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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (June 13, 1906)
I THIS OHZGON DAILY JOURNAL; POirTlANP, WEDNESDAY ' EVENING, JUNE H. IZZ3. VJIIEAT SALES ARE LATEST PLAU Umatilla County Farmers Decide ; to Attempt fciew Departure '.: This Summer. ' RANCHEftS WILL MEET ? ; in Pendleton Saturday .Temporary Organisation Will Be Ef ;. . fected at - Assembly .and Days r Named for Sales 'Places Also to Bs Selected. ""TT"'" i . ' ' fSpeeial Mspetc. te The IianiU ' ' .., Pendleton. Or.,-June II. The firmer! of UmatUle-oeunty will hold wheat : sales day' thla year, at th different ' wneat center of the county at wnicn blda wilt be received on the different ,erops and varieties of wheat. Juat aa the wooirrowara sell their wool, in- puoue . .competitive aalea. . A meeting-of the Umatilla county ,f armera baa . been oalled (or Saturday afternoon, June It, at the parlora of (the Commercial clifb In thie city, at which time a temporary 1 organisation" will be affected and preliminary steps taken to organise) and name aalea daya .for wheat In th varlou wheat center of the county. Tbla meeting la called ;ty leading farmer of thla Tlclnlty. ., Not only will th matter' of publlo - aalea daya be discussed, but the matter 'of purchasing sack, freight rate, .farming Implement and other subject Important to th farmer will ale be -discussed at length. Especially will th matter of grain aacka com up for dla . 'eusslon. Back are now 10 H cent each 'and th price continue to advance. Th farmer feet that thl la unreasonable nd step will be taken to Investigate to ascertain If th condition warrant such 'price. ,. - ,' -4 ' Several million bushel of wheat are -marketed In thla eetinty every year and , the farmer feet that It a small fraction of a cent on each bushel I saved, or If a small aavlng la affected In th pur- fhase of grain aacka. th organisation : federated Trades Council.. -, Dr. C P. Hill, th fraternal delegate to th Portland Federated Trades coun- recently returned! r6M an extended luur through European and oriental countries where he ha had an bpportunlty to ob " rv many-thing of an -Interesting nature. Th doctor has kindly consented , to give, organised labor the benefit of ilile observation and study -by delivering an address at aa open meeting of th .rounoll to be held Friday, June IS. at : Union hall, corner of Second and Stark streets. Alt who hav heard Dr. Hill ' apeak will agree that an enjoyable trent Is in store for all who attend. ' Publlo 'cordially Invited. .. . Annual etockholdera meeting of th Portland Hotel company will be held- In .the parlor of th hotel thla (Wed nee day) evening, at T:10 'dock. Cbaa. 11 ,Oaylord, secretary. IIS IFa REALM Many people who ere neglectine symptoms of kidney trouble, hoping "it will wear sway," sre - drifting towards Bright's Disease. Which is kidney trouble in one of . its worst forms. '.-:v ".. mm stops Irregularities, strengthens ' the jurinary organs and builds up the worn-out tissues of the kid- . - neys so they will perform their - functions properly. Healthy kid neys, strain out the impurities from .the blood as it passes through them. Diseased kidneys - .do not, and the poisonous waste ----matter is carried by the circulation to every part of the body, causing diuiness, backache, s t o ms c h trouble, sluggish .liver, irregular .heart action, etc; - - ' -' . If you have any signs of Kidney or Bladder trouble commence tak ing FOLEY'S KIDNEY CURE at once; as it will eure a slight dis order in a few days and prevent a fatal malady. It is pleasant to . lake and benefits the whole system. "." Hoy toTIndTCu - 1 Yon can esufly dtralnj if your kld - My ara ant of rdr by setting aside '- fur 24 hoars a bottle of In nrin passed upon arising. If upon examination tt la cloudy or milky or has a brick-dust sediment or small particle float about in It. year kid neve ar diseased, and FOLEY'S KIDNEY CURB ahoold be takes at once. Tatltlenft ri Year. " f C a Bsiiisi sf Cava Cester. . T, eHton Abot fear years age 1 wrote ye stating that t bed bee entirely cured ef a sever kle ' enmelebytaklBgleMthaalweeottleeef Pelefi kldaey Car. It eatlrely stooped Ik brtofe aveteeoiBMiaiaadpeia and srnptoaaeef kidae disease disappeared. 