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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (June 15, 1906)
!:.: THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, "PORTLAND. FRIDAY EVENINO. JUNE IS. ItCS. 19 USIUG OIG STICK Interest In The Journal Educa ; tionaj . Contest Is Constantly Increasing Several TCandi - - afoa Are Already' Entered J There Is Room for Many More .U. xhit Journal Education! Contest la txw in fuU away and already eandl- 6at have entered rrom mriuna ua different atate town. Tha Itst of can didates Is about evenly divided, which 1. shows that there le fully aa much lnter-.--' - est la- the country aa la tha eity-and that there are bora and girls In the country eajrer to take advantage of auch a liberal oittr of aa education prae- . tlcaily f reo. ( ' ' ' ' ' '"U Jh3rder tff acaualnt-e friends-and """patrone witte" tha candidates Tha Journal will from Una to time publish a ahort bister? of each candidate. Clay- Jones, one of tha candidates, was born- in Brooks. Oregon, and has "resided In Portland for four year. e Is at present In hla fourth term at the 1 . Portland Hlgn acoooi ana nas nq ipwiw r-a thorough eoUt education and see in this contest a chance to prepare for Any you ns- person of school ace who can ifurnlsfc satisfactory references as to character and worthiness of assist ance In tha endeavor to secure a food education may enter tha contest at any time before tha cloae. Beptaranar A. Ttia business of contestants will be to Induce people to subscribe for The Oregon Journal. If they are not already taking' the paper, or renew their sub scriptions by paying for as Ions' a period In advance as convenient, thereby riving the contestants tha benefit of tha votes allowed on advance payments. Votes will be allowed, on all advance Dsvments on subscriptions, whst her so licited ty the contestants insmseivea or Dald or remitted directly to tm jour nal offlce, or through sny of the rru lar aa-ents or collectors, but In all caaai the money must be In Tha Journal office befora-HBredlt-wlU-T be glven-frthe " ' ; Mom roi UL ''.A cash commission will be. paid con testants on aU new subscriptions se cured fcr themjersonally. or procured directly through thetrnjiriuence." Thus every contestant will have a chanoe to oriiaoa jsu r" . . "v ) m rnsom pocket money. In sddltlon to ambition axoept xna u - - . . ,,, , ,n,., t,oo or 1X00 nr a acholarahlD : worth, from I10S to f ISO; supplemented with a purse of two for Incidental expenses. . ' 'P ' Blank voting certificates or oaiiots will be furnished on' request to con testants or- others who may have (use for them, for each subscription pre paid ons Of thssa ballots may be ruled out to correspond with tha amount and eollm without any expense tO'btmself. The young 'man Is Tory' well and ' favorably known la Stephens' addition, . where he resides, and hag soma vary good recommendation Ha will surely bow up well In the balloting and as he , enters early will so doubt land one of tha scholarships. , - - 1MM..M MMM . '""""I " ' ; CONTESTANTS ENROLLED - . ; I trv. MWBior mrnrf vouni ceoole have already made application or 2 h friends for enrollment as contestants.- There Is room ' f or many mora tha mora tha merrier and tha more Interesting ths T contact will be. ( '..-;'', ' ' " .. ' T CHARLES GROSS ........... k . . ' vi T. M. C. A., Portland. Oregon. T ' Visa MART E. POWELL ....HI Salmon street. Portland. Oregon. T MTBH MILDRED L.,.lJnlve.relty Park. Portland, Oregon.. ?""T Mi88 AILEEM HACKMAN.. Myrtle Park. Arlete, Oregon. : ' HORACE A. WILBON til Halsey street, Portland, Oregon. ' T JI188 NELLIE MAT FHAHHON...S0S Tsnlno street. Portland. Oregon. , T JM1B8 BERTIH O. CHAM... -.161 Clay atreet, Portland. Oregon. .... X CLAT JONES .....40 East Twelfth street. Portland. Oregon. . X PAUIi NTOREIf ..... Ea't Third street. Portland. Oregon. v- W. E. OWTNN...ii...l East Thirty-seventh street, Portland, Oregon. 