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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (June 15, 1906)
THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL PORTLAND. FRIDAY EVENING. JUNE .15, 1803. ( FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. . ILS6 100x100. corner, test and Rt ttoft, on eerllnel On residence Motion: bargain. J.. WkeTEliN OttKUON TRUST CO., - 31 Stark at -. - X80O Raw modern room bniM, cement basement and tke beet of plumbing; full lot: i fcaet Holladay. D. Millar, 714 tSiaaiber of Commerce. 4 TO 8-ROOM booees with lrg lot,- 8H0O $1,800; small ' monthly payments. CU 8 im to lun. 4i ao. Marguerite- at., Monlavllla rarlln. OxlOO NEAR earllna; good aoll: 875; (10 down. New house and 7Sxli. -A block (ram earllna, 11.100. Phono Tsbor ISO. . - t-ROOM brand-new bona snd full lot. In Upper , , Alblra, close In on Williams eve., awdxrn la , every detail; atatlonary tula, porcelain hatha. ': hot and col watertank, gae and. electelclty. full cement baaement, plumbing an complete;' an Ideal place In every eeiise ; only $2.oS0. Also- a swell brand-new a -room bouse, full Jot, strictly modern; beauty; $3.0u0. Keey , tertne on both. .... ' H.--W. GARLAND A CO., 188V, Foarth at . IK yoa want a prtty Utile modern home la a beautiful loo fU loll of homes, act $2.hi0 and Mai quirk; It will be' completed next week and will be complete. with vrythliig - "well") 1 block from beat of oarrlure. i. K. . Hosmer, 810 Altaky bldg. Main KISS. r Tnng new modern o-room ootttiee taka Uka hot eskMS Hi. mrm - -wr. nearly CO DO Dieted; the are flnteked Una from baaement . to raDie, ana will Da wio eoeap on sear .to gable, ai . J. Hornier, SIO AlUiky bldf. Main 813a. r 87. t GOOD lota, 3 blocka from Mount Scott - rarllna, $6io.- J. &. -ilouasr, 110 Altaky ..bldg. Malu mad. ' " - " - In St Johns,' 1,M8 Lot 80100 on lvenhoe -at., t block from earltne, eloaa In. '.TB-Lota Mi 100, 1 blocka from earllna: $460 Lot BOX 100, with 8,000 feat of lum "ber. 1 Mocks from earllna. ' 1.300 -room boas, lot 80x100, verlook fag rive. ., 1,000 8 room botua, lot SOilOO, $400 down , and (10 a month. ' . 2,800 6-room boo, lot 100x118, aa I Tan boa, clone In. : "J THB HOIII BROKER AG! CO., Room I Breetleu bldg.,. Third and Waabtagtoa. F1NR lota in South Portland: splendid view. Alao on near Hawthorne and Meat Thirty- Phuaa Kaat 876T. , DID TOO LBAKN THH LATEST? i That 3-acra place, all Imnroeed. with mail bonae. near Powell Taller oad, Galea' croaalng. .VW. - . That aletant new nn-to-datr T-room bonae, atTlrtl modern, fit for a queen, kaat 37th and Morrleon. S.SSO. S.OOO of which can bo -paid n I9 month paymente with par cent Intereat Cbaapar than rant. - . ffij DUNJf-LAWREMCl COklPANT, . . 149H rirat at. AIL about Alberta land: Id to $30 par acre. ' U. L. Brlgga, 1S34 rirat at. SBIXWOOD LOTS. 16 down and a moatkl from 7g to 300. Bellwood Townalta Oa, H. P. Palmar, manager. Phono Kaat 4704. hOW la your time to boT8osra, wlndowa, floor. - tng and all klnda of building materlala at a bargain. Apple to America Inn. Phoaa - Paclne 107. ON'X T-room bono and one n-room, at Kenll . worth car at at Ion, for Bale cheap and on ea ' oSf Bt" " 'ta BHat0 fboa "ctt naa. 4'h Ion: lota ST OWNER New modern T-room hone and Waaco. Holladar Park addition: tor aala. Pbona Kaat . 10M. B. B. Rica. - ' THE rhanoe of a lifetime I to buy tha IQftx , ISi and good a-room houaa, 100 feet from I'nlon are. car: 40 bearing frnlt treaar only : 1800: eaty terms. J. N. Blair, (IB Ablng- ton. Pbona Main 7as. In St Jolins 1 V 00x100. on Iranboe at. clot fa. -1 lot Box 100. - nrer looking rlrer, Vx block from woolea . jnllla. LoU BOxluO, 3 blocka from car line. 3578. 1 lot 00x100 and) .000 feat, lumber, 1 blocka from earllna. . 4 -room hoaee. lot ftOiloo. over looking rtar. THB HOMB BROKERAGB CO., Room Breedea bldg.. Third and Waablagtoa. tVH represent the owner of tb Moont Hood Poultry ranch, tba beat equipped poultry farm la tba atata; U yoa are looking fur ' aaytbrna tn thla Hue. are na. NORTH WEST LAND CO., ' tt , But) Ooodaongk bldg. .FOR SALE FARMS. 107 ACRES, IBS la contention. 100 scree -hi - crop, - 40 summer fallow, balance paature; . lots af wood, rood water, orchard, bonae. barn, good waxebona oa -erntsmette; ell f leeeL above blfrh watar mark. Will aell eery cheap before July 1. Na agent. T. Jackson, ISO Stark at.) Taalnge or Sunday, 411 Wll- - llama ar. Pboo East 4S30. J 40 eerea, t ml lea west of Car Hon; B0 acres tfl ruHlratlon, food bulldlnga and, orchard, well - watered and fenced! - price. J wll h prsasnt , crop, $77 bo per acre. Addrefa Mrs, B, A. Murphy. Boa a, Carlton. Or.' FOR SALB CHEAP 1.000 acres, 300 trader eol tlratlon, with crop, ton la and atocfc.'l Apply B. L. Smith, Springfield, Oregon. roR SALB OR TRADE A fine farm of 137H acres, bet location In tba valley. Ad drees W. R. Lardr- Irelng. Oregoa. IMPROVED farms. $60 to (100 pes acre: S to 10 mtlea out. 0, R. Addttoo. Lenta, Or. Take MC Scott ear, B cents. A nonerWaker . A BSO-acre timber ranch. BO acre valley land. -BO-acrea In cultivation, seeded to vstcb and oeta, frnlt of all klnda, 3 dwelling bouses rad other buildings, a waterpowcr sawmill and planer complete, capacity 10..000 feet per day. 4.6QO.0O0 feet of fond aaw timber, and It la estimated that there la 30.000.000 feet tributary to tbe mill, flee miles to railroad on good gravel road: all gore for M.000 If aold la 80 days. Call ea or addres CALDWELL A CO., - I bllomatb. Oregoa. " - .