1 aa glad to as the 1 tare sever a4 a return e( any at thoa yaa 9s sorts the four year ska have elaseed. t sat evMeatiy eared stay ears, aad rtllr reenwiaiend Poiey'a Kldaef Care te eas asa sugrlag Ireaa gidaey as Header Imrtli' i Twa Six. Sw sad 1SX f?"- Clarke aj Co. aad Kkirnor - ' : 3 ( , OUR TREASURE-HOUSE. A woman's mind Is very like her bu reau drawer. Bom keen all thoughts and Impressions as neatly folded and plaoed aa their ribbon and 'kerchief a monotonous succession .of orderliness. These ar never without th right word In season. Their contrast Is strong as shown against th1 one - who dot on keeping everything in luxuriant eon fuaion" with a happy hlt-or-misa adap tion of phrase and vague Impressions. mm mtnoaici mind Is not always a success nor th baphasard on always a failure, yet conclusions ar obvious. - tucn has been . written . within th last few year regarding th dod1 who allow themselves to constantly say: T don't know." Tt forgotten," I can t think.' These nhraaes betoken a lack: of jcontrol aver th mind." Or, as a- little-girl pointedly ald, their "for-gettery- t batter than their "remera- bery." " - ,.. Name. Quotations, circumstances slln from their grasp only to reappear when not needed. When they ar not wanted they stand out with such vividness as to make it Incredible how they could hav been forgotten. In thl matter of a mulish memory a firm will la needed. Th will to remember and know I th hlphand over the brain and brings subservience.' Allow no tin of thought to lead to th admission, "I can't re membersthat 1 mental laslna. An incident near at hand point this statement A lady atopped at th cashier's window to writ a receipt What dat Is thlsr sh requested. "The eleventh." v "What month T" ah queried, v '- "June," succinctly stated th young man. - - - "And what year Is ltT" sh continued. Burpria held th affable cashier el- lent and th lady -with th lncomplet receipt added with a touch or nauteurt- I never trouble to ' remember auch things or burden my mind with them." An extreme s case granted, but th brain. . llkoanythr.prtoXtliabody- aevjeiupa oj use ana negmn vruiiH tnrougn negieci. - TTlwlng the line of least resist. aJiea" IB thtntrrna tead-twth mlanoin brain-fas'. Thinlcand you can think. Ailow noTrTc'oftka membTyrnrOdjrt forget a name just aa you ar about to utter K.,ao"ontrthTnattT pass until at some Important moment th memory If It slip frbra you. lafca time, wliellier for on minute or for many, and fore th mind back over vry Incident and connective thought until it yield up th trifling word wanUd. If yon do notJ remember whether you locked th door, "trac"mattr;tow,"naaM to see. " ' 1 - Bv following thl method In weightier matters th mind can be trained to it task of nrovldlng correct concept and logical reasoning power, holding at your command th weaitn or au you. nave read. seen, heard or thought, and yon can say firmly; ' . " " "My mind to ra i a xreaur-oous. Bleb, store wherein I find." -- - ; PRACTICAL hInTS. : .,Th fty-ptn Tlcnd t attach th supporter to th corset eaa be aewed by the slide at the bottom to the lower edge of the belt on the back of th dree skirt f Place one at each aide of the closing. They make moat satisfactory adjustsra, never tearing the walsV never bending nor-slipping out or piaoe.. , Take much-worn lac draper!, wtth many rent, -launder very carefully; when thoroughly dry take atrlpa of net, Ulualon or good part a of old . curtains, dip Into hot starch, apply to rents and worn places Thy will trong!y adhere, and when hung at th window th draperies will look almost as good aa new. and strips will not show aa do darns. - Uow to aave gas or coal bUla on Iron ing day: - First put a pan over iron while they ar heating; they will get hot quicker. Second, heat a common red brick piping hot while your Irono' are heating: when hot, put on your Ironing board and use Instead of an Iron stand. Put a piece of tin or a sheet oe under It so as not to burn your ironing board. Just try and see what a aavlng it la. Tou won't hav to us only about. one half the gaa you. would use with th cold Iron stand. - FASHION PARAGRAPHS. Tfie "Dhkrcnt" Store OLDS, VJORUmi & CfJG THE BEGttinitlG OF THE EUD OF THE MIIIUM. WI1E SALE OF VJHITE .Bat Three Days Remain During Vhich Everything Vhite in the House Stands : ; ' . . Radically Reduced Contract Goods Excepted) .f:'-:-.