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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (June 13, 1906)
TIIE OREGOIK DAILY JOURNAt, PORTLAND WEDNESDAY. EVENING, JUNE U 1BC3. I TGivp Tcjj toviohti Awruxzan. Rlll.. , , ' ....,.. . . . "The Roaneere" ..The KtM-B.1 Cltr" "Brought to Jo.tlce" ..."Hutal VUm-rum' One .......... Vaudeville PanUfee Veodellle The funeral of Michael Calvin, who a lea from lost of blood following an Injury to hla lea Saturday, will tak placo from 81 Mary's Cathollo church. Albina, tomorrow mornlnf. Interment will ba at Mount Calvary cemetery. Tha funeral will be attended by mambara ' of tha Longshoremen's union, Dlvlalon mo. I. Ancient Order of Hibernians, and ; the Modern Woodmen of America. Tha Injury which caused Mr. Galvln'a death - waa -received while he wae at work loading a ahlp at tha Alneworth dock. . When phyalclana arrived ha waa ao ' weak from loaa of blood that amputa tion waa not deemed advisable, , Ha Jln- (ered until t p. m. Monday, whan he . passed away. . Mr. 'TJalvln waa a na - tive of Cregane, County Kerry, Ireland, and waa t yeart old. He waa married and a Widow and four children eurvlve ' him.. '.. " :'' VT" E. McClaran, an architect with of flces ln tha Lumber Exchange building. Use been called to San ITranclaco to as sist In the work of estimating loaaaa for . . tha InaOranca companies. All tha coo - tractora and archltacta of San Francleco have been engaged in thla work for aev- sral weeks, and aa the work haa been : necesaarlly alow tha companlea have ' had to call for aselatance from outalda cities. So far aa known. Mr. MeClaraa la tha first Portland architect to re spond to tha call. , . . . Tha Home Traluing association will hold Ita annual election at tha meeting - tomorrow afternoon at t o'clock at tha city hall. A good program wlU be glvsu, aa follows: Piano aolo. Miss Amy Lam- ' son; reading. Miss Edna - Buchanan; song. Mra. W. W. Heppe; reading, "One Ct the Little OneeV'MIaa Bertha Gold stein; recitation. Chums." Sammy Gold stein; eong, Mra. Herbert Foster-, piano aolo, P. "W. Goodrich. All who have books from tha library are requested to r return them tomorrow. 8eatile members of tha executlv. com mittee dt tha North Paclno Coast Man ufaoturere' nd . tathM Hot eTnios t for Portland and Tacoma. W. A. Mears, . tha secretary of tha association, re- i.-e. i aasassjaelal A. smith. Upon tha return of Jay Smith from San Francisco, probably in a week, the complete executive commutes wlU meet and chooaa omcers. . At the recent flection eaat aide pre- elncta within the city limits polled a vote of I.48J, or 111 In excess of tha total vote eaat In tha west aide pre elnoU. The country, ptectneta eaat a vote'-or.??." and -the- majority - vote ' was polled on tha east aide. Thla la ' tha first time In tha history of tha city that tha west side haa been outvoted , by tha eaat' aide. 1 . . . . ; "A Glimpse of Utah"Tla, the tlUe of a handsome, booklet Just laaued by the passenger department of the Denver A Rio Grande. railroad. The writer. Ed 1 wrd F. Colburn. traata of tha state' a . early hlatory. Ita magnificent scenery and resourcea and the Mormon and Gentile population. "The book Is beau tlfully Uuetratad. rf"f . -, -r.. .v,' . Water through hoae for sprinkling yards or sldewalka, or washing porches or windows, must be paid for In advance and uaed only between tha hours of t and I a. m. and ( and p. m. It must not be used for sprinkling streets. If used contrary to theee rules, of waste- -fully. It will be ahut off. . Moving pictures and ateroptlcon en , tertaiament at First Christian qhurch, Park and Columbia, tonight. , "Holy . City" suing and illustrated by ateroptl con. Moving pictures of San. Francisco. Auspices Christian Woman's Board of Mlealona. No admission. Free-will of- : ferlng taken. ; .