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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (June 13, 1906)
-TTTS-tJSECOrJDAILY-jaira Portland's Ucyj Department Sicr? v A DOUBLE DISCOUHT mill EVERY PURCHASE Engine m - m -e, m x . mm 1 -av- 1 m "am m V V i- i 1 M W Z 7W "M SI v M .SI . ;'SS... ,-.. 100 ' " am ma mrnvm ntm v "To . ;: "IST , e :U : t.. ' Americans Have Bought Up Nearly AH the Choice Boxes In Cavent Garden, the Opera House of London. Cut Shows in the Center .Mrs. Cornwallia West, Who Has Excited the rWaKnerites,-, While the Boxes .': - . Marked by a Hinged Dot Are Those Occupied by Americana. ' ? r ; TABfHDEfraGSHORElEB , Stevedores Refuse to - Handle Cargoes for Vessels With Non Union Men In Crews, "r LfcuLJLiiJiarifAaLshs. MB. ?!! lO e a ri-Mctuu nr crew is mall and composed of non-union men. I Agent Gobi of the Seamen'a union la vimiv i Hucninv ror. xour non-union men vrho are believed to bava coma Into -port -In- the erew of the stesmsr Naw: burg.-' Captain-Johnson baa hlddsn these man away and tha union aaent baa been unable to discover them. - - - . i fSpacUl Dispatch, ts lbs JooraaL) Aberdeen, Wash, June It. The strike tot union lonsahoremen bare haexreated t a congested condition on" the docks of tha Blade lumber mill and a great deal t. of difficulty la beins experienced In getting veseela with enough) union men . aboard .to -carry away' the. lumber. Aa a result ef the action of the laarahore tfmen at la -beHwved. tkat tha. Blade mill Uwlll be forced to cloae. The closing of , this mill will throw about 3S0 men at f'of employment. i, n The steamer Centralis, Captain. Erlok- aon, la now. dlscharglng her cargo here . and Intends , to load at tba Blade mlU.- LITTLE FALLS STRUCK BY MORAL WAVELET ' fDrleDlaiMtea to Tke Jeoraal.) : UtUe Fails. Wash.,-June la-Last Bunday, the first time In the history of Little Falls. - all business houses -were closed. One saloonman refused to close his saloon and was taken to Cbehalls and fined 160 and, costs, . " To" SoUL VtM OeUmratlom. .- ; Little Fulls. Wa4h.. June it At i meeting of the cltlseos last Bat urday -night, bald In tha opera, house. It was 'decided to hold a celebration here the Fourth of July. Tbla will be the first 'attempt, of Little FaUa , to cele brate. . .t . .- .' ". ' . Systemic Catarrh of Summer i Affects -Everv I L' ' ' of i r Organ of the Body J'Then Is no btU tir nmtdy In I the world than Pe-ni-na for systemic catarrh" S.B. Hartman, KL D. War Vetsran'a BxpeHence i f nrteral A. r.- HawlerrUSt XSUratreett N.J writus: x .. .,. . , ' , T r. -t aaTO asea pmu aaa aaa n vary aeaaaaiai Wsahlngton, - for kldaey . trouble, . aad especially good for aoagba, eolda aad eatarraai troable." .. V Spring and Summer Catarrh . . " There la a form of catarrh especially prevalent in spring and summer.' called ' by Dr. Hartman eyetemtc catarrh. This form of catarrh especially de ranges the etomacn. ooweie ana oiner nrrns of the abdomen. -r Tno wale mucous tract lining tha stomach, liver. ) bowels and kidneys la In an Inflamed 4 condition, an these' organs fail to-per- form their proper function. . . . . Byatemle catarrh may be or may not ' be accompanied by catarrh ' In other parte of the body. In some cases there ' Is a hacking cough. It may be also as- . aoclated with catarrh In the hea. But. .In typical case of- ayatemle ea ' tarrh all the organs of the abdomen are f in a weakened and sluggish condition. - r' ' Dyepepsie and BHioasaesA ;' Bometlmes It to called dyspepsia, at .' other times biliousness,' or-the patient may be suspected of having kidney als . esse or appendicitis. Systemic catarrh ' presents symptoms which ",nDl eoly great many dlffereAt dlssaaea. reruns baa for a long-time been ra ' garded the remedy par excellence for conditions of this hind.. , .The accompanying .testimonials are SufnVlent to Indicate the v promptnesa with which Perona relieves theae symp toma and the aatlafsctlon which people . espreae concerning Uia use of I'truna. - We, have a multitude of such .testi monials. They are from all parts of tba westerq hemisphere. . They fairly rep resent the -sincere and unbiased . testi mony of the people, v. , . . V ' Catarrh of Stomach'-'. ' if rr-W.