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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (June 10, 1906)
THE OREGON SUNDAY. JOURIlAt. POIiTLAIID, SUNDAY HORNING. JUNS 10. ; l-l Tin -rsca" or frakx stohb : 1 1 -ths r.aisR cvfrat:xstc?j: 1 1 tilx nzrLi o fraicii stors Tier.:: OUTING NCHUKAHIM 1906 funm lUTtBUlU OT. ciknn. - - CbTAISTS. OUUWAU TI1TWAM. lakt-sl wcuraama. .. BVOKSTS. '.;: aiuii .., toolsj. ;.'t BATnre CAJ. SOV. ' . WAIST. KIBTSJ. oxrc.imBrs Boy', Mvn'm OXiOTKIBa Boy'. oii OTIMUI . MAT. OVTIBO ; . ; no - BSI.r,TIB. OUTT4TO ' Momft POOll SEA j I I BTAfMOOXS. tUOlfi '. ' ,' exe, tWIKOt. cboqttst " ISTS. . n wiv. v . 'Qr aim- v iim . . .. -. iv r uwt, TkAKX STORK WAS KSTAB LOSDINlftSr la sacbtlonof the Clorioos Summer weather tht bound to come the ycation that follow. The Meter Q Frank Stov hut fjaiuied series of brsala events OrtSvsle." For strict economy these specialties will certainly .appeal to those- needfaganyUgf or the Snnmiei always'brmg to attention the newett, the best,. the most desirable, the most dependable merchandise at prices lower than the same canbe bought elsewhere, are ; The latent style of College Blouses nd Peter. . Pan . Waist,, i n all the most desirable LhBTBlue-25c,rfciali5.s2'ior-a5J Lcgies Linen Collars 9c Women' laundered Jinen ".Collars,' low ping '. pong and the latest turn-down effects, as-" sorted heights; is- 12 to IS inches; also -a new line of .one and two, rows fagoting, ."" with innovation slots; regular 15c, -each 9j SiliPctticodts tit $5.85 Best quality Silk Petticoats, deep accordion pleated flounce with, ruffles,, two rows of ; ruching, double flounce,-with:ShtfTed bands or 4 ruffles; good values for... :. 5.85 cists, SpcL $3.85 s Special Net All-Over and Jap Silk, Waitfts, . trimmed in lace and embroidery, wide or -narrow tucks, with fancy round or square ! : yokes, short or long sleeves;' C Al values to S7, sale price. ........VpJolf Cotton Shirtwaist SpcL 'Lawns, linen, batiste," dotted " Swiss mercer- ! t ized mull lace, embroidery or -tucked . y trimmed; prices, - T8, 98, , f 1.23, vv f 1.52, f 1.72, f 2.08, $ 2.95, f 3.45, - fS.95 to 854.00.j v '-H-' v ,Ha!Ha!Spccl."3dFl. , vv - - - . . - I ' i ' What your boy needs js a "Ha Ha Special; , Handcar for health and fun; price 8T.OO. .Toy department, third floor. . . s Dathing Suit Section Complete line of ladies' and misses' Bathing ' Suits, in granite cloth and mohair, blneand ! black, 8l'T5, 82-25, 82.75, 83.75, 4, V; 8 7.0O to 812-00. Vf - ; r -Z- .. Complete line of ladies' Bathing Shoes, white f and black duck...... j.. 25 to 50a' ""Complete line - of riaaresTathrh"gCapsraIt" colors. lOf to 50e 'Children's navyT flannel Bathing Suits, 2 to -, - 8 years. ............... to fZ.OO Children's blue and red Bathing Suits, neck , - finished with 4 rows of narrow white braid, -' belt and sleeves finished with the same, 2 ' to 8 years; price.......... ..2.50 Childreii's Clothes ' Combination All-Over Suits, fof children 2 to '-'7 years, in- blouse and long pants, made of drk washable material, garment.. ....50 "Little, girliX blue" or tan Overalls, with red 1 trimming, sizes 2 to 8 years., ..iSOf Children's Rompers, for, little, boys or girls, in washable Chambray or checked ging : ham, . garment .' . '.'