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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (June 15, 1906)
TIIE OREGON 1 DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, FRIDAY EVENING, JUNE .' 15, 1803. 17 traksportatic:l ONLY T170 OT lilll G CLATSOP BEACH t rvircno prtrn J Z 1- mm 811 1: J3 sl m A f TTTTVTTi tv ii. 1 1 rv- ii ii nil '""TT...., ." . . ; ----r --vrj- ;: " v'. .v.'i - ' - T Exend Tfts ' s:.'.' 1 ' ; r 'v :. i "V J. r - - t:L Store Will 6c, Open Tomorrow Evening to Enable Everypody to Get a Crack , af the Monumental Values to be Had Here Now- The Home ' Furnishers AHERICAIiS AND MEXICANS CUSH 03 BORDER , Details of Serious Conflict Re Vr cslved Seditious Circulars '!, : r Distributed. : , " fJearsal Special terete.) : Austin, Te-, Jun II. Meager details t( a serious conflict between prominent Americana and Mexican residents of . Starr county on tba Bio Orande border , war raoalTad today. Governor Xatnbam ; received a telegram from County Judge Ji R. Moore, asking that a detachment of. state rangers ba aent to Rio Oranda City aa aarloua trouble la threatened. Tba rangers were aent . aa requested. - but they cannot reach Rio Orande until ' lata tbla evening-. Private telegram ware received here by etockmea who have ranches la that section, saying that i Ex-Senator B. R. Lane baa been killed. It la alao reported that other Americana ' ' Jiave been murdered by Mexlcana and that aeveral of the latter were killed, t Rowe Hllee, a mining engineer, who j Kag arrived at El Paso from the Interior - f Chihuahua,- Mexloo, - declare that '. proclamation, auch aa the one found ,jit Cananea after the recent riots,- are .Tfelng distributed all over " northern - Mexico and that they atart - off with. NO PAY 7 IdS) We accept no incurable cases -We' never hold out false hopes We fulfill our promises We f never fail in any case we take. ' r CONSULTATION FREE eWill'Treat Any Single Uncompli- catedAilmeht for eo ronoir imr BiauiirMut, xrxiOama, STBiorVBa, tabico ona, xTBBOOBUa,- sraaTOve BacxnrSr waAKaTass, rxx.s . ob CXBOJTXO SISSAtXS 01 TMM XJDMMTM AWD fBOSTATB. The connecting link between wealth and happlneas Is Health. Without It, you . are In mtseryi .your fature look dark, and everything goe wrong. Every mn ; Aas a standing and cordial InvttaUon to call on u. and If you cannot call g write to ua about your troublea, . .. -....L ' We do tioeffer yon any nil TSXATj TmSATMKVTS, SUOTmiO BBLTS, , ' WOBTBXZSS CBATOsTS, or otber uselesa method of treatment. Our ad are i our own, and while othera may enpy them, they cannot Imitate our auperlor method Of treatment. Wl 1U TO XOaTOST X.OOATXD IKD OUIIf ;" grxOIAUBTS Of VOBTLAXO, having been lo-ated hare In year. We do not . advertla cheap, inferior treatment, but we give you all the reaulta of year r. nna axnerlenca. rained in the treatment of many thousand of Batlenta. - We-glve you our aklll. and' ability In fair fee. which may he raid in any way r- OTTB irBTBOBS ABB tltBx TBAT ABB WHIR TOO M.AOB TOUB OA SB tV'SnTTl TXB BSST TBBATltBBT ;'' wausBB. , . , fair fee. wnirn may ne jiniu in ,ht wity OUR-1- m tr I p. m. . Svcntar. 7 Oi T Auin UECICAL lH. JUUI113 susciai . cca. noon ajts TAfuuxx rr. womtimb, on. 