The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, June 13, 1906, Image 1

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Journal Circulnticn
. The weather.
" Pair tonight; Thursday fair and
warmer; . westerly winds, . becoming :
' northerly. , . j v.-- ..
VOL. V, NO. 85.
o Tatars awo inrw
HAM is, viva OUTI
Said That Insurance
to Raise Rates
lieving That
State Vou!d Retaliate by Malting It
Expensive forMnsurance
The ' state ' of Washington -escapes the raise .of insurance ' rates,
and Oreoron Is forced to submit to
thesiste 4Htffaa--oate4fe;
the man who is the Washington representative of the board of fire under
writers of tne.Tarific.lThe
companies musrinake'up for San Francisco fire losses, but Washington is
to besr no part of the burden. Witness the following dispatch:
J "Seattle, June. 12 McKenxie states no increase exists or expected in
insurance rates in. Washington on account of the San .Francisco fire. . '
from San Francisco promulgated the y-der raising insurance rates. ' It was
j said that the order affected Oregon, .Washington, Idaho, Nevada,-Arizona
and California, but it now develops that "the board of underwriters has seen
fit to favor c Washington by .omitting, it altogether. ... ' ;
The reason for ' making fish of one. and flesh of. another is notplain,
It is said, however," that the insurance companies fear that if theyT'aised
- . h nin in Washington the legislature of the state would retaliate by making
it extremely expensive for the companies
its jurisdiction, ii.vtdenuy .tne insurance companies nau. no iar m
Oregon legislature. Whether they reckoned without the host, remains to
be seen. - ?jt.J'.'': ' ' rk'U&.lcll. '''i.
, . .ynt t"t;8e' 0f r,teB jg provingVostly
mAi on its insurance, while Seattle and
contributed $500,000 to the San Francisco sufferers by earthquake and fire.
iL Seattle gave $75,000: Tacoma less. Portland is now assessed tojsv. fire
losses, but not Seattle and Tacoma. Portland merchants are not pleased
with the discrimination, but the question is, "Whatare they going to do
vabout it?" .- .-. r - i ' . . :
Wife Of Wealthy Brewef Arrested Accused of
Murdering Her ; MaidNumerous Cuts ; '
- and - Bruises -
UMml treeis! servk.) .'
. i Sioux Falla. 8. D.. Juno II. A sense-
tlon was eaueod hero by the arrest of
Mrs. Moaaa Kaufman n. wife of a wealthy
' brewer, on the charge of manslaughter
ln connection with the death of ktlse
A anas potrela. who waa employed as a
V 4maatia In the Kaufmaan home. The
girl died several dya
ad wee
burled. i - . . .
, Believing that her death waa due to
unnatural oausea. Interested persona had
' the body exhumed and examined by five
phrstclana. on the head and body wr
' found numeroua cuts and brutaea. The
- lower limbs were swathed In cloths, and
.' when the bandagee were removed the
Dr. Brown Says to Cure AppendicitisTake
. "Some Castor Oil arid Fast for Three Days r
and Cause of Disease Will Vanish - -
' W ounces of castor oil and a th
fl.ra' fast will cure any case of appen
ileitis In the eerly stages." 8o de
clared Dr.. 8. A. Brown at thla niora-
" log's session of the Momeopathio so.
L-rlety in Allaky halL . la the dlscasslQg
tblch roliowea no wim
Ma methods ct-treafand what ts ttT - A germ Inimical to
Mnt. the remarks turning upon other
1 uhtses of the dread dleeeee.
Appendicitis is not caused sy the
( awaUowlsg of orange seeds, cherry pits
brass buttons, as aotne folks still
tuppeee.- It eoenea about through the
machinations of a cute Uttle germ which
crawls down the throat wllly-nllly end
pronegatea to beat the" band, anally
building Its nest In a cosy corner of the
vermiform appendix nd .,giin the
owner thereof a world of trouble. The
csalest way to get rid of thla nasghty
germ Is. not to cut him out. nest and
' all. but te elide hint along with eaator
nil and then Jurt naturally starve hltn
' to death. Dr. Brown's paper dealt in a
degree with dlgeetlve troubles In gen
eral. As the eauae for the circulation
of the appendicitis . germ - Dr. Brown
mentioned froeen mVat. afterwarda left
te thsw out for Several days and then
net thoroughly cooked. He eoid la part'.
"We hear a good . deal sbont sppen
iHcttla.' much more , than - we neet to
ar l ov JO ymre aeo. How tn tMe?
