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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (June 10, 1906)
'-FT-' V ATI Price jRedMctfioinis ..,.....: ,- - . 1 ' . MP : Price Cutting in We . want to sell opi' suits, coats ind skirts as quickly as possible to -obtain more room for washable garments. , This week's offerings are exceptionally' good. Women's Tail- ft 'A ttC ored Suits . . . . 4 If D The styles represented are the Eton and Pony Coat Suits, : pdds and ends" from our regular - stock, ? Panamas andxthe much ' wanted gray mixtures dQ Q (? $15 values. - Your choice at. v. ssO 916;50fbr;T Strictly tailor-made Summ,er Suits, made of plain gray-materials,, coat -is Eton and Pony style, silk .linedskirts are : in the newest' circular plaited style,'-strictly tailor-made" suits an4 perfect, fitting,' at sale i'tfliC. Cf price . . . . .... 4 . . ........... . .'. . . . : . . , . .v. .. . . . . . ; ......... ,m. iji . v , Alterations Free and Perfect Fitting Guaranteed. Skirt Reductions C7 Cfi FOR WALKING SKIRTS WORTH $12.50 Beautiful-new 0Ujlaids fn jthe newest grays, latest circular :style, great variety "of coloring to. choose from. . . , . - - T" ;"T; ': ..' --:-:jz j PA FOR WALKING SKIRTS" WORTH $6.00 Women's r and 3)40 U'missesVpretty Walking. Skirts, made pf plaids in various colors, also plain ' Panamas and Mohairs,'; in-all the' desirable shades, circular and pleated models.' ' Special this :week at ". ... . . .'. . ". . .'. V:f- Clearance Sale of Women's Jaolteibs: Ve-arellW-that'g-lef tok th Sprin a- Jackets at reducedipriceSr voliiairra1OT twisted cPTcrr"rlotfc,,"';stra models. 'Its a 'splendid collection at prices that will make buying easy. Jackets at $3.50, $4.50, $5.50 and . ; . .'.-$6.90 New linen Tailored Suits White' predominating, -.' but also . a good selection of blues and tans. Good Quality of material has been useTIn h&JnaEeuprailqsirtalbl have done the work-" ' ','-' Linen Coats at -$3.50 $2.75 and V':....Vi,:. $2.50 Linen Suits - at $8.W, , $6.5Q and , - The-Two tPieoe-Laxm : .r, Dresses , ---, "' ' ' . -v Both the waists and skirts are eTab- -6hterytrimTrttfr?wtthfterticrtisr ruffles,-tucks ahcf plaits, aridthen there are the 1 plainer oneswith- a mqre washable look and i extremely pretty in their : simplicity. Prices tumr aa I ' t . tn r r - - -a m yrrr-i.T.Ywwl I .range ,.ITOm jpUi ,tOL...ymJJL Tailored Wash SldrteHB:? Washable materials' that have been thoroughly shrunken. 'Trimmed skirts of pure Jrish- linen and plain skirts of -white . and fancy , suitings. . Great variety of styles, circular and plaited models, trimmed ;switn - tolas and rufflesembroidery or lace. The new-flare model among the latest ar rivals: Prices start at $1.25 a skirt of unusual style, trimmed : with straps and made circular or: plaited. , Others are $1.50, $1.90, $2.25 and -;v.V.v.T; i4V:y.vV.'.y.;.V. ...... .Y. . : . . . $2.50 Bargains iif Women's Waists " ; 98o $1.25 01.50 01.90 S Actually worth from'COc to $ljmoreeveraLxlifferentstylesofldaintyi white-lawn waits, lace trimmed, with-some of solid embroidery trim ming, shortlsleevesyoke. effects. Jtt'i necessary jtQ se;thcse-aists to ap-. preciate the good values. which' we' are ffering. ..,,;;.' i ;:' Sheer Persian Lawn Waists, trimmed front and back with Val. lace, short sleeves ... . v...... .. .. ... ...... ..... . .. . ,. .. . .$2.00 to $4.50 Jap Silk-Waists," black and wliite, open front or back,tucked and lace in serted, long and snort Sleeves, ; . f.dU to Hand-made Lingerie Waists,", beautiful .'designs on soft -sheer materials' elaborately trimmed ....... .... ....... . . ..... . . , . .$3.50 to $7.50 1 ' ' ...... This store will abound with opportunities of real, practical econ omy Monday. The splendid character of the summer stocks, the ; full and complete portrayal of the leading fashions, thedependability , of the goods, and, what is equally essential, the special prices quoted ? mean that an hour or two may be very profitably spent here tomor row, and that every conceivable need should now be supplied at the '.saving offered. . 1 . , ' . . ' v :" -. '';''-' i , ' ' i 1. 