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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (June 10, 1906)
A, THEORECSON SUNPAY" JOURNAIPORTLAND, SUNDAY MORNING.' JUNE 10. ltSJ. SUFFRAGISTS STILL HOPEFUL LAUHCH DEDICATE CIIURGII FOURTH OREGON CAUPAIGn Draw Up Petitions to' Bo Prt- i ' tented to Voter Calling for ; i - Another Election. J BLAMES LOCAL OPTION Y--i) :1: ISSUE FOR DEFEAT fir. Shaw Says Liquor Intereats and V Corporation Fought Movement Women Spent Ten Thousand Dol- " lan in Vain.' " V ' . Is the launching of Jnltlatlva petl , j tione ,tha vonua aoffrage aaaociation yesterday Inaugurated lis fourth, cam ,--f I n for equal suffrage In the state of - Undaunted - tor- defeat, the ' woman who had bwn most' active in the third campaign met at the Hotel Port land, organised for ward and, precinct signatures, the peftlon neceeeary to brine the 'woman Bturraga iminamem before th people at the polls wo years ' henea. According to . Dr. Anna B. Shaw, president of the National Woman 8uf f raaa aesoclation, who waa In charge of -ha suffrage campaign for the laat two months before election, the women have never wared a more vigorous fight any where at any. time. Nor, for that mat ter, have they ever met with auch stren uous ana organised opposition, i n women spent' m'orelhliu $14,600 in the campaign, besldea putting forth a raet amount of work that was not paid for., f , looal Optiom Cease af kwtbaek." ' The defeat, though she will not ad mit that it la a defeat, but a temporary setback. Miss Shaw attributes to . the fact that local option was an lasua In , th same .campaign, that the liquor In--tereats were thoroughly organised and a roued agalnse It, and that the aarpaa ftoUr"" 1! ktirms ouwfirTfhf " rnrwilf fu rnl abed "large sums of money toTght the causa of equal suffrage. used and their object waa gvceompllshed, for the tlm being. W were beaten by Interests that are entirely outside of the people. There' were the organ ised liquor Interests, then the corpora tions, the rallrosda.- especially, which furnished the money, .. -r The money spent in the campaign by th women was, more than half 'of It, for printing and poatago. - literature waa sent to every registered voter In tha state .and considerable newspaper advertising waa Indulged in. , . IVeaaers. Oolng Baek Bast. ; . ' Dr. Shaw. and her secretary, Miss Lucy Anthony," tha sister of tha late Suaaa B. Anthony, will leave today for their homes in the east Dr. Shaw, as well as other suffrage workers who have been here for the past few months, among them Miss Kate Gordon, will at tend -the International - Woman fluff rage Association Alliance, which con venes In - Copenhagen - on August 11 next. This organisation ..represents It countries. In which equal suffrage la being atriven Xor . by. he .women. Mrs. Henry Waldo Coe, president of the Oregon State Equal Suffrage assor elation. Issued the following atatement yesterday FREE OF DEBT Twenty-five Thousand Christian : Scientists in Boston to At- tend Ceremonies. . ME11MCK VlhiUJiilij THIRTY-NINE MEMBERS FROM PORTLAND THERE Dedicatory . Servicea Will pe Re peated Six Times, tha Noon Recital , Being Especially' for ' Children- Many -From Abroad Attend. work and drew up-ebe pHnn which " aggregation or corporal power rmVnrJtTd tovwo7th.i7t?1,,.u5r b.I " a00 much for, ua.. If we could, have had time' for the educative campaign In which we were engaged we would have won, and under all the circumstances we have reason to be proud of the out come. "I wish to expresa the thankfulness of the officers of. the state aaaociation, and especially my own. to the officers and members of the mora than three hundred local associations of auffraglata, all Oregon women, who have made such noble fight for the freedom of women. tradea unions, the W. C. T. neera. the socialists and other organ!' tlons which have stood with ua - In thla fight . r . ' Oregea Frees rriatdly. "The press of Oregon baa been our friend.