- R. Callahan, proprlstee of Big Hill farm; and a prominent fruitgrower and - atockralser, Olenvar, Virginia, writes ' r-- "I writ ; to express by ; kindness toward .' you,, and . your, good medicine, Peruna.' . 1 had a -very bad spell of sickness and could not sat anything at alL . Ty head, stomach. In fact, my whole body ached, and It looked aa though nothing would do me any good. .--"! had almost given up. - I decided to try a bottle of your Peruna and before 1 had taken half the bottle my appetite came to 'me end my-heed became all right.. . . "In fact, I was alt i right - an aver. Parana cured me.", Uvar aad Kidney :. Mr." Joseph KJee. til E., 4th atreet. Topeka, Kansas, wrltea: ' "My wife took Peruna for . liver trouble' and a rundown condition inci dent, to the ansae.. . A few bottles buUt up her health and strength. ? "1 took Peruns for a cold which act-tied- In my kidneys, giving me 'much pain. ' la two week I was much better and la a few mentna I waa wU." MlIU.J..ilM.ft4 EtEtTIOfJ'S EFFECT fOIPCilPITIIl Both . Standpatters, and . Tariff Revisionists Take ; Comfort : r fron OregolTResult. ,- VOTE IT STiclro lE 'THE CAMPAIGN SLOGAN No Action on Reduction of Schedules Looked for Durinc Coming Yearw Will Not Be Taken Up Until Presi dential Election. . s v ' By John E. Lathrop. "Plal Cwrexpaadeace ef The Journal.) Washington. June B Tha N&flnnal City bank Standard Oil institution has just Issued a statement that there will be no tarlfT leglalatlon at this sea slon of tha congress. Senator Aid rich, so It Is unAeratnwi here, has declared that there shall be no reciprocity legislation at this ses sion of ths congress. speaker Cannon ifflrnu that tha . in? question shall not be taken up this summer. , - Secretary Shaw of the treasure nor. folio, in a speech In Iowa, ha4 an- hounced that the tariff Is not to be re vised before thelirealdejitial elecllon of ltot. -. . - Is, always - ready for .work.. The wind may fail oi; blow the' mill down, the - horses may get sick nd die, the boiler may blow up, but the Stover Gasoline - - Engine is always ready at any time in . the day or . night Start it and it runs -f without; wtching. The Stover Engine " is so simple anyone can run itr hai few-1. 7T est parts, therefore - the simplest, : giyesr .the most power for the least gasoline- ' " a few cents a day will run h. -' All on one base, it can be taken anywhere'. Write for factory catalogue. ?" 7 ' - 0 Hlitchell, Lewis & Slaver Co. : Flrtt and Taylor Streets 1 v 121-123 GRAND -AVENUE. - llfcowLengtlilirGloveBte Whiterat $t50 Pair JAnotherJot of thesernostpopular (but very scarce) Gloves 40c 7hilc Batiste Summer Corsets at 25c ' ( A VERY SPECIAL CORSET BARGAIN; rh 4;1 7hiteCcnvas Oxfords for Women . . ' Special Values at $1.50 and $1.75 Big new, lot of white Canvas Oxfords, with wide laces and il ,rl'.bg tyclets? ail jkizes rorn3 to 8 . i White Canvas OXFORDS for Girls. .. . 80 to $1.25 Pair. ;t. 'y,Vv-.'" -: - : ::-'.'v'v ----- Splendid Qammock Values. $1.50 to $6 Each ' The 'best assortment and values we have ever offered. President Rooaerelt baa not asked the congress to revise tha tariff, although It Ja aenerallr known hero that be pre pared a message In which ha recom mended revision, and withheld It under the terms of an agreement between him and Speaker Cannon that there should be no tariff legislation this ses sion and the rate teeulatlon bill should be pressed bv the speaker. , Attempts (or Bevlslom. A small coterla of Republican sena tors and renreaartatlvea have nt desultory attempts to force revision