'Another 24 hours ii fciven us in which to vacate the part 'of our store . ; embraced inl472 First street," from which we. were ousted, by a de- cision.fif the Oregon Supreme court. The new lessee cannot ar-V ';' , C. rane to occupy-the premises before next week, so has generously ----J- .-allowed us the use of the storeroom tomorrow and for. this kindness" ,' - 'wa are enabled to - .;:;,.,..',......-, ..;., ,: I; rV Monster Furniture Sale for One Hence these bargains these TREMENDOUS bargains furniture at 50 to 60 per cent of its value may be had for ONE day more. One more day and that is all. One more day and former values will be restored. ' The stock consists of furniture of every descrip- tioiv comprising bedroom suits, y equipment, bed springs, mattresses, everything in chairs, ranges, - heating stoves or any other thing desired to .supply the demands of "the home, store or office. v, -. - , '-, V '...'"' "Why ahould the Mexican be a alave to the gringo?" Wky ahouldnt the Mexican get aa much money V etc. He aaw a Mexican railroad man with auch seditious olrculara, . . . - - . -- DANIEL BOONE DAY , r OBSERVED IN KENTUCKY (Jonraal Special Sarvtee.') ' Louisville, Ky., June 1 The cele bration jot Kentuckya old borne week waa continued today with Increased en thaalaam on the part of boat and vll tora. Tba crowd la one of tb lar'geat aver entertained In LouUvllle. The ma jority of the rialtora will 'remain here until the end of the week when they will acatter to their old homea In the Interior of the state before leaving; for their adopted homea In other atctlona of tba country, '. ' , Today was dealgnated aa "Daniel Boone day," and the exereleee and fes tivities were arranged with special ref erence to the life and deeds of the cele brated Kentucky pioneer, A. gorgeou spectacle has been arranged for tonight It will take the form of a pageant de pleting; the history of the Blue Grasa atat from the pioneer daya to the prea ent Urns and lllliatratlng the achieve, mentg of the state and her sona In war and peaoe, la the Induitrlea, In educa tion, aolance and other fields of activity. Following the pageant the grand ball for which most elaborate arrangement have been eonoluded, will be held In the new armory. - ? - ALL CASES ARE TAKEN UN DER ABSOLUTE GUARANTEE - r - UNLESS CURED $ 1 2.50for the Fee. the treatment of dteeaae of men fnr a ine pniieni -nir-. utiiiiuti the patient WB ABB AX IB OUB BAI v, TSLAT CAB , .. t. , y Abb WJ IjUlB TV SB, ABPffj TOTJ ABB gTjma or CAST mm , OBTAXBBO t I; Sunday -v t . m. to IS noon, AiND Dispensary couches, all kinds of tables, office 1 72-1 74 FIRST STREET HALF MILLION DOLLARS TO PAY FOR GRAIN SACKS SsaaBSaaaasBBesssaeBBBaaa Farmers-of .Eastern Oregor-to . Investigate Industry With " - View of Relief. ;?: .. , 1 . :. , u fgpedal Dimetch to Tbe Joarnel j " Pendleton, Or.. June It It la . tU mated that Umatilla county alone will uae over 1.000,000 grain aacks thla year, which at the preaent prloe of 1Q cent each meana an expenditure of over $300, 000 for sacks. -, Other eastern t" Oregon counties will use at least 1000.000 more, making a total of over 4.000.000 for thla part of Oregon. At an average of 10 centa each thla meana an expenditure of over M0, 000, or nearly a half million dollars for. sacks, to say nothing of the other ex penses of harvesting. . Farmers who are Interested In forming an Inland -empire