- Out of 111 papers but alx have been against ua With a presa like thla Oregon cannot go far wrong and must succeed. To the men of Oregon who at thels vol for ua wa are dobply By, David B.r Ogdeit ..-t -fftneelal Disnatrb to Tka Joeraal.t - Boston, Mass., June . It la estimated that 30,000 to 25,000 Christian .Scientists ara 1n thecttjr to a-ttend tha- dedicatory servicea 6f the mammoth addition to tha mother church of Christian Scientists tomorrow. ' v'''1 r ' ", '.' Tralnloeds of visitors are atlll arriv ing. A special 'car from Portland, Ore gon, with 88 Christian Scientists from that city, reached here thla afternoon, Tbe treasurer of the mother church butldtng fund-has announced that enough funds have been received to complete the building and scientists are requested to- withhold further contributions. Thus, as is tha custom, with -thla d nomination, the new church will be ded. Icated free from any debt. - There will be nothing spectacular about the dedica tion service, tomorrow,, unless it be the -arVnaW thj ttUUKiU btratedalxtlme5l to cnuoren. , . . ' Vimpla arrioaa. '' due respect I will now ask such that The local option amendment .aaldl they will devote mora time to thla aub- jeci, ana aia ue in tne won or eauoa tion which ' this day - wa have begun Miss Shaw last night "mad it more difficulty because many of our friends ,who were Interested In the local option ajnemwir-tMrryTng-warea" "T6taitr nTtmt-tmrTrtBerTiaba"WC SrVlb go on. - active- part In-eur fight because they were afraid complications would arise which WCTild -endsn sr- the -chances- -for "the success bf Iocar optloit;:'":.'-Y'- - ' Tongkt f X,lqnor taeereata. . - r "On the other hand.the enemy -made a harder fight because they recognised ,the fact that, though the equal. suffrage .movement is not a prohlbtlon movement It Is another menace to tha rule of tbe liquor interests. Each tsaloonkeeper wasr urged tor aecm'a at least 18 votes against our cauae, unlimited money waa 70 PER CENT RISE i III OIIE YEAR Remarkable Increase In Proceeds ' From Montana, Copper In-' . dustry Is Indicated. . ' ' f8pelsl Mspatek t The Joerel. Butta, Mont, June . Managing TJt- . rector John D. Ryan , of the Amalga- 'mated Copper company thla morning . .'submitted his report showing the net . proceeds of tha mlnea owned and eon- - trolled by the company, from" which ' 1 Assessor . Jere Sullivan computes his 'tax rating for tha current fiscal year.. - -' Attached to Mr. Ryan's report Is a comparison of the year ending May 11. - . 19, which shows a flattering; Increase .In th proceeds of tba properties over tne .year endtng-May 81 10- Mora ..than five millions, or. accurately, 6 111.8(1.18, la tha Increase of net pro : -reeds for thla year over tbe preceding ' months, figures which are indicative not only of the excellent management , if Mr. Ryan, but of the growing pros perity of the city. This represents aa Increased wealth of almost 7 per cent .for tbe year. :z" " " . t P Jet ..proceeds for tha .1ng May 81, 1805, amounted to IM92, lil.12, while for. tha year Just ended they reached the splendid total of $11,--805,811.7. Increase In the net pro ' ceeds of . (ha Anaconda company alone . amounted to almost, f 4,000,000, being -moVe thaV double the net proceeds of the previous year. - The net proceeds of the Butte . A Boston Increased from 1178.712.81 to tl.07S.8:.7. or about Ixfold; Boston Montana from 15, 8ii,20.7 to t,IC8,10.6f; Anaconda from 82,15,(S 78 to $3,7(1,2(6.2. ' A number of" other smaller mining eompanlea . also (lied , statements, all showing big gal aa Aver, the preceding .- year. . - g i - TRUST REFUSED y ," " (Continued from Page One.) " , "The "committee can find out from . some expert not connected with, the - .pafkera whether cano4 roaats are- good and wholesome Indefinitely." - -. Mrs. I. 8. Bell of Kansas gave tha committee some - information about I DO YOU EMBROIDER ' TO ATTmnrsl our stamped shirt waist designs wa will sell for eaa week only any of our handsome SHIRTWAIST DESIGNS attsmned on extra quality India llnon. 