1.1.' II -4 x. T1 1 I 1 M l Mil-'- 3fto Sleeveless Silt Lisle Vests for Women Only : Z 75c, 85o and Q1.00 Values We place on sale tomorrow 50 dozen Women's Im ported Sleeveless Silk Lisle Vests, eenuine 76c and $1.00 qualities, at the extremely low price of 39 garment., . They come in white, cream, pink, blue and black some, are plaui, others have hand-tnm-rned lace yokes, made of fine silk lisle thread yarns ' and manufactured to retail at more than double the price asked, there are several styles to choose 30 from, j On sale, for one day only, all sizes. 07v Ilublin Underwear Valueo rings of :'kter!THeref Tloweirregulaf-valnes.'--Fncea run nice this ; Tt . ' I : Women's .' muslin gowns, made" chemisette style,"7yoke nd sleeves" attfactively : trimmed in dainty, embroidery, beading: and : ribbon,' V .neck gowns, v trimmed with tucks, -.fagoting and lace,-long QO. jleeyes ; regular $1.25 values for. HOv , s 50 c Drawers 3 9 c 'A splendid quality Cambric Drawers, finished with a deep ruffle, Itrimmed with a torchon Jace insertion andcluster of tiriel. f IflAr tucks SO-dozen-best-SQc-qualitya t . ., ...,..............'.. .Jyt, Willis . for ; Snmmeir This Silk Section is ready as never before with every desirable new weave and coloring for summer wear .The thought and care which were be stowed upon the gathering of these new silks are manifest. The silk man's efforts have resulted in the most exquisite collection of styles and weave we have ever been able to show. Japneoe and China Sillio .1-1 A Chreat ABSortment Moderately Priced ; - At 23 Japanew Wash Silk full 20 inches wide, strictlv all pure silk, comes in all colors, plenty of cream and black, TJnequaled 3r quality. at.V. ..... .'. .-. ... XOv At 30 Fancy Printed Japanese Wash Silks, in a great assortment of pretty - pattern s, ' absolutely colors, will wash like linen, all size dots and neat small figures, in a 'big variety-of colors; best 50c grade. Specially price for this sale At 69f-Figured jap Siik, full 24 inches wide, comes in cream back ground with neat colored embroid At 50 Printed Habutal Sflk, faH 20 inches wide, all pure silk, one of the newest and prettiest things for summer .waists and gowns, comes in cream with rich .floral -de-, Cfl signs. Exceptional values at. OUw At 50 China Wash Silk, full 20 inches wide, large variety of pat terns in neat pin checks, stripes and dots, all colors. Unsur- , Cfl passed quality at...M.,,.;U0Uw At 48 Japanese Wash Silks, full 27 inches wide, fine soft weave, all pure silk, comes in all ' wanted shades, color guaranteed; best 60c grade. Specially priced for Q this sale at. '..-ri-r.-..-40W ered dots, also pin dots and CO small designs. Unequaled at. Speoial Valnes in Woolen Fabrics ' New Fancy Ilohairs Specially Priced at 50o New Fancy Mohairs, full 88 inches wide, in a great assortment of pat terns, neat small dots andjfigures nothin g-more--de9iTable--for-etimnie -wear:" UtlusttarTrttaTI at .-. Blacky French Henrietta, full 36 incheswide"stfictly rallpurewbbl, fast "black nothing better to EAs wear. - Specially, priced at .UTiy Black French Serge, full 88 inches wide, strictly all pure wool, fast black, nothing better to -' -Atf-wear.1 Specially" priced at.. ..ti C New Embroidered Mohairs, full 80 inches wide, cream ground, with silk embroidered dots, the newest sum- jmcrwafetlngwa "Exceptional-value ''Tg Black" Shadow Check Batiste, all pure wool.' acid iTproot wacir,tuu 44 inches wide. r Specially priced, at. Black Crepe de Paris, full 38 inches wide, finest French weave, "soft and clinging - Specially priced : 68c ; $100 Corset Covers 50c ; . . 'A big cleanup of Nainsook and fine Cambric , Corset Covers, French 'styles with high neck, low neck or V-shape, daintiest or .: ; ' ' Ci- -trimmings, all sizes; values from 65c to $1-00 ateach.. DUv ' Women's Latest Novelties, Lowest Prices New Wliite Hosiery -for Women and Children 200 Dozen of White Lace Hose in the allover or boot pattern ; also plain white-gauze-Lisle Hosiery, full. fashioned, made with double soles; reg ular 39c . qualities.-'; On "sale ".tomorrow; :at 7 ,p - - A the pair,, . . .". .. . .... . . ....... ..';.. ... T. . ... .. .XOC ChUen's White Florenza Silk Stooldngsr1 A handsome bleached Silk Lisle Hose for children, finished with a high silk, luster,. dressy; and durable, all sizes from' 6 to 94, at - 'lFv the pair : . . u. .v?. ,. . . . .'