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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (June 15, 1906)
V THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, .PORTLAND," FRIDAY EVENING,' JUNlj 15, 1BC3. -Hp The Market Basket - Here's the tip. Watch thess markets ' Jturlna- tha neat WMlC Of SO: Cherries.' blaokberrles. raspberries, eur- rants. . iim van vera Diving eloee attention to tha cherry market If jrou proposs to put my away ior wimr use. Kentish, cherries ars now coming quite llvely'to market and the piics has already gone oovn to e n " It la said among- tho wlsn ones that the ' next few days will witness tha very bot- torn price of this market. 80 look out Strawberries ar4 not In good ahape these daya. Supplies of fancy berriea are exceedingly small - trot there are -TIenty-f -dirty" pawMjuallty fruit " 7 iiow In market The tip waa glvenout "over a week ago to buy" strawberries fof canning. You'll have to pay more ' If you delay longer. Your market man ' will teU you. Us knows. There are but acant auppllee of eur " rants In the market at this time and prices axe atULJllkh., . Th" are Indtea - tiona tharthla product wlU not get very - . . cheap this seaaon. Thla la one of the ; jnarket that will bear watching, ire ' surly time to buy. ... T ' There are somewhat better auppllea : "of local rmapberrlea In market today - but conalderlng the demand atocka are 'utiU julte email. The production of ;" . raspberries baa been curtailed for the .'' same, reason as In strawberries. Mar ket U bear watching..- . t , , , ; It's not every housewife Jn Portland who can afford to buy canteloupea at the present price. Today they're sell ing at 40 cents a piece In the retail markets. The "cants'' now coming are : from Death valley. California, where , . they can be produced at any lime 01 "' the year. The fruit Is produced con- alderablv below the level of the ocean.- Cherry plums have made their ap pearance In the retail markets and they are of fairly good quality Tor tlrat avail able. Tha present supplies are frem : -California. -and are rather high. In price. --.-Other plums are much "more plentiful and the price Is lower. There la an lm . provement In the Quality here, too. With only 10 per cent of crop In California' It Is quite nnllksly that the - pries of apricots will go very Jow In - the marketa. during the present season. ' California produces by far the greater r portion of the cantaloupes grown In the United States and the shortage there will affect prices throughout the world. - , Today ' a better supply of peaches Is shown In all the retail markets. Those now tn market are of the Alexander va riety and come from California. The - price has dropped quite a bit during the ' rast few days. ' Br the way, this Is an other market you'll, need to watch, for the Indications are that prices will not . go so very low this -season. Green corn-Is now coming much more 1'vejy to .the retail markets The price "today Is ranging from 40' to 10 cents a doxen, according to quality. 