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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (June 10, 1906)
144-tnlie rivr rid today for II- on - the Charles R. Spencer, laateat of the (camera on tha Paolflo coast. Sh ' tiles Ilka a bird, and la M graceful a a "wan. Tha passenger la carried en tirely through .tba Cascade range of mountains, and may Tlew - tha mighty waterfalls and cataracts and canyons to tha right, and tha monster towering Kountatna upon tha left. It la tba rlda of a lifetime., It la tha soenle wonder of tha world. ' It has attracted tourists " across tha ocean and bean pictured In . all Che renowned art publications of both contlnenta Tba steamer departs '., from Oak street dock at a. m, re ' turning at p. m. Be one of tha happy , party that makes tha trip today. i A Jury In Judge Frasera court Itn- ? paneled to hear the suit f tha Charles r. Beeba company to recover $781 from ' Leach Brothers' Iron works for 14 tons of pig iron, returned a verdict for tha -defense yesterday afternoon. . It was alleged by tha attorney! for Boebe that there was a shorUge of 14 tons of the iron that had been stored - In tha shop or Leach brothers. Tha def enee con tended that all tba Iron that cad not bean used by them bad been removed by Beebe and set up a counter claim for etorage. Ed Mendenhall appeared a attorney Ion. Leech brothers. ( K A big dry goods sale begins at May ' Allen II McDonnell' tomorrow morning, particulars of which are . announced elsewhere. An unusual arrival of goods has crowded tha departments so much that It has been decided ' to make dle i poaal of all tha goods possible within the next few days. The firm has se cured a lease on tha quarters occupied the .Royal bakery, j. adjoining ...tha store on the west, and will establish Its - linen section there aa soon as the Royal ; moves out. But this wlU be a couple" of months yet. , , We have found It necessary to extend our quarters, and after Tuesday. June 11. onr cashier will be located In suite aos. apposite oar present entrance We allow 4 per cent en all tlm or savings accounts. Interest payable semi-annu ally. First mortgage eecurity filed In trust for every . dollar we handle. k-MlMtemUaJIUlleejlLJrustXojni end floor, southeast corner Stark and W!WTOWKr- V .' A T. Is Puter this Sunday In -prison: To him tha confinement most seem -ar real bora, bat If he should be out when tomorrow's sun has risen w invite him -ts. come and consult Mr. Moor. : Our studio's found In tha Elks' tilt nd ttl.Jju.UdJ atruoture at Seventh, and Stark, and .f rom .10-nnUl t all . this .day , well, be gliding the portraits of men who have - here made their mark. - .Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Burger were tha recipients of a. pleasant surprise party ineir resiaene. 4X7 second street, last Monday evening, being the anni versary of their silver wedding; Their suine ,nver canaeieora. Tba avenina delightfully passed with alnglna and music, after, which a dellcloue sup per was served. . . t , An attachment suit for SITS Ja been filed in tha circuit court by Ir. John Madden against J. C Shofner for med- leal, services alleged to have been ren- reer- anorner daughter, who wa committed to the insane asylum yester cay arrernoon. Bberirf Word attached Shofners grocery store at Park and TamhUl streets. -V , , , Horace Pallant an employ of the Portland Pulley company at East Tam hUl and East First streets, received a sever cut on the left le? yesterday aft ernoon while at work at a baadsaw In tha factory. ' An- ambulance was called and the man was removed t Good 8a- marltan hospital. , Tha Favorite Boating company, foot of Morrison street, south'slde of bridge, will start their mosquito fleet running to tha Oaks this afternoon. Boats leave Morrison-street dock at 1 p. ra. and run every 14 