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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (June 15, 1906)
THE . OREGON DAILY JOURNAL. PORTLAND. FRIDAY ' EVENING. JUNE 15, 18C3. NEW TODAY ft Per Cent Donds We have? nd of fer subject ' to '. : -.1. Jtl 500 in i yj i ' First Mortgage i YrrA mvinir IS net cent interest." In- 1 tecest payable Bethi-annually, January and July. . . . - ; V The maturities are $13,500 Ju y. 1 t. 1907. and $17,000 each July until iu n. l.rii snrl business stand- - ;nir nt thr istmni corooration it of ' ' the lushest. I ' . ' The conservatively ppraisjed vauiie of the property mortgaged is iok TIMES the amount of the bond issue. ;. f . " -.-.v.''- '''.': The Trust Deed requires that no part of the property can be reieasea until all the bond nave been paid. . ' tv,;. ; .'isirah! investment for EXECUTORS and TRUSTEES of PSTATF.S who desire? - thexiaf.'eat I. income cortststent whfhbsolutf! srfeVf . ..... An . r f nlionin onDornnm ca viNftS BANK DEPOSITORS to exchange a portion oMheir, 3 AND 4 PER CENT savings into a conserv-, ative 6 per cent bond, as a portion of these bonds mature each year, and are .in $100 denomination. . . To Benefit Small investors with $5 or more we will issue CERTIFICATES against a specific bond for any period thereby riving in ine lame inninu larger investor. Call for full infor mation. Horthwcstcrn Guarantee & Trust Company boabw Baxkaaa BMf- Floor) THE BIGGEST SNAP N PORTLAND 52 6O-1C0 Acres Opposite C2EG0N R'ITUCE MANUFACTURING CO.'S - factort ov Tn macadam mo ad. Tins creak or the MAMtxraciumiiro PISTRICT IX SOUTH miTUID, 10 MIM UTIB' 1 IDE Oil THE 8TREEIGA1S FROM the center or the city. -. AT ONLY $1000 PER ACRE THIS TBAOT IS WORTH DOtTBLE THIS . ADDRESS, - -Vj t J. W. UMGDO. WAXXJl WAXLA, WA3KIRGT0E. DOJV'T Fall to aeo our list of Real Estata - " Bargains. ..- :;" . . Lots . Residences . Busi ness . Properti es . . . Fruit Farms J. II. Hcilbronncr & Co. Hood River and Uoaler "Fruit Lands. tlS-SlS Jtamber Xxchmaa-s. Sd aad tark. For Building Purposes AndLwe rivej'0U the orivileare of re- : paying same in monthly installments covering a period of from two to ten yearav-- $21.24- per - month '-for - 60 months repays a $1,000 loan including interest See us about it. Columbia Life ' & Trust Co. . ' . Lumber Exchange Building. NEW-STORES and OFFICE :. ROOMS FOR RENT K. B. eor. Tblrd and . Ma dlam. Apply Estate of D. P. Thompson t mix mm. Try our new tystem of seUing your residences, lots and income property. - . WE HUSTLE the office It only r place to make out papers. E. S. Jackson & Co. Phona . Main 35. . 248 Stark St Visiting Bankers A OTBEM Visitors to Portland Ar. eordtallr. Inrlted to Can at tk BANKING HOUSE ...... " . - of iba -.i .j ...... OLDrST TIUIT OOMPAJTT Uf OICOOV." W. think fon eaa (.t alaabl. blnta from eonliwnent, , wblrk I. tboronkl7 . awdera ai.4 up to data. SfOaEOTXB We ran effer to Hanker, aad ofbera eertaln iiraeure mnna or taveataaent tkat It WlU "rik iw tnm to aaow off It will afford a eleaanr. explain aaauooa a a. jiw ym theotujk' ear rarluaa , Oeaartmenta. r;rti::l Trust Cci;?sj ol Orejca a. I. ear. Sd sad Oak as. Pkone Its. Tl t!5'- JL2,V5" rrealdoat Tlw-rrealdeat a a UUTau.wujtaA....AUUat BeaUl Srccred by First f.Iorigfic We Loan 1 Moncyr Journal Classified Ads 5c a LineSeyen I f. NEW TODAY Portland Heights mm Deauurui tracts, timbered. nlc vlow on portion; regular 'park a. thro and four blocks from ca&. lino; could kep horse and cow or valuable to aub dlvldo Into lots. Prlco 11,600 por acr it taken soon. . Such tracts aro scares and will to tho first man who sees them It ha has a proper, appreciation of Portland Heights property. Geo. E. Waggoner uf miag. -raone acaia 5383. U. j WEATHER "REPORT. i.?"?, !h1.U e"-4vloiied dleturbJno la lb lalted luta thl mornlur ih. h.ron.ier ? low over a area exteudlug from naakatrbeaaa aouthweetward to On-run. and iurtT wntiB ana mmr en a uu n'lti.i. V.? "la he fall, only la' northera ...nii. wiim teivmota, wMn Washing Trrr.. . !rfou d "" rtiwestrrn California. , Eaat of th Missouri rtr tb pressure ' la rvmarkabl unlhm k.i. rall allfbtl; brlow norawl. aad .tta wtatbt i .. "T""" """"M'' Llht ralna bar fallra . la Month Dakota, mm WMtfra Kaaaaa. aaatwa Miaaonrl. aatr Iowa. Illlnola. Indiana mtut mt In tha aouth Atlantic ataUa. Tba tvuporatarra TZ1 r, norinora laurornla, KaTaaa, Tba iDdtoatlona irt trm mKawmm i i. trlrt tanlrtt and Saturda, wltfe bo marked ci'iHW In trmpfratnra. Obarnratloaa takra at 8 a. Padfle tlniai ..., ,.-: v Tmp. Raker dtr. ftron Ts" u.eiaajiai mm at w .Ml. Preetn. SO , . f St . ' . .-... as--- v M .( SO .0 M .0 TS ' .It S4-T----.S m .;. , .40 IM. ,S4 an ,oi ' SS .0 4 .. .S m . . s .as v M - .0 S4 ' T - Maaaarhuaatta. . i B9 - lfnrr. Colorado.... Hn . Chtcao, i Illlnola..; a Kanaaa Cltr. Miaaonrl...... M Loa Anirla. California. vi 1 w Orlrana. LolJaaa... St . Now York. New York TS 1 Portland. Orrcoa ;. M Hoarborir. Oregon... TS 1 St. Imla. Miaaonrl........ 4 Salt Lmk: Utah.......... TS San Franrlarw. rallfnrnla.. lu Snokana, Waahlnirton...... SS ' Tarnnia. Waablngton...... SJ- Walla Walla, Waablnatoa.. T Waahlnctoa. D. 0. TO' MARRIAGE LICENSES." " rbarln Pradarlrk Walrh. Saaaitu Ammb : Mabel Auruata Steabb, U. Edward Welman. Joso aat Tiilof ttraet, M; Carolina LaaaHi. 2d. ' Jack Harmaa.' Caradn. Waahlaa-tna. IB; KIm. son Kaup. 21.-. . naniael Borer. 81: Kaale Merer,' 13.- Oarar Rocowar. SSa Colleae atreet. 9 Raw Koaenthal. 