.. ..i. ....... .75 - .Boys' wanabteN of folk Suits, with knicker- bocker trousers, in dark blue Chambrays , and linen 82-25 and 84.00; sizes for boys .. 7 to 16 years..--.' -f . .-. -. -. In Jevelry Section Curt metal Hal Pins,' Special.'. 4f , Solid gold top' .(Beauty dr , Collar Jt ft Ptn. . special , . . . .. .... HfZfC rear! Shirtwaist Sets, special, . t . . . . . . . 19f . Fancy " Chain ' Bracelets, Trench , patterns, ..V values tip to $150, special;... ....... i.98 Sterling silver .Thimbles.'. X.C.i'. j...... SO, Initial Fobs, complete assortment; ' something new, special............ 1 7C tWe show- a full assortment; gold-plated ant Sterling silver initials and monos-rams: prices ,............'...15 to,1.00 Txuni. URXil KODAK , AOSKOT. ruunun AVS - BZ.OX BArBB BBOBZTBO ' BAHiT. . Duck and, goose Feather Pillows, full size, .regular $1.50 quality, eachi.v.v l Silkoline covered Comforter, with white cot- -a. ton fill!ngLfull size; reg. $1.50 quaj. 1.32 , Gray Dhnkcts $ 1 . 1 Opr 4 4ight-graycqtton Blanket an unttsually . good $l.J0 quality, tancy Dorders, pr. Full SizaDcds at $435 ilron Beds, with brass knobs, straight rails: V regular' $5.50; Y or full se, at..;48 Heavy Matting 16c yd Extra heavy Matting, fancy colors, . 1 Lf 20c quality, yard . , . . . .... . ,. . . i . t I Jy ', Fine 'Japanese Matting; regular 20c ' " 1 kind, yard..;. ;. ..;;........;...'.... IOC Springs-Mattrcsscs-Cots Hercules ' Mattress Comfortable, exception- .' ally well m " - .... ... -1 .i '" ' Full size.... 3.60 Three quarter 3.33 Wire Cot ...j. 2.50 and 3.00 Good substantial Springs to fit, well made; will last a lifetime, 2.25, 2.75, 3.25, 3.50, 4.50 and 5.00. ....... SplendidSnitings25cyd Panama Suitings A beautiful Mohair effect, novelty in checks', black and White, blue, green and lavender, 30 in.'wide at, yd. 25f 7 Plain XJream Sicilian-J-Just the thing forthat outing suit, washable, non-shrinkable; sim- . -ilar to the more expensivegoods in luster and weave, 27 pt wide, yd.;f.ay Jw Specials in Men's Shoes Men's tan Russia calf golf Oxfords and Shoes, -' rubber disc soles; $5 values at.... ..3.55 Men's Russia calf tennis Oxfords, with heavy , rubber soles; $3.50 values at..... ..2.70 Men's canvas,- leather-trimmed, -tennis-Ox--,- fords, Norman & Bennett make.. ..2.15 Men's white, duck yachting Oxr -CI TL Z fords, with rubber soles........ sp 1 a3 Specials in Ladics'Shoes Ladies' tan and . slate-coloredrcanvas Outing . Oxfords, with leather Ifini- '.CO'l'S - ' mings and robber sole........' vWa 1 Ladies', white, gray and ; taa . C I 1 f canvas Oxfords.. ......... Iilv . Ladies' white canvas Out'" : C 1 . TiA. - Oxfords, light or heavy soles.. I a JT ; VVe carry a full line of Outing Shoes of all kinds. ' . "'";?""':;, '"'r-r----7;-.;-. 65c Belts for Ladies 37c . i . i. m t . Suitable for outing trips-t-ladies' plait) braid' Belts,' fancy gold braid effect, girdle shape, . gilt .buckles, in , black, white, . red, navy, , ' green, with gold plaid;;reg. 65c, special 37f JapanesoHandbags53 , Ladies' Japanese Handbag, with inside pocket,', - - Vienna handles;; regular 75c, special. .SSv EastmanKodaks&Films it it isnt an bastman it isnt a rvoaaK. No. 1 Folding Pocket Kodak, improved 1906 model...... $10.00 ! No. 1-A Folding Pocket, K- i C. 1 dak, makes picture 24x4$., V Va W jSfo..' 2 Folding; Pocket .'Kodak,' for jictnres." iyx3yi, with new auto- (l C (f j 'matit' focusing, rock.r...'