-::f ' The yMie Fair" Tha opportunities offered by the Olds, Wormian ft King J una White Sale, with accompanying savings, axe Bearing tha end. Saturday's closing gong is s signal for prices to resume their normal along tha avenues of white. You've had enough time to weigh and prove tha claims of the various-"White 88108." Soma are already "tired" or out of the race for as tha leopard cannot change Its spota, ao, also, it is impossible for the "White Sale" that ia bad in spots, to change th fact' that it never was anything but a mediocre collection of dubious good. Tha Olds, Wortman tt King "White Fair" la not a "spotty" sale. - Stocks are big in detail and complete ssa whble,! Merchandise is JrllGrT, GRADE auch- as we're proud to have known ss coming from this store; and auch as the buyer may feel Justly proud of. And pTCjendhroMgh he M the fact of the remarkabe aavinga our public ahare in7 Today's story is mainly of important EXTRA SPECIALS, but nrlying 4tT.aTrTrtfcr;mTB,-SAT F1 thit ha prira nf TCVKRYTHTrlQ WHITE IM Tf3 SilksDress Goods IjUNOTEWORTHY GROUP OP THURSDAY ; SPE- . liaii yniufis xim Ana nnnoA. ;'"' - "' Annexe-Fifth Street, First Floor. v Think of the-warm days ahead -when Oregon is ; through with her refreshing shower bath of the many, many . functions you'll attend ere autumn sets in. Get ready for any little affair that may turn up. It's easy to. , provide a plenty of .pretty frocks and gowns when the makings are. selling this way: '. Shawls and even mantle ar reported as noticeable at Monte Carlo. N They are of black lace and chenille, trimmed with Jet fringe. A ehlrtweiet which bid fair to be the rag 1 th golf or tennla shirt It is strictly plain, tailor mad, with at tached unstarched collar, snort or el bow sleeves with soft turned back cuff. Many of them hav a patch pocket on th left sld. Th mallne boa. very full, in black or whit, lace. Is Tory much in demand. Thee and long .scarf in chiffon, crepe d chin. Japanese silk.- and net both In black and cream with all sort ef deco ration, auch aa embroidery, tucks, ruf fles, etc., ar the lateet thing. . A naw shoulder cape is shown among, the latest walking and carriage suite.' says the Dry Good Guide. - Although it I considered new. it 1 only a revival of th well-known shoulder cape of the sixties. It I mad of th am mate rial a th dress, and th only Chang observable ia in th cut of th- neck, which la very, low, expoalns th bodice top. - ' ... - . STRAWBERRY DISHES. For strawberry fritters hav large, ripe strawberries. - roll them In melted peach marmalade or strawberry Jam, then In powdered aaeereona.-- Dtp in weetened flour, batter and fry In deep St lard, Drain on brown caper, roll lnl powdered augar, piao en a folded nap kin, and serve. , For strawberry meringue the whiten ef - seven eggs, -seven tablespoon . f powdered sugar, a quarter of a teaspoon of salt, , and half a cup of preserved strawberries. Beat th gg te a stiff froth, then wtth a, spooa gradually beat the powdered sugar and salt Into the froth. Butter a two-quart pudding dish and line the bottom with meringue. Drop la th preserves by the half spoon ful, alternating th fruit and froth until all la used. , Bak in a moderate wren IS minute. Berv cold wtth whipped cream. GOLDEN CIRCLETS FOR HAIR. Women who have returned from Paris recently have brought specimen of a new hair ornament gold elrciet Ilk a bracelet, bet larger. The slender gold band, est with Jewels, baa a comb at each side to hold it In place. A so ciety girl who Is t be snarried soon were one of the circlet a couple of night ago in Sherry, and the result 4 tvaa UsUr afXtcUv, Hr aalr was fall ,. , ;' . , IN (THE SILK STORE. ,: "Rajah" Pongees at 19c Yard : v ! Instead of $1.25 ? . 