minutes during, ths afternoon and every 10 minutes during the even- . log. . .Tickets !0c. Including admission. The LaPlne Townalte company haa been incorporated by R I Keeney, D. L. MeLeod and Alfred A. Ays, with a -Capitals Stock: of I50,000. The objects are to lay - eu t to wnel tea, - deal ' in real eatats, develop and sell water power and ' engage In the general merchandise 1 ' business. ' - . Water through hose for sprinkling; . yards or sidewalks, or washing porches r windows, mast be paid for in advance and used only between the hours of I and lam. and $ and I p, m. It mast - not be need for epi Inkling streets. . It used contrary t these rules, or waste fully. It will be shut off. " Evergreen Sanitarium. Corbett street. A quiet-fcorao-for the elck -of both sexes and women In confinement. In charge of graduate nuraea from Bel levue and Polyclinic, New York. ' Splen didly furalehed rooms and surgery In connection. Telephone Mala 140. William TeU lodge No. I. tX D. N. 8., wtlt have boat excursion Sunday, June IT. to Washington Grove. Boat will Watches Nowhere In the northwest will ywn find a stock of watches that equals ours. This la not merely aelf-con-cett. but la a statement that Is be coming 'more universally spoken every day. Our display consists - of many make and designs from the good, serviceable timepiece In nickel case ranging from f 4 up, the neat, stylish. IS-rear filled cams, fer ladies and gentlemen from 414 to 30 to the fine olid, gold presentation watches that are valued In the hundred of dot lars. Every watch specially' selected as to modern .design, quality, dura bility, ate. , . ' A broad and - liberal guarantee given with every watch sold.' rise watch repatriaa is eae ef ear gpaela Kiss . . t , The G. Jleitkemper Co. mrtUM Aim rrxTamamTms, nM BtOBaUSOaT STBYBBT. Lowest priced Jewelry house for - high-grade, goods. ,, CUT THIS OUT And keep It In your lnstda pocket. Tha Oregon Trust and Savings Bank pays Interest on eavlnga and S per cent on checking accounts, The bank Is open to receive deposit and pay checks from I to I o'clock SATURDAY. NIGHTS I Do a general banklrg, trust and savings business. We have SAFETY DEPOSIT boxes , yr-'u For rant from 14 per year up. '' Call, In and inspect our splendid vault cc.i it j5f era . Oorae sixth and WasMawtoa Sts .. Portias d, Oregon. - , . .. . , . OFFICERS. rr-W.-"HTMOORE. President. : " " -&K. LYTLK, Vice-President v W. COOPER MORRIS, Cashier. ' : ' , DIRECTORS. 5' ,' V ' ' W. H. Moore, .-. B. E. Lytl, Leo Frlede. H. A. Moore. . ' - ... W. Cooper Morrla. leave foot of Washington street at a. m. All friend and their families kindly Invited. . Round trip 74 cents; ohlldren under-1 , - 4 fr- oenta. " Th ' Banarje Circle . will hold its regular monthly meeting at the home of tha president, Mrs. Abigail Scot Dun wey. street, Monday. slUM p. m. Letters and reports of unusual Interest will be read at this, tha last meeting before the summer vacation. . Dr. Charles W. Hill, Who graduated from' the medical department of the University of Oregon with the class of DOS. will return to Portland soon, hav- Ing hean graduated -llhiilg uhQUOj-(la. leal college of Philadelphia. Flames ' shooting skyward through the chimney of the two-story residence at 471 Salmon street gave the hook and ladder a run in response to a still alarm at f o'clock last night. ' Tha pyrotech nic display lasted only a few minutes, , ..... Louis, Missouri, in 1881. Fanny Pullan has begun a sult-ln the atata, circuit court for atvorce from William Pwl len. They were married at Kingfisher, Oklahoma Territory,' In 1844. . f , assssiaaBas - - , ' - ' Magnlflcent view today. - TheTslght which makes Portland . famous Is the grand panorama of anow peakt, rivers and valleys seen from tha obaervatory. iten Jl4Uxu.J.ur,' Lockaley Hall. Seaside, Oregon's most popular hotel, now open. Accommoda tions can be arranged for by calling on Miaa L A. Carlyl. 