Have we more etpem!trHItn Hi for
mer rears, or do we recognise the dls-
Companies Feared
in Vashiniiton. De-
Legislature of That
an increase of 25 per cent This is
to do business in the territory under
to Portland." It must pay one-fourth
1 acorn a gei tne oia rates,- roruana
on - the - dody -
fleah had the appearance of having been
scalded. This Is aliased to have been
duo to attempts to revive her after fhe
had beea beaten Into an unconscious
condition. -
It is alleged that-the-- girl -died as
a result of beatings administered by Mrs.
Kaufmans, and that these beatings were
due to Mrs. Kaufmann's Inability to
control her temper. .. .
Mrs. Kaufmann waa arraigned before
a local fustic of the peace and the
state presented part of the evidence.
The defendant was bound over to the
next term of the state circuit court."
. The preliminary hearing Is la progress
today.' - -'...
ease with more certainty I believe
that the disease Is more frequent and
that we understand it better and. are
more eertaln In our diagnosis. - - -
for appendicitis
"There If s eauae
the extern passes through the stomach
and multiplies la the small . and .large
mteetlnee. . Then It attacka the appen
dix and we have' appendlcltia When
meat la taken out of cold 'Storage it is
carted through the city and often kept
for some days In the afeop before being
sold. During that period the moat
softens, dust or germe settle on It and
multiply by the mOUon. ,
"A a we only partly cook our eteaka
and" ehopa many of the germs are not
deetrored before the meat ta eaten. The
eonaequenee is that la ease our diges
tion ta the stomach la not perfect some
of the germe pass on to the small and
large loteattnee anal we are on the road
to an attack of appendicitis, Many
tlmea. when the first r ram pa begin. If
wa sent two oiuicee of eaator oil through
snd thoroughly flue, the bowels with
water the, attack will subaide. Then
no solid food or Oven asilk should be
given tnr two or threw Says ' If the
toxine have polaoned the nervous r
trm so sa lo stop normal portstsltle
iCeatlaued est le Twe.4
JlAl! MbKtJ
Syndicate Purchase in Antlclpa
1 tion of Trolley Road, Work on
Which Will Be Begun ,
v . Tomorrow, . , v
suburban real estate waeloedthU
mqtTmaJii yn3Iot purthi a
tract of SO acres adjoining Council
LCrest, The purchas u mad a In an
ticipation of the building of thd trolley
road around the crest, M work on the
read Is to bo started tomorrow morning.
The -ofns- of -tha pmindHway
company state that In the morning they
will have about JOS men end large
number of teams at work grading ttit
roadbed and laying tie. It la hoped to
have the road In. operation by August
1 or before, to aeeommodato the let
summer and fall, tourist travel.,
The sale of the acrea this momlna
waa made by I.' A. Terex and, other to a
ayndloate headed by Robert Wilson and
J. W. Blaine. The tract they purchased
Is the west half of the original Talbot
tract and ts delightfully situated, as It
peases ever the crest, thus making It a
point of great scenic value. The price
paid ror the SO acres, wblle not pubHn,
Is understood- to have. been something
like liS.eoo. ,
The building of the Council Crest
road, la going to be one of the thlnge
to make Portland a eenter for tourists.
That this Is evident. Is shown from the
Interest hotel men on the Paclflo coast
Is taking In the bonding of the roe.
Inquiry. It was stated yesterday upon
reliable - authority, had been ..made by
at. least two hotel men of southern
California, asking for Information for
sitae for hotels that will -contain from
loe to 100 rooms, t , ..
One of these hotel men Is the man.
ger of a widely advertised winter re
sort In Southern California and he la
looking for a resort that can be made
Into a place to aeeommodato summer
tourists. A well-known local hotel man
Is also. It Is reported, looking with fa-1
tiieei as a site ror a tour.
Ufa hotel. Inveatiaatlon - has - been
made and surveys run to secure a run.
p'r of Butt Run water but In addition to
thla there have been found several min
eral springs cloaa- at ; hand:: Theae
springs are said to have health-giving
qualities, and theee with the high al
titude of the place and the maanifleent
view are attracting the hotel men.
IJeeraal special SerrVe.) .
Dea Moines, Iowa, Jane 11. Countess
Kletnwaky graduated at Ames agricul
tural college today. She la a member of
the Russlsn nobility and will assume
charge of the agronomy department of
the Russian government. - .
Beadal Ski ill e
London. Juno It. It Is announced
that It eaaes of olckneeo and six deaths
have occurred in the suburb of Rsll aa
the- result of eating frosen meat from
Argentina. ' . , - .
