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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (June 15, 1906)
7 ' ESSICK PITCHES im ras im ooXillG -GALlE TO I " A ? plain talk by plain people. , , BE RESUMED THE OREGON DAILY ' "JOURNAII PORTLAND, FRIDAY EVENING. JUNE 15. : 1808. SPLEODIO tjilDE $40 per . fJX Any man BIond.Halred Piano flayer' Puts . ( ; ? Havy Pedal .ri, thai FOURTEEN STRIKEOUTS' 1 i WAS BILL'S RECORD Giants Got Aftet Lernpke In Third 71 Inntag and Rushed - Acroaa Runt Enough to Win tha Game Casey -Played th Star Came IT the Field, Portland I. rrwM 1, Baturtoe Ksslck and . . McLean; Lmpk and Hosan. ' V ' v . Thar was nothing- to yesUrdey's asm between Portland and Fraano but Bill Eaalffc .Me wss the . wbol show; all the Timers looked alike to him.' Ma waa 7 Invincible. Hla carves war very de- eepttva, hla control waa perfect and bla Peed waa of a high order. Fourteen of the visitors fell before hla shoots, tak . Inv the strike-out rout for the want of sometninf better to do. . ' Opposing; Esslok waa a yeuns; man who" twirled bail -that on many occa sions would brine; a victory to hla team. Me had speed to apare. and kept the Giants oo the anxious aeat But five hlta wore mad off hi delivery, tw of ' which cam In the third Inning, sending the .locals only vans aeroaa the plate. . In the eighth Inning the locale, being rather aleepy from an eaay time, due to , Eaalck'a good work, got mixed up badly . and juggled everything that oama along ana put .im Clever young twlrler In -a tight hole. . Henderson. Moore and Mc Male were he offending Qlanta Their mlscuea earn very nearly coating the game..: Two hlta wr eandwlched in among tbe.errora. producing a tally, but Bill put on the heavy pedal and the day waa done for th Tiger. Lempk eon--tinued to throw perfect ball after, th third Inning, and bla wntlre work wa "ivry- creditable. Caaey. at aecond, played th beat fielding gam of th -entire bunch; Th aeor: : - -' -PORTLAND. LB. R. H. PCX A. K. Mr Hale, Cf. .. Henderaon, ss. ........ i v i I i 0 Mitchell, ir. MoCredie, rf, ........ I -i Smith, lb. 1 -later, lb. 4 McLean, c. .......... t 14 1 0 0 ' Moore. 2t)., .......... t Eaalck, p. J Total ...... ,11 X) IT, FRESNO. - : - AB. R. H. PO. A. E. tToTteraVT. 4 0 1 10 ,, Ioyle, cf. 4 0 . 0 1 ' 0 0 0 1 1 T 1 0 10 t asey, ?o. ........... I Kagan, aa. .......... I McLaughlin, If. ,... 20 0 ; Ialmas. So. .... WL-f j ,.,.a..O 2 5 1 sr Hogan, c. ,4 1 , 1 -B0 - jtmpiB, p. . t, r a o . : t . ' Total . .......... .til 4 14 II S 'A- : f CORES BY INNINGS. . fWtland . i ;....,0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 t Hlta '1 0 1000 1 1 I - Fresno TT .".T.T. - 0- 0-101 . Hit . .. 0 0 0 0. 1 0 1 14 .-' . SUMMARY. .'- v. ; 111 V4t m i u . J ' J l.n.ii 117 jwtiiyw.. 4., Baaea on ball a Off Eaalck, t; oft Iempke, I. DouhU play tmpk to Carwrtght. Sacrifice hlta Eanlck, Mo Hale a. Stolen - baae Mitchell. Flret " baae on errore Portland. !; Freano, 1. Left on baaea Portland, 0; Freano. T. Tim of gam On hour and to mln-Utea.-. Umplr KnelL ! ; PACIFfC COAST LEAGUE. ' ' ' '" " ' Won. Pan Franciaco ...14 Portland ........11' -XfOa Angelea ..,..,j,lS Seattle . . . t... 14 Oakland . . ...17 Freano ...... II tost PC. 14 708 17, .4S 13 .HI ! .463 II .140 17 .131 ,;: . . AMERICAN LEAGUE. ' ,r' -; " Won.'; Ixat." New York . 10 ,11 Cleveland . . !S Philadelphia . II - Detroit . r ; .'i . . . . r. . . 1 - St. Louie .....10 Chicago . ...... .23 Washington .4 17 Boaton ..14 V ' ' At Cbioaa-e. . R. J Chicago , 1 .................... .1 Waahlngton. 