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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (June 10, 1906)
M v r. IrJACAziriE-scciiprrTuy MAGAZINE : SECTION THREE -) . PORTLAND, OREGON. . SUNDAY ; MORNING;- JUNE f(V 9Q6 ' 3 - T. .fc.--.-L.,. "7 i;f -w ...S , . , '4' r YWv;; NT: '.A -v v 4' r. ; '722rM 5 ; : JfVJT7 PQfiTLAND. ! ..""V "i A -' a rr n rm m . ' ' - 3 ,' r; TOKE than fj s,qoo,o0O for coisi de- i 'cift Xoastf ynl, to jnqtfnt thevi ' , 'the??kilifi- proprtation urpd by'Me tfatiiltM Loast office studied water pendens improved Zuns and armor; welts uupfst teven4nckdrmori 'ai-dv'dtstania af4 fouhect raphy, th submarine torpedo -and a vastly iigj- ' r :uV ; ;''-f better system of fire control worked out b DefemeoardJtUmimbe trs of: the' army and navy tuxye care fullfi ' ? tVWffr!.?':; the needs of the rreai and important-'JJ'- "r T: ks. a VrS4v:; ; , , ;v' 'fitemilespts; io6ind-:foelc0np) free A no lonrer meet There mus, ftodtrn requirement l u L be jpantk runs of almost principal item in ike newischemi of,:reneral!lI . ' url tbeieabi inconceivable power, in the first place; to stand . defense, the.entiie plan keleiKminUb.- of the battleships osheworldlt is propdsedf.hJsbeen modernised, improved 'to, ""ffi III m irwvw w .1 III n WWW V WW LI WWW WT W WW W IMMWW SWf 41 WW fl W lW--xi mWM WW WWnWK W WWW tWT JVIfF Wn JW U ' i.i. A . ... . i army experts demand a general revision of the Caroundjhe coast) wilVBi almost impossiblf l . t -.k-. ,. , i ,-.-..' I s . : ; j ' pbyf coast and Jorffense. Endicott Board, developed twenti years arom .sufficiently, near a fiY,o.mtfff. A; V JKn .,s ww..r, f ..isu I -.v..'-. - - -1 enormous - missile toi , u new i pon which tl hells drop after theii lofy flight. , -------f- Through recnt impTovementa to the ranire-findinr tr ' tn th vsefalaess of mortars ha been greatlj'increased, end their firs is now effective against moving as well as stationary targets. - ;; i - ' -" Bapidity iBf fire. premtttedby the latest improve menti iij, runs and mountings vastlr. increases the efficiency of tip-td- dat fortifications, -The best reeoida- for -firing a- rief foua - ...Grounds from fortification guns, mounted reepectively, on di jf ppesring and barbette carriages, axe:,,;, , ; ' ' 7-,, With 8-inch disappearing, 1 minute 30 seconds; 8-incK , barbette, 3 minutes 30 seconds; 10-inch disappearing, 1 min ; ute 5 seconds; 10-ihch' barbette, 4 minutes 44 seconds; 12 J- inch disappearing, 2 .minutes-13-seconds ; 12-inch barbette, ' .i miaatea 45 seconds.- . ' ; .r- " a . r' ; . When one considers-the cost of modern hijjh-powsr we : ; pona there is little wonder that millions are required to ie ' habilitate the coast defenses of the country and its possessions Some of the estimated figures are given: ' . . For 6-inch disappearing gu, steel, $0,400; nickel steel, $13,000; carriage, $15,000; emplacement, or. base in fortifies) tion, $30,000; total for cheapest, $54,400. . , , - i w For 10-inch disappearing gun, steel, $28500; nickel steel, $39,500; carriage, $35,000, emplacement, f 80,uw; total Io cflespVfl36Wir S ' t T A. I A. 1 t . r ' i. I 4t . yis propos:U' to piace lour m. iiww uw- monsters ' at the eastern ' end of Lonir Island; . "X jr TOBK of such enormous -extent' cannot bs . .Not pnly' are these'iloating, foits. given, tetter, - Sound; eight at mouth of. the Chesapeake . " Vr OM rtJ-1"-Proposed, firs ,to armor protection, buV they are decidedly more ef- Bay;1 seven to guard Puget Sound, and. eight. Chesapeake Bay snd st the eastern end of Long teries are being cut down sud the ieavy armament ' " le-inch'gun will also be mounted . at.ths Island. ''IS ew guns be monnted,"in order, increaaed.' Twelve or fourteen 2-inch guns will b eastern end of Long Island, probably in the way t Put Sound. Subig.Bay. GuanUnamo to im-- mounted on the decks of coming battleships. oi experiment, aieciianicai devices mus De em- teot the naval base there ana at -Manila Jiay. . : A vi--1110 "no imponance uui iana guns w."v , , 1 j . , j j- j' Weiirhinr the relative commercial and atratecia . should keep pacewih the development of seS Srma- C nd.this is regarded as a docided disadvantage. . .'; portanc.ahuld conalut . of 1 1-inch w UBLU OT.,U W (WWUJVUI WrWSWW .liHO . . o . . . .mnortance of fome torts. the board haa WtM "Bient They must carry great diotancea snd strike' 1" genera, plan -the Uoast immense ijoara r . . - - . : - i " ii ... .. . . . u i j t.A .11 : . . . - the following other places-as-requiring modern dev. Pr,yxiIur,l0W": ' 7- eu iw wiuwuig CTUu.u.... . fense. arranged in geographical order: , ' . ' "oomparatively jew harbors can be approached - l. -Tht tha- rut'dfna of a port of Portland,' Portsmouth, Boston, New Bedford, i closely by -the modern giant battloship; - small, "Narragansett Bay, Delaware Bay," Cape Fear rapid-fire grms are not needed, therefore, in sea River, Chsrleston Ssvinnah, Key West,, Tampa, ; ' board fortifications, exoi-pt to protect mine tones pMla.r Mobile Bav. Miaainainr i rim. : from cruisers'snd' torpedo bost sttack.- . - ,Ane moaern lz-incn coasi aeienae guns now in use are very able allies in a quarrel: but .there are not enough of them. It is considered, tot,' that bet ter 'results can be obtained from the latest design of 14-1 nch nne. . t - ' ton, Sah Diego, San Francisco, Columbia river, the Jaks ports sndivasca island. - . t - v . .. In addition tothe new batteries at the, mouth of the Cheiapeakc; smaller guns are" (o be mounted -to protect , llaltimore, the . Potomao' river ' and Hampton Kdads. Defenses entrance to ITsw York will guaraing we souuiern . -' V'" " Vr,,.T; . ,.w,L.C;.' vTiru electrical information, and the use of searchlights 1 be strengthened. : , -, . r'? I" st night have increased the-effective range of .runs W Pnrfi ' '-."""r " " wacir '""l-ssbore to such a extent .that fire from, the bat . tvns . ; raw.- .. . . . ... . -. . .. teries will be-hemiii atranires UDWard of 12.000 . - x.normous TeiociiT is reauirea w sruaranne , . , .. -t ' . : ' To Gtxiurdilnsiilai' San Juan, Torto Bico; Guam, Pearl .Harbor and Honolulu , a e also to receive ear emong our insular posaessions, while i.!olon au4 and the eorreapondiMg increaae in the volume rcarl Harbor effectiveness, hoover, and thU tend, to cut . Z'Z.Z ZZS-i IfiJJnZ sarly attention ' ,hort the life ef the weapon! of smokeless pow-: torm'rr considered the. effective limit. Panama will be heavily fortified to guard the Isth- . inlan canal ; - : j;:1' -. ; ;-. - Of the total amounfof money required for this general strengthening of defense, $50,879,339 is to . of gas tend to produce an exceedingly high temper ature, which, in turn, results in erosion. By enlarging the Calibre it is found that even with diminished frelocitv an nual or irreatar inin-" be expended as home ports; $19,87395 at insular . fire effect can be secured, and the life of the weapon J. A, HA. W9eA -A. A . . .1 T 1 . . r " ports, ana ,oJ(, o at enirancea io .ui Manama prolonged. . nona to defend the channel batwaan.Cape Charles sad Cap Hanry. . . , " TM importanea af the fortlfloatlona at the an- . trano It Um laiand Sound la dua to the tact . that they conaiUuto the flrt and ehlot