4 LOTTISB SCOTT ., Central Addition. Portland. Oregon. . T ' ROT JOHNBOM...... ........74 Division street. Portland. Oregon. X ELLA NELSON. '. . Newberg. Oregon. - , X "OEOROB D. KINJ................................K1ngston. Oregon. .' ' JE8RB) MOORH ...... ............... i... .Tualatin, Oregon. STANLEY STEVEN BOW. f Halsey, Oregon. . RICHARD W. OlLVIN...iT7jr;.i..........'....k.v."Iloebur'' 0rron- X JOHN 'BENSON . ........ Chemawa, Oregon. - -, X OUT T. GRAHAM ....Troutdale, Oregon. e -AONE8 J. EVANB.,..........T....i.........LatouTU Falls. Oregon -'-- rrt V T"V W EMS.'TiTrJTT;''. r.' i. .Cjrdar Mllla, Oregon - T R. W. CTRCS .....Sclo, Oregon. i, X" MrM resftIB A. CAMPBELL. ......... ..... "Wren tham, Oregon. 4 X CLARENCE MOR8S. . . .Cottage Grove. Oregon. . 2, HISS TERESA . GRAMMS ...10 Grand avenue. Astoria, Oregon X ee ' Cash prises of a total of $710 wfil be ...awarded to contestants as follows:. 1. A purse of 1100 for tha general ex penses of the winner while attending any publlo or private institution provld ' ,lng free tuition. ' ,.' ' - - I. A purse of $200 to be used in. tha aame manner aa tha above. . . A purse of 1100 for Incidental ax- reuses to supplement a scholarship se lected from the following list. 4. A purse, of 171 In addition to ona . of the following scholarship i. ' A purse of $60 In sddltion to one of the following scholarships. . t. A purse of $2i In addition to one of ths following scholarships. OOsTSITXOm OP OOaTTXgT. - First choloe of scholarship, or grand capital prise, to go to the contestant . having the highest score at tha close of f the contest; second . choice to the one having; the next highest score, and so on to tha end ef the list, tbs number " of prises, however, to be limited to 20 unless a greater number ef contestants shall have achieved results Justifying " a liberal raward.- ; Contestants will be limited In their . choice of scholarships to such ss they . can make personal use of, the scholar : ships belig non-transferable, -except ' with the consent of tha management of the schools. ;.- . -' length of time paid tor. tha number tif votes dus, tha name of tha eonteatant favored, etc.. to be voted at tha convenience- of the subscriber or contestant. YOTTJTO SOXXDUU : Ths voting will be In accordance with the following schedule: .--"-"..,-,r.. . Dally and Sunday JommaL , prios by -Time.' - ' . . ; Carrier. MalL Votes. One Teart..,.,..7.B0 .. $7.00" LB00 SIX Months ........ r.TS t.7i ,f' 700 Three Months ..... 1.86 1.00 . $00 Two Months ...... l.0 1.10 180 One Month .66 : .5 48 aqy J'onmal Wlthoa Sunday. Price by COIIGRESS President Dissatisfied With Meat Inspection Bill Which Favors i , the Packers. ACTION MUST BE TAKEN .k UPON TYPE OF CANAL Extra Seoilon Threatened if Panama . Canal 'Opponents Do Not Promptly -Como to, Tim WU1 Warn World About PacUnavHonaea. - - ? ' (Joornsl Boacial Imln l . Washington. IX C June lK.--Tha bis stick will swing heavily upon tha Chi cago packers and Panama canal oppo nents) unless I hey speedily coma to time. ' This even at tha coat ef a spe cial session of - congress, . If ifeoessary. president Roosevelt last nla-ht Voiced hls'utetr disapproval of tha Wadsworth Lo rimer scheme of meat Inspection. It is neid that this could not have been mora favorable to tha packers if they had drawn It up themselves. Tha presi dent will Insist upon a thorough gov ernment inspection night and day and complete sanitation of packlnf-houses, ho ha will sgltata the matter all sum mer, thus keplng' tha packers In hot water at home and abroad until they come to terras. ! Tha president has also sounded tha warning In no uncertain tone that con gress must asaums tha responsibility of acting on a direct proposition with re spect to the type of tha Panama canal. or ho will not apend a dollar of the fund provided to begin the digging. Were the senate, aupportere of the seal -level plan to attach a rider providing for a ditch of that type 4o an appropriation bill ho would veto the bill and call con- grass In extraordinary session to paas a new appropriation measure to lta place. Thla . warnlnar has nrohablv heeded and tha Plan prevented for tack lng'a sea level rider to either the sun dry oivll or general deficiency bllL At any rate tha senate has agreed to vote on tha Klttredge sea level bill next Thursday and tha friends of the lock canal plan claim to have an agreement with tha friends of tha other typo not to attempt tha appropriation rider scheme, . .. . . . .: Time. V ' Ons Tear . ... Six Months .. Three Months Two Month One Month . Carrier. .