IJeerael Caeelal geretra,)
Chicago. Juno 11. Dollar wheat and
a higher price for all .other products of
the farm are the purpoaeo of a conven
tion of the American Society of Equity,
which opened bero' yesterday. About 00
farmers from the state of th middle
west era In attendance.'
(Josraal soeetal Service.)
Baltimore, June It. ror a tint this
morning a repetition of the great flro
of Itte waa threatened In thla city. But
for tho. horoie efforta of - the fire de
partment, a conflagration which . orig
inated la the wharf of the Savannah
Steessshlp - company would' probably
hv dlvtat' trt entire .waterfront.
Even with th greatest effort the fire
was not put under control until a loaa
segregating I3,ses,0e occurred - and
three live wee loot
When the wharf ignited this morn
ing the steamer Essex, which had been
about half unloaded, waa lying at th
pier. The flames leaped to th steamer.
8he was .immediately towed Into the
stream: where everv effort to ear her
made. - .t - . -
iespUe. ths unfaltering; eourage
ryw.l;i'r-H.':'v -
t V
Decsrof the Schooner Johan PoulsenTScene . ofAttack on Non-Union
"' ' - : . Sailors Lest Night. .. ;,
Piratical ; Attack ; Made ; on Steam : Schooner
r-JoJian PoulsenBusiness Manager Bock
of Local eSailors Union Arrested on Charge
.fof Being Implicated and Identified by One
of Crew as Leader: of Assailants -"T z '
Charles Bock, secretary and bustaesa
manager of the -local branch of tho
Sellora union, la under arrest at the
otty Jail on the charge of assault with
a - dangeroaa . Weapon Bock waa . ar
raigned In the municipal court this
morning and the easo waa postponed
until Juno IS. Edward Hansen, a sailor,
held aa a witness, went to Jail In de
fault of 100 bond. It Is believed that
coca waa tne leaner or a gang ox row
vvaaeass m was save s ea V sum UiAUa va a.ti nieaasa
Poulaea eV Co. last night and mads a
vicious attack on the five non-union
sailors who occupied bunks In ths foro
oaatle. - .
Watchman Charles Johnson of the Jo
han Pouleen positively Identlflea Bock
aa being the man who shoved a revolver
In hie face In gaining an entrance-to
the forecastle, where eeveral ahots were
fired snd three of the Bailors sertouely
wounded. . . , '. .
The aaasult Is considered one of the
moot, eowardly ever committed In the
history of coast shipping, and ft Is not
tho fault of ths rowdies ' that one or
more of the steam Schooner's craw did
not fall dead In their tracks, "for from
all appearances he shots were fired
with Intent to kill Walter Lefer was
Shot through the . head and Joseph
Strauss -received a - bullet in the wrist
aa ho threw up his hands In complying
with 'a command from one of tho gang.
Paul Woodward was hit In the face and
badly bruised and tho watchman, who la
T years of aas and feeble, was roughly
bandied by the man whom he elalma
with certainty waa Business - Manager
Bock of the- sailors union.
Special officers will sssist ths harbor
master tonight in guarding the Johan
Pouleen. . Harbormaster Blglln believes
that the men who toofc.po.rt in the at
tack were Imported from San Franciece
to Intercept strikebreakers.
Great Fire Devastates
Docks Ship Burned
and Three Lives Are
Lost -Aboard Vessel
th fir fighter th vessel wee doomed
and the blaaa, was wX extinguished sn
ttl She; had b,omed to the. water ,lle.
Officer ins erw -of th Boseg battled
aoUy with the flames until the last, and
esse -wsyeyee-fi
.Ths attack occurred shortly before It
o'clock. Captain Lsvlnson waa Just re
turnniaVfroinUui city
with his son, waa about to board ths
vemeel from the dork when aorae one
poked a revolver Into his face, with a
demand to know., who ho was. . Criee
from the forecastle told him that some
thing In ths nature of a riot was going
on. and bs rushed past the maa with
tho gun and got his rifle In tho cabin.
In the meantime several shots-. were
fired forward. and returning to the
bridge he saw a number of men leaping
from the forecaatli head to the dock.
He fired one a hot. trat-it.dld not take
effect. " A moment later the wounded
men came on tho bridge, bleeding so
profusely that In a few minutes the
entire deck was "bespattsrod with gore.
Tho dock watchman sent ta a riot call
to the police station and at- Jl o'clock
policemen and the ambulance arrived.
