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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (June 10, 1906)
Tin OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL, PORTLANbT SUNDAY -MORNING,.- JUNE 10, 1904. rs. The Week's Progi-p., 'A IUw of Recant Mancog U Scl v' j ' ' ; oaco ul Inafutry. Address BpplCs and Indices Useful to AU Business Men. w ' rt" ' ', i - J 8UNDAT. JUNE 10, 18C. Alaska theSfolden also to rich In cn4ldra . bit quantities of silver, copper, and coal, and , ' , promises to do something' ' AUlae with tin and petroleum. Kick la-" whlch rseeaUy nave beta. V ff)tAlaT Adiecovered. The annual gold ' -i . ' production representee. Tatua Of lom 97,000,000. The mining of placer gold Is-carried on In June, Julyi August, and September. Mining operation are rendered difficult not only by the short arallabla aeaaon, but ajeo by the lack of fall J In the etreams, tha poor supply of water and 1 timber,', the half froaen oondftlon of the I gravel, and tha high coet of tabor and trans' .T'port. Despite these' obstaclathe1wfd and" ' uniform distributing of 'alluvial gold, tha , .'. fcsalthyi climate, and tha proximity of the . v ' phenomenally rich gold field of the British ' ' Tukon region Justify prospecting and mining ' 'Cover-large areas. " Stream tin; discovered In , '", the Onlkovlk river In 1800, baa been found ' y- over an area of 450 square mile. 1 Promising' surface Indication of petroleum' have been 'i . found In tha Controller bay, Cook Inlet, and ' , Cold, bay fields. . Though only a few wells have been bored there, seem to be ample : ' (.' Jut Ideation for further prospecting and for . ; believing that the Paplfle ooast rglon of Alaska may prove an Important aource of . Illuminating oil. Coal, mostly of a llgnltic . : character, also widely la distributed In south- : western Alaska. wbllat the coal of the Cape . Llsburns region are of two distinct clasaea, low grade bituminous eoal of tha meaoaoic ? age and high, grade bituminous coal of , : paleoaolo ago.- :'": ; : 'v ; -' . . T . I - What Is sugar- good f op besides pleasing the sweet tooth? Tha French sugar manufac- - -rarer are -efferina: for com petition a prise of about f 25,- r Jncreislntf. ooo for a new application of Consnaaptlaa sugar In the Industries other , c'i asr.r than the food Industry. A'. ? rendition of the award I that the suggestion craie ln"nie cdheumptlon of sugar of at leaat 100.000 tons In tha year. port of tba syndicate I promised In the event. ' t. ardlmlnuUea e tha complete abolitlOB-ot the present sugar tax being necessary for the aucceeaful development of the proposed ap plication. Foreigner are not prevented from ; . taking pert In the competition. , - Even the-deaerta have their botany, as the desert botanical laboratory at Tucson, Aria. - ' , -;. Is witneaa. The water rela- j y-HoBtg- tlona of the plant of arid In tko T3reglono ao delicately are ad- - vZ.-. ' Juated that a alight verta- - tlon In the available supply or -In the relative humidity of the air pro- ducea a oulck and notable effect, A ehrub;' called ccotllld had been without leaves for - several weeks owing to a long period of ' drought On June 29 three gallon of water -r :.'r poured slowly In th ground at the b ef th plant; on Juty 1 leaf buda were I bervd. which by the afternoon of the next day"had-become an Inch long and four day " afterward were full grown. The period of , . ".activity of planu depend -on the period V.J during which they retain their leave. : In - the case of desert planta growing under ad verse conditions In addition to the large amount ef moisture preaent in tbe air, which ' retards transpiration and the assist the plant in reserving to torn titent the amount . pf water at Ita -disposal. It I considered probable that the leave absorb atmoapherlo moisture in aufflclent quantity. -to be of bio ' logical Importance. It baa been proved ibat stem of eootiUo absorb both water and at moipberlo moisture: It also baa been ahown , that a branch of ocotlllo without leave eao absorb a sufficient amount ef water to in ' due tha fprmatlon of leave. 