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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (June 10, 1906)
iUHKIY AID BEAUTIFUL- 1L" MOM SIM , ' . . t: ajseajsaTAWaf 7 - a rr v:- ? X-aa - tor ..Oik LiAiLa.Few Drops of eiqpw ,,. . N , -WTC, V fit HE girl who can make her own I Jl coemetlca ! able to ave about X quarter of the price . eh e , would be obliged to expend It - she bought them from a beauty ape ' claliet. ? --1-- The average kitchen contain all the ; tteceesarr parapharnalla, which con- alsts of ah enamel-ltned aucepnrn ; enamel spoon, an tig whisk, a tw old . . i i .A.n ..,t.n fwiti ind Dot J K in Jia mv-w w , , i . . ki , rr.. ma and louoni . 'iriora are few rules to be obserrea ne- yond exercising judgment ana sense. Una thing rnuet always be re- -., membered, that creams ehoftld be made . - ,. .; In a warm room, with the doors and windows closed, and every breath of - . cold air excluded. All Ingredients, Jugs, - jars, even tuti iijwu, hr.ilh nt wind, tha touch, of s Ooltt utensil, and your labor la wasted. , It is well to have everything prepared . before beginning. It is also most ad- vieeble to labei tOl jars and bottles neat-. ly and plainly. . ' - The formulas given, will be found most efficient and will not be -too complicated for the amateur to ppare. , . Cream of Sweet .Orange.' . '1 I ounces sweet oil of almonds. . i ounces o ranee nowsr water. nrmms wn:xa '-1 dram oil of eweet orange. . t,- .--t t drama aparmacetl. - ! ' Aluf uit me tuiuoapan with bolllnr . ter. 8Und the Jam Jar In this. Shred ih- TJ?. nd 'IwimaceU Into the Jar. Let It dissolve. Heat almond oil and add to the wax. 7 Heat . orange flower water; add It half a teiapoorTful at a time, etlrring the mixture quickly. Utl the Jar out of the saucepan. Beit mix ture with tha whlalr irl. " . ,.- "".y cream until It I - parchment " rviu. rui . in dou ana cover with How Women Can Get Kid of By Dr. Emma Walker. ' Copyright. IKa. by A. B. fiarnea at . IT is a very common thing to hear a girl say. "Oh, dear I 1 am so 'blue today. I don't know what la the matter with me. Nothing special seems to have gone wrong." Now, in such a case something vary special has always gone wrong and very wrong at , that. - "Ibis condition can almost Invariably - be traced to aome physical derangement. It la often due to sluggishness, either of the whole body or ot some particular organ. We generally think of the liver at such' times and with much reason, for when this great gland Is not In good running order It will upset tha whole system. ....--.J The girl who Is "bilious" Is very apt to be a frequent victim of "the bfuea."-" '" must sna no to mm. nf )n. depression J uooa vigorous exercise in the open air will do a great deal to mend matters. Practice deep breathing in your dally walks. This Will soon be V come a habit. - .- An orange eaten before breakfast, to : ' wether with a glass of cool water, is ex- ' . eellent for this trouble. Other causes ' of depression are anaemia and chlorosis, conditions so often met with In growing -girls. Such girls need abundance of sun shine and sleep, as well as plenty of 'nourishing food. Milk la useful In these troubles. ' - Kemember, however, that anaemia la a much-abused word. It Is a mistake to " ' think that all pale girls are anaemia. This term can be applied with accuracy only after a aclenilllc examination f , the blood hai been made. - Btlll other fertile- caasea y of "the blues" are overwork and loss of alespv , The remedy for both of these Ills Is self apparent. Do not overtax your strength, ' and do not worry! Quiet brain work without brain worry can be carried ore . for a long time. Bur when Interrup tions occur, end the mind Is distracted, jhy worry, uien the strain begins to telL Look on sleep not only a a necessity, but alo as a duty. . ' As there la a reason for all things, so -: M ' r-v. i - : . it' and Crcm? Powder of White (rcrnnium, . A Idllet Powder.) . . .. . U pound starch powder. . 