Lafer and Strauss were conveyed to
tho Good Samaritan hospital. Ths -row-dlea
bad disappeared so, no arrests
wsrs mad, but from ths description
given by Watchman Johnson. Detective
Vaughn and Hellyer took Buatneaa Man
ager Bock to tho station st 1:4 this
morning. They found him In bed In
his room over the headquarters of the
sailorsunlon at 40 Union avenue, later
In - the night - Watchman Johnson ap
peared at ths Jail and poalUvely Identi
fied Bock aa the man who led the at
tack. Xdeastfles Book aa Tselat. '
- "That's th man.' said th eld watch
man, polntingi at Beck who waa seated
hi the msln room of the atation. There
la no mistake about It; that's the man
who carried the electrlo lantern and led
th asaault"
Suspicion on Bock s 1 guilt gained
strength when he exclaimed; That maa
(Continued en Page Three. -
during the fight thre members of th
crew went to their Heath.
Thoee who loet their Uvea were Id
ward Atkins. John Coatello and Manuel
Odello, all able-bodied seamen ! shipped
before the msst on th Essex.
. When th fir broke Cut tne'pfere
of too Savannah company war well
stocked and It waa bat a abort time
befor they war a biaatng,maaa of
flame. The heat waa terrible' and many
smaller fires war caused , by flying
Craft which lay In the stream in ths
vicinity of th wharf were annn on firs
afl4 the entire fir department waa
called out to hattl th m narration.
Eight scows s nit berav-e, which were at
the wharf, were totally destroyed.' .
The kwe nt the Essex IS aatiinated
at about je,ev. J , - , ,
District Attorney Manning Says Official
Inquiry Into Sellvood Election Frauds
Will De Commenced as Soon as Evi-
7 dence Is Presented Him, and Arrests
May Follow.
- The roundlng-up of violators of ths
election laws la not. to be delayed until
the calling of the grand' Jury. Inves
tigators who have been at work gatber-tng-
evtdence for days favor prompveo
tlon. and arreete are promlaed in the
near future. Clrcumatancea make it
Impossible for a grand Jury to be
drawn before th second week of July.
which delay would -be of benefit to of
fenders. Therefore a decision to get the
work well started prior to the calling of
the Inquisitorial body ha been reached.
District Attorney John Manning -an-
nounoea that official Inquiry will begin
aa aoon as evidence la presented to him.
It Is expected that this will be furnished
in a dar or two and that at least two
arrests will Immediately follow.
Ad' the Inveetlgntion of the fraud. In
SaUwood nroclnct progreaaea the ' Ore
gon Water Power A Hallway company
becomes more deeply Involved aa the
on great factor la bringing out affidavit
votes, many of which are now known to
have boon illegal. Mucn eviaene naa
already been obtained, but name or
offendere are being withheld for - fear
that publicity might hamper the. worf
of Investigators. : i .
The Oree-on Water Power Railway
company Is aecueed not only of sending
one bond or is non-reaiaen ww oeu
wood to vote, but of Importing voters
from neighboring counties and of seek
ing, through special agents, to Induce
men who had been In the stats hardly
more than a month to perjure them
im he- awearlne- In their votes. All
this waa done primarily to prevent Sell-
e-hlch includes tr" ' ""i
being carried by th ironiDiiioniaia.
Incidentally it helped to rou up wiea
against Sheriff Word. -
Zntploys Zratf v wees.
Several - facta point dlrntly te the
O. W. P. aa th backer or the persons
who committed the - franda. - Lodgings
of the 2S men who registered st ths
Sellwood hotel the night before election
were paid for by a check of into corpor
ation. . The pages bearing th names of
alt but eight of taeee guest were torn
out. Five of the eight voted under the
names they wrote en the hotel register.
It Is presumed that the IS whoa name
were on the missing pagea alao voted.
It Is not known lust when the pagee
were removed but the fact that they
were torn from th register I evidence
that soma one believed a fraud waa
about to be committed or had been
committed, and sought to destroy evi
dence that might result - In criminal
Portland Man Takes Bride at Four o'Clock in
the Morning, Because the Stars Told,
W . iHim . It Was the" j Proper Hour j
:Ths terra "wedding breakfast" has at
last beea Justified. Of course, it waa
highly proper to apeak in lofty phrases
of th nuptial break fast at noon or any
tint Into th early afternoon, but It
alwaya called up indigestible visions of
whei w ef)rea mnsh at IA- I
day. But Mr. and Mre. Hendeo really.
eat down to -their wedding breakfast nt
th hour when mortals riee from a long
stat of somnolence to sesk nourish
ment for ths coming dsy.
