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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (June 10, 1906)
, : - . ... A " ; ' TllZ OT.ZCOU SUNDAY JOURNAL, PbnTLAND," SUNDAY MORNINGJUNE W. ltt." LIVESTOCK MARKET3 ARE HURT CONSIDERABLY DY RE PORT ON PACKINGHOUSES. INDICATIONS ARE THAT Till WHEAT CROP OF THE NCSTI I-WEST-" WILL ZZ ' N 0 .V..L. OltlEUTPEdiD VERY GOOD Large Volum of Flour Trade Re : ported to Japan During the : ' Part Six Daya,'5-t CHINESE BOYCOTT IS . AS EFFECTIVE AS EVER Btrawberriei Rise -on Bad Weather , New Potatoes Are Firm While OMs T Are Weaker and Generally Down Eggs, Butter and Poultry W v Bp Hymsa H. Oobea. , - Front attest. Jun . 4 p. m. The principal i featurea of the Portland wuolesal nutoil ttw MitwHk: .' :.v Orwatst ftour tree, ansa. 1 r-v - Wheat to selling at prswtum. . - . :', Strawberries rise on bmd weather. . " ,' New fralt eooataatly eomlng. -' , Ntw potato firm; eld weaker. v : ' - New on lone moving' quit atesdy. ; V Preamiry butter galas (lrmiwaa. ""V" Iff advance with batter call.' 1 - ' T;-' Poultry markat basins to rlss. .' ..... .;. Cheese tower; trad ratbar glow. Oaa bop aal reported during week. j , . ' '-' Series of atlTBBcaa la natch, . . . " - Sugar scarcity t and onluf ' '-v.irL OHaatal Flour fend ' . , -Whtla tber wer no aanaatloiiat ala of floor to th orient during b paat waak trad wa very good. The Tolum of basin waa, roily ' up to Isst wart' sverag, om ahlppar claim - tog a increase ever the previous waak' boal Maa. Japan eontlnees to do practically U the export buying ta thla markat on account of tb dmposltloa of an sxtra war duty which (oa -"tote effect this fail. Advices from there Wat .-. tbat tb Japan merchants bar not baa a liberal borers of flour aa reDorted. bacaaa iirWT4TfaC3ikI to bl(b later in the eaaaoo. WIot lt; U',nwl,tt.i4, M en trila prloa oViea-nDt- adTntT of . aaalila m Iwat tb-npaa)a el mhMX4 , u vmwm uvicmi -m-m ion u w - , - ntoamaaleattaB with Portland and " nun, -IB aapanoa OKI an imw am wmmxmm , boym at one. Plrat thy naked for ql tatlena; than tbeyinad offer f aboot 10 a I . tbay npant Yrel waaka without making tlngl porchaa. Wban to Jniller fonud tb true aftaatioa they loot 0 tloj to atMfenlng ' p their qootatlona. 1 The tw intcroata bagaa to e tbinx in tb right light and th malt : wa tbat there wa no awr qnibbllng erer lower prlea by tb Jap. Tbey cam into . tb Barket and alpe tbea th purchase bar been ayatwnatl. WbO Japan baa been a. eery r liberal parchaaer of Hoar of late there baa been : 110001 a void of baalaeea la thld Una with tba Cblaea. Bon emaU amooot of trade wa re . '-' ported aaad to Hongkong, bq generally apeak- -. las tboaa ordera wan -tor , VFU-eatahllahed - brand and war only glea ta fill la depbtd ; line. The boycott tbar la rally aa f fectlT , a rer. - There aeror baa ba a time aloe it --waa toaarnrated tbat tb bar war let down ra a' Uttkt bit. All report to the oatrary . to bar bee suae oat at whole cloth. Tb Chinee do net wast Americaa Hour and - tbaf all there la to It. Tbey clsin tbay ar able to awtala Jnat- a goad an article front , A aa trail at anrnad tb nam, f If roe, and aa i. long a the boycott la aa tbey will keep ant . ef tbl market. Trad with California polnta ha been of very aaaU caliber daring tb 'pat week. Xb great aoxphi ef anppllo left rr from tb earthquake fond la atill playing ' bare with erderi which generally oom la thla '. direction. Portland and trlbatary mtllara gar '- jt eonalderabl anraont of floor to the relief v f and and thro lane concern tber gobbled -'. ap tb aarplna at a vary hnr flrnr and ar -1 therefore able to enderaefl tb Oregoa miliar ! wltb their own brand. Tnto f rna tkrar dotag at tbl time. :-" .... " . -U, - Trad to Wheat Ta ed.'',. - OonakSertaf tba am I amoont of wheat re maining aaaold eat of tb hand ef grinder the wheat market acted oalte lirrty during th Bt week. ' Price sad a morement that ta printed qnotatloo "bat aeTeral good alaed aala - - war mad in tba Interior at a alight premium ' ror tb flrnr offered a week ago. Tb better demand for floor fonnd th amaller ailllen wtmont adeqaat anppliea anB tbay ar again h ."!. la tb market. .r,- t .- It now aeem aa aaanrad tact that Portland to bar a grain xcbnga eetabllabed to th near fntnr. Bereral Ran rrandaoo partta wbv ar aald to ha eonalderabl experience in thla . line bar been in tb city for a boat a wek, " i and report any tkey hv lmoat aoncloded' to i Mtabllah tb excHaoga to tlm for tb coming i crop. a r . a to.waarrtoa la a M .Waatbar.v--- Ooatlnaed ram daring atrawberry time ta aow tb beat thing for tb fro It. Ripening ' waa eery alow daring the paat week and a hub . par cant of tb trait rotted before it eooid .' marare. Lck of eanahme wa the only fan. Price mad a alight depltn dortag' tb week ' awing to tb poorer cendltioa of tork and tb town of tb trad to tak bald, bat aa op '. pile -begaa to decree the trad ageta betraa to bay and thla canaod tb later adTaoce. Thaa ' Afar there haa been practically no baytag of : berrle for family canning, and tber are pre dict lone oat tbat tba present aeaaon will art nmewbat Ilk that of a year ago when atoeka dlrappaarrd befor anynaa re Used It. Manr w frolt are makmg thehj appear . ance in th toral marketa. toa-anbeniea are aow coming la email lot from California, a ad j .' peacbe ar la aacb hap that tbey can almost (.he dUrtlngntahed aa peacbea. Tbl el nerd a : batter demand tba laat of th week. - Aprteota are rather scarce a