TIIS OREGON DAILY JOURNAL. PORTLAND. MONDAY EVENING. JUNE 18. l&CJ. FOR SALE TIMBER. -Oregon Timber Linls ! : : Fcr Sale From S40 to lO.ooo-acr tract of the choicest tlmbsf u the iuii. , W1LXV ALLEN a 00..' Lali, Oregon. CEBTiriCn ai-rlrw an. ata nleaaSI prteee. W. tt. Hawaii. KM CBAmoer et CM 0,000.0(10 rCET of Baa fallow pin. clos to railroad atatlon; Una Vers lion; prlc rann - able. Tha Datoe-Young Realty Co- ou4 nsroosm blag. - - - - HORSES AND CARRIAGES. FOR SALE Team. I.OOO pounds! I taut. 1.800 poaniia, aud I saaap oars, i.suv l aooa Baat B&4A. 338 Busssll St. 'HORSES AND tOWS ot all kinds tar nit at wary re aanmhla prlne. ,lnnilr,17BFTut at. FOB lil.r a- in of aood eaatara- horaaa. wall broke; Aran.lt aud drlvere ' ram and in ham; Ut a. drive then fur ,i you... Jut a Pick livery atabla. Bacoad 44 - Main. , . 'ALL kind of horse and wa rone for aals or hire at reasonable price, suu rront st. TO EXCHANGE. TOR SA4LB or axrltawra for farm, half block. a-room nous; bo peering irun ire a : ao oeenna .run fun x-ka cema-t fcaaama-t BO.afl. barn 90x30: 1 block from carllD;-vatu $3,000. Call 107 H Third. BHJ bargain la a trocar atora at Lenta; will ... aaii or trade-Joe acreage, ait. bwi i , Estate Co, Lao la. Or. Phone Scott 32S4. FOB 8 A LB or trad, eomar lot In Lower Al . blna with t itov. freuia bona, rcatad tor . a ysre ac par montn; ano iv-room nun for M. Call 107 V( Third at. WASTED to trad 30 Bid Kodak dTloplnc ontnt, asre alius, plates, luc poo ar oeie. W 1,1, ' - - - wmMH .a. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. WB prtat year naaia oa SO eslltng carda. at-ee ala aad atria. Boat SnO boatnoaa eerda, It. A. W. Schauta Co.. 338 First. Portlaad. Or. SPLENDID tut of damaxad Bwlns-mehlnI ... Whealar A Wllaoo. Ringer. Domaatla aad there. B. 8, Blgel. S3B- klorrlaoa at. - FOR BALE Aa leaM - huge etroaUr -anew - -raaa, at aa extremely low ngur. apply Mr. a. ft. Lowttt, Ooldea Kacla. Third a J Vanhlll at. . . . .- . ..... . BOLDBM'B MBBnMATlO CURB SnrjCHr Cot raaumaiiam. Bold 07 ail anifciata. BfM.AR&AKD POOI, tabtaa r fa-tr. t ., aaia on aar p. r mania. THE BHUNRWirK BALKB rOUJCNDCB CO, 4S Third at., Portlaad. FOR "ALU OR RBMT NKW AKD BrcONIV. HAND BlfWlN Q MACHINES. STANDARD ..BRWINO MACHiNI AGKMCZ. H. D. JO NIB, ZM0 IAM1111.U ST. - ' s VEBTEB! OBEOON MINIMS MILLINO CO. ' baadquartwraj a lock tor aala and taaraiatio) - at wtm rural n. iaoa aiaia loza. BOOKS boofht. aold . Old Book Btora. . I and birhangad at th xamniu at. VR naad farnltnr aad win nr fall rain. ' PTiona Paeme 7BB. . Wtrm Balraga Caw, . azr waanugtoa at. " 8HOWCA8KS AND FIXTURES aada ta ordort wond-band td for aala. Carlaoa A) .Kail- atroai, am Couch at. Pboaa Cur BTi. - SHOWCASES, roantara, Bxtara bamfbt. aold a aaohaacad. Waatara iaiTaa Cw. 3T Waab incton at. raelll TVS. TO RI II.D hoaaaa or eoHaaaa aaa C. B. Blhrhr - rrnitrartxir aad balldari hav anaa fair ' -- tnmd - hnwaM Mat aav voa laimi am I ' Mir work. Fboa WoodUawa SOd. Uud Alblna ar. . . rARTlBTir aiatartala. plernro and framing. - - Hi Moorbooa A Co., Bit Aldor at. 4 HANDS0MB watt aa, 1 ft, 11 faat, 1 S faat. Waatara Balraga Caw. UT Waabln . toa at. FOR SALB At a barraln. a faw aaoond band hot-air meahator. 130 and lao ... caoarltr annd aa naw. 821 Eaat Morriaoa. Phon . Kaat inrm. TENDERS win b-rrlTd bf th ndaralraad t taa Cormaa oooauUta. Victoria, Brltlah - (VilomWa, - up to -boo Jan SO, for tb rmrrbaa of th Ufnaai ataanar Marl neb mi, whara ah now Una la har damaaad coadt tlon. Right naarrad to mject an or all ' fanoara. . - r. pinua.iaaiivr, a.gni. Victoria, Brltlah Oulumbla, J ana 11. 1MB. FOR BALB Claanlnc and dyHng Mtabllahawat. Inqalr 41 Main, Oragoa City, Oragoo. ONR art eoppar faaaclap caa b ant to BU r anr alaa bnttlo or flaak, "aotoaaatlrallyj Bn . ' for drogglata or Uqaadalra. W 1, Journal, FOR SALE IBH-rOOT Rarln gaaolln lannrh: ranopr top, alda cnrtalna, cnahkina, carpnt ' and hoadllgbt; alao boat boo; all la Brat ' claaa condition. X T, earn JoaraaL MoVIN(l-PICTl)BB atavhtnaa, fllnta. gaa ootftt and Morooptlcoa, pnonograpba, bonght, aold, airbangnd aad ran tad. 146 H Blxth. room S. T.OOO BOOKS for $38 (to rloaa oatli ran bo anld lor SS eaat aaeh. Call aad amaUgat. BUS Fifth .. . . FOR - SALE Good fraah rnllnh cow. with or wttboat calf; a fond bora. 1.600 pound a, aouml and gntl. 1004 Mllwaakl ar.; 8U- ' wood car to Grattoa'a Orora. . ' HOt'BBBOAT -ruiulaliad. boat e tb Ttror, -or ; aula, or will trada for grocorlaa. Phono Baal 184.- - : , , STERN-WHEEL atamr for aal. 110 ft km a. - In flratUaa condltloBi draft SO lachaa. 