1 ' Asparagus Is fast going oujt of mar ket and the price la beginntnf to. ad , vanca quits .. sharply. Practically all now coming la from Aurora. They grow the best there,.say.ths dealers. " New Oregon potatoes have made their appearance tn tha marketa. They are still of very small else, but the price Is larger. Those from California are .nowvery plentiful and they are getting to be quite good. ' Small difference In the price. ... Old potatoes are nearly out of market Those , left are -very cheap. Hothouse tomatoes grown at Mount Tabor-i are now-plentiful. 'There are also good supplies from the outside. Mississippi tomatoes are quite good and those from. Mexico are worth eating. Best are 16 cents a pound In the retail markets today.. . ' ,,, A considerable . number of 'people have made complaint of late because of the scarcity, of .first-class loins snd ribs In the retail meat marketa. The fact la that demand has been so great fur. fancy meats of lata that the butcft era have been unable to secure sufficient supplies--for their . trade,. This - has caused prices o rapidly rise and at re tail today loins are quoted from It te to -cents - a -pound. while good ribs ara selling around It to 'II cents a pound. Demand has been so great for the liner grades of . meats such as, steaks and good roasts .that the butcher shops have been overflowing with "The' grades not so fancy. This Is the first time In several years "that the market bars of -beet grades. "Eggs are beginning-to advance in the retail markets, on account of tha various advances la I the wholesafe price' of late. Supplies 1 are not coming so fast- these daya. . . . Tha price of chickens Hoes not remain down very long on account of the bet ter demand and poorer supplies. Creamery butter is Just holding its own, but aa the loe cream season progresses arid tho demand for cream for that purpose becomes heavier, the supplies of butter will become lighter aad tha price correspondingly higher. .. Home retail prices: BfcRRIES Best strawberries, lOe a box; three for S6c Raspberries 10c a box. Currants 10c a box.- ' FRUITS Bananas 1 00 dosen, lemons 1(0 and loo. limes Mo dosen, cherries le ' and 10e pound, apples 40o and too dosen. aoiicota too baaket. plums 6O0 and JSo basket, pineapples 15a and too each, gooseberries three pounds ior zee. VEGETABLES Es-g plant 40o pound, peppers, bell, three for I So, small sixes tSo pound, peas three pounds for 15c, string beans Ho and too pound, aspara gus three . pounds for Zto. cucumbers to and. 10a each, summer squash 15c pound, .new California onions 10c pound, rhubarb So pound, new potatoes tel pound, green onions zoo doxen bunches, new carrots two bunches for to. head lettuce .three for 10c water cress to, hothouse lettuce to head, rad ishes three bunches for lOo, cauliflower 10c and tOo head, tomatoes Zta pound. --' FRbSH FIBH Halibut loe, salmon lto, sturgeon lte, striped baas tOc, soles 3 Be. black "cod It He. perch lOo, floun ders 10c. shad le, sea trout too pound, crabs lto each, salmon cheeks lte dosen. shad roe lto and ZOe pound. BUTTER AND EGOS Best creamery tfio-per two-pound roll, cooking to roll. Fresh ranch eggs' He dosen. . ' POULTRT California lo pound. ducks Tie to SUt each, geese 11 to 11. to 1 each, turkeys tie pmind. spring chickens 7 60 pair, friers 75o to 11.50 pair, squabs 76o pair... ;A ' " ' . ' .Short of Jars? v Replenish your stock wi th Everlasting jars, the best, most satisfactory and only sanitary .fruit jar. All glass. Mod erate In price. Ask your grocer to show you ths Everlasting. HELPED ORGANIZE FIRST LODGE IN OREGON . Grand Secretary James F. Rob inson Has Been Mason for Over Thirty-Nine Years. ,: James F. Robinson, grand secretary of tho Oregon grand lodge, A. F. and A. ' is 'one of the most distinguished Masons In tha west Hs has been a I Sr' -sSlS I iW ' 1 - - '-w" ' ' J LI- .