- -B0 ACRES good land. 3 Kllea 1 mile eugar factory, eheap. or will trade f Portland property. Phon Scott Bo2fl, or I 8, ear Journal. FOR SALE 100 acres of tha moat fertile land In Clark county, Wssblngton, 8 miles from the town of Waabongai; 40 acres tn crop, ' Kfl acre timber, balance easily cleared: rood rrf- water, en-alt orchard, berry bushes, buildings, 8 fMlrb cnwai I bull, 3 boraea, bog and : rhtrkenat 1 farm Xeagna, 3 plows, spring tooth snd "t moothlng harrow, eultlvstora antr other email tools, rreem aeparator' harneae, beea, 'Y furnltnre and household utensils; good reasons for selling: price 35.0OO. Inquire of John B. Addison, I nlon Hotel, 81 North Sixth St., bet. " 4 snd 8 p. m. 'X - con-ACRE atork ranch, all fenced: 80 cultivated, bonae. barn, etc.; beautiful treat stream; (12.50 per acre. J. B. Hoamar, 810 Allaky bldg. Main 818. - FOR SALE TIMBER. Oregon Tlmbe Lands -Fcr Sale rrom 840 to 10,00o-acr tract of tbe choicest timber . In the state. ' , WILEY ALLEN CO., Unla, Oregon. WOR SALE BB.OOO.ono feet, principally yellow fir-- no avllee -from Portland, slnsa to railroad tan Tlnmoia nveri mm w .a- iwa-jerrmc I proposition, If yoo want It address Quick , Sale, D TB7sT-VOBTai.-T- -wnrtriEn scrlo. any ataa elecea: . prices. W. fi. Hawaii. S38 Chamber g Com- 4-. HORSES AND CARRIAGES. .1-1 -.1 Si - - - z'x?Pt. Horse Sale '- -' :- I will aell at tbe t'nlea Stortyarda. Port land. Oregon, oa Tuesday. June IS, at I p. m. aharp, on carload of "unhmke" bursa and on csrlosd of 'broke" boraea 00 bead la all: In this kt will be boraea to ault every, body eaddlere, drivers and good work boraea and boraea for all aeee. My last 'aala was grand snrceaa! and I will ll( three horses Just aa fast as I did Oome and see me. Remember tb data and be ah time Tuesday. J una 18, at 1 p. -" rt"P- J0H TWADDLE, , -r-;' AUCTIONEER... - . FOR BALE Team1. 008 poana I tea as. I.M pound, and 1 cheap re, 1.300 pound-.. Phon East 3648. 338 BaM BOSSES AND COWS of all kinds for aala at very reeeeaable prices. I squire 378 Front aa. (.WANTED On or two heavy teams to hanl lumber from tb A merles a laat Apply at tb : AaMsieaa tag. : , . '. ,t -. HORSES AND CARRIAGES. TOR BALE A good atrong gentle home and a eery goud aprlnf wagon. In(ulra 4US Kaat . 37 th at. lOR BALK A kit of good eaatara Oregon boreee, well broke; draught and dfirera; coma and aee them: let on drier tbem for you. John blck'a Urerr (table, Beouad god Main. ' FOR SALE 3 teama boraea and wagona. Ver .-jateeg-uor Url-k Co.. Slat and 'Tillamook. , f Pbona Beat 780. TO EXCHANGE. WILL trade a 40-aera farm near Hlltabore for dtr property; farm ta In flna atata of cnltl ; eatloa with good bulldtuga. Bagemaon 4k Blanchard. Bl Fifth at, - BIG barClfiTIn a grocery atere ar Inla; will pi'll i trade tor aereare.i Ml Scott Real Batata Co.. lnu, Or. Pbona Soott 3ai4. WHAT bare yoa to exchange for good tarn land? We bare land In all par la of tit atata oa oureichanyr Hat; glee ua trial NO0TII WK8T LAND CO., H Ooodnough bldg. . ' ; TO EXCHANOE Chlr kfn ranch In Canbr for bona and eurrey. B. T. Kandall, Woodbarn, ' Oregon. . FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. WPJ print yoar name aa BO ealllng earda. proper else ana eryie. inei yno oualneae carda. II. .4. W,, !cbinala Co.. Tl"U Portlaad. Or. STORE ftxtiirea. chain: aho' iwcaaaa. . counters. aualrlng. etc 348 Grand art, SPJ.ENDID lot of daaiaged eewlng-macblnea; - W heeler - Wllaon, Singer, DomeattQ and othera. S. S. Blgal. S8B Morrtaon at, ... . FOR BALE An elegant large elranlar ahow - caaa, at an extremal, low figure. Apply tn v Mrt O. R. Lowltt, Guides Eagle. Third and Taniblll eta. BOLOKN'R RHKt'MATIO CURE Sura core to rbenmatlam. Sold by all dmgglata. : BILLARD AND POOL table for mat or for rale on eaar parmenta. TBK BRUNSWICK-BALKB COLLENDBB CO. . .. 40 Third at.. Portland. FOR SALE OR RENT NEW AND SECOND HAND SEW1NO MACHINES. STANDARD SEWINO MACBINB AGENCY. H. D. JONES, 380 YAMHILL ST. ' WESTERN OREGON MININO A MILLING) CO. headquartrra; a lock for aala and Infermatloa at 3i Flrat at. Pbona Main 1S3S. . BOOKS bought, -aold Old Book Store. 32 and exchanged at the I Yamhill at. WH need furniture and will pay full talna. Phone Pacific 798. Wee lata BelTege Caw. ' 627 Washington at. - - SHOWCAHRfl AND nXTCRBS made to order ; aecond'band geoda for aala. Carlaoa A KaU atrom, 38a Cuch at. Phoaa Clay 871. SHOWCASES, ronntera, flxturej bought, aold or . eicbanged. Wotern Saleag Co., 427 Waab. - Ingtoa at. PadBe TBI. , - - V TO BL'ILD hoaaea or cot t a gee aa 0. B. Black, contractor ' and tmllderi bar noma fair groud lumber: can aee row atoney oa re-J pair wora. rnooe weoaiawa sua. uua Alblna aa, r : THOROPGHBRED Splta papa: male (IBs fe male BIO; beantlea. 780 To or man at. ARTISTS materlala. picture and framing. t H. Moorhenaa A Co., 813 Alder at. STERN-WHEELER combined launch and noae. . boat: plenty of room for alx people to sleep - enttifortahlv; cooking otenslls,, stov. tc; Just tha thing for duck-hunting. E 4, JonrnaL IMPROVED SMELTER STOCK. 4.000 at 10a per ahars. Add rose H 6, car Journal. . 4 HANDSOME wall esses, 14 feet. II feet, S 8 feet. Weatara Salvag Co., S3T Washing ton et. ... ... FOR SALE At a bargain, a few second hand bot-skr Incubators, 130 and 340 egg capacity, " good as asw. - 831 Eaat Motrleon, Pbona Kaat lMOB. v FOR BALK 4 fresh cows, from B2S ta 830 eplece. 1068 lPtb t.. BUwotMLl, FOR SALE S frsah milch row and calves. 186 Kearney aC. MonUvllla. TENDERS will be reeelTed by tba undersigned -at tba German consulate. Victoria, Brltiab Columbia, up to neon June 30. for tha purchase of the German steamer "Mar1echen-.u I where, aha aaw Ilea Is bar damaged condl- aion. aufQi reaerrea to reject any or all tenders. P. SCHOENWANDT, Agent. - Victoria, Brltiab - Colombia. June 11. 