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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (June 15, 1906)
.:'VI THE OREGON DAILY "JOURNAL. PORTLAND. FRIDAY EVENING- JUNE 15, ; 1803. BANKERS 17ILL FRAFJE NEW LA17 FOR EASTERN STAR IN T THE rX ,1 . I- ROUBLE M'Mi 00 : CONTROL OF: OREGON BANKS HIGH SCHOOL ; : CONVENTION j e First Annual Convention of Stat ; Association Expects to Out- : ' lr9 Measure. , WILL SUBMIT RESULT. TO THE LEGISLATURE Members of the AwocUtion DecUre Tht They Believe Better LawjCan v Be Obtained by Framing It Them selves and Recommending It ill Banker "lii "im- a; law for the control and -supervision of banka In the t" ittti Of Oregon during- tbe nrst annual - convention of tbs Oregon owe dm"" -7 association, which convened in the T, M r a: auditorium this mornlnc. A f. "committee ha been at work for e.yexal . month fimlng.7theiaw7? which will llkelr be preeenisd' tomorrow v ' The law will, be submitted to) th . ' ' Ute legislature .at It next session. Member of th association declare that " they believe a' better law -cm- be ob tained by framing It themselves and then submitting- It for action, than, per. mining th Inttlatlvs to be taken by i-. other. :,'l'r '. -. ' . . Vasr Jig-aUs.ret : Banker ' from every ectlon -of th . atata are In attendance. The session ? thi morning -Was called to order by President J. Frank. Watson and an ad dress of welcome . aenverea oy Mayor Harrjr Lane.. E. W.Halnes -of Forest : .-Grove responded ; and committee wr , eppoln . th, president. , , : In hts.annaal address- President X. Frank Wa.tsop.aald: . . . v i "I cannot too. earnestly urge all th . hanker of .Oregon to Join this associa tion and I feel snrs If they do and Uke -- --.- I. "- tnev will appreciate the advantages . of ' thi 1 organisation. - Th past year, as yos know, has been en of great proeperttr , and the present Stat or oar crop, price of livestock, wool, lumber, canned " ' fish nd other products ar uch t ' Indicate a continuance or gooa lime a. awr Banks Opened. ' 1 "Qtfite a number of new binks have opened 'for business In Portlsnd snd 1 throughout th various parts of m the stat during the past year and more are v . coming and It would not surpriss m to - aea our bankinc canltal double within th hxt decatje. - We bow have la Ore ' gon i national banks and l state and private banks. When I look back to . the time of my arrival hers In 1HT1 and ' tMnk of th limited number of bank -then doing buslnea In th state I real ise wha( the growth has been. . . -t - -" i ' - STw lew Heeded. -- "The coming legislature will no doubt pass some kind of a law regulating stats and private banks. A committee r of this association has for some time -been at -work preparing a suitable bill to be acted upon .by this convention, as j It la a most Important matter to those ' banks Interested, as well ss to sll of us. . ."I trust you wfll . take such action at 'this time as Is nsceaaary In finishing th work commenced by your comralt ' tee. o that It may be ready to present to th legtalatur when it convenes. "I wish to ssy a word about a matter r In which we axe all interested, and on ,-. which 1 enraging the thoughtful con - sideratlonof the banker throughout th - United 8tatea. I refer to the emergency. ' currency. I. myself, am not in eympa- . change our present national canning sys tem, but believe that w should bo con servative in this matter. It the banks , -r of New Tork CUy would rslss their rv- enues to say those of the bsnks of Great Britain the necessity of an emergency CURABILITY OF ' BR1CHFS DISEASE , wy fhe-Xoltftrsf tss TWws asd OeeuUy iesraal. . ' - 1 11 I.' Persnaallr 1 have sot BeUeeed that ehraete .nright s PlMss is curable, asd this foe twe , Slutlart' rrasoas: - . rirt Medical works class It ss 'Incurable 'ana -fatal. j; aecona Tboae t have knewa who had It - ' have Sle-. . Beeuli I look with dtstreat apoa an el alms I ef sllea-ed spedftes. Durlti nr rmat rialt tn Haa Frenetseo I - tiesr the president of' I be Psrtfie States Trpe - , Fnaadrr claim Uiat ehrnele Brt hfs Diaeaae yitt turn ss i ui utile sa 'Is ilpne.