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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (June 13, 1906)
TII2 OnrCON DAILY JOUHIJAU PORTLAND. WEDNESDAY EVENING, JUNE IS, 1SC3. i 170::DRFUL nATUHAL RESOUHGES OF . CURRY COUNTY, HOT . REILIZED District la One pf Most Val'abU .'and Most Interesting In j. . ' .: tne State, -v ; ';, DEVELOPMENT COMING ' 1 1 WITH THE RAILROAD (Abundance of Valuable Standing Tim- ber in" the V District Unlimited Chances for Investment and Devel , : opnientMlneral Deposiu Large, . ' (Special Dispatch to The JoureaL) " - - Port Orford. Or., JM It la Btated fwitb. much truth that no county In Or , son la quit ao Interesting from many viewpoint aa la Curry, probably -the leaat knowa and understood of any In tha atata. Slaty yara ago It - a " wtldernesa, trayersed by half-hidden "tralla; today It la a diatrict. of lUft route and tralla. proud of ona port only, whan a ooaatwlaa ateamar touohea regu- - laxly on tta way from I San, Francisco "to Cooa bay and return. Lying along tha Peclfto ocean at tha aoutbweetern corner of tha atata. Curry county ha rained a high degree of plo tureequ Importance, but far; and away beyond this laat mentioned fact la the . county' acknowledged wealth of nat- - Ural reaourcea. ' - Abundant In standing fir, eedar, pine. 'myrtle and oak. It la ee of tha richest timber . sections en tha Paclfto eoaat, Mining proepecta In (Old, allver and copper, developed, un- .developed and those yet . uncovered, place Curry In line with some of tha beat known mineral districts In tha ' northwest. There are paying placers on. amy ana of tha dosen or more amall stream and rivers that turbulently teas , waya through . forest ravines oh their .', windings .to tha see, and back for miles - along Kogue river are quarts prospects which need but development to prove ' their wealth, while , tha stream Itself enipporta some of tha moat prosperous Salmon flaherlea on the coast. .Within .- half doaea mllee of Port Orford, the port "town of the .county, gray granite and fray marble are found In immense . deposits, tha quality of tha atone equal ing any like product an the world'a mar- Bet. Aa a hunting and fishing preserve ;: Curry county ranks, probably, with any section in tha northwest. It is a far cry from tha present back to tha daya when Indiana hunted tha. elk on forest tralla and In river bottoms," but within the laat month three elk were aeen on tha scrub land along SIxee river,""IO , mile from the ocean. --.- j port Orford tateceatiagi'-t ; Returning to Port Orford there are many Interesting things to Bay. The little town Ilea at the aide of the enly -' natural harbor between Ban Francisco and the straits of Del Fuca. Tlchenor hay, or Ewtng harbor, aa It 1 nautleally called, lie 1 miles south of Cape Blan- ; ce, latitude 42.44, longitude 124.10 west, and la a deep, broad, capacious road )) -POWDER A) :X r vr5"r , hewodxrftd rilrinf powder f the ; ' I I , nVnTir ' Ware Circle. Thouundt of women are ; I I ; , brintinf greater health and better food '- -; - V H J ' Into their hornet by using K C Baking 1 1 . N UfTlIaaJa86 owiet. . Cotti Juit one-third what you ' J I ' , J I H ""clae fr ' lwyt pay. If you hive never tried it J ' ' I l ISrjSSiw. T0" dont know what you've mined, f : V V-f g.' I .An grocert, - -r ?5 ounces for. 23 cents ; y J f ..'