2M Eaat Morriaoa at. -1NS Urao gaaollD laOMCkv capacity 100 pn. pin; angtn aotblng bettor: now; rar bargain If anld now. Owaar. B4B BUth at, Pcrtlaad, or phoo Paidfl 1147. PERSONAL. r MADAM! ANNA LCCKBT Prlnelpal at tha American Boaoty Farlnr, alrna aeUotlfle ' traatnwat for raaaoTtng wrinklaa and facial blamlaba with th French paat; ala Mai. Karrow'a faaiooa raaaodloe, Elortrl and vapor hatha given.' Patlenta Ncelred, with treatment, . board and room. Batlafartloa gtiaraateed. Taatl awulala from leading hralrtana. Bnlt IS laiag hotaU- Sixth and Waahlngtoa ati. Pool Mala SOU. .. , ' Bt'ITS pruaad while yoa wait, BOa, Ladlea '. aairr preaean. Bert to Qoella. aklrta pro. and. 40c. Gilbert, 108 BUth at 1 bob iacia jumb. DR. PIERCR. aporUltat dlaaaja f woman; all - lrregolarltlea wreeted; a atpnerrre: adelca ipeaorej aaeica SIH Third at, rre. i;au ar writ. Moom a, ART man r woman caa a atmog aad happy by aalnf Serine nil., caa mat taalet price WT oaina oeaiDe riiia. aaa area SI a boa, B boa SS. wrra f ddraaa ar ran J. A. Clemea or. Seoaad and TamhrB at.. wirn rau gaaraateo. aaoa. dragfiet. Portlaad. or. DRTECnVB AOBNCT Oenfldeotlal tareatV gatfcma; r porta made a aay ladleldaal haat aeea or propertyi mlaalng relatJeeo looatedi bad debt collect.: charge reaaonable; coe. f .iMinowarw OmT'H.q. " Serelne, otflcea 114-41 CnhiaiM bid-.. Waehlagtaa at, Phoa BTaaa aaia. . LADIES Tarktah hatha, maaaaga, hydrlatrM , par lore: atrtctly 4 rat -claaa place for l4lea , only.. Flat A, BB1 Waahlattoa at, betwiia 1 loth aad ITth am. BtANLT rigor raetored by Dr. aVnbort rterrr Ofebalea. Oa awatba traatx.at, tit S vostha, SB; aeat aerarely aealrd by mall. AdiBt. Waadard. Clarke At Co. Portiaad. Or. aa. DR. O. w. KBTCBUM aromallr aHeato dbwaaaa, bldaoy, aarenoa. akta aad aaortal feme la tronble. Call or write. Of flea 1T0S4 Third t., or. Yamhill. Phoa faetfl S2W. rTRRlSB BATHS, 'Br Oreonolaa bMg. ladtaa data, gentleaiea alghta. Mala lata. FORBIDDBW FRUIT, W ftv I Sa em Sleea, 'rany Bit A Oa Uefbart,- "Story df Woenaa a riro," sne eachi lhta free. V W. Scbmal Co.. SSS Flrat at. DOtL'S HOSPITAL Bepauieg and dree SSI Timhta et. BIN0 CBOONO. Importer of Ollneee mot taodv rlnaai aalht Cblaea tea that k) eartala ear . , (or all dieoaaea. 1B1 tioaad bet. XamhlU aad Taylor. SCIBNTirtC Tt oration rlle enppreaaed. pain . fill monthly period, paralrala, rbeamatlam; free eiamliatlua. 1V Weat Park at. iifu Or PlOB for all femalW Bt Bolmeat. Phoa Baa 40B. DISEASES OP WOMEN PrlTat maternity boenltall emlet Vxatloa and tpeelal rare. Dr. Atwooa. n--"'a aiaiaaa . Parloe 17M. , . EI.ECTRO THEBAPEt,TIT. Beat. H. Stabl rnma eterrUiiar tiaai apecJailr. 1 flrat it. . . -aV N fbtaai- PERSONAL. TBS, Palm Tableta maho yoa aloep perfectly: they nr acr wiiiaam aid mabe yoa at roe I no aoea hoc. B hoio ItWl oaraataod. All 4Waieta, er' ad dree Brooke Drag Co. 7 ii arof ran orth laird at., roruaao. SEXINB PILLS rare all forma of aereon ar moeralar weak nee. ' For men or womoa. Price 81 bai. s box 8ft, with toll gaaran to. Addraaa or call J. O. Clemeneo. drac 1 glat. Second aad T am hill Sta, Portlaad. Or. BOLD ON Thar la on thing that wll oar rbenmatmm. Ak your drurrlet for bark tool or addraaa or aall t. O. Clemeoauo. drug let, Portlaad.. Or. ' PBOP. ONEIL. teacher of dermatology, mani curing and beeaty evltarel ec Untitle treatmeot of tha completion, balr, ecalp and aklni fac bleaching; mnaal aad alectrle maaeaae rleon; nperfloua balr aad all facial bleojlahea per maaently retanred wit hoot learlnf arara; all ... work porlrlealy Ignaranteed; beet referencoa aire. Pari 141 Elereath at, wraer A War. . Pbona Ma, Ml. . - BOLDBN'S lvoEITMATIO CURB rhMmathan. Sold by all armaalata. HUMAN HAIR SWITCHES Pay after yoa re eel re them; aend a aampl of your balr and wa will aend yoa ana of our $1.40 awltcboa, . Sl4 oa., S3 Inch; ximln tt: If a big bir ' gala remit; If not retarn. Addraaa Ladlear Hair Kaportam, 824 Dearborn at., Chicago, MOLES, wrinkle,' ruperfraou Uialr remoeed. 'Iet m tall you how. No chart. . Mr. M. D. H11L SolU 1. SeUlng-Blrach bldg. PlclfU ISA. WB MAKB a anocialty of enperflnona hair, . akin refining, aralp Inrlgorated, manicuring, , blemlebea removed, baldoea treated: work ' guaranteed. Boom BUS Oeodaougb bldg. -. PEDIOCRINA aad healing: Theumarlam etrred by haadrubblng. 144Mj Blxth at., near Aide. M18S ETHEL WARD, far and eralp maaaaira, -manicuring, ohlropudy. Boom 3B, 14AVk dth. TUB .PURITAN BANITABIUM, B7S Thurmaa at., corner 30th; W rar brlnga you right to th door: on block from M car; hatha; newly furnubed: a re ry thing aanltary,dlnlog-room ta connection. Mra. Laura Coykandall. VIOLIN leeeon by Mlea M. A. Sterrvtt, former ly from th-aet, at SOS Market at. Phoo t. Padfla -1284. , yol' NO man, working at trada, wlabea to meet working -girl. ; Addraaa K IB, rare Journal. MAN with conilderable hoapltal xprlnc, aa eteward. nnraa and attendant, open to take charge private Invalid; magnetic miiaag a laity, v 01. car journal. ALAN la bualnca owning own bom and other mean won Id Ilka to meet young lady SS to 88 with mease. K IB,- car JoaraaL . AUTOMOBILES. COVET COOK Motor Car Co., Ftftaanfh and Vaahlnatna Aaant tor Cadlllaa. Plarc. ftJraat Arrow - an -BtaTB-rnT7a tnotor-Hir machine rented, repaired aad atorad. , aula I oeoa. ART EMPORIUM." PRorBnson p -portrait and , MAX MBTBB, A Mar. toaraee. landacap ertlat and ATTORNEYS. A. H. TANNER, attorney, OOP Commercial blk . Secoad aad Waahlngtoa at. rhoaa AUIa 84X ARCHiTECTS." H. B. MBNOER. Architect, lis ASSAYERS. GARVIN - CTANIDB BXTR ACTION CO., aad MoBtaaaAaaay Office. 18B Morrteod at. - " BUTCHERS'- SUPPLIES. B. BIRKENWALD CO.. B04-308 Everett a Largeet hutchere eupply boo oa tb eoaet. BATHS MASSAGE. X0UNO lady glv vapor, alcohol aad medicated bath. Parlor. ST, StMH Stark at. S LADIES Bath, fac and eralp maaaaga. - Vifth. bet. Taylor and Balmoa. TWO young ladle glv maaaaga, tab aad Vapor Mtu. .livi rourta at., cor. waaningum. MISS BAYhfOND rive bath and maaaag treatmenU. Th Co mo. 308 H Morriaoa at. LADY from th t glvee ad en tm maaaaga, vapor and tub hatha. . 