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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (June 15, 1906)
ofnrcou'DvncY otoVah foxteaiid. Friday evenino. june 15. iscj. SAYS PURSER WAS inSULTIHG Mail Handsome Portland Woman Pr Un Charges Against Officer ' : -of Steamer Kilburn. GOVERNMENT INSPECTORS iillcd at these prices same day received arc all subject to our extra greendiscount WILL INVESTIGATE MATTER Alleged Conduct of Purser Will Be . Laid Before United States District &tra' Discount Wilh Every Porchsisc Don't WorryWatch Us Grow AttorneyLicensed "Officers' Will Be Examined by Inspectors. These Prices Orders Serious chargea have been flUd with XhspaotdrsKdwrdsaiMt -FuHer aeeue lng sam of the ofticers of the steamer I1",' A. Kilburn of conduct not approved . In good aocletr. Mies Olive O.. Majune, a handsome youag woman bt this city, 'ha a worn to th ' charge , and atand reedy to , testify when the matter la ' taken up lor Investigation before the in pector. . . in her complaint Ml Majun recite that ' h j boarded the steamer Kilburn at Eureka at s o'clock on the morning of June J, with tit understanding that -aha waa 'to have a etateroom to her eelf on the way to Portland. Later, ebe declare, th offluere aaked her to allow other man and woman to abare the room and Insisted upon placing a alck woman In one of the upper bertne. The purser, too, ene declare, used language not becoming a gentleman . and omcer on a paaeangar-carrylng eteamar. Inspectore Edward and fuller will summon the licensed otttoera of the steamer before tbem when ahe arrive from the Bay City and examine them.aa to the chargee of Intoxication on' board the -vessel, out the charge against th purser will be turned over to tne United fcUates district attorney. , ; Th Kilburn left Ban Francisco Wed nesday night for thi port by way of Eureka and Coo bay and will probably arrive here , Sunday morning. , . t "MINSTRETBHOW. Member of Or we of Warship Will BaUrtela, a Smplre Theatre. 'Membere of the' flagship Chicago and the gunboat Princeton will give- a min strel show at the Empire -theatre Mon- ' day night, June II, for the. benefit of the Seamen's institute of thie city. The affair will be one of the sweflest of Its kind ever given her and tne ebow wll - be a top-notcher."" i. '. ; . . : The patronesses will be Mrs." W. J. Burns, Mrs. Cyrus Dolph, Mr. Blgmund Frank. Mre. Richard Koehler. Mre. J. Wesley kedd end Mrs. James Laidlaw. while Rear-Admiral C F. Goodrich of . thai Pacific, 'squadron and Commander T. H. Shermann of th gunboat Prince ten will be patrons. Tlokete are going rapidly andUhe house wilt be crowded to th doors.. Th band from the Chicago, will furnish tU - music. V AT, SEAMEN'S INSTITUTE. T-.' Two ApprsmUoeen" mrltleh SUp wm . Be Oomflrmed Tomorrow. Two apprentices will be confirmed at , the SaUors". Institute thle evening. They are Charles Edward Hardement of th ship Bardowle and William Arthur Oeorge of the ehlp Oalgate. The Rt. j Rev. F-' W. Keator, D. !.. of Olympia will conduct the confirmation . 8aturday -morning Chaplain Bemay ' ef the Institute will be Ordained to the priest's order." " - - 1 ; : 7 MARINE NOTES. - Astoria, June If. Sailed, at 1:11 a. ' RV, U. 8. steamer Columbine; celled, at a. m., steamer Tosemlte, for Redondo; -" arrived down, at 10:40 a. m., barkentlne ) Amelia.' - - v Astoria, June 14. Sailed., it I p. m., ; echooncr ; John -A. Campbell, for : San '.- Pedro., - Astoria. June It. Condition of the bsr stg a, smooth: .wind east; . weather clear. VAN WINKLE IS ELECTED 'VARSITY TRUSTEE 1 ; ' . ; .... , .. " Assistant Forney-General Is TCriosen to Fill " Vacancy; on Board of Willamette. . " - (Snerlsl Dlspatrk to Th Journal.) Salem, Or.,- June It. At a. meeting of thd . Willamette ' University -Alumni association i. nomer van winxie, ciaas of 1S. wee' elected aa a member of the board of trustee"! o 'succeed George MM J I : T. Homer -Vgn Winkle. B.. Oray, '78, of Beattle.' .whos term has expired. Mr. Van Winkle received the degree of bachelor of arta In list and that -of bachelor of lew In KOlr lie Is first assistant In th office of the attorney-general and hie -election is favorably cotnfnented upon 'by th tudents and friends T th Willamette university. Mr. Van Wlnkl was promi nently Identified In various student en terprise when attending Willamette end Is conversant with th ned Of th In stltutlon. . ' i' , , nnriTTi.A rm Po Your Buying at the