-1 - ? Ml James F. Robinson. V member of the order for IS yearn and was one of the three who organised the , first commaadery In tho state. , Thla event took place In Portland in ttho - year J.I7t..Mr. Robinson being . elected the first commander tit- the ' "lodge, of which he Is now the only sur viving charter member. Mr. Robinson lias bold every office In the grand lodge, ' in tho grand chapter and In the com- man d err. HV ' present secretary" of both the grand ' lodge and the -grand IZjhapUr- bavtng -ben-;-jnt reetored to that position for"lhe twelfth consecu tive time. For the past it years Mr. Robiiaon . has been a realc-pm 6f 1 K(l ' . gene, where for It years he has devoted Ms entire time to the work of Masonry, having organised many commanderies In this state. -As soon as the new Masonic " temple is erected in this city the office "f the grand secretary-will doubtless be moved here). - - - iV ' "l " 5 ": Mr.- Robinson was bom In Iowa 0 ."years ago. His son. Ralph D. Robin son. Is probably the ,youngeat Mason in the United States, hiving Joined the rommandery at .Eugene upon his twenty first birthday a few weeks ago. ROGUE RIVER VALLEY ' FRUIT CROP EXCELLENT The Rogue Ttlver valley gives prom . Ise of sn extra fine quality of the fa mous fipltxenberg and Newtown Plp ipln apple this season. ' T. i. William son, a prominent eltlsen and fruit grower of Jacksonville, who Is attending .the meeting of the grand lodge this week says: '. ,-..'. "1 neer saw finer apple and pears t this time of year and while tha trees are not ae heavily laden aa usual, ; . ; '- ' - . ' yet the extra quality of tho fruit will more than compensate for any loss 1 in quantity." .... Rains have Interfered with the mak ing of alfalfa hay and but little of ths first crop was harvested without dam age.: Tho second crop, however, Is growing luxuriantly and. Is now from I to 10 Inches high. Strawberries and cherries are now In their prims and corn la making a good growth In spite of the unfavorable weather. TWO OUT OF SIX . . PASS EXAMINATION Only two out of the six applicants who took ths examination in optometry that was held In thla city June It and 14 were able to make " the required grade, Charles H. Williams of Condon and A. P. Da Keyeser of Portland being the successful candidates for licenses. Ths examination waa conducted, by the Oregon state - board of - examiners In optometry, consisting of E. O. Mattarn, president; .'H. W. Burr, secretary, and C W. Lews.1 ' Elegant Home for Rent.' Aa elegant seven-room house, all mod ern improvements.' steam heat, hot water, etc., furnished with finest ma hogany, blrdseys maple snd quartered oak furniture - and plush carpets 4n fact, best of everything. Reasonable rent with leaser' Apply on premises, Zst Seventh street, between 10 and It a. ro., Saturday and Sunday. - Money Saved Is Money Made Best creamery butter.....,.,..'.. Good creamery butter. Dairy butter .... ... ...30 and Ranch eggs,-1 dose . . , Best sugar-cured bams, pound...., Cheese, t pounds '....,, fe wis cheese .j.'l Cream brick cheese....... Llmburger cheese Saturday is chicken day Springs. . 