--.Samuel Blueford Hendeo I an astrol
oger --and believe that what ta stars
say Is law. Whan he met Mm Harriot
C'ae Eddy, a must' teacher of th east
side, h fell a Ttcttm to her ehrm4
But there were ncne of th delicious
thrills of uncertainty aa to the wisest
course. He appealed to hi heavenly
friends and Warned that he had found
hie affinity.' Ther wss not even a
doubt aa to ber reply, for th planete
told him what waa In store for htm.
Tho only thing to be settled wa - th
time for th eoremcny. and no sooner
wss th qheetlon npised than answered.
The horoscope for each waa cast and
sunrise was fovnd to be th time.
On shudders to think what -might
have hapnTt1 had ths stars pointed to
sunrise for and sunset for her, hut
they mltflit huve p!l! ths difference and
hSd a f .!,' --nnhln ' rnon Wedding. At-
eordlut'j f
vai iuvlled
prosecutions. Further, It I known thai
an employs of ths O. W. p. who waa
busily engsged In digging on votes In .
SolIWood on election day: triad -tor. indno :
another employe who bad been In "h '
Stat only six week to go .to ths polls
snd vote, offering to furnish the necea
ssry six property-owner t awoar In,
hla ballot. h- , -
. ; Touched for Anybody., :s.
' ' ,tao known that employee of the
O. W. P. who do not live In Multnomah
county were approached and that In
some esses they agreed to go to Bell
wood and atay there long enough. t
vote. '4 , i v ' ,
Who" the propsrty-owners were Who
vouched for the Imported voters will
. nsss : untf Xha ojndew Ha ov
registered applicants for th franchise
who were brouaht before them.
. ' w.vuw, twr mil
leas of length of acquaintance or knowl
edge or their place of residence, in
some eases the duration of acquaint-
anc. It la aaid, did not exceed Ave mltw"
utes; still ths sponsors knew all about
the bouse their "friends? lived
Idoubtless If they had been naked cool
e ui, uesign or tne wallpaper
and the number of bricke In the calm
ney. -
Of the If 4 affidavit Vote of Sellwoedi
precinct many were cast by legal real.
dents who had neglected to register.
Tho directory ahowe that at least of
the 14 live In Sellwood. but many mora
were but recently resident of other por
tlona of the city snd ss many aa (a
cannot b found lu ttig directory at aJl.
WeoaUg-er 7ai OomnHelt-.
ul Wesainger. president of .'the)
Welnhard brewery,' deniee th eaarg
that his company sent eight) men Into
Sellwood the night before election. He
declarss-tbat- the Welnhard brewery?'
took no part whatever in tho SeUwood
light and states emphatically that
neither eight r.or- sny number of men
were sent to that place by th smmsis
to vot. , .
District Attorney John Manning says)
th) no la ready and anxtoue to proas -cut
all persons who are Implicated !a
th election frauds, but thst asryt ao
evidence has been Submitted to htm.
"It is plainly the duty of every eitl-e
sen wii has sny evtdenc of tho frauds)
to submit It to me." aaid Mr. Manning.
I - understand thst the. . Demoarai
county central committee or Mr. Thorn
aa. Its chairman, has such evidence,
(Continued "On. Page Three.)
tortse at about t a. as. to attend the)
ceremonial at 4 a. m.. Strang to say,
thr were nor regret than accent'
ances. and It was) quit a famiTy prrty
thst sat down to breakfast after tho
connubial knot had been seenrol tied;
Monday morning, and tboush the hlraa.
fnj ones waited anxiously for Phoebus)
to drive his flaming chariot into sigh',
they waited In vain, and at exactly 4
o'clock, th hour when b should fcavo
appeared had he beea duly gallant, taer
took his presence n faith Jo. spit of
th obscuring veU of cloud, and wrro
Th ssrsniony waa eatebrated at th
bride's home on East Ankaay street snd.
there were all ths accessories f th
BSuaT!"Weddlng. Th Sous was dero.
rated with light bin and yetlow, th
color of toe University of Michigan,
th bride's college. Hhe wore a gowa
of brocaded satin la llaiit bin and U,
end bar dasghtar, Mts 1 wills K. 1 .
fcddy. attended ber. in rhampegn cr- e
de chin over taffeta. The anusicr
waa decorated In lavenlar and
Th breakfast waa served li the !
room end eonerstiilsifons frnn
Sbeent friend w.jre rmil, f r. ,
llenrfee left after t)i.-ir
oci,ns on the Liie
h so e clock I.,
forula, .