Daylight StoreWe Are Not Afraid to Let the Light on Our Bargains One Hundred Children's jf-v Special Saturday seeaieW eSt r aa A a ki J e W a C?M IMIL 10:C0 SATURDAY MGDT OPEN UN1H 10:CD SATURDAY NIGHT An Unusual Value in Ladies ' Dress Skirts for Saturday 600 Walking Skirts, a manufacturer's sample line; no two skirts alike, consisting of Panamas, Voiles Broadcloth, EtaminesT-AlpacasrLustew facturer's samples and are well made. .Prices .for Saturday. ! Head on . J , ,'. f.s'.. " . ,;. '. -..v'. '. $6.50 Walking Skirts $3.95 $9.50 Walking Skirts $4.95 $12.50 Walking Skirts $ 7. BO $ 1 8.00 Walking Skirts $12.50 $15,00 Walking Skirts $10.00 , $25.00 Walking Skirts $15.00 Saturday's Exciting Sale of Neckwear at and ' Would you buy Neckwear claewhere when s sale like this U going on? 35c NECKWEAR FOR 15c. Yes, not only 35c, but aom are worth 50c; there arc many to choose from, of every description; . fancy trimmed. But. coma early, as they will not last long they're aura to g a-flying.-r 5 c 15c white embroidered Turnover Col lars, H 15c ones, choice ..i.... v Notion Section V BARGAINS TOR SATURDAY See what lc to 10c will buy In our Notion section. ' 5c Sun Silk, extra special........ ...le ' Package of Tape, 5 piecet assorted widths, Satur day, per package. ..3eV Ladies' Purses, some slightly damaged,, worth up to $1. your choice. 4,.,.. Belt Buckles.Sc value, SatnrdayspeciaW,w-.8, ; Combs, an odd lot of about 150; take your pick for .lot Hair Pins, 2 packages for.. le C-ood Pins, per paper............ Spools Cotton, each 3e Curling Irons,. 10c kind............. ......Tf Saturday Ribbon Special Fancy Neck Ribbons, unusual value for, yard, 15f Shoe Section Ladies' patent leather Shoes, low heel, siei from 3 to 7; regular $3, Saturday- fl.68 ' Ladies' patent leather Shoes, Cuban heel, light - turned sole; regular price $2.50, Saturday.. f 1.48 V. Misses' patent leather Shoe, gunmetal . top, lace, spring heel; sold 1 other days for $2.50, Satur- day ; .81.38 Men s Oxford Ties, Goodyear welt, tan. or black :r - calf; worth $3.50 Saturday .r,, ..... . f 2.0 ' Little men's lace Shoes, made to, wear well, sizes f, 8 to 13; worth $1.75 Saturday.. 81.25 Little men's tan Shoes, regular. $1.25 kind, Satur- day i ..f........,..fl.l5 -Vacation daya are here. Good suits for the boys who are hard on clothes. Extra Special Prices' for Saturday - Buster Brown Suits in grays only, well-made, well lined, Saturday. : i .1 ,.1.48 Litle gentlemen s Suits, knickerbocker pants and. r Norfolk coats, ages 5 to 15 years; $5 vaiue,,Satur day 82.98 V Ladies' Belt Special Take your choice of any Belt in the house on Sat urday. for.;.,........................ M Ho4 Sp8eials in Our Basement FOR SATURDAY ONLY 40 Sheets of good Writing Paper. .. . . .5 .10 Yards of good Shelf Paper,' all colors, 25 Yards of Picture Wire. . :5 20c Two-quart Tea Kettle .....10 5c Wine Classes, 3 for..;..4.......... 10 20c Three-quart Saucepans. ...10 Two-quart Pudding Pans...;...;. ...15 10c Scrubbing Brushes for. .... . . . . . . . .5 .17-Quart Dishpans , L.sll ,,,.., 20e? 21-Quart Agate Dishpans.... 74f 25c Crumb Tray -and Brush . ........ .15? 10c Dust Pans. . ; . , , . . .5) 90c Large Galvanized Wash Tubs. . . .60e Best quality fiber tissue Toilet Paper, on . rolls or square. Saturday only, 7 for 25e Here are soma great money-savtnc bargains for oaturaay in tne- -DomesticSectioi -Fancy Voile Special in brown, blue and gray 18c per yard value, Saturday only...... S l-3e Silk and Linen' Tissue, all colors; 35c value, Satur day , 18e Latest novelty in Japanese Crepe, all newest designs just received from New York; 40c value. Satur- day , ,.18 elersL samples, to close tbem out, each........5e Cingham Dress Patterns, yard 5 Outing Flannel remnants, worth 7j4c yard, Satur- aay. per yara.................i .a? 10c Outing Flannel, Saturday, per yard.......TWe Towels, barber, fringed. Saturdav. ner rlozi..39c Towels, buck; worth $1, Saturday, per dozen. ..T8 Pillow Slips,-36x42, regular 15c. Saturday for..lle Sheets, 81x5)0, good value for 55c, Sat special.. 