1. . - . Albert ffendrlrkaofl. Taaifk anil Thv1m S3: Ina Carlaon, S3. ' . (ieorre T. Aahlay, Brook Said, Waaalnatea. IS; Addla Park, AS. . . . ' Wad (Tina Carda. W. a amltk rw. aa..K laftoe Md(., eor.vroarth and Waaalattaa atv Weddlna and ealltn ear da enrrarad or printed. . T. Enahtoa. S32H Waablngtoa at. Bftaa Bartha Maettn. ma aia . AH.fc t.ia. (tamplna and Sua .Mdlawork; laaaoaa clean! CONTAGIOUS DISEASES. llajTnond WabliTam, MT Waaea, tgrpaold tcer. Ckarll. Kara. ISO , Baat TblHj-fonrU, Ida Mar B.jrnoldii, 11 Eaat Thirty-fourth, neaafoa. Keller Kin. East Tbtrt-aeTntb and Eaat zambtll, aieaalea. - t. Cbeatar PaJkm, 1 S2S North Klfbtaeath, aarsahkv..: . . :- Vera Elwell. STS Kant Stark, neaalea. Annie Miller, 6X1 Eaat Burnald., meaalea. . KM. VI bite. Sort Kaat Twelfth, neaalea. Walter Klr-ra. 4 Xirabea. meaalM. Mildred Wlatrand, . SSS Rodney aranne. Beaalea. ' DEATHS. BHITKl.T Jnn. M. McllMa A. Bhlraly fiO yeara. m5 Powell, aortle taanfflrlenry.-. CLKMENTS June 1.1. Rohort 8. t'lementa. S3 yeara. 80 Kaat SUteenth. aarcoBa of Beck. FAiU Tn tbla city, at 543 Spokane are.. June IS. 1906. 1. U. Fa, aaed 87 yaara, S "on tha and ST daya. Fnneral not lea later. UNDERTAKERS. 3. t. rtnley Son. fnneral directors and eaibalmera, eurnar Third and kfadtaoa atraot. OfScor of roonty coronaf. Towphoa. Mala S. Dnonlna. M?EntM & Ollbangh. endertakw and emha Inters; a".ra In wary detail. SaraoU and PIm. Mala S0. Lady assistant 1 V B. Baaatoek, . andartakOT and .Bbalmar, East TUrtaaath aad llaiaUUa ata. hoM Sail, wood Tl. Krlrkao. Indert.klnf Co., embalming, 40S Aider at. Phone Mala SISS. . Edward Holmea. aadartaker, Z30 Third street. ITEBT1TW CEMJTIRT. laflo rrarea 11a ramlly lots STS te ll.Oon. Th. only eometary la Portland which nor. patnally maintain aad earea for kits, for full Intormattoa apply to W. R. Maekenale, War. eoater blork. city. . W. M. Ladd. president REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. , William Reldt and wife te BanSeldC - Veyoey Fuel eomnany. lota T, S, S, -" hk-ck 1, Verateeg's addition ......... J . 'O. Mann and wlf. to M. C. Ban- . Seld and Lydon Teyaey. lots VS. 21. 22, blork 1, Ltrnte additloa 1 J. O. Mane et al. te M. a Banfleld and I.rddoa Veraee, north 100 feet lot 23. block 1. Lenta additloa .T. " 1 laa.e roel and wife to Anna Pinky. lot. 81, to ST. blork ST, Tinaaco ad- . ol,lo 180 Jame. W. Cnok and wlf. to M. Me- Ureal, lot S3, block IS, Cook's addl- ' : - 25T Manona M. Walker and bnaband to s lot .1. block 2. Iiliiston - 19 8. A. Stafford and wife te Mary I., a,. Paraona. SO acre, beytnnlng south- west eorner ef W. B. ' Junea donation - ,- land claim. : aecthm . 11. totnsblP i aootk, rant S cat ................ 1,500 Joseph P. Jaeger et .1. te -Agnes . Hall, lot T, block , 140. Oeoch addl- tlon . ,e. f,S5o Osorge W. Bated ana wlf. to terkln Johnatoa. lot IT, block 42. Alblna TG0 Vlrtnr Lead romptay te 1 A. Rrnab, lota IV 12. 18, block S, Lenrel Park. 125 Fletcher, lot 1, block 8. Eaat Lynn..' ' 1 W. E. Morand and wife to Flora B. Fletcher, lot 1. block 8. Eaat Irons. - 1 IX A- 1'aln. ls4 sll Is U. E. -Tbnmp. ' aon. Int. 1. 8. block 25. Multnomah. 800 W. 1. Pa l ton et al. to J. A, Versa, lot. . VI, Tract A; lot 4, Tract H. Green- way 1.000 H. K. Noble and wife to Rita Odom. lot IS. block 12. Highland Park ......... William A. T. Rnahong and wife at al. 110 TO to. Heaver Investment mmninr I- part af block Ids, rmick addition, bo- " ' ginning eaat line block IBS, 100 feet omith northeast eoi iw I , 1,000 Caaalna-Moor, end-wife to Mill. May Lomra. lota IB to SI. kWk 1 at. blna v.,,.... D. E. Keaaer tat, al. to Pboeati Land eomnany. SO' narea beginning cm rtl Tlalon line between north H of eontb H of I. B. Talbot donation land claim. In aectloaa 8, S. township 1 acuta, rang. 1 east, 1A2 feet west ef 44 . aertlon earner between aectlons 8. t... llee Endowment aaanclatlor : te M. Woodcock, lota 18. 20, Mock 2.. Col lege Place flr Endowment association te Frank lord aad wir. lota ST, 88. SB, 4tk Work II, Osllege phieo t". . . . . . 0. W. Taylor and wife to F. H. Ollbert 850 450 8,10 lot , block 4. Nontk Sonnyatoe ...... Sjno AJMna Lnmber company to, MerrhantaV Ian 4 Trnat eomeany,lou , 1, a, block 1 AIMns 1,5110 Crescent Land company to Frank fj. Job 11 son. lot 3. block S. Keystone ed- - din oon Security Savings A Trust company to . . C. A. ClUea. let & block ML X REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. A. W. Lamhert end wife to Q. O. Dam. man.. 75 feet of .aat 100 acre, of auntb U sf Kbraraer Creswell and wlf. dooatlok land claim, section la. .townablp 1 aontk, rang. 8 eaat.,... 4.000 aaigeo. wooater ana wife to A. w. Lam bert, lot T, bluck 8. Mayor Gates' ad dition L400 r, r. swnn. to A. w. Iambert, eaat 70 " arrea af cat 100 acrss of south k . Ebenearr Cjcoswcll. aunV. wife donatlua Z - land claim, acctloa la. tvwnahln 1 auuth. range 2 eaat , 8,000 E. H. Parker and wlf. to Harry A. -Wagner, lot d. block IS. Woodetock.- 800 uoueg. Endowment aaaoclatloa to 1. M. Smock and wife, Iota 1. 2L block 21; . lota 13. Sd. blex-k -22: lota 1. a Mock ' 24. College Pine ....1,500 winiau weumaa ana wire to William 1. Whltemitn, lota 11 aad 12. block J, Miriam ... William I. WhUemaa te Warraa J. Burden, lot 12. blork ' 1. Miriam. .. .. . John Koaa- and wife to John Verran. north as reec or lot a. block 7. William. Ave nue additloa 000 H--.cU- Aad end jvlf. to Ssmnsl Rclchae. st .1., lot iw block- Kir-Weal Pied mont ...rv. . - 10 J. L. lUrtman and wife at aL-te-Jba M., lot S. block 6f lot. . T. block S. anbdlslslon St. John, ll.-lsrhta. E. M. Raamuaaen and wife to Irrlna. 8. Holtoa and wife, lot 1. block S. Uaa- aon'. addition , aS50 Eastern Investment- enoipany to - Mr.. Mary A. Corner, eaat 40 feet of eouth 25 feet, lot 11, block 7,- Central Park addition ........ W. - H. Mouabaa and wlf. to . Mlk. Zenger, lota 18 and IT, block B, Porta- Miilh VIII. . . . .L- BOO Cltr of Portland to P. H. Masiar. .aat 40 rest of eolith ZS font of lot 11. block f.' Central Park Theodora Wolf to Fredonlav Wolf, .lot 3. block 48. Bollwood C. . froaby and wife toB.'-W. t.vtle. nndlvlded H Intereat In aoutb S3 1-1 feet of lot S. block 12. Multnomah ... W. H. Nnnn and wife to H. W. Lytic, lot 11. block 4. AlMna additloa 500 Paeehal Hill and wife te Samuel Lear, 1 lot 18, 14 and south 21. IS feet et lot '2. block 2. Hlll'a addition....... 1.400 K. Stanabrry and wife to Annua Oare, lota 12 aad IS. block JO. gtanabory addi tion ' . . . T , .- SOO Cathvrlne DaMela. to Johanna Berg, 80 Ml feet i Wglnnlng intersection son in line ot ' Ji . Tbompaon donation land claim, iweat line ot Oantenbela are- nnsv ctty - , . . -i'.. rm-.i: .- .- , . .T-f.,' '. II. Nuna and -write to UasJe Oerlach and hnaband. lota 8. 10. block 34. 508 North Irvincton 400 Oct year Insurance and abetrarts te real estate mm tb. Title Guarantee A Trnat company. 240 Washington .tract, NOTICE. APTERTlSZMEIfT FOR BIDS FOR WATER SYSTEM. Tb. city council or toe city n Wallowa, Id the county of Wallowa, atatt of Orsgcn. will receive blda op te and In cluding th. aliteeuth day ef Jan.. lSOd. for th. conatructloa et. a water -system for said city. Th. water -shall ha taken from Bear creek -about 214 rollea from said city snd there ana ii oa s zuo-root rail TO ins evsiem. The main pipe line te be constructed ef 8 Inch, machine-handed., wood stovepipe. There shall be on S-inch Sate valve at sonrce ef supply;, on. suitable braaa-wlr. cloth' au-alner at least four times th. area of th. 8-Inch pip.; such apodal flttlnrs, curves, etc, ae may be necesswry to fol low change of direction In' pipeline. At the Intake there aha 11 be built a suit-' ahl. manbol. ef concrete or adjacent stone, with a cover ot Iron with breae lock and key, to properly - protect and prevent dam it It tb. strainer and te allow examina tion. , The trench for the main pipeline shall be an average of not leaa than three feet deep and at no point shall th. main pipe be covered less than two feet. In the dis tribution system all th. mains knd branches ball be covered st leant three feet ever the top of th. pipe. The mala shsll -be suitable for a 200-foot head and all mains snd branches shsll be properly bedded In the trenches to prevent settling. -' Th. distribution av.tem will requite, ap 1.S04) feet of 8-Inch machine banded wood atoveplpei 1.T50 fret of 8-Inch machine-banded wood etovepipe: 8.200 feet of 4-Inch BU chine-banded wood .toveptp; four 8-Inch Iron-body braes-mounted gate valves: four S-lnch Ircn-body nraea-moonted gatevalvaa; firs 4-Inch Iron-body braas mounted gstevalvee: IS standard heavy adjust- able cast-iron gat choice and S.000 pounds special eaet-lren Sttlnga. There shall be 15 Are hrdrants. which shall have outlets for two 2tt-lnch hose and shsll he frostproof. All hydrant .hall bs so blocked, braced and anchored to th pipes supplying thea ss to prevent being hlowa eft by water ram. Tho entire work to be Completed and Srat class. -and to be done 1n a good-end-work-l manlike mat.ner, and all material ana lauar to be furnished by the contractor. J The city council reserves tha right to reject any aad ' all bid. without Incurring any liability for Such rejectloa. - Dated .Jane 1, 1808. -x , .' . . 1 0. T. McBAMSJI ' J . Mayor et the City of Wallowa, Attest! C A. TURPI LLAT. , , - Recorder of the City ef Wallowa. ' SEALED blda will be received st the office of the school clerk, city hall, up to 12 m., Thuredav, July .20, 1804, for heating - and ventilating of the eaat aide High School build ing. Plans ef the building and specifications of requirement, can he seen et th. archltect'a office. 334 East Third at. Each bidder la requeeted to submit plans snd specifications for the said heating and ventilating appara tuses. All proposals muat be accompanied by a certified check for 10 per rent of the .mount of nropoaal. The school board re aervea tb right to reject any and all bids. Thomas J. Joan, architect Portland, Or., June 14, 1808. , , OFFICR Ptaburslng tartermaater, Portland, i ire iron. June id. ivm neaieo propoaais in triplicate will be received here until 10 a. m.. Pacific time. July 2, 1K06. for furnlahlnf 275 cavalry horses and 25 artillery horaes (II wheel. 10 lead or swing and 8 saddle! for Philippine wlendi. Delivery at Seattle. Waah... er other prominent railroad points. Farther Information fnrnlabed at thl. office, rmted Rtatra reserves th. right to reject or accept any or all blda, or any part thereof. Envelopes containing propose Is should he marked 'Propossl. for Cavalry and Artillery Harare" and addressed to Alfred M. Palmer, majormuartermaater, V. 8. A., Dteburalng Qu.rtermaatw. 8EALRD blda for printing the annnal report oi acnooi uisincf no. i, mnitnomab county, Orego. will be received at the office of the city superintendent, city hall, until 1 p. m.. Thursday, June 21, 1806. Bid muat specify the price per page for printing 1.000 copies and delivering the earns at the office of tb anperintendent of eltty achoola. Quality ef paper and work muat he equal to that of aamplea furnlahed st ths superintendent's office. The hoard reserve the right to reject any and all blda. Frank Rlgler, Superinten dent of City School. June 15,- J 900. . It OT1CS OF STOCKHOLDERS MEETTNtV, Tb. snnosl meeting of tb stock bolder! of th Oregoa Iron Steel Company will h held at the nfnc of th company, room SIS Sher lock balldlng. Portland, Oregoa. June 18, 1bo. at 11 o'clock a. m., for th parpoa of electing a board of director for tho ensolne - year, and th transaction ef such ether business sd may legally coma before the greeting. A. S. PATTTTtLft. - Secretary., Portland. Orego, May 24. 