.W-;-r..iJ . J-;-JAQCES MFG. CO.r y-y V "''- ',':'';'V! L ' CWeelfl '.. :'.:t ir f .' "' rti kl ApATHERLY. .J.GPECrU . ' COAUandCoKE v WE ASSURE OUR CUSTOMERS PROTECTION REGARD l : - LESS OF, -COMBINE OR COMPETITION --An Uncqaaled Offer-- ' ' A eat of our famous gig False TEETH" for flO. Painless extracting free with thla offer. Baam ' Inatlon and consultation free. Crown aad Bridge work a specialty. Extracting, (t eente - - - ' WISE BROS., D en tlsts - mas Ajro vumoTox. Mala goat... . ' . Opea Bvenlngs-aad nadaya.. TAm,' the OABDXW MAMO in tractive place to epend. one summer .from flan Francisco,-July I, with a to wltnex the unique native fete that- take place July 14. The . m, MAlVironA will remain over In the harbor elx daya, affoMIng ample time to mine me trip arouna ine isiana ana tisii too native villagee, Clement Wraage, the famous writer. In hi "Romance of the South 8eee." ay "Tahiti la on spot worth while In a tour of the world." tin le the first-clean rat Pan rranrlsco to Tahiti and back. Ueod hotela la Tahiti at 3.i0 to fl per day. Writ fof circular to . . v , . OCEANIC S. S. co. 'isr-. atead, having on the west and north a headland, perpendicular on the harbor side and 150 feet In altitude; it, lias the ver beat holding around of any road atead on tha .coast, composed of sand. loam and decomposed slate, A quarter ef a mile' outside of tha extreme south point of the heads the water deepens ranldly and aoon attains a great aepin. the effect of which la to permit Jteavy ground swell setting In at tha road stead. From the south point of the heads, due east to the baae of Humbug, a mountain peak, the harbor la four miles broad. It la exempt from all sunken dangers either. In It or Its ap prpaoh. It la equl-dlatant between Ban Francisco and Puget sound and 11 mile south ef the Columbia river. The land la high and prominent, effectually protecting the harbor on three aide. The-haa4a are formed-of most durable rock, with bold water from from aeven to ten fathom immediately agalnat them. The-- heads afford at -hand all the material and of excellent quality with which-to build a breakwater, which would., have the effect of manning a bleak stretch of coaat 100 miles in length with a harbor- of refuge, which now It has none. ' - ' The . war department haa estimated that a breakwater 2,000 feet long could be constructed for less than .1J.BOO.000, Which would give available protection to about to acres, with a depth of from I to II fathoma. . A number-of years ago eongres appropriated 1 10,600 for preliminary- work On ouch a oonatruo tlon, which waa never uaed. The assur ance of a railroad down the eoaat from Marahfleld to Eureka, thene - through California to Ban Francisco over the Santa ' Fe, - leada the people or eoutn western Oregon and maatera of coast wise veaaela to believe that tha break water scheme will again be agitated. t . .. iurportation Is Weeded. - Present condltlona In southwestern Oregon demand suitable transportation facilities, and ao aeon a they are ob tained rapid progress will be made In a aoora of Industries for which the nat ural resource of the country - haa , well prepared It. A wealth of tha finest granite and marble will lay untouched; hundred of square miles of. valuable timber wilt eland uncut; quarter sec tions of land superbly suited , to stock rain In g and dairying will remain cov ered with scrub growth; coalfields, proa- peoted but undeveloped, will - continue In, their primitive state, unless ade quate means to get the goods to market are supplied. The railroad 1 going to be built down the eoaat and tha fact la gratifying. ' It will be the aura means of adding to tha state of pregon wealth wnicn now lies niaaen. V- . Charged Wtli Bobbery. . (B-eetal Dispatch to The JoaroaD Eugene, Or., June It. Edward Baker, aged about It year. 