$6.00 . 1.60 1.10 1.00 .60 MalL $6.00 $.76 1.40 , 100 .60 Votes. LO00 460 :' $00 , no 60 nadsy Journal. Price by . " Time. ' . iCarrler. MaiL Votea; One Tear ...$1.60 $1.00 (60 Six Months..... ... 1.16 1.00 160 ..' Semi-Weekly Journal. " ; Pries by Time. ' Carrier. Mall. Votes. One Year.,...,.... ... $1.60 '(00 LSlx Months ... n .76 100 J X t X , 1 ' ' THE' SCHOLARSHIPS. . ' . f . X Followina is the list of scholarshini. with approximate cash value oPrachr off ered-aa-prizCT. DetaHedfarmationconcerninBthein-X T-win De furnished trom time to time, or turmshed on application to X the Contest Department. '. . . . i ACADEMY OF THE HOLY" NAMES, Astoria. 2501 . T ALBANY COLLEGE, Albany..;. 100 BEHNKE-WALKER BUSINESS COLLEGE, Portland f lOO CAPITAL BUSINESS COLLEGE, Salem. s. . flOO COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY, Portland ......".... 100 DALLAS COLLEGE, Dallas....... ...............f lOO GILLESPIE SCHOOL OF EXPRESSION, Portland.T777; .120 HILL MILITARY ACADEMY, Portland .................. f lOO HOLMES BUSINESS COLLEGE. Portland:........ flOO HOLMES-FLANDERS PRIVATE SCHOOL, PortlanarrrP." f 180 INTERNATIONAL . CORRESPONDENCE SCHOOL8, ' Scranton, Pennsylvania 110 McMINNVILLE COLLEGE, McMlnnville....;............ 40 OREGON CONSERVATORY OF MUSIC, Portland. , 200 One Violin Scholarship .'.;-.... i r. . . . $3125 One Guitar and Mandolin Scholarship..... flOO PACIFIC COLLEGE, Newbergv........ flOO PACIFIC TELEGRAPH INSTITUTE,' Portland. ..125 -PORTLAND SCHOOL- OF DOMESTIC SCIENCE, Port - land Y. W. c. T. U.) , .......100 SACRED HEART ACADEMY, Salem ........... . ........ : 160 ST. MARY'S ACADEMY, Portland. .-r...........TT;f 20O ' Clmm Day a Willamette. 1 '. (apecial Dtapatrfe ts Tha loorDal.) -WHlmttr UiiIcisH. Balern. TJKT Jan 14. At 10 o'clock yesterday morn ing the class day exercises of the senior . class were held on tha campus, and a large, crowd esembieota;JarzJl Medcalf gtva tha "clasgprophecyT Syl vla Jones, the class history and Ronald C. Oliver an oration 0nvTnaiaett.,r The exercjees ended, with a claaa song. Preferred stock Canned Oooda... Allen av Lewis'-Best Brand.- r.naiiiiiiiiuiiiiicaiiaiiBtnviaiiKKsurunniiiKMxiaj M Educational Contest, 4906 POKTIAVO. oaiooa. SUBSCRIBER'S VOTING-CERTIFICATE Name of Subicrlber. . ; i . ; . . s .................".... Address Amount. Paid .'.. ... . .".For. .77... .V. ... . . . .'.Journal For...... ;...U... Months Beginning..'.... .......,...... ..1906. .i " . '- t ' New or 01d?. .Good or.. Votes. cast r )rbnl f' 1 arraoTtsr; Csetaetaat. (npVinTw1w . OlrealatloB.- i 1 Alway a Winner. Tha Chicago's $11 suit sale that occurs semi-annually contains suits at $11 that no other store in this city svar attempts to equal. Tha bargains offered during thla-sale sow going on - surpass ..all previous svents, tha ' variety is larirer and tha atyles up to ths minute. The Chicago is between Oak and Pine streets on Third atreet, and does tha largest umsLfflfCiothlng business la this state. For 16 years tha public has put its faith in this store and as a result the business of tha Chicago has mounted to the'top. Bales like this $11 suit sale, which contains (.000, $18, $16.60, $1$ and $20- aults, are some of tha-things that made tha Chicago tha busiest clothing store in Oregon. ',-t'; , UNITED BRETHREN ARE ACCOMPLISHING MUCH (Special DUpates to The JoaraaLt . Eugene, Or, , June .16. The Oregon conference of the United Brethren In Christ is in session in Eugene, having begun yesterday forenoon. Tha ses sions will close Sunday evening. . Bishop William M. Bell of Berkeley, California, 6he of the leadinr ministers in the denomination. Is presiding at all the seealons. . Great