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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (June 10, 1906)
7 V THE OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL, PORTLAND. SUNDAY ' MORNING. JUNE 10, a 1SC3. PERSONAL. -atlsN, ereyHee aluee Xn we save au1re4e ; of ladr untrn oho wla ta rrj I Horn , kav eoed inu, ethere city property) pii- j vat otltrm and m aaMlcltj. 34 Hueanl bids. I Tin. vapor, wit aad enlphar-Utbla ailaeral bath, khuik r einrrt ladr; runjUen. and kidney Iranl'lM rared, eurplue tat re- A dnred. twrta aoia at, career aerier. . . Mala XWX. BKPIMCD elderly ladr TltkM arqaalataiiee f ' elderly (t-ntlraua at aaean. -Addreee 1 S3, rare Journal. 1 ART EMPORIUM.' l-ROVKSMOB R. MAX MKVRB. 848 A War. Portrait a lanoeoiine rtit ana iwmrr. ATTORNEYS. 8A roR rearel deie how to ltieorprt. erf a. la and Sneer kaalaeea eornorctton, auder : aar atata lot any parpnae; H fur to lew o . atata tr'V. 8. oa any euhjeet. Addreee Ilia lianlooa' Attoroeya, Wsebinctoe, I). C. t'. A. A. A. H. TANNER, attorney, M Onmmarrtil blks Second and W.nlnjrto at a. t'ho-e Mala MS. asasamajam i w ia ARCHITECTS. '" .i 3'J r-jj PCfcltVte " IIS fttS3rSjI; Saf automobiles! COVEY COOK Motor Car Co.. rifteeotk aad r. WaehlBfto--A grata for Cadlllae, Plaroa. 4irrat Arrow aad Steeeae-Dur.vee Btor-er: .; - aeaehlnaa Mated, repaired aad at. Mala . .- ASSAYERS." '-vauincyamidb' bxtracAom co and Moat ana Amy Office, lwe Morrieaa at. BUTCHERS' SUPPLIES. B. WRKHNWAI.D CO.. S04-S0 Braratt at. '.arcaat botrWa' aopply hooa on tha enaat. ... ... - ' BATHS MASSAGErI- LADY from tn aaat ftrra arlratlfle uaaaaga. . aapor aad tab batlia. 31H Third at. i. YOIINO jady (traa rapnr. alcohol and andlcatad ) batlia. Parlor 2T. Btark at. MIMM ,RAYMOn trlraa - hatha and maaaaaa tnatmrala. Tha CoauMa, vesH uorriaoa at. BUKI kllTIKXf rarrd hr majaura traatmanta hy yonnv ttarmaa lady. MH Btarb. and 23. Taooaaa Hoaaa. - -- - - 3 IJAI'IKS Balh, far and aralp masaafa. i-Vm r'lflb. -W. Taylor aad Saluoa. -TOl NO - arlrntlllr I aaatnaa Rlraa alwlrlrat. tin i laaL-alrnHolla awdlralod traatmanta. and Waahlnyton. tfA o uu la.liri lt4 ihaaErr'nrt W kaidhai lldbLa. rmrlh at mar WaaklfiaTlfML BLANK-BOOK MAKERS. . HOUR. DAVIS KII.HAM, 10B-I11 Bacoad at. . Blank book Bianararturrra: a(ata for Jon ; Imnrnrrd roa-Iaf kMyrra; ar tba saw Knrrka -raaf-.-rh- kaat aa-'tha aaarbal.. ,,. ROCKERY AND -GLASSWARE. WHOLES A LR cmrkatT aad rlaawar. PraaV Bfal A Co.. 100 to rifti. car. Stark at, COMMISSION MERCHANTS. BYRRDINO rABRELL. prodoea aad aaaurta. ataa aMrrhaata. 140 rraat at Partlaad. Ob " r-koaa Mala ITS. CIGARS AND" TOBACCO. M. A. OIJN8T CO .... Dlatllbatora c! Winn CIQARfl. Port la ad. Oraawa. 