'la In the county Jail her charged with the. larceny. of ISO from the person of W. F. Wilson, a Blue river miner. .Wllaon waa drunk at Springfield Saturday ' and went to aleep In - a lodging-house. - When he awoke- he -missed hi money. - Ha sus pected Baker, . whom . ha had . hired to work In the mlnea for , him, and bad him arrested. .- v HM.Carlocc rrison - Phone East, 244.7? . to Ob the lOtm lu LtJ, 1 a moat at-. KAjeirOBA sail vacation, . S. warty of happy people on their w neoDle on their wav i riATivE. sgiis acox i:c::e 4T6 cio mm. - ; ' ' Thousands of the Natives of the , Blue-Grass State 1 Wei-; corned Back Again. - (Jsaraal tueeUI Serrlea.1 ' LouisvtUe, Ky.- June it. -Speolal tralna from all parte ef tha country are bringing home-comers to the reunion and "Old Home Week" festival The city - la splendidly adorned for the oc casion. The moat extraordinary en thusiasm prevalla and the musicians are vying with each other In the production of "My Old Kentucky Home. The f oatlvltle are to continue through the remainder of the week. To day la given over to the reoepUon" of the visitors, the formal welcome being made by Henry Wattarson and the response by David R. Francla, a former governor, of Missouri -and -itaUvo--ef Kentucky. The exercleea take place In the new armory, which la handsomely decorated both, inaica and out. Tomorrow will be "Foster . day," In memory of Stephen Colllna Foster, the author of the Immortal song, "My Old Kentucky Horn.' It is planned to mass avaral band to render "My Old Ken tucky Home,", and have a chorue . of several thousand children honor Foster" memory. Another event of the day will be the unveiling of a atatue of Footer, which later is to be placed 'ln the jpew state cepltol at Frankfort. . , Friday, which haa been designated aa "Daniel Boone day," will give both nosi and guest - tha opportunity - of paying tribute to the Kentucky pioneer, reviv ing the etate's earliest history, tha trial and privatlona of It men and women a nunered yeara ago, ana tne ngnt tea by General George Roger Clark. In Cherokee park a statue of Daniel Boone will be unveiled with Interesting- cere- monlea. NEW BOOKS FOR THE v LIBRARY- ' --v PHILOSOPKT. . . Calrd, Edward Social Philosophy and Religion of Comt. - ." . : - - . : RBUQION. 'v ' Abbott. ' Lyman -Chrtstian Wnlstry, -Oatwald. WUhelm Individuality and Immortality (Ingeraoll lecture, ltov). Munhall. L. W. Lord - Return, and Kindred Truth, - Sabatler, August Doctrine of the Atonement. . - . ' x , v BOCIOLOOT. v DeOevrme. Charle Interest and Edu cation. i , - Hum. 3. F. Abolition lata. Lawson, T. W. Frensled Finance, vol. 1, The Crime of Amalgamated. Lubbock. Sir John, . First Baron Awa- bury Short History of Coins and Cur rency.. .1 -.. . , Meeker. - Royal Hietory ef Shipping Subaldlea - (publications of tha Ameri can Economic associations). Neweomb, H. Tv Railway Econotnloa, 189. - - - - - - Rooaevelt, Theodore, and e there Ship of Stat by. These at tha Helm (Youth1 Conytanlon aerlea). . ,- PHILOLOGY. - Brandt. H. C", O.O rammer of the German Language, ed. . Hepburn, J. C. Japaneae-Engllaa and Engliah-Japaneae Dictionary. Lounabury, T. R. History of the Enr llsh Language (rev. ed.). t .- , . SCIENCE. " Chambere, Q. F. Handbook of Da- aciiptive and - Practical Astronomy, vols lata,, ad. 4. Cumming, Linnaeus Heat. UM. . Lank eater, B. R. Extinct Animal a. USEFUL ARTS. ' Barrua, O. H. Engine Teats, 10L ' Fanning, F. W. Burton Open-AIr irasimsni oi ruimmary x uoerouioeia, 1806. (.'.' - Harris, a. F. Science Of Brick Making. Lungwtts, Anton Complete , Guide to Blacksmlthlng, Horseshoeing, Carriage and wagon Building and Painting, ISO. vumortn-Andrteux, P. P. A. I de- Vegetable Garden. IMS. . , FINE ARTS. - . Denlamln, S. G. W. Our American Artiste. - , '- Eleon, L. C Music Dictionary. . Kid der.