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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (June 15, 1906)
Tim OREGON 'DAILY JOURNAL. PORTLAND, FRIDAY EVENING, JUNE 15. ltZ3. PORTUUti) ACADEMY CLASS GRADUATES TONIGHT - - -W "' L' . m ,. . (M" Most Important MONEY SAVING Commercial Event of the Year ih-GJ n ( .. . . . . ... j i . ' v . . . -- ' iiiiiiiiBE WO CLOT m Co. JAMBS POLHEtfUiS PRE-MDENT. , BATES VICEPRKIDI RICBOTWJON&S CLJ&S KNOCKER VV:; ' - : j :-, . I . : ' ' ' -: -V" '-III:-::.. . .;. flL-A 7V BERWICK W00D.CIA33 PROPHET . ,: : .flELEJf BARBER. QL&SS HISTORVH : . LUCES JSVNE.CIASiS POET r ThA : (raduatinc zercia of ' th , m follows: . Presldant. Lewla t. WB- : Portland academy will b bold at the ' ' Whit Tampla thla evening-. A olaaa of i hi will receive their diplomas.' -' As vaual at the commencement of thla aehooT there will be a 4eelamatlos -ooi-teat for which five young" oratora have ' beea drllltnsT for weeka. . Prisea for ' scholarship will also be presented this evening-. These exercises are - always attended by a large crowd of relatives . and friends of the student as well as scores of alumni. ' ' Some time ago an election of officers j for the class of "Naughty-six, resulted Hams; vice-president. Helen Bates; class poet, Lucille ""Payne; class . historian. Helen Barber; jclaaa - knocker, Richard M. Jonea; class prophet. Berwick Wood. Those who wMl tafce part -tn he decla mation contest are Cecil Jefferson Espy, William Tanderbllt Dolpb, Vemon Walter Cooke,' - Margaret Virginia Merges, Georgia Maud Newbury. The class of this year Is one of the largest ever graduating from the acad emy.' Its members are Helen Dorothy Barber. Harold Edward Bates, Helen Clementina Bates., Arthur. LCarroU Brownlle, Ada Ethel Burke,' William Marlon Cake. - Ella- Barrett Camp, Ger trude Ruth Carter, Bella Btrachen Chal mers, Dudley Randolph Clarke. ; Helen Dunham,. Lola Mabel Fear, Bernard Roy Feldenhetmer. Harry MeiyUle Plavek Flora Btern Flelecbner. Ktbel Margaret Gordon. Earle Ellason Grant Auirusto Hidalgo, Edward Alden.Hlggtes, David Asher Houeton, Miriam Gilbert Jacobs. Richard Mawddwy Jonea. Marjorie Elisabeth' Kinney, Clara Koerner, . Ger trade Etta Holmes, William Sargent Ladd, Amanda - Myrtle Lewis, Mary Molr. Idvlngstone, Henry Toung Masten, Ella McCoy. Hilda Bates McElroy, Mary Belle , Meldrum, - Margaret Virginia Merges, Charles, Whitney Morden, Ed win Isaao Neuatadter, William Albert Noon. Melvin Pool Ogden, Mildred Alice Ovlatt. Liuellle- Hertenee -Payne.. James Henry Pol hem u a Ormond Rankin, Mer- wln Rankin, Harold Eugene Reed, viaa Rosalind Reed, Helen Clara -Roeenfeld, Gladys Isabel Roes, Seymour -Crandall Schwarta, Ralph Hlgglne, Scott, Hlrsch Herbert Slchel, Lesley Mary Smith. Harold Warren Thompson. Lewis Daniel Williams Jr.. Berwick Bruce Wood and George Henry Wood.1 QIS: SITIOII DULY CANDIDATE No,On Oppose Her Reelection to the Position of School Director." ! 'T ANNEXATION QUESTION " CENTER OF INTEREST Voter Will "Dedde Next Monday ,. : Whether - Portland, Woodstock, : .. Mount . Tabor,., Arlrta . and South -- Mount Tabor Will Be Conaolldated, '. As no other person has filed a notice ' ef candidacy for tha position of school -director, the name ef Mrs. L. W. Bltton, ; the present .chairman of the board of education, will be the only one on the ballot- The annual school election will be held June It, next Monday. " ' Interest therefore will center on the other questions on the ballot, the proposed- consolidation of district No. I, the Portland district, with Nd 1, Wood stock; No. ., Mount Tabor; No. 47, Ar leta; No. 44, South Mount Tabor ' Every property-owner within the dis trict, male or female.