4St 40 S6 45 15 ae? 25e) 35 25 La Grande Creamery 04 TasTsTTT.Tfc BE HEALTHY CHOPS and JBTEAKS go-r long-way Toward making you healthy. If.yoULbuy thfm" from'" US you Are Sure they are good. . Remember, you cannot cut good chops1 'or1 steaks from Inferior lamb wr beer. We also have FINE ROASTS, BEEF. LAMB. . VEAL, MUTTON or FORK, smoked , and salted - meats, poultry and flah. . . ; . , . Central Market xnrsomr mouh 7 : , 130 Orand Ave. Phoxto Bast 41. Rainier Market We Are . llDWDlf YOUR LARGE Store 349 & 351 Oak St. NEAR SEVENTH Will rteH ; you alT about it next week. In the mean time - will deliver all orders . . ... . , X promptly. -': r. r Fellows Grocery--Corhpany West Park and Washington Sts. Phone Main 2596 E.B. Colwcll ' .""-...' " (ToriMrly FaraMr'a) ' ' " WHOLESALE AND RETAIL CBOCEB Ml, SM. tW Third St.. eor. Jsffweear Bis Store of tiUU Pricoa roLLOwmo mou will iavi tow n 0M XTXXT SOIXAS. ftTALTTT fttTAEAHIZEO aOKILLMO'S BZIX SAUXO JOWUIA is stUl. per lb .Ue BIT OEAHtnATDD gVOAB, Tn lACK KTO U Ul BXT OKA1TDXATXS fTOA......ri.OO I pkgs fooU cleaned earraats ....... ..tft I pkft new rows seeded rslilDS ,,.. t lha sew. gerewa loose afnsestels tfie l ib eaa Boral bsklDf sawder ,..40s OasM Bieckwell's ellre ell. at battles.. see l ib pkg Aral ft Bsmmer soda ........ ......Bo 1-gal eaa taney table syrup .40 H-gsl eea fsaey table srrap. ...... .tO Bb resided Wbeat bloolt. per pkg .L. ...... lot raaey Early Jane Peas, per doe...... ...... toe 1C bars Bortl Sane soap l.............y..X5 T esse best H ssrdtnss Is olI..,......,.....SV 6-lb palls pure lard Me 10-lb psll pars lard 1.10 Core oraters 1-lb esse, solid, par aos........0e H O oats, S-lb pkss. pw pkg.. 10 Best pirate hams, par lb;..... lie Bhredfled eocsanvt, per lb ........ ...r......lSe Hard-wheat Boor, per sack ....... ........l.00 eotaa eats, pat pkg ....... .Jr...M...10 posrani earosl, per pa a ....Sue Pall's Nsptaa soap, par1 bar ,.... Bast soft-wbest floor, per ssek 11.00 lava Moeba eof tee (regeUr He) JSe H box sods eraekers (sboat 10 lost 50e Rotllsb Bnaktsst tee, per lb lee Fancy Gunpowder tee (regular SSe) 15a Uneeda Biscuit, per pkg East aide Derrrarlet Tossdsys end rrlfay. phobb iunr - nable Vrloaa. Best Btsavts at Pure Honor. 1ar 30 and BOf Preah Ranch Kgga, 2Se da., I da.,45 Plneat Creamery Butter.. SOw and S5 Preah 16t Dairy Butter, per roil,40e Columbia Drippings, large' can: . t.'Zbt Humpty Dumpty Flakes, pkg -.15s Two packages for....... Preah Dressed Chickens Saturday. A Pall Uat of Osasad Ooods and Soap. Fresh 'risk Xvery Wednesday and prlday Butter, Eggs and Cheese A Blum. 17th aad lerlw Btg, BUbt 138. The Ohly Sure and Safe Way For you to avoid tho beef trust and the retail marketa controlled by the beef trust Is to trade with Smlta. Smith Is the only whelesals butcher and packer In the city who has refused to Join the trust He Is giving ths public ths flnssrt, fsiSeal cattle aad" sheep that Oregon can show, at prices that make the beef trust weepr No other butcher can come anywhere near our prices. Hlndquarter Spring Lamb, per lb.. 15 Leg Spring Lamb, per lb... 15 Prontquarter Spring Lamb, per ln.04 Spring Lamb Chops, per lb....,12Vt Rib Roast Beef, rolled, ner lb.....lOa Pine Juicy Pot Roast Bpef, per lb..8 Boning ana stew weer, per id f Loin and Prime Rib Steak, lb. .,. 