- .' . . ' ,,-r James W. Smith of Los Angelas, by ', hla attorneys, Bauer Greene, has filed suit in the lilted States clreult court againat Walter HTMoorerof-GH-Hara county for the restitution of cer ' tain rear aetata In that eounty alleged " to be unlawfully held by Moore. De-m-agea are also claimed in tha sum ef II,- Tha townalta of Sycamore, a - few miles eaat of Lenta, haa juat been pur chased by O. Q. G unmans. This tract consists o(ll acre and la on the O. W. P. Ry. line. It 1 reported that 'Mr. Gammana will build a country villa. R. , H. Blossom negotiated the deal. -. ' Local railroad men are Intereeted . In a wedding that occurred at Spokane! yesterday. - A. t. Kerrigan.-train-agent of the O. R. N company, waa united In marriage to a popular Spokane so ciety girl. They left laat night for a wedding trip to California. . . : . :. 1 - The oath of office waa administered ta Lou Wagner, constable elect for the weet - side district by County - Clerk Ptelils thla morning. Tha ceremony was witnessed by several friend of Mr. " Wagner and also by a number of attor neys, who extended congratulations to the. officer. ..... 1 ' William Tell lodge No. I. a R H. S-. .will have boat excursion Sunday. June IT. to Washington -grovsi - Boat will leave foot of Washington street at I: IS a. m. All frlenda and their families kindly Invited. Round - trip- 7S cents; children under It, IS centa. ' Suit- for divorce has been' begun by T.ydla A. ' Bishop againat Ernest L. Bishop on the. ground of desertion be ginning In January. 14. The. parties . were married In Portland In August JtSIf and have one child aged t years. Thomas MoCusker yeeterday -told the . atreet committee of the council that hla applleattons -for franchises tor the east . Want tha .best for your money, of -eourse. - - '''': f . . v Most likely want to buy on easy Man? We can satisfy year every want !-A. B- CHASE, E8TIT,' ' EMERSON : and plenty of others to select from. DundorePianoCo! , 134 th St.. Opp. Oregoalan Bldg.1 ' Victor Talking Msrhlnes, Sheet Muslo, ail Small XastrujaSAut. , - , , i . , . . , . The moat ' modern and up-to-date v, Bank on' the Pacific Coast. , Grec on Trast'G Savings Danfr We hav a fine Safety-Deposit Vault, a -ladies' reception-room, a savings department, a trust department, and do a general banking business, and last, but not least, we hare a staff of accommodating, clerks for yon to meet. ;-v ;'.'': ;,; v v We are open SATURDAY NIGHT to pay checks and receive, deposits from S to I o clock. - We pay 2 per cent Interest on checldns; and 4 per cent .on aavings account..' '- . . r ' Call and talk with us about our plan. We will be pleased to meet you. if you do business with ua or not. OC0 MI n cm SIXTH AND WASHINGTON STS, Fortund,' Un ; W, H. MOORHL President. ' : W. COOPER MORRIS. Cashier. slda belt Una and for a eubway .under tha WUlametta river will probably be combined. Tha applications have peen sent to tha executive board for tha set ting of compensation Tha subway la to run froqi Park aedf Oak streete under the . river . to Eaat Seventh and Eaat Stark atreeta. Tha belt line application now calls for the uae of Union avenue Instead of Eaat Third, and Hancock -and Eaat Seventh atreeta are substituted for Vancouver avenue, and Eaat" Ninth atreet for East Tenth. ..The' two applt catlona have been In the hands of the committee ainca April II. Adjutant-General Ftnser returned to day from Salem, where he Inspected the work now being done on the rifle range. which will be used by the state militia -slies carried In stockjxtd alaes. made to order, fitted and hung. : F, E. Beach A Co., the pioneer paint company. 111 First street. Phone Main 111. """IcWaTraiam'tf eaay paymenta. II down and 10 cents per week. All mainsprings l; all watches cleaned L Metager Co, 111 Sixth at --.Xi L,. Wanted.: girle and boys to work In cracker department. Apply PactnsCoaat Biscuit company, corner - Twelfth and Davla atreeta. . We are still selling eye glasses at II a perfect fit guaranteed or money re funded. Metager Co 111 Sixth street Nomah circle tSl wilt give military whist thla evening (Wednesday), eaat aide Woodmen halL , j- " C E. Walborn, furniture repairing, pol lening, packing, snipping. ;TeL Eaat. lit L . Acme 6ll Co.. aella the best safety oil and fine gasolines. . Phone Eaat 711. I Women's exchange. Ill Tenth atreet luncn. ii to- i. . . . j... Panama batter, III 4th. Phone Pae. 107, TThw