- who has resided In the. district is days prior to the lection Is entitled to a vote. These districts have, petitioned for consolida tion. 0 The' Mount . Tabor dlatrlot and a part of f the South Mount Tabor Is al ready included In the city of Portland, but by a special clause In the consolida tion act the annexation did not affect the school districts, and the residents now wish their schools to eoms under the management of the etty - board - of education. Consolidation will mean the addition of (.OA children to the long list of Portland pupils. , Ida a rolllaf maoes. ) Following are polling places where votes may be -east Monday, together with the Judges and clerks. . f- No. I Thurmao street, between Nine teenth and, Twentieth. Judges, P. J. Newberg. J. Sherlock, Ed Lander; clerks, Mrs. P. Spencer, Anna Murphsv.... No. t HO Fourth street North. Judges. T. R. Manning, J. R. O'Neill. J. Bergman; clerks, B. F. Campbell, R. J. CNeUl. - - ' - . No. S Hi Burnslde street Judges, T. N. Reed, Thomas Whelan, A. Hart man; clerks, A. Burnham, 8. Wert helmer. .- ''"- ' - No. 4 141 Ash street Judges, J. C Beck. ' C. B." Stratum, C. A. MoCale; olerks, H. F. Estes, J. M. Abbott - No. ( IfjLAlder street Judges, Ed King, F. jriUohardeon. S- I 'Stone; clerks,' Raleigh Trimble, T. C Hoecker. No, I 184 Fourth - street. Judges, John . Kiernan, John Burke, R. Brady, clerks, G. Herald, G. Freeman. No. 7191 First street Judges, J. H. Lambert H. Keller, L. Therkelsen; clerks, J. Bulllvant, J. W. Paddock. - No. I 4(1 First street Judges. Peter Taylor, I. Pratt t Ham; clerks, Mra Mary-Thurston.' Joasle Sullivan. , . No. R4I Corbett street Judges, R. C. Prince. B. F. Jones, William Gregory; clerks. J. H. Hutchlns, Mrs. . Eva Stringer. . . " '. No. it Engine-house. Macadam road. Judgee)rTerwllllirerJ.-T. Carroll, M. McNutty; clerks, H. A. Beldlng, P. B. 8bepherd. , . " No. 1 Fireman's hall,' Sell wood. Judges, A. Curtis, J. H. Hoard. L. J. Cheely; clerks.' T. C Bell. B. Jackson. - No. II 4 East Clay street. Judges, J.. L. Foes, S.' -A. SelverV ".-0.-Nelder-meyer; clerks, J. W. OgUbea, W. Qulg ley.. ' " ; " ' . - No. It 14 Grand avenue. Judges, J. L. WeUa W. B. Hall. D. H. Btrowbrldge; clerks, T. H. Gardner, J. B. Tanner. - No. 14 Boys' Brlgads hall. Judges, J. E. Worth. J. H. Hunter, J. Moeher; r BBBaw ' 9 57 f It takes m v i .w i as. . . . . V r I t I - - J flvor,xouului ; Vi cxx. chat: eldht days to make Perfect Malt" PABST. To brew the httt Veer the brewer mutt r luy perfect Jrfak, for tKe malt is tLe aoul of tk beer. , ' Perfect malt it only made . by .tLe , exclusive Pabet eigbt-clay metboJ. Tbie proceae doul1i tLe xtrutoi the usual four-Jay metkotl o"f taaxingt malt.77 Four-Jay malt cannot make perfect beer such s ' : :; Jjlue JxiD Don JDeer : because four-Jay malt is a forced anxl unnatural proceae and beer made from four-day malt Jacls tLe autritioue food elements which, distinfuisli Pab'st Beer. . Pabs t eiht-day malt, tbe cLoicert hope, pure water and " ' proceae 's4otJss?y clean . ere tLe secret, of tLe euperiority of Pabet Deer. TLe exclusive Pabet metLod of brewing1 witL Pabet eigLt-day malt tfiree Pabtt Blue , Ribbon'' Beer its rich nutrition and the rich mellow. no otLer.tLat marks , call (or Pah ' .' T - H. IlOHn SL mm -. ' WW " 1 r t-i 1 1 tciic 1 T " II III on 11 y . 