aceoont at tb almost total failure of tba California crop. ' Local cher ries ar not yet coming In good ahap and moat ' : of fl abtpment raealTed thna far had to he , aaorlftced on tbl aceoont. Better quality com ing from th sooth,. Prlcea big on thla ae coont. ... " - Vw Folates Firm OUa Weaker. ' Demand for aw potato I now growmg - ' eery faat en acoonnt of oonslderaM tmprare- meat in qnallty. Receipt! from tb aoath ar hearter,' bat price tber bar advanced ana thla ha kept local value ap to tb top Botch. Old ' pot toe ere very week, hat aom fair. alaad aalea were reported made to tb tar north daring tb " week at very low price. Dealer are now willing to let their old! potato go at ' moat any price offered, aoai being reported , ' ', daring th week ea low as tAe a 100 pound. atocka are eprootlng to faat that db trad ll vry anxloo to mov them, no matter what ' (be price. Along tb atreet dealer aay tbay ar compelled to ga over each sack of potato .- 'oa aa averag of erery fir day to ardar to ' keep the apron ta from growing too faat. NWCHfomla onlona ar abewtng bettet i , oaaUty and tber ta aa Improved; demaad. Re- I celpt r only fan- and former prices ar at HI being malnUlned. . Texaa atocka are fast dla- appearing. . '. jjl"' " ' ' ' ' ' ' : . , Creejnery Btrtmr Oalni" Flrinaesa". . T th rieaniery batter market tb peat week . has been very good. - Receipt were aot .o1ta . ad liberal a tb preceding elx day, Bayar i showed mora dlapoaltloa ta porches oa account . ' of the expected advanc to prlcee. . Bom well '. eetabllabed brand of ootelde manafacrBr were advaaced to city creamery price daring tb : , Week, bat a large portloa af th aalea ef best butter along the atreet are still being mad at 80c a nonnd. field store operation ar vary - heavy. Thb likewise has a stiffening effect nana prirea. Oonatry stor barter was In bettet . request during tb week With a eonalderabl r camber ef sales at aa advanc In prlea. Booth- era BMrchanU tb prlnelp! barer at this tlaie. Tftt Advanoa With a Better OaO. Vr -While reretpte f gra were quite fair th paat week, th volume of arrival was pot Be ep to those of the preceding six days. Dmsd was very fund and prices went etrelant to tb ' toe mark. Later tb ton became atfffer skid ' ' aom fw. le were . reported mad along tb street aa high as 20H; This waa tat dingle casae, however.. ' , , ; 4 .. , Fealtry Kara Begin Advance. ' . , " Penltry was onWerhly firmer aU throagh ' the peat week. - BecelpU. while about ap to C, requirement, ware not aearly an besrr a a a week r an many pnrehaaeey war mad for specnlatlon. The principal advanca was ta 1 ' ml id sad la strtlsht bene. Duck sad gee. 7 while aew waak. wer aot aa firm a other a (tw Uuaea antv a vmy ana JOURNAL'S SPECIAL-;!---i REPORT ON WHEAT CROP ' " - , V- .'rJ-.- - Continued raJna hav tallaa in th Pacific Northwest during; th paat week. .Thie baa been of material benefit to the. , wheat crop.. Sunshine la now needed In miJat aectlona and lack of It durlnB th oo oilng week or two will mean that th coming: crap rill be curtailed to pome ex tent: The damage reported lMt week on account of the aover ralna aeem to have been axap;. Berated to ' aomo extent. Th fallen araln i v bealnnina" U atralghten up but there la atill a eonslderable amount that will be ruined,' , v hardly find a stable qnotatloo. Tonne spring eblekan went lower inatcad ef higher oa ac count of the amaller demand for Us. Tb tutor ef the market look steady. . Obeesa Lower; Trad Bth Kw, - - There w a rather dull dan to the cheese market during tb weak just anded. Receipts were quit. out of line with the enaulrrx demani and thla allowed tb borers to. (ere prices down. Practically no aalea ef Me. 1 flat, were aiade daring the week ever 11 Vie a pound, 1e advance even this price being th ruling qoota tlua for Young' Averieaa.' .Th trad 1 aot stocking ap wltb cheese on account of ta ex pectation of atill lews figures. . ..... , Chlttlm Bark Ttoda a CaU. For about a ysar than ha been practically no demand for chtttua bark to any of tba Pad fie coast markets. Tb heavy stock held la th hand of borers caaaed - eaatarnere rt bold aloft from making xtnslv purcbaae. Most ef tb Utter ar aow abort and shirtsg the paat weak .obey made some purchase. This caused prices to rise from a pound to ee sad dtt. Trade not aeoeatloasl. , Oa Kep lale X Kade. ':, But a single sals ot bops was reported ea toe Pacific coast daring tb past wsek, so scant srs th suppUse. Harry U Hart ef this ally sorcbaeed everaj dosaa bale of Waahlaa toa growth at 10 a pound sarly ta th week on orders. Th market bold tag Ita alaady ton, eeordlng to a prominent dealer, wb has tost eovared htopsbort sales, tber ar now order ta thai markat for about 600 hale nf bop which cannot be filled on aeaouat of tb .that mmiA km. AhumIi i r repartM pttr n in Atianti boara, I wtyle on th Pacific aoaat Uy eoold bardly I n hnproead. The trad pay th fonowfaf prleM to Front atrMt. ITIoa paid prodaoara are 1 rnfolar , .wratk, nonr and Taad. . ' ',. Z WH4i-Chib, t07j r1 RnMtaa, TDei bttiMtem, Ta76e; nr, TOO!.-; - BARLtT Fewf, M.Ot fnUad, M&OOW-0O; nrawin. bm-vu. CO&M Wbola. tMMt arackod. tBJO par T tlJt par wt. OATS Prdera prVwN. 1 WbR. (30.00 0X0 00; fray, OA'S 29.00. - rLODB Nw aatarn Oivcob pa tints, at.POO (.; atr.lrhta, $3.0a.60; aiport,; rallay, t.U: rabam, m. t.80; wbeit wbaat, .T ra, doa, tfi.OO; lalaa. IXTS. - UlUAivrrt Bran, 1T,0 ar ton-M dllnaa. 