1 : i , .'!.'.".-, Tn lon :. . rossii hair Is a swological novelty, preserved In amber have Insects since been studledr am scribed carefully, with th FoggUr result-Thatnn inosr cueiTrrostrror they bav been found te In lal.. approximate uioarijr w uvins '. types. A German naturalist haa now found hairs of mammals which suggest th 4or mouse, although, as It not yet haa been - found possible to Identify them with those of any known genua, It haa "been auggeated that they Indicate an extinct ancestral type. ' Flying, snake leap n Borneo from (he boughs of trsce to the ground. Thelrwscalea , ' - :. on the lower surface of the r Flying body are provided with a 1 Seroentg ' future, . or hlnge-llne on In lornoo. CB alde "" by ntena of a muscular contracting theae calea can be drawn 'Inward so that the " whole lower surface becomes quit eoncave, and tha snake Itself may be compared to a . rod of bamboo bisected longitudinally. By experiment It waa noted that th snake, when falling from a height, descended not In writhing colls but with tae body, held stiff and rigtd, and that th line of th fall waa at an angle to a atralght line from th point of departure to the ground. It Is supposed to be,- highly probable that th concave ventral surfscc of th snake help te buoy it up hv lt fall, a It can be shown : that a longitudinally bisected rod of bambo falls more slowly than the.undlvlded rod of equal weighty - - - - 7J"Plctnr""telegTams ave been wired front Nuremberg to Munich, 100 mile away, and apparently could have been - - 7"' ' sent ten time that distance 4 Sending with equal ease. In Prof. Fictnret jvom s apparsiua mi SKetcn fry WlfO - K,M,a' IUM.1.UW .imua- 1 lucent, and Is attached to a cylinder mounted on an axil by which It I elowly rotated, moving at th earn time from right to left in. fact, moving much aa th wax cylinder In the phonograph doe. A beam of 'light is directed on th cylinder and passing through Unmodified by the image on that particular part of th sketch, falls upon a selenium sell within th cylinder. Thl cell 'forms part of an aiectrlc circuit. Tbe re sistance of a selenium cell varies according to tbe light falling upon It, and In thla way fv-f. J,'n,'.Tt "V?" T lp,rn tnt .-C....tnf W")-! Ol! f f lUIlt tl)l Hn -. the current flowing In the circuit ef which the - :ine forma a part la modified. Th receiving . apparatus oenalat of a similar cylinder re volving synchronously with the first with photographic paper fastened outside It, and with a Nernet' eleotrio lamp occupying tbe place of the selenium cell. The light of the lamp fluctuate In unleoivwtth the light fall ing en the selenium, and ao affects the peper ' and reproduces on It the lmg on theflrit" cylinder. ''jonii A. Howlawb. " P , r ' .... - ' - ..i.r- - - J , Easy Money from ;,Kihd Hearts eHAHlTT covers a. muititua or sins, . almost a many back, and quite a bit ' of graft. . In my, experience In chari table work last summes I discovered ' some of theae truth. It was the first time In all my life that I ever engaged In any. charitable' enterprise and the needy that I sought to relieve waa myself. -rr----r-Any on will beg, borrow,, or steal In tha ' name of charity.- They may be aa personally honest a a trust magnate and they would be . horrified at the Idea ef begging or stealing tot themselvea, bur charity make them re spectable. At least this l the theory Z vfoi ketl on; e 'For Iho Benefit of tk BeathenT The sup- V Then a fellow 1 met accidentally put n on to r ..... .,l'.v. ' T:i (Li v .1.: ' u bot once a month. There war so the party of the firm of Bmlth VjCo. with v. m .. . . .. - . . ' H"Uijr wim un iuuii milU' WV lew u HltQ. WOOTO yOU BX acquamieu y . oio m win iiicwun nuur rwu; mM aireaay Die coneciea irom m nana onnim. Me-e grown arraia to wora It for a big .church, charnable orgamaatlon, or fraudulently printed, and he explained to me that I wa to sell these at 28 cants a copy