or reciprocity action; but. bound by th ties of party, their sallies were - re. pulsed easily, after a half-hearted strut ale, and the atandpattera woa absolute control of the lealslatlve program. The sporadic attempts by Masaachueetta. Wisconsin and a few other members ta force revision or reciprocity on the' congress wsre pitiable In their outcome. -ino national leaders have been watch Inc tha political winds and wera aana- elally Interested In tha state and mu nicipal electlona, to see whether or not the refusal of the Republican organisa tion 10 permit revision of tha tariff at thla time would be rebuked. There baa been . considerable nervousness on all sides anions; the Repnblleana. and the fear waa expressed lest the voters in Oregon would say fey their ballot that they demanded correction of the abuses which have stows up under the Dlngley law, and whether or not the aow admitted sale abroad cheaper than at homo of trust-made and ultra-protected articles - would be realised tnv Its economic enormity by tha people. Whe en the result of tha Oreron elec tron became a nuwn there waa a aeneral alah of relief tnonf tha standpatters, and they did not . hesitate to aay that tha voters had been (ood and that the non-revision program had been swal lowed hide, hair and tallow; that thay could now aay to the remainder of tba country that there was no revision sen timent, as evldeaced in Oregon. However, the - first dispatches that came to the eastern papers, which read "that it was apparent that Republican congressmen' had been elected." were carefully studied, and there waa a gen eral scare lest tha state would declare that It was time for tha revlslos) af the tariff and for tha adoption of reciprocity laws.' . Revisionists of tha La Toilette type la the Republican party, and Senator La rollette . waa one ef tha recalcitrants ho refused to be good and stand pat. regarded tha Oregon news aa of doubt ful quality so far aa concerned tha af fect on the country at large. Senator La Follette aiuf a few other brave Re public ana ttt both houaea of the congress no, not hesitate ta declare openly that they are for action, and refuse to accept tha sopoiatrlea wttb which tha atand pattera seek to cajole the votera with airy promises oi revision- some ume in Itha far dlatant future. They aay that la nn m-rmmtt for dalav.iand affirm? that tha correction of abuaea under the existing uitra-nign rai iaw euuuiu d corrected right nowX , Badnottoa La Majorities. tu. , tk. TlmrtltAn tnatnritlea In' a state which gave President Roosevelt 4.aia majority in wunitn-oa by revisionists as proof evident that something Is wrong, with ths plana of tha standpatters, and there le diepoal Uon on tha part of soma not to gloat over' the result. ' DhMiM I. ,n m fhaft tfiA eltnattAn In Oregon, with smaller margins for ' tha dominant party inan any since ini election of 11X, haa made n powerful n h natlnn Rleotlon of lone or more members of either bouse would have been enougn to cnncn ine arguments of tha revisionists, and they could then, have aald to their party standpatters mai nere was evidence that tha non-revision program "waa dls i..,ei the votera But. even aa It is, there has been a aerlous lot of men around tha neaaqoaners oi me npuir i . whlmIumI eAtnmlttea. and the members are wondering whether or not they are entitled to unalloyed congratu- totlona over tne outcome. i mi tn tha national capi tal realise that tha struggle that will come on now ta to be one of tha great, est ever witnessed In the country. The standpatters are Btrongly'tntrenched In the control of tna ttepuoucan . n km th.p must ha hard iw iwiwR. . .. ...... Uk.,- mrA MneralshlD. Millions 1 I S II WMU - of money. bCliona, In fact, are behind the atandpattera, wniie-ouiy nm k.jij of belief tn revision la the asset of those who -would-alter Jor the better the cheduleo or tna vjngiey iaw. . -Tote