1 r . bp -as it the pertectbeer. L I Co. SS. . OOJs. Twrno s , -.' v. f ''':' rum ;-rJ yr t'v v j w'kA , ' . .'- . ; . ... - . I', V''. '; - . . ' - - . -W ,' clerks, M. A, Raymond, B. R. Lltxe. No. IS t7f Holladay avenue. Judges, A. F. Velgutb, D. iSv Buchanan, u. Nlcolal; . clerks. Miss Lang, W. A. Wheeler. '"-" . --- ; No. 14 ttt Russell street Judges, F. A. Watts, N. C. Merges, J. C. Jami son 1 clerks, J. M. Plttlnger, L. c Peery. No. 17 Old school building. Wood- lawn. "Judges. B.-Morgan. J. D. Clerks, J. Kallich; clerks, Mrs. A. Spurrier. Mra A. Patton.1 1 No. II Engine-house, Mississippi avenue.. Judges. M. B. Thompson. L M. Davis, W. Ryan; clerks,' J. T. Reed, J, F. H11L . : . , , No. It Peninsula Station. Judges, B. C Beach. J, T. Ketton, R. A. Suther land; elerks, Mrs. Clayton, Mra J. Bat - No. 0 Portsmouth Station. Judges, O. B. Tucker, John Mock, O. H. Ham- stock; clerks, Mrs. A, Faircnua, Mra S. Sharp No. 21 Blanck's hall. Judges, B. F. White, Mr. Ogllbee, Mr. Shlnn; clerks. Mr. Turfer, Mr. Clapper. ORPHANS' AID SOCIETY r-LOCATES IN PENDLETON . (Special CbDatdi to The Joornal.) ' Pendleton, Or, June 1 S. Pendleton has been selected as headquarters for1 the Oregdn and Idaho Children's Horn eh society, a benevolent society which will be attached to the National Children's Home society of Chicago. -Offices have been flatted up for this purpose at tot Bush -street and Miss Isadora E. 8. Dowden, national orgnl ser and for eight years state superin tendent of the state of Montana, Is In charge. .. -"v . . - . A joint state organisation for Oregon and Idaho Is now- In process of forma tion and local and executive committees will be chosen from among the cltlsens of Pendleton to have control of the funds and to assist Miss Dowden-In 'carrying on tha work Of placing home lees children tn good homes. The objects of the society are to seek out orphan, half orphan, homeless and deserted children and to place them In respectable homes, where -they will - be reared properly. Pendlejon will be head quarters for both OrVgoit and Idaho. ENTERTAINMENTS RELIEVE FERERSTipMTLOODS " ("eeetel Btopatch to The JneraaM : Milton, Or, June It. The entertain ments given in Milton for the benefit of the people who suffered from the recent flood were yery successful; and so far $500 has been subscribed for their relief. Musical and literary programs were rendered. 1B being realised from the two, and as 115 was left from the San . Francisco disaster fund this will also bs used for the Milton flood suf ferers. - The committee Is dividing It among the different people where It Is most 1 needed. -. - -- . -- s. ELMER MILLER HAS : BIG GAME RECORD (Special Dtopatrk to Tee Joareal.) Bandon. Or., June IS. Elmer Miller, living on Pistol river. Curry county, probably holds the belt for big game hunting during the' pest year. During that time he has killed bears and aieht' panther . ' ,V . w . , m MORRISON ST. Hatj Shoes and Furnishings for Men and Boys, now in . our retail salesroom at 229 Morrison Street wilf behold at Sacrifice Retail Sale AT 41 PER CENT ON THE DOLLAR OF VALUE " ' , - -- - - .