tor tba benefit of the heathen somewhere, or home misalona I waa to get 23 per cent of the money resigning from auch sales. About a week later, when I had? received $12 beelde a little-expense money from blm I discovered that he wa keeping all the money. ' tee tn reat ot the literature and destroyed V Three day later, when I waa Hungry. J ramer regreiiea Destroying it. I Joined a ctrcu that waa moving toward HAT la character? To my mind It v la the psychlo thing that makea to tha Individual and the nation en during success- lsv distinguished - ( from that fleeting- phantom ao aor- dld n Ita color that offenda constructive de velopraent -- Emerson In a definition of this mystlo word saya: " Thla la that which we call character a raserved force, which acts directly by pres ence and .without meana. '.'it 1 conceived. of aa a certain undemontrable force, familiar or genius, by whose Impulses the ieVbno.. .... i iiw. . -iTi-i-i- i man Impart.' ..... - - " the Bhenandoah Trailer to-Wtnchesterrand. pa.ll IhMfl, n ,M. It IrA w Wh . wlnil flAM ' surrounding himself, with a routed army. marched th boys In blue to victory. 1 (ijr did the boys rally and cheer and fight tike demons a winning battle? Did Phil bring to them anv tornedo boat or cruisers of War. anyhaplltmenl or paraphernalia of .wi or convey to a-nunary army any good thing to aunrrr armv anv rood tninrs for their commlaeary -department? No. Why 1 then did they pringp Ilk Lochlnvar'a re- - HivenatMl . areat soldleraT Th anawer la.. Sheridan rode among their broken ranka with Sheridan a living, forceful, presence and with hypnotic power lifted a broken army. That I what I mean by presence-character. - e . e . Napoleon an Example. If you have not read Abbot biography of . Napoleon, read It; and how you will wonder at hla powerful presence-character, ar.d how . you almoat hold your breath as you see. the little emperor silently walking among ' the tmpetuou French aoldlera on thebat - tlefleld of Austerllts, when th French arm were' .triumphant; and on th battlefield of ' - Waterloo, when "the French" banner, waa . dragged down, through the accident of war; gnd In the campaign In Italy and Egypt; . and In the retreat frpm tha burning Moscow, r with a freest ng, starving army.. Did not the soldiers,, In victory and defeat, as the little ' man stood silent, or walked among them. Women's Hotels Are Needed: Should I FI wer a man or a woman m aeerch of a good builnes ' opportunity. I'd lose time In opening a hotel or boarding house for women, to be conducted on strictly masculine line. There'd be money In It. I'd take special care te hav the food good and abundant, tbe bed easy, th atmospher -entirely businesslike, and to keep out all ug geetlon of thaJJ Tea rjoe,-er-chlld,u-er " I'm merely exercising thl supervision, for your own good, dearie "' attitude. And If vT-I-caugwt-myall -wantlnwr to mLW- artuTa1ajordFrern-j wnai ny qia in privaie, a a wiui up swp once. i . j .The homeless man te beloved andrherlahed . of all th room renting and) boarding house keeping contingent but tbe homeless wom an! Th universal Idea seems to be that very really nice Woman has a home setting by divine right, and that any failure in thie direction tmplleav te aay the leaat, a sus picious weakness of character, though, for financial reason, the feminine boarder really ehould be popular with her hoetv The home- lee woman retaliate by regarding alt land- ladle with 111 concealed dislike and antagon ism. Bo It' either an open feud or the " King, cold, proud mad " ef Myra Kelly's children between them all the time And all tbe wom en boarder think th landladies " began It," of. course. '. ''. ... . . . . ,0 . . Long ana Joyleig Que it for Homo. ; " Ever since I came to the city to work life haa been one lorfg and Jo less quest for a . ..." ''''' Sa.mviel Davis. my home town In western Iowa, Intending - to leave It there and quit being a tramp. -I waa then down, In eastern Pennaylvanla. I . waa a canvaa hand. We want wept by a tor tuou rout "and I never could accumulate" enougn coin to pay-my way noma, so was .w , ,' . t forced to ctoth place '-r week .... The wcond week on ot the canva handa .came to me and aakeAmeto circulate a ub acrlptlon paper among the men for the ben- Btftf mk. WniTnrnar, a mantharerfthekaad, hja mmiA fa . Kta sfMMUl W a- . wbiv, sv wetiwa iiaw urni uiuuiiew vii 1. 