12 He) Round Steak, choice, per lb. lO Shoulder Steak,, per lb..... ...... ..8 Roast Veal, per lb. . . Mi.mj,, lO Breast of Veal per lb lOf Veal Sausage, Pork Sauaage and Hamburg Steak, per lb lOa? Breakfast Bacon, per lb. ....... 1749 L.ara Don 1 .xorgei a pan- 01 iara - with your usual week-end buy- Ing. per lb....... 12 Low prices to people who use quanU- tlea. Frank L Smith Meat Co. B3S Alder Bt, Between Pirvt and Beoond. SI 8. Ttrrt aft, BTear the Bridge. " Fighting the Beef Trust " A' -. . . . . . ..... . . "' Phom Main 1413 Come earlr and get your share of good things at the home 'X PhonV ,.of low prices, good goods, and plenty of them. x Maln tAl - V U PEOPLE'S1 mkWM: ARIP C. : U FIRST AND TAYLOR WHOUESALB AND RETAIL, FIRST AND TAYLOR TEAS . 1 lb. Monarch Blend - Ceylon flBea ........ .454 1 lb. Imperial Ounpowder Terrrvr.T rr. .!t04 1' lb.. Royal Ounpowder Tea ... . .......... ,.2R 1 lb. No, X Pin Head Ounpowder Tea ,.35 1 Jb No. 1 Pin Hood Gunpowder Tea ...45 ,1-lb. Basket Fired Japan-Teem, .wgOf rib. No. 1 Spider Leg Japan Tea. ....354 1 lb. No.- Spider Leg Japan Tea. .......... ,'45 1 lu. No. 1 Knsrflh Breakfast Tea. ...2Be) 1 lb. No. X English Breakfast Tea y....45 EXTRAS Pie Apricots.' Pis Pefchss, Pl Plums. Pis 'Pumpkins,'! for r .,. -254 t-lb. Brick Codfish ........IBs) .Whole Georgia Codfish, per lb. ........... TH Corn. Peas; String Beans, t for.i...., ,,.25 ' PISH 'V--' 10-lb. Pall KKK Herring ..................OOf I 1-lb. Cans Mustard Sardines. ............ .25 T.-lb. Cans OH Sardine .-. 2B t-1-lb.-Csns Pink Salmon Z5 1 Plat Can Salmon Steak .......lOa I 1-lb. Cans Wadco Salmon i...25e) 1 H-lb. Can Canadian Lobster ...25 t Cans Pheasant Oysters .25) I Cans Any Brand Cream. '. 15 1 Gall. Csn Salad Oil ,...80e I Sack L. B. Bread Flour .SI. OO Oregon -Vegetables New Cabbages, per lb. . . . .. . . :.... 4. .2 Fancy Cucumbers, J for ....... .V. ...... .25e 1! .lbe.. New Potatoes .f...... ....... 25 11 lbs. New Onions ....25e . New Telephone . Peas, per lb. 5e Fresh Tomatoes, per lb..... 1B Asparagus, per lb.: ........ ....... -. .B Wax or Green Beans, i for 25 MEATS XUTTB WOBTK- BBlaWCBBBXBTCK WM BASTOXJg OITZ.T aTAVIVB VaUZB btocx. - - ranca bcbatb ootbbbtmbbtt raopzai bubxit ajts oboobbt oo. POBK BOABT. THAT BOAST, BBBP BOAST, , T.ABTB BOABT, BtTTTTOBT BOAST, T r'yjjnUAMM, sTTBWS, cofj...r ( ..''' ::. ;.:rcMicKEiNs"l.ili;.; 10-lb. Pall Purs Monarch Lard. ......... .fl.lO o-lb. Pall Pur Monarch Lard,.,.,... 5B Mb. Pall. Best C. P, Lard 454 10-lb. Pall Best C P. Lard. ............... , .85 20 lbs. D.G. Sugar $1.00 BUTTER AND CHEESE Dairy Butter, sweet, per lb. ......... Fresh Ranch Butter, I lbs. for Preemont Creamery Butter, t lbs. for, Sunset Creamery Butter, I lbs. for ... Fancy Cream Cheese, t lbs. for. ...... Ex. Fancy Cream Cheese, per lb. Young America Cheese, per lb. ....... Brick Cream Cheese, per lb. Extra Fancy Swiss Cheese, per lb. ....1B ....35e) ....45 ....60s) ...25e ire 15 17H 1TM Mall Ordmra Promptly FUUd. Sndja a PoBtal and Our Salitman will Call and. -Submit Prf cw. " ST. JOHNS DELIVERY WEDNESDAY sj. . , JiRLETJt AND SELLWOOD X . i , fxjday .. : Santos Blend Coffee, t for . .......... n-.35) Famous Town Talk