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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (June 10, 1906)
.' i -BEEF Cffl'TLEiENOTTnOF BUSINESS a r - Some - - (SneeUl MenatcB to Tie Jonriul.) -BUret-CltTTOr, JuneTs. RelUinget . last J hat they hav a useless fight on ; their vJiands, the cattlemen of Oregon art ' giving . up in. despair, succumbing . l1o the superior strength of. the beef .trust. For years they have kept up the ' fight, but one by one they are dropping out of the ranks and It la predicted that within the. nsxt five veers, unless some - radical change In conditions takes place, r stockraising. the Industry which has .been the mainstay of the great eastern Oregon country, will 'be a wreck, dead the beef trust erected over the grave, a ---ftiark -of-victory. " " " ' ""' ;.. This is not the cry of calamity lowTn -era, Facts back jip theassertto.nJhM. kiiCtokraIslng fiviustry" is being - . slowly -throttled, ' Cattlemen of. repute are authority for the statement that it ts. an jftter. Impossibility to raise stock tinder existing conditions at anything . but a loss. Those new In the business . are anxious to get out, many have done so, others are doing so every day, and -. those who do not give up remain in the tockraislng- business simply-because .tney, cannot get out of It. rT7!7T'" MMtOT r ., .-- There are more cattle raised in the United States than the consumption lamountr ;tOvTheonly u He Toy thenex cess, in the glutted market is in the '.packing Industry.. Without, the packers the cattlemen are helpless,' consequently Jhejr are completely at their mercy. The. number of packers In the United States is limited and there Is an understanding. . combine, brtwecn them so they work n perfect harmony,' With perfect or- g anisatlon It is to be seen that they Jiave everything their own way. V i Packers In each section of the United The Fountain Pen The Ideal Wedding . Glttfor Bride and -Bridegroom neFirstUtterAf!er1he " Wedding t :vj - ; Will be written to you if yow tnake inpr3er.pretentol. this ever-ready f writing- instru ment, f. . The press of correspondence Is never greater and the need for promptness and dispatch never more urgent than right after the . wedding. - Then your gift will be appreciated. '.- the probability of its 'being duplicated by anybody.' else is very remote.' It is a gift that .'. differs, from the ordinary wed ding present, but let it be gen uine. Waterman's Ideal Form-' tain Pen is the Standard of the World r I, The Spoon-Pced .withwhich every pen is equipped . makes , blots, impossible. It will lessen the dark spots in life. ,' This gift,' if you make it,' will still be a thing of beauty and, service at the silver' anniversary. Pens may be engraved with in ane! maybo" had at all prices. Gold Amounted .. Pens from, f 3.50 to f 7.00 or more. Sil ver filigree Pens from f 5.00 to . f 0.50 or more. Others mounted with special fraternity and lodge ..emblems,.' .":, '.: UNMOUNTED PENS from' - ' T up. . t . - , - . ' Other makes from $1.00 up. 1 ' All guaranteed. Vocjdard'Clarke ,& Company FOURTH AND IWASHINO TON STREETS. .Waterman TRUStFORGIWG-OREGON:1 -4 -,1 Cattlemen Rail e Their Own Feed States have - certain territorr which Is theirs xclusTvely.fhis" country l'dH111 extlnctt0n ' the" catae-ralsrha- -vlded squally between them and every iutryV'1 u "il1" " th.u. ""I company respects . the rights of the 'others as to the business of certain sec tions allotted them. For instance, the packers who control the state of Ore gon are In absolute control and there is no danger of Infringement on their so called rights by competitors. This re sults in the packers being able to secure stock for the rlce which they wish to pay. They have but one agent In a lo- 1 calif y,. wno. lqmn nas-ptfbga'grrnr working under him, and the cattle raisers- may accept the price . quoted them or keep their eiook t e. dead-loaa- eoelTe. jrorrUes, i - , ., - Bo powerful is the combination that no remunerative price la to be secured for cattle. -, Stock cattle sell from $15 tc II -m head and -somersmlef are-recorded' as low aa f 13. " One animal will consume a ton of hay in a winter, cost trig approximately $5. After three years each head has cost US in hay alone, to say nothing of the Investment, care,' branding and. other expense.. It is easily seen-, that unless the stockman owns his land ' and raise .his own hay he will go to the wall. The one who owns his land and grows his hay works for Hqtlj . r . The -uninitiated will say that there remains the possibility of selling to the - butchers 'instead of . the . packers. Aside from the fact-of the surplus the stockman is