..,.v No. 3 Folding pocket Kodak Q f Cf for, pictures 3x4. ;.-.. H 1 Jv ' Eastman Kodak Films, Fresh Velox and Solio , papers in all sices. - ., - , Blue Print Postal Cards, new-Kloren. .-.25 ; Brownie Cameras, each.. ..1.0O and 2.00 F.astman Films, non-curling, in all sizes. - , Kodak Push Pins, box.'., ........ ....,.:10 Bk owl. ' - MOi'' AariCTL RATIO i. The Mqkt -Q,,, Frank Store's ' ' Madras, -light grounds with colored cross ' stripes, 40 inches wide, 3 yards long; ' fln. aTegHlart$1.2$ ldnd,pairirf.";;T:.;..J Drapery 38c Yd. - Monk's Cloth,' 50 inches -wide, woven - like a ; , burlap, hangs very soft, nice for summer cot- tage draperies; regular 50c.. 38 ""f. Red, natoral, brown and green;-T : r -y - CtrtdxiMatcri ' Scotch- Lappet t for cottage curtains, can be made p plain or with ruffle; 36 inches Q ":w wide ; 12 tfe kind,' yard r. .UU Floor Crinfe 1 8c Yd i Burlap for wall and floor coverings, all colors, plain, 36 inches wide; yard.. ......... ...18 , Siliiolino Screens $2. 1 5 $3.S0 "Silkoline Filled Screens, "3-IoldMight and ; dark colored fillings,,. ....2.15 McnfsOutinsShirts$L35 ' Men's Pongee Outing Shirts, soft ' collar, 't- T 4 tached or golf style, in cream, gray and pongee '. colors; regular $2 value, outing. 1 .f sale price............ ......... ..l.p 1 iJJ TT Crepe Golf Shirts $1.05 t' ,Men's j Japanese Crepe Golf Shirts, in white, creara, blue and gray, best $1.50 f 1 '"jfft" value, outing sale, price. r. ...,;. ap 1 U Men's SmnmaBclts 39c A line of "men's-sample Outing Belts, all the -best styles,' values np to $1.50 each; , . outing sale "price,' each.......,.... ;.97w Four in Hand Tics 29c New Foulard Silk Four-in-Hand,'rJust the style ?. for outing, in navy blues with dots and tig- ; ures, also light browns; regular. 50c OQ values; outing sale price.. Men's Outing Hats $1.29 .' Men's Outing 'Hats,' the; : crush style, in pearl,.' - indigo mixed and black arid tans; f 1 ' OO outing sale price ......... .sw7 Duck Washable Hats 43c Men's and boys' white : and tan Duck Wah- able Hats;' outing' sale price..... '...... -43 ?. The new soft outing Collar," made of mercerfeed :v silk in white and colors, ollar and X tj-, " pin complete . i . . ' . . . i . . . JC Specials in Drug Sundries, Satin -Skin Cream,- special. . .'.-,. . . . . i. ,94 Royal Tooth Powder,' special ,k..'..".'.8j" Quentin's Talcum Powder, special.'.... ......7.V Superior Bay Rum,; special . . . .. ... ........ 19 Pompeiian Massage Cream................33V Liquid .Veneer, makes old' furniture 'new.. 22 - Pond's Extract, 50c . size. ............. ... . , 39 ' Little Needs for Outing Paper Napkins, new designs, 'special 23 r hundred, or dozen.. i.,...,...,.....JC ; 50 folded Napkins in box, ready for use, 1 25c value, -special..................... I t5C Dennison's Lunch SetsT, 12 napkinsand table cldth, pretty patterns; special.:.,,,. ..i,19 '"Paraffine Paper for wrapping lunches? Ag special for 20 .sheets., ..'