Interest la being taken In the conference, as It is the first one held here - since the local church was established. Yesterday's sessions ware mostly taken up by the hearing of reports of pastors or tha conference. Conference committees wsra appointed by the bishop as follows: , On confer ence relations. Rev. George K. McDon ald of Eugene;' Rev. H. C. Behaffer of Portland, Rev; F. H. Neff of Salem; on devotlonals. Rev. J. 8. Rhodes of Phil cmath, Rev. Oeorga B. McDonald of Eu gene, W. O. Zelgler of Eugene; on notni nathma for Philomath college trustees. Rev, W. Jones of Phil amoth. Rev.. F. H. Neff of Balem, Miss Theresa McDon ald of Philomath. . I ,-. . The appointment of pastors for tha coming year will be announced Sunday. Banff Hot Springs. Passengers going east via. tha Cana- dlan Pacific havs an opportunity to see Banff, tha most attractive mountain re sort on the North American continent Excursion tickets now on sale to eastern points give you stopover at this point aa well aa Olacler, Lakes in tha Clouds, Field, and tha wonderful Toho valleyj all of which are recognised by the traveling publlo as being the greatest scenlo at tractions in the world.. . ' Very Jow excursion rates from-Port land to Banff Hot Springs and return. Less than 4$ hours' ride from Portland. For descriptive matter and -full partic ulars, call an or addreas F. R. Johnson, F. at P. A., Portland. Oregon. Wanted. -t- 8oma new attractions and atunts for the great Fourth of July celebration at Gladstone -park.- Address at once, with full description snd lowest prices. H. E. CROSS, Secretary. . , , . - Oregon City. STEWED PRUNES CAUSE"" DEATH OF: RANCHER fHDrlai THaeatch to Tha 'lonrnALl ' Kaiama, Wash.;' June 16. Joel BateV a rancher, who lives a few miles from Kalama on tha Kalama river, died yes terday morning from ptomaine poison ing. He had eaten aoma stswed raisins which had been standing in a tin recep tacle for several days, v , Ths funeral will ha held this after-' noon. (Pit (L CsHng Ponder )) , J 1 A Ravalafloa of EfBdeacy Jj t : These two little figures stand for the best clothing bargains offered this season on the coast. Tha suits in this sale wet V not made to sell at $11; every one of them ar $15, $16.50, $18 Ind $20 suits, made by the following great wholesale tailors: Black ft Co., Crouse ft Brandagee, Michael Stern ft Co. and other of America's greatest producers of hand-tailored clothes I for men. You come here tomorrow and you will find an immense display of suits so far ahead of the gold brick kind shown around town at so-called bargain prices that you will soon discern why The Chicago is Portland's Busiest Cloth- ;- ,,.:":.,;'. , ing House. ' .; ;:-.-., -v; '-A-f"-' For Unlimited Choice o! Tivo Thousand $15, $16.50, $18 and $20 Tailormade Suits v. ' ' : ;v'-;.'" ': : ;-; 'V . ''.m':-"'' ?n black clays, unfinished worsteds, Imported blue serge, gray day, Oxford and grays, in worsteds, velour cassimeres, real Scotch cheviots and tweeds, Wales checks, mingled plaids, etc silk, Venetian serge and Italian cloth lining; summer ' or medium weights. Suits that are the equal of the best custom tailor products. Shows plainly the power of this store to give you the best bargains to br4ound . on the coast. -- . - , '- - . r - v' -.-t.- -". - rratawT ", I M I K' ao)o(lD(!D For the choice of 800 all wool or wor sted Suits, In the new spring styles; , worth $12.50 to $15. These elegant suits consist of small lots left from the - best selling lines of the season. , ; : ,- c$)(DoULvilJ ; . M ENS PANTS : t?l AC Soma Jun bargains in good Pants. This store sella iM.yO more panta than any other two atorea in thia big atate. ,The right kind and low prices is what does the work. -These ele gant panta in thia sale arc $3-00 and mostly 3.50 values, in thj '.choicest of styles. - 'L ' (f ilC For real enstom-taibred $4.50 Pants. ' Imported wor- - aPaCeVt) steds, cassimeres. chevioU and serges; form-fit or peg top styles; mostly gray effects, but hosts of blue and black and " other dark colors. v- '' J'' , . . - . SHOES THE" CHICAGO PORTLAND'S BUSIEST SHOE STORE , . . FOR MEN AND BOYS. . r. 1.20 for $2 Canvae Bala, and Oxfords. i.rk 4nr Virl Velrmr Calf Bala, and Oxforda. 