1908. KOTTfTI ""TO rOOLRTJTERS. Thd ddyvine wool ew, oi x.oini ueecea will o .Ola JnMt 22. IPOd. Sealed blda most be accompanied by cert 1 fled check: bid will be received until 5 o'i hwh u. mi June 82; right learned Ui Jeet . any ar an nina. . J. O. STANDARD, Secretary. LOST AND FOUND. LOfT Between Fifth and Salmon and Fourth and yambin streets, moay, a parcel of voile. Reward fur return to 285 Salmon sti LOST bankbook 11 SI I. oa Snrety Saving a Trust Co.; also nepoait eneck or gain Inside of same. Kinder pleas return to bank and receive reward. LOST English pointer, whit with brown anota: answer to aam ei rrince. I'oon salt 4V72. Reward. LOST la Montavllla. black female cocker apanlel pup, with large la-see hand collar. Call Tel. Eaat 72 and receive suitable reward. LOST Oa Williams av. or Russell er., en diamond earring.- Address 250' E. Third St., ,. N.- reward. - . .., ..: , . ... . MEETINO NOTICES. M. W A. EVERflRERN CAMP, t.ens, meet a Wednesday evnlng, Allsky 'bldg.. Third sen Morrlwm ata. It. W. A.. Oregon Gran Camp. No. 8.8T5, Moa daa, A7ta sa4 atarshaU; riklters wakvai. are Great Insertions for the Price MEETINO NOTICES. MULTNOMAH CAMP. No. TT, W. O. W.. meete tonight In their ball. East Hlith, near Eaat Alder. All visiting neighbor curuiaiiy weicomeo. , H. B. INGRAM. C. C J. U. WOODWORTH. C HELP WANTEDMALE. V ANTSD Vsmlshsrs, machine , aad - beach aaada. Oregoa garniture Mfg. CO read. - - .. - i.,' - A RAR8 opportunltr for a aia with osss capital) Investigate aad yea will sore Invest, o J 10. ear journal. , WB ecur e m ploy men t for member I special memoersrlp one mouta es. z , at. u. Fourth and XamhllL 1 IF" yea play pool, go to tha Welllngtoa Pat- lora. Allsky bldg.. Third and Morrleoa. WANTED Finisher In furniture factory. stesdX wore year ronna, w rront, eoreer isvia. WANTED rirat-clasa bench 'man. Portland Sash m Door Co.. East Taylor and TJnloa eve, MEN .AND WOMEN te learn barber trade lu eight weeka; graduates ears from SIB to fzs weegiy; eipert inetroctor; eatsiogu rrve. Motor Sratam ot Collages, 85 North Fourth at, rortiand. SALESMEN WANTED Por one et the tersest aoraerle In th wests caab advanced weekly! food ' territory open. Address Wssblagtoa finraary us, Topptaua. win. - ., AGENTS WANTED te aell aunertor. , high-grade aoracry atock; enmplet atat rurnlabad rree;- raaa weeaiy; writ tonay ror coo ice or ter ritory. Capital City Nursery Company, Salem, Oregon. . , .., . WANTED Partner la transfer bnalness. ss manager- doing fine bualneas In city. Kenta 8 Breedea bldg.. Third and Walking toe sts. men pacine 200s. . I , . WANTED Immediately, five men to learn th art et operating moving picture macninea; 825 weekly when eomptnt; tulttoa reasoa- soie. ,-iso Biitn si., room a. HOTEL help, all kinds. nw placs; cook snd - wasters familiar beat hotels. Apply Hotel Northern. 12th and Mara hill, room 81. WANTED, at once.' man to work In efSc eaiary goo a month-and emamnunoa mat will net yoa 8150 par month; must have soma money to Inveat Call Room 8 Breda Bldg., Third and Washlngtoa. Union Hotel SI NORTH SIXTH ST. Weekly rateo: Room. 81.25 up; and board 84-50 up. Aaaeraon. propr lata WANTED Immediately, middle-aged man to bur wholeeala orocerv boslne: muat' IM eemewbat of a salesmaa-and bavsyl,e00 eaah. u 9. care Journal. WANTED An experienced adwrlter: one who is capable or taking cnarg or mail eroer depaitment of wholesale bouse, to get out catalogue, - advertising snd handle enrre pondence. -Address Bos T40, PostofSc. gtv Ing age, exporUaee, , rfernces and eaiary expected. GOVERNMENT -- - POSITIONS Yenaa men wanted to prepare for letter-carrier and rail way tuall clerk. West Coast Correapondeece School, 248- Stark -st, - Lrjrz.- ' GOOD coatmaker wanted. Apply t. Rook. Walla Walla. Waahlngton. - WANTED For Calted States army, able-bodied unmarried men between ages ot Zl and so, citlaans ef United States, of good character snd temperate habit, whs can apeak, reed ad write English. Apply to Recruiting Of ficer. Alnaworth bit.. Third and Oak ata., Portland, Oregoa. r WANTED Heed msa for delivery, department; muat be a huatler and know city thoroughly; give full particulars regarding experience, etc. ' Address E 5, csr Journal. F7TB) young men to travel and Introduce the Kevermyee Dry Powder- Fire Estlnguleher. Address L. A. Mateewa, general ageat, Dal las, .Polk, county. Oregon. v. . HOT- WANTED to- Idlstrtbut - cards; - steady poaHlon. Inquire Shlmo, 255 FUth at. - 10 TOt-NO MEN. good , phyalque. ever IS, wanted Immediately te prcpar ror railway mall clerk for Oregon; starting salary 8800; Sns opportunities. Csll Saturday afternoon or evening. I to I. K. O. Hcynen, agent 215 Columbia bldg., S65 Waahlngton st. WANTED Toung men, prepare for wireless , telegraph service; big demand for , wireless ..operators; Portland will have at a tlon soon; cau imnieuiateiy. y-aciuc uiegrapa loatt tut. Grand theatre bldg. WANTED Planlat for road - ahow; one who 291 H Alder at., room 22. sings preferred. HELP WANTED FEMALE. GIRLS about IS years of age to work tn fac tory. Apply at once. AmM-usms-iteviu. tie.. Fifth end Jsvls sts. ,- - . , : . HANSEN'S LADIES' AGENCT, 843 H Waahlng- ton St., cor. Beveot. upstairs. 2S92f Female help wanted. rboae Mala THIS ROMS LADIES AGENCT. Fsmals. help furnished free te employer. - ' ' Beglstratloa Free. - -; . 