waa consequently
out off. bringing car In all parte of the
city to a halt. .
On' of th giant Portland Heights
ear had rounded tne loop on jne
height and waa deaeendlng the hill. It
had reached Spring atreet when th
power suddenly atopped and.the motor-
man. applied th Drake, i n car
topped, aa did other on the line, but
passengers raised such a tumultuous
protest that the 'motorman -released the
brake and permitted th car to start
down th hUl.
Even without electrical power It went
rapldlxandwlthbrake partially ap
plied ft coasted to th bottom of the
hill to Washington street At Lucretla
and Washington streets It atopped to
tske aboard a number of passengers
from a belated Twenty-third street car.
There Is slight elevation Just east
of liucretla street, and Just in front -of
th point where the coasting car had
atopped. -Without electrical power the
car waa unable to proceed, but Insistent
passenger alighted and pushed until It
crossed th ascent and started again
down Washington street, it ran aa far
as Sixteenth, where the tncllns Is steep
and long enough to step further prog
F. B. JONES & CO. Phone EAST 7
Brooklyn Car -Collides With
' Southern Pacifio Freight With
: Disastrous Results.
Brooklyn car Xo. 16, which left th
city at o'clock this morning, .waa
truck by an Incoming Southern Pacific
freight train at Grand avenue and Eaat
Grant atreet. Motorman Hugh Craw-
Tord wa badly 'Jut auuut th face, and
Pupils Throughout United States
Will Be Asked to Contribute
" for the Purpose.
head by flying glaas and hla leg bruised.
W. B. Hurlburt of Montavllla, a pas
senger, was thrown against a seat and
Injured 'In the chset. Crawford was
taken to hla horn at Eaat Twenty,
fourth atreet, Hurlburt lnjurlea were
not serious. ' m . " v
The etreetcar was approaching the
crossing on O rand avenue with consid
erable speed. It Is said, when signaled
by th Hitman of th Southern PaciAo
company to atop. Coming down a steep
Incline, th' car-had attained aucn mo
mentum- that-the motonnai waa- unable
to atop quickly, and th car wa brought
to standstill, so clos to tn gouinern
Pacifio track that th engine of the
freight train struck It and dragged It
sideways several teet. tearing off the
front vestibule. Traffic on the Brook
lyn line (was suspended ' for more than
an hour, While tn wrecg was oeing
cleared away. Blame for th accident
Ik attached by bystanders to MotormanJ
Crawford, for running hi car ao fast
down th hilt to th railroad track. 7
' Will Kold Ooaoert VosJglit. ",
The Elmore Rice concert recital will
be held this evenlig at the Y. M. C A.
auditorium and a splendid entertainment
la promised. Several member of hla
Ylolln clas will aaaist In th recital.
School children throughout ,thr coun
try are working to reestablish th
school of San riancisoo. In th fir
following . th earthquake 14 achool
buildings were burned,- leaving 400
teacher and 10,000 . pupil without
Th raevaiewt t have the'
school children of the country help In
reeaabllshlng th classroom started
during tha fir, when a telegram was
received from Oalvrsjton, Texas, staging
that after the flood in that city the
schools were rebuilt by contributions
from the achool children of the United
States, and offering the aid of th chil
dren of Galveston to rebuild the school
of San'Franolsco... . , v
Sine that time children of other
cities have offered their assistance and
now a committee haa been appointed to
takcxharg. of Jth. work, Th commit-.
tee to receive contributions, from school
children la composed of Mayor Bchmtts,
President Altman of the board of edu
cation and Superintendent Alfred Ron-
covlert 'of th achool of San Francisco.
They can be addreesed at the Emerson
chool, San Franolsno, and stand ready
to supply printed matter and plans for
raising funds In schools, cities,' coun
ties and atatea -
For th present schools are being
conducted - in - tnl - furnished .by . the
United States, military authorities tn
Golden Gat park.-' Soldier serve a
truant officer; a drill sergeant-puts the
bsvs through setting-up eserclses. Stow
lake furnishes opportunity Wl" swim
ming lessons, so that hehoyft' and girls
ara anlovlnc th aumme
session; but.! react i.
You Will Find This Trader-Mark
on Every Loaf.
Phone Main 1904
The Heilig Theatre M2n!