0 : Batteries Walah and Sullivan; ten. and KIttredge. -At Olevelaad. R.H. E. .3 IS Cleveland v. New York . . ; . . . . t Batterlea Haas, Joas and Bemla; Orth and Kleinow. . . r .. At Setrolt. '.; Itrolt . . Philadelphia,. Batteries Donahue and Coakley and Schreck. R.H. E. ... 0 1 jj'. 10 0 1 Schmidt; Oakland Sbat Out. , 7 ' (Jmrnd RperUI ScrTle.) Saa Franciaco, June la, The Seal bad no difficulty In Hanking th Commuters yesVarday, Tb scor: ' -R.H. T. ' San Franciaco . .00000020 $6 0 t Oakland 1 ......000000000 6 4 Batteries Myers and Bradbury; Reidy and Bllaa. Umplr McDonald. -STou will findtntrci: satisfaction, ; more -cbnifbrt-rmore-4c : tual value in a - TJSSION; shoe rA2.TfceyWcrw ' Than In any other. $3.50 Shoe ' v; i. i i PC. .011 IS , .001 SO .111 r- .bit it .111 24. .478 31 .154 10 .111 .T- f H. E. s 1 t ' s Pat- - Oregon ynaraptonsnip ue V. gin's at Waveriy. ", ' Th opening day f th golf tourna ment for the atate ch&mpionahlp th oocaaion for a big .turnout In th local link a. Th day waa. Ideal for golf. and a keen Intereat waa taken In the dlf ferent oompatltlona. Th beat acorer In th women' Qualifying Tounda made by Mra. Mabel Key of BeeUle, aeorlog 101. Cheater Murpby. mad the beat aoore In tb men' a .qualifying reunda. making net SB. One -of th feature' of tb opening day a play wa the hoi competition br twn William Caatleman and Mr. Van Tuyl of Seattle, which reaulted In .a tie. $ all. Both men executed aeveral hard" aftota, but neither eould aeoure the advantage. i Tb aoore mad by th aromen la th open .ohampionahlp were. - -Mlee sibaon, IIS, beat Mr. Burn. Ill; Mra. Tom Kerr, 101. beat Mrs. Koehler, 111; .Mrs. Berry. 11 T, beat .Mra.. Ay er, 117; Mrs. Key of BeatU, . 101. beat Mrs.' Caratrna of Seattle.. 11; . Mlaa FUndera, 110, beat Mis Sally Iwla, 144. : . . In th man's' opn championship th soore war: Wilder. II, beat Van Tuyl Of Seattle. 101: Hunt Lewla. 0. beat Aetbury of Astoria, 107; Tom Kerr, IS, beat Ollleapl of Seattle, 101; Olfford. II. beat Llnthlcum. II; Cheater Murphy, II, beat Webb, 104: -'Wright, l, beat Andrew of Baltimore, 101; Llppy of Seattla, 04, beat Brewater, 111; Caatle man, 101, beat Zan. lit: Outhrle, 104, bea,tXr. Jonas, '111; Wlnalow, 10S, beat Burns, lit.. - ' I ...... . Ia tb women' championship- th fol lowing wilt Play: Mia Flanders vs. Mrs. Berry, Mrs. N. B. Ayer vs.-Mrs. Tom Kerr. Mrs. Carateas vs. Miss Bib? son, trs, Keyes vs. ,-Mra. Koehler. . - Int. the first round of the-knockout competition tha following , will play: Thomas Kerr vs. OuthHe,-Wrlghtvs. Atsbury. Olfford -vs. Andrews, Caitle man vat Murphy. IJppy -va. Ollleapl, Wilder tra. Van Tuyle. Webb vs. Unthl- cum and Wlnalow va. Jjewla. Th finale tomorrow will b watched with great Intereet. Allan Wright and P. B. Olfford bav been playing a fine article- of golf lately, and wia figure strongly In th finals. Hunt Lewis took a streak yeaterday and put up a star ex hlbtlon of the ancient gam. Other nlarera who will be strong for tb final honora Will MurphyJilnthlcuna and Llppy. ' ' . " . r - YESTERDAY'S RACING : AT GRAVESEND TRACK V'--''. - - " ' V- New York, -June II. Oravesend rac raaults: ,. - ., .' . " About ' six - furlonge Lady - Amelia won. ' Prince Hamburg second, Monet third; ! time. 1;84.J: : On mil and one-eixteentb Benevo lent won, Kllngsor second, Iamcaatrlaa third; time, 1:41. One mile and SO 1 yarn' ' 1 aglatllla won. Moonshine second. Coy Maid third; timr-:4( S-0. ,-. Th T j over -staaea. nv furlongs- Adoration won, Kllllecrankle second, Lachesls third; time, 1:014-6. On mil and on furlong Red Friar won. Plette second, Bragg third; time. Flv furlongs Bat Masterson won. Oran second, Paumonok third; , time, 1:01. - f . k NATIONAL LEAGUE. I - - 1 1 1 : . - Won. ..II ..14 ..21 ..21 ..II Ioat PC. .191 .040 .42 .HI .411 .415 .893 .Ul Chicago Plttaburg . . New Tork . Philadelphia St. Ixuls , . Brooklyn . . Cincinnati . , Boaton , . ........ ,.... . ..... . . ... . . . v ..... . ..21 . .15 At irew Tork. R.H. E. St. Louis ' ...;r;...mvr.Tr;T.4 - s I s 10 4 New Tork . Batteries Druhot and Raub: McOln- nlty and Bowerman. Umpires Klm and Johnstone, .. j-r . . . At Philadelphia. . . : R.H. E. Chicago ao . . 5 S 1 adelphta . . ,...1 I 1 Batteries Brown and Kllng; Plttin-SruahadIooin,j;jnplr---Q.'Pay, '.''A Boston. - " ' ' R.H. E. Boston '.. , 2 7 0 Cincinnati., , I S I Batteries Dorner and Brown: Wicker and Livingston. Umpires Emsll and Conway. .-, , - . ' At BrooklTa,' .. . - R. H. E. Plttaburg . . .................4 0 Brooklyn ; .... 1 5 Batteries Willis and Pelts; Ptrlcklett and, Bergen. Umpire Carpenter. T Si washes Wia Easily. (Rpeeial Dlspatrh to The Journal.) . Seattle. Wash., June 15. The Siwaahes put a crimp tn the aalls of th Angels yesterday. Score: 4 R H. E. Seattle . . 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 S 7 10 1 Los Angeles .1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 4 Batteries C. Hall and Blankenahtp; Bargeman and Eager. Umpire Perrlne. Tarslty Wins Again. (Hpeeial tnepateb to The jnoraaL) -Willamette "University, Salem, Or, June 16. In the second gam with the Salem High school yesterday th Wil lamette ball ' tossers took the High school lads Into camp to the tun ot 7 to . .. 30JWastln;tca SL josfWest of' Fifth St h mm: . .. 4 Promoter Coffroth Say That a i ; Bout Will Ba Puilid Off -f'.i; In August. ? v NELSON AND CANS MAY - ' BE MATCHED F0"R CO Jimmy Thinks That the Sports of San - Franciaco Will Be Ready for Cood Contest in About Two Months Hockr Keyes a Comer, , . . UAOrnal BiMAlal ImtImI San Franolaoo, June la. Fight Fro- moter Coffroth. has given It. put that th gam will b reautned about, th middle of Auguat. The on thing that ia holding th promoters of big contest from opening up'at the present time la th lack of accommodation for th oat-Of-town public- that always makea It a point of coming to the city to wltneas a star oontaat. . Coffroth, wbo returned Monday night from Loa Angeles. aald:."l think. that there will be a resumption of th sport very shortly. Personally,' ! am - Inter ested. for with ma lt look' a If there is a great demand for Mi sort .of amuse ment which ths publlo enjoyed ' bet or w . got th ' rattler. Like averythtng elsa. It ha taken time for ue to find whet w are at, ' Th old place are gone, and w have to go out and hunt up new 'localities.. Thla has. takan time, but I think w are now In a fair way to give a show . that .will be an .attraction. Now we are. out on a still bunt for th bast two men that can be brotaght to gether. ' It will -have -to be a atar at- traction." . Coffroth would Ilka to get Nelson and Gen together, but tb former stated that such' a match was beyond question. In his opinion th fight would not draw, for th reason that if Gana mad ths weight ill pounds the publlo .would believe th match, a -fake. Nelson said he would not give away any weight to Oans, realising fully bla skill and hit ting powers. Oans was in a fair way to get back into public favor through hla fight her with