blocked there as well. More than . half the butchers In . the cattle raising countries are under control of the packers' eomWiiev" r Tross Immense Vrofita. Not-aioneiir-Or gonrUu t-tnron ghdu t the United States, the cattle raisers are working solely for the beef combine, and though the different packing .com pantes concerned in the combine have doubled their stock. It has been going up In price steadily aa the , Immense profits'" are' not to be overcome. As an Illustration- of the profit made by the packers,'! who may purchase stock at 111 and 117 a head, it is shown that the hide alone is worth' from 17 to $9. The tallow, horns and hoofs represent from $4 to It in value. Jn fact; the by product -nearly- pays -for-the-eattlerand the meat la left Intact with but the freight charges to pay from almost) to tal profit. ... . WILL ECLIPSE ALL PAST: Lumber . Shipments by .Water From Columbia River Show i. Big Increase. LOCAL MILLS ENJOY AN IMMENSE FOREIGN" TRADE Plants Along the Greet Waterway . Pity Prominent Part in Swelling Figures of Coastwise .Traffic Big Fleet of Carriers En Route. ,1 With the addition of the. British steamer Twickenham to the list- of steamers under charter to load lumber at this port for foreign destinations the Iieet now comprises seven vessels, tirn with capacity of more than J. 600. 000 feet, a couple or them being or surricient dimensions to carry nesrly 4.000,000 feet respectively. The Twickenham carries Ike banner for, else, her net register be ing I7JS tons. It Is already safe to estimate that the output of the Portland and Columbia river sawmills for 104 will be far in excess of the grand totala of 190. when 160.000,000 feet of lumber were' shipped over the Columbia river bar. Of this enormous quantity nearly 4fl0.000.000 feet. were supplied by mills within the iilmlt of the city of Portland the re maialoa; MuuMMiO o having, been awt afloat from mills at Vancouver and points along the lower Columbia. " The shipments by-water In lsOB.wers the greatest In the history of the port, but mlllmen snd. shippers agree that even these. retnarksble figures will be beaten by possibly aU of 100.000,000 feet, j While Portland mills are running to their full capacity the mills along the lower Columbia are expected to play the more prominent part In bringing about the increase of the year's output. taat year a number of these mills were Idle a good part of the. time, but at present. and for several months past, all bavs been crowded to the limit. - Since the first of the yesr approxi mately 100,000.000 feet of lumber haVe been shipped from the local mills and In the meantime cargo upon cargo has been dispatched by the lower river mills. Nesrly half of the quantity shipped from Portland was destined- for for eign porta and In this fact Is found an excellent Illustration Of the remarkable Increase In the foreign trade, for de spite the fact that 1101 waa a record breaker the total' amount shipped for eign dutlng the entire II months will RECORDS THE OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAi; PORTLAND, SUNDAY MORNINO, JUNE 10. 7- Thls situation la bound to result in Out In Baker county, in the Upper Burnt River district. Baker Valley and Eagle L Valley, a number of prominent - stock- men wita large rancnee ana neras. un willing to stand such a condition of af fairs, have concluded to abandon a busi ness which they have spent a lifetime in building up. They intend, after the sale of .their steers, to fatten as best they can from one fourth to one half of their stock cattle and sell them at any , "',"r"l"g"""g ifcTW iipirr they can retire, from the business of raising stock, . Xajtiry to Oiegua- AnasortinleSgTrhe' paxjkfiig1' eomblne Is willing or is forced by 'the people to relax its grip, on the -country.- an In dutry which has been. pne. QtJMt ATeat- est! sources of wealth, and . prosperity to the state-of .Oregon will come to an Ignominious end. Railroad rebates to the combine and the control by- the lat ter, of most of the markets, making it Impossible to ship direct to the center of cattle consumption, and the countless indignities to which the cattlemen, are subjected, reacting will mean in time a death blow to their victors unless : they have the foresight, which no one doubts they-will have, to- get oat . from J under In time, ' -t - ' There is but one Immediate remedy for tne prevailing condition.. That is to fight fire with fire by a combination. of the cattle raisers. In such an event the organisation would necessarily ex tend throughout the cattle districts of the country, for a single state organisa tion would be of se avail. ' , Would' Boycott -Statav Such a thing would simply result in the boycott of the state until the rais ers, were once mere In a aUte.of suth jectlon. In Colorado a selling corpor ation has been formed, but the cattle men cannot accomplish much without au interstate organisation, as they are learning by experience. . Some day, in thenot far distant future,- a leader of the cattlemen, a champion of the stock raining industry, may arise and form an organisation covering the entire United States. Such a movement would prob- ably result-fn-the cattlemengalnlng"t control, and It is the only chance to see the reversing of the present state of affairs. . only compare with shipments of the first seven months of the present year, basing the comparison on the records already on file in the custom house. Since Janu ary 1 this year to date (0,000,000 feet have been ahtpped foreign as compared wlts65.000,000 '"feet duringthe year of 10., . . Business Shows Xnoreaee. ' With SO.000,000 feet already shipped and tonnage under engagement for S. 000,000 feet already sold for early delivery, the foreign business alone shows an increase of 10,000,000 feet over all of last-, year, although the first half of the year la yet to close. The coast wise shipments from Portland will hard ly show such a larga percentage of In crease because of the heavy local de mand, but the mills at Astoria, Knapp ton, Vancouver, Rainier, Westport, St. Helens, Ooble and other points on both We have yet la stock eevsrel desea ef i -fhose beantifal Side Combs: Free to every lady-spending It with us.- If you see- them you will say that the comba are worth that themselves, our famous .'.. ., '-, Complexion Cream beantlfles the face and makes It young again. . '.. . J . MMa,WYSSMoDONALD ' gocmertr to MADAM AZA HOLatZS-lIMECaM J - ' " 1 ?: I B ' ' aaf ' 'f ( Oriental Beauty Parlors IN aterr&ea. sear Vaik St. XeL raelis IMi THEN THE STORM WILlTHAVE ENDED AND THE CALM WILLIAVE COME, OLD PRICES PREVAIE AND THIS GOLDEN OPPORTUNITY TO NEWLY FURNISH THE HOME OR FURNISH THE NEW HOME, WILL HAVE TAKEN WINGS TO RETURN NO MORE. IN ORDER TO COMPLY. WITH THE COMMANDS OF, THE SUPREME COURT, WHICH ' ',;'V' ' ','." -"- .. : - v-. . . .';-'. WE SAILED INTO ' THIS at from IFurMltiire, Carpels, Ranges and lealliiig Stoves fet lliirs THEN WILL BE SOUNDED THE DEATH KNELL OF THE GREATEST FURNITURE "SACRIFICE DISPOSAL THIS CITY OF PORTLAND HAS EVER KNOWN. WE SHALL NOT INVITE YOU MANY MORE TIMES. OUR STORY IS NEAR ITS END. YOU WILL REGRET IT IF YOU DO NOT , fan On THE OOUE FlIKMSHERS SEVERAL! SLIGHTLY Pianos to Be 4 . t To makesroom fox new;itock,.Sach well-known piaoos as Deckep,Weber, Hardman, Uudwig and other leading makes tsken in exchange as part payment, on the celebrated SOHMER-CKCILIAN and PARRAND-CECIL-IAN PIANOS TO BE SOLD REGARDLESS OF COST. IJlanufacturcrsLPianoCo.. FrederleK U W. Faigm, Manager , siftv.w AOSsTTS OKKZB, nOat, OBlOn-OBOZUijr A.WD TAM . aVasTB-OaoZZaAaT VZAJIOat. hnru nf tiia Columbia, are getting the benefit of this and their shipments are putting ail lormer recra iau : a arflltv of carrier, too. baa ham pered to a conalderable extent the coast wise trade, but generally vessels are being returned to the coast from less profitable neios ana convener m inn ber droghers. HAS RED FLAG READY. Omatr Collector Banes rreparea for Aactlaa at Osstoat Momae. nmiitr Collector of Customs R. 1. Barnes will act in the capacity of auc tioneer In the office of the collector oi customs, an "old horse" sale being on the nroe-rant. The sals la one of the quarterly affairs given in the big gov eminent building. The articles to be disposea oz to ine highest bidder consist mostly of per sonal effeefs likely of little value to envbadv excent the original ownera. whofor reasons best known to them- aaivea have refused to redeem mem, but still the auctioneer expects Intend ing purchasers to bid lively: LONGSHOREMAN INJURED. Moaael Galvia Meets With Painful Ac cident em Steamer Dalwlca, '. Michael Oalvln, a longnhoreman. was severely injured yesterday afternoon while assisting in loading lumoer on the British steamer Dulwlch at tha mills of the Portland Lumber com pany. A heavy timber fell on him smd crushed one of his legs. He was veyed to St. Vincent's hospital. eon His home is at 414 Morris street. The Dulwlch commenced loading yes' te'rday morning for Port IPIrls, AU stralla, and Wellington, New! Zealand. -MARINE NOTEi "Astoria, June' f. Condition of th bar at V m- month: wind west, light; weather clear. Arrived down at I a. bb. and sailed at 11 40 p. m.. steamer Alliance, for Eureka and way porta Arrived at T a m., schooner Ban Buena ventura, from Ban Francisco. Arrived last