4esaplsa with floes to embroider. TEE KEECLECKAFT SSOP at Wasalnrtoa an,1 FortUad. Of. have 11 from lionast mvlctloir-pposedoiii-wa-tiers faoma-ona Tspeclallrat'polnfd -to- tha snew. The work will not a whit abatet I piinwpg p-h-nn-Try memhitrs aided by the. tna. of thousands , who have now joined- us In the determination to. carry tbe mendaane-by aoormoua majority at th next election. "Laat but not least w Oregon women wish to thank the . noble band of work ers who came to ue without money and wiinout price, anna M. Bhaw, national president and her fellow workers, and made aurh a grand campaign possible, We shall always be grateful to them. and those who helped maintain them wnwe nere. And now- let our friends continue the fight which la to -Win." - kitchen experiences with. canned fruits that had worked. She declared It was absolutely Impos sible to rejuvenate canned atuff by boil ing n axter it bad begun to apon;- Dr. McElvIn was called bv Chairman Wads worth to give an estimate of the coat as provided by the Beverldge bill and the estimate waa in round numbers 88.000.00a annually. Before making this estimate Dr. McElvln read a atate ment reciting some of the history of the political .situation and the lncldenta that led to the Investigation by the preat- Mfc..T-. .... - Bepead aa Moral Soaadoa. . Dr. McElvln ordered many necessary sanitary conditions and added that they had been complied with. He Instructed the Inspectors to notify the Dronrletors ef establishments that lavatories-must be established so that tha workmen could have no exeuse for- not keeping their bands clean and that tha proprie tors must see that their employes did keep themselves dean. At tba same time he - ordered that meat must be raised from the floor, and that the practice of mixing meata on the floor muat be abandoned and separata boxes or benches provided. He also ordered that wire nestings and other covers for racks, vats and boxea should be used. "Of courses-there being no leeai -au thority for this," continued tbe atata-, ment re bad to depend on moral sua sion, which Is not a very satisfactory way. to secure compliance with regula tions. The only remedy heretofore has been to demand the inspections and this had little or no weight with the estab lishments except so far aa It referred to that part of the product which waa exported. And when " It Is " considered that It Inepectluu Is Jl Hldra WiiTTora any house It la still free to put Its pro duct Into Interstate commerce, and no means Is provided for detecting diseased carcasses, It will be seen why the de partment waa loath to withdraw Inspec tion from any establishments." . The committee closed the hearing this afternoon and will begin Monday to con aider the bill. HOTTEST JUNE WEATHER IN NEW YORK'S HISTORY (SpeeUl Dlspelek by Leased Wire to Ts Journal) New- York, June While today was tha hottest Jane" in the. weather bu reau's history, but one case of hear prostration was reported In Greater New Tork. The victim waa an unidenti fied man, about fifty years of age, who was overcome In front of IS First aver nue. He is at Bellevue hospital. ... At noon today the thermometer regis tered ,more than 80 degrees .and It was the hottest day alncs th,m!ddle of May. which showed 87 degrees. 