1 ounce powdered orris root. ' -H dram oil of eersnlum. Crush free from lumps. Add the per -" e a drop at a time. luys "there Is one for "Blue Monday." Many girls oo too much on Sunday. Especial ly those girls who worn hard all the., wee suouiu spent! a quiut, rcsif at Sun day. Never ell up lata ounuuy nitfui if you Can possibly help it, for it will start you wrong for tha rest of the week. If you don't feel cheerful, stand Jn front of your mirror and look so, at , least. Smile, and your mood will In voluntarily Change. t 'r owning tisoa up , valuable energy. ... ' . Cheerfulness la a good habit. Just aa worry la a bad bablt. You can cultivate one Just aa vastly aa you can cultivate the other. . . When you get where you can laugh at an unpleasant experience the stuia baa aone from it. Cultivate the habit et looking at the bright side of things. I was reading the other day of an- In tervlew of a girl with her physician, , Blie waa telling Mm In a treaie mannas ... of a nervoua paroxysm which she naa had. She had rushea to ner cipset, banged the door, and then Jumped up and down, shrieking wildly. The doctor's eyes twinkled aa he aald to her: "My dear girl, what a plty that you don't possess a Tteener sense of hu mor. It Is a wonderful help In this dally ' life of ours. If you had trained your self to see tha ludicrous side of things, by the time you had jumped your sac-, ond Jump In the closet, you would have been so aroused at the contortions you were going through that your nervous ness would have paased away as sud denly aa It came; for the hearty laugh ' that you woula have bad at your own ridiculous appearance would have broken tne nervoua .enslon and brought you relict from your overwrought con dition." . The author of "Crankltms" says: "Laugh and the world laughs with you; weep, and the worM laughs at you' A hearty laugh acta like magic. Its vlbra- 1 tlona seem to force new life Into the very springe of our. being. It la an accepted fact that cheerful fiesa and pleasmeble emotions have a1 happy Influence on the proceae Of diges tion. The old custom . of exciting laughter at table by jesters wag founded .asewaiswejswaw p y HMeessslessssssaassanMsassBMeBa .... i ' .. Snow of Cucumber ' (For Sunburn, and Freckles.) t mall cucumbers. . ,' . 4 ounces olive oil. i ounces lanolin. . 1 oram whit wax. f 1 dram, sperwaueu. .' Heat ollva oil. ' Bile ' up tba cucum beri. not removing -the peel, and placo In tba oil. Leave for twenty-four hours. 'Strain. Continue aa tor cream of sweet orange. -f i .,., 'r'..- lotion of lAranaez Plowst. - CToUat Lotion to ta Added to Water WWl Washing) .- t ounces i-ectifled aplrlu of wine, ounoa of spirits of ammonia. . dram oil ot lavandar. '"" Mix liquids 1 together. Bottle ' shake, . , ' 'Oil of Sweet Jasmine. - (A Hair OH.) ounoas aeantlass castor oil. ' . tit ounces oocoanut oil. - ; 1 ounce of rosemary. . ' - - - Vk dram oil of iastolna. Mix olle with gentle heat. - IBbua Xor-Ava mixuitea. Lotion ot Borgunotr" (A Cleaoaing Hair Lotion.) ' 1 ounoa sou de ooloena. X ounces reotiaed spirits of wlna. . ounce sromaOo ttrH ot smmonla. 4 ounoas of water. ' hi ounoa aaseiH or Mix spirits, add water. Shake for t ; mlDUtsa altar toiuuif. Violet Tooth - Powder. 1 ounces precipitated ekalk. I ouni es Bowderad orris root. ; Eye Lotion. Jounce borlo acid. , pint of bolting water. Put borlo acid In a baaln. Pour water , In. and allow the acid to dUeolve before - bottling..,. .. t ; " MUk of Wilte Bosea. - -. (A Cure for Wrinkles.. U pint of roeewater.v . . " - 5 ounce simple tincture of bensols. 1 a rope o( atw m ' Put the rose water In" "a basin. "Add the tincture of benaotn a drop at a tine. Add attar of roses, and bottle. Lotion of WUtt Violet '- v .A Month Wash.) 1 eunees' rectified spirits of wine. 1 ,. 