- I said I wmilS like to beHree It, - i He tnok bm Is ban. The statestests ef . '; huosriKla srere eaklblte to me eosar were So ' aiarreloas that the .baa beta awora te asd sealed by aotariea. ' 1 then nanlfeeted a dealr to see an me af 'the parties themaelves. The retoterlea bare b-ea so anmeroua ta Bas Frsaelseo that we ell set kafc te go tow blocks la say eae 41- 1 ' t rertton. Is Sve minutes ws were ta the ereseece of pt the best-known nwrrbanta la the ettr. Baa been In Imalneaa on the aaaw annt flftjr. en years, lie eata ke bail bad both Bright' ' , ttsesae and Diabetes snd bad been siren an, but bad entanletelr reeoeered. .8aM be knew : many ethers wan had recovered, (lave It as ' Ills belief that ettbt tenths of all eaaes were curable seder the new apeelne. We next called ea one of ths bit Inauranre atna ea CaU , If-ienla street. He said bis son was swollen with dropsy from Brithrs Plneaae snd his death was dally expected when be wae pet ea ' the treatment. He la now aa athlete. ' We called on th edit of eae of Baa Frsa- eleee's (rest dallies who had s pbreldaa tt - - It eat ta ble own fthe phratclaa'a) ease, the """"liTtar-beirnT a hopeless dlahetle. Is ale moetbl - be was well. - The bead of soother large lneor a nee compear oa Montcomery atreet was next ' .seen i he was la bed In November last tn a critical conditio due to ebronle Rrleht'a Dte "eaae. Fte was well snd In bis offlos snd also told a friend of bis whs waa In eonTulalons wnew pet on the treatment end was now ont w fh strserr-'Vrs went tr the ofacr at aa r-T , Supreme Juris asd also another editor, both I declined te so farther. - Altbnash there erere heodrede more te see. If was naeleea. - It ffeamaa testlntonf tress the very beat people la . ( worth snrthln, ths books are wroas. srd , ebronle Brhtbt Dsmsso and Diabetes, fees to extreme cases, are positively earabls. Rthles aais-ht Sot tn h permitted In -otiaenre thi. u. I rneery, and In the Interest ef those rtade.s ef , this paper ewBase hoaaea may have one of , . these hllfhts apoa It I now declare the faeta I,.' snd will see thai any of them desiring It may be sent full Htarstnre. The name of the rils " ,'iweery shoald be state. It I known es rsl. ten's Command. Wanr broad phrstdans ere nsln the new diuretic, but la view of the terrific animal '. ' d-sth Net la tbe United States from Brlsht's - ntaease (eserly M,0I1 tbe fact Uat medical etklca t them fresa pencailmln tbe die ,eieary ta th world. . beraaae the form a la la i . ins pereueal pmtMnrty ef Indlrlduale. la this Instance practically amoents to a penile nlam Itr owa sad Country JoafBsl, San Jose, tal., Jul? nsninee, . kaii. knoerledfe of -o, ease of . ' JiTlrtrs niseaas or Diabetes wtlt kej as 'the . Same end saVsneso, we will see that they see .sent f ill iliac. uire eaaeernlBg this remarkable tIas woodabb. rngg B CO.. HI D, OB, c 3 currency would be for th most part eliminated. ' . ' Membership' Baa Orowa. In his annual report Secretary J. I narimaif aaia: ' . :Qn ths twenty-first of last July at tbs American Inn in the Lewis and Clark fair grounds the Oregon State Bankers' association was organired-with a membership of JO. since then Suf ficient Interest has