185H 4th St., npatalra. room 28. Msta BS20. WANTED Girls te make "Boss of All" ever- alia at TS First sr. GIRLS WANTED Operator to work oa shirts and overalls, iessona given te merperieneea. Apply at Standard factory No, a, Ortad av. and E. Tajior at. - - s . WANTED Women and girls to work In fruit- cannery. Apply Kaat signtn ana ui via ion. WANTED S waitress; en tor dinner hour only. Apply at one laooari-vuriia, lata snd J.fferson sts. GIRL to a as 1st with light housework and card or children; good wages. Apply at eoc. 895 Davis, corner 21st WAITRESSES Familiar beat restaurant, and help all kinds; new notci. Apply z( norm 12tk et. WANTED Girl to assist with bonaewerk In email family) muat sleep t nome; Amencn - or Swedish preferred. Call mornings, 68T OantanMln av. WANTED 2 solicitors; no experience neces- asry; salary snd commwaion. A . journal. WANTED Immediately, capable cook, Srat else: private family; wages gra; KwedIM preferred. 23" H Yamhill. Main 541S. - MALE AND FEMALE HELP. W ANTSD -ATONCK An srpertenced a.rty with 8100 to run a - paying la unary. For particulars est! tort 14 I'surtb at.f apstatrs, salt 2S. Mala 582S. ' HELP wanted and supplied, msle e female. It. G. Drake. 205 H Washington at. racinc ixto. WANTED 2 girls and t boys to strlntobaeeo st th Schiller cigar ractory, zbi wasbing ton at. SITUATIONS WANTEDMALE. 0F.ORQ8 T. Ml'RTON. M4 Chamber of Com merce., keeps books and does general expert accounting bneineae. Phone Mala 4S8S. SITUATIONS WANTED-FEMALE THORoroiILT competent stenographer, rapid - operator, dealres poatlloa. 0 84, care Journal. WANTED Curtain tn launder or light house work by tli day. SaO Davie at. Pacific 2204. WANTED Position bookkeeper by young . lady, well educated; will go out f town. raoc Alain met . WANTED AGENTS. WANTED Agenta: nnwthlng newi big wag. - McKay bldg. Seed seller 1 AOKMT want"d te sell s few I acre tracts cunvenientf te I wo electric Uas. Cederbrrgh, (14 LewavxrclU blk. , , r-- ". Result ProducersRate WANTED AGENTS. BIG PAT te one agent tn each county working roe tne loves iocs- uuid. Ill Atarquani Biug Partlaad Oregoa. - DICTIONARY OF THOUOHT8. R. TAI'WR A CO .-.PI BLISHEBS, LABBS. HI. IK). PORTLAND, OtU AGENTS WANTED. 1 EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES. T THS Portland Kmnloymsnt Co., al. Phone PaclSe 238. SOSVi Morrtao HANSEN'S EMPLOYMENT OFFICB FOR MEN. . SS N. Second at. Phone Mala 1828. BIG FOUR PUP. ACENCT Hclo supplied free. 1 Hurts aeeond at, Pboue, Mala 1PIB. WANTED FINANCIAL.' WANTElWSflOO to opoa p sew aassae mlnet will give an eatra good opportunity and la aiicament. cau in torsuoon joaea boob atore. : Zl .Alder af ......,. ..-. WANTED Lose of 820 000 for 8 te 8 yesra: , will pay T per cat; drat mortgage on realty vaiuea at D,ouo, x a, care journal. WANTED REAL ESTATE. 1 WANTED Iron ore, graphite or llmestons land or claims: ir sou own or know or any targe deposlto of Iron ore, grsphlts or limestone in Oregon or waaningtoo, and wnicn ar ror al, send sample aud eorreepona witn t;. l). 'diaries, KZJ Chamber, or commerce, rori lend, Oregoa. . - WANTED Lot , In exchange fnr equity la 4 et I-room Boass. . none East 8041. , WANTED House on easy terms. Mala 8B53. is commercial oik. WB WILL SELL your property, no matter what n la or wner locatea. nna aeecription now end w will do th rest. Investors Guide Co., 311 Marquam bldg.. Portland, Oregoa. WANTED 8 to 10 acre near etty; will par e-di oowo, oaisnoe is inatsnmenm - er 2 per montn. wiid s per cent intereat- la a car Journal. . . y . WANTED A acre ef gned lend near the etty; vui pay ean 11 place ana price suit, -1 k S, core Journal. ; f WANTED Residence lot la Irvtngtoa or Hoi, laday; ewnere only. F T, ear Journal. - WANTED TO RENT. 'ANTED TO RENT ROT'SES. COTTAOFS. FLATS. etOOMlXO-rTOrSES. STORES. ETC. - Our rental department baa been salsrged and provided with additional ataffw .. W Invite Hating from LANDLORDS, effer . personal attention ts and -coatlnqon supervfsloa over all property Intruatad te ear ear. 1 . -. PORTLAND TRCST COMPANT OF OREflOSt. S. B. eur. 84 end Onk eu. Pbrae Ex. TS. WANTED East and weat aid honess, Aat aad cottage;, caa rent at once. WESTERN OREGON TRfRT CO.. 291 Stark St. Phone Paclfle .098. : WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. MORGAN, ptoaeer prayer and whit. cau cast U4S, lie memos tee name R. N, Morgaa; 11 yeara la builnea la Partlaad. , WS WILL Bf'T, SELL OR TRAPS ANY OLD THING. WESTERN BALVAUK to, '- 828 WASHINGTON. PACIFIC T8. , WB WILL "ROT your furniture eny eld time. western Barrage Co., on waaaingtoa at. WHO IS it. O. MORGAN CO. PAINTING, spray log snd whltewaablng traeo, Basements, hern, oocxs, t; largest gaaoiine praying outfit ea the .coast M. G. Morgaa 4k Co.. 822 Galon-era. Phone East 81 T, rURNITVRB and household jroods. 'Dcm't worry, lose time er mousy.. Just pi Bboae Pa. cISe Ti - BOATS WANTED List year boats, steamers. auncnee, bargee, Bonsenoats ana nostnoases with us for sale or rent. Ws hsv calla for tbem every day. East 1S4. WANTED One or two heavy team te haul lumber rrora tne American inn. Apply at tb Americas Ina. . - - V Mata 5055 Mala 0058 FURNITURE WANTED , FOR RP0T CASH. " PORTLAND AUCTlOlf. Fleet at. sdovs. Mala 211 5855 WANTED Iron ore, graphite or limestone lands ar claim; ir yon owu er know ot sny large Sepoett ot iron ore, graphlt or limes ton In Oregon or Waahlngton. aad which ar for sal, send aamnle and cot res pond wltb C. D. Charles. - 32T Chamber ef . Commerce Portland, Oregon. - FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT THft RICHELIEU 8SH NORTH SIXTH ST. Elegantly , rurnlaneo. aiesm aeai anu aatns. THE GRAND. t!Hi N.rth Third st. Rooms for gentlemen gl.XD per week ana no. NEATLT furnlahed room, walking dlatancs; Data and pnone; go per xoonta. wu ven Ing 510 Hoyt t 4 . FURNISHED and anfnrnlahed room, new and clean. Folkmaa. la4 Grand av.; 51.50 to t 83 wsek. ELEGANT large alcove nnm,- private wash room, every convenience: also cosy attic room cheap; with refined private family. Phone Main 8038. '- ' ' TORRENT HOUSEKEEPING. gBaasaasasassgasesa, THS MITCHELL. Flanders and Seventh Rooms, housekeeping and transient! vsnlent; price reasonable. , , . 