1 avi II Cave tke Money to Cava. Bo.a. "t plrcuiated Tihsaper.;T,he mai told ma another subscription paper, so I needn't go ' to them. The men subscribed over f 40 to help Turner, and t gave the money and the paper to the canvaa boa who asked me to make the collection, , . . ' He took It ancfremarked gratefullr that he -wouia -maka- it wit right with me. I didn't catch tha algnlfleanc of the remark, then. About a week after that the same canvas : boss came again with another subscription paper for the benefit ot John Kane, who, ha i said, waa a gasoline lamp tender and had been horribly burned and taken to the hoe- By Nathan with his determined eye and resolute lip, did they not weep and touch the hem of his soldier garment, and cry. 'out, "Viva rem-' pereur!" and follow when he led? , Why? The answer la that thl little Corsica had " presence." - He - had a god-endowed self. Hs had a force In himself. He had a stout personal character. Another Illustration la founu Jit tha expe- rlenoe of the Philadelphia printer. Franklin, " Pari, authorised to buy, lor ..uuu,uuu. a atrlpof land near the mouth of the Mlaaia.lp- . . , . . i pi river, ana wno nan ou iminituuin, what we aar- It I tint w Ar- It la what ;.a-f fftnflTf.t-e.a..t,tnw 'y- " not whtt w do' 11 Uwnt purchasing tha vaat tract of-country weat of the Mississippi river, known aa the " Ixwlei ana Purchas," and which event waa cele brated by the St. Louis world'a fair you re cently attended, ; i ' ' tnkHn went te Partov-He-waa a alar In .. ..t ...... an eulture; he waa courted by the titled aria- tocracyj he was followed by the rabble ln th streets. Hs paid little; he did tittle. He , represented an Inferior government and he , wa only an American printer. Why, then? Tbe anawer J. Franklin had preaence-char-, acter, which may; express. Itself by neither word or deed, but,' nevertheless, unseen as It Is, must be felt, y Da Leeeepe, th French engineer, contrib uted a large personal fortune and hla genlua , to the attempt to conatruct the Panama ca nal, recently purchased from bis bankrupt company by the United States, while hla in tocracy: he was followed by the rabble In k. .t.i. H. ..M mil.- h. MA lima. Hi T ' aorted confrere wer wasting his aubstance and th world' opportunity. They, Instead, were piling caae on caae of empty champagne bottles mountain high, until they reached al most aa high aa tbe Tower of Babel. De Lea ' seps, dying day by day, with a breaking "heart, continued hla endeavor even after the prison door had cloeed on blm.. He waa a man of character.' . ... , I could, writ, for weekf with historical By MocrgOLret Levering place In which to. exist with moderate cum- sibl entirely to surmount th emotional or fort I speedily gave up tha hope of anything supervisory aapect of their bualnra opera Ilka real Jiving, outside ot th office. And 'lions. Ths ordinary boarding houae keeper. If not my fault I'm la town sjone, either.- I couldn't follow my trade In tha country. ana tne ramuy aecunea to move witn me as a whols for various reasons. I tried bard' to convince my mother that ah having fol- 1aw. m w faf hir'l frift unaa tn in nun, win mrBrttetiwHn fwhMtaik .,. .M.,.h... . a.a . ht . anmahhw. . . I don't ,11k living In th larg hotel; few v ndoon. Th eenalble business woman does women do, though lots of us Anally are forced " little of thla kind of work ss poaalble. need to It. for time aavlng rcaeona, and bacaus ln htT evallabt viullty for her work, all . so unpleasant and expensive to keen mov- - Ing. Codperatlve houeekeeplng alwaya can-"" not be managed successfully and Individual housekeeping for the business woman, una- - ble to maintain a competent, reliable house keeper, means courting nervous prostration. ' While aa to many of the hotel and boarding houie ipedally devoted te women that way madneaa Ilea for the sensltlvs, tensely eon- ; stltuted feminine worker not entirely ab sorbed 1n her work. -( . ' .