474 Taylor street, or phone Paclfle 485.' Max Smith of "The Savoy" " restau rant will close his old place. 144 Fifth street. Monday, June It, at m - His new place, 144 Seventh atretT"rnr he opened possibly la a weekv . - - - Dr.' Breughel's subject Sunday night. White Temple. "Fit and Misfit; or the Round Fellow In a Square Hole." First of series for young men. . Toung men Invited. , Lady ushera. ' This Will remind you that now is tha time to have your hair mattresses reno vated and returned the same day. Phone Main 474. The Portland Curled Hilr Factory, H. Me tiger, proprietor. .--. Portland Development company,", at the Lewis end Clark fair grounds, will give away a quantity of dry wood and apple boxes If removed Immediately. ' Deputy County Clerk C. C Rose left last night for Long Beach, where he will apend a two weeks' vacation. He was accompanied by his wife. Mr. H. P. Palmer, formerly manager of Sellwood Townslte company, is now connected with Lambert. Whltmer V Co 141-101 Sherlock buUdlng , ... . Wa ar atlll selling eye glasses at $1; a perfect fit guaranteed or money re funded. -Metsger Co. Ill Sixth street Wanted coal 'oil cans ', will pay 14 cents. Match Factory, .Twelfth - and Lovejoy. - - " - ? - Acme Oil Co. sella thbe( aafetybll and fin gasolines.. Phono East 784, Tor Quality, Quantity and " Quickness go to Morris' restaurant. Wooater sells evf rythlng 40S Wash ington street, it See Lambert-Whltraer "ad." today. -T r-.-i. real estate Panama hatter, til 4th. hone Pae. 10 T. Prise waits Cedar Park tonight. - . I I 1,1, I III 4 S . . (.. ' v Milwaukio Country Club. Memphis and . Louisville races. Tak Sellwood and Oregon City cars at .First and Alder. . ' esMHs-BSMsWJBBswaBBSSBBssaaBSBasassMSsMw CHILDREN'S EXERCISES AT TAYLOR STREET CHURCH Children' day will be ovaerved at the Taylor street ' Methodist Episcopal church Sunday morntngby appropriate exercisea. beginning at 10 o'clock. Tba following program will be rendered: Chorus, "Hark, the Gladness Ring ing"; recltatlont "Their Message, Rob ert Wllnon; children's day verses, four Minreii: rex nation. tine 1 Pay for the Children,-' Maud McCniryr "A Child's OfTerlng." Keturah Alvord;, children's day verses, three children: recitation. "The Flower's . Telephone." Clarence Howe; "The Children's Sabbath Dey." Sibyl Hammaraly; "Oiir Floral Offer ing." IS girls; solo, "The Rose,'' Roih Mclsaae; exercise. "The Land of Flow era,", winter. Marguerite tHllon; au tumn. Evelyn Ssyler; spring. May Stiine; summer, Helen MeCusker; guar dian ef the flowers. Marlon Humbel; sunbeam. Philip Strowbridge. rain. Al vlra . Thnrlow; dew. Gertrude Lannlng; fairy. Edith Strowbrldg; song. "The Clover Bloeaoma," recitation. "The Clo ver," Ruth Thayer; song, "The Flower's QoodntgM," Wesley , Heharrell; aong. "Theso Pink-Carnations"; song. "Lilies of the Field." Vera Vanachornhoven ; aong. "Lily Bells." Katherin Donald; recitation. "Deer i Little Lilies,' Rosio Wilcox: solo. "The Dw Drop's Bless tng." Herhert Pester t eong. "Quarrel ef the Buttercups": song. "Forget Me Not." Marian Martin; avng. "The Sweet Peas"; recitation. "Ten Lit tie Daisies"; aong. "The Johnny Jump-up"; seas, "Lullaby Foppl." .. THE OREGON SUKDAY JOURNAL, PORTLAND.' SUNDAY MORNING. JUNE 10, LEGISLATORS FOR -COIICMOR Before Election' They Agreed to Vote to Work Prisoners on ' ' State Road.' ' ' COMMISSION EXPECTS VICTORY IN ASSEMBLY Looks Forward to PasMgd of Act Providiric for '. Construction ' of Thoroughfare . From Portland' to California Una by Sute's Criminals . The Oregon legislators recently elect ed are In favor of the employment of state convicts for the building of a macadamised road from the city of Portland to the California, atata Una. At leaat this Is