Sullivan, and gav it out at that time that he waa through with- faklna f or good and all. Hla re cent fight with Willi La wis tn the east put blm back on th earn old basis. - It is so -raw that the sporting publlo lost all faith In Oans' resolv to re form. , Tin local promoters - a r watching Hock Keyea, who 1 now In th east. From his performances It looks as If he might . be . a. likely comer, although he has not aa yet met any of th "top notohers." ' Undoubtedly if he makes a showing In ths east be will be put on here with some of th good ones. . -NORTHWEST LEAGUE. : Salaam Wis Again. , - - : Butte, Mont, Jun 16. Th Miner took a ten-Inning gam from th Spo- kan nln yeaterday. Score: , R.H. K. Butts . . ......00001 00001 2 0 S Spokan . . .0 01-000000 01 -T 1 Bstterioa Toren and Bwlndells: Ruah and Stanley. Umpire Huaton. SPORTING GOSSIP." The Portland Rowing club members will hold a smoker In their new quarters tomorrow evening. i . , . e e In a wreetllng' contest held recently catch-aa-eatch-can, ,on fall to take, the coin, Strangler BUI Lewi floored. Dr. Sox, th Khaki Kid, In flying order. e " t .. - Richard Smith, th wall-known foot, ball star and coach of Columbia unl varsity's football team, was a visitor In Portland yesterday. Mr. Smith has been appointed secretary of fh Astoria re gatta committee, and wag in town In th Intereat of the affair. e - Tomorrow afternoon the Multnomah club team will croaa bats with th Wll lamette varsity on ths club diamond. Th baseball championship of Oregon will, be -awarded- toth winner Ths club lineup will be: Kenton, catcher; Wakefield, pitcher; Trowbridge, flret baae; Campbell, second base; Grey, shortstop; Houston, third base; Henkla, left field; Holman, center field; Stott, right field., ' - . e ' e Fred Mulholland, who will act aa an associate judge at ths Seattle rac meet ing, which will open tomorrow, pasted through Portland on Wednesday, on his way to th Sound city. Mr. Mulholland started -th horses at ths races held at Irvtngton track during th last two years. - - " . . e " ,' Tomorrow morning at . 10 o'clock' th grammar school youngsters will hold their track and field meet on th Mult nomah field. ' " Tuners! of Bobert Korea. " Hpsctal Dispatch te Tb Jouraal.t Peyton, Or., Jun II. Th funeral of Robert Morse was held at ths Baptist church, of which h waa a member, to day at 11 o'clock,' Rev. Hunaaker of McMinnvllia conducting the services. Mr. Mors waa born. In Mancheeter. v tnont. in 1821. and baa mad DartoA his hom most, of th tim sine HIS. H Is survived . by his aged widow and two aona : 3 C ; Your money ; should bring" yoii be found. Buying a QUALITY HAT Guarantees you Big $3 Worth . J L mil "50c Saved" month can afford to wear , - : .The man as much don $10 to $2 Buys as good as you'll mmm Bet" Stark and Oak BOXING CARD ON FOR THE FOURTH OF JULY Lundy and Dougherty VVill Meet ; in Ring at Estacada on the Cloriou Occasion. Devotees of th boxing gam in Port land and vicinity wilt bav "arrt oppor tunity to witness their favorite sport on Independence day. - The Fourth of July commute of Estacada has re- ouestsd Jack Day of this city to ar rang a boxing be to be held in tne pavllion' at Estacada on the afternoon of th Fourth of July. Day got busy at Onoe andwlred' to Seattle to secure th services of Danny oughetty-end Bob Lundy. two elevr lightweights, .who recently met In Seattla. Lundy halls from San Francisco and his record is well known, while Dougherty Is on of th beet lightweights turned out of dear old Boston