1 ounce eeeenos of vlolela. , ;, t. dram spirit ot peppermint. -"Mix and bottle." LabeLA teaspoontul to a glass of water. . . .. . . BBHBpjpBjpsaBBBfhBBlBBBB the Blues on a true physiological basis. On the contrary, - worry, anxiety, fright, or extreme excitement of varl- i ous kinds have a depressing effect on ' 'v' nul only tu the atomacu, but and nervous system, nervous dyspepsia ' and loss ot Weight often follow prolong- mA an, . - ' ed anxiatv. Aa a wise man says: "If you have not slept, or if you have slept, or If you : have headache, - or sciatica, or leprosy, -or thunder-stroke, I beseech you, by all angels, to hold your peace and not pol lute tho morning, to which all the housemstes bring serene and pleasant -thoughts, by corruption and groans." . 1 once knew a woman who, on every prignl Monday morning, worried tor fear that -the - next Monday morning would be stormy, and that the laundress would be obliged to dry the clothes In tha attlnl Worry la ""Inability tol withdraw at tention from unpleasantness." Worry is a vlca You can overcome It It you will. Thlnge that trouble you at night will not trouble you after eight hours of ,re- ' freshing eletp. Distract your attention from unpleasant thoughts. 1 When you smile mean It. Let It come from within, and do not assume It with the mistaken Idea of looking amiable. A genuine emUe Is a wonderfal thing, and changes a whole countenance. But have you ever aeen your faee In a mlr tr with a smile which you had In a " ipell of absent-mlndedneas forgotten, till you suddenly caught sight of Its poor, . vapid remnants? How inane It tooKx! . Another habit so essy to form and SO hard to break la that of frowning, or scowling. I paased a girl on the avenue one afternoon, and her face waa abso- ' lutely screwed up Into a knot. Knots msy be unraveled with patience, but ir is not always so easy, to smooth out tba wrinkles that are. caused by such bad bsbits aa theee. 1 Cultivate repoee of the muscles of the ' fa oe as 'well as of other parts of tho boly. . ' - Walk-In the sunshine, and 1U light Will be reflected in jrour faces. - aigesuou, nul oniy tu tne atomacu, out tne naima. " 'Z. 'T,' nTwlr- also in the Internes. here ma touting uie acalp in perfeco be disturbance both of the circulatory the end of your hair carefully. Bo-" ; i ,f A:',mvy w urn- r: a . v k-. ; i - ,5?..' .-.i. ..v.r" r-. Bl 3 V'Tnl J. Vt P . ' X l(9W B I . . Si . - llBssBs5sss5i ' WTIaf HE girl who would be beautiful must take two words as her mot- ' to through life "self -daniaJ" Md i:.. ."perseveranca." Possibly the lat ter la the most Important of all, and It V Is lack; of perseverance that haa caused failure In many a beauty quest. .. - ' ' It Is useless io-dany one s self a cer tain dish, which means indigestion and muddy complexion, tor-arx days' in the --week, and then Indulge lnt on the sev enth. It la Just as useless to devote a ' half hour daily to tmoroviiur tha annaaiw - '. ance by exercise, massag. etc for sav era! days In the week, and then utterly , . neglect this care for as many more days. Tha following extract from a letter written by a famous beauty of the court of Queen Marie Antoinette shows how . necessary waa aystematlo perseverance , In the pursuit of duty - considered In , those days; ..; v- . It will, no doubt; amuse thee, dear friend, to learn how curious are the methods at which I am at present . . employed. Not only must I use va- ' " , rtous pomades, lotions and ointments,' ' .' but the queen has been gracious ly p teased to inaugurate the "hundred" - system, in which ber malda have . ' been Initiated, arid I Instructed. This " " . . system le-to lndRre regularity In the - treatment: It la remarkably tedious, " ' - but - promtees vast Improvement of the hair and complexion, and consista ' ,of applying the numeral 100 to all rubbings and brushlngs ot the akin and scalp. It la easy to grasp the Importance of the "hundred" system.