The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, June 13, 1906, Page 6, Image 6

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1 '
Portland Academy Will Turn Out
East Side Association Meets to
: ' Fifty-Four Pupils on Frf- '
!; ' - day Evening.
Consider Publio Work In
f , East Portland,
$1 Oowini
Z I. v IV 1 1 1 I II L-1 1 -L.l . -i-TWi: M I"
-According to Custom of School There
Will Bo Competition for Deelama
tioa Prfcee nd Scfiolarahip. Prizes
for Year Will Be Pretented.
ommtnctmwit exercises of the Port
Jnad academy will ba held at th Whit
Temple. --Twelfth : and,--Taylor , etreata,
" Friday evening;-"" claa - f- -will
graduate. According to the custom Of
Man Acroaa the i Willamette Show
Disposition to See That There la
No" Delay in Work of Making Eatt
Side Conditiona Better. u...
lV;-: Portland Academy. i.-,. .'
, tor declamation prizes. , ' Bcnoiarsnip
prize for tha year will alaa be pra-
eeflted, . ' '"' ' '- : " '.. V ''
, 'Following Is th program of the even
"'ias ' ' .i.-r-'v-' r:.;2r.i "
rOrn"a616r-ntaruli' frees "Th
Daaert" David), Edgar; E. Coursem In-vecatloM."flEer'Ban-Era
Sttle Ely, D.
r.T part onr. The Chortater (Sulli
van), Girls Qiao club; select declama
tions "Cuba Must Ba . Free" Thurs
ton) Cacti Jefferson- Espy? Th Un
known Speaker" .: (Ltppard). William
Vanderbllt Dolph: "Tha Leadership- of
- Educated Men" , tCurtls), Vornon Wal
ter Cooke; chorus, "Blow, Soft Winds"
(Vincent), Girls chorus: . Tha New
South" (Grady), Margaret Virginia
Merges; "Irish Allans and English Vic
torias" (Shlel), Georgia Maud Newbury:
contralto solo, "Thoughta ' of ' Home""
(Edwards), VMa Bead: presentation of
diploma, William M. Ladd; preaent-
tlon of scholarship prises; part song, !
"By tha BJver" (Marso). . Girls - Olaa J
club; presentation of declamation prises,
Vf. D. Wheelwright; benediction, ; Bay.
Ben-Ezra BtUee Ely, D. D, n , , . , t
xj f - Osaduataa.''---i-5
Tha graduates are: Helen Dorothy
JBarber. Harold Edwards Bates, Helen
Clementina - Bates. Arthur ' Carroll
Brownlie. Ada Ethel Burke. William
la Barrett Ciimp. Ger
trude Ruth v Carter, Bella Btrachen
Chalmers, , Dudley , Randolph Clarke,
Helen Dunham. Lola Mabel Team Ber
nard Roy Feldenhelmer, Harry Melville
Flavel. Flora Btero Flelschnar, Ethel
Margaret Gordon. Earla Ellasop Grant.
Augusto Hidalgo, Edward A Id en Hls
gins, David Asher Houston. Miriam Gil
Kerf" Jacobs, Richard Mewddwy-Jones,
liarjorie Elisabeth Kinney, Clara Koer-
er, Gertrude Ktta .Holmes. . WUIlam
Sargent LaddV Amanda MyrUe Lewis,
Mary Molr Livingstone, Henry Toung
Mesten,' Ella MoCoy. Hilda Bates Mo
"JElroy, Mary "Belle" Meldrum," Margaret
Virginia Merges, Charles Whitney Mor
een, Edwin Isaao Neustadter. Wllilam
Albert Noon, Melvla Pool Ogden, MU
dred Alloa Ovlatt, Luclla Hortensa
Payne, James Henry Polhemue. Ormond
Rankin. Merwln Rankin, Harold Eu
gene Read, Vlda Rosalind Read. Helen
Clara Rosenfeld. Gladys Isabel Ross,
Seymour Crandsil Schwarta, Ralph Hlg
glns Wcott. Hlrsch Herbert Slohel, Les
ley Mary, pmtth, Harold Warren Thomp
son. Lewis Daniel Williams Jr., Ber
wick Bruce W ood, George Hanry Wood.
Tha BaaaUnc last night of tha Eaat
Sid baprowsmaat association was un-
asually. wall atiended. Oanerai . satis
faction . waa expressed at tha progress
isvarasa ea work of the various Ira
provements under way n the east side.