gralngrowers' as sociation In thla city win Investigate the ttuatlon In the aack-manufaoturlnf in dustry with a view to . relieving this heavy-expenae-whloh ie Imposed upon the farming communities. All tbese matters will ba discussed t the meeting Saturday.. . TEST TWO-CEIsT RATE . LAW IN VIRGINIA (loonal Special Sertlce.V Richmond. Va, Jun 16. This Is the date set for the I-cent rate for S00 and 1,000-mile 'tickets,-as "demanded In a law enacted by the last Virginia general assembly, - to go Into effect. Report from various quarters give evidence of a disposition on the part of the rail road to ignore the new law. On the other hand the commercial travelers' organisations and others Interested will demand that the roads comply with the new 'rate law and In the event of the letter's refuse! will take the matter Into the courts. The roads are to be as sailed on all sides protect against pay ment of the old rates, protest against detaching mileage sow pons to pay for transportation at a greater rate than I cents a mile, declination to pay more than t centa a mile and refuaal to get off the' "train, -thereby forcing the .con ductors to eject them. ' " . UMATILLA INDIANS TO J . PARADE IN PENDLETON zr' . (f p-ll tHipeteh to The Jearnal.) Pendleton. r" Or.. June li. PendMon Wilt wrtebrate -this year as never before. Subcommittees oa arrangement have just been appointed and the work Is new will m4ef way tow a glorious Fourth. " -Major '. Lee 1 Moore home has been deputised to see the head men of the reservation and make arrangments. It possible, to bring a delegation of Uma tilla Indian for the big parade. There are about 100 Indians on the reservation who would likely snter Into such a scheme, and It promises to be one of the leading features of the celebration. ATHENA WILL HOLD- COLT SHOW TOMORROW J , -, r ' -,. (Special Dtopatra te The leeraal.) ' Athena, Or.. June U. Athena' annual colt1, show, which- Is on of. the noted events In this section, will take place tomorrow. June 16. Horsemen from all parts, of the aountry will bring colts Into the city for this oocaslon. A parade will bs ons of the feature of the show and It promises to be a blghly Interest ing event. The classes which will be represented In this show are as follows: Colts Class 1, draughta Flrat, second and thlr prtaea. Clna t, Hght harness first, -second aad Wtd prUes. Class More Day QMS . ooach First,"' second ' and' third prises. Class 4,' gsneral purpose, open to all First and second prises. ' Yearling Class 1. draught First, second aad third prises. Class light harness -Flrsti seoooA and third prises. Bullions Class 1, draught yirt and second prises. Class S, light harness First and second prises. Class k, ooach First and soond wla, - . GEORGE ROLFE ASKS . DIVORCE FROM WIFE ("peeial Dtopateh to The Joaraal.) ' Pendleton, O., June 16. Two divorce casss were filed In the circuit court yestsrday, and In each Instance a separ ation la aaked on the grounds of deser tion.. William A. Rulston sued Elvina V. Rulston for divorce, the casa being filed by Peterson Sc Peterson. The two were married at Hartford. Kansas, In 1173, and subsequently moved to Athena. The wife became dissatisfied with her married state and left her husband to return to her home In Kansas. Bessie E, Rolfe vs. George E. Rolfe