tn years, It is th in tention of Manager Day to put on two good prellralnarlea. A special ear serv ice will b operated on this occasion, so It la quit likely that th boy wui turn eat In numbers to witness tn contest BIG p. I. C. PARADE. - . ? Cavalcade of Wagons, Brays and Trucks Saul Bla; Shipment of By Walskiae From Depot to Store, : " ' "Built to Fit th Taste," "Just Ar rived, O. I. Ci," wr th 'Inscriptions on some ot ths banner that decorated a cavalcade of wagons, dray and truck that was necessary to haul th recent shipment of liquors to th storerooms of th Oregon Importing compny. It waa th largeat shipment of rys whis kies ever received in' Portland direct from th distillery. ..--. It waa distilled at th Oregon Import log company's distillery in Lincoln county, Kentucky, where th best brands In tb world ar mad. It was eight years In bond and was neither rectified nor compounded. The whiskey, will stand th tests of any pur food law In any atate. Th shipment Just received by the Oregon Importing : company reached Portland on th same train and re quired th combined assltanc of every team and conveyance of on of th larg est delivery companies to transfer it from tb station to th company's store rooms. - L I Business v methdds and ths goods it handles bav made th Oregon Import ing company in th brief time of i'.s exlstenoe tb lsrgest mall order bouse In Oregon. ' The company has met with snch success that two stores are main tained to accommodate Its customer On at lt6 Third. . street - was started sooir after the cempaujr was organised and oontlnues to grow In patronage. Th other, mor recently started at 170 Washington street, has also met with flattering popularity. A- Taatur- of the- two store Is th female patronage. Tt 1s said that wom en prefer to sntsr one of the two storts of th Oregon Importing company rather than any other liquor establishment bw cause of the fact that they are conduct ad just aa any other bust, oas house. CANADIAN RAILROADS FIGHrFOrTERRITORY (flpectal Dlspatrh to The Joarasl.) Victoria, B. CU. June IS. A hot fight has been opened up In this province be tween the O. T. P. and the C. P. R. com panies, and every day there are new de velopments. There ar now before the house of common in Ottawa applica tion of both roads for right of wsy Into each other's territory, snd th outcome la looked for with keen Interest by rail road olrclea " r - - - i. -- WESTON OVERJOYED AT ELECTION RETURNS (Special Dlspatea to The Jnemal.) Weston, Or., Jun IB. Weston la te bav three picnic early In September. Th masting - of tb Umatilla County Pioneer association, whica '.waa to nave who makes t need any ROD been held In . Weston on May SI and June 1 and t. -was deferred on account of th Umatilla county flood, and will be held at this time. Then th indorse ment of the normal schools by ths peo ple of Oregon, through th referendum vote at tb recent election, has sus tained ths Weston normal and th peo ple ot that town will celebrate this vent appropriately, and th excellent crops In Umatilla county and th gen eral prospect.