W. L. Bota anaouncad that tha ooa
tractara would prooaad with tha work
of impre-rlng- Union ave'nua aa soon as
tha weather cleared up. H. H. NawhaU
and-Henry. Mayer ware appointed .
aommitta. ta Uuulr lnta tha dalay la
opening to trafflo the bridge on Eaat
Washington, between ' Seventh . a
Kignio. sueata. This bridge' was or
dered closed soma time ago on account
ef soma dsfact In tha supporting tim
bers, caused by dwnprasl earth through
tha bridge at tha time tha fill was
atarted on that afreet Tha proposition
t draJa Hawthorns slough cam np for
discussion. It was the aensa of tha
raeeUngj that Xhls water must b got
rid of; that. It would ba exceedingly
dangarous to tha general health to al
low it ta remain there through the hot
an. W. L. Boise. Dr. Raffety and
C. 1&. Fields were appointed a commit
tee to present this matter td the coun
cil at its nazt meeting and urge Im
mediate consideration. ...
It was announced that Blake, McFall
A Co. had purchased a half i block on
East Tarn hill street, and would erect
five-story brick building -for warehouse
purposes. It was decided to call atten
tlon. of the whnlssila mssnhsnts ' el
'Foi llantfW'heeealralilllty1 ff" the 'dlv
trlct north, of Eaat Morrison and west
of Union avenue for wholesale and
warehouse purpose Several matters of
alon, mainly 'relating to the fill iwork
now going on on the east aids.
The" eighth -grade of the St" Johne
school held their graduating exercises
last night m Blckner's hall. Tha pro
gram 'consisted of a rehait!6n""orLmi1
fallow's .rDvangoliaer.and tha - reading
of the class history. ' Diplomas . ' were
granted to the following pupils: Ches
tar Maaaey, Kdlth Baldwin, Abble
Oravea, Jesse Hanks, Edith Tork, Jose,
phin Toung, Lolo Walker. Lola Herald,
Ida Jones. Bssalo Phillips, Roy Brock,
Everet Buergt Earle Brodahl, Henry
Toiing, Clyde ' Teellng, Malvln Boyle,
Maude Peterson, Arthur Clarke, George
Butt, KvereW Gllmore, Flossie Ogden,
Jack Douglas and Sylvia Taylor. --
The class offlcers are: President Lola
Walker:, vice-president. Abble Gravea ;
sac rotary, George Butt; treasurer, Sylvia
Taylor. ' ' ,
"A high school will be atarted in at
JOhne this fall, and It la expected that
moat of the graduating class will enter.
One of the interesting features of tha
exercises waa tha graduating of Henry
Toung, the 14-year-old son of Rev. I
F. Toung of Bt Johns. Henry is totally
deaf.. He secured an average of IS and
ia regarded ag; a good student He be
came deaf several years ago as a re
sult of sickness. Although treated by
specialists., no relief could be given htm.
He first entered the punuo scnoois in
Portland and than at St Johns, and
thou ah working under vary great diffi
culties he succeeded tn graduating well
up in mm
W. B. Splecr will erect a large chop
and feed mill at the Intersection of the
I Powell Valley road and the Mount Scott
carllna. Mr. npioer xormeriy ownea
and operated . a similar plant at East
Washington and First streets. His new
mill will ba a four-otory brick and will
cover about half of-hla 100 by 111 foot
loU- the remainder of which will be used
for warehouse purposes. He will han
dle about a carload of grain per day,
and expects io get his supply by way of
Fairvlew and the Cedarvllle branch of
tha O. W. P. Railway company. Mr.
Bploer has men clearing tha ground, and
will vary soon begin tha construction
of his plant It will be the first manu
facturing industry te be established in
that sac tlon. .
, "Money talks," but cash
"delivers the goods." 5
J you buy honest clothing-
-the price is a little higher
than last year, but the quel-'
ity is also higher, so one bal-
anees the other.
. As we pay cash for our
: goods we can sell.Jir -cash-at
a lower price than stores
that buy and sell on time. -
, Totjay our special is Men's
Spring and Summer Suits at
$14. They're the $18,, $18
and $20 kind.' See the win
dow display.
Men's and Boys' Outfitters.