been jnaniXeated by the bankers throughout ths stats '.to Increase th membership to t. ' "gome little detective work has been done during the pastel 0 months, but not of sufficient -importance . for -detailed mention. ' An appropriate membership card, such a Is used by other stats banking associations and ths American Banklng-seooiatiear offering rewards for ths arrest and conviction of forgers and swindler, hould -bo procured and a fund- for that purpose provided. - The reoetpts during th year from -membership 'fees wer life-- -- - Thoss la Attendance. '' Representatives of the following bank ar attending the-convention: N. U. Carpenter: First National bank. Baker City; Alex Martin Jr, Klamath County bank. Klamath Fails! Ladd Tllton. Portland; J. W. Cusick Co.; Eugene Loan A Savings bank; K. V. Carter, Bank of Ashland; B. Ls Paget, Portland Trust Compiny of Oregon; H. L. Kelly, Bank of Oregon City: Stelner V Carpenter, ' Fossil ; P. C Kaufman, Filedity Trust company, T aroma; Bankers' Wagailne, New York; B. Q Apperaon, McMlnnvlll National bank; J. R. Blackaby. Bank of Ontario; J. C Fowlle, EUst Oregonlarr Banking com pany. Shanlko; W. M. Harnett, Wasco; 1L Hlrschberg. National bank. Inde pendence; .Bankers' A Lumbermen's fcsnk, Portland; Title Guarantee Trust company: J. M. Poorman. Bank of Woodburn; O. L. Cleanor. eastern Ore gon Savings A Trust company; J. T, Donelley. - First National bank. Baker City; R. E. - Williams. Dallaa National, bank; American . National bank, San Francisco; Leslie Butler. Butler Bank ing company. Hood River; J. W. Scbute, HiUsboro: F. J. Meyers, La Grande Na tional Banking company; J. H. Albert, r.iti M.tinn.n tignir. Biim; First Na tional bank of Joseph; FiraTanonaTrL. . bank. Scio. "ROBIN HOOD" IN OPEN AIR Tsnay bob's momaatle nay to Bs Oivea by College Oradnatea. Neit Friday evening, June S3, In ths long' twilight. Lord Alfrsd Tennyson's "Ths foresters; Robin Hood and Maid Marlon will be given at Cedar Hill (the former residence of Mrs; H. JX Oreen) under, the auspice of th,. Oregon branch of ths Collegiate Alumnae as sociation. Th object is to ralas funds for a scholarship In ths University of Oregon to bs bestowed upon such can didate as in the Judgment of th aaso clstlon'a committee Is best fitted for th work. Th plsy will b appropriately coa- tumed and there will be very One In cidental music by s chorus of 40. under direction of W. H. Boyer. . All th char acters ar In. th hands of Portland ladle who ar' college graduate and member of th 'association. Ticket are 11 and tbers prordTms to be .a large ; aueauam-et. ... i : ' - ' FARMERS TO HOLD PENDLETON MEETING j ". 4Snclsl Clapatcb to Ths Journal.) . ' ':. ' Pendleton, Or., June It. Tomorrow afternoon a meeting will be held In thla city. tof orm ..a . mutual, .orgaalaaflon ofj ths fsrmers of Umatilla county, Th purpose will be to arrange for .holding wheat sales days st different points In the county, ss ths woolgrowers are now doing. They hop to be able tn) reallxt better price for their grain. Th pres ent high price of grain sacks and freight rate will be debated. ' Effort will be made to combine with th grow ers of Washington and Idaho in an organisation with power to sccompllah reductions In both products. CAR OF SULPHUR BURNS AT HUBBARD (Special tnapa'tcS ko The Jnrjrnal.)- Canby, Or., June IS.