301 Third at. Rheumatlaa rured by maaaag by young Oor. maa lady. SoBu, Stark. 31-23 Tacoma Ilouao. THB BNOViTIEN BATH BOOMS. 38714 Alder t.. oetweeo ib ana bib x no ana vapor naioa. iga, electricity, f Done Mala own. MI8B WEST, 38 Stark at., aulta IS, Tacoma none elaaaage ana magnetic Treatment. BLANK-BOOK MAKERS. HOWE. DAVIS A) KILHAM. 100-111 Second at. . Blank book manufacturers: agenta for Job Improved Looae Leaf ledger; aa tha anr Eureka leaf, th beat aav the-market. ... . . caaaaaxmmwewamaaBsmBKzsaES COLLECTION AGENCY. DO EH ANY ONR 0WB Y0D MONEY WB COLLECT BAD DEBTS OP ALL HINDS. NORTHWESTERN LAW 4V COLLECTION CO., , natvn . wet anAul la awn 1. fCITTKKNS1 BANK BLDQ.- CUT THIS GUT. PHONB SAUT OtMo, CLAIRVOYANTS AND PALMIST. A SPBCIAL SS rekfllng foe 1. SC. Oeorra Ormoeoe. tn aim aove. auaineea, .k.n ... marrlaae. divorce! telle name. date, eecrata. how to get weTl, ha magaetle' phyaleaiiy ana mentally im uaa. rnrnaai bad hahtta. glree good luck, cure vital Inaaaa. vil tnnuencea, apella, dearnaa. abaent treat ment, locate mlaalng friends, hurled tmaeur, mlnae, or rein; tell you exactly what yoa wlah to know. 110V Fourth t., corner Waahlagtoa at. MRS. STEVENS, Portland' leading palmlet. aatroanger ana rmirvoyaas. 100 oovwata aa, np. Hotel Portlaad. MADAMB ANNUVB. th wonderful h1rvevk ant and trance eaeoinm; aonauiv aer nerore e gaglna ta aay undertaking of aay natnrei pact premnt aad fnture given; palmlatry readlnga. tS. 1T Weal Park at.. Bear Morriaoa. " : ' ' PROP. WALLACB, th great palmkrt. fella you everytiting rrom , oa ' in , inrnn - palmlatry; about marriage, love, hualneea; compjere reaoinae bwi m i ful. SH Sixth at-aear Stark. WANDA. Ph. D. tha greet eat weetera elate. Toy ant and enarncter reaaer, permnneauy rr, enannri Office BIB, iocatod at 36B Morriaoa at, . COMMISSION MERCHANTS. BVERDTNO Aj FABBELL. prsda aad am aloa mirrnaata. iw arna ax, rwruaaw, va Mala IT. . CARPENTERS AND BUILDERS WASHBURN ft FTiOTD CajreviteTa, Joiner and arrlaga work, a ota at. rnono racio aiuo. STAPLES ft MOORR. eon tractor and Jobbing; all kind of cement worn, wane oairt ot atone ad cement bmcka. lHi rir.t. Mala 8864. 0, CARMICHAEL, contractor and bnllder: atov ard eoca stung, aw una ax, t aaoa racist Boa. ; HENDEBSON Carpentering and Jobbing promptly attended to. Rosldaec SSS MH- wanxi at. ... ,i so n, COAL AND WOOD. CBrBCHLRY BROS., 42B Kearney if., Phoo Mala B. Now th large! wooayara re tn city, carrying all klnda of wood Dry (awed wood a neetalty, ALBINA FTEL CO. Dealer In eordarood, enal and gveea an dry aianwnoa. a. n. ana Alblna are,, 3 Mocks cost ef ferry. Baat B74. WESTERN Feed ft Fuel Co.. ea Front, be tween Ullaaa aaa hovt, oe. iers m au si no ot houee roe la aad blacksmith roe la. Phoa Mala 1018. STEEL BRIDGE FUEL CO. Dealer fa cl. aero wood aa ory alanwoo. raoa saeg 4Z4. OR SOON FUEL 0. AH kind of mat tad wood, sns Alder at. t'toe alaia BO. BOX and plaaer wood. -Staadard Wood Oa. Immediate aeuvery. rhoao Baat, SBIA aaa Be, aa vetamercuu at, raota a, oum. I -ClGARSANDTOBACCCC M. A. OUNBT co- . Dutrthuteaa cf , - FINB CIOABS. Portland. CROCKERY ANO GLASSWARE. WHOLESALE ororkery aad glacewera, PrL Bagale A Co.. 100 to 11 firth, oar. Stark at. CARPET CLEANIN0. STANDARD Carpet Cleaning Co., largeet plant oa tha meat, Lorlng and Harding ate., tele phone But 2SO Carpata cleaned, rant tad, . newer had laid; both ateam and la teat earn. preeeed air proceaa; renovating man and feather a apecialty. l SAMTART carpet cleaolng-. luctlou and eom . preeaed air comblaed; earpeta cleened on Soar without remov!. Mala Boa. Mala 8300. J. HUNTER, ateam carpet aad mattreaa- cleanor. 400 Jeffereoo. Pboaa Mala S14. "CAFE ST THB orFICB 3"S Waahlngtoa tt, pnoao TT1. Bemnel Vlgneux. ' CHIROPODISTS. CHIROPODY AND PEDICURINO. Hill. Bolt 1. Selllag-Hlraoh Bldg. CLEANING AND DYEING. WHITS LILY TAILORING- CO. Cleaning. . preealng, repabrlng; French dry cleaning. Pbona - answered promptly. Paaln diS. Alder ana Tt. Portlaad Steam Cleaning A Dvetng Work; prS . tlcal batter la connecFloa. in 4th. PaclS SOT. CLOTHES cleaned and pr Unloua Tailoring Co., 84' 81 per month. T Waahlngtoa at. H. W. TITRNfeR. pmfeealonal dyev and aloaaer. BOB Jaffaraoa at. Pbona Main SMB. . DRESSMAKING. DREOSMAKINO of all kind. - Hotel E en yoa, , 18th and Waahlngtoa. Phoo FaelO 400. . SUITS SB and ap; ablrtwalata BOc; aklrta re bonnd; Jacket rellned. 38 Market at. DANCING. BALL BOOM and fancy, . correct method, feoeor Binder, academy 80 Alder at. Pre- LEHSONS la dancing at your bom, or at my reeldeuee. C. P. Smith. Pacific 1110. ELECTRICAL SUPLIES. i -ia u i 1. i. l. Ti L n i -i1 ir-axaTat PACIFIC KMMTRIO CO. Unfloaara, ootra ura, rapalrrra, .lfrme wlnj, aawilM. H Flrat. oor. Stark. Mala BAB. tt. H. Jata. mgr. rFURNACES.- B0TNTON warm-air fnrnaeea aav fnel, J. C. Bayer Fomae Co., 3BB Second. Mela 41. FURNITURE FACTORIES. 0RBO0N ' Furniture Manufacturing Compaay Maaufacturera of turaitur for th trad. Portland. Oregon. - " - FUBKITITRB mannfirtming and apaclal order. L. Ruvenaky'a furniture factory. 8T0 Front L FENCE AND WIRE WORKS. PORTLAND WIRB a IRON ' WORKS K FUader t, cor. Thtr. Phone Mala tOOO. GR0CERS.- WADHAMB CO.. waoleaaU grocer, manu facturer and commlaaloa mcrchaata.-. Fourth aad Oak am. . - ItUN gt LBWIS, enmrolaalen aad jroduc mer chanta. Front aad Darla ata., Portland, Or. rv--" 1 ." GASOLINE ENGINES. STATIONARY and marhia "Little Special" Caaolln launch. 