28.00: aborta, oaatry, lMKf att, 10: chop. UO0il.o0. . BAT Prodncar prlea Tlmothr, WUIamert ralley, faMy, )0.00O12w00; rdlnaryP dT.OOQ 00; Matara Oraaon. - IM OOQlo.OOj nlxad, flioaP.OOt ekvrar, 18.0008.00; (rata, la.0O 00; cbwt. . oo. . ' "atarr Zrf and aBltr.' . ":' " ream. 80e; oor, IS. . BUTTE B City eraamary. tlHe; Mtald fancy. : ordinary, iTHci tor.vllt. Eo No. l.fraah Orason, 'aaadled, SOe. .CHEEBB Haw Ml oroaai, flat. UftM Toonf Anwrlo. 3H Calif oral flat, 11. - PO<BX Mixed cbtckena. ISc par lb fancy nana, 1SQ18 par lb; rooatera, old, 10c par Jo; atag, ll par id; rryara, ini7e; oroll. ar. UeiTo par lb I old dock. ISelO par lb; aprmc , doeka. 10 par lb; caeaa, par id; raraaya. lee par Ibi dr i 1 1. Mm nar lb; qaaba. 1-BOOtOd par doat plgMna, M "" pw w 1 r v BTsue. Weal Bad Kldes. BOPS Contracts, 1BC4 crop, 10f)10H net par to BMdkoaa. U; ie urrgon, uam WOOLc-lSO dllD Valley. tftr; fine. BV: esstera Oragea, Bt4):no, MOHAIR New, aoe. " SHIKFHKlNa abeartnaT.-lnfjSOc ach sort wool, KQeoc; medlma. wool, aO)Ta each; ten wool. tSc1.00 each. ... TALLOW Prune, par lb, tQ4et Ke. and fTeurfSi Iark dH F" th. - " " RIDICfl Drv. N. 1. Id Dj and an. MUdl f lTHc PeTIb; dry hip. Re. t, to Id Iba. tec; ary call, no. i, anoar o we, lea; eaiiea aiaea, etaera, sonad, 60 lbs Bad over, 1041 lie; cows, mtJOHc; sttgs and bulls, sound, OtfTc; kip, II to 80 lbe, c calf, eound. aader 18 lbs, 11c; greea. ansslted. 1 les; eulli. I e per lb less; bersebldes. salted, each, ll.3B01.TB; dry,' each. ll.OOaiat enlt hide.. Ktt&Oet-. goaf aklna, rommoe, each, 10pl Angora, each, SocpJ 14)0, ' . ... : -, ... - " rralta tmt Tatohlaa POTATO F Best sorted, TO per each: pro ducer!' price for cur lot 0 par cwt; rdlnary, So45e; producers' price, )! asw potatoes, 02Vic. . , V ONIONaobbtraT prlea frraron. We. 1. flBO; BTodsoera' price. Ro. t, 3 20; Ra-iaoot Texas, le psr lbr nww California, $J.0ll.iJ garlic, 'Q9e per lb.. - FRKSH FU0IT8 Apple. t.BIt.fa); rsnga. fancy naval. 13.tsift4.0tR saadllnjt. (2. 79 ; bf edltetraeean. 3 1603.23! bananas, a lb; lemena, choice, td.o44.So per boas fancy, tn.ltoa.oO pec bsx: lime, Mexican, ITS per 100; tangertoee, I pineapple. Mexican. ft.TB: Bawallan, ; atrawberrles. al.W4H.8n: par crate; goosaberrles, aBo per lb; cherries,; plums. 12.00 pr crato; apricots, S3.00; pescnes, fl.ftO; loganberrl, 1 60. VEOBTARLlTd Turnips, nw, 1.80 per sVS carrota. (1.60 per aark; beets, IIW per sacs': parsnip. " 1.0 Par . sack; Or. ros radlsbe. SOe per doa; cabbage. Oallfornla, fl.Tfl par cwt; Oregon, tl.OO; bell peiipet a, UQ20O lb; Mexican tomatoes, 2 7833.00; rinrlda, td.BO: parsnips. Oc$l; atrlog bean, luttiae: cauliflower, 1 doa; pees, ISH lb; horseradish, tittle lb; artichoke. TO per doa; bothooae lettuca, l.fS per box: cranberries, leneya. 114.00 per bbl; Oooa ba and Tllle mook. 110.00; aaparagua. Oregon, o470c per doa ouachss; Walla Walla. $160 per box; aqnasb, lVr; splnsch, TRo per hex; green onion, Oregon, 12 He per do bunch; roenm bers. 0RT6e per doa; celery, 80 per os( green corn, BOc doa. ' "--:-- DRIED FBUITS Apples, evaporated, lit) 15c per lb; aprlcets, UOlBe'per lb; peacbea, IiaUHe pW lb; sacks. He per lb less; prunes, PO to 40, THe; Ha drop ea each sixteenth smeller else; figs, California black, ttTe lb) California white. Be per lb; da tea, goldea, to per lb; fares. 1.1S pee lb-lb hex. , - t i- wrooeriea. Rata, Zt. BT70AR Bach basis Crib, SB SO; powdered. io; ary granuisrea, graaulated, western. rs v, se.oe: goldea bbls. loo: U bbls. gfic; boss. Bos sdvsnc on each beats, less 0.V per cwt IOT CUSM, a asj sseoas, . sssbms (Above nrlce apply to Sales of less thaa nvr car lota. Car toot at epedal price aubjeot to turtnarloa. I . -. H0NEI-4.) pau.crat. ... C01TBB Package toandi sndaTTItl BAiyr -Cot HeltV imjr-4a)r-0e-e tna: 60a, as.oo; tatiia, aawy, ooa,; inn. MO. To; Imported uversoei, bus, bit.w: ioos, 114.60; 334, f 11.00; extra flm, bbm, to, Ba, loa. lit Mi; e l W, Aue auiw, vwm, mm, vm, irm, ia iinstBSO! balk. 10 lbs. B4.0OB.0rt: eacks. Boa, dBasde: Liverpool lump reck, 114.60 per ton: BO Vb ock, 1B.0O; lOOs. 17. TB. ,t . OR A lit B A oK Calcutta, IHOlOe.- ' RIOR Imperial Japan, No. I, tfl H 14)3141 Mew Orleans head, Tcj AJax. Be; BRARBamaTl wilt, Id.lWt large white. 14.00; pink. 11.00; bare. fl.00i ,Llmaa, Be.OO; Mextc can Tna wrn-a Peanuu. Jambna, Be per' Tb: Tlrelnla. auesaaie ' ner lb i roseted. aau eer Ibi socoanuts. sflftPOe per do: Wslnuts. 181BH per lb; pineauta, wauttt pee in; stcsary nuts, 10 per lb; cheotaute, eastern, IBs) lie par Ibj Rrasll sum. 14 per lb; filberts, I4ri6c per lb; fancy pecans, UHOltHe; almoada, 14) IBM. - ' . . ainto. Ossi Otto, Ito. BOFB Far Maa 11a, MVt aaaadard, tttx cOAOtL Pearl or Astral Case. 1 per gal;, water white, Iran bMe, 14c per gal; eiodeu, IT per (ait be alight. Jio- alHc per gaL . ' OAPIURI pea aal. woe bWa, IV Us, IV pT ( BENXINB M-dM. w to per gal. area to per lfrwsa bbls 1KH per gal. . TURPI.MTINB lap hbla 0c per. gal. v WHiTB LttiU Ta Bjrs,. 1 pevkW W" ia.4MasmlaJeaalaa, aU saaj Jb. . so.iB( fruit grsnuisma, o I5.0B; conf. A, B5.08; beet 4.8B; Hawaiian, ao.oo; exti b aiSi D veliow. 14.BS: An Extra Million REPORT LULL 1(1 Investigationx.otPacking S8"l3yBHI-Rf0ldHuTt8i ':t::;" . . ': the Trade. ALL LOCAL PRICES ARE . UNDER PREVIOUS ONES Hoga Decline Fifteen Centa, While Cattle and Sheep Are Of Twenty- Five Centa-Rangea Are Full o! . "at Cattle' and Outlook la Bad." By Erman H. Cob. Forriaad TJnlon Btecajnrds, Jan a, p. Livestock raeelptol' ' . . . - Hog. Osttle. Bbeep. This wk .