- have Induced the- people of Weston to hold a harvest festival. These three events will be united Into on grand harvaat plcnlo some tim dur ing. September and Weston hopes to show ber appreciation by entertaining th visitors In a right royal manner. - FOREST GROfc WILL OPEN NEW HOSPITAL (Special Dispatch te -The JoaraaLf Forest Grove, Or Jun IS. At meeting of about 10 of th most prom inent cltlsens Friday It, was decided that Forest drove should have a hospital and sanitarium. Dr. Brown waa mads president and Walter Hogu secretary. Rev. C. . Clapp, Dr. Ward. Dr. Gel ger, L. L. Holllnger. President Ferrln, Dr. Bishop, Senator B. W. Halnea, J, K. WltseL Colonel Haynes and C O. Roe spoke tn favor of th proposed in stitutlon. I A committee waa appointed to secure a building, which will probably be the old Indian school.. WOMEN CANNOT- H0LD . NOTARIAL COMMISSIONS (Jmirnil Special Berries.) Helena, Mont, Jun 15. Upon const! tutlonal grounds Governor Toole has re voked all notarial commissions held by women in the state of Montana.- WEAK - STOMACH ABB STOat ADAOn CtTBBB BT SB. WTT.T.TtSfS Another Trtumpa for th Tonle Treat ment for Disorders of tha Bl ' geemv System, Th symptoms of stomach trouble vary. Soma victim have a ravenou appetite, others loaths tha sight of food. Often there Is s feeling as of wslght on ths chest, a full feeling In the throat.1 Sometimes the gas presses on tb heart snd leads th sufferer to think b has heart diaeaae. 81ck headache le a f re fluent and distressing symptom. - - A weak, stomach needs a dlgastrv tonio and that there Is no better tonlo for this purpose than Dr. Williams' Pink Pills Is shown by ths statement of Mr. A. C. Merrill, a mining man of Onaals, California, a veteran of battalion C Third U. 8- resnilsr Infantry. i . nan never;oeen wen etno i isit th army.1 he says, "always having had trouble with my stomach, which w weak. I was nib down and debilitated. Could - keep nothing on my stomach, snd at-tlmea-liad-alck-headache so. bad that-I-dl -not-carwhetherjT lived or died. My stomach refused to 'retain even liquid food and I almost despaired sT4t lilies' WPll aaJi " nftC( t tl0 fltftAT kinds of medicine without relleT. Then waa bitten by a rattlesnake and that laid - me up from work entirely for a year, alx month of which I a pent tn bed. Williams' Pink Pills to me and I began taking them. They cured m when all other medicine had ' failed. I bav recommended th pill to a great many, for during my reeovery every one asked m what was helping m so and I told them Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. I can not speak too highly of them." If you want 'good health, you must have good blood. Bad blood I th root of all common disease, like anaemia, rheumatism, - , sciatica. neuralgia. SL Vitus danoar-nervouaneas,. Indigestion, debility, general weakness, paralysis. locomotor ataxia and th special ail ments that only women-folk know. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills actually make new blood and this Is th secret of their sua. in the disease.- . Drt Williams' Pink Pills sre sold .by all druggists of ent.-roBtpaid, on oelpt of price, 10 cents per box, six boxss for till by th Pr. Williams Medicine Co., Schenectady, N. X, i five times better. want STRKET EXCUSED AND TOLD HOT JO BE NAUGHTY AGAIN That Is All Frank C. Barnes Got From Judge Cameron for J Breaking Ordinance. j Two Strawberry boxes, which might have been resoued from some ash heap or dumping; ground, with dirt, mold and ash adhering inside and out; Frank C Barnsa, Republican oounty commis sioner, on the stand offering excuses for th us of such boxes. These fur nished a ecene In th polio court this morning. " And Mr. Barnes waa excused. "Run along, now; but don't do t again," aald Judge Cameron. In sub stance, and tb case waa closed. To offer berries or small fruits In boxss which hava previously been used for such purposes Is a violation of city ordinance and Is