1BS; secoad-baad electric luachaa and hnTla. - . BBIERSON MACHINERY CO.. 183-4-S Morriaoa at. HAY AND GRAIN. B. L. COOPER ft CO. Potato, feed aad Sour. 128 Union ave. Pbona Eaat 1B1T. HOTELS.' HOTEL Portlaad. Amerlcaa plant f S, 5 per day. BBLVEDERB; Buropeaa pU;4th aad Alder ata. HARDWARE. Portland Hardware Co. solicit op porta nlty t qnote price. i ut St., cor. Aioer. maia iso. HAT FACTORIES. HATS cleaned, blocked, made Ilk new for BOe) . expert Panama bleacher.. B4 Third, Bear Plaa. Branch. 824 Flrat. Pacific IS. INSURANCE. ISAAC U WHITBY Bra Irjaajrauc. hlda. . , S00 Dakas V.OL aa-a- n.VIM.A , t dividual accident aaraty bonda f all klade. Pkoa 47. BUS McKay bldg. . MONEYTO IaOAliV MONEY TO LOAN Oa Improved city pre part- ar tor bail ding purpose, for from I ta 10 years' time, with privilege he repay all or part of loaa arte two year. Loaa approved from plana and money eaveaeM aa Mltalng mortgagee taken ap and rapt FRKD H. STRONO. Flnanetel AgeaL . B43 Stark at. THB STAR LOAN CO. Any salaried employe. ware-earner, caa get a hi note, witboat mortra-e . Month. H afonth. Week. BW.nnvllpay ta a S1S.B3 or B8.B0 or SB SB to aa I AB.1 or (IBS or fl.SS to aa i A 00 er 12.00 ar 1 1.0 Iai.oo Kapey 1S.0O Repay - S10 McKay hldg. CONFIDENTIAL tnana on aiUrte. - liwiii ponclea, planoa, furnltur, wrnan re eelpta, etc. ; eny deeervlnr pereoa may aocura a liberal advance, repaying by easy weekly or monthly Installments. hSW.SBA LOAN ft TRrST COMPART, SOS Ablngtoa bldg. MONEY ADVANCED SALARIED PROPLB - And ether aron their own name without ee-rlly; chaaneat rateav-' eheleat paymeeta . emcee la no prineipi citwe; aav j money pr getting ut- terms ami TO LATA V N, zZS AMagtoa hMg.. BBADODA RTBRS FOR SALARY LOAN Money caa be borrow. a ea eay peri alaa, km eat rat-i; etrlctly onf)datlL carnrrNT loan Co.. diTTfonawb bldg.. eoT. Third eud MONEY to loaa oa real, pereoaal and Co Ha feral rarity; special stteotloa to raartei asori- figvai antea hongbt. C W. Pallet; 804-8 eatoa hldg., 84 Sixth, at. ' BIGHLT rorpeetabl. plaea where ladle aed gen caa borrow annaey ea diamonds ssd fcwlry. Collateral Loaa Bank. Zov waaav gtoa at. Phoee Blaek Tl. MONEY to loaa aa Cldtama county lands. B. F. aad F. B. Bllay. SOS Chamber ef Com- LOWE9T rate oa rortiltnro and pUnoa. Feet era Load Co., 44S Sherlock bldg, PaclS 311A MONEY TO LOAN a aTl kind ef ecarity. William BolL room S, Waaklnrtoa bldg.. TO LOAN Sum to u1t chattel Mcarlty. R. A. Praam. Bid the Marqaam. - WILL leaa SS.OOS or leee aa real aetata aeeurlty at S per ab Farrlagtoa, SIB Chamber, ef PRIVATE mosey to looti aer Portland St reasonable rate. Bel Bloom, SSS. Chamber of Commerce. Jlcney to Loan From print fud on Improved property. 1. U WELLS CO., S4 Graad ava, ; - TO LOAN Money la small nss aa real aetata; very reaaouabla. Ad-rreee r a. car journal. MrrNRY TO LOAN at S per- eaat Fire and b eaanaltr tnaaraae. Henry iw -radno-imo. BIB Lnsaber Exvhaag. - Phe Mala 4420. BS.nno OR leaa to loaa en real aatata, la. A. uana. aaa vamsisgisi FINANCIAL Cf?" noAT. hlVX or bobtlabb. obeoow. 1 . L Dealgaated Depoaltory end riaanclal Age at of th Tnltad Btat Ar.r7;..........T L. MILI Caller , 1. W. BB AaateUnt Ceabler.. c. ALVORD Beeond Aeawtant CaMr.....B. F. BTBTBhS Lantara ar rv.ai , . . .. . , .. . . . . . ... I o , . 1 U 0-.BTIBDIO 1. f..niW mmm l bihw, . r firbt Xicbaage aad Talegrephl Traaafer old a New York. Boatoa. Chicago, St. Ladda, 17 m.'V: ?h. Saa FranHeo aad the princfpal polata la the Northwee , . " f Sight and time bill drawn In eame ta aolt London. Parte, Berlin. Frenkfort-eai-rho-hTala, onnm. Copenhagen. Stockholm.-St. I ADB ft TTXT0B. BABXEBS fEatahllahad Ba Traaaaota a .fl I u..ki.. imImm rnilMiLM. mju .a an oornta aa .."h"l. term. Letter f credit taened avallahU ta Enron and all mint, in The Halted 5'? Blh Bxehaore and Telerrapbl Trenafere aold oa New York. Waahlnrton. Chicago, at. t-oa'a. Denver. Omaha. Sati raaelseo and Montana and Brltlah Colombia. Bxrhaag aold oa toooa. Parte, Berlin. Frankfort. Bongkeng. Yokohama. Maatla and - Hooolal. Til "CHARTS' VATI0BAJ. BAJfX. PORTLAND, OBEOON. -Ill "aNK WATSON j.Preetdeat B. U PUHHAM... . , M " . v . .taeniae t'M'nui tr . a a . , . . .-" 7 . . . Tvmoaata a Geaeral Banking Baaiaeea. Draft aad Latter f Credit laacad Available to All Parte of the World. Collection a Specialty. ' BeJraTEXSf ft LTMBrdMAU'S BAB X Portland. Oragoa. CnraertBeeoad and Stark street. CominoreUI and aavlnga department. Intereat paid oa aavtnga account. Draft and . . iM,r" of credit taened available In all part of the world. - Opea Saturday avaninga from T to B f or the accommodstloa of custpnwra. . '' i PELTON , , rMldenf - iSTiL"' ROTHCFTILD, . .Fir. Vlee.Preeld.nt''H. , M - W aiav m.vwakw.. ... . . - - ITT. 71 . w vewfaa v a amniiane leoe, axeao vrava, maa era bibbi Paid bp .t 000.000 001 Burpro aad undivided rroBta T70J4 Jt - Banaina; aaa BxcBaage Baefaoea Traaeartea. aavinua i.n. r . -Intoreet ea Ume deposit.. Aeeonnt opened tor enms ef 110 sad apward. PertUad Breach sou- , . Chamber of Commerc balldln. w. A. MACRAE Maaagor. J. T. Bl'BTCHAWX ,Aa1taat Manager NTTXO STATES BTATIOBAL MABX OF 9 Nortbweat Cor. anaaehs a a,1 t..kin- n...l-.a the Halted State and Luron. Bonrkona and Manila. OaUaetloaa Made aa Faverable Terrna. , Preatdent ..J. 0. AINPWORTH Vlee-Prealdant. . .......... . - W B V B R Vlee-Preeldent..7r.........R. LEA TARNES feebler :...B. W. SCHMKj AeataUat Caahl-r....,,; , M.