1 ' The genuine; Rajahs in a full and pleasing line of beau tiful colorings. File your claim early if you d share in this 1 unusual offering by the"Silk Store." '',-;'', ,.1', -; Handsome $1 and $1.25 Suiting - r SMsttcYard- -r Stylish r new -ailka- for suits, linings . and - trimmings, uv ; checked, and striped louisine, tatfetas. foulards, "Che . neys," in a grand assortment of colors, the wanted ' crays included; black taffetas and peaa de soies in . eluded; regular values . $1.00 and $15 per yard: " special for three days only, yard....; .......6T7 DEPENDABLE, YARD-WIDE BLACK TAFFETAS. ' A new shipment just received direct from the looms: "'. Regular $15 grsde, 36 inchea wide, special, yard....Ta Regular, $1.50 grade, 36 inches wide; special, yard..fl.l9 Regular $1JS grade, 36 inchea wide; special, .yard.. $1.43 r CLIFTON BOND SUITINO.""" " ; , T This well-known, guaranteed silk, in every-wanted eolor " for either street or evening wear, always sold at $1.00 yard; special for three days only; yard..........85a Colored Suitings New check suitings, all sizes, in checks. In blue and white, brown and white, tan and white, gray and white, in foules, Panamas and wool taffetas he most seasonable stuffs in our stock k' - - 'Regular $1.00 grades, special, yard .:. 83 1: Regular $1.25 grades, special, yard 98e . Regular $1.50 grades, special at, yard f 1.10 Cream dress goods at special reductions, the most want- ed weaves, such as Panamas, serges, cheviots, batistes, taf fetas, Sicilians, brilliantines, voiles, etamines, etc $1.00 grades for, yard 85 $1.25 grades for, yard..... ..fl.OS $1.50 grades for, yard.. ...... ......... ..81.25 $175 gradea for, yard... ;..fl.48 . $2.00 grades for, yard.......... ...f 1.69 $2.25 grades for, yard. fl.94 $2.50 grades for, yard...... 2.19 Linens, Domestics, Wash Stuffs First Floor Users will know the values on sight' These specials are made to make friends. , You know such wantables as linens, pillow cases, sheets and jable cloths aresold close" anyhow at ill times; never a wide margin 'twixt seller and btiyer." In view of these facta the values are' unusual. White Canton Dress LinenaSpecial "at.-the-yard. . 8Sf, fl.05, 81-25 Hemstitched Linen Pillow Cases -Special at, pair..81.-8 HemsrlTChediSheetaviingle bed sise; special at, pair85.72 Double bed siie; special at, pair fT.OO ' Short Length Linen Table Clothe, in 2, 2'A, 3 and iyi-ytd lengths are all reduced. . . 3,000 yard of Fancy Madras, Poplins, Cheviots and Lace Lawns; special at, the yard........... 23a A Most Unusual Sale of YJomen's Smart Summer mm Iliii fit MIL o&(0) We've prepared a veritable "Canuvsl of Bargains" for tomorrow's callers al the T airway" Shoe Store. There's s heap of interest in the sale that starts there to Ilmorrow morning and nda tomorrow night, for the special offering ia for Thursday 'only. . There's solid satisfaction guaranteed In actual money to be saved ia the sale, Just to show yon how this shoe store of ourt goes into - things, there are , enough shoes at $1.93 to "stock" as ordinary shoe store. And whafa ' what's here a the one price, nark yon.- And what's better, one of the most "Bnueoal'- things about this -1' "unusual" sale ia the fact that, no matter what sr .1 ftm want and ask for, ifa here. AHther PMi select 1 -. . the ehoa that suite your taste, and an expert shoa- :.min will pay a plenty e attention te properly fitting yrmr Terr. Rather "tmtiitiar service In big salesrisnfOtrwOur sales are'dlffei eut.'' ' and the difference Jeuds y ' toward betterment. . Read the splendid good news in detaltT WOMEN'S 93.50 OXFORDS FOR : 81.98. inuiry neeia ana uuii can tops ovei s to well-sole, mil pretty lest These shoes fit well and are stylish. All v sites. Our $3.50. value, special at the pair... ...f 1.98 t WOMEN'S f 3.50 OXFORDS flOS. s; ;. .Women's "fTne-paterrt' Blaeherxfovdawitb -dnll- calf r.v: tips, military neel, Qoodvear welt sole, cork filled, me