1008. TYPEWRITER for eale cheap: Smyth No. 3: never been need. Addreea D 88, rare Journal. FOR SALE-Oanlnr and dtelng eatabMshmani Inquire 418 Mala, Oregoa City, Oregon. ONE aet -copper fnasiela: ess be set to All any alas bottle or Beak, antomatlcally; fine for dmgglata or ltqaor-dealera. F 1, JournaL PERSONAL. -t MADAMB ANNA LUCK BY Principal of the- America Beanty Parlor, give edeatlfle treatment for . removing wrinkle and facial blemlshea with the French paste; - a lea Mm. Karrow'a famous remedies. Electric and vapor hatha given. Patlenta "received, with treatment, board - and room. Satlafactlo guaranteed. Testl montala from leading pbyalclana. ' Snlt 18 Lang hotel, Sixth and Washington sts. - Phot Mala SOIL ' - - Bl'lTS pressed whtl yon watt, 80c. Ladle skjrts preeaed. 80a. Gilbert. 104H Biltk et next to Qiielle. Tbono laeia JOSS. DR. PIERCE, specialist diseases of women: all Irregularltlee corrected: no exposure; advice free. Call or write. Room B. 81 W Third at. ANY maa ar worn as caa b atroog and happy by aalng Soxlne Ptlls. fhs great ton let price B DOS, V DOKCS fO, WIID 1.1! ni.ll Addreea er est! J. A. Clemeasoa. druggist. ad Tamkin ats.. rortiaBd. Or. DETBCTIVB AGENCY Confidential lareatte . gat loos reports msds oa ny Individual beet- neea ae-. aeanevVvf eateatne relative located t bad debt collected; charges reaaeaahle; ear. reependesce solicited. Orego Detectlrj Service, office 814-818 ColumhlabMg., 808 Waablagtoa at, Pboo atata B81S. - LADIES' Tnrklsh baths, narlora: atrlctlr flrst-cli re. hydrtatrta place tor ladle only. Flat A. 881 Waahtaftoa at, lath aad ITth at. - - Bl MANLY rigor restored by Dr. Robert News itment, 83; 8 . Globules. Ons month treatment, S3; must ha, 88; aent sees rely eealrd by mi aealed by maa Co.. Portland. Or. . Ageata, Woodard. Clark m DR. O. V. KBTRHUM cures promptly peivate disease, kidney, nervosa, skla and special female trooblea. J Call or write. Office 170H Third at., cor. Yamhill. Pboo Pacific 3320. TURKISH BATHS, 800 Ore font a a bMg.l matte days, gentlemen eight. Mala 1888. "FORBIDDEN FRUIT." "A Oar Le-fharto, " mory af a Flare," -raaay Bin. "agnee. - "Woman Fire,' 8t each! Mete free. aa. Bckmale Cw 338 First st. Dot L'S HOSPITAL t Repairing and areealBg. 81 Tambltl at. THE PURITAN I now ope tor boslaeea, art Tharmsn corner 3dth , take M er W eer. ' lira. Laura Coy k soda it. I SClENTlFIf! Tlbratloa relieve eoppreeeed, pstn ful monthly periods,! psralyals, rhenmatlsm) free examination. 108 West Psrk st. BALM OF PIGS for an femele d East Balmont Phoaa Bast 408a, RING CHOONG. Imnertor of dines root medl. -j etaeei-eelle- Chinee tea- that iaoartala. cure for tn dleaasea. 11 awesaa Bx. aasauu and Taylecw DISEASES or WOMEN Pvtvat maternity hospital; quiet tocatlo and speclsl oar. . nr. Atwbod. 81014 Menkes St.. room A Phone - PacMc IT.1A . ... YES. Palm Tablets make yoa eteep perfectly 1 they cor Bervonsneas aad make yo arm as; a rlca BOe a Boras I nut gaarsnieeo. - All Ai usalata. o addi Brooke Iiras vsks . Korth third St.. Port U ad. Oregon. SEXINB PILLS car all forme of muscular weakneaa. For me or womaa. Price 81 a box, 8 botes 38, with full guaran tee. . Addreea er call i. O. Clem en eon, drag gle t, Becoad and YasnhlTJ Stn, Portland,' Or. BOLD ON Thar I on thing that wll car rheumatism. Ask your drugglat for bark tonic or address or call J. O. Clemsoa, dra glat, Portland. Or. PROF. O'NBIL, teacher f dermatology, msnl curing and beanty cultare; aclentlne treetrsest of tbe complexion, bstr, ecalp and aklm far bleechlnr; mamnal and electric maaaaee give; ' superflons bsir snd all facial blemlehee per- '. manently removed without leaving scars; ail work poeltlvaly guaranteed: beat references given. Parlor 141 Eleventh at, earner Aider. Phon Mai 8887. DR. WALKBR. . - Mere aet of wome a Bpaclal(y lady pky alclaa. la BUaadanc. - , , - - , , , ui rmt it, ... - PERSONAL. ELECTRO THBRAPBITTI8T, Ben). H. Stahl cures e very tli log, turn apoclalty. 81 Va First St. rheuma- BOI.DEN'S RBBTIMATI0 CTJRB nr eure tot rheumatism. Bold by au araggvjt. BUMAN HAIR SWITCH'es Pay after yea re- celre tliem; sand a aampw of your Bsir and wa will send yoa one of oar $1 60 awltcbos. 314 oa., 32 Inches: eiamln It) if a big bar Ig bar Indies' gain remit; ir not return. Add Iislr Emporium, 834 Daarbora at,. Chicago. in. . v MOLES, wrinkles, superfluous hah removed. Let me tell yoa bow. No charge,. Mrs. M. D. UllL Suit I. Selllng-Hlrach bids. Pactfl 188. MISS ETHEL WARD give face and scalp ma age, elao manicuring and chiropody. Roam 86. IsSVa Sixth au TWO homes, ' frnte. flower, eegttabela and fowls. For ana In fifties, Amns Ilk my self, with capltol enough In balenrlng en forta. fa euy lit. "Htrlctly I Inqulr'' H. g. H Box 67, M beat repitation. Mllwaukla. Ore. WB MAKE j apeclalty of anparfluou hair, skin refining, scalp Invigorated, manicuring, 1 blemishes removed, baldness treated; work - guarantee. Hoem - sua odaawga Bio. WANTZQ Immediately, a rsflned yoangr lady - palmist and - aard reader; steady work -to right parson iC 62. -ear JuursaL - WILL Harry Noeaast leae bta addreea at Tb . Journal office, car of D 07 1 Mrs. Jsnsea and Cheeese ar la Portland snd would Uk u ssa yoa. " WA3JTED Experienced" yonng "lady" for mas sage- paimra. call ap Mala euu. WIDOWER wishes acqualntanc of a widow . between 23 and 84, with 1 child; prefer vroenan that works; object nutrtmoay.. O . a, car Journal. WIDOW from 'Frisco wants to - .money: good security and ' interest, care JourosL i ,. r 8. PEDICURING snd beallnr: rbenmatlam eored by naadrabbing. 