the conclusion arrived at by . R. A-- Harrte,-eortary- of the state road commission, who a ahort time ago aent out letters sounding sths legis lator on the proposition. . .. , ' The stat road commission Is a com mttta of five created by the laat lagis lature for the purpose of "Investigating the feasibility of ths construction of a 'macadamised road from the city of Portland south to tha California atata Una by employing the labor of the oon vlcta of tha atata penitentiary." Pro vided it decides upon ths practicability of such a road thq commission la em powered to prepare and submit to tha next legislature a. bill governing and regulating such construction. . Decided Flea Xa Peaalble. . -Tte tlmeagp that the proposition waa feasible andpiavlng" a:rerrlgeraang ptohTThal "will accordingly Its secretary was instruct ed to draft the provisions of such a bill and ask tha legislators what they thought of It, A number of letter have already been received and so far none have reported aa being opposed to ths measure. The next meeting of the com- mission will ha htld at the PorUaB4 -Jula3atc2 o'clock. Secretary Harris' draft will be aiacussea"athAr tlms-Ttad-mll thus Interested In good, roads, particularly thoae representing departments of road Improvement In - Portland, civic bodlea, are urged to be present - "" aivjrssslnas of legislators." ' In reply to Mr. Harris' letter various J. jN.Hart of Baker City said: "In ie oflmy .election to ' the stath aehat I shall always be ready and willing to assist in the pas sags of every reason able measure looking to this end." J. C Bayer of Portland: - I will give the matter my active support at the present tlm and will also vote favor ably on the proposition in tha leglalav amwTth F, A. Crawford. Dundee you first, laat and all tha time." Jeaae Edward a. Newberg: "I gladly Indorae the action of - the Oregon atata road commission and If elected would support such a measure.' . ' ' , ' C. Ju Barrett of Athena: "I am In full accord with the resolution and will cheerfully give my- Influence to this good work," It Is along- the line 1 1iv advocated for soma tlm," TL T. Reynolds of Salem r "I am In hearty accord with ths idea.". James W. Beverldg of Portland: "Yon will find ma In the fighting Una for wood roads at all times." . L. L. Jewell of Qrants Pas: "I as sure you I am no mosaback and when tha bill cornea up It will have my care ful consideration." ' - ...'. AtWINNINGONTEST Horace A. Wilson One of the Early Birds Many Candidates Are Eag erly Entering; the Great Contest , Balloting Commences Tomorrow. Among the early birds wa find Horace A. Wilson, a young man who is striv ing -W-obtaia an., education and at tha aame time support himseir. a was born In Indiana, but has resided in Ore gon for several years and moved to Portland a year ago, where he Is present a atudent In the high school. It is bis ambition. to obtain a' thorough educa tionand he is desirous of obtaining a scholarship to prepare himself for col- ttvr ' "-" - Thla young maa Is wlthoot parents and deserves a special credit for his battle to earn an education. He In tends to devote his entire spar time, during vacation thla summer, to can vassing for Journal subscriptions, and if hard work and pluck counts for any thing, ha will surely show up . well to ths front ' when the winners are an- noupced. early In September. He eaters the contest well recommenaea oy bis high school teachers.. - ' I After Supper. We' are positively retiring from the retail buainess. v Everything must go in the very few remaining daya Our stores ar wan lighted, and thoae who desire to examine our pianos and or gans and have not tlm to do so during the day can call this evening,' as our stores will be open for business until after. 