14th sad
Tonight, ' Tiieuler. Weriaewlar sod Tfcursdsy
Nlibn MatliMW Wednewlajr.
"- la th Orteatal Oomle-Operm "
t8AI L l-AM A-.T ' "
Friday sad - SatnMar 'Klahra; Satnrdar Mat
inee, Mania Bill st Empire Theatre.
1 Twelfth and Morrison.
POPULAR PRIt'EJt BvpnJng, lite. c te
. and SOe. Ma Una. l5e an4 2Se.
Baker Theatre TiZ-
Those Kala 1MT. -Tonight
All Tbta Werk Matinee ftarorAay.
Kaery T. Caauda'a Baastifsl sad laspind
Erenlng prteM We, SSe a ad Bflr. Matinee,
ISe sad 25e. Tonight Wllllaai DlUs eoamilra
given awar.
Jlaxt Waaa "MADAatX SAJTS SElfl."
Ivory Aftaraaoa and Zraailaa Tartlaaal's
yopalar Staak Batta.
A Boeaaaes ef th Hiaee '
- The Serpent's Sting"
- i ib yotra acts. -
- Admlssiea lee; Baearved eats. fa.
Graham String Quartette
TwMday, Jna 1. S SO . m. UaHariaa Ohaal,
amata aad Taaakul Sta.
tVllllam Wallaca Graham and Kra SharaiiB
Bromi, Bololau. ,
. Harold T. Mllligas, Aeeempsalst. '
" ADMISSION $1.00 -
th cold wind of the winter season
and the driving rains will transform
thla enjoyment Into misery. Temporary
structure must b utilized, but th
great -need 1 expedition tn th erection
of permanent schoolhouses, and It Is
hoped the achool children will help In
doing thla. ' ' - ,
Owing to Henry E. McGinn being en
gaged. In th contest of Sheriff Tom
Word for a recount of th vote for
sheriff the trial of th Chinaman, Jew
Nun, for -the murder of Lee Teck Jee,
hUti was to have been called, today.
will hot begin until on day after th
recount Is completed.' Attorney Mc
Ginn is tm bf Jew Nun's coumteh Rr-B.
Moody, associated with McGinn In tn
defense, ' asked that th case be eon
tlnued till the September term, but thla
was not granted by the oourU on ao
count of ao many continuances having
already been granted.--
Jaw Nun' first trial occurred In th
local circuit court In February and the
jury disagreed. Th case haa been- set
for a retrial several times since, but
th Chinamen' attorneys have always
had some sufficient excuse for not pro
ceeding with the trial. Witnesses have
been brought from Sen Francisco to
testify .or the prosecution, and Judge
Beers thla morning ordered tliem to re
main in the city uutll the case can be
Koaring Fan. "A Matrimonial Mint."
0era ft AUoa. MoFee A Car1ta -
Jaaa WUaoa Tho ZutraUaa.
Billy Kraaa. The llograoh.
PerfnrBiaares aailf St 1:0, 1,00 aod a. a.
AiiniUalon. KM- aad Sue; hose. 2c. Ladle
and children take any sett at waek-dsy But
inae for TEN cent.
Cemawaring Montar. -June 18. flareath JTesk
"A Good-Natured Man
la Oaaaaatioa With a Strong Taudavflle Olio,
laolnding Sosg aad Bovia Fietara.
Big 0rnaaoarrs4avUl. '
Bugk Camioti, Watta-Eaaewaed '
. Veetruaealat. .
The Roffaas. KarWi Bltaaall.' "
tiU Bttta. ' Long MiUkoIU
Bmailaooeo, ,M
4th Of JULY
'All kinds of ettraettona, baltona i
Berforaner, aiaatrlaaa, atngara, amrlng -alet or
Biaehla ontertalnnMnt aad epeeaiair fnrnlah'4
fne tb helldars. ems'a AauaaaMSt A
)4fIH Sta'h at.
Saildlaf ejrlBt4v
Permlf hav been Issued ss follow:
Varwl. aV Son, repairs to store. F
between Main end Soltnon. root '
Menetke. one story dwellm
near Union avoenie, ret t
melfarN barn. Fifth
Arthur. cot '
atorv dwelnn. f
aucUa, coit v
t - --