- Spontaneous combustion caused a fir in a boxcar of freight No, 8$ yesterday which de stroyed a ton of sulphur and nearly Suffocated ons of the trainmen. , - The car In which th fir started was loaded with aalpbur, A hririrmn 'fllir eovered the flames snd fought them single-handed until he - dropped from exhaustion and ths fumes of th sul phur. Th people of Hubbard, at which station the train waa standing, soon cam to th assistance of the train crew and th conflagration waa extin guished. -sri-u-i. '4'V-7!arnV -iiSr5t'r'-t- Charles L, Tucker, Who wg electro cuted last Tuesday for the murder of ' Mabel Page at Auburndale, Mast. l. - axeueav. ( S f Routine Business Occupies At " tentlorTof Visiting Dele gates Today. LODGE OF SORROW .. ' FOR ORDER'S DEAD Report of Grand Secretary Showt Order In Flourishing Condition Grand Chapter - Organised " In Three States - " " Routine business took up the ntlr session of the grand chapter of ths Or der-of the. JSastern Star this morning. Ths afternoon's session was paaaed In a similar manner. Tonight, at 1:10 oomes Mrs. Bay L. Sherwin; of Ashland, the New Grand Matron, Order of the Eastern Star. v on of th moat Interesting ceremonies of th snnual convocation, the exemplifi cation of . ritualistic work, with floral addenda by th grand officer. Tomor row-afternoon th convention will close with th installation of the new grand officers, who were elected as follows: Grand matron, Mrs. Bay L. Sherwin, Ashland; grand patron, C. C. Parker, Al bany; .associate matron, Mrs. Florence Naaburg, Msrshfleld; associate grand patron, Frederick 8. Dunn, Eugene; sec- .:Xemw' , it -"1r rvj.,...;,.,... v.;...-4. .5:'' v':-".''liiL--' v al i'e.e. J i in a. ii Be h rloi ntfi Mrs. Florence Nasburg of Marshfield, Associate Grand Matron. fete ry," Mrs.-Mary ScOtt Myers. The Dalles; grand treasurer, Mrs. Clara T. Lyle, La, Grande f grand conduotresa, Mrs. Jennie Resmea; associate grand conductress, Mrs. Nettle Stiles, . . Fifty-four of the departed members of the order were honored by Impressive ceremonies in th grand lodg of sorrow last night. The memorial services wer largely attended. Th report of th grand secretary, Mary Scott Myers, made yesterday afternoon ahowed th orirarrixattorr to"be In a sound condition. She reported the recent organisation of grand chapters In Utph, Nevada and North Carolina. SCADDING OF ILLINOIS ' (Continued from Page One.) They also say that U vacancies have occurred in th Oregon dlocea In th past two years snd that' the high church men took advantags or ths late BlshOp Morrks' age and Inability for close ex amination to get high church men In theae places, although the diocese haa alway stood for th moderate church. The laity, however, ha . aeldom been known not to confirm the choice of t'k; clergy, for the rector appoints his own lay delegates from bis psrlsh-and care fully . selects those of his own mind. Th majority-then naturally Ilea with th mlorltyin ths clerlcaaOArentlonll Business Session Today. ., - Th' eonvcntlon met again this morn ing to conclud th business of the year and to pass a resolution to present Mr. Scaddlna's nsmefoiUMprovaIof Ihi: Standing .comm! Uee .ofLail the .dia eeses of the United States and ths col- ilCgS-Of bshgpsejorta.jrropxlhe com- '' - v " r ; ff mlttees of th convention were read. Notablo. among them was th report of tho board of trustee, through John K. Kollock, its secretary. There was great applause when it was read that, after the payment of a llght remainder of debt which will b rlon wKhln two month, when a certarn sal ha been consummated, ths dlooese will be en tirely out ef debt for th first tlms In it history. . . Thus this eighteenth annual conven tion mark two of th moat Important steps In th Oregon diocese. Th sal of several minor lota, th change In th Bishop Scott academy management and the rental. , th change In - St. Helen' hall, were the principal Items In the report. .St Helen's hall la in ait un usually proaperous