-WBiaHT -Aartrtant Caebrer. i . -jtmW. A. HOLTj. ' TRUST COMPANIES. OBTTAnTB TUTin'e COhTrYBT 0T OBEOON "The .Oldeat Tn :R fl.Son.ono. Oeneral hanking. Excbaag RrnniTnrve nvwn " SA VINOS ACCOUNTS. in ACCnT'NTS. Time eortlBratea, S14 te 4 pee cent. Call Bnr booh ..aad Oak ata. Phone N ...............Preeldent tow ar ever atcNT l rvtmow BLEB PA0BT. .'. CECUmrTT SAV1BOS ft TXITBT COMPANY Trensaatar a n.n.,.1 - Jto.loae. Time aad Sartaga Act Trust for Eatste. Draft ' 4 Letter f oroau a . Available In All Parte of the Wo. I A , - 0. f. ADAMS ., Preeldent L. A. LEWIS First Vloe-Praeldaet A. I. MILLS SVcoad Vlce-P.ealdeat R. G. JUBITR .Wrtary -. - GEO. F. Pt aart l. V.. Aaalatant SecvefrV 'HX M0BTOA0B GUARANTEE ft TRUST Oeseral Banking and Trnat Baalaaaa Traaaacted. Intereat Paid aa Time Deposlta. CAPITAL , B100.000.0fl .: . . WATBBBVBT,. Preeldent C. W. MILLER Tlaa-Ptatiaaas B. LOGAN BAYS '.Aeslstaat Secretary '-. ." a. w, Elk a Temple, Seventk and Stark NORTHWESTERN OTJABABTTX ft TRUST COMPANY PartUnd. Oregea. Lumber Exchange. S. . B. corner Second and Surk t" teaaS flaarl. '"7 FISCAL AOBNT FOB CORPORATIONS. . i ' Stat. County, Municipal and Orporatloa Bonda bought and aojd. New anlsrprlssa ergsalaea ' and financed. Stock nd tionda yuaranteed. ) WL am.iwim a. onarraei flAuvia MORTOAGB LOANS , Portland Real- tract BONDS AND-XNVESTMENTS. M 0XXIS BB0S. IBS alra! Stxe. Portlaad. Oregon. Offer Oilt-Edg rnveatments In Mnatdpal DOWBIr-KOPXIBS . O0WA1IT STOCKS, BONDS,' GRAIN Bought sod Sold for Cash aad a Margin, -PHrate Wires.'- ROOM d CHAMBER OF COMMERCB. Phone Matn ST: Oyerbeck, Starr & Cooke Co, ORAIN. PROVISIONS. COTTON. STOCKS AND BONDS, WI DO 1 STRICTLY COMMISSION BUSINESS. Cmttnooaa Market by Pr1vt Wlr. ' Oulck Servlc. ' REFERENCES Ladd ft Tllten, Bsnk. innova ar e Bt.t Bank of Portland. rnereelled facflltia for handling Tonopah. Gold Bald. Manhattan and other Hated mining stocks. MD.TICTPAL moms SCHOOL AND CORPORATION j . . ' Blghast Beturua t tm aster a PORTLAND ft H0BTBWBSTBBN BOMB MAGNETIC HEALINO. w r. . t - a.' tM,h mea end cured; eoneultatWm free. Mat 4178- J ' Dlaaaoad. L. B. Haert, IBS Seventh et. . MONUMENTS. KID ft KINOSLEY. 388 Flrt t.. Portland's wading marble and granite work. MUSICAL. XMIL THIET.HORN. pnpll f SEVCTK. TWIn teacher. Studio 108 Blxth. Tel. Mala 8W. LESSONS BOej piano, guitar, banjo, mandolin, vloln tnatramenta for aala. Mr. Martla. 3414 Flrat. Bear Main. MACHINERY. THE H. C. A LB EE CO. Secoad-haad aaaehlaery, awmllla, ate. 34g Grand are. t - BIPPELY - ft MYERS.- machinist aad eleo trlcUna; alectrle elevatora. electrical machln- - cry and gaaolln eugtoes apecialty. 334 Oek St. Phoa Mala 1830. ' glng machinery nvaranno pipe., ."a " klnda repaired, iw cor in rwirm. OSTEOPATHS. ..tDRS. ADIX a0BJHRt'Palnrl8-lIJ)eknm ping, iniro ano nmuii -a Main 848. Examine tloa free. - THE very beat lady eeteopafh In town. " Dr. L. G. Johnena, ealta IS. Belllng-Burech hldg. DR PIXRCB. oateoaeth. vihratioa and the new Phoao PaclS SOT. , light SIH Third at. ORIENTAL RUGS. ORIENTAL RUGS repaired aad cleaned by na'tve experte; we saa the original vegetable dye eaahmere wool for oar repairing; ell work soa ran teed. Call op Oriental Rug Re pairing Co., Pacific 2S. l B44H Wa.h. at. PHYSICAL CULTURE. BINOI.ER GYMNASIUM Private claaa aad la- dlvldnal rnatructton. BOB Alder t. PAINTS. OIL AND-GLASSV r. e. BEACH ft CO. The pioneer Paint Co.l wledow-ela and gleung. joo Phoo loBA PLUMBERS. DONNERBERG ft RADEMACHEB. raawuad ta No. SOB TBarnelde at. FOX ft CO.. sanitary prnmbera. l Se-nd. bet. Main and Salmon. Oregon Pboue Mala 3001. FINNIC N BROS, ft CO.. 388 Third a. Phone Mala avno. fiiimnera aao rtimi "i" RINTINO.- THE MODERN PRINTERT Arftatle printing. 2d Rueeel bldsv Peurth and Morriaoa. Phone Parlfl 1B3A ANDERSON ft prNlWAT COMPANY, printing, lithographing, bleak books. Phone Mala IT. Alder at. RUBBER STAMPS. P. C. STAMP WORRS. 4 Alder et.. phone Main T10: rubber etampe. eeale. steoclla: bargage, tr.d -keckat aend for catalogue No. 3-V R00PIN0. TIN ROOFING, gutterttig. reoelrlng and general Jobbing. 4. laiell. l jeir-reoo SAFES. DIE BOLD Manraneeo Bank snd Fliepnaf . 8a fee. l'NBJUAI.IiI.- rRI O FIRB. class "A" buildings, eevea "H" thin well eafee out af IS pertUlly protected con teats. Devls sella larks, aaetal vaalt flitnrea. opeoe lock auta. repair. I' rone IftAS. as Third. PORTLAND SAFE CO.. anhr" agents for HER. RING HALL-MARVIN 8. fee and MANGA - NESB Steel Safe Co.' Bank Safes. S3 Tth et. STREET PA VINO. WARREN CoBaHw tha Co.. street oaring, aid, walka aed croaalaga. Tld Oregon la a hldg. THE Barber Aeohalt Paving tie. of Portlaad. uinca aea n ortestax ata. , eo BANKS.- I'rtereourg, Moorow, Enrich. Honeinia. ta IBBB.) Collect lone made a -- smsrant aa,w WEARS. ., D. STOREY. Ca ablet Aaatataat Caahl.r (Jeneral Oooneei - - . a Oaltfornla. , HA .it M DEPARTMENT. I 0RTXABO, 0REO0B. Tblrd and Oak ata. . drafts raanilD Avallehla ta AB CI Ma at ige ea en e. : "hort-call apodal aer t1 Beat a. INS Soatnoaat earaa Third 8 to 4 per cent: anor of "IIXCHTR ATION" ' Prfvat Fr-hane TB. H. U PITTOCK.. rt... ! rreeioeo. l. 00LTBA..1... ...... Aeeiafnt Secretary S8 Morriaoa Street. Portlaad. Orga.