It ,anfaln." . nr.i. a'. worked all-right I Oregon aa a campaign slogan." aald one of that. Republican leaders thU morning, "and I gue It will be about - n.r railvtna? ctv aa any for tha remainder of tha atatea whk-M . . u i . tttfa fall and are to noia "k4 that means all or mem. ... And bo It appears m .. k. ymm nnerated in Oregon to partially defeat the proponents of re vision of the taHff. although probably there ta - majority there, for-revision. At any rate, the atandpattera regard the Oregon result aa material' which they mi, use advantageously m tha other atatea thla year: " . rmaomt of Aaaoo atartta. - (flpecUi Dtspatcft t Tb. Jor-a.L) Canby. Or, June 11. The funeral Of Amoa Martin was held from tha Metho dist ehurch here today, the Interment In yjon cemetery. Amoa Msrtln died at his home In ithla city Monday night from apoplexy. - He waa a well-known and respected resident of thla place, a resident of Oregon for the paat tt years. He la survived by two daughters and three boos. hat Laooj rnlTtlon lode Aaoiatjo ta Burial. mt n la Tke J n ! V Cove, On. Juno ll lid Koee lodga D. of R-. aent a delewaUon of its best workers to Union yeeterday , to assist L'nloa'e Rebekah lodge tn the burial of Mlaa Grace Wilkinson, an ostlmabla young; lad teacher of I'nloa aouaty aad formerly of Cove, whose death last Bun day .la attributable to an unexpected plication in appendicitis, an opera tion for which waa undertaken by local physicians and surgeons. , . . . .. ,v Fief erred took Oaamed Oooda. Allen A Lewis Bsst Brand. We Double the Extrt Discount ; On every purchase rriade tomoirow, Thursday," w will give you a DOUBLE discount. Every purchase) made is one of real economy, but on Thursdays the saving is still greater . than ordinarily, ' ' , ; !,.''.''' t. ''.' 'V' Domestic Section LINEN DOILIES fringed damask drawn work centers ; 25c value. Special, 'Thursday only ,...12)ti LAWN AND GINGHAM DRESS PATTERNS, each. 39- TWILL CRASH, 19 inches Wide;fvalue 8 l-3c Special, ' per yard ..........'.-....i. ........ -...6 TURKEY RED DAMASK, 60 inches wide; worth 60c per yard. Thursday . ............................ ..387 - LACE CURTAINSThe special Nottingham lace; 8 yardsT -long ; value $1.75. Special per pair . , . . ,1 . . ,f 1.25 ; . v Men's Section i 250 dozen pairs of Men's fine BLACK HALF HOSE: retail :,...,.a1ii3pJuV?.&ai OUR SHIRT SALE continues in 'our Men's Section until . arirrrtarr-irgrglmrr and Negliree Shtft-rrr alt patterns and styles; reg. $1.00 values, for;.....46fT ShoeSectibn i LISLE SUSPENDERS Assorted colors, buckles and pat-'-r terns ; 50c qullityv Special, Thursday, less than half.21: A SPECIAL IN LADIES', OXFORD TIES Vici kid, , . turned sole, at .$1.78 : Ladies' Patent Tie Blucher cut, turned sole... f 1.78 Ladies' DongolaBaL; great valueAt42-00.i! Special. .$1.17 "JMen's Goodyear welt! tan or-blacic Qxford, Ties; worth $3.50. Extra special ...$2.13 - - 'REMEMBER these are but a few of the many offer ings for TOMORROW, DOUBLE DAY (THURSDAY). Similar bargains in every nook and corner of our great store. Golden Entire Corner, Third and Yamhill SS7 Mail Orders Receive Prompt and Careful Attention. i-w--v 3 n M n ri l r it t m 4 The Ideal and Beau tiful Wall Covcrins Tint ypur walls with GYPSINE, getting beautiful effects and sanitary conditions in your home. GYPSINEisjLQtone of th i many ordinary kalsomines with ; lwhichhemarket jsflooded. , -.-V'. .v'. GYPSINE is not stuck on the wall with animal glue. GYPSINE comes ready prepared to use by mixing with water and applying with an ordinary wall brush. '-' ' ,." " - Practical painters and decorators are much pleased with ths , workings of GYPSINE. Buy GYPSINE only in five-pound packages property labeled. Full directions for applying on every package. - DIAMOND WALL FINISH CO CRAND RAPIDS. MICH. '' For Sale 6y . RASMUSSEN CO. Second and Taylor Su. Portland, Ore-on n