-' o e v -,''' - Hettlg SkonM Bo Lllo Hon. BotoU. ' It Hcs In plenty ef good hotel and boarding houses open to women only, but managed In . masoulln manner. Cool, Impartial common aene characterise moat . meaculln deal- . Ing, while women aopartntly flad K tmoo-, pltaL Ha told me a graphlo story of the acci dent that aroused' all my sympathy. ' I took the paper and worked hard on It during the afternoon, and evening performances, and. aa It wa the day after pay day, I collected nearly $100 , ' 4 ' i . V - . e - : ' . ' ' "' Werkeel tk Came One a Hentk. 1-:- - - . . , . . .... . e aheck whefl I took the money to the boM, m a,, (B0 4 Illid. ...TnlU., yoAlr ,hart w H work It again xt ,),- . , , . . . . ' t. j- ' ww. -w k lUf, knew each other by name, and accidents wer" ao' h unifloU that h "n "auspec lid himself and used me for a tool. : The show had pulled out and the boss and two other who bad been arrested with ue took the first train back to It, I nd the .150 to . pay my fine and get home, where I found work and boneety-and. aa Soon aa possible, I sent to th chief horseman, with the show 100 to be added to tha fund for the benefit 'of th ext person really hurt, tell ing him. the entire story. He wrote-that he had. been among those who helped kick the canvaa boss out of the car after he read my , ' letter. .'. , . - ,s , Orenstein. 111 ust ration. ; toil might get in the boat with - Washington and with, blm cross th Dela ' ware, or enter hla tenton the night before the engagement at-Torktown, but perhaps we 'may find th beet Illustration n tha preaenca of the carpenter" a Son at Jerusalem. Is It not true, while hi word expreaa the beat ethical and philosophical truthhla presence- character la more Inaplrlng and overwhelm- inK la ta a.npeal to all men and for all time chrlat wa than to know what h aaldT And ,eJ, m rwlftry conclud right bsr: It 1 not ' Cha.rfi.cter Makes V. It you like, and, Indeed, It Is well to note, we need not confine our Illustrations to his torlo character. Bueh men are only men """"" ""'"a - . -mxJt mKiimi . t, l.w mm n" . i 7 . Jl L , . T .u. umaro mind and heart, and acquire, or fall to ac quire, presence-character. . I have recognised . In workmen from -the steel mill ot South Chicago and In humbler home thla luminous ' quality of heart,' which for the weaker matt la, and ever ehall be, a a cloud by day and a pillar of fir -by night. A young man once asked me what his bust- . nee lij life should be. My answer waa. In th language of Dr. Patton, when prealdent ' Of Princeton, to a student who propounded to him the earn question, "Do what you have to do that Is, do what you must do ' or be unhappy. It matters not much whether you live on th cool mountain or In the warm vallry, - If you are to be a mountain boy or man, destined to live under the limelight of me, and feet the flings and arrow of the furie of ambition and emulation, you will be forced, willy nllly, to make good. If ou are to work In the valley or on tha mountain a a ml, la a woman and either too tender In, fiber te run her houae properly, or over- Inclined .toward 'the lexerclae of. self-constituted authority. ThJi Is the reason, why women boarding house keeper and women boarder clash. Tha.laltrJ)alngwonicn;muaLand' a.h ..