, 1W and 168 Third St
' Mohawk Building. : ,
The director of ' ; th Woodstock
school district have elected the follow
ing corps of teachers for the ensuing
year: , Principal, L. H. Baker; Mlaa
Gertrude Tlmm, - Miss Carrie McCabe,
and Miss Esther Bralth.. .This is Pro
fessor Baker's third year as principal
of the Woodstock school. The gradu
ating exercise of, the eighth grade will
be held June It. - Mrs. R. W. Pool has
bean chairman of the echool board for
two years, j Through her work and that
of Df rector Martin," the bonded debt of
the district has been reduced to 11,800.
and 11,500 more will be paid on the debt
thla year. While paying this debt, the
financial needs of the school have not
been nsgloeted. The district will vote
on annexation to the Portland district
June II. Twenty-four pupils from Port
land have been attending the Woodstock
school. . ,
son. chairman of the board, announced
that the directors wars proceeding the
same aa before the June election, al-
fthough the town had been eamexed to
Portland, but he expected the sohool
district to be merged with the Portland
district by July 1. It is not doubted
that the teacher elected by the Monta
villa board will be confirmed by the
directors of the Portland district after
actual examination has taken - place.
- The directors f the Montavllla school
district hffVf "mads a h orison tal increase
in the salaries of the teaehere from
prlnclpJ downi At the last . general
meeting of tha taxpayers of Montavllla
a petition waa presented to the school
board asking that the teachers'' salsries
be raised. Professor N. W. Bowland,
principal, and all of the subordinate
teachers were reelected by the directors
fAr tha-mfxt sfhAl yes f J
The women of the St John's Baptist
church gave a pink tea between I and
o'clock yesterday ' 'afternoon at the
home of Mrs. Harlow, 101 Leavltt
street . .
The last" meeting for the year of thai
Mothers' and Teachers' club of Brook
lyn school will be held Friday afternoon
at, t o'clock. Officers for the i next
year will be elected. 'An Informal re
caption will ba held after -th business
of the meeting la over. The reception
will be complimentary to those who
have assisted tha club during the past
year. Meadamee M: .Trumbull, A. Meier,
Rose Hot, C M, .Ward, pis, Edoa
I .. .J
Our years of experience have taught us what la necessary:
to make a good Range Range that Is especlallyacjaptecl
to: ouri Wood fuel- Rangt the
least amount of fuel a Range that -svlH T bake "c evenly
Range that, - when connected tup, wlll heat water. - In - the
shortest possible ; tlme-i a Range -In whlch ZtHe neat Is all
" eeSEjicJ "''f J' J litJ 3Es IjseST ClEIe" e3LlTII"r esTi e5at" '-IH I "f"lTaaIjiS t JeJ.:
kitchen like an oven. All these points were considered In
the construction of -the AeJAX RAlNQI3e
price and teris
reach of all
It Is a Range of quality, and the specla'
at which we are; offering It puts a frstclass Range within the:
Plate, Top
AMI Ml..1 H . i j, i - 'S
vl m a lirl r- - .
ma . i i i
I III l1iuT7m; "
. ; - . II 1 KSSSZ&V II, p. IV . I' I S S : " :
W S-T" L ,. ., - , lilt- m. . a 1" ' m . Jmmm-
1 - III 1 Wtt-i(Uhi i V
TsSBW-t ir j a.1 -m'Jmnmm esaaaxaxaxaaaasaa yrirrrli.. j s ..ilr -a BxaAt I k k. . '
y . , . . .. -ii. .' j we i J.JJHVJVTriA.-c mii III - : t
wood. r:if mTssjfOA -- . i .
-BP-" : I .... - - ... 'er ill '
s7 , ' i r -i! rrrrr rr -t
i V- -i a i .J0 llim i l J i.i.irri..tii.i ' , aexaaw
- - . 1 1 llir fK ' - 1J IMmT sslBweBa- , aex mm
. ; -i II 111! Vftf V'ih 1J rl-:Zj?ACtcTr rOP
v ' jr marram wr
m. a . r 111! IU rl 1 I X rz . aa. i aab.
eaa-- mmm BBJ , II II S ej 1 I I III I . r . Bk . -aBBBgaw
V a" ; lif . , I sT a f iriiv x a-a i a
- crw HqfaL.ynjH w - - - aa -
W ". u, s. I i i ri i ail
rer., ; ' . - - " - -.L ,A-rTL - . " -
fc- i i rssi. -r m aaxear-ni
. - Xr rS ;FX'"
MbchanYsH - :f.