11.00 WEEK UP. clean, furnlshrd boneekeen. 1 room, wita ysra. parlor, isunary, nam. tar leasee heat 203Vi Stantea at., U ear. LA ROB elegantly furnlahed housekeeping rooms: g ran re. running water. The Lowne dale. 508H Alder at LARGS furnished housekeeping rdotna, also aleeping-rooms, all conveniences, at 439 zsm hlll st. ..-. DOl'BLS parlors aad kitchen, tarnished com plete; gaa, oatB and pnone: central location; no children l references, 28 North 11th st. LINDA TISTA Sleeping snd boueeheeplng- rooms. 24TH Fifth St.' - ' - S FURNISHED housekeeping flats for. rent, 80 end sio per montn. can aaz nevtntn St., downatahw. Main o02. (1.25 PER WEEK Large. , clean, furnished nouaexeeping-ronms; launory ena Data. 9 Sherman. South Portland. ' ROOMS AND BOARD. KTCELT futiilahed -rooms, modera-ceaveaUaee. home . privilege. . Phons Mils 1030. 203 14th st. YOTNU geuHemsn wants hoard snd more In . strictly private family; 820 per month for ' two mean a day. R 8, care Journal YOUNG mas working nlrhta wtahes room and Hoard In print family: modern home: 10 minute' walk from union depot; $20. 8 3, car Joamal. FOR RENT HOUSES. HOI'SES e- Nearly new g-room bona, S44 Oregon, near Second at.; up, 8 down; large dry cement basement, anodern plumbing, gas, bath, hot water arrangement, etc.: close to car: a bar gam and reduced to (20 month. Portland Trust Company et Oregon. Phone Exchange T2. - - - 4, .,. EAODERLT TRANSFER CO,, prompt and re liable plane snd furnl tare-movers: also ator. age. Phone Mala ISS5. OfOce 110 N.. Third. THE CONTINENTAL COMPANY 248 STARK ST. ' INSURANCE. RENTALS. 8ES LIST. FOR RENT 8 modern S-rootn cottages, la quirk 404 Eaat Washington. Phone Eaat TBS. (S S-ROOM boss. Jrg basement, O'Nell's Grocery, cor. Hood and Grant. Key MOIlrin 6 room cottage: gaa. H4N, foead Cast 8.7, . r I 'i ' , . . 173 Gait 2tk of Six FOR RENT HOUSES. FOR RENT T-mom bone, eorner 20th aad East Main; rent 3 IS, Phone Eaat 3204. rOR RENT New 7 room houa. Urge reception hall, full bamnt and attic; cornar. sod ' Eaat Eighth atM N. Phons Esst 1760. . JOHtiSON ST.- tOod S-room house, CommarruU blk. Mala 2o23. I (22. 802 S-ROOM bouse for rent cheap, at Kenllsne'tb rsr station; electrlo ugnf,. cement wsia, J Phone Scott 3525. - ' 10-ROOM kouss st 402 Taylor St. Third, cor. Morrleoa - st. , , laoulre 155 NEW T-room bom! furnace, alatlonarv t'rhs, abadas. asa vanes, conibmsttoa lighting. large yard, beautiful view. Apply 80 East uuaau. near l uwi. FOR RENT-rJs'ew furnlahed bouse St Sesstds, a-eaaouabl. . . pboa Esst 1TU. - , , -FOR REINlT FLATS.- , Klcgant aeoenejstteTlSaf,- bright,' elsan fspd all late equipment. Fifth at.) gaa rang goes with It: kitchen ttledl tlptup plumbing ' gaa snd electricity; furnacs Beat; full cement basement and cement walks all around; Srat . clae nelghliorhood; S2M.b0 moath. Portland 'Trust Company of Oregon. Phone Exchange MODERN A-roem lower flat, all tinted; gs rsngeeviurssc and waaa trays Jn naasment; rbeap rent; rirth aad Grant ., laquir fort lead Trust Coi . " TWO flate furnlahed er unfurnished, modern conveniMces.. rnone icaat tt. .. . FLATS - - - y i Nearly new 8-room, modern Bit, Columbia bear Lark: easy walking distance to center of city; la teat plumbing, bath, gas and elec tricity; tinted la good -color; full cement basement: broad veranda; 830 pet month Portland Trust. Company ot Oregoa., Phoae Exchange 72. I -- UNFURNISHED ROOMS. TWO unfurnished and one email furnlahed room, Biodern: private hornet io minute -walk from poatoface. S4T 11th at..- between Market aad Milt - Phase Pselas 3U 3 VERY pleasant unfurnished rooms, with bath. roust, t reasonanis. sou Montgomery at. 410 JEFFERSON 4 anfurnhthtd for honse keeping; easy walking dlstaace; beth, phone; very reasonable. FOR- HENT STORES-OFFICES. OFriCR rooms, a furnlahed rooms, sad ssmph) reams foe teat. Oeedaeagh blda. Apply .1- 8TORE for rent, corner. 2S1 North lth t.; just tb place ror a Butcber-enop ana grocery combined; cheap rent le right party. Apply J. Kraemer. Commercial blk. - . , DESK ROOM and- desk for rent. Sue kxatloa. (3 per month. E 2, care Journal. " FINS Russell at corner, llvlng-rooma. bullt-l cooler: suitable fog, delicatessen, clgara, meat marxet, etc.; gis. an rat oax. bcoti tx. STORE at S4B Morrtem at., whole or aalfr with lease. Apply S49 Morriaoa .at. , . - FOR RENT Store- fltted for meat market; 1'nlon are., north, near Alnaworth. Inquire grocery next door. FOR RENT FARMS. A GOOD farm fnr rent: only responsible persons ed apply, wis Eaat xaywr. rurtiaaa. HOUSES FOR RENT FURNI- . TURE FOR SALE. . FURNITURE five rooraa for sale very cheap for cash or terms. Call soo Larrabee.- FOR SALE Furniture ef S-room houa, cheap; rent gai. i Aorta iota at. business chances; WRITE us quick aboat recent Important da- vetopmenr er tne Murai antomntic awucw m Signal Co.t bay stork before big advance. 1. F. TTurat 8 Co.. 208 McKay bldg. , JTANTED AT ONCE As experienced party with gum to run s paring laundry. For particular call 1S314, Fourth at. . apstatrs. suit 23. Mala 6828. .