lino of d fanaa of Kew York city asalnat naval attack from that .dlroctlon; that- thoy will provcot tho oceupa tton by a hoatlla flaat of Oardlnor'a Bay or other Interior water aa a naval baaa, and will al pro tect varloua manufacturing; towna aatabllshed -along tho sound. Including New , London. Brldsa- ' port. New Haven and othera. Pmrt Bound waa not Toommended by the Endi cott doard for defenae, but alnea tho data of Ha report tbeaa watera have become of tho arreateet aUwteaU and commercial Importance. Tho entrance la four ml lea wide and deep that It cannot bo ' eucceeefully mined; therefore, defenee by tho army -must bo confined eolely to amna. which should bo Increased In number to eoopenaaU for the lac of mine defense. , Blnoe 1S8S our territorial llmlta have boon a larked by the addition af the. Inaular poaensstona. They are distant from the great centres and sources of supply, and cannot be held .unlesa their principal porta are fortified befora tho oubreak of war. . ... ' After carefully considering all the eonditien, . the board worked out a plan providing for strength- :.In -the naval engagements between Japan a nt en ing defenses all along the line by installing ad TiuMia little injury wss dono to armored vessels ex- ditional guns. The recommendation of locations ccDtbv nroiectilei'cf larire calibro.Navar ODinion d additional armament, in full, is ss follows: flrat Ira- ' una of not lesa tnan calibre, ls-lnch mortars. -and suitable rap- . ' Id-nre suila foV tba defense of the mine nelds. "' 1 I. That 10-Inch suns are aufflclent to cover , channels llablo only to cruiser attack. ' - 1 . That S-lnch runa ahould bo used for tho pro . taction of plaee subject to naval raids and the spa- : ' elal cere of mine (lelda at -distant ranirea A. That 1-Inch Suns bo used for tho protection of mine fields at ordinary, ranees. , . ---Trnprovemcnts in rrangerfinding gq u ipment,'" the report state; "the development of a system of Small- Guns Ineffective flanaL Equipment of sescoast fortification at present include among the high-power guns. 12-inch. 10- , inch and k-inch rifles, and, among the rapid-fl-e armament, 6-inch, 5-ineJv 4.7-ineh and. 8-inch weapons. . There are also a number of 12-inch mor tars. r .' ' ". " : " - . .-. . " Since the Endicott Board adopted its plan of defense,' in 1886, a marked increase has been made in the number, tonnage and power of the world's bsttleships. The near future will witness an even , greater increase. Battleships of ,18,000 tons and over are I tho 'rater. is that in the future hrst-class lortihcations will not be attacked seriously by anything less powerful than battleships. - . . ,, , . 1. - . ,With regard to the places selected for the firt steps in the new general plan of coast defense, the board says:-.:":" .7;. 7 lTP.ZZ' -' Such increase in ealibrei of course, means a much greater weight of rifle and carriage some thing feasible enough on land, hut which ia out of Cdnsideration'for shipboard f "S'V'"'''-'"rt' -.Two shots' in leas than a minute 'can be aimed and fired from the present 12-inch guns, and it is believed that such a rate ef discharge esn be nearly - , aT - t a' liaanruavinv niiM W Kw mm a -rt 4Knk -- .Ore of a stride run. a base 'on Its shores. tass In " Il : i " i . f , , 'and out at pressure, have accens to larae quentltlea. at valuable auppn or an ainna, ana paralyse the great trunk railway, lines crossing tho head of the' .ay. - . i . Tho completion or the fortllcationa at the en- eeconfl to some snna lasre are - , ' I Commercially and atratealrally. Cbesapeaka Bay ' 'Is today, aa It always baa been, of the very-first .' Importance. With the entrance aa It is-4ow, un- maintained by the 14-incn weapons, if mounted on . Ine sear can rtubibii,. without cominr-under tho. proportionately Jarger. 