( h.nnirah... n ,llh. In tha bathroom, heat nreaalna trnna over th btr apar lime lor recreation Bu t some ?. lrin" P" wdulged In occaaloaaHy unies ine luxury oi a maia can ne man aged, by which time tha mlatrces Isn't board ing. Many men reaort to almllar economical expedient and tha landladies know It. But, beyond displaying a sign forbidding auch ex-, pedlenta. they wisely take fau notice,' while continually alert to catch and reprove femi nine sinners In the act. In a majority of tha ' " home " and hotel managed solely for women thl atmospher of restraint and sus picious supervision 'spoil, by the In trust v suggestion , of unwelcome, philanthropy, th good work otherwise done. . Doing Lannary Wort In Batktak. A resident of a certain eeml-phllanthroplo InatltuUoo for Cblcate bualnea women, for Dy Blmer I ft oar atartllng age of publicity worshipers he books ot addresses ad subjects be come a neeeaalty. The buataesa mm, the 'profeastonel man the , statesman, tha .. . soolsi aueen, wtthoutoneor bothof theae booka would be at ea ." Not a peraoni In fifty cao be met . who Venture to declare on oath that he has the faculty of memory for name or cold fact developed equally wMh his memory for busi ness. Tbla la because acquisition stande ..forth preeminently aa the dominating factor ' w American character. Business mean money, while hamee are only distinguishing " maxka "of-peraonetmy. Working upoa this theory, what follows may be acoepted aa an Ideal system for recordinc addresses. -. , 1 : : - Itctrliai Smitli Co.! . . Every, trust, corporation, copartnership, and firm Is Identified with some line of actlv-, Ity that la eaay of remembrance. Zfnameabe difficult to memoriae and recall at pleaeure. It is well to index tbem under appropriate business headings, a "J. Bmlth Co., mer chants." 1 .written on the. " M " page of the addressitook: "Merchant. J. Bmlth dt Co dtr.-m Chicago: telephone ." Then also write on the " B " nag of the addreaa book: " Bmlth Co. J., merchants," adding address and phone aa before, placing tbe Initial "J" after Bmlth at Co., ae tha name Bmlth la the prominent feature of the Arm and " J " only descriptive. To abbreviate further, o the "M" page tbe term "mer chant " alone may be written and following " Bee B." or " Bee Smltb Co.," leaving ad dress) and phone to be recorded) with tbe same under " 8 " of yoyr Index as before, t" Again: Suppose you are acquainted with only Mr. Brown of Smith a; Co. Tou wtU re member that be 1 a merchant and may reeot- IK. firm dmltlv A Cn Now. feuD. . nlne te fomt ht nmt Brown. Index tha merchant under M.7 add " Bmlth MHm Infix of Ftrgonal Adriis.- Preferring to keep aa Index of personal ad dresses also, you may still add to the line, under " M " of your Index book, aa above, so the full Une will read: " Merchants, Bmlth Co. (Hy. Brown); as " B." Then, tf you like. Browp'a whole genealogy 'may be written with hla name under the letter." B " of your index, or addreaa. book. If th address book contains hundreda or thousanda ef names time for search la aaved by referring to the page of cross Indexing, aa: " See 'Brown, page "i or " Bee Bmlth eV Co., p 00." Of course. In caae of all large books the page of reference la worth, while noting,. , aid your, advancement and e(Tort will bo voluntary, and accordingly more beautiful. . : ' - - Novor Compromise with TrutK. -l Never; compromis -wlth honesty. Never - compromise with truth. Never com prom tee with honor. Keep out of the poorhouse of '""T ""1.7" ra lnm """-""T oryou and I and all of us have simply to get Into ae-ponaency. .t me w tny .exw.a. e a errittnav Ms. n T s4a wia masb a uia Wsti 1.0. 7.7 " uw around with a chip on hi. .houlder InvlUng EJZ-222?-: .engagement In th great battle of life; coma... out from under th commissary wagon: get from under the coward sheeta of the hospital and walk like a man to the glorious firing line, and fight there and die therer Th bard Bhakspear aay th world'a a atage. and all the men are players. I hav . sometimes thought the world'a a masquer ad and all' the men maakera. Pull oft th maek cum out In the open. ' Right about - - I . r- .i.lwurwwtnwwiii awau y"" i--'-aTooa .naxro for they are marching to victory and tha glory la Ood', of whom they are protege and ; favorite son. Never dissemble. Never fool othera Never fool yourself, which la much, lee difficult. To Illustrate; A man some years since waa sent to France by a great rubber manufac turer, authorised to