Is the title of the other suit, and it was filed by J. B. Burdette of Arlington. The Rolfes were married at Salem In 100, and the plaintiff alleges deeertion on the part of the defendant. - Rolfe is an electrician, who formerly worked in Portland-and "the Willamette valley. crass OLD SOBBS. Westmoreland, Kan., May I, 10I Ballard, Snow Liniment Company Tour Snow Liniment cured an old sore on the side of my chin that was supposed to be a cancer. The sore was stubborn and would not yield to treatment, until I tried 8 now Liniment, which did the work In short order. My sister, Mrs, Sophia J. Carson. Allensvtlle, Miff In counrV, Pennsylvania, baa a aore and mlatruata that It la a cancer. Please aend her a tO-cent bottle. Sold by Woodard, Clarke A Co. Are You Seeldng Health ? IF SO, WE CAN HELP VOU FIND IT. W know how to bring baok the lost color to ths face; how to make the flabby muscles Arm again) how to restore tone to the stomach, so that ons gets full nourishment out of the food he eats; how to put sound flesh: on ths emaciated bodies; how to fut any man Into condition to horeughly enjoy life. - It Is rery probable that we can five you this priceless blessing of ealth for lass money than It has cost you to let other doctors es . perlment upon your system wlth . out giving you the slightest bene .fit 1 . Will vou Investigate our meth- edt It I to your own Interest to" do o.- We make cures' every day - in some sstonlnhlng. almost - be yond belief. We treat men for all Chronic Blood, Skin, Nervous and Special Diseases ' Our wide exnerlenoe enables ua to aaaure to everr sufferer ths very . bsst result that nan be obtained under- the highest medical skill. If you have any doubt whatever as to our ability . YOU CAN PAY WHEN CURED Ton can deposit ths price of a cure in any bank In Portland, said ' amount to be paid us when you are well. Or you may pay us by weekly or monthly Installments If you prefer. Consultation free, write for book for men only. Mailed In plain wrapper. . .......... ; jAU Medicines-Free Until Cured ' Our home treatment la very aucceeafut, curing even-complicated eases. -' All buslneee aacredly oonfldentlal. W uee- plain envelopea for all eur corrsponaenci The leading speclallaU In the Northwest,. : Office hours I to I and' T to I. Bundays and Holidays, 19 to It . j , , Dr. W. Norton Davis & Co. OAses laTaa sToy sToeel, M4 Third, It, Ooraet Plae.'VoTtUBd, Or. SUNDAY, JUNE 17 AND 24 ' Astoria G& Cojumbia River SEATS FOR ALL i - - - No Smoke! No Dust! Tickets on Sale All Week at SMTOAY'AT TOE UNION DEPOT For information ' telephone C. A. Stewart, agent Main 906. - TRANSPORTATION.: "REGULATOR LINE" The Dalles, Portland S "Astoria Navigation Co: Boats leave Portland and Tba Dalles dally, except Sunday, at T a. m., arriv ing about I p. m., earrylng freight and t ssengers. Splendid scaommodatlons "boo root ef Alder U Portlaadi 9 Vaoae Mala tie, Portias. S. S. F. A. Kilburn tvt Ooae Bay. sreka aad Sea Iras!!. Vast eelltnr fraa Vortlaaf, Hut Skills frost tea Ti SB It. eay In Is. r. l. otitKonoii, agt. Ma. a- rhea Mai 11. Sot Stomath Troubles Positively Cured by "Nature's Owa Remedy. Bawd's NATIVE HERBS, or easts you nothing ' 25c and $1 (contains Sight Draft for return of your Bmwt) Attkvr IMC a Meek mmrnl m Ti So PICE kt man I Basset' Nattvs