1 - The weather office records showed that It waa not until June 18 laat year that the thermometer went to 80 degrees. The numiauy registered 78 degrees at 2 o'clock In the , afternoon, which la np tomorrow U still warmer but with leas numiauy. The service will be tha ordinary simple communion servlc, except that In place of - the usual general message from the Christian Science leader, Mrs. ; Mary Baker. Eddy, th pastor emeritus, aha will send a brief dedicatory address. Mrs, Eddy will not ha duty. The- executive members met today -In annual session. In addition to tha American members present there were from abroad: Rt Hon. Charles AdoK phua-Murray; Earl of -Dunmoraajjd tha Countess of Dunmore of London, Eng tanar aifO.I.adJr -.Victoria . Murray -ot Manchester, England. . Karl Dunmore. as chairman, waa appointed to draft a mes sage -to' Mrs. Eddy, .The follojrtng mes sage waa presented and accepted by the executive members and waa dispatched to Mrs. Eddyt : Message to lasso Saaeritoau Rev. Mary Baker Eddy. Beloved teader and Teacher AT" thlsWst6rl6 hour. . we. tha . executive ' members of the First Church of Christian Scientists, founded bv vou. send lovine- -and loval greetings. ' Sitting under the- shadow of a great prophecy fulfilled, wa recognise that thla communion season particularly marks an epoch, not only in tha history of Christian Science, but - also In the history of the world. As tha boundariea of our loved mother church are thus extended. should our love for. all mankind be en larged and thua show forth our greater appreciation of your unparalleled stand for and proof of tba truth taught by Jesus Christ and revealed through you the truth that heala tbe sick and ssves the sinner. We And In. the realisation of thla great healing and saving truth tha real meaning of your life's work and of your continued active labor for mankind, and so wa would emulate your example or good "will to-man" In" "our Increasing growth of love to God.", v r IMPORTANT DECISION -.-ON RIPARIAN RIGHTS , .. , .... . , (Sperii! Hspstek to The Joe-sal.) La Grande. Or., June . One of the most Important water suits heard before eastern Oregon courts has been de cided. The case of Gardner and Sruch- eil against George F. Wright has been decided by Judge Eaktn In tha circuit court in favor of the plalntlffa. This caaa .Involved tha waters of Washington gulch creek, which under the decisions ara given to the plalntlffa, and the defendant enjoined from Inter fering with - their use. Costa of tha action are alao awarded to tha plain tiffs against the defendant The prl- rv trouble la this -case waa tha fact that both plalntlffa and defendant be lieved they had bought the watera of Washington gulch creek. In tbe past the plaintiffs bought land from H. W. Estes," buying with It' the waters of ths creek. ' Later tha defendant bought land In Washington gulch, on the creek above ths land of tba plaintiffs. He likewise purchased his land of Estes, believing that he was buying the waBrra-'of the creek. Both plaintiffs and defendants used the waters, so the matter was taken before the courts. Judge Eakln heard the case in . Baker City about , three months ago, and . the arguments were submitted to the court In LA Grande recently. The decision has a Just been rendered. '." -. ...... . Legal points of great Importance were Involved In this case, which mske the decision of great interest to eastern Oregon attorneys. ' . . WESTON GRATIFIED AT REOPENING OF NORMAL peeial Dlipptrt te Th Joarssl.) Weston, Or., June 8. There is genersl relolclne In WhIok ,.n i- .n - mm 11, mi parts of Umatilla county, over th fact that the normal school will be able to reaume next falL . Within a short time a meetlnsr f tha bnant will k k.i the purpose of choosing a faculty. - in in receui ia'e election the gen eral SDDrODliat Inn hill rnrnm sn-..a w a, majority of about 18,000. and aa a result there will be ,no delay in the opening next Tall. . . As an entire faculty will have to be choeen fori the normal school, there will be some Openings toi. normal fnstruo- - ' ' " m least spme of i the old fore will be, re-employed, and possibly the entire force. , presi dent French Is In Salt Lake City and will likely be a candidate for reelection a bead of thai school. Why Don't you Get a. Baby? A-eouole of -exquisite- baby-grander auoerb Weber art grand, a dainty dick ering quarter-sawed and the elegant baby grand dlsplsyed In the west show win dow, price to close out I5S5. All must find homes at once. Why. don't you get one of these babfesT They're a high born lot and will bring Jcy and pleasure Immeasurable to any home. Pay for one at theae ssle prices as best suits your wIirre"fuse"nd"res4!onable offer.