San Francisco Disaster. - Oro, Pollard 4k Hall's outdoor repro duction or the great calamity will be given . the first demonstration at the Lewis and Clark fair grounds tonight Tha sight chosen being the circular space at the north ends of the Araloul tural and ' Foreign. Exhibits buildings, while comfortable aeats for all have been built between the two large build' Inga, With ample space for carriages and autoa. v - : Although considerable expense has been gone to, both In tha -preparation of tha big city, the. destructive elements and tha securing of the large grounds. a comparatively amall admission fee will be charged. ., Tha fair grounds have been especially prepared, decorated and lighted. A good band will be In attend' anoe. The doors open at T:S0 p. m. while the actual performance of the disaster occurs at 1:10 p. m., followed by a series of Incidents exactly as they happened In San Francisco. : . . - , . w ' .' ' A Snap in Irvington. V ' Here is one of tha best snaps In the Irvington district -A house of eight ntce-elsw rooms and bath. The rooma are conveniently looated. The gas fix tures are In tha house; also the screens. The gas, electrlo light water, gaa stove arrangement, water boiler, furnace, ce ment cellar and- a large attlo, floored. Thla Is a new house on a lot 100 by 100, with elegant surroundings and a splen did view of the -mountains and all the Irvington district. Any one wanting a real convenient home in one of the nicest districts In the city should phone either East 1101 or Main for an en gagement to go through the house. We will sell the house for 11,100 and make very eaay terms. If you prefer we will rent you the house for 110 per month and ytu can buy the house after ward If It aults you. -Ton had better phone at once, as a new house in this neighborhood with - these . conveniences won't be on tha market long.; ELKS WILL HOLD BIG STAG SOCIAL TOMORROW Tha Elka .wiU hold a stag social at their temple at the -eoraer of Xlak and Seventh-atreeta tomorrow night . . . .. The dolnga will begin at about 1:10 over. . They will continue until well, everybody knows how long Elk ktag social a continue. ETUrbano's hand will be In attendance and vaudeville sketch teams from tha various local theatres will do stunta Besldea, things liquid will flow, and there wUl be things to eat between refreshments. All visiting Elks sra cordially Invited. . A brighter World. ' If your eyesight Is defective - let George Rubensteln. - expert optician, make you a pair of glasaea to Improve your vision.. They will make objects clearer. The world will be brighter. Ill Fourth street, near Tamhlll. . . ; Marriage. Is a hltchlng-post. ' Before tying no. secure a policy la the Penit Mutual Lire, V Sherman at Harmon, Gen. Agio. ' Miluanlrla Cniintrw rtnK MilWaUKIS UOUntry ClUD. I Memphis and Louisville race. Teke 1 Sellwood wnaV. Oregon City cara at Firat and .Alder, . , 1 PROTEST AGAUJST F East Side Residents Say Con ; ditlons Are Deplorabl . - and Menacing. . DECAYING REFUSE IS v . THROWN INTO WATER Open Vaults Add to Unsanitary Con ditions and People Fear . Epidemic and Mosquito Councilman Ket- laher Has Plan.'. ' Tha condition of-the slough that heads In Hawthorne park and axtenda from East Salmon atreet to Union avenue and Eaat Stark street la deplorable. It la said by some of the residents of that vicinity to be but lltUe better than an open sewer. In making a casual Inapeo- Mlon of that territory thla morning there were nottoad a naif dosen open vaults on Its banks and numerous beapa of decaying refuse that had been thrown 'Into the-water. Garbage of , all kinds la carried at night and dumped Into It. In one place It waa aeen where the dally cleanings of s bain are ahoveled dlreotly Into the water.- Tha water Is covered with-a greenish yellow scum , an Inch thick and on this was seen all manner of decaying filth. The residents along and over tha slough seem to be entlrery oblivious of sanitary regulations and no attempt seems to be made to comply with the regulatlona of tha board of health. Las than a Tear ago the atten tion of the health department waa di rected to the. unsanitary conditions that prevailed in thla district. Little good, however, seems to hav resulted there from. .'