night, brtgantlns - Geneva, from HUo. Arrived down at 1:10 p. m.. - Deadly Serpent Bites. - -are as common In India as s-re stomsch and liver disorders with us. For the latter, however, there le a sure remedy: Electrlo Bitters, the great restorative medicine, of which 8. A. Frown ef Ben nettevllle, 8. C. saye: "They restored my wife to perfect health, after years Of suffering with dyspepsia and a chron ically -torpid liver." Electrlo Bitters cure chills and fever, malaria, bilious ness, lame back, .kidney troubles and bladder dlsordera , Bold on guarantee by Skldmore Prug !Coj Prioe eOc m w Ordered Us Out of 172 First Street SPECIAL SALE WITH ALL 50 to. 60 Per Us4Vlifl USED STANDARD MAKE schooner Herwick. BalAd at I:4S p. m., schooner Irene, for RedondO. RedondOjJunj f .M live4stsmf Nome City, from Portland. ALONG iTHEWATERFRONT. None of the local agents of the va rious steamship companies operating vessels between this port and the Bay City received advices yesterday aa to the status of the strike situation, ' It la presumed that all i quiet. The schooner Alvsna will return to the Columbia river to load another cargo of lumber for Redondo. -' The schooner Olaendal and the steam schooner Johan Poulsen are reported as having left San rranclsoo yesterday for the Columbia river- Both come to load lumber. The new steam schooner Tosemlta, which Is dne to arrive from Ban Pedro, will load lumber at one of the mills on ths lower Columbia for Redondo. The Mataon Navigation company has eatsbllshed offices In this city. The Htlolsn will sail for Honolulu from Portland on July 1. NEW CAR BARN FOR z: EAST SIDE SOON ;r r - - . - v A permit has been Issued to the Port- lsnd Railway company for the erection of a one-story brick car barn at Kill Ingsworth and Michigan avenues. The building will be constructed by the company and not -by contract and will cost 14,000. Other permits have been Issued as follows: Simon Abraham, repair to dwelling. Ban Rafael between Union and Grand avenues, cost 1300; C H. Skip- man, one-story dwelling. East Seventh, corner Surman, cost $300; M. Bohmltt, repairs to dwelling." Thurroan, -corner' llilliA. M. Wastfci run. iwu iwu-suiry dwemtigsrgaat Cat uthers. - between Ninth and Tenth -cost. 11. HO each; John Negle, two-story dwelling, Rodnty, corner Cook avenue, cost SS.QOO: r. Sternohl, woodshed. Front between 'Head and . Arthur, oost lit Fred Dresser, repairs to dwelling, East Thirty-fourth street, corner Bast Mad ison, cost 1 100. . l. ADAMS IS CLEARED OF LARCENY CHARGE Investigation of the charge ef lar ceny preferred against J. Q. Adams, president of the Omaha Hotel Supply company, by J. W. Thompson, a repre sentative of a business rival, convinced Deputy Dlatrlot Attorney Hsnsy that the complaint was not Justified. .On his motion It waa dismissed yesterday by Police Judge Cameron, r, Mr. Adams was arrested at Spokane, Washington, On talegraphlo V advices from Chlsf of Police Orltsmachsr, He gave a bond of 1710 for his appearance here on preliminary examination and earns back to Portland without a cue- 1SC3. ii One oi Our Stores, THE WELLNOWNGOR"OT OUirACTrVE-HOUSE,T i .... ... .... Cenlt oS Ileal For Tivcniy We will make a suit A fifty Dollar Suit: Genuine Imported flay V Worsted for $28 r;lSf . . - y. - .. - ..... .... One of the leading importers of New York loaded up too heavily- with, this line- of fabrics. -The-clothr cost him over four dollars a yard. " We had about seventy-five suit patterns from that shipment con signed to us at fifty cents on the dollar. The ship ment haa just arrived. ' - .- - i Come in and get a sample of this Worsted, . Com-, pare it with any suiting in town sold for fifty dol lars. Show it to the best fabric expert you know and ask his opinion of its quality. .; ' ' While the supply lasts we will make a suit of It .to your measure for $28. Half a dozen patterns to select from. v We Will Press Absolutely Free . .. , ,- . ... . - - , , - , , , - , -l ; . ' ' . . ELKS' BLDG, SEVENTH AND STARK STS. tod la n. He was accuased of removing cabinet belonging to the American Hotel Supply ebmpany of Chicago from the Imperial hotel and substituting one Of his own manufacture. It was shown that this art Ion was tskea with the conent of the hotel management. 1 was shipped d Us It by Mr. ' t- 'ot. It developed, t t eneem ewa- v - . I ty v i ' , '.. . D sWSfjew Hal Z J - - ' 1 . . t 1 ' - ' C' ' ';' ' : ". '" ' ' ' ' , II i! Values ii ii I! - Eflhi DoDars to your measure from a ' Your flothes for One Year (pity Q Ui- J.ULJ wss larcenous Intent not lost, ' shown. Hood River Agency C Mr. I W. Wood journal ary at ' having hue'- ' have th i 17M74 HSSTSTREET r