49e) Ladies' Underwear Section Startling bargains In our Underwear section. Ladies' muslin Skirts, well made and nicely trimmed, slightly soiled, divided into four sections . $1.50 value for....T5e $2.00 falue for.....Set $1.75 value fori:.80e $Z25 value for... 81.J65 Corset Covers, Drawers and Gowns, slightly soiled, at prices which will surely induce you to buy. Hosiery Section Misses' black lace Lisle Hose, 35c quality, Satur- - day, pair j .le Long Mitts, black andajfewcolored, juitarrived . today, come early to secure them, for..... .88- We Want This to Be a Rushing Saturday as Usual Come Early and Stay Late' ME OCDtLDDEN EA(S0l 3rd and Yamhill Sts. FAVOR DREDGE Oil THE BAR Port of Portland Considers Re-' quests From Pilots for a . Deeper Channel to Sea. . MIGHT PROVIDE MONEY . FOR OPERATING DREDGE Soundings at Mouth of the Columbia . Indicate .That New and Deep Chan nel Is Forming Near the Extreme Point of the Jetty. 1 - United action may ireault In a 17-foot Channel aero th Columbia rlvr bar this ummr. . Th port of Portland at tt monthly mtlna yetrdajr after noon dleeud the advisability. of bav to work on the bar for a month at lt In com pi l nee with the wlah of th bar pilot, who ar anxloua to glv th boat a real teat. No definite de ehilon waa reached, but th matter will likely be taken up at the next meetlna, . Aocordlns to the-record of last yar the xpne of operatlna th Chinook on th bar 1 about $7,000, pet- month. Th port ef Portland, It appard yes terday, ha authority to provld fund for th improvement of the waterway a even on the bar. and with the boat ly ln Idle and . available the membere could eee no good - raon why ahe ahould not be put to work for a month at least Survey Will Be Completed Sooa. Colonel 8. W. Rolr, United State engineer, yeported ytrday ' upon hi return from the mouth of th - river that the eurvey work would b oompltd oon and that eoundlnce so far ahow a nW- 14-foot -channel near - the - Jetty about .half a mile to the south ef the north channel, which .Is now being used. ! 'Th contour ef th bar," aald Colo ni .Koelr, "go to show that th ea , tension of the Jetty Is driving the bar farther out every year and that grad ually the blr'bumpf of Band' 1 becom ing narrower. Th new channel we found carrlea a depth of 14 feet at low water and It 1 near the point of the Jetty." . Bar mots Aaxtona. ' The bar pilot believe that by putting th dredge Chinook at work oit the comparatively narrow atrip known aa the bar. the channel already atarted may easily be deepened two or three feet, which would give a depth of from !( to 17 feet to the eea at low water. For thi reason they hav Invoked th aid of th Port of Portland alnce the government engineer department -haa to use all available money on the com pletion of the Jetty. The Port of Portland placed an order for 1,000 feet of shore pipe to be used In making th east aide fill. Th pip I to be delivered on short notlr. Th queatloit of fuel for the dredges and tenders aleo came up, but without deft nit result. Banfleld. Vesle dt Co. Is willing to furnlnh alnbwood for a flat urn of 12.250 a month and th Penin sular Lumber company has. made a proposition to furlTUh ground wood at a rate that - eeemed Inducing, the price belna36jcen ts f ot104cublQ feet of awdueti 1 1 " the matter of leasing the dredge to th government engineer department came up. and President A. L. Pease and Commlaaloner-Wr-tfc Wheelwright were named a, committee to confer with coio- et Roeaaler and prepare a contract. It la ouatnroary for the enaineera to lease th dredge each aummer for the Improvement of the Columbia ana wu lamett river. . ' MAY-EXTEND WHARVES V. S. Sufla Crraata Vermlseloa ef Severei eek Owner. Colonel S. W. Roeaaler. United Stat engineer, will grant permission for a mall extension or the narnor una along the water front on the wet ld be tween the Burnald treet and eteel bridge. Thi conclusion wa reached at a hearing before the omolal this morning. The property ownere allowed that the etage of water, at the wharvee at pres ent -4 too shallow to permit th han dling of large vel and consequent ly they ere badly handicapped In carry ing on buslnea there. Colonel Roeaaler, after looking into the matter thorough ly, aald he would, tree a new line ahowlng how far the docks may be ex tended. The Intention,, la to build a Slrong , bulkhead along the entire west side ot the river between the bridges mentioned.