The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, June 17, 1906, Image 1

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    ' ' . : : : - " -f.
Journd , Circulattoa
THE WgATnSH. fj. .".
7" Sunday fair and wanner; northwest
winds. ' ..' , ' :v.
VOL. ' III. " NO. 14.
Impossible to Stop Mob
in Its Mad Career of
Is Fe'ared
Torch Put to Bialystok and Mur
dering and Looting Continues
Outrages Against Hebrews
In Other Cities -Appalling Tor.
' tures for Victims of Frenxy. -
(Copyright. Bant ' "ears Bwrlca. : by lm
.Wire ta Jibs Jearsal.) '. .
8t' Petersburg, June 14. While riot
ing; continued In Blalystok today , with
renewed violence, the news spread - to
other parts In the empire, and tonight
the situation Is regarded as decidedly
Bloomy. It Is reluctantly admitted that
a general uprising la-feared. -. So immi
nent la this peril, especially - In - the
southern and southwestern provinces.
rinat aii.tne infantry and army reserve
men m mat. region are to b pur on a
' war footing. Flying brigades of Cos
' . sacks are to be mobilised. Similar prs
- cautions are to be taken la ventral and
; northern Russia. j
x While- the government is seeking to
;. minimise the slaughter tn Blalyatok. It
la knowahoa -that the massacre there
' rival those m. Klshlnsff and that they
J have been accompanied by the most ap-
palling torture. 80 great -4a the anti-
Semltle fury of the mob, that mere kill
ing, f-iiff to. appease the butchers.
j , aios runolak Tortore. '
' "' Torture of the most fiendish nature
adds to the horror of it alL Even the
women and children ere subjected - to
the most awful cruelties; Infanta have
been burled from : windows-to be dashed
to death in the streets below, where
tnetrtodies- ars-left - to- be trampled
" upon by the mob. women havs been
' brutally beaten to death after being
' subjected, to the most terrible inhumani
ties. .Tr- -T-!r-
Among the dead ' -are many whose
' skulls havs been beaten In with iron
bars, eyes have been gouged out, limbs
x, hswn from the bodies, while many hare
been burned to death in tbeir homes.
The wounded everywhere have been
left " to perish miserably from lack of
care. Others were suffocated or stran-
gled slowly- while their torturers stood
by and gloated.' -
Nor- wers the- men alons-ln- pel pe
' tratlng these awful Crimea Women
: urged on the rioters In many instances
and took a prominent part in the death
work. - - ' - V '
Bialystok Is ASama. -
"v Tonight word cams that almost the
entire city of Blaiystok, which was a
' thriving" place of 78.004 inhabitants a
. few dsys ago. was In flames, and that
' the murdering and looting was going
on with no sigi of diminution. .-.
Troops have been hurried there, bnt
--they are either powerless . or-Jndlffsr-'
ent to check the carnage. '
(Continued on Fags Two.)
Beveridge Paid Over-Five,
by New York Life in Year of Election. .
- Has Utmost Confidence in Perkins
(KpMlal Dlipatrk by teased Wire to The Jeofail)
t New York, June IT. Ths World today
ssys: . ; ' s "
. It was learned today that the New
York Life Insurance company made a
payment of I5.1M' for -"law expenses" to
Alfred J. Beveridge In 18M. . . . '
- TTie TnUed Sta tea senator ; from -Jndli
ana. who has taken sucn a conspicuous
part In the fight to remedy the evils of
- the packing-house Industry, was the
- recipient of the big fee. - it Is known that
- the Indiana senator la acquainted with
' George W. Perkins, former vloe-presl-
dent of the - New York Life and the
- partner of 1. P. Morgan. ReoenUy Sena-
- tor- Beverldge paid a - visit to - ths of -"
flees of Morgan at Co. and had a eon
' ferenoe with Mr. Perkins. x Whether It
. related ( to insurances could not be
learned. . .'