'Manual labor is employed xt '.: in loading and operating the gun and caTjage., ' .',JJ .; (The cost 'of .the lararer" niece ia estimated at 1 ire being bnilt-rEngland already has one in little more tharrthe type now in-uts. As an addi- , : irnc t. in isUnd. wound ia placed . I . , , v - ,7 . - t.x 1 -. 1 . , . .. Chesapeake Bay only beai there are- iter. .... ,y. . ... , ... f tionar advantage, ths lf-lqch Mojectilo will carry 'already mounted .t tha former. whUa 11 .', ', "-.. ; . .... - ... . t i- V - -. i , . r .- ' 'V , i f 1 ' -" . , . f. V, ' ' '': ' 'I ' ' v. .y-. ' , '; r i,.-.;., -: r..:,..-;,.;:,4 v. i Portland Maine.1 two 11 -Inch, two l-lnoh; Porta- v mouth, eight 12-Inch mortars; Boston, sis 11-Inch, --. sin l-lncn, sixteen It-Inch mortars; Narraaranaett ' bay, four S-lnch. . . , . Eaatern entrance to Lona- Ialaad, one If-tnoh, , four 14-Inch, elm 11-Inch mortars; eoutbern an trance' to New York, two 11-Inch, two S-lnch. Delaware - river, - two 11-lneh; - Baltimore, - two 1-Inch, eltrht 11-Inch mortars: Chesapeake Bay an-.- . trance, alabt lt-lnch, two ll-lnch, four 10-Inch; . seven S-lnch. ten S-lnch, alxteen 11-Inch mortara Charleston. 8. C one 11-Inch: -"Savannah, two ' 11-Inch; Pensacola, four 11-Inch; Mississippi rtvar, . two 11-Inch; Mobile Bay, etaht 13-Inch mortara. Wan Franolsoo,,two ll-lnch, elfht S-lnch; Col urn- . ' 1 Ma river, eight. ll-lnch -mortars; Pugtt Wound, sev en 14-Inch, two 11-inah, two 10-tnch. save a s-lnch. four S-lnch, eight 11-ineh morura , ... - - . . . , '.'',... i -The employment of so rnsny mortars is recom-. mended for the reason that they attack an armored Tesscl in its' most Tulnersble point '.' c' S- Twelve-inch disappearing gun,' steel, $43461 nickel steel, $61,000; carriage, $45,000; emplaoeje ment, $100,000; total for cheapest, $188,465. r Fourteen-inch disappearing gun, ateel, $60)00 ! carriage, $72,000;' emplacement, $150.000,' total ' $282,000. - :..;". ' .: ' '' r ; -:'',' , Twclve-iiKh , mortar, steel, $7,000; carriage, $12,000; emplacement, $120,000 for a battery ot -"'mortars. ' - "' . - : " In submittinir the report of the National Ctoast Defense Board to Congress, President Roosevell 1:: bss this to sy:-:.--vz::rXZt"ii,' 'S-i . . Why Defenses ire Needed Necessity for a complete snd adequate) art item of coast defense is greater today than twent - years ago, for the increased' wealth of the country 1 I offers more tempting inducements to attack, ana a hostila fleet can reach our coast in a much shorted id-ef time. 11 1,1 "The fact that to have now a navy does noS -in anywise diminish the importance of coast de fences; on the contrary, that lact emphasizes theia value and necessity for construction. It is an ac cepted navel maxim that a navy can be used to' strategic advantage only when acting on the of fensive, and it can be free to ao operate only sites our coast defense ia reasonably geenxed and so red ognized by the country. ' : "It jwas due to the securely defended condition of the Japanese porta that the Japanese fleet was free- to seek out and watch its proper objective the Russian fleet without fear of interruption of recall to guard its home ports againat raids ly C"5 , Vladivostok) squadron. "This is one of the roost valualN 1 the late war in the East, and is wor'.' - ' eonaideration by out country, ' ' ' roast lii. its many import'-t many manufacture- - ' P"