- Ellers Plsno House, 881 Washington street LOCAL MYSTIC SHRINERS TO ATTEND CONVENTION At the annual convention of the Mys tic Shrine, which meets-4n -Chicago t.,..,v Arcadia. temDle. Portland, will be represented by the following dele gates: B. O. Whltehoune, potentate, Ar cadia temple: . George H. Hill, recorder; Elmer B. UGlweil ana a. ja. iuii. Whitehouee accompanies . her husband. D. W. Taylor 1g acting potentate In tha absence of Mr. Hill. Tha eminent tragedian wrltea tha fol lowing complimentary letter to tba Ore gon Optical Co.: .- . ,'. ' Victoria, B. C, April IT. 1808.., Dr. R. A.Thompson, Oregon Optical Co., Portland, Or. : My Dear Sir: . I have found tlye eyeglasaes you pro vided for me tha aaost oomfortabla aad effective that I have area worn. I be Hove yoa retained the deeeriptlon aa to sise and strength of vision, so please send me another aet to above address that I may nave a ready aubetltute In case of loss or afcldent. . Yours faithfully, . ; . .. ! ' , .. FRKJJERICK WARDE. . Tou can do no better than Mr. Wards did wfth his eye troubles come to ua Will pleaaa you aa wa did him. -We Had the Power to a Thousand -Times Oregon Optical Co. ITS Foarth art, T. M. O. A. Bid. 'FRISCO ASKS AID OF G0VERIIL1EIIT i.-i Supervisors 7 Adopt 7 Resolutions Requesting Federal Indorse- 1 rnent of Bonds. SEEK TO DISPOSE OF SECURITIES UNSOLD Want Red Croat Society Given Funds to Be Loaned to Reaidenta of tarRctumr (SpMlal Disaateh by Leased Wire to Tke Joarssl) J Ban-Jxnt,'lscii, June 8. The boa id of supervisors today at tha requeat of Mayor- Schmtts adopted resolutions ask ing the national sovemhnent to indorse the i8tf.fl00.000 "of municipal bonda al ready authOrlxear A further request oon- talned In tha resolution la that tha federal government advance money to th Na tional Red Cross association to be loaned ' to burned-put --residents of San Francises so that tha later may b en- abled .to rebuild, their homea. , the ob ject being to prevent them leaving tba -Lclty-and kecking residence -alsawharav The resolutions were ordered , . tele graphed . to . Washington to . a commit tee which left: thla city on Thursday; Tha dispatch is forwarded with tba purpose of furnishing tha committee with official backfhg from the city gov ernment " ' MayorcfimIta6Tahr"iuprtlBora that tha emergency confronting tha city waa - one requiring -vtsorou action - to meet. While tbe 818.90,000 of city bonda as yet unsold ought to be dis posed of without national government assistance, the fact remained that un der present circumstances bonds bear ing Stt per cent Interest might not be considered an entirely attractive invest ment. As to tha proposition to have the Red Cross association uae tha money to be advanced by tha government to Id the homeleaa to rebuild,, there should be no question aa to the ad vantage, which It would mean for the city, Jlwnderjtlntothe Man and Woman in the State THAT FOR THE BEST IN DRY' GOODS MERCHANDISE FOR THE HOME AT THE - SMALLEST MARGIN OF PROFIT THEY MUST ; V .; Patronize the Stanch Old House of McAlIen & McDonnell - . .1 i v Leader in these line for ao many years. In almost every household in Portland and largely throughout the state the name of our house is a living factor. It is brought to mind and discussed when th housewife da. aires to replenish her wardrobe or Increase bar supply of linen, or the .husband, son or brother is purchasing 7 r.'.': .. for himself or habitation. . - . .';..', 7, '-: , 7 ,,, r.,; ; "...,.' "7 i 7' ' .-,' 7- '--.i7 Tomorrow rt n iviorning in an Animated Sale " 1 vat d . .' 7. : 1 .u;-;i-;'.-.