The year (1898) that the New York
Ufe made the payment of SS.104 to Bena-
f . tor Beverldge was the same year that he
was elected to the united States senate
by the legislature of Indiana. Senator
tieveiidge took his seat the following
year. Recently Senator Beverldge - was
asked to join a committee formed to
protect ' the tntereat of the New , York
Life policyholders. The senator declined,
saying that he had-the utmost confidence
In the present management of ths New
York Ufe. v
A Washington dlspatoh . states. . that
Ntnstor A. J. Beverldge, discussing ths
payment to him of J, JO I by the New
Open Break May Occur
' President Oyer New
--Packers': Law
Committee Agrees to - Some
Changes, Executive to Others
-House Members Applaud
Wadsworth f otSIurs at Roose
vett and Will Sustain Hinv
(Special Uspstes by Leased Wire to The Joaraal)
Washington, Juns It Friction between
rresiosnc Koosevait and pertain mem
bers, of the house of . representatives on
the beef packers bill Is likely to lead to
an outbreak In open session. Many mem
bers from the house have informally
commended Chairman Wads worth's re
ply to the criticisms of the bill by the
chief executive, and other member are
suggesting a compromise that, will be
satisfactory -to the- White- House 00- that
the bill pas b hurried through and the
stress of words and exchange of letters
be stopped. . The president today . re
plied to wadsworth tn saustie language.
Representatives of the Backers are
fiercely- denouncing everybody who has
hsd anything critical to say about Uim
waaswortn . committee substitute.
iu Sons . OoBcedes rolatsV
This morning the majority of the eoi
mittee who , stood with Wadsworth held
a' short conference -and -decided to ac
qutesos in some of the president's de
mands, it was agreed - that the court
review provision to which the president
objected wlH be dropped, the -members
holding that the provision la unnecessary.
-Another agreement Is that the civil serv.
ice waiver which was put In. the sub
stitute -win olimmatedVlkei eU r
moving another executive objection,
Representattvo Davis of Minnesota is
authority for , the statement that the
president has changed his mind on the
question' of who shall 'ner tho eoat -t
Inspection at packing-town". The Mtn-
nesotiaa was at the Whits' House this
morning and subsequently said that the
president had informed him that after
thinking the matter over he had decided
to favor the amendment making . the
government pay tho cost.
Senator Beverldge took occasion in
the senats this afternoon to acknowledge
- imuae on me - wnoie - question.
The bill probably will not ret before
the ' house before the middle of next
week. Chairman Wadsworth is out of
the city, and will return Monday. , .
V 'Issue Becomes pot. ' .
Ths tssus between the nresident end
Chairman Wadsworth has become ex
ceedingly hot. Speaker Cannon is In
the middle of the fight for tho beef
packers, and there are now indications,
that the winter's love feast between
ths White House and Cannon's bouse
is to - be - violently. disrupted.- 1
Wsdsworth addressed Sharp agd un-
- (Continued on Pago Two.)
Thousand 5 Dollars'
York Life Insurance company in 188.
said: - ... . , - ., -
"That wss my fas for fighting a big
tax suit In Indiana for the New York
Life. I was one of a number of law
yers engaged and we fought ths suit
through all ths courts. I do not re
member whether or not it went to the
supreme court, but I think It did.- It
Involved the taking of a great deal of
testimony and the preparation of briefs,
appearances .In courts, etc. ' In addi
tion to the. tax suit, I believe I acted
as the attorney' for ths company in a
small -suit in which a policy was in
volved." ...
(Speelsl Dlspstcs by Leased Wire te Tbe Jeorsal)
Los Angeles, Juns 14. Too much seal
In the accomplishment of their purpose
has brought about the- arrest of . ths
murderers of Joel Scheck, the young
laundry-worker, who was allot to death
as he rose up in bed to respond, to a
call from his wlfs that burglars were In
ths house about 1:W o'clock Wednesday
mornmrfr-Scheck was shot twice. 13 1 her
of the wounds would have been Instantly
fatal. Both were powder, marked. These
circumstances caused the detective, de
partment to look askaocs .upon '.ths
- ' .3;v';. "2: , 1 'v;;'-
l msL .1 1 T I J M. Z- aWH ft 1 I" 1 " : I WTW . iw' 11111 -snsW 1M stT , . . " ' J. f .
That Affidavits Were Prepared in : Bunches in
voting of Gangs of One-Day : Residents Is
1 ;f; by Letter Written to The
Evidence that ths agents "Of , the in
terests responsible tor - ths election
frauds in Bell wood precinct: prepared
affidavits Jn bunchesln order. tof facil
itate the voting of gangs of one-day
residents' is unwittingly furnished by
O. R. Crawford, who in a letter to The
Journal denies that he was one of the
Is men who registered at the Bell wood
hotel the night before election.
"I have not been at the Bellwood hotel
with the exception of one week from
March t to April 4." writes Mr. Craw
ford from Bellwood. ' "Since that time
t have been living at No. S84 Lexington
avenue. I swore my vote in and voted
considering that I had that right, as I
have been here continuously slnoe March
IS, 10. and eaii stIU bs found at tho
above address."