- SAVINGS DEPARTMENT. Intereat AOowea 00MPABT BANK. Btrem. Phone Mala ISA ui wr-al.h.A o.,l Ci a aae" Bssaad. ' ' ' Batata at Lowest Bataek TttU laaurod. Ah. rurnuneo. and Rath-oed Bond. Writ ar Celt . 10 Tb Members Chicago Board Bf Trade.) Tblrd St.. McKay Bldg.. Portland. Oregea.., Room B. d aad S La Fayette hldg.. aa. BUth DIVIDEND .! BANK AND CORPORATION 1ST0CES' Omehrtaat With AboIut Safety. TBLEPHONB ft TELBQRAPH SBCPBTTIBB SHOWCASES AND FIXTURES. A. A, AAAAA.M, A A, Aj AAAAAAaaaaAaaaAAA.A, atinaro, ear . . - . k. v . . ..... " v -a ... ...i umiiiii,, i.iw, " and atora Ssturea made to order. , The Lutke MenuUcturuag C.. PortUad. . B. H. BIRDSALIa deelgaar; agent M. Wta Wta tar Lumber Co.. T Hamlltoa bldg. Mala BoS. SUMMER RESORTS.. CXNTERViLLE BOO tb sea boo. eoty 4-mo-i cottage, completely fnrnlbd, over look lug ocean. Apply 27B Stark at. SECOND-HAND GOODS. ATWATER ft CARL furniture hoaae-Hlgheat price .paid -for eecond hand turalter. , 21 J Beeond at. Phoo Pacific 4SS. SCAP TREATMENT. SCALP and face maaaag. mssulcurlng; a rent for Dr. Chrletlaoa's French toilet article. 11-13 Grand theatre bldg. Mala 4471. Hoars, S:80 to B. SIGN PAINTERS. leconnmlral SI MS ! kinaa n.aae rotoiy. Footer a Hleleer,- Fifth una arereii. mono axcning DO. or u BiBoa.- riioo racine tma. telephones: THE only exchialve tetenhoae hone. B.-R. Klectrlc ft Telephone Manufacturing eoav paey, B2 Fifth st. TOWEL SUPPLY. CLEAN TOWELS DAILY Comb, brneh. eeep. II per moot. Portland foundry aad Towel Supply Co., Ninth and Couch. Phone 410. TYPEWRITERS. NEW typewriter, all makee. rented, sold end repaired. Coast Agency. 331 Stark. Tel. 140T. TRANSFER AND HAULING. SAFES. ' piano and furniture moved, packed ready for ahlpptng and ahlpped; all work guaranteed; large, l-etory nrlrk. Sre-proof warehon for atorag. offlc soS Oak at. C M. Olara. Phono Mala 4-47- THB BA0GAGB ft OMNIBUS TBANSFEB CO. cor. Sixth and Oak ata.; baggage checked from hotel or realdeae direct to ocarina tlon; passengers therefore avoid roeh and annoy anc at depota. Private Exchange 48. C -O. -PICK, efflc 8S First at .- between Stark and oak -ata., phone noa; pianos and rornltur moved and packed for shipping; commodious brick warehouea with aepars rroot aaa. nay ata. OREGON" TRANSFER CO.. 18 North Birth. Phono Mela ew. Heavy healing aad. storage. POST SPECIAL DELIVERY. No. SuO Wash Ingfao St. Phone Msia 682: CUT rates on feme-held .goods to all paint eaat : we rtek up earlnedht special room for trunks while watting. Oregn Ante-Despatch, 18 First st. Phone Mala TIB. WIR3 AND IRON WORKS. EAST PORTLAND FENCB ft WIRE WORRS. iau aw-. r aver at. i-aoaa East axi. MONUMENTS ERECTED 7 BY EUGENE LODGES -(Special Die patch to The JoaraaL) Kugene, Or., June It.' Eugene camp. Woodmeo of the World, Sunday un veiled monument which had been erected by the order over the gravee of Chief of Police J. . Stllea, Law A. Powers and W. Huston In the I. O. O. F. cemetery. ' The eervlcea, which ware lra preaalva. were largely . attended The Women of woodcrart at the same time unveiled monuments ever the graves ef Mel lee C. Scott In the Ms e.tnle cemetery eVarah F. Wright and Ell Phlllppl -.( L O. a T. com Sterx. ' ',- '. PURSER QUITS JOB OH K1LBURH Was Booked to Face Charges of Unbecoming Conduct Upoti . . , .His Arrival Here. LICENSED OFFICERS DO ' NOT FEAR INVESTIGATION CaptRla Mcrrten Sayi Mis .Mrduri-x. Who Filed Charges Against th Of ficers; With Local Inspectors, Was Shown Every Courtesy, , Purser Charles -O'Connor will not faes tha charge placed against bint by Mtas OH re O, Afajune, tha young woman who filed a -eomplalnt with Inapac tore Ed wards and Fuller , last week. O'Connor was not on the at earner whan sha ar rived hare) last night. Ma place being filled by A. A. Short, formerly of the steamar- Sierra, running' btwn San FTanclaoo And Auatrallan porta. O'Con nor left tha Kllburn at Eureka on har way to Portland. "--Tha- charges against in ltcenBcd of- ncera of tha KUburn will be lnveatl gated by. the lnnpectorg tn the presence of Buperrlalng Inapector John Birming ham. -Atlas Majune allege in her eom plalnt that they competed har to share her atateroom with other paastngers on tha way from' Coos bar to this city and t,hat the puraer and a to ward used lan guage not considered select .In gaud so elety. - 1 1 - . '1 don't know' anything about tha charge of Mlas Majune," said Captain Merrlam this morning, "but I think we will be able to show tha Inspectors that wa did everything for tha comfort of our ' pasaengera Miss Majune had bought a berth ticket but that does not entitle one to a whole atateroom, atjd ao far as I know sha-was treated with the utmost reaped Tha KUburn brought tt psonger this trip ana 1(4 tons of freight. Bh ncoutUcred atormy treat hr and a heavy oiweeiriy swell xrom Ban rranclaoo to ., I Coo bdy. but from tbara aaperleocai) S'ood weather to tha Columbia rivar. Carjtaln Merrlam report . tha tr&aolin sahoonar Corinthian high and dry on th beach near tha antranca to Euraka. Tha, hull will ba abandoned and tha macnln ry savad. Tha daokload of lumbar want adrift when tha vaaael feu prey to tha breakers and tha cargo In tha hold is hardly worth saving. - - ASTORIA GETS WORK. BUrkeatlna Jaaa. U. Stanord W1U ITot - '-v aaTB . to aas Drrdook. The barkentln Jane L. Stanford will he repaired at 'Astoria. Thl Informa tion was brought