- For Instance, rue strokes of the brush cunstUute qHe a thorough brushing, and the hair that receives this number regularly each day will surely "shine like saUn aftera lew weeas coniinuea treatment. The same thing .applies to the face. If every portion of the skin Is gone over 100 times with a aponge and cleer wa ter, it la quite aafe to say that there will not be left a particle-of foreign mat ter to clog the pores. Not only that, every tiny cell will have received an amount ef IHetloa- ha will tone up the ax in. So manv women ask jrJe. "What shall I do to prevent a double chlnT" Let me tell you that it you would determine to ' Mrs. Symes' O' ,NR IN DISTRESS. Bleaching tha superfluous hair with perox ide Of hydrogen will make it less noticeable. Electrolysis or X-ray are-the best-known methods foe harmless and aafe removal; if you can not hard these, the next best thing la to apply a depilatory,, which can be pur chased. In either stick or liquid form. . TaTo Avoid Using a Stain. A- Ds-Before resorting to the use ota stain 1 advise you to try regaining the natural r -'-.-.T' dally massage wltn a gooa tonio aim rub pure vaseline Into the roots several timea a week. In a person as young aa vouare It la quite possible to thus nour ish the hair, ao tnat it will regain Its orVnal colon The general health ahould be kept In good condition. , . j An Excellent Remedy. '' Mrs A. L. O. Dr.- Vaueaire's Kemedy la excellent for bust development and Is periectly harmless. -4 i . To Clear. ComfUxion MABtCL. To clear your complexion, rub the face over, Juel before washing " it with two teaspoonf uls of Oowera of . sulphur, mixed in half a pint of new milk- This mixture should stand a little wnlle before It Is used on the face. Tou w II also find that using the orange flower cream at night will Improve the appearance ot your akin. ; . Increasing Weight- I am so Interested in your page that i want to see If you can help ma. . I am very . - thin and would like you to give me some thing ihst will fatten me In a very short time. I have tried many different kinds of tonics, but they don t da any good, so I tkouant I woald aak you. V, ill yau please - sea If you ess help enar H. W. . Leannees and Emaciation. Absolute freedom from ears and anxiety. At least taw bourn sleep out et every twenty-foor. In. addition tothls, nape dur- Ins the day If noselble ."Thla Bleep tnuat . alwaye be natural. Nothing la ao bad for tne appearance and general health aa slee " Induced by anodynea or nareollce In anv, form.; The diet should be liberal and should . . ' consist largely ot food containing atarob ' and sasar; potatnea, freeh sweet butter. ; " milk, cream, fruits- cooked and served with, .sugar, ail vegetables sustaining starch sad .BaaaBtaMnMti fiftawMi lOOfhokes throwback your head of go through the- bead- rotation movement 100 times each oxy, the chances are nine out of ten that you would have no further trouble ' . in una direction. fS God er of oeenlrigUjlTbjrliwliXltt believe that lUw deep thoroughness andreguTarity, and tha i naw rne matter or oroaaening cneat. i nrmiy bene' breaths of rood fresh fresh air, taken every , morning, would broaden the cheet per- , ceptlbly and. In addition to this, would ; Beauty Advice; to Correspondents surer, a urn aa or a, sweet uouiums. Ueane, imu, fooda of the macaroni and spacheiu kimis, San and orstera, tee cream, deaaeris wtthotlc nalrv i.lAntv mt outduur Ufa and a moderate amount of exerclea. Bleep In a well-ventllaUU room. I do not believe an one can rein flesh If there la aa internal dtavaae; certainly not l( there la any ten dency to dyspepala or liver trouble. Where the patient la plump In one part of the body : - and falls In another, a symnaatio course IB advlaed. There la nothlna setter than bl- , cycling, unless It may be a regular ym- naatle course. In order to pursue the lattr properly