Herbs Cosnpeny Ohlves ruemre. CeU- CONSULTATION- FREE - .1 . . r : TRANSPORTATION. Sunday Excursion TO- NEWPORT ON THJB COBVALLIS & EASTERN RAILROAD WILL BB BUN From Detroit and All Points West BEQINNINO SUNDAY, , June 17, 1906 FARE Detroit to Mill City, IJ.80; waat of M1U City, Kingston, 1; west of Kingston to Maxwell, 11.76. Albany, Corvallls and Philomath, ll.CQ. . . r', ' OsTWSTJX.Ti Or TBAXsT ' , Leaves Detroit at 4:4 a. m.; Mill City, t:lf a. m. ; Kingston. :I5; Hunk ers, i:bt a. m. ; Albany, T:S0; Corvallls, 1:00; Philomath, 1:16; arriving In New port at II noon.- Returning, leave New port at (:S0 p. m. axraro m, sovmsr rm( in . ruAguxa at to naASzsa The Trtrst Zsonrsloa ef ths eaaoa. tf Oeme amd Tiajoy Temrself . Theee excursions will run every Sun day from Albany and Corvallls. ALASKA EXCURSIONS . a. Spokane, horn T, U Jnlj i, S0 AasaM S. , MABOun.iraaT4otnroM. tzonuoini XTzmr nn pat. ' sxmKXAsrrnv aluxa morm. Trem- gMttle st . m. tor Ketealkaa, Xnaea. dkegway, Whit Bene, Oaweoa yairbaake . . g. City ef geeMle. 7us 10, SO, BS. I. HambolM, Jane A 11 M. B. a. ty ef Ttocek. (rls iltka), Jans 18, SB. , 01fB BOTJR, ' teased eeljlnf a. geaatar eboet s tt, roa tAV raAvonco snixoT. Yms geettl st t a. B., Qseea, Inn t. Hi Csiatllla, Jaa IS. Mv City ef Pseble, Jan 1A fav a VeHlaad Of to. Mt Weahiastas M. . V. UK, Pus. A Ft. Art. a n. mmANN, a. r. a.. 10 Market it. Uee SYeneliir. TELEGRAPH "" rastsss ea the Tatve Ths only steamboat making a round trip . : . TSAXXT . . ! - ,- Kxcept Sunday. Between PORTLAND md ASTORIA An wat! ronm Teav Portland......'. ........7:o0 a. tn. Arrive Astoria ,....1:10 p. m. Im Astoria.. 1:10 p. m. Arrive Portland ...1:00 p. nv MaLB SERVED A LA CARTS -Vcrtlnd XABdlag, Alder Street Book. Astoria leading. Oalleades Book. Tt. B. SCOTT, Agent Phone Main til. ALAS R A FAST AMD rOPTJXAft STBAMMin ' Lv SMttle yTTTtHSOW Ky tTi fas . Is, -DOXrais," IUy st fase 17 la, M. . CAXAJM. A t- - tVerttkaa, fan. Dee1a, !. ray, reaoecte with W. P. A T. roate far tUa, Oawaea, Tasasa, Meaa, v. ' to AO aeatkeastara Akuks Parts, , Can e ea fneTrt WnaeWfnl Alaeke," llla Baaketrr." "W rota." TH ALASKA ft, B. CO 1 rraaa Weelaay CX, Sfeta " Bt Oak at. ... Portia. Or. 3 Tralfli to the Eatt J)aflT 3 Tkreagk Pallnaa tai ead tearlat ! J-we San. to OaMbe, Chleago. S(Mk('A tourtet (leeDlac-eat d.Mr a faaaaa CM. - - reruoiag eaaurcafa faaei uae I JLV"'!'. - . . . : V " " pet 1 Leave, asnve aikaro-Portl geeelel re 'J gun si I ii s im pal K?fv",r. rlJ ft-r Kaatars , - r--i.. v" ' Walla, .. .... r- -. Tf-TJi' . O ileae and . ItiTnM.T"" trtta. gatly. rilr" B.esaB Stlantle Riprw tnr the Cut l'n . for n . Portlaad. Sally....J..T...... Rlf.ia 0:00 fa ;O0UTMBI-kl'1ll OTVIBIOW -v- !, "r sMnta, enaiieetlat W fV rhrae and North Beeah. atmt .k .V sammav. 10 a. aa. xtitw - e-V1"11 rBB otrm. t - ctty an liatm me ..-. """are nets an HnSoe. eaea, - '-). aflr BHa f m. iMda1. "' T:W .-. aw- daily, ( V - . STTKlt KOTTT1. ' ' mZ!,JZl"t1a' 4aH and any yelats fnua "pari. W,.h.. eteaaier Isokaae and E? : m.. ar npaa arrleal TielS Ticket Oil, Tktrd and Waahlssvia at, Talephena kfata Tit. -.. r i P .W- 5lft. Olty Ticket Asest. A..U CTtAIO, general PHaaagar As ret. t EAST VIA SOUTH : TTnloe Lear. Arrive. OTerland praaa Tratna ir sairm, Raereora;, Aah . Iad SaeraaMata. Otdrn, Saa rraartaee, gterkto , -Lee-Anrvle. El Paaa ' New Orleane aad tk eeat - SSJ ewmnf traj eoaseete at Woodbera dally exeeet " " -': . Sna4ay with trat to. . ' Mount AncaL Bilrerton, ' Brownavtll. SprlniHald, Wandllog and Natroa.... 