Coffee, per lb. ....... ... .20 Champion Monarch Blend Coffee, per lb. ...254 Gold Band M. A- J. Coffee, per lb.. .30e Army and Navy Blended Coffee, per lb.,.,,. IB Old Dutch. Combination Coffee, lbs. for.. .25" SPEC! INOTICE In order to lnduoe you to start using our Coffees we will give, SATUBSAT OBXT, f lbs.. Town Talk Coffee , , , t lbs.' Monarch Blend Coffee 4 lbs. Gold Band M. m J. Coffee, T lba. Army aud Navy Blend, tha Coffee -With a grip . .fl.OO 91:00 J .Il.OO tea 91.00 , r Extra1 Specials "Aunt Jemima Pancako Flour,! for. .25 Crespo Breakfast Food, aama aa Foroa, for 25 Mason Fruit Jars, pts., per doa. 654 Mason Fruit Jars, -qta,, per doa........ T5 Mason Fruit Jars, half gallon . u. .85 1-lb. cans Corned Beef, a for :............2B 1-lb. Can Chipped Beef IB I Olass Jars Chipped Beef, I for ........ .25 I Bott. H. M. Catsup . 25 16o can K. C B. Powder .' 20 4 lbs. Noodles, Maccaronl. Spaghetti or Vep--. mlcalli . ....... ....................... .25 7 lbs. Rolled Oats ...25 T lbs. Wbtt or Red Beans... ,i...........25 10-lb. Sack Farina 35 10 lbs. Graham -Whole Wheat or Ryo Flour.. 25 10-lb. Sack Rolled Oata . . .'rrrfrx'.. . : 85 10 lbs. Whits or Tellow Corn Meal.. .25 1 Gallon Can French Mustard ......75 1 Gallon Can Tomato Catsup ............. ..75 1 Pkg. Diamond Matohes ..................20 I Rolls Toilet Paper i ..IO 1 (-String Broom, clean straw. ............ .SB THE HIGHEST GRADfeS OF COFFEE ROASTED . . s-Bt 1 I INTHE TmUVWl NOBTHt lCCfft WEST . -. llwi-5o.oBto"Virj AT YOUR GROCERS. Don't Fail To secure your BUNDATS DINNER on .. , time. -.... G. & Co. , Caa supply yon with tha' best POULTRY,' FISH AND v SEA FOOD In ths city. . Cill up Main 431 or call ; at IT! FIRST RIRKET. 1 " , Ask Y6ur Grocer For - Mad from high mitgradm tiUefd By tho xnost lnv proved ' artsrUUed and made absolutely pure by -oleotris The most wboleeome nonroathe) market. ForovtrSOyoart - . thm favorltm Family Flour X Wmner of medals and " diplomas at Omaha, -Buffalo, Cberleatom, Japan aad -Scowls aad wbltssrt 1 finest oaks aad pastry. $1.10 Per Sack Every Sack Guaranteed FOB SAXJI BT ALBRIGHT eV'ROBEBTS. OUNTHER St HICKKY.... M. B. GODFREY . BECKWITH SMITH. J. M. BENNETT.. GEORGE HOCKENTOS .....( Twenty-third St. Ni Phono Mala 454 Twenty-third and Marshall. - Phone Main S41 ..154 Russell St. Phone East 1544 140 Union Ave. N. Phono East 14SI ..l7iE. Morrison. Phono East lit .. RusseU Bt. Phone East 4819 ...?.. AND GROCERS GENERALLY. Those handling our Flour and desiring their names Included In our ad vcrtlsements will kindly phone or write us and they will be published. - - TBADB irrrXZBB FBOBX OUB :.''. PORTLAND OFFICE 531 LUMBER EXCHANGE Phone Faelflo 86 1. Balstom Cos, Besident llaaagw. Pacific Coast Biscuit Co.'s 25 cent Cartons for . . ; We have no competition and yet there Tnink we nave no ngni 10 live. are soma of our 1 nelrhbors Our -motto Is, "Live and Let Live" that's why ws ars here, and If we do ssy It. there Is no better or more 2 economical place to trade than at our store, aa has been demonstrated " by ths remarkable Increase In our business. Ths cordial treatment and H prompt service we give have greatly pleased the oast Bids people. Note H a fewpriosa given below of soros of the goods handled by ust a We Invite Comparison and Defy1 Competition 3 t 1 Tlrv