purchaa a patent of poaalble value. w He called upon the French Inventor, who waa a man of wealth and culture, who on tha first Interview compelled him to take hi grip to hla realdence. After a day or two of octal attention th Inventor said: "I Ilk you. I am rich and will give you th patent. Tou may pay tha notary for making out tha papers." This waa done. He took away the title to the patent. What was hla report T Waa It, " Have drawn on you for $13,000. Have aecured patent." ' No. It waa: "I have patent for $5." "' In the boat of life. Obey the ordera ' of tha eoxewaln conaclence. True life la as Be Run on inatance, ' relates this erperience by no means far-fetched or mallcloua. Tharuleaof thla estimable houee forbid the use of the bathroom for laundry purpose. , The girl In question,- caught in a. vlofent rain storm wetrtnr a new stTk sult. dlicovered to her Tijhrror. upon reaching her room, that the color had " run " btMHyr--The Idea occurred that perhapa by completely wetting the par- tlally drenched garment Its total ruin might ha averted. It AAA not tiacnan to ha one of the daye on which laundry privileges are attowtd tmrnr bsseiimn, so he started las apeedtly and myaterloualy waa carried to the auperlntendetit, and presently th owner of the apolled drea looked up to learn that this dignified Individual waa standing on the edge of the tub In the adjacent apartment eagerly "peeking" over the .partition. Fancy the deede, the language of a man In- a almllar caae. " -' ', ti . In tha Ideal women' boarding house eiig geated women would be treated like men ex actly, aaked no unnecessary questions, sub jected to no annoying onrtoairy or overlook. Ing. Th eri1ble, reaaonabl bualnesa wom an I Juet a competent te conduct tef own affair a har brother! tf she must or chooses to return late at night that la her business. There are plenty ef canes In which a woman simply must do thla, and lta little leaa than maddening to be Interrogated aa to the rea son, or to have a nervous voice demand, as you clamber, up th dark stalra. your name, pedigree, and family history, together with '. ... ; ' V, ' .. E. RoJerc. The above system may be called eroae In-daztng.- While , Judicious; policy would dic tate that memory for nam and face ought to be cultivated, tha many And themselves -utterly deficient U either recognising the - feature or recalling the name at once. Many Inatances could be quoted of persons in busi ness, politics, statecraft, warfare,, society who have poaaeaiad remarkabls memory for both f aoea and name. Not a few have won ' their spurs and successes on the ground or memory atone. ,? The system here suggested is of Incalculable service In preserving reference to taota, date. .-Item of, businasanew.l. Clippings, photo graph, etc. Suppose, for example, that yoii vwlah to refer to thl article: Write ander K " I " of your subject Index book. " Jades. ... ayatem for; see Chicago Sun. Trib. Work. ' Mag. Apr. - , "Ott." If cupping haa been " filed away, eay in addition, " see acrap book , . No. 6. p. S." It I only a fancy to Index tbla :, first under the letter " W " index " btng tha word which first suggest the placJ to the writer' mind. To another person, "offlo appliance" might 'be more auggeetive. In 1 which caae the first Indexing will bounder " O." " Office appliance." etc Again, a nhlrd - , : pendn might readily remember Tki Taia S bmb, the author, or some other feature ot the artlclejthat waa suggestive. In which ease the topic aleo could be Indexed under theaa namaa, never forgetting to add In each place at least pne reference to another place where the foplo also may be found. . ;.:v-v- - - m : Car Syttgm of ladtxtt, It might be pointed out as a suggestion (hat' Indexing by cities, states, dates, and by carda . for each Item (card system), are available la some, occupation. , The cards may be re- BlOTfQ WMI IUII, OT wuaa mwum ' Where an enormoa mas of material has . accum7uated7 or" i n'"an "exteneTv " Vualnesa. more precilon accordingly mut he practiced then be mad of the, ledger plan In vogue rn large commercial houses; aa "Book A," rj " Book A to C." and ao on, Ualng enough sepa- "rat hck tetrfrtuowallthearphab.