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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (June 15, 1906)
- . i i T V THE OREGON DAILV JOURNAL, PORTLAND. FRIDAY EVENING. JUNE 15. jC3. ' it JUDGE TELLS1IER VII I BS4 l I : Frazer Openly Accuses Witness of Perjury During Session of juvenile Court.' ! ACCUSED OF BEATING . YOUNG BOY CRUELLY I- After Being Sworn, Mrt. Harriaon ;Denie It andTljeii .Magistrate ,' Calla Her to AccountFather of Boy Threatens. Witness in Court f- Men's and Boys'.. vr- 'H ' MEN'S SUITS zfelMl-: : - YOUNG-MEN'S-SUITS :- - - IllftlJIlt LltS . KMISU1S' " '" aw bb eaMBjaBaav ' ' esssssSHse,' 'snBjsn-.,'',; ,' ' ji:;:-::,-,: L.v kb; L,--Vr ' :my.:Xy t w . I ... a a ... i t '-' la- i. i , s - iimm ' - , . - . . . i. ii i ii. Nice line of Patterns 15 to 20 years .V;;' MEN'S UNJOERWEAfe, 25c Up : '.y ' . ."' :,vv ;;HOSE,-2'P''25c v -;; ,'..::v'' PLAIN AND FANCY COLLARS ; MEN'S SHOES, $1.50 to $7.00 Heavy and LIgfil ; V If not right makes b right , -, . . y ;- ... MORRISON Cbstesrsr. THIS EEL HAD SACK OF MONEY . : TIED AROUND ITS, SUM NECK ' For ways that are dark and tricks that are vain the heathen;' China nay be peculiar, but. not for m mlnuta ara they In it with the noble redmen, a few ' of whom are at 111 In our midst. Thla fact waa dlacovered . .' yesterday- when ,"8teve"?.McIonaJil awpt of tha D. P. - A.' N. company, waa called upon to transect a little business with a squaw from aomewhere up Oregon City way. , "Steve's" ohlnook Jargon, U not con aldered the beat, although he hea had " much to do with traffic an tha upper Columbia, but nevertheless he under stood that tha .woman ot the noble red tribe who peeped through the little of- ' flee window thla mornlna; wanted a bag of eela that arrived , on tha steamer Bailey Qatsert last night Eela ara tha bread of the upper Columbia Indian, and when 'Steve' heard of the ship ment having arrived ha knew that the unknowa eonalgne would soon appear in the person of a redskin. Tha young buck who shipped tha eels forgot to pay the freight, and ao when the aquaw waa about to start for UN atreet with her bundle tha agent uttered a few grunts which the -bystanders be lieved to be French, but which . the agent subsequently told them waa Chi nook, meaning "the freight charges are to be paid at this .end." Evidently the queed of. the tepee un derstood, for, stooping over and opening the sack.' ahe dug her hands deep into the mesa of eela and extracted one, untied from hla nerk a amall sack of coin, containing several dollars in change and paid the charges without even grunt. - ' , Preferred mock Oaaaed woods. Allen elt Lewis' Beat Brand. :-j HILL MILITARY ACADEMY CLASS WILL GRADUATE . - "V Graduating exercises -will be held at tha H1U Military academy at t o'clock thla avenlng. The program wllIconaist of an address to the graduates by A. F. Flegel, the presentation of diplomas and an Individual competitive drill. The ex ercises will be held In the academy ar niuir. -The final examinations ara being held thla afternoon. , - . - -The graduating- class consists of 11 raernbere. " CONTRACTORS FIGHT VSHY OF CITY WORK j:; - , Because In ao many caaea have prop erty-ownera filed remonstrances and de layed payment on work completed, con tractors era becoming ahy of bidding upon atreet .work. , - . The atreet committee of the executlvo board yesterday afternoon dlacovered that In several Instances no blda had TouT have awonrrto a .right here." satff Judge Kraaer totiif-s. yarrtson. of 20 Tioga atreet, 8u JHiusA in the ju venile court laat jUght "You swore at this boy and threatened him with a butcher knife, besides beating him 'un mercifully. He has shielded you all he can. He waa afraid of you. Anyone who can not control a 10-year-old boy without beating him as you have dona fbur times a week . If1 not a fit parson tol have child." .