-F X- Ch urcha and Chasela. M ea. .- , . .. Lent. F. T. Sound Sense In Suburban Architecture. . Mlllala, Sir J. E. TJfe and Letter ef Sir John Everett Mlllala. by hla eon. J. O. Mlllala. . Odell. I. H. Imperial Method for the Cornet. . . - t Ould. E. A., ed. Old Cottage. Farm House and Other Half-Timber Build ing in Shropshire. - , , . Wheelwright, K. M School Architec ture. " " , . - , ; 7 LITERATURE. Hlgglnaon, T. W. Part of a Man' Lite. , Maclean, Magnua uterature of tha Celta . v,: Mifflin, Lloyd At tha Gate of Song: sonnet. Morton, J. M. Box and Cox; a farce. Plato Republic; translated by D. J. Vaughan and J. L. Davlea. (3d ed.). Bohlegel, A. W. von Lecture on Dra matic Art and Literature (2d ed.). - Btory. w;' w. Foeme. I vole. Thucydldes Thucydides: tranalated Into English by Benjamin Jowett, I vole. . HISTORT. Brereton. John Brlefe and True Rela tlon of the Diacoverle of the North Part of Virginia; reproduced In facsimile. MacLehoae, S. H. From the Monarchy to the Republic In Frahoe, 17M-17W. ' Rlchman, L B. Rhode Island. Ugt-lMg (American commonwealths). .- BIOGRAPHY7 y"' Dtckena. Charle Charles Disk ens, HI Life,' Writings and Personality; by F. O. Kltton. :. Lamarck.' J. B. P. Lamarck. ' the Fwunder Of BvoTuUonr hi life and work, by. Augustine BlrreH-EtigllBh-inen -of letters). 1 fiction. '. '. ; ; '' Burnett, Mra. F. E. (H.) Dawn ef a Tomorrow. Graham, Kenneth Headawoman. Ruffln, Mr. Margaret E. Henry North Star; a tale of Norway, - . Warman, Cy Laat Spike. fMADTCTNGDF BAVARIA. REPORTED NEAR DEATH - -y-. (Jeareal Rpeeial aerrles.) Berlin, June It. A dispatch from Munich aaya that Berlous lllneee haa again taken bold upon mad King Otto of Bavaria. By a peculiar oolnoldence today happena to be the 10th anni versary of King Otto's ascenelon to tha throne. Several year before he' suc ceeded hi -mad brother. King Ludwlg II, Otto waa afflicted . with a moat dangerous form of mental trouble and for to year ha haa been, hopeleeely in ana, the country being under the rule of a regency. Ludwlg II was found drowned In Starbergen lake, on the royal eetalea, U tad eonun Hied auloida. E VELVET SECRET ISTFRBE TO TOir; THE LONGER THE LESSER A WONDERFUL DISCOVERY - , .1 - ... t .... After many year of study aad practice a prominent Vtrginta phystdaa haa dbnovered the cure tor all forms of Cooatipauoa. It Is called Chaae'e Conattpatloa Tablet. "I do not mean, said the Virginia Doctor to several of his eoUeaguee announcing hi euccee that thla la a fake cure-all. guaranteed to neither do 1 mean lust another Dill which one thing apaclAo which never fail. that they perform their natural fanctiooa. relieve Immediately and fcn a ahort tune oare THEU0B& THE LESS - atipatloa la at tne oottom of nearly every dieeaae. It saps all enery. and makes life a bunieu; it open the door to all evi) germ and makes the body too weak to resist them, . .. , THE VELVET WORKER , .... oicanamea in little velvet worVeia," .... DontahnlB along with thla great burden! Be healthy, be strong, be happy. LIFE T70RTH LIVTTJG smells good aad you the bird aing, your blood hotrada tin every minute ceQ clear, your spirit that everything ia Noma or woman with torpid liver, constipated bowela and poieoned brain and nerves ; Go so your druggist and get a bottle of a (air trial roe find the remedy le not an It money without aueetion or argument. In 13 cents. FREE TRIAL OFFER To any reader who sends Us his or bar Same and address with live stamps to cover postage expense, we will at once maU a fall iselScent bottle of Chase Constipation. Tablata. the velvet worker that ontwa. Not a sample, mind, but a fuU-stze 15-cnt bottle. Let ua prove it to you. W rite today. d dreesuui . CHASE MFG. CO. SSt Tareeg Are. . Braoklye, Nra Yerk.' v FOR $12 We will treat any single uncompli cated ailnieht for $12.50 for the fee. ' 1' We never disappdnt our patients! 