. ::.LoC 200 dozen Stocks, in Venise applique. Point de Glaze, Renaissance Lace and Batiste effects; elaborate pat terns; regular S0c and. 3Scvalues, Monday - 50 dozen Linen Lawn Chemisette, many pretty pat terns, in all Valenciennes and Rennaissance Lace trimmings; 75c and $1 values, special Mon- ETA dar at. each. . J Out . -Dregs-Trimmings- id ewGottonr Falbrioig . - . ,. . . . . ..... . . . . - If there's any desirable style of printed Cotton goods missing in this showing of ours, it's because we haven't come across it; and. that is not likely, for this stock was not gathered until the styles of every leading maker had been examined. It's a thorough way of doing things that we have that's alL . lw Cotton Suitings Specially Priced at 20o Tomorrow we place on sale a new line of wool-finished cotton Suitings in a most attractive line of patterns, exact copies of the newest wool suitings, pretty plaid effects in brown, tan, green, blue and gray mixtures just the thing for an 7fl inexpensive suit; specially priced for this sale at, per yard. New Dress Ginghams Specially. Priced at 10c Another , new lot of pretty Dress Ginghams just received, 16,000 yards in the lot, comprising all the best color and patterns, best standard quality; spc f A cially priced at, per yard "...........i.IvV White linen Saltings Specially Priced at 15o 34-inchT white Knen-finished Suitings, good firm quality, never before sold for f C less than 20c a yard; specially priced at, per yard....... .......101 , l iThree' Special Valnes in t Hen's Wearl: ' r : $15 UNDERWEAR S1.00 ' ..',.' .'':',.;, AW sizesin men's lightweight -gray .Merino Underwear1, v in : ribbed or flat weave; regular $1.25 grade. Special at '.V..V..?1.00 c :-:t:Z2l:T' :'"'-;''-75c.UhrDERWEAR"50;?;,7C:r:T"; ":V,: : : Large line of Halbriggan Underwear,.madecfrom .fine combed Egyptian' cotton, double seated jlrawers,' all sizes; regular -75c-grade. Special.50 IVV ; ' 'r '':'": 75c: NECKWEAR' 50tv ' r v..rl' Largelline of smart Four-in-Hand Ties, variety of pretty new; patterns, allthe new colors and combinations ; regular 75c grade. Special at. 50 -A-choic7a8ortmnt of-Pull and-Straight.BandaJn ill. the newest coloringst solid colors and Persian effects; all greatly reduced; regular 25c, 35c and 50c ; ralues tomorrow at 15f 20, 26 . A. choice assortment of Boleros, in lace, lawn and dotted muslin, with French .and Valenciennes lace trimmings; $2-50 and i values, special at .Sl.SO . Attractive Offerings in Hibbons t Silk-Taffeta 10,000 'yards of Silk Taffeta Ribbon, sof t-Jinislv 4tol6 inches, ' wide, all shades; 35c and 50c values, special at, per yard ...18 '. Fancy Silk Ribbon 7.000 yardsof ribbons in Printed Warps, Brocades, Black and White Stripes, Checks and Persian Patterns, 4yi to i'i inches wide wan .' unequaled offering at, per yard ...y.. 23 WhiteWash Embroidered Belts 250 dozen Linine Wash' Belts, 2', inches wide, heavy eyelet embroidery, nickel :'. buckles; regular price 35c, great values at..- .....IB A special line of Heavy White, 2tf inches wide, handsomely embroidered, ..solid bass eyelets and large pearl buckles, assorted designs; 50c values, great offerings at...... .........25 Embroidered Bobes t, , . - ,$M.50 Values, Monday at $55 Monday we place on sale 100 very hand somely embroidered Robes, 1 consisting of 'flounced skirt .with material and , , trimmings lor inn waisi; very axiracuve oucring lor... fS.S Leatber .. Hand Bags m I : Bn A Children's Shos ; . i;.Wv.;.' SHOES: WOW ""V ; We would like, to meet youace to face and .-X- 'tellydu about, the good values we "are" offering you at this time in Shoes. ( They-are on sale in our - Basement Shoe Department. Annex ; at a good deal less than half price. . There's shoes for every age and for every, purpose, you can get a pair of vacation shoes for little or nothing for yourself or, children." Barefoot. Sandals I99 VVomen's Oxfords -. . .'. .V. , . : .09 Women's OxfOrds ....; . ,U7 Women's-Qxfords . . . . : .$1.59 Girls' Shoes ' . ... :..!'..;; . .99 Boys' Shoes . . . .l.lO vvf :..;;;'r;'VCi.'