1S IM Bnsroe BeMre ana- r at Woodbnra wltk - Woant Aaeel d nar " ' r o ,leel..jN.. ....... ...a- pm sie-M mm fervallle Baaeeer.......-T:ltO as 5'S4Sa Shariita raaaaacar....... 4 t:Mai. IWat Oreve ttwaensae. ri0:4S . lMmm Dally. ItrtatlT evrrnt Pnilmr. ' JTEHaxlTRBa?T ajTATIOW. " Per Dallae aad totemedlate petnta SaHy 4:1 a. m. Arrive Pertlaad 10:10 a. a. Per time aad eard ef Oewasa aaharnaa tratsS apply at Ctty Tlrket Offtra, or etatlna. Ttiketa te Kaatern salnte aaa Kuroeat alas lapaa, Chlaa. Bonolala and Anatralla. City Ticket Office earner Third J. ad Waaa tnctaa etrerta. Pbooe Mala Til a w. s-rTvnrn.. a. t.. obaio. City Tlrkrt Asent. Oes. Pee. Asest, time card: TRAINS Portland. . TTnloa Laare, , Arrive, Tellewaton Park-Ktaaa Cltr-it. Leal Special for Chaballa, Cm frail a. Otyn pla. Gray' Barber, Boath Bend, Tacema, Brattle, Son kane. Lewtatos. Batte. BIV nn. Dearer. Omaha.. Kio aaa City. St. Lest . and Soetheeat, dally North Cnaat Limited, elee trlr llfkteil, for Tarom Seattle. Spokane. Batte. MlnnrapnH St. Pad e4 the Kaat. dally Pneet Boaad Llnttted, for Clareaaont. Chofealta, Crn tralla. Taesaa aad Seattle enlr. dullv I:t0 am 4:M w t:Ots TiOteal 4:S9pJ-' 4:M s Twin Cite Frpreae fnr Ta- enma, . Srattle, Bnokane, ' x i Plrlree. Botta, St. Panl. ' . . . Mlnneapolla. Lfneoht, St. Joeepk. Kanaaa City, rttna ha. St. Lnela. wlthoat . . ehane ef ear,. Wrert roe- . nertletie fnr all point ( Beat and Bontiet. dalle. . 11:411 pet 1ft -SB net A. I. CTIAST.TON. Aaalatant neneral Pa. enyer Asent, BBS Marrlaaa etrae. earner Third. Portland. Oreeoa. w TV DsfDrrssaas Astoria & Columbia River Railroad Co. Cntea Depet Lear. . Arrtv. V, Per hfaytvre. Rainier, flat. kanla, Wetport. Clifton, ' 1 Aaterie, Warrentnn, PI a- ,. rel, Hammond. Pert Stev ens. Geerhart Park. Saaaldr. I:O0 am 11:M Aatorla and gaaahere. ex- preaa daflr THWps 0:8 p All train dalle. J. & MAYO. O. P. sad r. A.. Aatert. Or. O. A. STKWART, ConmrreJal A rat. Set ' Alear street. Phoae Mala aos. iTMt COtsfOfnAKLK WAV. Overland Trains Dally y Tke Orlaatal LbaHae, s Paat Hall" VIA BBATTLB AND SPOKANB. Dally. Antra. Portland rime wtiedele 'To and from Spofc a no, - - - -1 - - -. - St. Paol, Mlnneapolla, Imlath end all palate Baa, via Seattle MiBSew fB est Use a :eeai Tn nT"froTBTrTI. Mlnseapolla. . Datvtk " and all eohit Beat : ale Spekaae . A Jf. en, - Oreat Mertkera Btaaawhl Oa, . SalMng - frasa Seattle for Japaa end China sorts and Manila, earftaf s eaarre and frelsht. g. S. Mlnneeet. Inly H; . B. B. Dekata, SapteaBher t. BIPPOW TTJSEM XAiSIfA : (lapea Mall Bteamahlp Ce.) ' B. S. Blojna Mara will all from Smith) ehoat one 0 foe Janaa end China porta earrrtag paefaasere aad frelsht. " Per flrkete, tetee. fcertB naaiaa rloaa rte.. call oa r eMree M EICKSO. a P. T. A. J TkM et Pertlaaa. OteeeS. Pkeae MaJS JJ Steamsr Chns. R. S?2r.::r " PST TTMB. " n txx cottrBBiA ths rrwrr a X THB USIHB STAIa. Leere Oak-are. k T ''f -" fielU ao war peiaia, arrlrla 1 .. , 1 ta -l morning p. err!.. ini 10 p. m. (e.-il f 'ar a..4 ".. i.f airaral') Ceeraae Lwka. a. ..a karf m 0; alf- "M.ln ye, i - . , CXaAUS a e , ';