7 . . . 2. We accept no incurable cases I : t 3. 4. We never hold We never fail ' .. SX.OOD POrSOaT, BaOaT SlnARt, SOUS, TX&CSaS, STB.XOTUSB, TABZOO CBXB, BTTDelOCBU, BTaTBTOVS DBOUaTB, WBAatXTBBS, PTXZS OB onoarxo DisBABBS op m noim aid hoitate OOBaTZB BZOOBB AIB TABDDUb STBBZTS, POBTABS, OBBOOaT. We a net offer ye any rKB TKIAX TBaUTKXjrTB, XtXOTalO BELTS, wOBTK B, er other eaeleea ewtbads oi treatment. . Our ade are ear ewe, and Mir theai. they eaannt imitate ear sapertar methods ef tree t meet. Wl tEBB CBAT0HB. ABO OLD keee located kere 3 yeara. Wi so sot adeertiae ebeap, laieriar treatment, ket We give yoa all the resalta ef yean ef line erparlenca, gained In tha treatment of asasy taoe eaad ef We give yoa ear skill aad ability la the treatment of dtseaeeo of m-a for a fair fee. wkleb mar be In aay way the patient deelree. larVKBTIOATB OUB METHODi A3TD LXABn THAT WI TOW PLACB T01TB OASa" IB Or HAMDB TOP At TklATMXBT THAT CAB BB OBTAIBZD ABTV7EXBX, HOCKBe a. m. rte St. Louis "ScT Dispcnsaiy OOBBXB BZOOBB ABO TABTOXIA BTBIITB. POBTXABO, OBXSOB. Ludwlg- form et insanity waa an ex aggerated paselon for art. Otters paa aloa la to kill. Por 10 year hla guards have stood In dread tt their Uvea -while on duty, watching their Inaana ruler. Re ia a man of gigantic stature, with unkempt beard and wild eyes. Hla pastime waa shooting at peaaanta who chanced to pass within range of .hi window. It I said that n wouia bit at a window all through th day wait ing- for a chano to "pot" a peaaant. ROM WEDDING OBSERVED BY KAISER'S CARPENTER - ' (Journal flneetal Service. I Berlin. June IS. An unusual festivity has Juat taken place at Potadam. Herr Ferae, who boasta tne proua "tie - oi 'm eater carpenter to mi imperial court," celebrated hla "iron" weaaing, which stands In Germany for the 70th annlveraary of that event. . The old greybeard, wne ia a ravorue s.i court, la ft years of age and hla wife II. Em neror William made the eouple a present of two finely decorated vase from th royal porcelain factory. The crown nrince aent a diamond pin and Prince Eltel Frederick appeared In "person to offer hla congratulation Frlnoe Hohenlohe conferred the order or his hoUB-TJp6mhe "rorr trHdegroom-and the garrison commander at Potsaam aent two ' magnificent - on pAITiunfg framed n oak. So, with ell these dis tinctions Bhowered upon them It la aafe ta aaeum that no prouder or happier eouple Uvea In Potadam today than Herr and Fran Fere. . . - BUnen Celebration. Butte, Mont..' June II. A notable celebration of Miners' Cnlon dayj waa - . , i ::. OwBBB tU BOBBB. f -( Westmoreland. Kan., May I. HAS Pallard, Snew Liniment -Company Tour flnow Liniment cured an old aore on the aide of my chin that waa auflposnd to be a canoer. The aore was stubborn and -would not yield te treatment, until I tried Snow I.lnlment, which did the work In ahort oraer. My eieter, Mra. sophla J Carson, Atianavuie, Mirnn eounry, Pennaylvenla, haa a aore and firlstrusts that It la a cancer. Pleaee send her a Ret bottle. Sold by Woodard. Clarke A Co. ' G cure every thing from pimplse to paralysis. breed the vu oe put habtti" my remedy ia a cure tor By gently toneta n 1 tne aigeetiv organs ae It reetorae them all. t health aad strength, Coaetipatioa. The more yoa take the leas ym need antH yon aaed none (or you are cared. My effort all along wae to avoid the evil of the ordinary remedy which pempera organa already weak aad ao make the patient