5" CLAIRVOYANTS AND PALMIST. ALWAYS CCW8ULT TfTR BEST. PROF. H. KHIMO, "AST8AL DEAD TRANCE 'CLAIRYOTANT. NO CHARXiB ir NOT SATISFIED WIIKN BRADINU IM OVER YOU TO BB JTIKJU. I DO HEREBY SOLEMNLY AGREE AND C.l'ARANTEB to maka no charge If I fall to rail yoa hy nam hafalL nam af your . frlrada. anamtc or rlrala. I prom la to tell . wbathar your buaband. wife or awthart la, true ar rale; tell yoa how to win tha lnr of the one yoa moat dealr, area though mil away; bow to eooraed la boalncaa, eparulalloa. lawaulta; bow to marry the on f ynur rholce: how to renin yoath. health -ad-ltellty Bcmoraa aril lnflutace. car drink habit. - locate treaaurea, coraa all aerroua dlaea. ' How caa I marry wall? 1 ; . . " How can I bare good lurkf ' ' How can I control any ont How an I conquer my tiralt ." How can I eettle my qnarrel? How ran I aureerd la: bualneaa? How can I ronqaar my eneailea? How can I get a good poaltkai? How caa I keep my wlfe'a lore? . Ilow 'can r mukd mr-hnme-happyf h; Row mi I remove bad Influence t How can I make any ana lore met " How can I bold my bnaband' lore How eaa f marrv the one I ehoneeT - How can f make dlatant etiee think of at - i Permanently Located la II la Own HM. HOURS, 10 TO a, DAILY AND SUNDAY. PROP. B. KHIMO. V - No. 398 Plfth at. Madia A UTTLB BIT FREE. McItot Trarla. Clalreoyaat and Tranc . ptrnrnTn . I will tell a little bit free, t know of a other wy to pror to you that I am aoaeat. .'I ehall let you be the Judge aa to my won k - aVrful God-girea Slrt. So If you are In ' trouble and etucere. come to me tbla eery ' day. I will tell yon what your life baa been. ' end what It will be. I will tell you all ' about yon lore affair.- your bnalnea af i falra. Remember. I poaltirely tell ererr- -. thine from tha day af birth ta lha day of deaia.. . I bar made more predictmne that bar comV to pea than all other combined. and I caa pmr It. Com and ( aee. Re- aieinher the name, Mrleor TraTa the aea ; aatlna of Sa rranrlaro, whe predicted th (real dlaaater. Oflce at 3;44 Morrlaoa at., comer of 3d. Hoar S to S dally. - , .-Ahray ConauM the Beat. . .. V. ' ' PROP.. M. KHIMO. Oreateat llalng aafral dead-trance clair voyant of th age; adrlaer on hnaln and all affair of life: tell yoor full name ami . what yoa called for. whom yoa will marry. ' how to control th on you lore, area thoucb . mile ear ay;- reunite tint eenarated: glee V aeceet power to-control; n knag Oelay la wetting. Hoar 10 to a dally and Sunday. Permanentlr located la bl oera koine. 258 Fifth at., corner Madleea at. I SPECIAL -1 reading for II. St. Oearaa Ormonde. Conaalt him .ba lore, buelneea, changee. marring, dlrorce: tell name, date, eecreta. bow to get well, be magnetic, Cynically and mentally elgoriiue. oeercome d habit, glee good hick, cure vital loaa, erll ..mfrnence. epells. deefnee. ahaent trent . meat, ktrate mlaalng frleada, buried rreaeure, mine, or eehav, telle yon eiactly what yoa wlnh to know. llOty Fourth at., . earaer Waahlngtoa L j MR. STEVENS. Portland leading palmlet, S aatroleger and clalreoyaat. 1SS Seeeeth at., ; pp, Hotel Portland. - j 'THIS aftemooo 1 o'clock yon are all welcome to attend Prefeeeer Morel le teat circle. Ad- '. MADAME ANNCYE. th wonder fnl etiatraoy aat and trance medlnm: conaalt her before ee. ,. ,. gadng la aay andrrtaklnf ef any natnre; neat, preecnt Bad fnfnre glren; pilmlatry ' reading. 