to Portland last night bp Captain A. Crowe, who aurveyad her yesterday for tha San Francleeo under writer. Captain Crowe bellavea tha re paAra will coat about tl.000. The dam agea are all above the water line. . "Judging from the condition of the barkentlne, the collision was a serious one," said Captain Crowe this morning, "It Is not Improbable that th Tjnknown steam achooner was badly crippled. Sha might have foundered." The arrival of the steam schooner J. B. Stetson has not. been reported yet from Ban Francisco, and "Sha Is now fully two days overdue This lends strength to the belief that she wad the veaael Into which the Stanford poked her bowsprit. - i ., RESTRICTS. DREDGES, i Xfevr Art Calls for -tegistratlon ef Tas sels la tTse la am tee. , V. H. Metcalf, aecretary of the depart ment of commerce and labor, calls at tention through a circular' letter to the collector of customs of this district of the act of May 18. 1 JOB, prohibiting the use of foreign-built .dredges In .the United States unless documented as ves sels of the United State. - Br virtue of this law the commission of navigation la authorised and directed to document aa veaaela of tha United Btates the foreign-bull t dredgea Holm, Leviathan, Nereua and Triton, owned by American cltlaon and now employed at I Jg A. A. A. A. under construction tn Europe for use at Oalveaton. ia alao entitled to admlaaion. the .contractor, an American eUlttUw.bav Ing an option on the vessel. ON OFFICIAL BUSINESS. nparviaing' Znspoctor of Yeeaels will ; Spend- a Tew Days Xaro. ' Captain John Birmingham, supervis ing inapector of veaaela, will return to Portland Thureday to Inspect tha bull of tha steamer George W. Elder. - Ha Wa tn tha city yeaterday on his way to Seattle and devoted his time to check ing up the books and accounts of the local offloe. Bealde Inspecting tha Elder, Captain Birmingham will hear the charge pre ferred - agaJnat tha - offlcera of the eteamer F. A. Kllburn and inspect a number ateamera In the harbor. - It rnlght be well for tha crewa to prepare for fire and boat drills, bacauae one of the auparvlalng Inapector'e hobblee is said to be to call theae drills when no one expecte It, DESTROYERS ARRIVE. VaaJ Joaee sad Preble Jola Fleet ef Warablpe ta the Brarbor. J,The destroyers Paul Jones and Preble arrived in the harbor, this afternoon after a quick run from Aetorls. They arrived at th mouth- cf theCblumbla ahortly after daylight and were met by pilots and started on their way to Port land without delay. The destroyers were anchored In the vicinity of the flagship Chicago and the-'Jgunboat Princeton. - ' ' - The cruiser Boston left San Fran cisco laat night and should reach Port land. Wedneaday morning. With th arrival of the Boaton. Portland will be honored with five membere of the Pa cific squadron. The Paul Jones and Preble were here Uat year and exhibited some of their speed. ' ALONG THE WATERFRONT, The fearkentlee Ajnaaon. Captain Aas, Is ia the etream waiting for a tow down the river. She cleared thla morning for Manila, with - l.IOO.OOO foot of lumber, end Deputy Collector of Customs Barnaa took the a I gnat urea of her naw crew. The Brltlah steamer Dulwlch is down st the bar ready to go to sea. bound for Wellington. New Zealand. She left down yeaterday afternoon -with- a - full cargo of lumber sad reached Astoria at 8:14 o'clock thla morning. The Dili wlr h arrived 11 days Sgo from Vancouver. Brltlah Columbia. The atcamer Roanoke la due to arrive from Ban Pedro via San Franrlnco and JLCuroAR tfc's evenicx Like Xh JT. A. AT THE THEATRES. ? ' Sests for Henrietta Crosmsn. Promts ef a rar treat I held forth at the Relllg tueatr next Friday aad Saturday alxht. June 33 and 34, with a eaectaa-prtos Baat leee Saturday, whoa Henrietta frosman. most gtrte-l and bmoC populnr of American actum, will appear la her lataet aad moat marked Mew York success, th BMdera comedy, "Mary. Mary. Quite Contrary." la none of th play which aaa ha formerly preeeaied did Mlea Croseaaa make the hit aha baa aiade lu "Mary. Mary. Quite Cvntrary." The rear an ar she plaa la ef, aa sp-to-dat young womaa ef wealth and posit loo who lxr- trrmg to aaa let a frtead ami avert possible jMkooay arlamg from the euddea appearaac ef a former admirer loaee br heert to the maa ah baa bea trtvtug ta outwit. Th play abound- ia delightful comedy, merrl meat and gayety. .Advaace aal na next Wedneaday moralng, June 30, at tha Htllig theaua. WbnWa-Were-Tv There wa bat one verdict yesterday at tha Baker theatre. Ileary ' V. Bsmond'a beautiful drama. "Whs ' W Ware Twenty-One." wa produced with a east seldom e.led ta this, country, and never xclled. Tn. lovely play reached every heart and waa greeted with tl utmost enthusiasm. Every member ot th Baker eompeny appearing ia th play received oration, and did particularly fine work. Tha at ory of Dick Oa row's aaawlfiahaosa. hi falthuln.' t th dylsg requeat of hia friend. . and how he. tlirough the aff teacy ef self-. abnegitlon, receive at laat tb highest as.1 best reward a maa cap rat, kt again ld la the match laas way of tb skilled dramatist. Esmond' a almost perfect play will draw tm mna ' houae at the Baker this week, and It. is af to get your seats well kt tvaace. Te nlght souvenir photo of William Hills will t glrsnt ararr one attsndlng .the performaars. ":-"SsJd