a alava to the pill. Remember Mature expect every organ to do Itaduty." ; Phyatclane have long recognised the (act that eon- Thie new discovery la la amaO tablets, easily taken, and they are packed in watob-eaape bottles which Bt the vaet pocket. The tablet ia mild, all vacetable. never grlpae or to jura the moat delicate organa. But it does the work I So ettmlly aad aoothingly they atimnlat and regulate andetreogthen that they have been When a man's liver a working property . the bowels are regular ' and the kidneys are active aad healthy, what a ley It la te live. You get up la the morning feeling rested and bright after B good night's sleep, with a keen appetite for break last and a healthy relish for each cnoathf uL and when yea go out the air Oil your lunge Wlta pteefeure; the sun shine. every sense is acute end appreciative, the irough your veina, carrying life and activity to 1 and tissue, your hope ar I high, vou steo bnorant. a and tout hope ar hlah. vonr mind mgi you (tap bnorant, aad yon thank Oca so beautiful and that H is ao good to live. Ckaae- Ceaetipattea Tablets, and If after la raprsssnted to be. your druggist wUlrefand watch shape botUea, that fit the vest pecxet. I have never aaed Chaae'e Conetlpa. tlon Tahleta. and oocioae Ave stamp SBg xmi sisan QOtMSW ' WE CURE llrcragglBtaeatheBa,' ' ' Kmfc e w wo oavo g)g m9 Attn City m m mm VrtongMlmmmmmmmmml AtldftsMso'l IMI m SSISM MM MEN i . ' SO--:: We will treat any single, un complicated ailment r under absolute guarantee. No pay unless cured. We are estab lished 25 years in Portland CONSULTATION - FREE out false hopes! - in any case wc take! . - : . Eg T gnclAXISTS IB POBTLAaTD, having III II LL WB CLArat TO - BE, ABO WnZH )tf abb subb or axTxara xeb bsax p.' s. Bvealags, T te B Soadaya, a. aa, te It aeea. held In Butt today. Bnalneea wag gen erally suspended and tha city waa deco rated for the oooaalon. Governor Joseph K. Toole delivered the addrase ef the day. - The Doctors Who Cure We Treat and Cura Catarrh and stomach troubles, nervoua dlaeases, kidney disease, bladder troubles, heart dieeaae, dleeaeea of the atomach and bow ela, bronchial or lung troublee, blood disease, special dlaeaa, dlaeeeee of th prostate gland, scrofula and all forma ef narvoua and chronic disease (that are curable). CONSULTATION FREE. CALL OR WRITS, Home Cures by Mall Do not deepalr beoauee yon live . at a distance from the elty. Our new system of HO MB TREAT MEKT makea It easy te get ex - pert advice and treatment at home. Their new symptom cover every eytnptora of d ptom blank A 1 t whlott enaploo thorn te dlagnoeej your case - and tell what your what your fc J irouDie ia, wnat can oe aoaa xor yovj,and what j the coat of a euro will be. WRITB for their new p-ayinptoTBTter and "tajraraa vanta g i or tne fkek euhinatiun, whether you take treatment or not. th advice coat you nothing. - . WDAK lVICN ' ' If you Buffer from any Of th e weaknesses er disease eaueed by ,- Irnnrance, oxo-mib or contagion T 00 ARB THB . TtRT PERSON WB WANT TO- TALK TO. - . . . PAY WHEN CURED We cure you first and then aak a REASON ARLB FEB when yon ' are cured. You can depend upon our word: thnuaande of -patlenta have Indorsed ua NOW, WB WANT TO CURE TOU. wltn the dlsUnot un deretandlng that we will not demand a PER until we oure you. This appliea to loat vigor, organle weekneea, spermatorrhea, varicocele, dla - eases of the proetate gland, eontraoted dioordero, etrlcture, eta,, oca Ugtous blood polaou and AU WEAKNESSES of men. All Medicines. Free Until Cured Conauttatlen and advice PR 39 by letter or In person. CALX, OR "TfRITH. ' Office Hour a. m. t I p. as.; Sundaya and holldaya, II a. an. to It, Dr. W. Norton Davis & Co. v - TUB LHADINO SPWIALISTS OP THE NORTHWKST. , . Offleea U Tea Boy BoteL eBV Third St., Cora line, Portland. Or, TRANSPORTATION. bBajeB"sWJ n ALASKA. EXCURSIONS . g. tpekaae, Taae V, 111 inly . Mi Aagvst . 