.Hi - ' -L- .' I . ;,atellae Has llaa. - .The water that coll acta in thla alough la said to come from tha springs that rise in Hawthorns park. Councilman Kellaher haa 'a plan which ha thinks. If adopted, will go far toward overcoming thla trouble. . "My plan." aays Councilman Kellaher, "Is to asnd the water frnm thi Hn-rr thorns park springs through the spURl way to East Balmon atreet and not ai l minx. a aimpie: remeay ua in in expensive' one. - If soma atepa are not .taken to correct thla evil wo are very apt to have aq epldemlo of aome kind. and we are sure to have millions of m6aundsTTheourhd3tI6ir of" 'Haw thorne slough- Is not only a serious menace 'to the public health, but it Is a aisgrace 10 any civuisea community, i have made repeated effort to have thla evil corrected and I am going to keep at .lt until I succeed -In- having eome-4 thing dona.' SURLIISEABOUUHE ELECTION OF BISHOP Episcopalian Gather In Portland " In Large Number to De- . 1 tide the Question. There Is . much Surmise about the election of bishop for the Episcopal diocese of Oregon. The annual conven tion -which opens tomorrow morning at Trinity church will be one of tha most Important In ita hlatory. A largo num ber of delegates Is expected because every Episcopal church In Oregon will send Its clergyman and allotted number of lay delegates to help aettle tha ques tion. A hot contest Is expected and though tha body goes Into buslneas ses sion at 0:10 In tha pariah house It Is possible that- no conclusion may be reached until the seaalon Friday morn ing. - , . There are two-prominent candidates for- the field-from outside the atate: Rev. Charles Scaddlng of La Grange, Illlnola, and Rev. F. W. Clamnett of Baa Francisco. Soma of tha clergy In Ore gon are Spoken' Df as possible Candi da tea. The clerical body nominates and selects ita candidates, which must then be ratified by the laymen's convention. The Women's Auxiliary la in conven. Hon today at St' Mark's churchr Tha business aesaion took place thla after noon and this svening tha delecatea will sttaad tQjagommenrement of St Hel en's hall. - - Tomorrow -will orjen the eighteenth , annual convention of the diocese and after tha business aasslons mere wiu. oe a mission meeting In the evening. Friday there will aa another bualnees seaalon, and tha graduating ex ercises of tha Training School for Nurses at the Good Samaritan hospital will occupy tha attention - in tha evening. , GLADSTONE PARK TO CELEBRATE THE FOURTH The managers of Gladstone nark have taken advantage of tha fact that there will be no celebration of Independence aay in roruand and are making great preparationa for a first-class celebra tion to Uke place at that resort There will be a patriotic program In the morning and a baseball game, as well as tne usual Chautauqua features. In the afternoon there will be a program of which the principal feature will be the appearance on tha platform of Homer Castle of Pittsburg, one of America's best-known prohibitionists. . Homer I Castle haa gained a renuta- tlon aa an orator,' having delivered the addreaa of welooae- at the presidential convention -of th Prohibition partyat nttsDurg. . in itoo aa nominated Silas O. Swallow for the presidency and In 1 llQt-was jromlneaUr mentioned for the place) himself. e Excursion rates to Gladstone nark on July 4 have been granted by tha South ern Paclfle and the O. W. P. , ANNUAL MEETING OF . r HOTEL MEN ABANDONED ' On account of the San Francisco dla- aaier the annual convention of tha Ho telmen's Mutual Benefit sssoclatlon, which was to fctfre been held In Port land thla summer, haa been abandoned. Henry C Bowers, manager of the Hotol Portland, received word yesterday that thla action waa decided apot at a meet ing of the executive committee held at Chicago) on June . ' ,. , t ' .' m as si Permit for tha erection ef a Substa tlon on Knott between WUllama and wooney avonusw, n swen wauaw io ins pnrtUnd General tie. trie company. The structure will be of steel, three