144 th Sixth at near Alder. t ART EMPORIUM. PROPESSOR R. MAX METER, 848 Aider. Portrslt and landscape artist and teacher. ATTORNEY A. H. TANNER, attorney. 608 Commercial biw , Second and Waablagtoa at a. Phone Mala 843. ARCHITECTS. n.- ht tramoBft Architect, 118 Second AUTOMOBILES. COVET COOK Motor Car Co.. Fifteenth and waBumgioo agenis lor Lvaiiias, r-ierc. Great Arrow and Sbrvena-Puryea amtor-car; machines rented, repaired aad stored. Mala ASSAYERS. -SARVH 6TANIPB- EXTRACTION CO , aad Montana Aeaay Office. 180 Morrtsofl st. BUTCHERS SUPPLIES, R BIRKENWALD CO.. SA-9rM Largest batcbera' anpply house oa to coast. BATHS MASSAGE. TOTTfO lady gives vapor, alcohol aad medicated natha. rarwr XT, -ftuJVfc BUrk at, I 3 LADIES Bath, face and acalp 308. ruth, bet. Taylor and Balmoa TWO vounr ladle give masse re. tub and vspnc oath, liovt roarta st., cor. Washington. MISS RAYMOND frees paths and maasag treatmsnm. in tasmoe, aolvh Morruoa at. LADY from the east five edentlfi massage. ' vapor and tab baths. 201 H Third st. BLANK-BOOK MAKERS. HOWE. DAVIS A KILHAM. 108-111 Second et. Blank book maaufactoreref agents for Jones Improved Loose-Leaf ledeere: see tha new I- ureka leaf, tb beat a tb market. CROCKERY AND GLASSWARE. WHOLESALE crockery and gissswar. Pral uegeie m oe.. too to in nrtn. or. nark at. COMMISSION MERCHANTS. BVBRDINO A FARE ELL. produce aad eosasals. sin merchants. 140 froat SU. Portlaad, Or, Phon Mala ITS. CIGARS AND TOBACCO. M. A. GUNST A CO . DUtrtbatara sf FINB CIOARS. Port is ad. Oraaoa. CLAIRVOYANTS AND PALMIST. v Always Consult tbe Beat, PROF. B. KHIMO. Ores teat living astrsl dssd-tranc elalr vovant of the age; adviser on business snd sll sffslrs of life: tells yoar full name and what yoa called for. whom yoa will marry, bow to control the one yo love, even thou ah miles away; reanlfea tb separated : gives .secret powers to control; ao loss deleya ta waiting. Hours 10 to 8, dally and Sunday. Permanently located tn bis own borne, 368 Fifth st,. comer Msdlsoa st. t , A SPECIAL 88 resdlng for- ji. St.- George Ormonde. Consult blm on love, paalnees, r hangs, marriage, - divorce; telle names, dates, secrets, how to get well, be magnetic, physically and mentally vlgoron. overcomes bed habits, give good rack, cures vital lose, evil influence, epella, deameee. absent treat rnent. locate missln friends, buried free bw re scues, are vein; trile yoa exactly what yon wish,- to know. U0 Fourth' St., corner. -wienr to snow. Washing ton at. MRS. STEVENS, rNsrtlsnn" leading rmlmlet, etrolorsr and clairvoyant. 10B Beventk at, opp. Hotel Portland. i . MADAMB ANNUVB. the wonderful chstrvny. ant and trance medium: eonault her before en gaging tn any undertaking of any natnrei '" peet. present and future given; palmistry resdlngs, 35c, ldT West Park St.. near Vorrlsoa. PROF. WALLACE, ;tb. fret palmist, tell yoa everythlngl from the palm; teaches pslmlerry; about marriage, love, business; complete resdlng BOei soenrata and truth fuL Ml Sixth St., near Stark. CARPENTERS AND BUILDERS. WASHBURN A FLOYD Onrpenters, Joiners and csrrlags worn, aa ia (. raom racioc siun. STAPLES A MOORS, contractor and Jobbing; all klnda of cement week, Welle built af atone aad cement blocka. 181 Fire t. Mala SA64. O. CARMICH AEL ontractnr and bntMert atnr ard enc BlUugs- 89 Fifth at. - bob. i - v I'hoa Pa dfl I. HENDERSON Oarpeatering - peewiptiv attended to. Rcald snd Jobbing Idrae 85 ml 11- wsukle ct. Esst 38. COAL AND WOOD. Url 1 If l ri I,s, X bhub., ve eemer ., r wrrwm Mala 881. Now the largest wondrerd la tb city, carrying all klnda of wood and- oai. Dry sawed wood a apeclalty. . AXRINA FUEL CO. Dealers In eordwood,, coal and green snd dry alabwood. R. R. and Alblna are., 8 blocka east of fairy. Beat 874. WESTERN Feed A Fael Co., oa Front, be - tween Ullean and Hnyt. dealers In all kind of hoaee eoala aad blacksmllh eoelf. . Phoaa Mala 1018. STEEL BRIDOB FUEL CO. Ielee In cost, eordwoad and dry alabwood. Phone East 434. OREGON FUEL CO. AH klnda of coal and wood. 3oS Alder at. Psosa Main SO. . BOX snd plan Standard Wood Pboo Esst 3x1 A Immedlst delivery 4-FOOT eordwood 88.10 per cord: sawed, TTB and 84. a commercial ax. raen e. biw. collectioWaoency: POT ANYIN? oJe you moneit wb CtiLI.FCT BAD DEBTS OF ALL KJNDS. NORTHWESTERN LAW A COLLECTION CO., 122 GRAND AVE., ROOMS 14 AND 18, CITIEF.NS' BANK BLDil. CUT THIS , OUT. PH0SB EAST 8048. . , CARPET, CLEANING. - ' -T-i mill mni STANDAkD Carpet Cleaning Co., largest plant an the coast, Lortng snd Harding a la., tele. l1". Mmi .arpeta cteanea, reniiea, sewer and laid; both steam and latest cum- praaaed air process; re ou rating ma Ureases ana leathers a specialty. SANITARY carpet cleaning, ruction, and com pressed air combined; carpets cleaned an Soar wiutoui removal. Mala B684. Mala 8200.. J. HUNTER, ateam carpet and mattress. cleaner. 6S0 Jefferson. Phone Msln 81 A CAFES. Bsjw-haysa THB OFFICE 285 WhsUiiftoa at.; phoaa Mala 771. Semual Vlgnenx. " CHIROPODISTS. CHIROPODY AND PEDICURING. Mrs. M. D. Hill. Salts 1. Selllng-Hlrach Bldg. PscISc 188. CLEANING AND DYEING. WHITE LILY TAILORING CO. Cleaning. preaelng, repairing ( Krench dry cleaning. Phon oawered promptly. PaclO 418. Alder aad 7ta. Portland Steam Cleaning A Dyeing Works: prse ileal halter la connection. 211 4th. Pacinc 807. CLOTHES cleaned and pressed , 1 per month. Unique Tailoring Co., 847 Waahlngtoa at. H. W. TURNER, professional dyer aad cleaner. BOB Jefferson at. Phone Mala 8(118. DRESSMAKING. DRESSMAKING of all kinds. Hotel Ken yon, 18th aad Waahlngtoa. - Phoaa Pari no 4ML. . SUITS 30 and apt shirtwaists 6oc; skirts re. bound; jackets rcllpod. Sue) Market at. DANCING. BALL ROOM and fancy, correct method, tessor Blngter, academy 808 Alder ax. ' ELECTRICAL SUPLIES. PACIFIC ELB0TRIO CO. Bnglneers. coatrac, tor, repairer. lctrte wiring, aupplle. 