10. . Besldea, in the evening we are not so crowded And can give .our customers better and more careful at tention. Do not delay any longer. The and Is. near. 'Twill pay you to oa ieaiai iiusrs jr-iaoo siousat . EXPECT BIG TRADE UITII IIAVJAII : : Steamship Line, Confident Heavy , Freight arid Pas senger Business. of bananas'may again . : ; ; BE POOR MAN'S FRUtJ Hiloian First Steamer to Run, but More Vessels WU1 Be Put on U Business Wtrrarrts Round Trip Every Thirty-Four Days. " "W. believe there l a large freight and passenger business for ths proposed Portland-Honolulu- steamship Una. and if thea. expectations ara realised we will add more vessels to - the line and develop the trad to the limit."" said IS. J. Lindsay, secretary and treasurer ef the jiatson Navigation company, which will start its first boat on the Portland- Honolulu run July 1. "The success of this undertaking depends entirely on the way the merchanta of Portland tak hold of our propoaltlon. If they respond by working up the business ws will be able to eontlnue the boat service. If they do not, we will, of course, have to look elsewhere. But wa are not going to get discouraged , at . the start. . Our company will do its full share of. bustling.",,- - . Ths first steamship to teaks the ran will be the HUolan, a ship of 4,000 tons capacity, that has Just arrived from the Atlantic coast and is now at Honolulu, Tha vessel Is modern and well equipped. handle all the butter, eggs and fruits that are - offered from Oregon at the start. If tba business inoreases beyond her capacity, more -vessels will be put on. . . ' . ,' . . ... .... " The Hiloian will mak tha round trip every 14 days, calling at Portland, lHonoluluand . San Pranclsco. It -will "- ausrar direct Id Port- laad merchants. A large 'banana'' tradi trading with the Hawaiian plantatlona It Is -said that Hawaii produces the finest banana, that grows and -the mar ket prices are away below ruling prices In-Portland. Under - tha present sys tem. It is said, prices of first-class in former years regarded a "the poor man'e crult. Portland floor, lumber, fruits, canned goods, condensed cream, cheese, packing- house producta and all kinds of manu factured articles can - b introduced in Hawaii. It - la said no Orand - Rapids factory can compete with Portland fur niture manufacturers and pay the freight rates from Michigan to the Pa- 1 !l'CbW4rt,t'BimUsaiy'alt -eastern good that are just as well manufactured In Oregon will find that they are too far away from the Hawaiian consumer when Portland gets direct steamship conneo- tloas with Honolulu ESTIMATE OF DAMAGE- , TO FURNISH DITCH (SpeH.I Dispatch to Ths to BSl- Echo. Or., June t. It is estlmated that damage by the flood to the Furnish ditch will be ts.000. If the foundation. which is rock set in concrete. Is not in Jured, the loss will be much Ughter than otherwise. . Until the water recedes the Injury to the foundations cannot be known. The flood wUl not delay the company in its work of reclaiming land I under the ditch, as enough water went down during the flood to compensate for. delay -necessary for repairs. Prederick W. woodrloh's VrogMm. Frederick W. Goodrich has arranged tha following program for todays serv loes at flLPavid's church: . Morning Prelude, "Andante" (sixth sonata) (Mendelssohn); anthem. "Holy, Holy, Holy" (Gounod); offertory, "Min uet in B Fiat" (Dethler); poetlude, "Cornelius March" (Mendelssohn). Evening Prelude, "Meditation"-' (Re- naud); anthem. "What A re These' rRla awr):" unrmi t. "Be Thuu Faith ful" (Mendelssohn); postlude. "Trumpet Voluntary (Puroell). Fox anlok results as ths WaaS OoU mmas ef Th jooxaal. . Restaurant COK. nXJU AJTD COVCX STS. - -'-OFB DAT AJT9 SnOBTT. ' ,r' '. Sunday Blase) a. m. to S p. m. BUeed Tomatoes 10et. Cue ambers lOat &ettuo lOe f CUokea Soap i (free with Chiokea Salad. SUroaaals 20 Imported Sardlnee ....15 Fried Basos Clams 15 Fried Salmon Steaks 15 Baked XaUaa4 6f Boiled Balmoa Bellies, Creaaa Saaoa ,.......15f Slsanul Uttl tTaok Clams, Brawn Batter 204 Clam BouUloa, with Toast .15) Boiled Ox Tongue ............... .20 Chiokea Pot Pie. with Bumpllagu 25 Oalves Bajsetbreads thi . r . . ..