- Last week W J81 J.P1T Month ago ! 2 Sear ago 158 1.011 d,T40 Aa far distant a tb Pectflc eoast th Mv stock : industry baa already felt the pi seems from . tb government report Issued ta regard to sanitary conditions In ths large atra peeking center. la thla market tb report created havoc with th trad and tb todl. cation ar that the future will ahow era a more alarming condition. Wbll the re port waa issued for tb purpose of compelling the large sastara packers to as amre san itary mefbod to their operation, the pub itdtx give tb matter ha caused a large decree ee la tb porehas of livestock nod packed melts. With tb etockmea it to not a q nestle, ad to whether tb report was right or wrong.' Prominent shippers ef tbl sec tion say they would like all abuses remedied, hot thee bailee that tb grsat uproar will do more to hurt tb American 11 restock la due try thi anything ' heretofore doa. A on ahlpner nays: "Th big packers can easily stand the bualBas. Tbey have million ef dollar wbll we hav cent. Tb lessened de mand tor livestock eeusoa ny tne report iwiu hart ue considerably more thaa thaa. When ever tb market awe wrong w are the one tbat ar made to stead tb strata." How s astern packers regsrd tb report ad Hs affect upon tb marker can be fudged by tb following Interview given, by Nelsoa Morris In ths Chicago DrOTrT Journal: --. "Speaking a a raiser of cattle, with th mllUont of. etbers wh ar affected and not from tb eta ad point of tb packing boat nee. I - regard tbl recent attack oa conditio as at th Obtcago market a a public calamity. Charge mad in tola report regarding un sanitary condition are aa misleading a ware ever put before . th - public . ' "Wbll evidently la tended to Injure- tba pacha. Ibi evil effect will be felt aU aver tb coon try, sa tbs reduced demand for beef and asnsag a ad canned meat especially most affect tba prte of cattle badly. Tb farmer will Ind tbat the eaanlng aow for which he ha bean getting $2.60 or bettor st thi market may yet have to sell as thla cattle did in Texaa yearn ago. for .merely tb prlo thet their bide will bring Th trade In canned meats waa a greet on for tb farmer an outlet for thin cattle, and ther moet bs thla esttl pa nearly ell farms When posture ar peee, - - "Argsatlaa and Australia ware .forging ahead faat enough in dressed meat- trad with . foreign esuntrle before fbe arltattoa was opened ap to give -the ' aewspapera a opening through r' which ' they bate ran riot In- slandering tb meat Industry of America, th products of which, owing to eleanJlneee and waoleenmeneea, had long hold Brat plae la fbe estlmatse of ear foreign custemers. Aawrleaa cattle rawer are to Buffer by this great public mlatak because ef the advan tage that It give Canada to tb xport ' of Ure cattle nod tb South Amerlos eoantrle In extending trad In dressed beef. Amer ican exporter of live cattl ere it a disad vantage asw, aa Canadian exporters aa usual havs tsksa a great share of the tattle ax port gpato tor - the - Bumpier." - - OabUe Am 'the Weeaagt.'--"'-, Of all th local msrksto during the wek the cattle was weakest. Receipts la this line moafltd to .bat MS head during th WIRB NAltB Frsnsnt basto t I2 6S. UNRKFD OIL Pure raw, ta B-bbl lota. Bdej I-bbl tot, BBc; caeee, Bee per gal: genuine kettle. boUed, cases, on per gal; B-bbl fcts. 6e: 1-bbl lot BBc per gal; g coned eak. rer lota, t0.0 per toa; less thaa car iota, 130.0O per too. . Meats, riah aad Fravtatena. - tirta uiiTn-rmnt srratHn-Bctf atrars. fORC nef ml cows. sc per dj eogs, isocr, bulla, HSBHe per ft! veal, extra, TQTH per Tb ordinary. 3H par lb: poor. Be lb; mutto, fancy, flflauc per lb; lmba. c. HAMS.' BACON? ETC. Pertlaed Back (local, ...".in t u lbe. 16 per Ibi 14 ta 1 Iba. I4UC per- lb: hreakfaet bacom lmj20' per lb: picnic, 10e per lb: cottage, per in; regular short clears,' ansmoked. 101 per lb; smoked. 114 Per lb: clear kc. ansmoked, )0H per lb: smoked, UH par lb; Union butts, 10 to 11 lbe: ansmoked. Be per lb; smoked, a per lb: clew bellies, ansmoked. 11 per lb; smoked, 12c per lb; shoulders. 10S pel lb. , UMJAly i.Ar.1 wne . lb: Be, ! par lb: 60-tb tine, 11H per ib; team rendered. 10s, lie per lb; 6s, 114 eer lb; enmpound, 10S, B". - - cANrtED ALMO! Colombia rtver, totw, tl.AO; 1,1b telle, 11. TB; fancy, 1 lb nato, Jl Prtl b-lb fancy lata. 11.18: fancy 1-lb oval. ll.TBi Alaska tella, pink, lOOPUs; red, (Lew; aomiaai . tell. 12.06. Flail Rock cod. t per- tb; Bounder, 1 per lb: halibut. Be per lb; eraba.ll.BO per do; atrlped bees, mi per Ibj eatflah Te pet lb; salmon, Columbia river Chinook, He pee lb, steelhesda ( ) per lb; hsrrmg. Be per Ibi .sole, to per lb; ahrlmpa, 10c per lb: aerch. Ba Be lb; black cd. Tc per ! tmncod. To per lb; liver emelt. To per n lobsters, IB per lb; CAUSES A c-' ' -' "' " ' . ' BUYING freep maekeral. cpv lb; crewaeh, 4e pat doei.ehad, 8c per Ib; sturgeon, 10c pse lb, - O TSR Pboslwater hay, per gal, fsM; par'-Wb. TT. i, ' CLAMa-AHardaball. ' aet, ben, IXOH -taasf tome, IHM M BU, , , , -- , i- - " . . for tood Meaanre.. sig days, but there was a ganersl lack ef de- mind rrom packers. TB wsaxnes waa pro nooneed all throgh th week, hot not anttl yesterday did It hav any noticeable effect upon price. . Then values ahowed a tea ef lfte. Tber ax st present no signs of any Improvement In tb esttl market. The In dication are' tor heavy arrivals. Cattle ar fattening vsry fast on tb ranges and tbl will caus mnr to be shipped to market in - th - near fotar. Th grsat abundance ea fat cattl will cans a decline ta price, Koea (toady, but Are Lower. toejtkstjhAWJLa . t.U-loss i ef lbe ah-'Prlea r-,lc sewer than a wees axe. . xnis oecnne oc eurred the are dsr and we dn to -tb Urn- porary lack ef buying. Kseeipta or logs oar ing tb week .war smaller thaa during recent periods -end this la Itself eeosea tn sons to s tea dr. . Adrloes front tb interior esy it I harder than ever to get faotont s mount of hogs, prl-e being Be object. s the are ae-hog to a eeaay'.