84 First, or. Stark. Mala 808. R. H. Tata, mgr. FURNACES. BOTNTON warm-air furnaeea ear fuel. J. 0. Bsyer Farnace Co., 308 tteoood. Msla '481. FURNITURE FACTORIES. OREGON Fnralter Mannfactoring Company . Manufaoturera of furaltara for the trade. Portland Oregoa.. FURNITURB manufsctuting and special order. L. Bavensky's furniture factory, 870 Front at. FENCE AND WIRE WORKS. PORTLAND - WIRE A IRON WORKS 81 Flandore st, or. Third. Phaa Msla 3000. GROCERS. T.V ehr.eT- WADHAMS A CO., wholesale smears, maau- - facturera and eommlaaloa merchants. ' Fourth and Oak sts. AXLEN A LEWIS, commission and produce mer chanta. Front and Ha vis ats., Portlaad, Or, GASOLINE ENGINES. STATIONARY and marina; "Little Special" tasollne launch, 8188; aecoud band electric lanche and bulla. RJSIEKSON MACHINERY CO., 182-44 Morrison st. HAY AND GRAIN. E. L. COOPER A CO Potato feed and Sour. 128 Union ave. Phone Eaat 1617. - HOTELS. HOTEL Portland, Americas plan; 88, SB per day. BELVEDERE; European plan; 4th and Aider sts. HARDWARE. Portland Rardwer Oo. solicits opportunity a quot price. 18S 1st St. cor. Alder. Mela 1884. HAT FACTORIES. HATS classed, blocked, mads llks new for 60c; ipert Pansma bleacher. 64 Third, Bear Plaa. Branch, 824 Flrat. PaHfle IS. INSURANCE. ISAA0 L. WHITE, fire Insurance. 00 Dekunt " 1 Bldf. JAB. Mcl. WOOD, employers' liability aad ln dividual a rbons 47. dividual accident auretji. bonds af all kinds. m McKay Bldf. MUSICAL. EMIL TBIBl.HORN. pupil of SEVCIK, violin teacher. Studio 188 8iith. Tel. Mala 8868. LESSONS 60c; piano, guitar, ban in. mandolin. vioiia mstramants ror sale. Mrs. Msrtia, 34114 First, near Main. MONEY TO LOAN. - MONEY TO LOAN ' On Improved city property or for building parposea, for from 3 ta 10 yeara' time, with privilege to repay all or part of loan after two years. Loans approved from plans snd money sdrsnced aa building . progresses I awrtgage taken ap asd .replaced, i FRED H. STRONG, Financial Agent, 348 Stark at, - THB STAR LOAN CO. - Any salaried employe, ware-earner, caa get :a hi not, without mortgage nontn, v eionxn. cwi. I rnonxu. cwi. fd no or (8.88 88 85 or 81.88 13.00 or 1.08 aoo.oo aepy va aa sis an or n ri at mm no Hepay to as f a so or $18.00 Repay to ua 3 4.00 or xaa men ay oiag. CONFIDENTIAL loens oa salaHes. Insurance policies, plsnos, furnltnT. warehouse re ceipts, etc. ! any daeerving peraoa may acnr a liberal advance, repaying by easy weakly or monthly Installments. 1 MEW ERA LOAN A TRUST COMPANY. . 308 Ablagton bldf. MONEY ADVANCED SALARIED PEOPLE . , , t .V . . . Ml.lMMt a.n-j vinrnj vpvn vi i, i ' wwu " - aeenrity: cheapest rat, esaleet payment! fBce la 88 principal cities; ssv yourself money by getting oar terms first, TOLMAN. 323 Ablngton bklg., 10BA Third st. HEADQUARTERS FOR SALARY LOANS Money caa be Borrowed oa aey psymeas plaa, lowest rates; strictly confidential. i CRESCENT LOAN CO.. 43S Mohawk bldg, cor. Third and Morrtaea. MONEY to loaa on real, pereonsl and collateral eeartryi apeciai TTeniio to chh gag; note bought. C. W. PUC 804-8 Fen too bldg., 84 Sixth st, niuriLiX iwapecieoi pisrw- wnw. - - - fen caa borrow money . on diamonds and eweiry, l uoi lateral leas nana.- mm - ngtoa at Phoa-Blck 71. MONEY to (on m Tlarlaaai eootity lands. B. F. and F, B. Rllcy. 808;.tTiamDr ox ua. mere. . LOWEST rate en fn culture aed piano. Esst- era imi Co., 44 BhsrlecB Biag. rscin sue. MONBY TO LOAN oa an krnds of seenrtty. William Moil, room s, waeninexon aa. - TO LOAN Sams to eott ea chattel security. R. A. Fram. 614 tb Marqnam. WILL loen,tl.ono ar leea on real estate frnitt t a per osut. garnngtoa, aia -.namuer oi Com mere. WAN TED Notes; mortgsge or simtrscts oa any kind of -real estate la Oregon or wean Ingtwu; second euortgagea purchased If wsll scored. I H. R. Nobis. 813 Commerciel blk. MONEY TO I)AN AT S PER CENT Fir and casuslfy Ineursaoe. Henry c. rrunnomme. Chamber of Commerce. Phone Main 1822. FRIVATB money to lnn near Portland at reaaonable rata. Bo Bloom, w Lnamr Of Com meres, . jg. Money to Lean .From prlrsve fiinda on Improved property. 7 'f.'i. I CO., . , T 84 Grand a vs. MONUMENTS. iEU A K1NGSI.EY. 3W First et, ForUaad' laadlnf marble aad fraatt wscka, v' .4. - FINANCIAL , , , VM. WU4I waaie. s.eva siisne awv, asm vinej, m riiHiin , Csplul paid ap , M.OuO.Ouu.OolBurpros sod sndlvtded eroflta 88.77( A Genersl Banking aad Exchange Business- Transacted. . SATIN OS DEPART weea B IBBIUIITfr atacaat aa ttat aopaaiu. Waf. A. MACRAB Maaagor. f JNITEO STATES XATIOaTAL BANK OF FOBTUxlfD, OREOOsT.- ' U L riortbweet Cor. Third and Osh BIS, . v. ..TT,1mot a weaaral "teeklng Business . DRAFTS ISSUED Available Is ATI CIMes ex ",J'n"o Stat and europe. Hons tone snd Manila. Collection hU4 aa Favorakle Tsrma. Eri ;... ...J. 0. AlNSWORTH Vice-President ."iW aJftMSER ABtTrr1?"!-. hMk TARN KB Cashier. .... ..R. W. KBWJ" Aaslstant Caehler...... A. M. WRIGHT Aeeletant Cs abler w. A. B"" . FET RATIONAL hkNK OF P0RTLAJTD, 0RE00B). " , Designated Depository snd Financial Age at of the raited Starve. Aarf-rrl?".- A, U MIMA Cashlsr .'