--,-.- : HOMKSEEKERS' EXCURSION overland la being rgnlned to go to Harney county, Oregon. For Information Inqulr SOS Com mercial block, corner Second sad Waahlng ton st., or pben Msta 642. : FOR SALPJ OR 7.EASR Location for a rastsnr- snt with fixtures, or will give interest te right party. 207 Thirl at FOR SALE Complete atock of dry roods snd - ledlee' - eeedy-to-wee- good, la good- towa ef 8.000; fink location: store 73x100, new. te he hd; wilt sell cbeep. Apply to Emmons A Emmons, attorneys, city, s - - DO not keep Idle money. A postal card will bring yon Information how to get ths largest - returns on an absolutely eafe Investment ef from (100 to s.vio. J. B. Bailey, 617 Lumber Exchange. Portland. Oregon. THE manager of a bank In a email towa tn eastern Oregon baa to glv no position: an honest might young man, who can Invest (o.OOO tn the stork of the bank can take ep bta position and work: a fin chance for the right men. Address D 28, care Journal. HOMES EEKERS EXCURSION overland Is being ergsnlsed to go -co Harney county, Oregon, For information Inquire 80S com mercial block, eorner Second and Waahlng ton t. Mala 042, Address Arista P. O., Bog 208. FOR SALE Half or all of nice, clean Income buatness; ' with proper sppilrstlon would pay doubls in two years; will stand strictest In vet1gtlon; other large . Interest demand my attention; gnltsbl for either lady or gentle man with , proper credentials. P 2, car Journal. i . . HALF Interest In high-elan business for !. 81.000; lady preferred: 37s month guaranteed! with proper anpltratlon business ahould pay at least (3,000 annual Broflta. K 10, car JournaL I -1 INSURANCE agency ' for aale: good tine of renewets; muat bar -arst-riaee creorntiaia; llberaj term given. Xik 4, car Journal.- - Jj)4. 1 l -i ex" f FOR SALE A new atock" ef grocer lea 1 aa e , cellent location. Apply 510 Jefferseo at. Want te retire mm bust FOR SALE A rare bargain may be bad la S country atore by calling en or addreaalng U N. Smlck, Dlxonvllle, fiouglaa county. Or. WHO IS M. 0. MORGAN CO.! RKHTATTR ANT for 'sal cheap. Call -1S4 Madlaon at. ' ' seneral merchandlae: only atore of Ita kind In thriving valley , town; electiie light and telephone! store au-rom rront; win invoice snd msk ressonabls rant: terma: owner re tiring. 10, care JournaL , SAWMILL for eeh, 20.000 feet capacity) Sne timber: plenty of orders; a snap, nqulrs of F 8, car Journal. - FOR SALE A flrst-clae plumbing nasteesa; have other onaines and wiaa to retire. Ad dress H. L. Msrsters, Rose burg. Or. TAKE a - miner's chance; 4 ahareg. atock. ti; will be worta ns. u 1. care, journal. CONFECTIONERY and small balldlng, good little baeineee. cnean it soia rni wees ; monthly rent (S.. 407 fcsat Morrison st. ' WASHINGTON ST. grocery and confectionery store) Sn location, doing nice raan bnai neaa; good rraann for aelllng; atock. dTtiire nd everything gov fnr (400, H. 0. Krowa AV Co., 541 Washlngtoa at. Phoo PaclOc 808. ' ' " , NEED money Immediately; will aacr fries 12.000 shsre Nicola Coal and, Western Ima stork for 4 cents shsre. 0 5A. cere Joarnsl. HALP Inte.-est In a tie y Ire efflce; llttls money requtrcn. r. v. box ouh. poll 8AI.F CoufccUonerr and clgay Sbsap, 9. eaivfe .rVJlBiagwa lu CES. FOR SALE A good-pa jngj,tabllahd whol -..". im arciiuut ot Vint. lug to leave Portland; will aell for fl.nom th business la a great bargain at double - this amount. - 10, rare Journal, - - BUSINESS C (20 7Wft and terma buy a roomlng-nons f la the center of the city. H. H. - Hlxlar 'room 80. MH Waahlngton at - buy and sail all kinds of etty snd suburban property: bualneas chances a apeclallv. , 24 RusmI bldg. Mala 3S20. 1""T- 1 200 ON cc.Mint of 111 health will aell nil llnery and ledlee' furnlahing good store In lie town of 1000; grand opportunity fog two, dressmaker and milliner. B T. Journal. A Mcney Maker - - - A as-raom bona, well liirnlaned, alntasi lnw.on. doily -malL.roule;' stage over Bi,Bp '..."V.! trtlculare and terms Mil st 211 Allsky bldg.. Portland. Or. 7 FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. -.;.- SEE PIEDMONTl -. T 'SEE' PIEDMONT. ' -,i-' ' ' ' All Investor ahould anrely - - 8ES PIEDMONT. , . : ' . Take V. St. Johna or Woodlawa ear; eara ' leave .vary 8 to 4 mlnutae, Sscncd and Wash- HOTERs-nw -rtver trom PoVtland. Located as. Jev N. P. rrtigatlsg ditch and on new north bank railroad; fruit go on the market three - ". MrJ!,I tb ! other section, corn. . fiapdlng blghest prlresj dally stsamess trass. Portland. 8a k by the wwaersT Hover Uaf Cel. Hove. Washington. !,,t hav 1ncraaei la value vf U- this last 4 mouths. Whv pat mosey eut st 7 per cent ? Invested in Piedmont lota It will make von from 25 to 50 per cent , INVESTMENT CO., 244 Stark at , Tak U or St John car., FOB, SALE AT A BARGAIN ' ik, Sua stock rang, cootalnlng aboat 2.804 acres; all under fencs; altuatcd neax- Reos burg. Oregon, on S. P. R. II. ; thla to one ot ,. the beet atock rang la the country; I alee have another good atock rang containing 1.420 scree, wMch will be sold st a very low price. For particulars address J. R. anther. Ha. ewoer, Boreburg. Oregoa. .