The fact that Mr. Crawford lived at
184 Lexington avenue, which Is In Sell
wood precinct, at the time of the elec
tion throws new light on the methods
of the conspirators. Mr. Crawford's
affidavit gives his residence as the-Hotel
Bellwood. - According to his own
story this was not trite, yet he Swore
to the amaavit, ana tna six property
owners who vouched for hint took the
following oath:- . v
"We, the undersigned witnesses, do
swear that our names and signatures
are genuine: that we are each personally
acquainted with the elector and his
residence, as stated; that we believe all
t.i. .r., ,kT.
his other statements are true, and that
we are each freeholders In the county."
i - Wks turned Affidavit? -The
six freeholders In this Instance
wsrs B.T F". Boynton.- assistant superin
tendent of ths Oregon Water Power and
Railway company; O. Plass, secretary
of the Mount Mood Brewing company;
With Lover Whom
She Admitted. to. the
House to Play Burglar
story of burglary and murder, on ex
tremely well told, plausible atory, lack
ing only in the detail that it gave no
definite description of ths two men al
leged to have done the shooting, told
by SOs. Scheck before and at the In
quest and caused her arrest on suspicion.
In too, sweating process following the
arrest the' police gained claw which
might point te a motive, namely the
fact that Mrs. Scheck had been friendly
with Ernest O. Stackpole, a Supposedly
Intimate friend of hnr husband. Stock-'
pols wag Immediately nlaosd snder ar-
5 O.f- 1.
W. P. Jacks and W. R. XHmmlck. both
employes of the- CX W. - P.i- John
Schneider, -foreman "of the Pelffer
Brothers' Leather 'company, and A, E.
hFrench, a barber employed in Bellwood,
By consulting ths oath it will b seen
that these 'six freeholders swore that
Crawford's residence was ths Hotel
Bellwood. " -t
It is possible that Crawford did not
scrutinise ths affidavit after soma kind
friend had handed it to him. Evidently
ths affidavits were prepared in advance,
and one of the conspirators took it for
granted that' Crawford was a member
of the--hotel colony. It was .certainly
easier and very much quicker to pre
pare a handful of the documents at ons
sitting than to maka them out ons at
a time according to the tedious process
approved by law. Doubtless, if bs has
not already dons so, Mr. "Crawford will
forgive his friends for an error which
plainly -was due to haste. ' - - -
The Belonged to the Band.
i Whatevsr happened in Mr. Crawford's
ease there was no mistaking where W.
S. Collins, H. Meaaing. W. J. Bailey, M.
L. Smith and Oscar Shear were to be
voted from. These . Ave were surely
members of the one-night band of colo
nisers, for their names were on the page
or the hotel register which was over
looked by ths unknown man who tors
1"' u"17, JInL. I!
I tTOt two-pages containing most of the
names of the l who were sent to Sell
wood to vote sgalnst pronlbltlo.Thess
men gave their residence as the Hotel
Sellwood and that oaths were fortified
by ths oaths of six freeholders, some of
whom vouched for sir' Ave. Among the
freeholders who webt the limit wsrs B.
F. Boynton' and WU P. Jacks of ths O.
rest and a search of his clothing turned
op two blood-stained handkerchiefs, sf
which hs could gtvs no explanation.
Af ter investigation today the polios
sgaln sweated Mrs. Scheck. It was
cnargea tnai sns and stacspois - had
conspired to kill Scheck and Stackpole'
had dons ths shooting., Shs was told
of ths flndlng'of Incriminating evidence
aisVst her sccpmpl1r and finally brog
down completely and confessed that she
had gotten out of bed at 1:19 o'clock In
ths morning, admitted Btackpols to the
kitchen of her bouss and she-theo rs-.
Order to Facilitate the
Shown Unwittingly
Journal r'r.
W. P. and a Plass of ths Mount Hood
Brewing company. V -
,. Boon ths whois story of fraud will
come out - Ths grand Jury called by
Judge Sears is - to be drawn Monday.
Within 41 hours thereafter, possibly 14,
the Jurors -will be ready 'for evidence,
and then the affidavits now in tho cus
tody of County Clerk Fields will bs pro
&yfjl and Inspected. - Sellwood Is to be
thvcenter of interest, for people are
aaxSous to' know how Car the O. W. P.
went in Its fight against prohibition and
how much aid it was given by ths Oaks
Amusement company, to which corpora
tion it has leased ths Oaks. Indlotmsnts
are expected to eome early in ths in
vestigation and District Attorney John
Manning promises vigorous prosecution
of all cases. -.
Other Precincts) trader stasplsion, - .