.Ww "JrivKs Aaeirt.nt c.ahler V. C. ALV0BD Second Aeeletant Caabtar B, F. STEVENS 17 1. ldlt Isaaed Available In Europe aad tb Eastern States. -Bight Bxchsnge and Telegraphic Transfera aold on New York. Baste,, rhlesgo. St. lavm. ml: OB1"ba. San Franc lace and tbe principal potnta tn the Northwe- . n ? ', ,,rn bill draw In earn t salt en London, Perl. Berlin. Frsnkforta-tbe-Msia. Honkong , . Yokohama. Copenhagen. Stockholm. St. Petersbnrg, Moscow. Enrlck. Honolnl". LAOT TTLTOlf, BANXEBS (Estnkllsksd ta 1888.1 . ' ' ' v., mnaaox a Geaerel Banking Bnelaee. Col lections made at all sotnts oa ". ..'olt terms. Letters af credit Issued available) In Enron and all eotete to heTTnite I. , "'bt Exchange and Telecrspkle Transfera sold en New York. WashUieton Chlcsso. St. Louis. Denver. Omaha. Ban ranclso sad Montana and British Columbia, rvcbaaae aoia en London. Parle, Berlin. Frankfort. Hongkong. Yokohama. Manila and Hooolnln. rk aj ER0RANTS kirmxit. - snvet Afl L?": WATSON. ...... Preeldent B. W. HOYT ...7. Caahle Vjanaocts a 0nrI Banking Business. " v- .. .... m m, wor in. CJonectloos Bpctslty. . BARKERS A LT MB EA M A V B BAtaV-Pertland. Orsgca. Comer Second ami Stark street. Commercial and savlnga department. Interest paid on aavlnga accounts. Drafta and . 'J ''re of credit leaned available In all parts of lbs world.v Opea 8s tun lay evenlnga from T to 8 for tbe accommodatioa of D. C. PELTON.l.v .-.T. ... Presides. - FREO H. ROTHCHILD... First Vice-President JOHN A. KEATING. .Second Vice-President TRUST COMPANIES. : PhlRTtANT, TRT8T COhrFBT OF OREOOW "The Oldeat Trast Ce m Oregoa. .RESOURCES OVER 31,000 000. General banking. Exchange n sll prt of the world. SAVINGS ACCOUNTS, Tim eertlflcstea, 8 in 4 per cent; short-call srdl certlflcstet 1800 eriovee. 8 H to 4 pee cent. Csll for booh of "ILLUSTRATIONS Southeast corner Third ,' 'ad Oak sts. Phone Private Kiehaage If.." ' . . . ?ZLro?'T;..... ..rraldat H, U. PITTOcK.r.......k..- -?r,'" W. Ae r. W sfsTsE,s)aa . e . PAGET 8eretsry i i 'EOTfRTTT SAVTiroS A TRUST OOMFAKT-.B88 3 Tr a osa eta a General ' nklng Boalneee SAVINGS DEPARTMENT, fntereet a Tim and aavlnga -ta. Acta aa Trustee for Estate. Drafts ' d Lettere ef Credit . , - Available In All Farm of the World. 0. F. ADAMS Preatdsat L. A. LEWIS Flrat vT-Fresldsn A. ta, MILLS .....Second Vlce-P.esldeat R. O. JUBITB ,' Ascratarp , GEO. F. RUSSELL Assistsnt Secretary THE M0BTOAOS B TIARA BTEE A TRUST OOMFAVT BANK, ' . "'". General Banking and Trust Buelnses Trs esse ted. Interest Paid ea Time Deposits. 0, W. WATERBURY-.Ct.,:,.IA.1:. "'iitiViltT. Ttca-Pr-ldkeA 8. LOGAN HAYS Amtstsat Secratary ETk Temple. Seventh and Stark Strea. Phoo Msln IBd. NORTH WESTXRV OUARKTrE A TRUSTS COMPANT Pertkand, Oregon. . Lambsc Exchaagrv B. B. corner Second and Stark Streets (second floor). ' .. FISCAL AGENT FOR CORPORATIONS. Stat. County. Municipal snd Corpora tin Ronda bought and aold. New enterprises erfsalssd - and financed. Stock and bonds gnsrsjr d. lTtB OTJAR ARTIE A TRUST COMPART MORTGAGE LOANS Portlaad Real . tract BONDS AND INVESTMENTS. M ORRIS BR0A 183 tint IkiH Fsrtlaad. Ore as. Offer Ollt-Bdg , Inveetmcnta ta tMualrtps! pvOwTmfO-HOJfKIirS OOMFAVT XstakUaked U i TOOK STBONDS, GRAIN Bonght aad Sold for Caah and S Varglfl.' Private Wlrea. ' ROOM 4 CHAMBER OF COMMERCE.- i Phone Main ST. Overbeclc, Starr & Cooke Co. ORAThT, PROVISIONS. COTTON. STOCKS AND BONDS. ' WE DO A STRICTLY OOMMMBlOhT BUSINESS. Oonttnnnaa Markets by Private Wire. Quick Service. REFERENCES Ladd A niton. Bank -era, and United State National Bank of Portland. Unexcelled fad 11 tie for handling Toaopah. Gold Held, Manhattan and other 11a ted mining stocks. LOUIS J. WEDE MDvTICIPAL 1 Tri TATTTV C SCHOOL AND M M r 00RP0RATI0M i JLV JT l JLV J - BlgtMat Retaraa to lnveators Comilstaat With Absolut Safety.' "' PORTLAND A NORTH WESTERN BOMB TELEPHONB A TELEGRAPH SECtTRmEfl ..j MAGNETIC HEALING. SEXUAL disease of both men and Woroen cured: consoitstion rr. rnsu ens. . v. Diamond. L. B. Baart, 180 Seventh at. MACHINERY. TBE H. C ALBEB CO.- Second-band mscillnery, sawmills, sts. S48 uraaa are. BIPPELY A MYERS, machinist and eleo trlclsns; sleet lie elevators, electrical macbln. cry and gasoline engines a apeclalty.' 324 Oak at. Phoaa Mala 1830. a, WW. u . ru Ul.l,. m.III 1m. Bins macnmeryi nyarauiie pipe, casiingi au klnda rpalrA. iih norm aosrtu. "PHYSICAL7CULTURE. BINGLER GYMNASIUM Privat clae aad In dividual butructioB. 808. Aider st. OSTEOPATHS. DHS. ADIX A NORTHRUP. 418-18 17 Deksa bldf., Third and wanningtoa sis. raa Main 848. Examination free. THB vary beat lady osteopath In tow a. Dr. L. it. Johnson, suits is. oeuing-nursco oiug. DR. PIERCB, osteopath, vfbratlon and tbe 1 Ilgnx, sirs inra wt yii i ."." -- m ORIENTAL RUGS. ORIENTAL RUGS repaired and cleaned by ni'lv experts; w use tn origmai onun . dye csahmere .wool for ear repairing; sll work-guaranteed. Call ap Oriental Rug Re pairing Co.. Pacific 388. 8441 Waab. at. PAINTS. OIL AND GLASS. F. B. BEACH A CO. Tbe Pkawer Paint O. I window aad raxing. law sirsx ex. Pboo 1884. PLUMBERS. DONNERBERO A RADBMACBER removed t No. bob Bumeioe ax. - FOX A CO, aanttary plumbers. 3S1 Second, tie. Mala and Salmon. Oregon phon Mala 3001. FINNIOAN BROS. A CO, SM Third ex. Phon Mala 8o00. Plumber and heatlnf nginei. PRINTING. THB MODERN PRINTER Y--Artltlc printing. 3d Ruesel bldf. Fourth and Morrlaoe. I boos Pacific 13S8. ANDERSON A DUNIWAY COMPANY, pribtta. lithographing. bUnk hooka. Phone Mahk.Ji. 90S Aid. RUBBER STAMPS. F. C. STAMP WORKS, 348 Aider t, phone Main Tin: rubber stsmns. aeala. steoclla: baggage. trade ehecksi Bend foe catalogue fro. Mi, ROOFING. annmna. 'wmt,,, unyii. w . - - SAFES. DIESOLD Msnrsn" rirpVr ' Safee. UNEQCALED. 'FRISCO FIRE, class "A ! bnlMlnga. eeven 'H" thin wall of 1S8 partUlly protected eontcnta. Daria Bella Jacka. metal vault flxturee, opena lock oats, repair. Phon 188.1. 88 Third. PORTLAND. SAFE CO, ol gmt for HER-RINO-H ALL-MARVIN Saf and MANOA- NKRB Stsl Saf Co.' Bnk Safes. 