-w :"''."; abaap Are Holding toady. ' ' Wnlle prices -ta- tb sheep market at th ekwa ef fbe weak ar t&e lower thaa at th sam period all daye ago, it waa not due to aay lesser demand for supplies. The sheep market -ha been so high tor several month that tb trad; simply refused to pay the pric ay longer and the decline recorded wsa the result. Tb very next hoar after tb decline tb' market waa steady to strong. Official lrrastsek ouocatiooei--i - Hoars Beat eastern Oregon. . IT OOOT blocksrs sod Tliln faU." ,3.50;" stock srs ,DJ tsedera, 8.95Qa,6a nettle Beet eastern Oregon atsare, ll.TBe) 4.00; bt cow and heifer. 13-261 stacker and feeders, 1100: bulls, 1140. Bheep Shear Unga. lOS) he, 4(844. Tb following arrival ware abowa la tl yarda tb past week: Bundar Charts Butler came In with ti earkMd ef abaep from Th IMlla. going to Victoria, British Columbia. D. Taylor C liai se? came in with two cars of cattle. I Moaday W. J. - WUsea ef Woodbum same la with one ear of abaep end hogs mixed. B a. Morris shipped ta en car of beef cattle from Rowland. . Tuesday W. R. "Wing of Bogen waa la with two car of sheep. F. B. Walta of Bose burg had to ens car of cattle en the market. William Ltod shipped soma bores to Taooma. Washington. L. B. Weat sent la eight ear of aherp from Willow. Oattf oml. going to tb Carstoa Packing company at Taooma, Wash ington. George Eohlhagea of Boeebarg had la three car at cattle. W. H. H. Morgan drove la Id head of cattle from hie ranch en Baavto'p Island, J. C. Lonergsn shipped In rwa ears of est tie from Woodland, California, going to th Frys-Bruhn eompeny st Seattle, Washing tos. B. Fartun had la en ear ef Wednesday B. Fhllllppt eaV Toner had la ana carload ef Sheep. ,11. P. Xoy brongbt in soma hoga to a wagon. J. W. Redd of Carl toa sent to one ear ef sneep sod' hogs. Booth by A Lewis ef Independence had in en ear of hog and shsep. A. H. Boys of hto Mlnnvine came la with one car of sheep, Bteosloft Brother st Salem shipped ta one car of cattl. Thursday B. O. Toons A 0. ef Oakland (hipped tn tw ear ef sheep and eue ef hog. A. B. Smith ef Oakland brought In tw ears ef ahsep.. .r ..;. s , ' Friday Frank Dlagea of Juuctiea bad la two can f sheep aad hogs. Saturday M. B. Hotchktoj ef Xlgla came la with en earof hogs and S. L. Overton of Brewnsvllls hsd in tw cam ef sheep. B. B. Henley brought in seven ear of cattle from- Medford.- pains to - Rsittls.VlVaahingtnn. EASTERN CATTLE STEADY. Btooeapf Bmall at Tartans. CXatora .., " KogB ta Oooft SbApa. Chrcsgo. Jan . Cattle Receipts, SOO; mar ket steady; beerve, B4.io800; stock and feeders, .TB(24.76: cow sad keif era, LO0t 1.P0; ealvea, o.004T 2B. Hogs Racetpta. 18.000: market steady; mtxsd and butrbars, ldJ6d.e0; good to ebole heavy, d.BOttd.0l ronjrh bssvy, IdSffldeO: lights Ind pigs, 4d.6iia,6B; balk ef sab, 1.4T0 .66. Sheep Receipt. 4.000; market strong: sheep, 13.6oeiJ0i tonuw. IBJ0O7.10; yearllBga. 15.75 d, t '...', - : ' At Xsnssa City. Kansas City, Mo.. Jan p. Cattle Reoetpts, POO; market steady; native steers, 14.2aa5J aativ cow and heifers, ia.B0tB.10; stockeru and feeders, A2TTB4.e0: western cows, I2.7&M 4.2K; wsatern ateara. ll.0OfflB.2B. . . Hon Recelnta, 1,000: market steady) bulk ar e.w maks.4S: baavv. ie.Rfiie.60: nark. hsvy, ere. 6a.47lil plf and light. 18 B0a.4O. Sheep Receipts.' 200; market etesdy; mat. nnevii 2H; lemhe. SS.B041T.40: raas watbera, 18.604.5; fed ewes, 4.80B.TS. zrr'T"M onsM,' cs .'''''''' Omaha, Feb., Jon P. Oettle Receipts, 100; market stead; native ateara, 14.2StB0r weet era stssrs, Tl 804)4.80; stackers and - feeders, 4o0ss4.ft0; bulla, stara, etc.. 12.TBad.S6. Hogs Receipts, 11.000; market steady; beer. s.87Ur.42V(; ml led and light, te 80dl.1T ui ; pigs. l&.OOed.OO; bulk of sale, H.35i-17. ' BUeep Beoelpta. BOO; markat, aiKhanged.. - wt. Lotrrs wool kabket. rWjxUittdyltTrl4 tory and western mediums, 0 id at Wrj fine medium, RlB29HTttoeneIWc.; ..'',.,.' ,i CTHIOAOO CASH WBXAT. x . CMc, tm "rr0 :,Wh,Bid 'i Ife. $ red. ...... -e 7 No. f red ....j .M NX 8 )airt. , toiaaaa .M 'pj) No. I hard. -..v.. V.HI No. 1 ortnrn...i. ....... J No. S nortbarn.v.e ... S JH .. No. 8 iprlng. .,...,.,....,.. ..1 No. S oor. ...,.............. Biai Nc- S cora. ..e. .a .J!) , No, a ota, K. Siesta.. -...,... ,H)t a .an . .M .PdH . .aa .Jl ' , . ' SATURDAY PRICES IN . THE, WHEAT MARKET 44l W 4 Che .,.-.t ,4b1: .Mi 1 d 4 Bt IXMllp ..... .11 ' ; d t MUwraokee ....-" - .13, 4 ' Kanaae CltF (. '.TT A ,.,- 4 " Liverpool ,;.,ls ld Is 7d 4es e 4 4) . COPPER SHORTS TO BE SQUEEZED Standard Oil Gets Trader to Co Short on Metal arjd Stocks : - " In London. v OIL CONCERN WILL- NOW RAIDUEAR camp Great Xncreaae in " Consumption of Copper la Only Partly Filled by a Small Inert ase .' In Production Bhorta Getting on Anxious Seat, MBT LORSEfl. Amslg msted Rraoklya Canadian ......... St. Paul ......... Erta N. T. Central..... Atchlsop ' Bmelter ;.'..,,,.. 1 Colorsdo Fuel...., 1' Louisville ......... , 1 locomotive ...... 1 Norfolk .......... 