-1.JLrrr; j ' WrncTrTed'PaTiirassVoitxoloTt-gpecial-, yaTdTOaV- Of the great line of merchandise enumerated here. Delayed shipments on account of the blockade in traffic on the O. R. & brought in upon ua a great raft of stuff which, lor lack of room, we must speedily dis pose of. , To quickly accomplish this we have launched into a slaughter of prices for all this week, tha ; s .. -. ; ,. facts of which are indicated In these startling quotations: . ? 7 .. '7. : 7y7' ':''"'-' ;v '.'77 : 'r" v '.7' 7 ' - ; 'f-' ' .... ,.- .... 7 '--7 .;"''.? 7' 7:'7' TowielsCrashes Extra Heavy Russian Crash, very absorbent r spe cial, yard ........... ..a Pure Lmen Unbleached Crash; special, yard.,T Extra Heavy Vnbleached Crash, all linen; spe ' cial. vard ....10J . Pure Irish Huck Toweling; special, yard., ....Se Table Linens 60inch silver .bleached Damask; special.. ...'.25a ' 60-inch mercerized Damask, choice patterns; 8pe- : cial. per yard... i.. .. f . 72-inch Linen Damask, newest designs; special, per yard .' i B8e 64-inch fine mercerized Damask, several patterns; . special yard. 7. .... .jj ,J.OL-JI0JricK VJ-incn unbleached Uerman Dimnt; special, per . ixo-incn f. not ltd fringe JUtnen, loweia; special yara ......vw -70-inch pure1 Linen Damask; extra special. : '', yard;...... .......T5 66-inch pure Linen Damask, soft finish; special. 7 yard -.. . 4 .-..v..; ; i . . t LOO lj66-inch Bleached Damask, choice patterns; special, yard ...... .-... V 72-inch Bleached Damask, extra heavy; special, ' vard .......Oa 40-intU red and blue shack Damask; special, JNapkins. Unb!eachedfrapkin8v size 16x16 inches; special, per . dozen,., , , , . j . . .,....,.,,.,... . .OOw niMjiia-sii""iatvn iith , wi ith i th ht.) mkrt v v Bleached Mercerized, size 20x20 inches; special. ; "per dozen............. ....;...,,.ajl.35 - Extra- Satin Finish, size- 20x20 - inches; -apecial-. - per dozen.;: . ..... ..$1.50 ' - -All Pure Linen, size 22x22 inches; special.-per -. dozen .r. .v ,.,....... ..005 y All Pure Linen, size 24x24 inches; special, per " 1 dozen' ,;.'.v.....?vvrrv;.v;;.i;rr-.-rr-;ei.85----- Colored Border, size : 16x16 inches; . special, per . dozen .-,. v. ....,.,,....', ,60 All Linen, Colored Border, size 18x18 inches: spe "'-cial, per dozen .....Sl.OO ,7 Double Satin Damask, size 24x24 inches'; special, ; -L Per dpgen . . W- V , - can . .1 . . . ... ... . ... .... 15x29-inch Colored Border Cotton Towels; spe- . cial, each. r; .. ,.) ' 16x31-inch-Hemstitched Huck Towels; special, 7 each ... . . . ... ....... .... . , . ... , : . . ..... 10a 18xJ3-inch All Linen Huck Towels; special, . each ......... ... . . ; i ., . . . . .8a Draperies ntoiitntsr'TuTr 27-inch Silkolines, choice new designs; special. ' yard 4. ,,, . . . . . . . T ? . . . 8c Ie"renchns'rfuir3cn wT3e; special, yard ................. . ., , ,1, . . . Y.. I7 New French Cretonnes, : 31 inches . wide:, extra apeeial, yard r-s frrrrrrrrrr-.-r .T:TT7".a Te-" 1 1 Lace Curtains Th Indorsement of the city's bonds by the national governments would be virtual and practical effort of grant Ins; th request contained In e reso lution wnicn provides ror tne aocept s nee -of Ban Francisco municipal bonda by the secretary of th treasury as se curity for tba deposit of national moneys with the banks. It would place San Francisco bonda on exactly ths same plana as those of tha- Philippines and other lasuas alreadx similarly strengthened. ' SEATTLE SODA FOUNTAINS REVISE THEIR MENUS Only Harmless Potations Will Be Served Hereafter by Order ! of Police Chief; J 1 Aj 7 : (De!at DUrMteli teTe learnat.t Seattle, Wash., June 8. Society women, who, while on shopping tours, have been regaling 1 themselves with bracer's at tba fashionable . soda water parlors, and young schoolgirls, who, Mayor Moore declares, have also discov ered that Intoxicating, drinks - can be procured under polite names, will Ip future be deprived of the exhilarating drinks. :, ' ' As a result of the mayor's orders to the -xhlef of police to watch the soda fountains, the proprietots of .three fashionable places announced tody that their patrons would hereafter be deprived of . 