Bellwood may not bs alone in furnish
ing sensations. Ssvsral othsr precincts
polled from 40 to f s affidavit votes,
many of which are said to bs fraudulent,
and theee also will be investigated. The
liquor Interests are accused of being in
strumental In the costing of numerous
illegal ballots. In every precinct where
prohibition was an issue no effort was
spared to save ths saloons and tho affi
davits of voters may afford clues that
will prove of value in running down
frauds. It is estimated that in all more
than 1.000 affidavit, votes-were east tn
ths eownty. -Sellwood slone oast.HV
and there are It other precincts that
took part in ths recent election.
'sYord BKakssJ Tw, AtSSsipSs.
' Charles P. Lord, who ones waa "dis
trict attorney of Multnomah county,
mads two attempts yesterday to. gain
(Contlnnsd on Pigs Two.)
Curiosity Aroused by .
a Blood-Stained Rag
Leads to Confession
turned to bed and had colled hsr hus
band. In order that Btackpols might
shoot him as he- sat tip In ths bed.
The plot. Mrs. Bcheck told ths polios,
was arrangsd . between Stackpole and
utsrseir Tuesasy
erself Tuesday afternoon. - Bcheck. had
become auspicious
of his wlfs and
Btackpols and they hod concluded to
put mm oui ox me way. e- v
. The plan was that Stackpole was tWen
to burglarise the , house. Mrs. ., Scheck
would hear him snd arouse her hue
band. The plot worked well and the
probabilities ars that ths plotters would
;. V :' :
Official Warning Sent
Companies Trying to
Dodge Obligations to
Settle in Fullfe-r
Concerns That Voted to Cut
Payments " Twenty-Five Per
Cent ta Be Driven From State
andAdvertised to the Nation
as Diehonett, T-
(special DUpateh by Leased Wire te The Joaraal)
- San Pranclsoo. June 14. In ths noma
of ths elty of San Francisco and ths
state of California, demand has been
mads upon Insurance companies trying;
to dodge their obligation for full asttle
ment with ths people of San Francisco.
Last night a telegram signed by Mayor
Sohmlts and Governor Pardee was sent
to ths homo offices of ths f 1 companies
that voted last Tuesday in Oakland to
cut all payments of losses IB per eent.
The. exact oontents of this message are
kept secret. butltlsKnown that ths
notice is virtually an Ultimatum and a
warning to ths concerns addressed that
they must deal fairly and honestly with
the. San Francisco publio or bo driven
fros California and ruined before the
world. " ... ;-
There Is no doubt about ths official
character of this telegram,- Before it was
sent It waa submitted to Insurance Com
missioner B. Myron Wolf and approved
by him. Chat approval give it Its force,
for ths commissioner, by Virtus of bis
power of offices and bis connection with
the commissioners of other states, can
wreck forever any company that re
fuses to pay dollar. . for dollar to its
pollcyholdsrs. - -. ... - " ; t
. Went to Xoass Offices,
- It was learned that ths telegram went
directly to the home offices in ths east or
across ths Atlantic and that it did not
deal with ths local managers at all. It
was not sent to ths companies that havs
sxprssssd ' a desire and a determination
to pay in full. -
- The adjusting bureau of ths insurance
underwriters today announced that un
der the new system of adjusting; claims
Instituted lost Wednesdsy ths work of
making ths adjustments Is being rapidly
facilitated. During- ths last four days
claims aggregating over 11.040,400 have
been adjusted, and the companies inter
ested In the risks given notice of the
adjustments so made. . - -
Ths adjusting bureau also announces
that under the eeven day limit stipula
tion the first risk falling duo for pay
ment .will t mature - next Wednesday.
Those companies sot paying promptly
when thla time arrives will bs expelled
from the adjusting bureau and the hon
est paying companies will havs nothing
mors to do with them.
Thirty-five Sqmare Oonoerasv
' There are now thirty-five companies
On ths dollar for dollar list Ths presi
dent of the American of New Jersey
telegraphed today the company's adjus-
(Continued on Pago Thirteen.)
mm: fl rfl
Daughter of Southern Pacific Magnate Gives
Entertainment for Benefit of San Fran
cisco Earthquake Sufferers .
(Special Dlesatrh te The learns!.)