a tor lee In height. It -alii coot 132.000, C 1L Bloom will erset a twe-storx rssldeass ILIIY OUGI You will Had tia tg&son. btt tasortinentt ttnd ': . Underwear Sala pest b of tpod Interest to thm Another Sunnner Sale Forthe Remainder of This Week A special lot of Ladle MaUn Underwear of The Meier Q 'Frank Store atandard rqality, ttyle and pricing ' , I . Special at... Drawers, made of cambric, with' wide flounces, trimmed in good quality lace edgings and insertions. Regular IA 65c and 75c values at.. ............... ...... Chemises, made of cambric, trimmed 'in good quality 1Q embroidery. Regular 75c values at. . .. . ,'. . -f C Short Underskirts, made of cambric'with wide hem- jq stitched flounces; regular 75c values. Special, ...asFaTC Corset Covers, made of fine Cambric and Nainsook blouse styles, trimmed in fine laces, embroideries, tucks and 1Q- t insertions ; regular 65c and 75c values. Specials . . . e7C Special Lot NumberedThree Ladies' good quality Cambric and Muslin Gowns, trimmed in :- good quality laces and embroideries, tucks and w' CXkt tions. Regular $1.00 values at ..;.....,.';........ VrC Ladies' fine Cambric Underskirts, wide tucked flounces,? q ! trimmed in Torchon laces. , Regular $1.00 values at. .O ZfG Latw ts Cambric and Nainsook es, tucks and insertions. Reg. 85c and $1 vals. .W W in lac CvArvrl I ijvaiu'sw n Special lot Ladies' White Skirts with hemstitched ruffles. Regular 60c values at......... Chemises, made df Nainsook, with hemstitched tucked '17' yoke effect. Regular 60c-values at.... eif JC special lotlLadies' ; Cambric Skirts, .trimmed in em- OQ . broidery and tucks. Regular $1.25 values at..e'r.-..efC Special lot of Ladies' Cambric arid Nainsook Gowns, trimmed - with good quality laces, embroidery and tucks. ' QO Regular $1.25 and $1.50 values at, each.............70C Special lot Ladies' Cambric and Nainsook Short Skirt Che mises, trimmed in line vai lar values $1.50, at, special, Special lot Ladies' fine novelty Gowns. Regular r 53 value $7.50 to $10, at, each on East Xnerentli atraet at tha corner of Harrison, to cost I.7SW , Other sennits have been Issued ss follows: H- CuthU. tiro-story dwell lna. East Twenty -second, corner Bast Irvine;, coat fl.SOO; O. H. Oplta. one- story dwelllnr. East Inrlns:. corner Eaat Twentr-thlrd. cost I1.I0S; Knapp, rTrrs dwening-TTSasl SeTSnttt. comer East Mill, cost 40Sf H. B. Deklivwo- story dwelling, Eaat Thlrty-ftrat, corner Eaat Everett, cost tl.SOS; R. 8. Henly, one-story dweUlna. .Flrat-atreet terrace. coat S1.000: W. L ' Spencer, . two-story dwelling;. Larrabee. corner Broadway, coat tl.oa:- Meyer, one-story dweU lng. Monroe, between Union and Rodney avenues, coet 13.200; Leander Lewis, repairs to dweUtng. Alblna avenue, cor ner Stan ten. eojt $ll: O. B. Trotter, one-story dwelllns, . Brooklyn, between East Tenth and East Eleventh, cost 11.000; Martha L. Conner, repaira to dwelling. Thirteenth, near MU1. coat $50; R. - E. Haworth, . two-story dwelllnf, Kearney, near Seventeenth, coet 1,00; J. 1. Marshall, repaira to store. North glxtecntb, corner Pettyarove, -cost II. S0; J. I. Marshall, repaira . to barn, Eaat Ninth, near Division, cost 10S; O. Royer. repaira to dwelling. East Fif teenth, corner Eaat Taylor, cost Its. Will Move to New Home. . ' Wolf Clothing coaapaay of Sl 'Morrt eon street. wlU open the faU and winter season in the big. new brick, building now in crniree- of construction at -the northeast corner ef Drst and Morrison atreeta. .Thla enterprising firm haa been The desirable kind The cannot he duplicated c. No. One Ladies' Cambric and Nainsook Corset Cov ers, trimmed in good ?uality ... embroideries, aces, -tucks, headings and ribbon; made blouse and tight-fitting styles.. Regular q ZSg values at. ea. 1 C Ladies' " blain . herrw stitched Chemises 25c values at, ' ' nj Ladies' Plain Tucked - Muslin .Drawers; 35c r values at, - ; 1 0--: - each.. 