Granulated flu nr. lAO-lh. ams-a- : .OA K 21 lbs. Dry Granulated Sugar...... Sl.OO Very Best Creamery Butter, per roll. ... .45 Pine Dairy Butter, per roll ......... .......SB Fresh Ranoh Eggs, I doa for ....45 A full assortment of Concentrated ' Soups, S cans . .........25 Pork snd Beans, with Tomato Sauce, I cans. 25 Fine Alaska Salmon, t cans 2 flat Best Core Oysters. I cans. 4...., 25 SPECIAL Bring ee? Send la - aa Order for - $5 Worth of Groceries -And We Will Olvs Ton. ; B 25 Ibs. Sngar it ............ Kxtra Standard Tomatoes, I cans. Early June peas. 1 cans r Sweet Sugar Corn, t cans Singapore Sliced Pineapple, per can -fa mM f.nnffan.A, UK HI, n a ' a m 25 25 . .15 15 15 Crossel ft Blackwell's Lucca OIL Ot bottle. .AKat -M lncemeat-4 -p k gs, r r, , . , , . ) t ,; t . , , ; . 2B Broken Rice, S lbs. for,,........ 35 --Acorn Matchsa, 1,600 In box. t pkgs.... 2Kat ' Bust Laundry Soap, t bars ,': , .-. ;.25 . everything also equally reasonable. Yourt for Irvlc4s . v NevvrYork Market and Grocery 477 Bad 4T WmiasBB Avenue. TeL Bast 4B0. 1 nmmiMinimiMmBaiaiBt ZSZ3 DIRECT FR OM THE GARDENS , The Great M of the Portland Fair Tfte Cheapest Tea to Buy -J0 - lk-iXHt tj 1 One Pound . Equals Three Ko. 1 Ceylon and India 1-lb. eaa. fB. No. I C. and L, 1 Ib...38s No. 1 Ceylon and India H-lb. can. 40. No. 1 C and L, H lb... 35 SOLD BY ALL GROCERS V ROE SHAD, 5c Per Lb. HALIBuTf, 3 pounds...... .25i I Oysters, qti ..V...........504 Chinook Salmon 12 xtf Fresh Crabs,, 2 for.., ..,..254 Crawfish, Live or Cooked.' . Three small for. . ; . . , i t254 FRESH SHIPMENTS RECEIVED DAILY STANDARD CR.AD do; j T; 17tm MADISON STREETS- .(at the Bridge);. A '... , BUCKING THE TRUST .. a. But not with rotten meat. We have not yet be?a arrested for selling the public rotten meat as some of the trust busters have been." We do not advertise "PLAIN1 MEATS TO PLAIN PEOPLE," but the choicest Oregon stall fed steersy government inspected both before and after slaughtering, to all classes of people who pay us spot cash, at fully 25 per cent less money than other 1TRUST BUSTERS." We have just completed the finest martfet on the Pacific coast with the new refrigerating counter, protecting meats from flies and dust. We carry an exceptionally large variety and stock of choicest meats. The following is a sample of prices at which we are offering our goods for Saturday and next week: Chickens 16cr - Salt Pork 9c ETC IN ALL LINES OF MEATS ' " STATE MARKET FIRST AND SALMON STS. PHONE MAIN 1657 ; GENUINE GERMAN KNOCK-WURST made fresh every '.''...''.. -:'" Ttia4aw . - . . '. 'VEAL SAUSAGE made fresh every Saturday . . TsieChicaq o Market ' T nam vi e ar ' " - - mt , - -ioinira-otreet, .neacjramhill. PRIME RIB ROASTS! OF BEER ROAST. OF PORK, VEAL, MUTTON, LAMB All from our Hveienic Coolinsr Counter, whirh has iUt hn insulled, keeping the meat in better condition-and giving t -the meat - tiettr- flavrrr anT "mjVinir at,A j .... - .- ------ - mmwii kMV aiicaiv LCliUCiCL. ' ' PHONE MAIN 419 - .,..,,..M..t..,.n,......l Harge Shad U5c Each 2 lbs. Shad Roe. v.......V.2J!.j3 lbs. Halibut..... I..... 25 2 lbs. Chinook. Salmon. .7. 2Sf J 2 Large' Crabs. .... .7, . . . . .23 Best Creamery Butter, Per Roll -45c Two Dozen Ranch Eggi. . . ... ,u 4 , 1 . . ,45 Co. . , THIRD AND. ANKENY,'. TEL. MAIN 5. - ' y ..." .j