- and" thia. It is-thought, would have a tendency to create deeper wa ter near ahore. DEEP CHANNEL TO SEA. tf. Srnriaere Jrtad " S4-oot rurrow Aero Colombia Be. Gbvernraent eoundlng on th aouth aide of the mouth of the Columbia liver how a channel 14 feet deejj at low water over the bar and pilot will prob ably decide upon taking this course Instead of the north channel aa soon a th lines of th channel ar mor defi nitely defined. Thle information wa given out by Colonel 8. W. Roeaaler, United State engineer, who returned Wednesday night from a trip to the mouth of the river. He alio Inspected th work on th Jetty and found rock going Into the eea at the rate of t.000 tone dally. In company with Major Walker. U. 8. A., Colonel Roeaalar vlalted Fort Steven and Columbia and found everything In good hap. ' JTheJSurvyof the bt le being de layed ty Tilgh wind' and heavy ," rsald Colonel Roessler thle morning, "but we expect - tff .Jjsve-ttrflnlshed : within about 10 dayar' A new channel haa been found to the aouth of th old channel with a depth of 24 feet and we expect to define fte-euuise If tlie plluts-dewlre-trj hav the buoy ahlfted from th old channel. - Thi matter will b left en- ALONG THE WATERFtfONT. The eteamar Roanoke left San Pedro laC night for Portland via Ban Fran claco and Eureka. There la no telling whether aha will be. tied Op at San Francisco -or not, aa a result of th allor' sttik. - -" Marlon DeVrle. president of the board of appraiser. 1 In Portland to day from New York, taking up ques tion of classification . .and valuation with th Official In th local branch of th Mrvlc. Captain Andraw Hoben, after com pleting the survey of the eteamar George W. Elder yesterday, euggested that the work of repairing her proceed and that for a etarter 20 new frames be Inserted In the big hole in the hull. The Surveyor waa unable to tell how many new. plate -will be required until all of th cargo ha been removed. Men are - still euignged at this work. - Th pilot chart of th north Slarlfto ocean Isaued by the hydrographlo offlc says, that-during th month ef July aalee will be along. the Pacific coast. although typhoons may. be looked for with frequency inr oriental -water. Th Willamette waa atatlonary at Portland during the paat 24 hours. The rise at Eugene waa l.t Inchee. The ateam schooner Toeemlt crossed out this morning, bound for Redondo with a oargo of ties. . Assistant Inspector ef Boilers Weldln arrived from. Seattle thle morning and assumed the duties of bis new poet- lion. The steamer Telegraph tore him of her u prier work away yesterday in colliding with a dock down the river. The damagee will be patohed up without delay, to the steamer. Federated Trades Council. Dr. E. P. Hill, the fraternal delegate to the Portland Federated Trade coun ell from the Ministerial association, haa recently returned from an extended tour through European and oriental countries where he haa had an opportunity to ob serve many things of - an . interesting nature, -?he doctor haa kindly oohsented to give organised labor the benefit of hie observation and atudy by delivering an addreas. at an .open, meeting of the oounoll to- be held Friday, -Jun-lf, at Union hall, corner of Second and Stark atreeta. All .who have heard Dr. Hill peak will agree that an enjoyable trent la In store for all who attend. Public cordially invited. SUiTAGAINSTMARtOfT"" COUNTY IS BEING TRIED Evidence Is being heard by a Jury In Judge-Fraser'e eewt In the eecend -trial of the eult of John Krell for ft.000 damage from Marlon 'county for In juries alleged to have bean due to a de fective condition jof the county road. The case wa tried a short ttm ago and th Jury disagreed. - It Is being tried in the circuit court of thle county on a change of Venue granted on the ground that 'a -Marlon .county. Jury would b prejudiced on account ot ' being tax payers. .... . EVIDENCE IS OFFERED v .. IN CONDEMNATION SUIT - Additional teatlmony was offered thle mom rag In the condemnation eutt of the Portland tt Seattle Railroad com pany acftlnst the Weetern -Timber com pany for a elte for the east end of the proposed bridge across the Willamette ' ' ' The Best $3 Hat in the World -b ; Bears This Label ? . LEADING HATTER 1 river above St Johns. Ths timber com pany claims its property will b dam aged to the extent of 164,000, and evi dence Is being offered by the railroad's attorneys showing that ths damag will not be nearly ae much aa la claimed. Charles H. Carey appears for the-Portland A Seattle and Coovert ft HtapletOD for .th Western Timber company. - i Cheap Rates East On June 22 and 2 the Canadian Pa cific will Mil special round trip ticket s to eastern terminal at very low rt. For full particular call on or mt . F. R. Johnson, T. nd P. A., Ill street. Portland, Oregon. Coegare BlUed te oc:' r n ...-'''