-" Book I A to C " would contain all names, subjects. . stc beginning with "A- ana 'In a system on so large a acale It la advisable "to subdivide the alphabet atlll further aa ' Brown " would go under " Br," er " Brq of the general letter " B " of your Index. - r Education, . economlca. Industry, society," - pontics, all things Imaginable, are cdnvea-. ' lent headtnge for Indexing underthe systems ' of Indexing and cross indexing. With the I , and other term It 1 possible to preserve a ' sort ot Index rerum (Index of things). of all knowledge,' no matter bow extensive for ' . ready reference .'v j;r""i': . simple ae truth. It Is truth. You know the Calvanlatlo cathechlam reel tee that God Is ' a person, and what I termed. higher rrlt- , lclm " call God " all love " and " all life," "butT Mke to-thtnhrof Ood a a-patrlarcbal - person first and th beat abstract Idea of Ood I call " harmony." God la harmony, and - harmony wlth th. mu,l0 of ths .p1ir-te . . d keep In tune. Ton know Ood haa turned hla numan ,M. tow,ra lB ract eown te thl. earth o w. could look him "the advent of Jesua-men,-women, and h!W dren have been able to look God atralght la th eye and mingle genuine and natural love with their reverence. , a at - ;- ; " . w..Th. R..IM Chavraefer. . ' I hav been asked wht booka yonng rae -should read. Babbl Hlrsch baa aatd read ' Bhakspeara, the bible, and newipepers. . I like Dr. Htrsch'a uggetlon." When I read learned preceptor had ma reed said he read all thf law, went eraay. and complied hi book,-"Th Science ef Plead ing.' Then I read Blackstone- and - then Chltty, etc.. for one year. The plan was to build up a legal mind. ' ; So, In literature. I advise the reading of Bhakspeare and the bible.- Keep one or the other In your pistol pocket. It la a weapon that soma day may project yourself furtner than a Jap electrical gun. Let me conclude with a few lines quoted from Emeraom " There 1 no end to th aufflclency of char acter. It can afford to wait; It can do without what la called aucceaa; It cannot but aucceed. To a well principled man exlatence la vlotory. He defend himself agalnat failure In hla main deaign by making every Inch ot the road to It pleasant. There la no trifle and no ob scurity to blm ha feel the Immensity of the chain whoas links he holds, In. hla hands, and la led by It Having nothing, thla spirit hath all." ... ' , ". Men's Plan. more or lea denoait Inquiries ae to the eau ef your abeenc. Th latter la none of th boarding houae keeper' bualnesa, and al th reat should hav been Included In th pre liminary request for reference. Eliminate Indulgence In this unbusinesslike curiosity . ana nan ot tne reasons for perpetual dis agreement wilt hare been overcome.- . O; e Let Grin Sntptcion to lanUkeel. ' As te the preaklng Iron and bathroom pro- 1 Ismsuck tnaMera never woirld be mentioned In twerTieopew' aonduetea araliie house . or hotel for women. Let the manager charge something extra,' If necessary, to allow for the soap, gaa, and hot water consumed be cause ot these feminine diversions, or sis -stretch -the profit and loaa account a little. -In any case let the disturbing atmoaphere of . grim suspicion completely be banlehed for air time. ' . ' ' Given the negative rlrtuee uggeated. wth . th positive virtu ef providing a regir bill t of far maecutlne In Ita good characer and abundance, and thla Ideal women boarding houae quickly would be filled to overflowing. , . while the long standing feud between board ing houae keepera and femlMne boarders would become a thing of mere memory, and Innumerable oases of tortured womanly nerve would be averted. Any woman can , make the uglieet. barest room homelike, so y furniture and carpets would irmwer little. I But no woman can be comfortable ereapa- ble of her best work under the conditions de- . scribed. . . . . J P