1 Reading ." woolen People's Oaa Rock Islsad . ....... 1 i i3 Boutbera Pst-iflc. , W Central Leather... H Union Pacta V. B. bteel Nkyr aalNa. RalHmor ..... kltoeonrt Fadfle CbeapK ....... Preeeed Steel ..... faMdat rttsnatek hr taasd Wire to Tb Jeernal) WaU Street, Iaw lorhv Jun 1. Th sit aatioa la regsrd to. ths copper metal I soar ing a crisis. Th Increase of production-the laat rear hi bee iboet per cent. Con sumption tss ootstrlpped it, tb gal Ming according to sou minorities, ee Bsa per cent ever tb praviooa year.. Tb public ha received ton of free advice warning . it against haying either capper metal or cop par stocks st th high prloa eehtch they hav . The easalt baa bee tbat aneaamera have bought aa uttl metal s possible, beUav. Ins that tb price must surety oreaa, te bmM eonsumera have refuaed to boy except for Immediate ass and tb dealer la copper metal la London havs sold million of non.d. .hnrt Ther hlV borrowed for dO- I tTerrrfroa'-tlrag -trr.Tim undri- atood that T tb T eotetaadlng boft' Interest "1 the-metal for-August -to-ti Portion, ... - ml Bat ' The Bthndard OH people, hiring either will, tngly or a willingly loaded tbemsslvsa snd their friend' with great euantltlss ef eopper .,.ir .!. decided to take advantage ef the London sbarts to ereet a market for th copper securltiee. ' It I f Uttl Importance k.. Aeaeleemeted Conoar dos 1 tb Stock amrket to tb immediate future because tb campaigner would ratner- a iarwu ion Interaat. They ear making tber stock easier to borrow' snd ths slat to being made tor a sensation- whan the urns - come the teeding metal (ambler. ; aborts Betting Vsrvoni . T-hnae lea dees are becoming nervous already and-the sglises wsy tsks plirt rmf t" Angust-.Jt l impoaslble to boy epot copper i. .,, msntltlee for " less than 20 Mats a nana Onotarion at a lowar agar than tbat are purely formal. Th Chinese supply seems -to bexhaosted and China. U axpsctod to com Into tb markat ' aa a ouysr suou. wei,hi tba actual consamDUon ef copper grows st an astonishing rats. What effect tb rise in esppsr will . havs en ta general stock market la problematical. Statement Has V Effect. '" 'Although th bank ststement' ws more fa Turabl thaa looked tor, tbs gala to surplus waa email and ths publication of the figures failed to- hv any Isflaeatlal affect on tb lata trading. Barplas issui us Increase d 138, 02B. Peposlts Incrused (10,SS,sov ana soeaa Increased 1T.81P.40O. Tber waa utu res tur (broad, with dullness pad moderate heavi ness ruling, . especially - at London, where American a too declined. French rente also nude another decline and Berlin was reported ana toady, Tber wer further report at Loa of - a earning eat in ua mmrsci s sew rat. . " . ."".' ' .: . .. The number of snares ec eioca sow woay as 106,610, .against 6,B60 th sams day laat year. '"'....' The tola I" par -value " r no line - set - eooey ws 11.181.000, . agslnet 19,181,000 th seat day last year. ' -.. - , . -. ' Stank Ar TTrernlar. Btock wsr highly Irregular today, being under th toooeac ef th raaor that tb crop report by tb government oa Moaday woold ba anfavorabl. There wsa heavy profit-taking that caused rMettoas ef from en to tw points, but th does woe steed y. The advantage . which Seattle 1 gaining throagh Baa Francisco's disaster Is shown la aa Increase ef nearly 114,000,000 ta Seattla'i beak etoarlngs for May. Tb clearinra sx eeeded' 11.000,000 a day. ' Much ef thla to crsaae Is do to the boom already ander way when the earthquake happened, hot millions of aaw business baa aom -to the city unc tn eertbaeak. The strengm ex . racinc oast stock 1 declared to be entirety to tble Increase la OfAelal essstattonal : . . ' mrJ-TT-.-Closing Opes, Bid. Amalgnmatsd Copper C...-..-Atchison, eemmoa. ........... 108fc Kt1 04 Ateaieoa. nrrerreq ,m , v.ia Americas Car A Foundry, common. 41V American Car rousury, preieereu. ., jus American Bugsr, eemmoa ......... . i ' 186H Amerlcna Bmelter, eammaa U 166 Americas Bmelter,. preferred. . .,. Ealtlroor Ohio, eummen 11014 110 - Baltlmor Ohio, preferrsd ..... Brooklyn Rapid Transit Ma, yjt Caaadlu Paclflc, osmaioa ' ....... .100 1BOJ4 Chicago, Milwaukee SL Fanl....lT6 17l4 Chesapeake Aj Ohio ..1V..V BJJ f Colorado Fuel A Iron, eenrmon...- BTt Delaware A rfudsw 'rrvmrrerMW. - J21H Delawar. Lackawanna Waster. .. , ,600 Iteateee m sUO urano. roBBDioa. w Peavsr A Rio Orssds, preferred , Erta, common ................... Brie, eoond prererreo , -"n Brie, fljst preferred .............. .. TP Illinois Central " Louisville I NaabvUla 14 , , 148 Metropolitan B treat Railway lid Manhatua Ballway j . Ml Mexican Catrl Railway ....... J Missouri Facile ...... ..i TH fTV Mtsaoerl, Kansas Tax, common .. 86 Vilssourl, Kansas A Texaa, preferred Dew Tork Central , IJ J Cottoa Oil . "aj Central Leather v. J Locomotive '.... 25 InV Woolen "014 Mnvfolh a, wsstern. ceuieem ...... .. . w Norfolk Wsstern, preferred ...... 00 tnsk 61 IRS Pl 62 8T 141 Km,, a fnerican New Tork, Ontario A Western .... Pennsyhrsnl Railway ii-Uto People'a Oaa, Ught A Coke Co... . Pressed Bteel Car. common ....... .. ' Pc1fle Mall Steamship Company.. . Reading., tommoa - Readingt- seeoad preferred. ......... e. Reedlne. nrax nrsrorrou ....... - SSS4S!i 119 Iroa m Bteet. eominoa HeWIBTtjr-! I Wrte. IsbaeA eeeaw Bock ialand. prererreo. . . . , . Sou t hern Railway, common . Southern Railway, preferred ...... . v Southern Paclno Southern Paclflc, preferred ...... . - ' Rt. Loul San Fraselace, Id pfd. a. Louis A Southwestern, common, w . St. Louts A Boutkwsstern, preferred M - Texaa A Psclfle. , Tenosssee Coal Iron.. , Toledo, St. L. A W eomaiOB...... do preferred : .,. , TJnloa Pacific, om men.. e... .... . do prsfsrrad. . Central I-eethr, eomooa. ..,.. do preferred. ...... v TJnltod State Bobber, eommo.... .. t do preferred ........ -... raited Stste Steel 0e eommoa.. 41 . do profarred. ,.. ..awls Wlacoaaln Central, common. ....... do preferred ,.,,w,,e, . . Western L'nlon Telagrspb.......... e , Wabaah. eomnron.. . do preferred.-.. ....... ''' ; Federal Smelter... Northern Pacific... .-110 - ''' tterUag laosaasw Bates.- -i ,. - Kew Tork, Juaa S. etterlln rates: Deasad, 41B.80sf 488; 10 dT. S2.ti48S. , - - ... ' ' .; " B'w jTrk(Bllv Market. , New Vork.-ne 1. Eat Silver, SS; Meli ssa doUan. ftUfeda s .. . , .' v " . - -' tea " ...... 4 FAR AWAY OPTIOHS STROIIGEST Chicago Wheat Market Quite Active for a Saturday With Mixed Closing. JULY-DECEMBER CLOSE AT A QUARTER ADVANCE September in Beat Form on Account of Crop Damage News and Gain of Three Eighths. Is Made Oats Market Holda Ia Own. V ' - RHLATTTl WHBAT TALVBS. Cloee -: Cka- Close - Osia Jun . , June a., IK. June P. Jalv. Beptambsr tambar.... .8Si . . .Mfi ; M .00". HUDer..... .84& 4 .llfi .OOii Chlraee Ten S The wheat markeTwa verr setlv for a Saturday today, Tbe market opened enersllr mwar thaa to r loa ins or yaaiaraay ut bagaa t gain In strength snd price sooa after. Thar seemed a a is ooa it ion in anrns quart srs to sail tb July and purcbass Bantam, ner ana uecemDer options. inis vauswa is range in price. July. oMnad H unoer . tn pravmus cmsing, but made a sain which carried tb prior to Boo, This ws th high point, sod selling pressure which developed later sent th market oowa and tbe csoaing wa at S4v a aet rta sines wearerdsv of Ll Fsr-awy option were more fortunate. Crop damage reports sdded to th etrength of tbe market a tn session pragreasea. oepiemoer was atrongeat snd closed st !, H from ths hlfh mark of th day and an advene ef e ever Frlday'a elostng. - December wee eulto ea ana ctoeed savancea. - Oat Market Hold Ito Owa. Whim todey's action 1a oats was not la any way strengthening to tbe hull side, the market held its own rlrht un to tbe close and both tb July and Septom pec. to4. ,nochangdt Frtrt rsftrnra. ' ' ""ProvhUon -era "' diwuuliia beoagkt su-br-tb dleclosur mad by tb government. Today's markat ssovea witnin very narrow rang, prices (losing vary near ue mw marts or ro aay. Official quotation by by C i sit ink. Star A cense osmpsay: . . WHTCAT, ...-j-r .Open. .HJbA:-i.lrw.rfK.nna.- jniy,.. a 8ept... .81 Isa . .M f'Tl , I .88t4 f 84i4B . : .ee .88 .- Mi .84. r- - CWBlf.f J-r-r- Jtiry.s .81H .81i ) JTH, .81 H cpt, . -.01 . jcm .6 1 ib jaotv J1 VIS . . . M) a, .0ATi,i. Jaiy-'kw : .ft : ' ,: t-tt4 : jtr -r jr ept..... .1614 . 1 MT .84 -;1H AW ur.,.i oa - --oia MKflS FOBJC. Jaly law- iB.po is.stv Beyt.-... 1A4T 18A0 - ldT. 11A0 - ' - - 8.8T ' 8.8S .;, 1..8T . tJT ; . . LARS. - ' ,:, , -. .2 : 8.TT -' 1ST . a 92 - 8.80 S.8T -BHORT BIBS. 1.4T , . 1.1T LIS , .:. 8.80 July....,, Sept.,.-. Oct.. . .. July-... Sept..... 8.80 8.(16 1-M i . S.4S 1.82 BOSTOB OOFFXB BLABXETt- Boston, Jon 8. Ofnclal esppsr (Issat , Bid. Bid. ..,.h.. a iRovel -:.... "J i so Allows ...... S1.87M'Shsnaon A62H Arcadian .... ITS Tamarack .... M.00 Atlaatl ..... 11.TB Bingham .... 12.00 Calumet ..... SP6.00 Trinity ....... a.oo L'nltsd Copper. rM.Tti I'tsb 82.25 Tlctorla - - 1.00 Wolverine ... 184.00 V. S..ktiolng. B8.63H Tenn. Cooper. 44.00 Centennial . , 28.00 Ooppsr Rsngs. Daly Wsat... Franklin .... Greene Cos.... TATS 16.60 18.00 X. TB 4.00 10 60 Sd.TS 18.00 : Boston Con.... KJtt Msaa ........ Cal. m Pita.. 80.00 U B. A Pitts. 10.00 Pitts. A Dula. XO.BOA Junction ...... 27.60 Black Mt .... STB Michigan. .... Mohawk Nevada ooa.t North Butte. 1.60 Old Dominion, 41.23 Butts Coto..S8.TB Parrot :4.60lBly ;aiT - I - Bsw Tork Oash Oaffee. "r Hew Tork. Jane tc-Cesk eoftoei Bo. t Rio. T., Bew Tsrk Sugar BUrket, New lark, June . Sugar Raw, fb-ra; fait refining, 1 16-lia8 l-32c; centrifugal. 8 taat. ( 16-S2QSHC: molasses sugsr, J li-ioc: n steady: crushed, 16.10; granalated. HBO, "' Raw Terk Xstal market. . ". New Tork. June . MeUb Copper and toad snstt aad unchssged. VsW Terk Produce Market. New Terk, June P. Batter, week. unchanged; cheese and ggs ancbangsd. Yow. ar sot pro 0017 eoesrxaa; t for BToy 1 yinliBS yew - wavtcet Xae Joumaa Want Ada. IStFR E THE LONGER THE LKSER After many years of study aad arnettoa s outre for all forma of Coaat.pauoo. It not mean, aald tba Virginia Doctor to several of his colleague announcing hit that this m a fake cure-alL guaranteed to cur every thing from pimple M pi neither do I mean lost airathet pill which bteeda the pOl habit:" toy remedy to a ,wJ .kiob .mm. tsJla. B eentle tonetosT the dtaeetlvs) or tbat tber nerform their natural functiona. raiiwvc lmnndmtely and in short time cur Th mor THE IIORE THE LESS Bone for ft nation a.e.dsaare Md frukea IhS S bulttoOU it IP. BR ut body the too weak to resist them. THE VELVET WORKER Dont shuiB alons with thla great bardeal Wbta anan'sUvar LIFE WORTH LTVIHG and tb kidneys ar Vmm. mm. Mn tn ths, ih.t .in h ,f SB No man or wotnari with torpid liver, oonatipatad bowem and polaoosd brain ana erer lewis us utu. to yourdruggW and (wt A bottle of rial you And th remedy la not all It without question or argument, la OOto a fair trial mi a f . i a, a , a era, aw GTFER To any reader who sends os his or bar Bam aad eddreea with five stamp to cover poetar expense, w will at once mail full sis IVcent bottl of Chase Constipation) Tablet, the velvet worker that eeirew. hot a sample, mind, bat a full-e" ti-oemt bottle. Let ua prove it to) you. Vrit r-nc:iAts rrr. c. UctnU. FREE irnmnn i'iiir"7.r THIObU UllCill ID S0f.lERRf.lER- Sales of Number One Club Rej ported at Thirty-Two and .a Half Per Cental, f .' ' DECEMBER OPTION ONE AND A QUARTER HIGHER Small Receipta Noted In , Bar Cltyi During the Da December Barley Cloaea a Quarter Cent Lower Than Friday New" Crop Being Offered.