-V ' We will remove our retail business to the new block now lin course of construction at First and Morrison streets, and every dollar's worth of our fine stock now on hand -must be sold, and sell it we, will :". : ' --irr-'j.'-,'i II Wc Loose $10,0C0 Dolna III rOarH'eptrtathjn'for-Veracity' and square dealing fias stood , tioned. . When Vyou -trade here you trade with Portland's ' - li j - - " - - ' ' v- : FEO'J YESTERDAY'S JOURNAL Will Move) to & New Horns. ; Wolf Clothing company of 11 Morri son street, will open the fall and winter season in the big.' new brick building now In eourse of construction at the northeast corner of First and Morrison streets. This enterprising firm has been crowded for soma time, finding it neces sary to conduct Its - retail business from the stores at Sit Morrison street srld Its manufacturing and wholesaling from the First, near Oak street.' build ing. Their new quarters will be ready for early fall trade and will be as Com modious and modern as any on the coast. The Arm will "be closed for two days Thursday and - Friday prepara tory to big sacrifice- sale of aU goods now on hand, as the new store will De epened with an entirely new . fall , and winter stock. The big bargain sals wlU begin next Saturday. As the reputation of this old and well-known firm Is well known, we prophesy a rush for the bar gains when the . big sale begins. . Bee Friday evening papers. .. . ..... .1 for a quarter of a century unques best known clothing store. ; . . ; 3000 Men's Suits -For a score of years-thisstablishment- - rias not-manufactured or bought any suit to retail at less than $10 and up to $35, so the bargains we quote are without an equal in thjs wide world.: -' : , . Z - No. 1 $3.85 for T. li . $10.00 Suits"' No. 2 $5.85 for. . . . . . .$12.00 -Suits No. 3 -$7.85 .for '.i7$15.00 Suits : - No. 4 $9.85 for uf to. . . .$22.00 Suit Ko. 6 $12.85 for up to. . .$30.00 Suit 3000 Pairs Men's Pants ;We Handle Nothinbut Tailor Made 81.85 for. . .'. i .Pants worth up to $4.00 $2.85 for..... ".Pants worth up to $6.00 $3.85 for. ... ..Pants worth up to $8.00 --Knee Pants 'Suits .We Carry Only Fine Grades $1.85 for. tj-. Wt. $3.00 to $ 4.00 Suits $2.85 for. . ;r;v .-r.$5.00 to1 $ 6.00 Suits $3.85 for. .$7.00 to $10.00 Suits $2.85 for........ $4.85 for........ 1000 Young Men's Suits , , . $6.85 for:. ... .1 .$12.00 Suits $8.85 for. ......... ..... . ,$15.00 Suits r,. $ 7.00 Suits .......$10.00 Suits $12,400 Stock of Fine Fiiraishinrjs, Oats, Shoes 3 for all styles 15c Linen Collars. Zyif for 5c Handkerchiefs. - . ' . ' - 5 for 10c Handkerchiefs.. - 0 -3 for 25f, for 20c Handkerchiefs. , 23e for 60c Pure Silk Handkerchiefs. 5 for 10c Sox, all kinds. ' 7yit for 15c Sox, all kinds. - 12? for 25c Sox, all kinds, 1e for 35c Sox, all kinds. . 8f for 20c Suspenders. 12e for 25c Suspenders. - 19e for 35c Suspenders. 29f fof 50c Suspenders. . : v 3vf for 75c buspenders. 3 for 10c Ties. , 12d for 25c Ties. 19 for 50c Ties. : 39 forLOa JTiei: SHOES 8,00a Pairs High Grade, Late Styles "Every Pair Must Go. , $15 for 1,000 pairs broken lots $2.00 - Shoes. ' ' . $1.85. for. 25 styles, black andjan $3.0Q Shoes. - . . '- -- .'. 82.45 for all styles of $3.50 Shoes. $2.85 for our hand welt extra fine $5.00 . Shoes.' " '.; ; 'y..