the patient la advlned to go to a hret-elaaa gymnasium, submit to an examt- nation and take the exercise prescribed by h- nh.ali.iui. Theee aymnav , i .t m,i,.ii nricea. mar be found .n the development is meagre In the upoer 1 a i T i j .HlMM.inas. Ia alavri sin CrK soma. The patient who wlahes e K nan never do so If she WomM, harassed or permits her. nerves to better or Bar, Use of Galega -- -t Haia used several of your formulae, snd find tfiem very ben-ftclal. ana wou.u to know If galesi IS In any way InJ""0" - ' . ----- , .galcga la as one ot n",BJTS,"hTa Dr. Vaucalre s Kemedy. Takerl to thl. manner It la perfectly bar.lsa. L Internal Treatment. " v O. Peroxide Is an 1 excellent bleach for the skin, but your case needs Internal treatment, ae the sal low ski n you escribe indicates some Inward disturbance. The following . preparation Is ood for removal ? mtn pyc Xotl. patch. .oT ifncTCn.'m.i'wh,!: 1 Ireemltata. 1 centigrams; eeeenee of roee, ' fsrupa. Apply to moth batoh Bight and ina-rotoga. . For Reducing Flesh Mrs. m. V. I do not know any harm- . less Interns! remedy for reducing tha flesh. There are many anti-fat prepara tions on the market, but I know nothing regarding their merlta An excellent ex ercise for reducing the abdomen end hlpa Is to lie fist on the floor v.iH t-e feet plkced under some heavy or- t i hold them 6rmly. Without bend.. I a knaaa. raise tha body to an uprlt. .. i - Will -be of the greatest possible benefit to tha whole system. Of course. It will not b advisable to take 100 breathe at first, but take aa many as you comfortably can. and gradually increase tne numoer. woman who perseveres and wUl keep) the hundred" tlmee her goal la aura to accomplish gratifying results. sltion. Do this as often aa possible without overtlring yourself. : Hair Too Curly Would von pleaee repeat a tormula for stralgbtenlng ' kinky hair." that 1 ssw la wur ouiuuin aoout inree yeara aso. i nave) ueeu it, and find It sood tor klnltr Hair and maklna tha hair srow also, but I have mlalattl the rvdi.i -khlh I hft.a kent all tMa time. It con tal na beef auet, yellow beeswax and one or two liquids. I think ' one was roaewater. but I am not sura, and , cannot remember the quantity at all. i ft. A. W. mneton). I think' the following preparation IS the pomade-to which you refer: Anti-Kink Hair Pomade. - Heef suet, I ounces: yellow wax. 1 ounoe) . ...ivr .on, a ounce; oei ell of lemon t. .ram' , i- .S'aDei - w-.x"oVT'Soi,'Siat and acid and allow to . XflX that ,Uet .nil a. add the castor oil and acid and allow to to tba !"vi7"( yvut, tnea ana ine ous, .e.PPir imk aa any other pomade. "Lost Formula' Please publish the quinine hair tonic. It was to be used after the dandruff tonlo. t have mislaid the receipt and would be very thankful to you It you will send It, It. A. ' - Quinine Hair Xoulc , Sulphate of quinine. 1 dram; roeewater, ounces; dilute eulphuria acid,, If minima; ractiBed spirits, t ounoea. Mix1; then fur ther add glycerine. .14 ounce; eeeenee royals .or nunc, niuak, I or minima. Asitate until-eolullen is oomplete. Apply ti ma ' nww every day. Superfluous Hair. , ANXIOUS.-The orange-flower cream will not promote growth of superfluous hair. If you can have your face maa sated I once a week by a specialist and give It dally treatment yourself it will ', uirein... auu van PUrcnaa oepiiatonea for the removal of super- fluoua hair In llnuid. iwail,. i--.