- r, i, i. FOR SALE Big harxaln for onlck solas suburban cottage, ground lOOxlnO feet, fruit snd shrubbery ; by owner. O.. W. P. Town elde Co.. 213 Alder St.. la 0. W. P. at By. waiting -room. .. , , . . -. . St 8 Baat Bids Real Fatat Co. fnr eaat aide proaerty. W hav 2no fnr asa for sal, from -f - o -acre ap, 40T - Hawthorn ; av., phons Esst 108T. " FOR SAI.kWleod Income property, shout (II. OOOj ae SgsnU. Address C 45 care Joarasl. FOR bargains la borqrs. both small and large, - vimer i or rasn or oa tne. inaiaiimeot Plan. , ranging In price from (750 to 85.000, Also tracts from 1 to 820 acrea. from (SO up, end alee lots class to esrllne, at (150 to 8350. at (10 caab, balance (3 per month. , See a. - ' The wise ooe are buying borne, knowing that ear city will double In population la I year and that tiroDertv will -sever he ebeaner. ' t -sndwe. sell them Just tbe game -as reutt ria re vapensive. F. J. STEINMETS vCO -".. The Homeealler: - 188 Morriaoa at FOR BALE CHEAP S and T-room hooeaei ens- erai nan raaa. aro uerneia av. . la a STsodlaws ear. Pboa Eaat 864L FOR SALE by ovraer. S-ronat beua. (2,000. on Sellwood earilne, 20 minutes' ride; elegant location; good terms. , Inqulr St 204 Ablng- ton bldg. ; ,! v PIEDMONT Greet sU of Piedmont lot, te Investor well builders; ay terms buy thle week. INVESTMENT CO.? 244 Start at.T'-r'-" FURNI8HED kouee, S lota: muat be soldi (300.. Brlgra-rerd -Realty Co., 1334 Clrst St. -,- SCNNTS1DB HOME - 83,000 Aa elegant corner, 1 lots and a Sue T-room bone wltb ever" modern convenience, close ta: bare Is sa opportunity that doesn't often come your way; caa' be bought ea good term. r v HA0EXAN7T RI.AKCHARD, - 01 Fifth t - . (1.000200 FEET sonars. Inclosed. S-rnopt. Boo,,. - cnicaen noose. eainuiiaings. a mill trees, gsrden, on earilne; rear terms." Mt. ' Scoth-Jteal Estate Co., Lents, Oragos. . pboa , Scott 2284. --- --- HATE severs bonaes ranging from (1.000 apt ' will aell oa easy montniy payments or win - -build to suit purchaser, which he can nay "foT'-ln -th - same - manner. --Cell - Esrt Seventh st.. north., or phone Eaat 878. v COLUMBIA INVESTMENT COMPANY, . Comer Alnaworth and L'nloa. Phoae Woodlawa 235 (one-party line). " Wa make scresee and Columbia 1 water front a a a specialty. Excellent buys In tot oa tb Columbia Helrhta. overlooking th river for 50 miles, from (100 up. cash es esse terms. . (25.000 tn loss ea good real estata security, , ' if yoa wsnt a house for rent, call ap X - apaelsl-eatlag dtasrtmaat Woodlswn 223. Snaoa la Piedmont. Walnut Park adj 1 Cloverdale lots: eicelleot buy la farm land 1 along tb Coinmbt. - - r- W serve you riromritly' end fslrly. rfjr. ... COLUMBIA INVESTMENT COMPART, , - ".Cbrnsr Alnaworth and tlnloB. " i . Phoae Woodlawa 255 (one-party ltae. . 'Take Woodlawa car.. MODERN R-roora cottage. 41 Fremont at. owner must laav city; a bargain; (1.500. NORTH WEST LAND COMPANY. 7----".- 208 Goodaoagh bMg. - !-..-' Gee. W. Tnraer. . - H. W. Miller. W transact a general real estat and) brokarsgs business and solicit a shars ef FOB 1 patronage. :. ' BY OWNER. S-room cottage. pt 50xl00wltli 1 Afoot alley) price (1.100. , Address 1019 Height ate , Upper Alblna. - Best Buys ta Multnomah ; '.v County r " SAO feet en a dedlcteef atreet fa the heel reetderjo portion of Lent, all reedy for plst ting; this muat he bought hi tb aexi 10 day or will be platted. - (3.750 will bay 25 acres of fin land eleag , to Lent. - ' I have T Bumbr or 5-acr tract clo la Lent, price ranging from (105 to (ISO per 4 acre. Hooae and wta aad farms... Glr ma . a caa IRA KILBORN. Lenta. Or. ' ' ' ' 28 ACRES, 12 fa crop; buildings, stock, toolat car 40 mlnatee; part trade. 504 Goldemltb. FOR a few day only w offer a good 4-rnera . house and lot 50x100 on Eaat Haniaoa at., near 87th. for (ano. Patteraoa Surwart, lQOOVt Belmont at - , OOTID S-room Cottage and lof,Wfoot" front, on Eaat Tayjor, near 87th, for only (1,750. Patteraoa 8twrt 1000 Belmont at. FOR SALE Iot, block Sunnyild car, water and sewer oa attest. Cheap. .. Address 0 be, ' csrs Journnlh FOR SALE A .-good (-room house, bath, lot 2.1X10O; fins location. Inquire oa premiss. 685 Water at, 8., bet. Arthur and Meeds sts. SECOND ST., -west side, near Falling echcol Lot BflxlOO, corner. (1,200. Klnsall. Commer cial blk. Main 2A23. " . 7 , (850- - - ,- :- --.- 200x85 feet, 8-room Bona, splendid wall. S 1 - block from traded school, aar ear II na( term. -, Also bargain ta lot and acr sags. Se at we sell tha earth oa the In stallment plan. ; MOUNT .SCOTT RSAL ESTATE COMPANT, . Phone Scott 2284, tents, . Oregeae . HERB IS ONR OF THE BEST SNAPS IN THS) RVtNGTGN DISTRtCT: - A boas ef S nlce-slxe room and bath; tha moms ar conveniently located; the gaa fix tnrea are hi the house, alo th screen; there 1 I asa, electric light, water, gaa a tore ar rangemeut - water boiler, furnace, cement cellar ami a large attic floored. Thla la a , new house ea a lot 100x100 with elegant anr. rounding, splendid view of ths mountsln snd sll the Irvlngton district. Anyone wsnt. - big a real convenient home tn one of tba ' . nicest district la the city should phone either Eaat 3WH or Mala 5002 tor aa engagement to go through tli bouse. W will ll tha . houa for (A, 200 and make very eaay terms. If yon prefer, w will rent yoa th house fog (30 per month, nnd you can buy th bouse afterward If It aults you. -You bad better phone at once a a new boas la this neigh- . borliood with these convenience won't be bd th mrhet long. , - - FAXON PARK-1 la now oa th merker; tots at acreage ptloasa ' according te Improvements. - , - Lnte 60x20t fllin, (110. (128 - ,1 Lot inoxiTUV (loo, (Jio, V " tot 200x280 (-W0,- (420, (4o0 ' 1 These lots sre mostly In cultivation, level (nd lightly, en a good graded atreet. close ta - good 10-Toom school at Lenta, 5c far td a a part ef Portland: water free; term. 0. R. ADDITON. Owner, Lenta. Uregon, Tak Mount Scott car. 5. . ii " . ... i , ' ELPGANT-quart block, cor, Eat Twenty nliilk and Eaat Conch. Very desirable hws '' tioa. laqulr 233 WaaMugtoa si ' -r - ., y r - . -t --. -- - ,--V - , .'(-.'"- - ' '