- t 'Complaint had been made to tha Ju venile court that lira, Harriaon, who Is tha boy's stepmother, had been whip ping him cruelly. Witnesses testified that aha sad beaten him with dub four, feet long, and an Inch In diameter, I and that she had called him vile namea and threatened to uaa a butcher knife on him if ba told of tha beatings. Mre. Harrison Started to deny he charges, and Judge Fraser caused her to ba sworn. Bhe then proceeded with her deniala, while tha boy waa taken to the Judge's private chambers. Later ha waa recalled, and In anawer to queatlons ot tha judga admitted that all tha charges made by tha complaining- witnesses as to fata stepmother's cruel treatment of him were true: Tha judge told Mrs. Harrison-, exactly what perjury means and that aha had committed It He awarded the boy to tha Boys' and Girls' Aid aoclety. . , Harrison was present, and when the order of commitment to tha Aid aoclety waa made, turned . to the complaining wltneaa and said: "l will see you later." - -:.,;-r7 i "Let me hear any more of that.' and you will go to Jail," aald tha Judge sternly-. "Threatening witnesses In this court is contempt of the court, and If you make any more threats you will go to Jail and stay there a white.- , - been submitted upon Improvements ad vertised aa open .for contract. One eon tractor who waa present declared that he' now'-hae $50,000 In city warrants tied up in this way, and ha doea not care to take any chances, where It is known soma of tha property-owners will protest against the improvement and agalnat the work when It. is completed. Contracts were awarded as follows: Durham avenue, Stevens Bros.,' 4,52; East Twentieth - street; Stevens Bros., 1 1,(75.1; Clackamas atreet. Concrete Construction company, I1.00B; East Sixth atreet, Fralney et Keating, tlt-7; East Alder, atreet. Concrete Construc tion company, 1237.72; East Twentieth street, Beuchel Bros., $77 30; Raleigh atreet. Fralney ft Keating, $.95$.SI.- Ve:have-just-rcceived VI':- S-r"S another shipment- of 3 - which while thpy last Txy Tin ': ;;-::.:;.l -r ''-rr:;: -W- GIVE AWAY awssssB , w .m mm wsans with Boys' Suits they will o n 1 y rb e h e r e a : F W y& A YS S iiiil THIRD AND OAK I r -J 1S Oppwtaimllly: .to See n - n n - $45 Round Trip - Includes Berth and Meals 1 W m s M swa asp si ww S wwr ej ATURDAY, June 16, the Southern Pacific will make the very low fate of$45 for- round trip. Portland. toSan JFrancisco.- v Train leaves Port- 7 land Union Station at 8:45 P. M., arriving at San Francisco, Monday, June 18, 8:48 A.' M. Monday and Tuesday will be spent in San Fran-; cisco. Train leaves San. Francisco, Tuesday, June 19, at 8:20 P.M., and. arrives at Portland, Thursday, June-21rat-7:25-A.-M.Tickets-$45 for the round trip. This includes berth in Standard Pullman Sleeper going and returning, also while train is parked at Oakland Sixteenth Street Station. Also includes- breakfast, luncheon and dinner June 17; breakfast and dinner : June 18 and 19; breakfast, luncheon and dinner June, 20. Tickets will be limited to June 21, 1906,' for return to Portland. Special rate of one ahdone-third fare from.pointsJnJvVashingtonandEastern--Oreg6n join thccursion.. For jparti .reservatiOTis shbuldTbemade ton streets, Portland, Oregon. T ' ' " ; TctfYonr Mends AkrHiu ..I. i: C.W. STING m Si City TecW teEll -I 1 -Third and Washington Streets, Portland, Oregon a ' - , . ... ', , ' . . . - ... ." i I. - : I I .1- r