-- form. Scalp massage and brushing com bined are excellent for the hair. Grateful Correspondent - In recatd to the recipe which you publish ed in our column about two weeks ago aa a gnoa enampoo .or usni nair, wtuia y'j kindly Inform me throush your pur how thla abould be applied T ttnouia the wtmie rerlpe re used for one thampuo and should It be rubbed Into the scalp or miaed wiia the rlnalns water t To vou thlna that eit of tartar keeps the heir from grewing O'Okt , i I have tried eeie or twa of vmrr eh t irmuias. aj4 wlah to take tins eppor- tunlty of thanking you for the good then have been to sea. ,.:.;. . . ,. ... h. o. n. The shampoo ahould be rubbed wel ' Into the roots of .the. hair, and then rinsed out thoroughly with clean water. The formula given makes the) amount usually required for one) ahampooi' - r 1 .". t .. Wrinkle Lotion Beneficial J Will yotf kindly send me the formula foe) the satrlnrent wrinkle lotion you reoonv- . . mendT I had H made op over a year age) ' and found It vary smcsrlrais, sat have loal the formula. . Lotion for Prematura Wrinkiea. j " Alum. W s-ralns; almond milk ttluok), lit ounces: roaewater. ounoea. , . f Dissolve tha alum In the rosswater, them : pour (ently Into the almond milk, wrus . constant acltatloa. rapply wltn a soft llaea : sloth every nlsnt beture retiring. . Restoring the Hair Mrs. , Jl. you get your calfl rfect condition by massage and) In rjerf , application Bf a good tonlo. I think U . will regain ita formsr color and lua-i tra. I know the application ot an greasy substance to the hair la uiw pleasant,, but I have known, of cases where the dally application of a littler vaseline to the roots of tha hair fort about a month haa accomplished! wonders In the way of restoring th hair. Of course, you may shampoo frequently during this treatment, and thua keep tha hair from appearing toe .oily. . -.;.., " ; I TdDarkinTheLashes "Win yon please mibuah farnmla roV ChU , urn eyelash atalaf -1 snail, aa very thank 1. ful If yon wtIL -- . . M. . H. T Chinsae Eyelaab. Btain. J Ornn e.-ablo. 1 dramt India Ink. dnam roeewater. ounoea. -- I Powder the Ink and sum and triturate; small quantities of the powder with thg roeewater until you get a uniform klaoal iimiid In a Dow dm-, snd than add tba r4 applied with a. vary brush. mainder of the roaewater to K. It shouiej s . 1 1 ."" Sallow it kin ana, maexneaas - Kindly send me the bast f?4 ?? k for blackheads and sallow ewaf4exloa. ma . mm 1 Z am giving you lotion for the ,7 blankheada. Sallow skin .3 - moval o aioaiei aoma disturbance of tha llv or digestive organs, and requires ln ,--.1 treatment. No doubt a sTOOel blood purifier might help you. Drlnk4 Ing plenty of water and exercise tal the fresh air are also helpful. . Lotion for Blackheads. . j ' Pure brand v. f ennces; eologna, I eanee. liquor ot potaeen, H ounce. . Apply at nisnt, aiier waening ioe raeq. thoroughly soap and water. To Bleach Superfluous Hair 1 ' It reading your valuable column t found the remedy for bleaching down, which tal lee peroxide of hydrogen and a weaJt eola tion of ammonia and water. De yoa SrsS see the peroxide ot hydrogen, snd bo-M ' long must it remain on and afterward tha solution of ammonia sad water? u. L. First apply the ammonia solution.' After it dries, apply the peroxide ol hydrogen and let it remain on aa ton aa Couvenient. . . l . . ,. . as OOUVenlent. Improving the 'Arms MARION 8. Dally masaags with s) good akin food will develop and InM prove the condition of your arms. T-g orange-flower cream la good for thM. so la cocoa butter, but tha latter should not be used too frequently If thern ul any tendency to growth of auperauoud hair.: ' : r. : Hips Too Large Will yon kindly tell what i eea.e taj V reduce my hips snd abnonten, sa I wear short dreeeea f How ran. 1 redoo tet l Mt . 1 am not (alt, and I alalike la pu - on long dreeeea. aa I am yuaag. lay) hips are very tal, ' 'the following exercise Is aa txeel lent one for reducing the hlpa. JUaoe hands on blpa. shoulders well bsck. The leg Is raised with koee -nes-n-h.e. uftee a hlirtv. oul. k side klrB. k.l.e tha foot . .T hi, should be repealed several tlmee ma enw - loot awa iin ,v .itai ,.- ; i Cream for the Skin ADMIRER. The orange-flower eres Will feed the skin ami f..-e white. When ul at i . left ootuntil mor"1"' 'When applied expoeure to a a soft C- wltn a ' l-nt r 'jo r t