88 concoctions formerly sold. The drug stores of the city all have announced "their intentlort -of out-i ting off from tan to twelve drinka they have served In the; past. -They declare that thla action is necessary to avoid trouble with the police. . All of ths places will get out revised menus.- Borne or the drinka were not considered by tha police to contain a tick, but when the mayor demanded that all the' owners cut off Intoxicating drlnksTfiany thatweTe not Suspected went also. . ...w..-., DOCKED TAIL HORSES NOT WANTED IN DENVER XAT TOT A OOVOSf 7 A dose of Ballard's Horebound Syrup will relieve It. I Have you a coldT Try It for whooping cough, for asrh ma, consumption, for bronchitis. Mrs. Joe McOrath, 827 R. First street, Hutch inson. Ksnaas, wrltesr) "1 have used elallard'f Horehound Krrup In my family for flv years, and find tt the most psl stsble medicine I ever, used, -Mold by Weodard. Clark A Co. Denver,' June t.-rllearlng . a rumor that Mas., Genevieve Chandler Phlpps was negotiating to purchase a fine pair blooded horses, with docked tails. and Importing them Into Colorado,. Sec retary E. K. Whitehead of, the humans Society, took Immediate action. He wrote Mrs. Phlpps a letter calling her attention to tha Colorado statute on thla subject, and Informed her - that , she- would placa herself open to prosecution she carried out her alleged Intention. vMrs. Phlpps Indignantly denied that she contemplated buying a team of horses with, abbreviated tails. 1 Secret tary Whitehead says he Is very, muoh pleased If she had ,io such .Intentions, but having heard such a rumor ha felt called upon by the dictates of duty to warn "Mrs. Phpps In advarvoe, ao that she. would ot blindly cross. tbs path of tha law.- ' ,7 ' ' " 1 - .,-Ji... t .. ..... 1 -1 7 Nottingham Xace Curtains, 2j4 yards long, 30 -:- inches wide; special, pair.. ... ; Nottingham Lace Curtains, 3 yards long. 40 inches -5 wide; special, pair.. ............. ....... Nottingham Lace Curtains, 3 yards long, 45 inches wide; special, pair..... ................ .V..85f Nottingham Lace Curtains, 3 yardi long, 48 inchee ; - - - wide - special, pair fl.OO . Nottingham Lace Curtains, 3 yards long, 50 inches" wide; special, pair..;........ ..1.25 Nottingham Lace Curtains, 3 yards leng. 50 inches 7 "Widef Special,--pairvrr-.-i liiinniiliiiin ,aUit-u Nottingham Lace Curtains, 3 yards long, 54, 7 inches wide; special, pair...... sJl.BO Nottingham Lace Curtains, ecru, 3 yards long, 40 ' . inches wide; special, pair......... ...T5 Nottingham Lace Curtains, ecru, 3 yards long, 46 inches wide; special, pair................ sJI.SO . Nottingham Lace Curtains, corded ecru, 3 yards i by 45 inches; special, pair.:..,. ...91.75 Ruffled Swiss. Curtains, 2i yards long; special, - the pair...... .BuffleA Swisa Curtain. 3 vards long: snectal. the - pair '.,,,,.,.....-.. 884 -Ruffled. Swiss-Curtains, 2 yards long; special. the pair..... 0 , - Ruffled Swiss Curtains, 3 yards long; special, the - pair .v. Ruffled Bobbinet Curtains,. 2 J-4 ysrds.long; spe-v cial the pair.....Y .j.'...f 1.35 Ruffled Bobbinet Curtains, 2y. yards long; spe- ' ,1. . S1.A9 CiaTjTllC Vntli , ........ uTnc"rBobbinet Curtains, 3 yards long; special, the pair... Ruffled Bobbinet Curtains, 3 ysrds long; special, the pair ...,...'.i.......f4.60 H Curtain Swiss 36 inches wide,' assorted color lace stripes; spe - cial, yard ,-4 i.... 4. . 0 38 .inches wide, fancy colored lace stripes: spe cial, yard.. .iaygsy. 36 inches wide, colore'd stripes, dots and figures; special, the yar d ...... A ,,. ' 36 inches wide, white only, lace stripes; special, yard ... .r.. .. ..;..'.. ... ..:.. .,.....- .5 '38 inches wide, fancy stripes; extra special, yd.8a .36 inches wide, lace stripes, dots and figures ; spe- 1 'r. cial, yard. .