23. 17, Wret I'rk at., near PROF. WAIJ-ACE. th. great palmlet. telle , you ererythlng fnan tha - palm; teeehea ' a aalmlatrr: about marriage, lore, tmalaeaa: . eouuilete reeding 50e; accurate aad truth , ful 4 Slith t.. new mark. JOHN SLATKB of San Franrlers, platform teat nandlnnv jwIH hold a grand teat aeenee Sunday eeenlng. 8 13 abarp. Audltotioa hall. . iei'. Third all: teat a. mceage aad aea led wrmea aweeiioeee anewereo. p CAFES. CARPENTERS AND BUILDERS. WASFISllBN A BTiYTVeCorpenter fotnora aad oerrlage erark. A3 8th at. Pboa Paetle 310. STAPLES A MOOHR. bulMIng end cement week. OrSr 11 H Flret. rooan T. Main AHA4.. "'. rSVIt'Hr.t.. eonlrotnr ml twilldert etore eid ear SiUnga, gov rillA C . I'bea PaclAe ; sms. . , . - s.- "a V '. i COAL AND WOOD CHI'BCIII.iY BROS.. 42 Kearney It.. Pawn . Mala l. 'Now tn larfaat woudyerd la UM etty, earryiad ail iiaoa or wood en eoei. Dry aawad wood apeelalty. . . AXBINA rUBL CO Dealere la tatdwaad. aval aad im and dry alabwaod. a. R. aad ar Maa are., I aiocaa aaat af farry. Baal aia. WKSTKBIt rd A rarl Oa., ea rreat. ketwee uueea aaa Heyr, aeeiera la all Bleoe i Boa cuaa aad - ataeaaaaita aaaak Mali. laid. . tTKKlj BRIDOB TI KI, CO. faaln la Mil aordwaad aad dry alatwaad. fbaaa Baal . OR ROOM KfEL CO AU klada af BOS AMar at. Pkoa Mala BOX and alanar wood. Buadard Wood Co. laatafliata eaurary. nana aaat aaio. r 4-FOOT enrdwood t.M par cord: aawad. f.TC ana f-t. witn a redurtioo or zn rrnia aatn Juiw 4, to aara handling. '4MB Cwarelal at. i-noa Kaat biwh. . f-VOOT eerdwood (S.M par cord; aawad. M TU ana f. arm t-omnwrriai at. rnnaa aaaiaiww. COLLECTION AGENCY. POFH ANY OKI! OWR YOH MONEY W( COI.I.KtT RAI PERTH OF AI.V KINIW. NOBTHWFSTERN LAW COLLECTION CO., la ' w a . I ' ATEi nwaii ia n u , CITIZENHv BANK BLDU. CUT THIS -OCT. PHONB EAST WatS. CHIROPODISTS. chiropody and pedicuring, m. u. i. iillL Bulla 1. Balllng-HlracB Bid(. ractna las. CARPET CLEANINO. STANDARD Carpet Clraalng Ca.. largeet plant aa the eoaat. Larlng aad uareia bk, ia phoae Beat tfto Carpeta cleaaed. reStted. aewed aad laid: both aire a. aad Utaat eoa praaard a- peace: r natlnf mattrtaiag aad feather a apedatty. SANITARY nrnet eleaalnr. aoettoa aad aeaa. areaaad ah? eomMaed: earner eleenM an Soag without ra moral. Mala BOM. Mala 1300, I. - HUNTER, ateam carpet and aaattraai leeeer. SW lefferaea. Pboa Mala BI4. CLEANINO AND DYEING. WHITE LILT -TAIIiORINO CO. Oleealng, v preealng, repairing; Krenrh dry cleaning. Phone aaawered promptly. Paelft 410. Alder and 7th. Portlaad Steam Cleaning A Dyeing Werke: prac tical batter la connect loa. 211 4th. PaelSc 307. CLOTHES cleaned and preened fl per month. Unhiu Tailoring Co., S47 Waahlnftoa at. H. W. TURNER, hmfeeatonal dyer and cleaaer. 