San Francisco, Juns 14. M1sa Corne
lls Harrlmaa, raised M.Uf.tT for the
Son Francisco relief fund with sn en
tertainment, and has deposited It with the
Guaranty Trust company. where U
draws per oent Intereet until the
finance coin mH tee- needs it. - Mies Har
rlman Is ths daughter of B. H. Herri
man, the transportation king. This let
ter was received from -Mies Harrlman:
"Arden. Orangs County, New Tors;
Juns 4, 1104.- Treasurer of the Finance
Committee -Sir: I L am writing- - tt
tall yon that " by means of s
entertainment given a little while
havs sseaped suspicion snd arrsst but
for ths thoroughness with ' which ths
killing -waa done and. the failure of
Stackpole to dispose of ths two blood
stained handkerchiefs found on his per
son when he was srreeted. .,-
Ths theory of burglary was scouted
by ths polios Immediately after they
began work on ths esse. The thorough
ness Sf ths work seemed to point to
deliberate tnurj--motive
ths ther
tteelf and the 1
was (one ln
1 1 e vlrv fro
f ' '
Bitterness and Spito
Disturb Harmony' of
All Branches of Law-
: Makers at-Capital 1,
Republicans and Democrats Are
Angry Over Rate Bill, Cannon
" Indignant Over Pure. Food Bill
Tense Situation In House Over
Packers' Bill.
(Speelsl DUpeteh by Lssssd Whe te Tea Jesraslk
Washington, June K. Veterans la
congress say they cannot recall a time
when there was mors bitterness and
hard- feeling - In-congress - than - exists
now. The present situation goes ths
old Cleveland feud one better. Ths
senate and house - are at each -others
throats. Democrats and Republicans are
rushing over ths railroad rats bill and
calling each other hard names; many
housa Rwpiihllrsns are furious -
prssident over ths Wadsworth episode.
Speaker Cannon la indignant and resent
ful over mrsrepresentations ' as to his -attitude
on the pure-food bill, and soma
of his friends are wondering who is re
sponslbls for them. .
Taken at large ths situation on ths
bill Is Just about as nasty as can be.
Adjournment day, whloh earlier in ths ,
week seemed to SO Iw Sight, is remote. "
Abssnt senators, and represents. U vwr. ,
who thought legislation -was "all but,
toned up," as -Speaker Cannon says, are
coming back to Washington and Ku-
ropes n bookings are being canceled.
Aldricb, Allison and the other "peel- -tiers'
are bestirring then) selves, how
ever, In efforts to-pour oil on ths
troubled waters. . t- j '.
. Bovs on Prssldsnt. -
The senate and house ore becoming so .
sensitive on the subject -of- alleged
executive Interference in legislation that
Republicans of prominence- ta- both,
branches are becoming very . much,
estranged from the president, while
Democrats are fairly frothing at ths
mouth. Speaker Cannon's friends were
In a white heat of rags today over mis
representations of the speaker's position
toward ths pure food bill. Tho . ad-'
ministration nswspaper organs ore say-
Ing that ths speaker has been forced -to
"yield" to the president and allow a
rule- for- ths- purs - food bill.
Ths speakar's friends say ths speaker
has not been opposed to the pare food
bill and told its prom seers weeks ago
that if they could not get ths bill through,
in duo order hs would help them get s
rule. The president has not mads un
usual sfforts to forward the- euro food
bill nor to fores ths speaker to take
action. Ths president, however, hsa
mads most sarnest efforts to have the)
speaker Jam through ' the immigration
btl) under a rule so that the Lodge
amendment as to a head tax and educa
tional test should net " bs sx posed to s,
separate vote in the house. He has)
(Continued on Pago Thirteen.)
ago soma -of my friends and myself
raised ths amount f ll.16S.1T. which ws
want so much to add to the relief fund
of San Francisco. I havs placed It In,
the Guaranty Trust company, and ant
drawing J per tent Intereet onTi, but at "
any time you-want It we will be very
glad to forward tt to you. ws mrrnnrs
so much that this sura may go a little
way at least towards helping tbe suf
ferers In San Francisco, for we did want
to do something to help.' Hoping that
our efforts- will surely be of some use,
believe me, yours sincerely.
Rear Admiral Goodrich, commanding
tho Paoitto squadron, sent a letter to tho
finance committee stating that the n-
cers and men of the battleship Rhol
Island have reined 1409 for the,, needy
people of Son Francisco.. ,
- DRO'.y.'.'SD at astc:.:a
(Special Oteeetr e Vke limit)
: Astoria, Juns 14. Oeorse lirmlrl- '
a boat puller, fell from a pUtfv v
the rear of Banborn's tn Vm i
evenlnr and was drowned. . i
parently In an Intoxlcst- 1 r
and made no attempt '
t s thrown him. 1
.1 - . Irks' h"
, , t c. to t '
- I