-4...... ..10e . 34-ineh " Cretonnes.y new 1906 patterns ; special. yard ,..VM,'..f ? - Tapestry, 45-inches wide. Oriental stripes: special. yard. . . ...... . ..... .1 . . 33 45t 60 Bagdad Couch. Covers, 3 yards long; extra spe-" Cim, each....,.-.,.. .. ... . .....4. 8 1.25 . Couch Covers, new Oriental designs, Z 7rds ' long; special, each........ ..fa.OO . 7 Table Covera-bestTapestry, 8-4 aizer specials U each ..81.SO and 2.00 .1 Special lot of 8-4 Table -Covers to gO at, special, :: each :. .... . . . , . ; . . . , . . . ;. , , . . . . .:.f l.oo 5-4 size' Table Covers, assorted colors; special, ' each ..; ..............40 f. Best French TP''y Covers, 6-4 sizeysprctal; , eacn i ..-.1. 1 . swviVF: 77 Bedding- "Comforters, full fi-size, cotton filled; speciaL. each ' iT.-Tri i.n', " .;. ..r. .85e f . r..u ...v.:,. ;n.. ' VVluluuciVf luu mim.1 mit.a; vuwt U(iKU bucvi.i, eaCh ';.... ,.'a,a.,J.ta.a..aaaa... ..81. 15 Comforters, full size, Silkoline covered; special,' each ....................825 ' Comforters, extra large. Sateen covered; special: - eaCh .-. a . a . .V. a . af 3.S5 a Cray and White Cotton Blankets; special, pr..65 Cotton Blankets, 10-4 size, gray and white; spe-; 1ZZ ... ciaL. pair.. ..1.' ..SS Extra Heavy Cotton Blankets, large size; special, : pair a....?.,.... 1.25 Oregon White Wool Blankets, large size; special. pair ...........................3.35 ' Feather Pillows, full 24 pounds; ' special,' each I... 50 7 Feather Pillows, full 3 pounds; special, eacha.T5e ' :. Feather Pillows, ' full 3J4 pounds; , special, : each . ...4l.l5 Bed Spreads, large size, good quality;, special, --each .68a Bed Spreads, new Marseilles patterns, large; spe rial, each . .7 ; 'ivr .r-.r-.-r.-. .-7.T7-.-irr7rr.-.934 - 7 Bed Spreads, extra heavy and large; special, ' 7 each l .rm. .1.29 ; Fringed Spreads, very large, superb pattern; 1 special, each .'. ......... .v; . . . ...... .1.35 - , Silk Floss Pillows, best rrade, 16-inch, 23e; 18 inch, 83a; 20-inch, 43, 22-inch, 63. II fi II II II heets and Pillow.Cases . Hemmed Sheets, standard " quality, sizes 72x90 inches; special SOf and &04 Hemmed Sheets, standard quality; sizes 8190 inches: special......... ....4Te and 50 Hemmed Pillow Cases, best grade, sizes 43x36 inches; special ....Oft lf 12 . Hemmed Pillow. Cases., best grades, size 45x36 : inches; special I2yi4 and 15a Bathing Suits . . ' A large assortment of Bathing Suits- for men and women at lowest prices. Before buying else ,' where, don't fail to look over our line. Suits for .ladies from $1.50 to $10.00. Newest 1906 styles can be found here.- , ' Modes, Porls Patterna, Union Made, lOo Bv Cor. Third and Morrison, Portland, Oregon The Store Noted for Best (foods at Lowest Prices :xsac OFFICIAL COUI.THN 1 ! DOUGLAS COMPLETED " (Special Dispatch te Tke Joareml.) -Roseburg, Or., .June 8. Clerk Agee and Justices lxng and.povlngton today oompletedvthe Qfflcial count for Doug las county, which gives Chamberlain 1,847,' Wttbycombe 1,775," Benson 1.663, roat 821, Steel XJOO, Jdatlock 1.868, Eakln I.OIl, Halley 1.861. Crawfor f,177, Miller 1,180, Imnlway 1.083, Tay. lor 1,182, OalloWay 1,660. Kawley 1,186, Bourne 1,888, Oearln 1,(81. Oray and Jackson, Republicans, are sleeted gver Hunsaker"and Wlnnlford by about. 400; TXonacott, pemoorat ll elected 'county Judge over Thompson, Republican, by 468; McClallan. Republican,' Is sleeted sheriff over Hoover, Demtocrat. ' 2(7; Ages, Democrat, reelected clerk over ' ' -" !'7'- ' iant. Republican, 788: Jlasvyera. Re publican, treasurer over Huntington, Democrat. 1,181, Edwards, Republican.' surveyor over Hefty, Democrat, 8(; ' Hammltts. Democrat, coroner over Keh nedy, goclailst, 1,828; Nichols, Repub lican, commissioner over Wilson. Demo crat, S07v appropriation bill, yes 1,7(1,' no 481; equal BHiTrage, yes 1.188, no 1.862; amendment local option, yea 1,814, -no l,(f(, . -" .. -..vY