83 7th St. STREET PAVING. WARREN Constrnctlon Co, street pavtrur. alde walka and crossings. ,718 OregonlsB bldg. THE Barber Aaphalt Paring O. ef PortUaA OfficeolW Worcester blk. mmllMI . i showcases. And fixtures. SHOWCASES of vfTy dcrvpMoai bsak' bar snd toc Birurea made to order. Tb LaUse M4iiarcraring-4as, Portland R. H. BIRDSAI.L. deelgMr: agent M. Wtatf Lumber CO . 7 Hamllto bldg. Mala 8638. . SUMMER RESORTS. r FOR RENT-aN'0 new rurnt.hed cottafa it vahl, taoaabl. rkoaa Beat 17ts , BANKS, v Read Offle. Sea Fraantas, Cellforsle. BB.TTU. Hen a. I. T. BUBTCHABLU.,....Aasistant Maagr awn - ciwvaaw R. L. DURHAM...... .....1 e-e-1fler,t GEOROB W. HOYT -aalstsat Caahle DrsfU aad Letters ef Crsdlt leered A veils r - J r- M A R f . '. t " T.. ...... i . ."Caab ief Tt D. STOREY Assistsnt raahler ..General Counsel PL ATT- A PLATT J. Oi OOLTRA. . Assdstaat Secretary i i Morrison Street. 340 Waahlngtoa Street, Comer Beeemd. Estate at Low set Rates. Title , Iored. Famished. :- I sad RitTroad Bonds. Write or Cart Uvi BROKERS (Members Chicago Board of Trade.) 103 Third St. McKay Bldg., Portland. Oregon. Booms 3. d and 8 La Fayette bldf.. ear. Sixth aad Wash. Bta, Portlaad. Oregon. DIVIDEND STOCKS' -BANK AND COBPOBATI0N SECOND-HAND GOODS. ATWATER A CARL furnltur house Hlgbeet price paid for second hand furnlturs. . 313 Second St. Phon Pacific 488. BIGHEST cash pries 'paid for second-band geods. Phone East 80TT. 138 Union are. SCALP TREATMENT. SCALP and face maaaage. mannlcuring; agent for Dr. Cbrlstlsnn'a French toilet artlrlea. 11-13 Grand theatre bldf. Mala 84TL Hoars, 8:80 to A T SIGN PAINTERS. GOLD SIGNS, window lettering, cloth banner. .economical electric . sign and.atgna af all kinds msde quickly. Foster A Klalaer, Fifth and Everett. Phone Exchange 88. . W. P. BER0ER A SON, 3S4 Yamhill st Signs of all klnda. Pboo Pacific 32.12. TRANSFER AND ' HAULING. SAFES, reedy pianos and furnltur moved, packed ror snipping sna s tup pea; sll worn guaranteed; large, 8-story brick, ire-proof warehouse for atorage. Office 308 Oak at. 0. M. Olses. Phone Mala 847. THB BAGGAGE A OMNIBUS TRANSFER CO.. I cor. Sixth and Oak ats ; baggage checked irum nnin or resinenca airecx to oestlnatlon; pa assurers therefor ftvold raah - and annoy, anc at depots. Private Kxcbang 88. a Q. PICK, office SS First et, between Stark and Oak sts, phone 608; pianos and furniture moved snd packed for ahlpplng; commodious brick warehouse with aeparata iron rooms. Front and Clay ats. OREGON TRANSFER CO, 184 North Sixth. roons main aw. Hsavy naming ana storage. POST SPECIAL DELIVERY.' Na. 300 H Waah- ngion Bl. r BOD JBS1B OZ. CUT rate oa household good to all points - esst ; w snake np carles da special room for tranka while waiting. Oregoa Auto-Daapeteh, 18 Flrat at. Phon Msln 713. TELEPHONES. THB only exclusive telephone bonae. B.-R. Electric A Telephone Maaafaetnrtnf com - pear, 3 Fifth at. TOWEL SUPPLY. CL8AN TOWEt.8 DAILY Comb, brash, soap, 81 per month. Port Is nd Iundrv snd Towel apply Co, Ninth snd Coach. Pbon 410. TYPEWRITERS. NEW typewriter. All make, rented, sold and repaired. Coeat Agency, 231 Stark. TeL 140T. WIR3 AND IRON WORKS. - BAST PORTLAND FENCE A WIRR WORKS, - 180 E. Water at. rboo East 821. - -.- - i SALOONMAN IS FINED 7 ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS -HsrrnAn HnfirlltiB. nror,jlotQrotthaJ notorious La Tosca saloon at (7 Fourth etreet, was fined 3100 by Judf e Cameron this morning on a chargs of having sold liquor to 17-yoar-old Annie Flts gerald. F. A. Hoblltt, one of his bar tenders, eaoaped with A flna of $38 on tha ama chars. Both of tha man are now confined In tha count Jail awaltln trial tn the circuit court for a viola tion of the state law prohibiting the Mile of liquors to minora. The fines levied by" Judge Camerorrwere for vio lations of the city ordinance. The ntsserald girl, who has been In Jail for several dnya, waa given Into the custody - of her mother.' If At Any time during the next six montha aha la found away from home After o'clock At night unleaa accompanied by her parents she will have to serve a sen tence of to days In the county Jail. Sperling's rorl Is now closed and It la understood that he contemplates aell tnf out. , '-... Xf yon Raw met aarxrered Tha Jonr. raI Want Ads tatolr T have gorUa At of toock with thlBgs. - V SAYS HU53Y TOLD KER l!E - VMS RELATED TO HAY Bessie May Ston Tells Story of Deception in Her Suit for Absolute Divorce. Beaal Mar Stone has filed A Bult fop A divorce from Oscar C. Stone la the circuit oourt. In which ahe Alleges that ' her husband epreecnted to her parents ' that he wa I relative ef geuretary e -Btat John Hay and Induoed them to furnish htm money to establish himself ' in buaineas In ArlzonA. Mr A Btiona la A daughter of Thomas Oulnean. She says that her father fitted. them up. with houaa furniture, and tttat Stone V aold it tn Arlxona and kept the pro- 1 ceeds for hi own uae. and that he waa' forced to leave Arlxona tn 1901 becgnso 11 if frcnltlrg growing crat of keeping- mondy -belonging to others which he had oollccted, Alao that he fled from Oregon tn ,1801 -te- avoid Arras L because, of becoming Involved, la fraudulent transactions, butr waa later arrested In Montana and brought back to Portland, where be waa kept in, Jail for aeveral weeks. - .' , ... , . Stone waa convicted . IR Umatilla a few day ago en a charge of ebuinlng -money by falae pretenses, and la now In Jail there Awaiting sentence. Mrs. Stone-says her father has sup ported, , her ever since her marriage, which took ' place at Spokane June 17. 