condition, with an enrollment of 11 pupils and with its long-standing debt entirely canceled. To establish Endowment Fund. V An endowment, fund la to be eatab kheyf there with a nucleus of SliOOS al ready on hand. A recommendation waa mad and left with the committee that a eepsrate board of trueteoa be ap pointed for the , affairs of St. Helen's hall, consisting of th bishop,, three of th clergy and three of ths layman. Th H - '. - .' '-: ' , j - - Kanos,-Organs and Piano- Players at your own price and the ; privilege of paying forthem at your own terms.' 'From now until July 1, the date our successors take' possession, we will throw down the bars and close out our magnificent - stock at1 your price.' : SOME- : BARGAINS Pianola Piano Player (oak case) ... ....... $50 Apollo Piano' Player. . 960 Eclipse (one left) '. . . . .$60 Hardman ...........9150 .Decker & Sons Piano (fine condition) .... . .pi30 .Packard (worth $400) ........ .....923TH ' Everett r (no' finer piano made, sells ' regularly for $550) . ....... . . , .9322 Mason & Hamlin ($600 . - style) ......... . $380 ORGANS - . We have a fine stock of new ' and second-hand or gans. Just the opportunity for the home or a school or churchy to secure a fine in strument at half price. - Mason & Hamlin 5 octave - organ (new) .......$58 Mason & Hamlin 6 octave organ' (new) ;f ; '. . .$68 The above are wonderful bargains. ' ."f '- . . - We have other second Jiand , organsj in excellent condition for from $15 to $45. ; ...--T1-.;. Out-of-Town Trade Write- or telephone what you want. We will save the instrument for you and guarantee be as represented. If our choice does notV please "youTdon't rpy aTpennyr cAllen CSJ, Gilbert- Ramaker Sixth and Morrison Sts. board for th dlooese hlrls next to ell th Bishop Scott'. academy property and th remaining lot of Trtnlty place and to establish a larg endowment fund. " , ' Bishop at toy riossai. Bishop - Keator of the diocese of Washington came In late In ths morne '"g mtrpduced to th conveni Hon smtd 1 great nthulasm. HS con gratulatad th convention on the sun cesaful termination of th important electlpnll rongh thent togsthsf and snoke of his long personal acquaint- anco-wUh- Dr. goadding-and hle-assar-r ance that thetr choice wa a fOrtunale and wise Reaolutlons of sympathy ware passed for Dr. Robert Hop In his Illness at th Oood Samaritan hospital and for the af flicted of the California dloceee which suffered In th recent earthquake. A resolution -asking that th diocese be I excused from the payment or its mis stonary contribution this year because of Incidental expenses connected with th desth of the-bishop snd ths choice of his .successor, was ordered sent to headquarters. ' Ths convsntlon met again this after noon for a short business seaaton and heard the remaining reports of commit tees. This evening the delegate win attend -the graduating exercise of the Oood tomarltaa,Tralning - School for Nor.' '' . ALL RAILROADS QUERIED . REGARDING COAL MINES . . -. ; , " - . (Jnnraal Special Fterelee.) ' Washington. Juna I. The Interstate commerce commission this morning sent a letter to every railroad In the country, reeking Information on the coal and pil trad ' Company .f Members of Senior Class Threat, ened With Expulsion by Prln ' clpal for Not Apologizing. ; THEIR, TERRIBLE, OFFENSE WAS SINGING IN HALL One Girl and Two Boys Refuse to Beg Principal 'a. Pardon' -and May v Not Be Allowed to Graduate Be cause ni Cirrnmatanra i ' iz Because they Joined In th singing of th -lal Boulah" last Wsdnssday aa thy marched out of school and be cause they declined to apologise, three members of .the graduating- class