'I Spec. Lot Ladies' Cambric- and Muslin ' Gowns, made with yokes, trimmed in eooa quality emoroia- eries, tucks and inser tions; regular value 65c-and 75c Corset Covers, trimmed it ot Numbered Four 33c ana torcnon laces. egu- no. each, essary to conduct its retail business from tha stores at 121 Morrison atreet and Ita manufacturing and wholesaling from the first, near Oak street, build ing. Their new quarters will be ready for early fall trade and will be aa com modious and modern as any oa the coast. The Arm will be closed tor two days Thursday and - Friday -preparatory -to big saerlflco sale of ail goods now on hand, as the new store will be opened with an entirely new fan and winter atock. Tha big bargain, sale wlll begin nest Saturday. Aa th. reputation ef this old ' and well-known Arm is well known, we prophesy a rush for tha bargains when th. big sal. begins. S Friday evening papers. PACIFIC STUDENT BODY ORGANIZES PUSH QLUB (Sneetoi THsaatrh at Tke Inersstt Paclfle University.- Foreat Grove, Or, June II. At - a student body meeting held yesterday 1 IX L Alter, wfcel was nominated by th beard of editors, was elected manager of the Weekly Inde for the year 17. Mr. Aller Is a mem ber of the Junior rlaaa and Alpha Zeta literary society. He Is one of Pacific's debaters and a basket ball player ef ne mean ability, having ale. managed this year's team.- Maaoo. Hasten. White, Lawrence and Brawn, war. granted the fflclal "P- , for. , their : work en the trark. ' a " A new ersanlsaalon. known as tha Faelflo I'ntveratty Push rlub. for a Craatas atndaat po44 waa Isuaabai qualities at the 'Meier Q Frtsi Store Tha Muilb ' , 1 , in i I , Ictlt on accognt of the twsplag prico redscticra Continuation of 2 Ladies' 'Urademeair Ladies' fine ribbed, high neck, long sleeve, mercerized lisle vests in white of. the 65c quality, and splen did value at that; now at" - Ontlng Sale Price 47c Bach Ladies' fine ribbed white, knee length, lace trimmed pants,-French' tight top,' in the regular 60c values,, at the ( '.:.lj"JLU::i OtTtfag $U Price 41c Each Ladies' krw-neck, ho sleeve, Swiss ribbed vests in white,' pink or blue; regular 35c values; special during Ontlas Sale Price 23c Each Exceptional Values Ia tt75c-$1.25yds.39c Pr. rrwrv - r-r-ia ? pair Oirting Meng Opting Suits at $7.35 In fancy tweeds and chev iots ; coats one quarter lined, trousers with turn-up bottom pand belt loopr-1 Theynirw - piece suits and are excellent value. : " ' Men's Fancy Washable Vests in all sizes-r-regui . lars and stouts from fl.25 to 94.00. ; Boys' Dlopscs at 43c ; Specials" in' Boys Blouses ; 6izes 5 to 15 years; in Tan, Imitation Pongee, and Ag a splendid value at. ..HSiC Boys' Norfolk Suits $4.98 With straight cut knee, sizes 7 to 16 years, in' all wool, fancy gray mixed and brown tweeds and cheviots; values up to $7.00. Out- Q A. Qft ing Sale Price.... V.-rO Clo t In Hug f or Mee . AUCTION SALE OF -MagnificentChinese and Japanese Wares, Curios and Matting a A Chance to Buy Them at Your Own Figure. " ; Account of retiring from retail business. A large stock to be sold. '- . ' . ' .. '': Daily, S:30-and 7:30 p. m at Andrew ICan z Co. 287 Morrison St. v : HEADQUARTERS FOR, WHOLESALE FIREVCpr". President John Peters and enlhuslse- He SprS wre made by Arnstnn, May's NgwS Important Seles Another one ot the many Meier & Frank Store values that 'cannot be overcome 1,000 pairs of Ladies' extra fine Hose Great assort- s' Mose Frfltotvla tteras-Umiiwawaiilt ems---i lit embroidered boots and clocks and a full ' line of aney-snaoes i nia saie-tn-T eludes values at 75c to Sole Price 39c Pr A Better Grade . at g 10.35 In Outing Suits, in fancy flannels and homespuns, coats one ' quarter, lined, trousers umedupatJbottoiru anLthe value cannot be duplicated. 'Absolute fit and satisfaction. a Men's Outing Trousers in neat stripes of fancy tweeds, homespun and flannels-s$2.50 to X?5. Boys'IUialdSmto at 98c MilitaiytCfiaki Suit for Boys ; sizes 3 to .16 years ; made with long trousers, coat in military style with brass buttons and epaulets - Spe cial Outing Sale ; OH .Price. . . . ..... Jarf Boys' Washable- Suit In great" profusion in this sec tion ; just the thing for sum mer inexpensive . and . serv iceable, i I scheme. The s'liilvn I the alart with vim a txQw4a (or soib tlmaj finding, 11 " V '".', i ' ' . rv ' ' . i . . . 1 . . '