1S08. (she alleges that while they were living at fclumatb-Falla," In 1905. her huaband became provoked becauae bar : father did not send them money and -kicked and choked her. She ask an absolute decree of divorce. ; ' Bandln; Permits. ; ' Following are the permits Issued for' , the erection of new buildings: Lou Wagner, one-atory atore. North Twen- , ty-flfth. corner Thurman. cost l&0; A. E. Undsey, two-story dwelling. Eaat Taylor, between Eaat Thirty-eighth and EaBt Thlrty-nlnth. cost $1,800; Mary Jacobs, repairs to. dwelling, Sheridan, between Third and Fourth, coat 1200; a E. Jackson, two-atory dwelling. West avenue, between Hawthorne Avenue and East Clay etreet, coat 13,000; A. Culpon. repairs to dwelling.. Eaat Ankeny, be tween East Twenty-eighth and . Eaat Twenty-ninth.' tost 1300; O. W. Owena. ': repairs to' dwelling, Gaines, between Hood snd Kelly, cost 400; C C Rich ards, one-story dwelling. East Tenth, ' corner Frederick,.- coat- f00; .- Alder Street Bakery Company, repairs - to . "tore, 9st 1150: A O Amos, two-story - dwelling, Multnomah, near East Twen ty.slxtb, . cost $1,800; James Walker, two-atory dwelling, Eaat Main, between East Thirtieth and East Thirty. flrsR cost $2,000. - AT THE THEATRES. "Rounders" Tonight; Mat Tomorrow 1 The second matin of "Th Rounders." '" ' -the Helllg theatre, roarteenth and Washing ton. streets, ocenra tomorrow snd the last , parfotmanca tomorrow night. Tha Randall musical company baa made Itself very popular thla week. It Includee each well known artists -as Lotus Kandall, Robert Pitkin, Myrtle Vaaa. Millar Bacon and Boa ale TannehUI.- and a spleadld-volced cburua of pretty girls who know how to dsne. Tb public who ar mueteaUy Inclined- nnd Ilk a pretty picture and sweet music ea th .stag caa satisfy, thsmaelve t aa extremely amatl prise' at the Hslllg. Change of bill each week. "Said Pasha" open tbe second week Sunday night. Jane 17. '8st - are now Balling at tb boxofOc of th Hslllg. - "Said PasIir" Opens , Sundgy. .', . - Th Sscoad week of th stork season of musi cal comedy at the HHlllg theatre will Intro duce the Kendall mnalcal company la a Ane singing opera, Richard Stabl'a "Bald Pasha." the moat tuneful and meritorious work of that talented eompoaar. Mr. Seaman, stag di rector of the company, ebna thla- opera ta order to further demonstrate tba ability of , tba company to handl a light eper that la , full of good mi and el atanw la addlUsa to the regular ecore there will b several speclsl numbers Introduced by Lottl Kendall, Robert Pitkin, Bessie TannehUI. Ben Lodge and other of th principals. It will be a great bill and at tb popular prlos th bona will be ailed to overflowing Sunday night st the opening. Reserve your easts as far ahead aa yoa caa, for there will be A rueh. "When We Were Twenty-One." Not one word ef disapproval, bat inaay wordg ef approbation, la tbe rale concerning the an- ' awoncement that "When We Were Twenty-; On"- ta to b tb blU for sext week at the Baker theatre a took aeaann. It is th aeveath. weak ef the regular eeaaoa and will epea st ths usual Sunday matinee, June IT. It I, astonishing how -the public haa grown to lav., this ply. Not that It la surprising that people Uk th play, bat that tb publl will a area . anlvrlly apoa anything. Th gen ral vrd1ct of everybody who ka ever en "When W Were Twenty-One" ta that It la on of th most touching and pleasing dramas svsr written. Plenty- of Laughs. Thar Is a good hearty laagh wfcea' BUly Dill cosaeg on the Baker stage ta hla L'acl Ssm nK n "n Man From th Golden West." nd that popular actor keep the people laugh, tng continually whll b stays oa tbs stag. He ta a deacoa 4a a down-eaet ahnrch, bat be . bet on tb race in New York snd fools bis wife, - Mrs. Byers. a tha play. who. ta tare, beta ea the bssebaU game, and both hypos crlte pretead that they will a tb aonnay they wla to 8x ap the cbnrch at horn, Wha Billy Bnally bet bis wits ea the remit of a race, and to, h 1 cr4 and reform. "Th Mia From th Ooldee West" Is a strong plsy, with muck good comedy ta It. Tonight and Satin-day statins and evening are thelaat perfnrmsne. . . , VAUDEVILLE AND STOCKS At 'the Lyric. ' Tb success of ths week ta tb mlndrama la "Brought to Jus tic," s presented by tb Lyrl stock compear, Th production eov brsces th lmnts of crimen, romance and comedy, so happily blended as te give to tbe thestr-golg public a eloaa, clv and -well -acted attraction: a true appreclarloa of which la demonstrated by tb larg patrooag the play la receiving. Tb II Inst rated anage , nd -anowtnr -pietaawa aratssnsliily-wuithg n- -favorable awntioa. - .. - Psntsges Good Show. '. c Orknd ' opera. uch""Va""TectiInTVrn quartet present at rentage thl week. I .ldora to be enjoyed In vssdevllle theatre. Th famona epers "Msriha." however. Is. only n Incident of Pantage- program thl wk. Among the other fee Lire are Oeorg Htm me, Mies Scboffleld, I4T.wka. the Hexlitt frto. lh grt Helen. Waa Wllaoa and tha Mo- graph. At the Grand. .. . . ... . -I., as. a b.a eeae rlapnit, tire oi j 1 - - - - appeared ta .Portlakd. I th ked!1nr st th Vd thla work. H k. aw-t artels higgling ct prested In the weet. Bsvt lvr I otber strong Bttrsctloe. lerf l fc.w York newsoaper artist.- who ''- familiar people, hi drwlc bln P"rrtM in an Itnm-toH, curtain, f llf f-rd d Orth ar slngwrs asd tslksr. ... .; . .... At the Star. V . T ee' "Hot! Fllm-rism" th Rtsr t' week I to see a show In ev.rv 1 s I a Isoeh. Tb 1tnsrloos sr rve I a the die!" 1 brtsht. Tbe lor. I i strong snd tb chorea kea -e . than In sny "'bar am.l. al - f gas- present-d. -' ' m't Sltrsdlve r,t-rt.lnO. . rumpsny ha yet giv. I." -