of th High school ar waiting to see what their fat will b whan ths list of grad- uates ls announced. . Th thro who have not apologised ar Stewart McDonald, president of th Class; Clarenoe Allen, editor-In -chief of th Cardinal, th High., school paper. and Miss Msud-Mullav. -The bova ta- eiaea to stand by Miss Mullar as soon aa shs had said sh could not apologia. Wednesday afternoon waa th ; last tim th member of th Jan class marched out ef tbs buUdlng together. Th word had bn pasaed around to alng the ..rial Boulah" - aa they marched.'' -- .r ' . . It was sung with tight good wUl by svery on of th expectant graduates. Th student y nb violation of th rule was Intended and th -song wa Imply;' an outburst .of class spirit on ths oocaslon of ths last march to-. I gothsr. .. .., rriaelpaX OhJecUA so It. But T. T. Davis, . prlnolpal of ths High school, did not hold th same opinion after savers! teachers had com. plained to him of tho singing episode. Th next jnorning' th graduating class was aummonsd to appear before ths principal Of eours no on wUl sy whsthsr or not It was pre-arranged. rlilif it anr sal sslilln Mr Da via was delivering a dlgnined jaetur on th de-7 portment of seniors and ths enormity of the offense-committed th day be fore, tho Itinerant musician known ss Dot Leetl Charman band' began to play directly tn front of the High school. .. .-, . , "Oh. ssy. can't yon ss by der dawn's early light vot so proudUy v hailed by der twilight's " and so -forth. Ths unfortunates on the carpet" gig gled. The titter ran around the -room aeverel time. - Principal Davis waa th only on pressntr not affected in that way; , - - Band zs late lupwsd. Th lanltor was summoned and told to request the musicians to move on. pleas. - 80 ths "Star Spangled Banner" was rudely Interrupted. Mr; Davis Informed th singers of the "Tale Boulah" that thay mast apologia en pain of losing any honor marks should they be entitled to them. Th two boys and Miss Mullay said they saw no reason for apologising, aa no willful violation , of the regulation was in tsndsd. - - - :- Ths stiff-backed trio have been Kent In after school for several peiioda. and yesterday wer told tbVt thay had better tak thlr book snd leave. Today, however, negotiations are In progress, and It Is probabl that thy will be reinstated.. r "There is lust one thing- more to be done before the matter is tUed." said Mr. Davis today. "No, I don't ear to msks any statement whatever. I tiBve-l-havw-thw- right to sottl th llttl mattsra as I fit." Ths luckr members of th elass who received marks nign snougn 10 - aiiow them to escape examination ar today out of th city on a picnic but th trio who haven t apologised are tlU anx iously awaiting ths outcome. - PLAN FOR ANNUAL - SUMMER CONFERENCE . 11 1 , -y. v 1 .;' The fourth annual meeting of th Pa cific Northwest conferenc wilt be hld t Oearhart nark Jun 11 te 21. W. Tener of New Tork.'' studsnt secretary of ths International committee, who wiU take nsrt . In ths work. Is now In ths city, and speak enthusiastically of ths coming conference. Th assoclstion is mad up of picked college men who meet for th purpose of training ror leader ship In their respective colleges and for Christian service after leaving oonege. Th presence ef th following speak er and leaders i already assured. ,E. T. Col ton, associate secrettary, foreign department - international committee. New Tork City; H. W. Stone, general secretary Toung Men' Christian asso ciation, Portland: A. g. Allen, general secretary Toung Men's Christian associ ation, Seattle; Rev. J. W. urougner. First Baptist church, Portland; Rev. J. M. Dean, Second Baptist church, Seattle; W. M. Ladd. Portland; Reno Hutchin son, religion work . director Young- Men's Christian association, portlsnd; President S. B. 1 Penrose, Whitman col lege. Walla Wills; Ivan B. Rhode, stats secretary Oregon and Idaho; W. A. Tener, student secretary International committee. ; ' t SHERIFF MAKES REPORT v ON -TAX DEPARTMENT - Sheriff Tom Word has mad the fol lowing report to the oounty commla slonsrs, showing ths eonditloa of the tag collecting department- at the end Pt-Jtayt-n ..... Debit. ItOI tax roll .......i...