dium extension sole. All sixes. Our $3.50 value, spe cial at the pair..,.......; ..............81.98 .. . . WOMEN'S 82.50 OXFORDS 81.98. - . Women's fine black kid Oxfords, Blncher cut, mat calf ' tops, medium light solea with no extension. , Very flexi ... ble and easyj and for -light-weight footwear they are just the proper thing. All sizes. Our $2.50 value, spe cial at, -the pair.. .......fl.98 WOMEN'S f 3.00 SHOES FOR f t.98. Women's patent eol- ''V m lege boota," with mat tops, Blncher cut military heel and medium heavy ; -: sole, little exten sion. Made especi ally lor young women. All sues. Our $3.00 value, spe cial at the pair ...81.98 Same boot ks above In button style; special at, pair, 1.98 "Same boot as above in fine black kitAU sixes. Special at the pair.. ..1. ..............81.98 WOMEN'S f 2.50 OXFORDS fl.98. Women's fine kid Oxfords, ' Blncher - style, with - fcand- lurned, soles, Cuban beelsr patent tip; very pretty hlgn- arnr-rssF. his nrtf. flnT lata ft it in iTont. a pi ess little Oxford. All sires. Our $2.50 value, special at. th pair fl.98 "r"WOMENSr f 3.50 OXFORDS fl.98." Women's fine'bTacVicid Blucher cut Oxfords, with GoooV" year welt sole, medium extension, new London last Cuban heel, patent tip. All sizes. Our $3 JO value, spe cial at the pair..... ......fl.98 WOMEN'S OUTING BOOTS FOR fl.98. 250 pairs of women's high-cut Outing Boots, In black , or tan, heavy or light soles, 6 to 12-inch tops, broken . sizes; values to $4.00, special at the pair.. ....;. fl.98 , WOMEN'S f2.50 OXFORDS fl.98. . Women's fine kid lace Oxforda with medium heavy' soles, Cuban heels, inserted fancy patent scroll lace stay. Very neat Our $2.50 value, special at the pair.. .....f 1-98 - WOMEN'S COLORED SHOES FOR fl.8. 600 pairs of women's colored shoes and Oxforda in tan, brown and champagnes, made with light or heavy aolee, - high or low heels; almost anything you want in summer . shades. Values to $4.00, special at the pair... .fl.98 WOMEN'S f 2.50 WHITE DUCK OXFORDS fx.98. Women's white jea ialand Duck Oxfords, Blucher cut medium extension eole, large - eyelets,' ribbon lace. One-of -onr-favorites,-All-sizes. Our- $2.50 t1u, special at, the pair fl.98. The Mould of Correct Form Royal Worcester Corsets There's a model for every type of feminine figure in the Royal Worcester" family of correct cor setry. Not because it's the spe cial domestic corset sold by this store, but because It ranks first in quality of materials used includ ing boning, covering, lacea and. even the thread with which it is stitched -and in the shaping, which is charmingly graceful and com fortable, we heartily commend the "Royal Worcester corset 'to the store's feminine public Royal Worcesters are specially noted for splendid variety of models found among them-uitable. to the va rious requirements of women who wish to appear smaller in mould. , Slight women who must have ' curves, average-built women whose good lines should be accentuated. Taboo ahapeless --corsets. YouH find the - perfect-fitting "Royal Worcester" a boon; a rest and a support; an aid to a better, more graceful figure. A new shipment just in. Among them famous "Dowager corsets for wo men six styles to-choose from- The newest f these models is style No. 861. It's a novelty for stout figures, has adjustable hips, which allow tightening or loosening the garment at the abdomen, while the special front steel used makes it possibleJo give a trim, stylish appearance to the stoutest figures. The "Tricot" or ventilated bust gores, make it the most comfortable of corsets above the waist line. tnthe June White Sale all white "Saphire" corsets are includedTTid-ill "Bon Ton, Royal-Wi cesters" corsets, "Royal Worcester" waists, VBrassiere" bust supporters, bustles and pads, Cambric waists, hose supporters, silk, linen and cotton corset laces are in cluded. - f . -,' . . Women's and Children's Hosiery Bargains ; Women's white laee Hose, seamless, all lace or lace boots. " at the pair....... ......Slef Women's black lace boot and all-lace Hose, splendid vat- . ues at. the pair .............25e and S5a - Women s white lace' lisle Hose, plain and embroidered, at. the pair......r;. Women s fine white lilse Hose, lace and embroidered, at. the pair .3 Children's white cotton seamless Hose, at the palr..,15e Children's white lisle lace Hose; special, the pair... 18a) Children's white cotton Hose, finished foot, seamless leg. at, the pair Sle) Prominent Among the Underwear Bargains These Fairly "Stick, Out" Women's jind Children's Benefit, First Floor. , Women's white low-neck Vests, no - sleeves, neatty trimmed, at, each.. .8 Women's white Vests, Richelieu ribbed, short and no sleeves, at each.......... 12) , Women' white, long, short and sleeveless Vests, splendid - valuea at, each .....................21f Women's fine white, long, short and sleeveless Vests; re - ular and extra sizes, at, each....... 80) ' ' Women's fine whitecotton lace-trimmed Knee Pants at. OsUr ) eTa S seswwsrP Women's white cotton Jersey-ribbed, sleeveless Union Suits; apecial at.. ...... ..V.j. ...j.r.4r. .,.,42f v . WOMEN'S T5 UNION SUITS 55. ' Long sleeves, whitecotton summer-weight Union Sultsijl regular value 75c, special........,.... r....55' . Children's white cotton Vests, long and short sleeves, with knee-length pants to match, at.. ..12 Vie. 1 and 21a) - LjC3ildrea!swhije r Jwissribbed .Vests, longt short and no sleeves at eacn.iu ..xif, jta anil af Children's knee-length lace-trimmed Pants; special at, . each t ..le, 21), 2 and SO) Boys', ecru cotton Union Suits, long and short sleeves. ankle and knee length; special at suit. .......... .50) around the face and was piled in a high knot on top, the circlet fitting closely around th base of the knot. Th ef fect was to mak n aureole of her beau tiful bronae hair with the crown set off by the Roman gold band, which was Studded with small diamond. t ' SarawSeniy Vtekera a Week. (Sperlel Dtaaateh te Te Jnevaslt - Cave. Or.. June IS. Stackland B Cove' earliest small - fruit shipper, have their etrawberry fleld la th hand ef th picker and packer thl week, the work having been delayed six or tsa daya hy Intermittent heavy ralna. Prteee per crate are np to the highest notch, $.. ' ' Cherries en this fruit ranch wtll be reads; tha Uuw part at seat was. BIGGEST TIT.'BER SALE OF EASIERil OREGOn --" j ' Twenty-Rvs Thousand Acres of .; Trees In John Day Bert Sold , to K. J. Hanley. . 4prl DWeaw e Tk Jnaraalf John- Py, Or, Jan 11 On ef the largest timber deal ever consummated to saatsra Orvgog ,WM tort Pt Ia,0Si acre m th John Day country by Ken nedy J. Uanley from N. D. Bhowater of Colfax for the sum of SSSO.OO. It I eattmated that thl tract contain from tS..ta to 4se.SOS.00a feet, ef timber, practically all yellow pin. -The timber Ilea In two bodies ef nearly quel else, eew extending about IS mile on both aide ef Desolation creek, with a width ef SO mile. The ether le on th middle fork of th John Day river, which flew into the main stream about t mile below Desolation ereek. ' The etsenlatlen ef The fewraal ta rerUnaS aad an Oregon sneeeda that f aay ether Oregea awpapt. .... Preferred SVeek Oaaaed wooda, ' sV5 4 J-ewl Best Araad, 1 ALBANY JUNIORS HOLD - ORATORICAL CONTEST (Ss, tat DtssssEh e Tse Searaal.) Albany. Or, June IS. The Junior era terteal eon test foe th Dr. J. P. Wailaa medal wa. held Monday evening In the Cnited Presbyterian church, th ora tor and their subjects being a follow: -Th Biased Trail.": Arlen Train; "Two Amarlcana." U. K. Brown; "Opportun ity,' Mabel Sohults; Tb Cry of th Children." Ruth Montagu; "A Men for the Preservation ef Indian Folk-Lore, " Vlrta, Nanny. The Judges after thoroughly consider I'T t" e vartou production awarded I t i tJ:' Jra x ee gumtly awarded th medal te her. Alt acquitted themselves with credit aad war entitled te commendation both tn election and presentation of their fa vorite themes. . STRIKING SAILOnSfcfOT on stealer,:: . . , r i . ' XjOU Aagele. Cel.. June li.v th eteamer Coronsdo attefr"-' f t leave Pan Pedro port this a. over IS atavednrea attarfed t' -shattering wlndwa ant In the propeller A ' lyjs Angel" posse, s'ert ' '