-40 Half Bprlaa Chlckea, Fried, eu . - Toast .....40 Teal Xearts Braised, with Spaalah Baaee . 164t Baa-out of Chlckea Oik lata. Potato Orouetea 20j man Sir Iota Steak, with Mushroom Saaoe , .., 28) Beeteu Baked Perk aad Beans. ...15) Cora Beef Mesa, with Poached Baxl5 Codfish Balls, wttk Cream Saaoe..! fie) Plekl XAsaaa Toague, wttk Fotat -20 CoU Boast Pork, with Potato Salad. 15 4 Ftsassa Cora Best, wiva staso sjalad . 15tf ppaeruetti, wttk eras ss s .. OraatT Fritters, Brandy Seuee... .15 Oraag Fritters, add Order 5e Asparaerua ou Toast 10 Boast Chlckea, with Preesiar 25a) Boas SprlaaT Uak Kiat Sao, ZOr Boas Teal, with IHssstag f.,15 Bom Pork, with Bnaalsr ...15 Boas Brettoa, wtth Prsasisy ....15 Boas Beef, Pas (rravy ......... .15) Siloed Baaaaa lOa), Siloed Plae- apple lOe. traced Oraaures 10 Stmwhanlaa aad Oieem ........ .lOa Uaakssil Short Oak ,...10a Bed Baspeerrtea aad Creaaa' 10 Strawberry Ft .r... .5) Strawberry la Creaaa ........... .10) Ooifee, Bread aad Butter aaA Petatoea with au aseaua. fa Ladles. o4mencanJ a-sauia, nii. J .isjii si i CORRECT ALFRED BENJAMIN'S Clothes are as good as they look. They look as good as they are. - They are as stylish as they are good.' No matter where you wear them you'll feel well dressed. .; $2Q Formd 311 As to Value Hone lOO TRIMMED HATS t-!T-."f at $1.00 Each You wouldn't like to have us give you a hat, so we say 4L40 each: worth 13.04 to I4.0O. Monday and Tuesday only: Crown Hat Co. sst-sts bcobbzbob: ST. f ftlPORTANT DEALS III REALTY Outside Investors Purchase Lots In Dovyn-Town District for Building Purposes. SMALL LOTS SELLINO AT EXCELLENT PRICES Blake, McFalTcVCor Purchasa"Half of Block Bounded by Yamhill, Tay lor, Third and Fourth Streets and Will Erect Five-Story Bufldin. - A number of Important real estate als were ooncludad yestarday, Al though there waa no single large deal during the week, th segregate ahowa by th closing day's transactions wss a satisfactory showing for . tha realty men. C K. Henry sold tha following: A ouarler block at the north weat cor ner of Twelfth and Flanders, owned by K. K. Baxter and occupied by frame buildings, was purchased by C. B. and A. N. Moo res of Salem. A lot at the northeast corner of Fourteenth and Ilort streets waa sold for th Breck estate to a capitalist, who will probably erect a buainess building. A corner lot at Russell street and Vancouver avenue waa aold for th M. C Moor Invest ment, company. The purchaser will probably build a two-story brick bund ing. - A lot fronting It feet on Russell street, near Williams avenue, owned by Julius Kramer, was sold to an Inves tor who will build a two or three story brick structure. Tha handsome prop erty at the northwest corner of Vir ginia and Vermont avenues. lotrmzo feet, owned by a Mr. McMillan, residing Id the east,- was sold to'a local Inves tor. '. . alf Block Sold. Half of block 47, between Tarn Mil. Trylor. Third and Fourth atreeta, owned by P. W. Thorson. waa sold to C IX Brunn, for Blake. MeFall A Co.. who will build a nve-etory structure for oo- cupancy by their Arm A lot at the southeast . corner . or Eighth and Couch streets has been sold by Cant. A. 1 Peaa to a visiting Investor for 111.000. J. M. Acheeon A Co., the milliners and furnishers, are resorted to aava leased a lot on Firm street, between Morrison and Alder, and will erect a three-story building to eoe t about tfO.000, for the Arm' us. - The lease la for 14 year. The Bariia estate owns th ground. It Is said th Arm has leased the aecond story of the Palling building that la