$l,07,963.14i Sheriff's, assessment -r. 1,7.48 Penalty collected '' S.4S1.I9 Interest collected 185.11 Total" 7I,0IT.sIT.lIi X reA1 Paid to treasurer .. Rebate allowed . . . . Error and double ....ll,l.170.4lia .... s2,2.l as- easement - S.S.4B45 -16I.730.806I Total .ll,0tl,J67.lll ' aadsy School Heal Postponed. On account of recent rains ths plcnio to have been given tomorrow by th First Christian Sunday school hss been postponed indefinitely. CHANGES IN SALARIES OF OREGON POSTMASTERS v . ' (Jowraal Rpsdal Stertea.) '.. Washington, Juna 16. Ths postofflce department announced today - thes change In th salaries of Oregon post- maaters. under th annual radjutmnt effective July 1. Th Increases ar follow: Junction City and Lebanon, from $1,109 to tt.tOO; Marshfield and Medford, from 11.700 to 11.100: Ontario, from fl.SOO to tl.00; Oregon City, from 12,190 to3,IOO; Pendleton, from 11.400 .-regular :value$1.25 Fly-Proof ,...,r...t,-.-,-,0N gALQ 6:00 P. M. TO 9:00 P. M. Salt Box ,;"f , 19c 77 REGULAR "VALUE 50 JUST THE THING FOR THIS CLIMATE WILL NOT DRAW DAMPNESS mm LAST v OH; THE BANKRUPT SALE OF THE DAVIS-PATTERSON STOCK Iop- LadiesTurnrshinqs V Store OpenFrom 8 a.- 10 p.m. . . COME ONE AND ALL TO d THE PINAL BARQAIN FEAST . $3.00Worthfor$1.00 343 WASHINGTON STREET 5 RIVER EXCURSION TO ASTORIA - ; SUNDAY, JUNE 17 SteuinCimEGRAra rimiT boat totj irn . ; a owsmsTTsTO ' Leate .Alder Street Dock. Port .' . land ......,.....,...... a. m. Arrive at Astoria at... ...... 1 p. m. Leave Astoria for home at.. I p. tn. Arrtrs In Portlsnd at ... p. nr KesJawrTed a la Care. Can A delightful Sunday Irlp a charming rid on th greatest river ef-'. western America the best steamboat on ths Paoiflo eoaat Polite atten--tlon te erery one.-- -1 - -.- See the City by the An Uncqualcd Offer STTbrwnfatneTJS til Ptls TEBTU torf tO. Painless extracting free with this' off sr. Exam ination) and consultation free. Crown and' Bridge ' work a pec laity. Extracting, if cents . - . 3;i3R DR03.. Dntlst9, - -. V nrxxs ajtb WAamro)To. ' Katn toet. t - Overs avealaga aad ttaadaye. to tt.tOO: Roeeburg, from 11,060 to 12,10; Bllverton and Woodburn, from 1,400 to I1.S00: wasoo, rrom i,sug to , iaa rh. jImmu la' Takevlaw and Moro, froro $1,100 te $1,100; Bumpter, from $1,700 te $1,00; Union frfnt f 1.100 to $1,400.- s . ' ' WRECK AT DURIEE ' J TIES UP PASSENGERS (Sperlal Dlapatek te Tne Journal ) i Baiter City, June li.lvrl freight ".' : "., i 'i :; , f ..r regular value $1.25 Meat Safe ALL DAY ' ' , ' ; .V.t uwiuoflrvuT mquxma ' naAavsa cxatt. ' Round :l$i.oo Trip . Too aVnaek U Ton Wish. . Sea at Little Cost esr wer trirown Into a ditch nar Durkee last nlghl snd sll traf flo en th Oregon Railroad A Navigation' com pany's line was tied, up until noon to day, whan ths wracking crew completed IU task of removing th obstruction from the track. v , Prom midnight last night tiirrtl noon today the ast Sound passenger train wa held in thla city while the west bound passenger wss lying In Burling ton. ' , ; .''-' No one was serioualy Injured Irt'th accident, although several trainmen were bruised and severely shaken up. ' DAY