1 1 ',v i "Akouiro-rTron.iotnnr zzonuiova , : ,, STZST mi DAT. . ; , . OVTSZAfTZaaT 1XAMCA . EOITTB. " rraai Seattle at 9 a. at. for Ketchtkaa, faiBMe. Bkagwsy, Walt ' Haras, Saweaa aad yalreanks f. B. City ef geeHle, lnw 10. M, a. 7 fl. 8. Humboldt. Jobs 4. 14. M. V a. City ef Itpeke (via BlUa), Jobs IS, S. " oirs eovtb. . .. eeoad Mlluig a. fl. B as tor aboet Taae la. ' foe tAir rmaionoo ratzor. reeai Beet I la at a. at.. Queen, Jnne C. tl; Cmatllla. Jaae U, , City ef Feeble, Jsae la, July . . . Vertlaad Ofae. Me Waskiagtea M. m. M. in, rasa. rt. Art. , tt D. DUMAlt!. O. P. A.. ' 10 Market Hi. Hea rraaetsea. VTWAanrm .:-.uS,-J ratei en the Btrev The only ateamboat making a round trip .-.. DAHiT - '',: -- Except Sunday Between - PORTLAND nd ASTORIA aUTB WAT WOTHTB tioave Portland .T: a. m. Arrive Astoria ...,....,.'..1: p. m. Leave Astoria........... !: p. rn. Arrive Portland 1:00 p. m. MbalJ BER VXD A LA CAJtlTD PcrHand fading. Aide gtree. Xock. ABtorla trading, Oallender Book, t B. BCOTT. Agent. Phone Main til "REGULATOR LINE" The Dalles, Portland & . Astoria Navigation Co, Boats leave Portland and The Dalles dally, except Sunday, at T a. m arriv ing about I p. m., carrying freight and i xasengere. Splendid aooommodatlona tor outata and livestock. Peak root ef Aide eft, PerUandf Poet of Court vkrThe Sallea. ' Phone Mala !. Porslaad. - -ALASKA rgT AMD popciab aTmAauairs . tawee Seattle ; Tryrrmtow,"-auv m Tea , 11 "DOLtXlM," May tt Job I, U, M. ; - CALLTIf AP Ksfehfksa, yeaeae,- Deogiaa, Balaas, Bkag. way, Oeaaeet with W. P. A T. roete tar Atlla, Da a sua. Taeaaa, Nesaa, ate. , Per An gsensestava Alaska Perta. ' Can er evad for "Trip te Weeaerral alaaea," "Xsdlaa Beaketrr." Tot. at Pole. . m AIAUA S. S, 00. tvaak Weeleay fSl Oak eb aAffVtttaTk, fertlaad. Oe. t --O S. S. F. A. Kilburn ' Far Ooo Bay, Bareka aad Sea Ireaelsee, Peat aalltag frem Portlaad, ateaeay, yae II. Text Bailuia Ins lea Praaeteea, tssalsyy (P. b. onBEKOtTOH. Aft, tteeeawteb Desk a. S. Pbaae aiaia 11. in WO Portland' Widely Known and Successful Chinese Medicinal, Root and Herb Doctor, ' Bis famee resMdlee, --tke tngredleats wklek we Import direct from tha Orient ta large enjaatltlee ead prepare aad Pet ap tar eee la kle ap-te-oata labatory. Ho anueiy, potaona er drags et ear kind ased. Perely aefetable. . - . The Doeto treat aai tissfuHy and rusraatee te ear all etemaefc. troablee, eaterrh. aatbma. long, tkroetv rhematlam, lanaasum. . liver, kid Day aad lost . msnbeod. rXBAXB TBOUBIEB ABB ALL PBXTATB SIBIABZB. . - Be fa lee er misleading statement te the sfflleted. A aafe and lasting euro ta the quirk, eat passible time aad at the lowest east pos sible for honest treatment. If ya eanaot rail, write for symptom Maak ead circa iar. laelnae 4 eeets In atampa, . OOBBTOTATIOB PKBB. Th a See We Ckaeee Medtoiae Oew.leDi Viral at., Ossv fetorrisea, PortiaaA. 0 . Please saeatiea this paper.- OUR MOTTO ' A low Pea, Quick Oniw, ltild asA Patnlsae Treatment. OaU eg Write, CGI la. -- O . a aW ' TRANSPORTATXC::. mm eV Trains to the East Daily-3 t Tsraegh Pntlm.a staadard and tsailit eteea. la -ears daUy te Oaaba. Chiaase, Bpekaaef !"rUt sleeolBf-eara dally -a, faaaaa Ct; fesh recnaleg ' ekaareat (saata tree) le " fast ealir. Paio. npot . teave. AsrTf n.X2 ""efngtee. ly. :e aa i K0:" Iyer fee Bsstera fSSrTt. walla Walla. " . tWvf fa W. . V a7 Pert - r as steaoMr Hsasale. eept guBd.vt aw..