being built at th corner, of Fifth and Washington. - .Brt. (tea Tract Sold. " A 19-acr tract near Mount Zlon. un improved and covered' wtth underbrush and fir. has been purchased for 12,744 by Mia E. Purdy of tha Episcopal sis terhood. The ground waa owaed . by Risk Johnson. Th alt la Ideal for a school or structure designed for phil anthropic or educational purpose. It la said th sisterhood, which now has charge Of St. Helen's hall, mar at som future tlm establish a scnooi r their A half block on th eonth sm er Kearney street, between Feursesnth aad f : r7.xs' Tim' i I 4ir--'M'.-5- "if w . I 16C3. CLOTHES Only At Morrison St., Opp. Posfoffice Do or Can Give Better AUCTION SALE Magnificent Chinese and Japanese .Wares, jCurios-and-rilatting- "TTrrr" A Chance to BayThem at Your Own FljesT""""" Account of retiring from retail business. A large stock to be sold. -. - . ".;''" Daily, 9:30 aahiisaiiins,.swi,,aiieiWa-- nj T jBBBk t0mm ' 1 AndrewIKan& Co, 287 Morrison St. HEADQUARTERS FOR WHOLESALE FIREWORKS. stB?BB?aBS ERICH CAFE AND MUSICHAIl , WEEK BEGINNING MONDAY, JUNE 11 Welch 4 Earl Song and. Dance Artists' Fiechffs Tyrolean Sextette -in The Great and Only Lillian Melbourne Comedienne , Trixetta ; f Serpentine Dancer and. ; -.u. Contortionist . Belle Lawrence" In Specialty MOVING PICTURES Special Daily Matinees from. 2 to 5 o'clock. SPEOAL SUNDAV MATINEE 2lo 5 'Clock J Ptogfara -Cltiriced ...DaDyv- j Entrances at 21 North Third street, 21. 23 and 23 North Sc. ond strccVand 243, 243 and 247 Burnsida street. nrteenth. has been bough i by Dr. C. W. Cornelias from Wskenaa At Mora for 424.444. Th property Is vacant and Is located tn a district that Is rapidly be low built w Hi warehnuee district. ; .crcrmas out somsf. - -Westmoreland, Kan May 1 I, 142 Pallard, rlnow Liniment Compear Tour enow Liniment cured an old sore en tha aide of my rln tnat waa auppnee t be a cancer, i would nn4 J tried Bnow I., la ahort orv J. Caraon, A e are waa stubborn aad ' tn treatment, until I t, which l the work r.til n . 'struate 1 -r a pennsyivai; a i r that i t Is ' A ( l4-cat bt at Ce, V. and 7:30 p. rau, at (TwaMrty raraksraj ' WSOLESALE AX9 CETAIL 6E9CE2 au. an. sas tuh sc. . Jeffiss. - Blc Ston of UtU PrtcsA roixowraa raroxs mu sats tow s 0B XTZBT BOIXAB. VUtXJTt VAaATXXB scromro-s xst BAznra rowoia. la still, per D 4e SXT SaAaTTTLATXS streAa. TO. SACXJ4.TC n us bit aiAjroxATZD m9ix.u.m$ t pkgs MsgBeUs eleaaed eairsata pkgs sew s-uusa ad4 rsistas M.. S IM sew S-arewa lease aTasestssi I -lb ass Btoysl ssklag si saw Oreaes A Biaekwell's sHve efl, at i- ekg Am A Ha bum soda ...u. 4-a4 ssa faasy leSle wm.n.-i..-. H-aal ess faaey table errs..... Ssreads Wkmt MsesnV Bar sag M...M..lo taasr Ksrly Jan Peas, sea ass..... .Sas IS sen Basal Save sea .............ale T eaas Beet hi eerdlaea la eU nMra..Se Oeve sTsters 1-D sua, Bolts, see aa..w.Mee H O eats. S-lb saga, per (... lOe Best BlcBie ssbm, per lb ..T11e Shreeod esceaaat. per lb MMM...U Hr-wbem tees, per asefe Scoto seta, p fkt -T reetasi will, per peg M.ll,.. r.n'e Baptka bms. per be .w.4r Beat sart-wkeat now. per sack 41 lava A Mocha enffea realar SBe) MmuSs w hex soss crackers (abest 1 Ba m..Oa Basils Breaktast tea. per B ., ., , i te faacr Osapewear tsa (regalar SBe) ....... Use rjaeeea Bbwatt. per pa.........M...... DeHTerVM Taessaya aad rxOBB atAIB ass. rrtsaps. SOUllr- nuoR ca .. BUBBIB ABB SBASTri WOAXS. ArtbiUe sues Steels, aBen IrsaM. Cestetery eed balMIs warB BMsaiactand trnm tbe bMt BMrble as4 sreaite. " fSpS)BBSea)eBtBB SttaB) stteaaeS K East tad RaslsM Stfttt aVtSfB -PORT LAND ORE- OON RAILROAD COMPROMISES r - , . ACTION F03 DAf.:ACSS, rSseetil Wspefr testis ) Wall Walla, Wash., Juae 4 promise was raahsd t y of I U Kill and ' Northern Psrin in company was s1 Juries allad Mrs. pills I-" T. '(-- - -t. ' ' ' s4i EsBsCohvell J L