-; - SWEATERS ., 35 for 75c value. ' ; 45 for $1.00 value. .,U " SHIRTS. v . f . 39 for all kinds of 50c to 65c Shirts. ' 49 for all kinds 75c Shirts. ' 69 for all kinds $1.00 Shirts. " 8ec for afl kinds $1.25,' $1.50 Shirts. $1.39 for all kinds $2.50 Shirts.' UNDERWEARSUMMER AND MEDIUM WEIGHT. 24eV for 35eto40c kind. 44 for 75c to $1.00 kind, 64e for $1.00 to $1.25 kind". ' x 84 for: Wright's and other $1.50 Un- derwear." "' . $115 for Balbriggan-and Silk Mercef ized $2.50 Underwear. " ' "- 'v . " HATS , '.' J. --.We Are Portland's Favorite Hat House 45 for odds and errdsuf $1.00 and $1.23 . ;- Hats. , - l' 85 for soft and stiff Hats, worth to $2. $1.45 for all stylesof $2.50 and some ' $3 Hats. - - . - - $1.95 for our best $3 to $4 soft and stiff Hats. , . , .57 for 10c Shop Caps. ' 7 - 25e for 50c Golf Caps. . f 50t for $1.00 Golf Caps. ' . Store open every evening till 9; Sat-' ' fmrdays, li p. m. - - Special opportunity for dealers and buyers in large quantities for spot cash. SCHWAB TOzSEEKTDGLIH SAGEBRUSH STATE - Steel Magnate to Become a Citizen of Nevada to Go 7" ' tothe Senate. .. ; . ' Oearasl Special arii) 4 New Tork. June II. The Bun renews the report the t Charles M. Btrwwab-wrlt be a candidate to succeed Newlands as United States. senator from Nevada and CASTOR I A lor Infants and Children. Tb Kfcd Yc Kail Ktzzji C::;tt Beara tha Bi&natura of S9 quotes a member of the Metropolitan club as sarins: . Schwab's frlende have lon believed lie should TunTor the United-States senate from Nevsda. but when he was first' approached he refused. But his friends pointed out to him the masnl-tude-ef his Nevada Invest stents and what a field Nevada offered him. After heat-In these and other arfuments, Schwab aareed to become a candidate for senator. He-is now abroad, but has written his Intentions, lie wUl return soon-and to to Nevada to become a clti ren of that stats." ' " Schwab's senatorial campaign will be started neat winter. - Newlands term expires In Ito. f" WARSHIP TO ATTEND - . : " REGATTA AT ASTORIA ' - WeeMnfteet Bareaa ef The Joors.l.) . Washlnaton, June !. At the request of the Oregon senators the navy depart ment of the United States has directed Admiral Goodrich, commander or the Paclflo squadron, to send one of his warshtpa to Astoria to attend the re gatta. It sued, a plan proves practicable. ttverr effort I e betna; n bytne Improvement letgviee of ie .. .''emelte valley to have lr1 -t cnm. ei1 In the Wlllemetle river 1 v t . t 1 I th foverr - t 1 .V Oregon senators Mie war department Is being urged by the leegues to take this matter up without delay. k. Oasassa eoaa. i m mvu sen urana. . aTiJo3anirPalesiaer - Bandon, Or." June IS. Bandon wttt " ealebrate the Fourth of July. The funds for a btg celebration have beea raised and oommlttees are now at work mak Ing up the program. Celebrations at Bandon are always a success, as It gives the people along the river for at miles a good chance to take aa suUng at tha seeslrle. ...... .. nxT txmmv raauw, ' If you are Isnguld, depreesed. Inar sblo for wort. It lnli-etee thst your liver Is out of order. Herblne will esaist na ture to throw off headaches, rheumatlarej and ailments akin to nervou-m- e- I , tha anerslee and vi sound and berfert hea-h. J. bard. Temr'e. lewns.. w used Herblne for r has done fr me r dortore. It N I msi. fr ' ' bv " t t