punishable by fin ot $50. It devolves upon Mrs. Sarah A. Evans,' market Inspector, to sea that th law la enforced., Mra Evans says that she baa avtnurnber ot times noticed that th Barnes Market at Packing company, which retails fruit at 1J7 Third street, was not complying with tb ordinance and, according to her testimony thla morning, sha I repeatedly warned tha oompany. Last Tueaday, whlle.atandlng In front of th tor, ah saw a clsrk offer, for sal two boxea of berries, th boxes being discolored with age and caked, - with filth.- She seised th boxes and swore to a complaint against Barnes, th case being called for trial today, ' In rendering his decision. Judge Cameron stated that the boxes bad evl dently been ' used a second time. He then smiled genially at th county commissioner and informed htm that he would not lmpoee a fin this time. but to refrain from being naughty tn th future. COOKE IS CAUGHT I IN HIS 0WNVTRAP (Jeornal Special Bervlpe.) . - Lewlatoti Idaho, Jun IS Charged with conspiracy tn attempting to hav a fellow man hanged, Norman Cook, a Spokane photographer, fainted In ths courtroom hers yesterday afternoon. Cook was th - complaining witness againat Albert Jungclaus, who v, charged with th murder of his foster father, L, Feller, whom he killed by ac cident. . During the preliminary examination it was proven that Cook and others hsd attempted to blackmail Jungclaus, and upon his refusal to pay them a por tion of the estate n inherited, his ar rest followed. Jungclaus was released and Cook arreated. When arraigned his nerve failed and he tainted ' dead away. INSURANCEMUST- BE- PAID BY COMPANIES tJearaal Special Service. San Ftanclsco. Jun IS. That tha In surance oompanles which refuse to pay in run tneir losses ay tns California die aster shall be driven from the state It th determination of the officials. In surance Commissioner Wolf Is backed by Attorney-General Webb, who has ex pressed himself forcibly In condemna tion of the 10 Insurance companies which at tha meeting In Oakland Tuea day decided to pay but IS per cent, - H says that under tb stat law th oom panles lloense may be revoked and that this action will be taken. Bastarn Oregon Batrloti. (Specie! Dlspatrh The )wnl.) Milton. Or, Jun J. It: haa - been definitely decided that Milton will cele brate th Fourth of July In a moat be fitting manner. Th bulaa men of tha city ar taking th matter tn band snd ar srranging detatla and raising funds with which to flnanr It.., f ton will hava a rousing calf' nd neiix win ceienrat aiao. c ' celebration o Vmatllla eouii . at MUtoa , ' i 5 ijmf:- Bet Stark arid Oak CAFE AND MUSIC HALL WEEK BEGINNING MONDAY, JUNE 18 Welch & Earl "The Team in White" Fiechffs Tyrolean Sextette SPECIAL ACT Walter Mfflard The ''Tramp Comedian" V Trixetta Serpentine Dancer and Contortionist Belle Lawrence .- In . Specialty - MOVING PICTURES Special Daily Matinees from i 2 to 5 o'clock. SPECIAL SUNDAY HIATINEE 2 to 5 o'clock Program Changed Daily. Entrances' at 21 North Third street, 21. 23 and 25 North Sec ond street, and 243. 245 and 247 Burnaide street. ?SAVE MONEY Affw6rtr saranteVfor ten Iars, Lady attendant always present Alt specialists of front II t St years' sa patience. Gold rtltlngs. Bridge Crowns. Artificial Teeth. Work. OolJl BOSTON PAINLESS DENTISTS 111)4 Morrison St.. Opp. Meier 4k frank and Postofne. .. HOTEL BRISTOL lair rmAsTCiaoo 1328 SUTTER. STRUCT Near 0Hvla Btreeu . isrow ortur tob osajr:i. Finest Hotel In T Rooms' a suite sni ' iurntriMi. t- Tourist Ai