.. '..VC Alcohol Stoves The gertuine .spirit gas stove; will beat a quart of wateri in" three minutesr 65c value, Special.. .39e THZ MXCUL An biaII Won. 'WTita aaia prteaa. - T 24-inch '" leather-covered Suit Case, figured linen lined, with shirt-fold f C 1 1 ; regular $6.00, at special..,.,. r.yJs,lv BETTER GRADE SUITCASES $5.50 24-inch ( fulUstock. leather Suit1 Case, t linen : lined, with shirt-fold; regular T CfV . f, $6.50t at special . . . ; . .... . . . . , iyVtJU 14 AND 1 6-INCH SUIT CASES $1.05 14 and. 16-inch Baby Suit Case, canvas, cov-" ered, linen .' lined; ? regular; 1 " $1.25 and $15t you choice.. .IVLIlsV JL The Dig Parasol Display Grand showing-f new Pongee' Parasols, in - plain, embroidered and colored borders; just the thing to take on your vacation : I each,; from.... ;..;.......2.50 to 6.00 6Dall Croquet Sct 95c 6-ball Croquet Set, oiled balls and , mallets: ,-: ; regular $1,10 value, special... ....... ..95f Spec'l PricedHommocks ,Hand-woven Hammocks, all colors; some- thins; very durable. 75 values at. special 425 values at, special.'. .............. . . . . i . . 8"9I ...3.00 3.75 -.values at, special Three Baseball Specials x Baseball Mitts, 50c value at, special .T. . 88 1 Baseball Gloves,25cTalnerspectal : ; . -.. . .20 Baseballs, 20c value at, special..... ..'.lSf Childrcn'sGardenNccds 3-oiece Garden Set; regular 35c... .. I. . .25 V. ..I'. .'. -- Beach t Pails jand -. Shovels;T regular -r-1 ft- 20c, special... 1 C Sprinklers, handsomely ,i decorated; . i 1 .1 V regular 15c, special... ...... ........ I I C Outing Gloves 23c Pair Extra quality lisle, all sizes in black, white, champagne, tan and brown; reg- ; ular 35c values at. special. ..........awJC 35c-40c Hose 23c Pajjg Special lot of ladies' plain arid fancy coloVed :", Hose,:' black ? embroidered insteps gray, . tan. red and navy. with fancv stripes; also- t cadet blue and red polka dots, all sizes; iust the thing on your summer vacation or : outing; regular 35c and 40c val- ties at, pair.. ......... CHILDREN'S 35c HOSIERY AT 23c Children's' Outing Hose, in a best quality plain lisle, ' in black and whin, air sizes: regular 35c values at, special . . . .. . . .23f Outing Needs Specialties 4cjTin plates, ack.i.v;.r:;. - 15cTiaCoffee Pot, each; . . .'.". i ' . . 12 18c Tin Sauce Pan, ea(h.v.;;-..r..V.;.'...'14 8c Tin Pudding Pan,' each ... . ;'. i.Q$ ' 30c Dish Pan, each . .W... ...?.7. ,24s ' 10c' Wash Basin, each .: ;.V. . . 5, .. . a8 15c Flour Sifter, each v.12, 20c Frying Pans, each,".. ;.18i , 15c Frying. Pans, each.......... ...... .12 ' 50c Tin Tea Kettle, each,.;.V.,.; ;,41 ( 8c dozen Wood Pie Plates, doxen. '..8 v 4c dozen, Paper Pie Plates, dozen,. 8 ' 50c Iron-handled Knives and Forks.. ...42 50c Wooden-handled Knives and Forks.. 42 ' 10c set.of 6 Tesspoons, set..... ... .......8 - 20c set'of 6 -Tablespoons, set...,...,;. ..18 i 3c Wire. Egg Whip, each... ....... ....l24 , 10c Can Opener, each . i ... .2 .8 ' 10c Glass Juice Extractor. . .V. .'. i . . . ' 5c Glass Juice 'Extractor.,...'.'.. .4 35c dozen Tumblers, dozen , 28 "2$i Galvanized Pails, 12-quart, e.ach, 20 Q Flt&KX"STOafS!AILOJU3tRS WImm Ma to this vtor looatr tha m joartbU for MtatofM. Zh store &Ua aU buO orAora At paetat ,--..-.?:. -.