Supports fm P&m
'. Aa A in
3. M K
. .Grate
(ASf Box
Door Sprj9
McAlecl .
tW 4 WIJ .-
When you buy an AJ AX RANGE you buy a Range
'that has been tested and one that is guaranteed
Your Home
quarters for
Tlmme, Esther Pohl, Abble French.
Judge Fraier and Dr. Short have ren
arad -valuable assistance to the club
Ince lte organisation. A cordial. irlvl-
laiion is vxwnafa 10 women wng re
Interested in the work. Ioa cream and
eake will - be aerved. - , v, ,-,
Blake, McFall tc Co. have purchased
a half block fronting 101 feet on Bast
Yamhill atreet, and 100 feet on Union
avenne and Eaat Third atreet. A five
story brick warehouse will be erected
by thla firm on this tract. The pur
chase price was 111.000.- '
Charlaa i Bchmld has entered ault
against John Btracklar In the east side
luetic, court, alleging that Rtruekler
sold him a team of horses for 1141,
guaranteeing them to . be. . good work
horses and In every way a aatlefactory
team. One of them waa found, alleges
Sobinid, u be vlaa-brokanj balky, aaej
generally worthless.: . The complaint
asks the court to rescind the contract.
The Bt Johns Review company haa
aold a ana-half interest in the paper to
A. w. Markle. Mr. Markle had selected
St, John aa a good place to start
newspaper, but negotiation resulted In
bta acquiring an Interest In the .Re
view, u
Edward and Samuel Cox, recently
from Hardman, Morrow county, Oregon,
have purchased six blocks of land near
Woodlawn and will in future make It
their home. The Cox brothers for many
years owned the stare and mall route
from Hardman to-flnray. '. ,
B. Hill, M. A. Hill. George W. Hill
et aL, helra of C. A. Hill, have Instituted
suit In ejectment against C. B. Orr te
recover poaseaslon of lota and it at
Ma, lit Willi am aweaue. Aoaorulna; to
tha complaint, Orr ha held unlawful
possession of these lota since April L
WRaeclal Dbpeteh ta Tie JasraaL)
lamett University, Balem, Or,
June It. The graduaUng exercises ef
the colleges of music and oratory were
held In the First M. E. church Monday
svenlng. Miss Bertha Hewitt, the only
graduate from the college of oratory,
gave the following readings: "Rhyme
of the Ducheee May," ."Irw.Elisabeth'8
Relen-j pantomlna, "Tha Famine," from
"Hiawatha," reader,, Mre.' Arthur
Boeschen. . ' i
Tha three graduates from the college,
ef muslo rendered the following pro
framv 'Taaolnatlon Walts," "SpriDj-
tlde," Ida Clara Fenacke; muaio, three
tone pictures, 1 (a) "Serenade," (b)
"Spring Vernal Break." (o) "Flying
Time"; I, "Gondollera," Veat Tlola
Peaa) a)"Lev Bong," (b) "Sermon
of the Birds," MarV Evelene Calbreath.
A dose of Ballard'a Horehound Syrua
Will relieve It Have you cold? .
Try It for whooping oough, for asfh-
Jia, consumption, for bronchitis. ' Mrs.
oa McGrath, 117 B. First street. Hutch,
lnion. Kansas, wrltasi "I hava mmmA
etallard's Horehound Byrup In my famll
for rive years, ana rina it
stable medicine I ever used.
Woodard, Clark aV Co.
I have
tha tnoat pt
oia ay
' (Sseelal Wspateh te The JeeraaL) '
Eugene, Or, June 'll.-A. R. Black,
promoter of a big Irrigation achema for
tha upper Willamette valley, proposing
to utilise the waters of Waldo lake. In
tha Caacade mountains 100 miles eaat
of Eugene, left here Sunday, aocoro
panled by a force of men, for the pur
fiose of resuming work on the eonstruo
lon of a hugs reservoir at tha lake,
begun laat fall. . l
.WhUa Mr. Black .will make no atate
ment at present In regard to his schema
It is reported! that eastern capitalists
are ready' and willing t finance th
project! juat a soon as tha people of the
Willamette valley express a wlllingnes
to assist tha enterprise by glrtna- right
ef wax 'PC seaaia sa4