PRsha at Heilig Tonight. ; The Kendall Maatcal company begaa their aeooad week of mimical comedy at popular price laat night tt the Helllg theatre. Four teenth and Waahlngtoa street!, and tha hilarity and aathualaam of the audience knew no bounde. The opera thla week, "Raid Paaha." la the prettlcet on that tha late Richard Stshl ever wrote, and 14 1 full ot attractive maal and tsklng numbers, both -'for the prhMlnahj and for th Chora. All the eompeny hone out reeplendently and the Chora made hn with' the audience. Several ---M numbers, la dd. I km to tb opera proper, wer sang by Lottie Kendall. Basel Tanoehlll. Ben Lodge and Rob ert Pitkin. Popular price provaU. - VAUDEVILLE AND STOCK. "Th. Serpent's Sting." The dramatic romance of the mine. "The Serpent-! Stmg." which -fcr the offering f the " Lyric for the csnrent week, ila' calculated to inlmduco aa innovation la melodrama. The prodnctlna con let of atrong climax, thrfUlng Ituatlnn aad comedy part which tend to make the play oa to bo long remeaibered la Port, land.- To ot tea tie-a of th cepe are each as te throw arouad the attraetloa a weird faacl aatloa. . . AtthB-Stir. At the Star thta afternoon and all week thd comedlana at tha Bouse ef mirth will prsssut "Everybody' Friend," a in oa lea I fare written eepee tally for thl clever little organlaatlon. It contain bright llnee, wttb many local gas and referncee; inaumerable Bong numbers aaJ dancing by the bevy of pretty chorus gtrln. A eaadevllle olio will be aa added attraetloa. with ah Illustrated song and saovtog pictures bealde. There la a daily matin aad two ahowa sightly. Al the GramaT" Probably the best' known vaudeville enter tainer who vtelta Portland la Hugh 1. Enunatt.' who open en ngagmnt It th Grand this' afternoon. H la a ventrlloouist without a superior. Mr. aad Mr. Hoffmann have a ryote whirl act which I different from the ordinary feat af thl character. SMfh and St 1th ar club ewlhgers. - Long - and Mtf ehell mg and -dsacs while giving their sketch and Master Harold Hoff will atng "rape. Photo M." written aad Wuetreted by a Portland -uuiuusat.--Fr..-MeHenry. Herb Mitchell will dellrer a xooaologu. The motion pictures ara new. . m . r ""' " " At th PantRges. -' ' Bgmalng today th ' Peerages will pat ea snot her ef Its ea looted eaterta lament. - Th " feature 1 Grace Huatlngtoa aad troupe ra the ' roaring farce-comedy, "A Matrimonial Mlxup." Other fee turee are:. Oeorga a.nd Allen, comedy entertalnere,- tha Zanfreilaa, daring aerobe La; McFee and Car Hon, muaical kings: Billy Rvan. ' coaiadlaa; Jeaa Wlleoa. popular be. 1 ton, aad ' moving picture eoraadle. KUburn. she is not affected by the sart- ore" atrlke becauaa of her owners being out of the shipowners' combine. . - The steamer Alliance sailed for Coos bey and Eureka last- night with one of the' largeet cargoes ' she ever - carried, She had on board passengers and many were turned away. - r '; . ., - The steamer Moyo e coming to, Port land from San Franciaoo to load a re- turn cargo of lumber at the mills of tha North Paciflo Lumbar company. 8he carries IIO.OBO foot ' Tha river remained stationary at Port land during the paat 14 hours, but felt a foot and three" inches at Eugene. The but Tell a foot and one Inch at The Dalles. " -; - '- - ' . , - MARINE NOTES. Astorls;-June'lt. Arrived" st't andr left up at t.10 a. m. United State) tor- . pedo boat destroyers Psul Jonee and Preble, from San ' Francisco. . Arrived -down at T a m. Steamer Alliance. . Ar rived down at - 8:24 a. - m. British steamer Dulwich. Sailed at J8:4I a. m. 1 British steamar Dulwlob-.-for New Zealand, and ataamer Alliance, fop Eu reka and way ports. Sen Francisco, June II. Sal led United Statee cruiser Boston, for Port- -land. Arrived yeaterday Schooner An dy Mahony, from Columbia river. Astoria, June 17.--Arrived et 7 and left up st IS a m. Steamer F. A. Kll burn, from Sen Francisco and way porta, San Franciaoo, Jane 17. Sailed at noon- Schooner Virginia, for Portland. St. Helens. June 14. Paaeed at 19: tl a. m. -United - Statee steamers Psul Jonea and Preble. Astoria. June li Condition cf tha bar at t a m.. amooth; wind, northweett weather, cloudy. St. Johna June It.Paaaed at 11:11 a m. United States .stesmers psul -Jones and Preble. , COMMENCEMENT OPENS -ATM'MINNVILLEXOLIEGE- - . (SpecUl Dlspatdl t The Journal V McMlnnvllla, Or.. June H. The eom mencemaat eserelaea of McMlnnvllla college began yeaterday with the annual educational sermon by Rev. James A. Clarke st the Flmt Baptist church, hla subjeot waa "A Liberal Education.' The thought was thst a liberal educa tion came only through Christianity. In the afternoon the Chrlattan an-o-ctatlon held Ita farewell meeting, which was addxeaaed by Profeaaor F. U. Boughton. - . , j Th baccalaureate sermon at the First Baptist church In ha av-nlng wa de livered by Rev. 1L J. White of Tacoma. Waahlngton. The seniors attadl the servlcea In a body. ' - The music of the day waa fnrnlahM by a chorua from the eoneervatorv de- partmenL " The aelectl-ne rnd4re were from Dudley ifuck a forty-slxilt psalm. - Tonight the graduation exar claee ef the Conservatory ef Muata take place. . 1 ' .Arklolee ef T- " The fleorge F Vtlt' r pany Tia been lncnrr,, xr. Wltlmer, I. f i'irta Smart, with a rapi'al ' Tho rtbjaot la lo d a roatu(Ai.lurliiJ bui. I i i r n.t V t t