- . - for this week known at the "Annual to again demonstrated in this timely sale ;34-in Steamer- Trunk, canvas covered, water-!, iiiiiJroQij)ainted four wood strips top, and bot- . . torn; regular $6.90, special .... 85.85 30-lW;'HEAW TRUNXS AT $7.40 30-in. Trunk, linen lined, heavy gem corners, : top and bottom, skeleton tray and top tray .-divided -for -hat;egr $875, special 7,40 - Canvas Telescopes.. . ........ ,.35e .to 95 t Basket Telescopes, all -styles, and : -.i sizes. V.i.. .. . . . ....... 20 ; to 1.00 , Laco and Insertions 19c . White and cream Net Top Lace, Baby Irish ' and Venise lace and insertions, 14 ; ;1 Q to 6 inches; values to 40c, yard..... I IrC Dottcd-KgurcdNfets59c - 40-in. white and cream dotted and figured Nets -forgowns and waist s j vaL to $15, jrd. 59a2 Embroidery Specials 40c SWISS EMBROIDERY 1 5c YD. ' Nainsookand Swiss Embroidery and Inser ; 7 lions, 1& f o 5 in.; val. ,to 40c,yard...l54 ALLOVER EMBROIDERY $1.19 YD. Batista all-over Embroidery, u- CI JQ sorted patterns; val. to $150, yd.V 7 CORSET COVER EMBROIDERY 42c Corset ' Cover "Embroidered . Swiss . A?t - and Nainsook; val. to 85c, yard., ;.iTv Graduating Robes $11.75 New lot of Net Robes In white, pink and blue lbatiste embroidered rbest. latest model, " suitable for graduating'and C, 1 7t - evening wear; values to $18.. V1 1 ItC J WOMEN'S-CHILDREN'S APRONS 25c -Children's gingham Aprons, rwith 4 , sleeves, sizes 2 to 8 years, each..... s?JC Gingham "Aprons,' 'large size, " with , pockets,- each.-. ... ; .... . ,. ,. ... . ,-. ., wC PaperBboksJOOOTitlcs For sflmmer reading, special each,... ,.8 ; 1 0c Handkerchiefs at 4c '. '" "" i' i r . - . ii - - r , . , i- r , - - Special lot of ladies' and children's -Hand-1 kerchiefs, .hemstitched and . lace, trimmed, if,' and embroidered ; patterns, 500 ..dozen , - slightly soiled or mussed; regular JOc As ' values a, Special, each. .,...,....... .'tC Just the .thing to take on your summer outing - trips.':"-r,.sri-"v,""".f' Z'.'ff-X . t 35c HANDKERCHIEFS FOR 21c EA, .Also smsfl lot of fine Swiss embroidered and linen, lace trimmed Handkerchief s( slightly - soiled and mussed; good values at , O 1 f '1 ,35c; special outing price, each ....... mw 1 C TKclGrbcerySectiw a Plays an Important Part in Every Outing. v - C, 4t B., Oil,: quarts! . i .. ..i. ...65 rr-Ib.1cariRoyat Baking PowderT. .... ..:40t 3 packages Jelio .: ; ... .'. . . .'. ... 25 Pint bottle-Blue' Label Catsup...'.;., ...20; Pinr bottle Van Camp's Catsup... .20 1-lb. pkg. Baker's Unsweetened Chocolate 354 2 Mb. cans Minced Clams.. -...j:. 35 1-lb. pkg. Dates....... ,10 r 10-lb. sack yellow Corn Meal.... ...... ..25 10-lb. sack Graham Flour..,. 25 6 pkgs.-Press Matches. ............. .....28 6 pkgs. Domino Matches. .,.'.,..,.-....1.25 6 pkgs. Searchlight Matches.'. , .".';.'.... ..25 l-fb. jar Sliced Beef.. .25 2 1-lb., cans Corned Beef .j ... . ......25 ' ! 2-lb. can Sliced Pineapple... i .15 Sapolio ............... 7 ,3 Bon Ami... ... .......v.iV.J.'.28' 2 1-lb. cans B. Oysters. .... L. 25 . 3 cans Carnation Crearti...w..... .......25. Jeans Pioneer Cream..'.. ............ ..25 pkg. Postum .,....,............., . .'. 20 ; 1 ' pkg. Figprune. . 20 2 pkgs. Grape Nuts 25 ,20 lbs.dry granulated Sugar.-...,;,;,1.00 i V. . i ' r r '-f 1' -