13 kind. - 2.35 for. fan and Black Vid Call and Cordovan 3 Bala, and ' Uxtorda. - . J. ' ' " ' - , -2.T5 for Men's Seamless BaJ cut from $4. ; . ." $2.25 fo-best Plow and ClimbrsVcut from $3. 9 5.T5 for 16-inch Bala.'waterproof Calf. cut from $7.50. . f S.OO for Polica and Motormaa Special, $5 oualitiea. . FURNISHINGS 50 for Golf and Negligee; soma splendid 75c values. - V 85 for tha great Una of $1.25 Golf and Negligee ShlrtsjT r '-"i-f 1.50 for Pongee, Claett and French Flannela, $2 valuca. ' ; UNDERWEAR ' :.' 'vv'. ' " r BO for s variety of balbriggan, contain several 75c values. 85 for imported mercerised, balbriggan and lisle; splendid $1.21 ": . . value. ' . ..-' . V -1 . . . . -'" f 1415 for high-claaa lisle and ailk merceriied; $2 value, ,'v... SUSPE1NDERS ' IB for dependable 25c Suapenders. i't 1 ' 25 for fine quality 40c Suspenders. . , - , 85 for selected worsted web 50c Suspenders., ' Jj" ' v - 50 for silk or lisle web 75c Suspenders. , ' , , r N 0 PROHIBITION 1IHUNE - COURT DECLARES " ' Temporary Injunction Issued by Judge Harris Restraining Ll ...County' Coirt. ' (Bpaelal Nspatck te tbe learsal) Kusene. Or- June IS Judfe HarrU lata yesterday afternoon franted a tem porary Injunction, restraliilna; ths Laos county oourt from aeclartna prohibition to exist in tAna eounty during tha pend ency of the ault which has been Insti tuted to psrpeiuauy restrain me wun from naakln the ordsr. Tbe caaa will come up during the present .term ot circuit court.- - - ' .. . :.'.. PRESIDENTS DAUGHTER LEADS STRENUOUS LIFE o (Inorsal KaMlal Sot Tie.) Xiondon, June 1 ft All London society la talking of tha gigantic reception ten dered .to Mr, and Mrs. Lonsworth at f)orehfster House. Apart from court functions of. a atmUa kind fael4 at Buckingham palaoe, no other such ova tion has been given aa that by Ambas sador; end Mrs. Whitala Raid in honor of. thstr guests, the president's daugb ter and bar husband. In London In years. Every one took tha greatest interest In meeting Mrs. Lous; worth. Many, after tha blase of -publicity- which .at tended Miss, Alice Roosevelt, were sur prised to find her quiet and extremely dignified, and with a face of great charm and intelligence, but rarely show ing a glimpse of tha mischief-loving girl ' about whom so many stories reached- thla aide of the Atlantic Par haps three days of being lionised In London have been almost too much even for the eaergrtio president'a daughter. EQUITABLE MAY SPEND MILLIONS IN SPOKANE (pactal Dtapatrfc te The JonrselJ . ' ' Spokane, "Wash., June II. B. P. Bramwell. appraiser of the real aetata aura rov a oovoxr A dose of Ballard's Horehound Syrup Will relieve It Have you a cold? Try It for whooping cough, for aafh ma, consumption,1 for bronchitis. Mrs. Joe McGrath, ttT B. rirst street, Hutoh Insnn, Ksnsas, writes: "I havs used Mallard's Horehound 8 y flip in my family for five yasrs. and find It the moat pal atable medicine I .ever used. Sola by .VYeodard. Clarke t U. ; Fasltlvelr eared Yf tassa tMxim ruu Taey also reUava Dav trees srom Drspepala Ia digesOoa and Too Hearty A pcrtsoS tenv Bsa.Haasaat Bad Taste ta the Xoata, Cbatsd Teatwa ratatai Bsf sue. TORPID UVX8. Tasv legalats taa Bowata. PaiclyTesetabla, zhtal xntt::. tmn-L CAfTTFR'Sl m PiiEm. -J Canrina Must Bear . aw-wiunia wajiiauii . KIFOSE tUttTITOTES. departmant of the Equitable Life As surance company, la In tha elty for a few daya He la In'veatlgatlng the coast titles aa fields of Investment. ' tt has been rumored that- between I2.S00.00S and 11.000,000 will be In vested In this city, but Mr. Bramwetl doea net verify thla 4eprt,' although he says that "there he va. been applications or JCauitabla avoney iroae-tnla city, and LI? aaC;cr.:jsrniT3 corns of them may be aooepted, but the . Equitable Inveatmenta do not run into, tha millions in any city outside ef New , York." .. .. : - 7 , Tha Saaday fenraaLta a great U jrea was It, smsus Kala