- heat a m' -i? ' "TAsrHTLi, Bivan norni. oolnl tfta dry and TaajalU rtved- fc.T n" aTeeoe. Aak-et. seek, ";." eveept seeder (water pee. uidvi'- T- 1M -w daOy. eaewl 1W eJ7AWr' '" BlnTue".,, M,b "r eerat heat Ticket Ofae Third aad Waektagtna ta, Talerheaa Mala Via. " . j Vnt?- S1110". r Ticket agent, v ' A. U CBAIO Oeaeral raseasgei Ageat. . EAST SOUTH CaieB p. pat- . tVeave. Antea, Overland gi areas -Tta tea for Salem, Roaeoarg, Aaa- jr. Ub. Baersaieate, Ogdeo, . ( i Baa Prawtase, Stork toe - ' tee Aagelee. Kl Pasa, New Orleaaa aad the east f :M aw - SaH fa Mnrmng tral mnasils at Weolbara dally except - Baaday wttk trale for. , : i. -. Biweusvllla, Bpringdelav Weedlhar and Katroa...? oceoe paasMiaer ene- neets st Woadbnra wltk , ' Meant Aagel and BUvar- 5 ' ' ' no loeal 4'tli w-tBaei Corrallls passear..i..., 1:M sal ' B BOyai ' BheHdas peaeear..... :Wpa.. t m Wonmt flrare paaseeger. I1:4B pw . ttltb ass Dally, imanreieeet waday. " rwrriBBOK-BTIiaiT BTATTOIC. ' rer - Dallaa aad tataraedlate eotBts . dsflSI 4:18 p. tm. Arrive Portland 10:10 a. as. For Urn aad eard ef Oewege saborbaa tiala . apply at City Tlrket OfAna, ar atatiae. Tieaeta a Eaatera point aa 1 City Ticket Offtee corner Third aad Waaa lag fm streets. Pheae Mala Tlx. a W. BTTnorS, --- A. fc. OBAiej, . ty Tk-ket Ageat. Cea. Pees, Ageat. - TIME CARD .... OF . TRAINS Portlandj, rates Pope ' Leer. ' Aartvaa Tellowetone Park-Ba Clty-Bt. Lewis Bpeeiel for ; Cbehene, Centra Ha, Otyw sia, Cray Barber, Booth . Bead, Taeoma. Seattle,, Bpo. , , kaao, Lnrletoo, Bntte, Bll- , j nnge, Deaver, Omaha, Bsa. ' ., see City, Bt. Leal ead - Boetheest, sally .......... StSPaat doBaaB Kerth Coast Limttad. alee- - . . , . ' trte Hghted, fa Taeoma - ---;.---' -r -Beettle. Bpehaao, Betta. MlaaeapoBa. St Paal aad . ttie East, dafly t.,... B.B pel Vugaat Paget Bound Umlte.7 tr - Clerenwnt. Ch .halts, Cea. ' . tralla. Taeoeae aad Beettle only, dslly dtSBeaa) BiSSaaj Twin Cltv F i ui ass fm Ta- t ., ,r enma. f4eattle. Spokane, Helena, Betta. Bt. Pant, ' ; ' . Mlaneapnlls, . lineola, SC .., - Joseph. Ssnsae City. fms ka, St. Leake wltboet , ; ehanre of rare. Wrset eee aeetlone' fnr all "lat . ' Bast aad Knerfceaet. dally.. tlieBpai teB pat A. P. CHAFt,TO!V. aasrataat General rae. anjrr Agent. BM Morrlaoa atroot, tomw Taire. Astoria & Coldmbia River Railroad Co. tTnloa Deoot Por ataygera, Balnlar, rtats. kanle. WMttMTt. tBlftne. Astoria. Waneenaa, na-. m1. ftaaimoed. rort BtM ens. Oearhirt Park Beaate. .- aa UaB aa Astoria, aad Beaaaere. as- ' eee aetiy izbwbvb . waavpaa An Wslae dally. J. C kUTO. O. V. ead P. A. Aaterta. n A. BTTWART. Commasekd AasoA. MS Alder etreet. Vkeee Kal BO. . TBacoatrorjAanBaa. 1 yutoomnmumM, 7 OvcrLsad Trtlns Dally 2 Tke Orleatal Lbaltee. the taa kUB ' r Via BBATTLB ABB BPOKABB. Pir. Lee Dally, Te aad from Bneftaee, Bt. PeaL aUnaeapolla, . - ' . 'k Iraleth aad all aotata Baal via BeatU :M am Tef est uat aaa- auee aaa To aed rraei St. Prat Utoaepolla - Delete, aad all Mats Bast via etSeae -BiOBes -Bmtksra Baaaaal Oa, slllag from Beettle tor Jaaee Bad Chlaa parte aed ktaalla. eaiifteg aa saagira aad rrelgkt. B. B. Mhueesta. Taly . , . B. B..9aketa, Beptaaasat a. BTPPOB TVBIB BA1BBA - tlspsa Man Bteei 1 Bteaawbla Bare- will Ball frate a, B. Bloiaa fettle aNiei Jaly t'for Jepea ead China porta earryleg Beasiagw 4 weigaa . . Per ttrkeWk eatae. ' aart. noaa. eee.. eeuiee e enama X. PICK BOB, D. B. T. A, V Pertlaae. Oragoa. Pkaae It PkM iuJa . Steamer Ch:3. tl try TBS 0lTi T" J7' rt ' TBB USItW BIA.J. Laevae OU etreet - I a m. d- t ' r Dallea aed ersr eelnte, airii. e a . m. i wetoraln - , land 10 s m. (er'it rnd r Bay .esetireioaa - iwAPO e J, v-aa m m