.v;v.46r 69- 'All in Basement Shoe Department. - , V . r 'A-great display of Bags in Morocco, sealion and alligator leathers, newest shapes; "Varsity Bag's, Envelope Bags, Carriage and Vienna Bags; tomorrow -""onijrar half the regular price; unices range fromrt .....$1.2S up to f 3.SO v';-' Laces at. Half Price .-; ' " A magnificent assortment of Allover - Laces, about 200 pieces in Ventse, Baby . . -Irish, Point Rose . and applique effects, with bands and galloons to match: ' -Monday only, at ...HALF REGULAR PRICC '. ':-:; 'V -v-r,: ' Embroideries ,' .T ; ;. ipq J)iece AlIover EmbroTdery,? i- inches 1 wide,. "mTlKTKalhsoolcI and Swiss. materials; $1.75 and $250 val .rtaes, wonderful offering at, yard.T5 7.000 yarffsmbroiderleSriSihclii wTJe. inAngtstsehTgertend-Tyffrr styles, ail new and pretty; 50c and 75c values, to close at, per yard 25 - Giving the Best Valueo J ' Has Hade This Fortlands Fastest .; -' ,V :.y ;;" ( Growing Store ' - , - . It is our earnest desire and purpose to conduct this business so .that , every customer shall be entirely satisfied with every pur chase and shall become a regular patron of this store. If immense stocks. If careful management, if cautious 'selection of goods,' if a sincere, endeavor to please in every transaction and if assurance and proof that the prices are the lowest- if these and many other importarlt'f actors art considered," we shall feel certain of your con tinued .patronage and constant, good will. ' Blanlreto, Comfort ero, Tow elo Pillowo and Sheets - Specially priced for Monday and Tuesday selling. This is a Splendid opportunity to procure aTseason t supply for home or outing purpose. . 6S For S-lbrFeather Fillows.'lS 75 A PAIR for gray Gtton "Blan kets, full 10-4 size, good wearing quality, finished with fast" colored borders, excellent values at this price. " 95XPAIRfor white Cotton Blankets, full 11-4 size, extra large and heavy, just the thing to stand hard wear, unusual values at this price. t ' . . 915 For Comforters filled with white cotton and covered with fine quality. silkoline good large size, great values at this price. 91.40 For Comforters filled with pure white cotton and covered with extra quality silkoline, yarn tied; never before sold for less than $1.73. Specially priced for this sale. $1.40 $6.50 For mottled rayWobt Blankets, fall 11-4 size and 6 pounds in weight; excellent wearing qual ity-anA- neverbeforesold-forless than $7.75. Unbleached Turkish Towels. 18 by 42 inches, good heavy weight. Spe cially priced Tor this sale at... 10 Unbleached Turkish Towels. 20 bv 44 inches, excejlent wearing- quaf- I of extra quality Ttv. SpeciaHy priced for this sale rliemfhed. fulTsiz at -rwi-T r.r.i . Rirr; 15KpS"pecjalIy- priced - at r by 26 inches, filled with nice clean feathers and covered with strong blue and white ticking, unusual val ues at this price. V 08 Forl3J-lb. Feather PillowsJJl byJ 27 inches, filled with sanitary feathers, covered with fine quality flowered satin ticking; usual $1.25 grade. . ' '' ; ; "'''.;: Bleached Turkish Towels, 17 by 38 inches. Specially priced, for this sale at 10 Bleached Turkish Towels, 20 by 44 inches, extra weight and quality. Specially priced for this sale..l5 Pillow Cases, 42 by 36 inches, made from good strong muslin, finished with deep -hem. Unusual valnes at "....10 Pillow Cases', 45 by 36 inches, made of extra quality muslin, finished with deep hem. Specially priced at .....tzyit Bed Sheets, 72 by 90 mches, made of excellent "quality muslin, torn and hemmed all ready for use. Spe cially priced lor this sale at.. .551 Bed Sheets,81 by 90 inches, made muslin, torn and size for double beds. rnn 00 e Three Special Values in HominoeizT CI OH s'ze hammock; with spread 41 UU .er at each end, padded head rest. 10-inch valance,' excellent "wearing quality, large assortment of colors to choose from. CI 5 'ze Hammock, made of ex 4)1 sUO tra quality material, spreader at earh'enn. nadde A head rust inH finihi with 13-inch valance; a great assortment in pret- ty new patterns. " - & CA Extra heavy Hammocks, with 4)L0J spreader at each end, upholstered 12. head t est, 12-inch valance,"great assortment of cplors to hoose from. ) -, ( , ( - "J '. . 14 i - -