- (Sped Dlspsteh by Lsawd Wtr to Th Jo He rraneuea. Jan a. me weal wheat market wsa Bramer ' today. Being ap to 11.41 per cental, aalea at No. -i el were reDorted at 11.12. Bod eanttonsd lnsl. 'tMesmoer soaa la n ssnsn way as an advance ef 114. The receipt wr aos eeauia. . ' . Chicago advlcea reported an gvalna seen a nor favorsbl weather and aasaapoanlvw cables. But tbar waa no preeaar. Asasie reported a croa eoadlttoa of TO pas cant, against S per cent to April, the) tost roper. Spot barky was extremely weak and tower. It would have been difficult, perhaps, to have obtained ever 11.06 per cental tor cbesee eld crop feed. New crop, to arrive, haa bean) offering at ll.OSHttl.OS, bat it waa atotod there were a snipper ta ssaras - ox awew ; 868THe. December barley closed towers The receipts were 2. 206 centals. Other arttolea were without special featnre. Tb steamer Newport today hsd a fih-l rood eusntlty ef Soar, fee Central Amsrtca. , Th day' receipts of Sour were 2.T-48 barssl.- Cbote hay waa Ormsr. Vhm wsre no change, whatever sttbar mm to prlc ' or tone of tb batter, ears and eheess-market. - Trading wan ratbar light, . The produce market today pr ousted aa tit Setrr wf fjult by --4ras)ps companle f lat bavr M ar ins vessel se SHmaass ssBBBBesev nam; aak Bioteoi wsre few snd Saoatly. unimportant. Fancy , aspersgua sold ap to $1.60 per bear. Bom Alameda cucumber la large bene geoagkt IS.) More - tomatoes wsre received frem . Frewao. String beans were weaker. -Th.vesswae-a.--B.-tor ..the dhaBsaaf. -... of poultry, tbe demsnd having bee vary limited and th supply altogether to large. . There was a rorfslt of poultry, th market -being dull sad price) ossaltlod. : , . TEN PASSENGER TRAINS 1 - i:INT0 OLYMPIA DAILY ' ' ' " (Spaejlal Ptapatoh to Th JoarnaJ.1l ' . Olytnpla, Waah," Jon BeglnntriB tomorrow Uiyopw Will narvw xwn passsu. - (atwtralna dally over tbe Northern Pa cine rallwar- Trains will leave thla. y oity,for Seattle at HUB a- i:s p, m. and 10 p. m. ' ' "; ' ' ' " , The Oeost aJid"CmtraiUa, trwln'wUl be chanced to ran throaah. this erty, Two freight tmlna " will also be epw rated dailr bctwean this city ana fie- naaa.''" -;.. :-;..,.".!. Trains eomlnsT from Seattle will ar rive at Olympla, 1:11 a. ttv, 1J:1. tnv,' 1:40 b. m. And t:l p. m. :. ,' . Th sains servloe sa formerly will Be malnUlned out of this olty orar th -Port Townaend ' Bouthern ' Railway . to . Portland by way o Tanlno, a CHILD FALLS INTO TUB -OF BOILING SOAPSUDS : (Special lVlspsUh to The Jnnmsl,. " lesbanon, Or Jun J.-The foiiiyaar old daua-hter of V?. H. Le, who llwa sight mile abova ZeebanoB, fan Into a . tub of bblllnR soap suds thla mOrntna;. Mrs. Lao had just prerpared the bet water to scrub the floor. And whan Bar baok was turned the child t am bled Into th tub. Th child Is still living; but -there Is little hop of it rwoovery. . WALLOWA COUNTY VOTE : SHOWS DEMOCRATS LEAD (Speclsl Dwpetch to Tb Journal.) ErrterprU. Or.. June . Offlolal count girn Cbambdrlala 17. Wlthyoomb 111 J , Bourn 1st. Oearln toL ' , . E TO ; YOU - A WONMRFUL DISCOVERY a proriilnent VrrgtnU plryaMaa b M dtoooveirefl ie osUled Cbnee-a Contiptkjo TablaC I do It restore them all. to heeUthaod atrSagta toastipavUon. pmm , yon talc tba lea ywa nosd wntn yew need you are enrea. sty err on aii ajona: waa so ralyais. csjrefcc a-aaaeai erroid tb vfl of th ordinary remedy which pempar organ already week aad ao make the patient a slaw to th pill. R emmb! M ntar espeeU every ccgaai to do it duty.' mm--. . Pbynsotona nave) ions rocognueea xm mcx xn oon- la at th bottom of nearly i. is OPn tb dOOTB t aA fll This new disoovery h) In smaO toblets, aaatty taken, and they are packed in watcb-ahape butUea which fit tba vesrt pocket. Tbetnbeetls tnlld, all vegetable, never gripe ar Injure the moat delicate organs. But It does tbe work I So naturally aad Booth In alp tbey stimulate and regulate anq atrengtnen dh tncy aarre nicknamea '1 ne Mtu vetwat w Be healthy, b stronA. be happy. at working proearty, th bfrwala are rag irvrenar active and healthy, waat a top It I tlve. mnTnlust faeilnar raaleal and brieht sibrf at good night' sleep, with A keen appetite for braeiiaet aad A healthy relish for each mouthful, and whan you go out the air emails rood and yon fill yourluBg with pleaaurei th sun ahnee, tb bird Bins, your every sans i acote aad appreciative, til blood bound throoeTh your veins, oarrvtng Ufa end ethrtty to every minnt ceO and tisene, poor hope are hlrh, your 'mind clear, poor spirits high, you step buoyant, end yew thank G4 u rmenxirui ana inai 11 m ea iwm w .trm. Chaaww Cwtlptl Tithto and rfsftew is represented to be, your druggkit wul raruod watch shape botUeav that At the pest pockot. tbwve neewroaedChasa Coe- tlon Tablets, and aoeloap iva a. tor full sised bottle. JaaTuatottSnttaTi Na WB t . esspveeeadpw ps 4mm coo BOB..." I Adorsas IClty... -sdrur:t ,,,.'