08 frirereoa t. Phon Main 318. - DRESSMAKING. SUITS IS; ahiitwalat 60 Cent and a. 388 Market at. TJR KSaw A K U -n att khmaiir ete KeayanV ISth and Washington. Phona Paclac 4U. DANCING. BALL ROOM and ftM rortwi iMtbotl. - Pr fsujnr Rln(rtr, cdinj 800 AMcr "FURNITURE FACTORIES. OKBOON r,iidtuia Measreerarleg Cempaar Mannfactarara af f uraltor far tha bra do. - Partlaad. Or. .. rURNITURR aianufactarlna and anerUI L. Raeenakr'a faraltara factory, ST0 great at, ELECTRICAL" SUPLIES.A PA CI y 10 ELECTRIC CO Rnrfaaera. ceacrac. . tore, aepalrera, alectrl wiring, aupplla. 84 rirat. aar. Stark. Mala atl. tf. H. Tata. mgr. FURNACES. BOTNTON waravab? fnrnacea aaea feet. I. O. Bayer furnace Co.. Sod ftaeond. . Mala 441. FENCE AND WIRE WORKS. PORTLAND WIRB dl IRON WORR r leaden at. a. Sd. Phase Mala Sua. GROCERS. WADHAMS CO., whoueate groeera, facta rera aad eemmlaaloa marcaaata. aad1 Oak ata. faartar ALU EN ft LEWIS, eommhajlaa aad peeduea aeaa. ebaata. Preat aad Dart a ata.. Partlaad. Or. GASOLINE ENGINES. . BtatJoaary aad marine; "Little - Spdel" raeolrne - uuach. tlMs- aeeoa head eleeuk aaacbea and kolla. -. SIIBRSON MACniKinY oov. IA3-4-8 Morrlana at. ' " HAY AND GRAIN. B. L. COOPER CO Potatoaa. fed aad flour.' 138 Union are. Pboae Eaet HIT. HOTELS. HOTEL Portlaad. America a pleat 88.18 eaa day. BELVEDERE; Enropee plan; dth and Aider ta. HARDWARE. Portlaad Hardware Cat aolldta aanartaatty to ' Saato price. IM let et.eee. Aider. Mai 1X84. 1 MONEY TO LOAN. . . MONEY TO LOAN Da Improved cMy property ar for butldlng purnoeea, for from I ta 10 yar' rim, with privilege to repay til or pert of loaa after tw year. Loan appro red from plana and money advanced a building nrogreaaae; aaortragea taken... nn and renlaeea. - FRKD H.:STRONOr Financial Aeat sea Dtara at. - - THB STAR LOAN CO. Any aalarled employe,, caa gat en bl not, without mnrteage wnntn. H Monra.' wee, a 81S.S.1 or Sd.BO or S.rxil ee I 6ft or 11 1! ee 31 .88 na j 4.00 or fl GO or 11.00 noo.iF-nepay ta aa J.-U.OH Hepey re 18.00 Repay to . 310 McKay bldg. CONFIDENTIAL- toene en ealarle. laanranr - policlea. plaaoa. furniture. . warebouae re- I relpt. etc. t any dceervlng pereon may ecnr a liberal advaeee. renaylne; by eaay weekly I or monthly tnetallment. hEW KHA LOAN A TRTST COMPANY, 1 . I06.Abingtou bldg. . MONEY ADVANCED SALARIED PEOPLSJ And other upon their own eama without . eeenrltyi cbrapeet rate, eaalret paymente; office In S3 nrlarlnal Htlra; aare you re If mon.y by getting our terme Srt. TOLMAn, 2?S Ablngtoa bldg.. I08H Third at. HEADOI7ARTERS FOR SALARY LOANS Money caa be borrowed on eeay pavi pUn, krweet retee; etrictly confidential. KiritSNT IXA CIJ-. 428 Mohawk bldg., car. Third and Morrlaoa. MONEY to loan en real, peraonal and collateral eecuntyj apeciai atteation te cnattei morv fagee; note bought. -C-W-r-PUC- S0AA Fentrm bldg.. 84 Slxtb at. flinffT.Y MMtihl. nlace where ledlea and . eaa iiorrnw money nn aiamonaa .no leweiry. coltat-ral Loaa nana, n vteae lagtoa at Phon Black Tl. MONEY to loan cm Clackamaa eonaty landa. - E. F. aad F. B. Riley, 808 Chamber ef Com merce. LOWEST rate on fnmltttre and piano. Feat. era Loan Co., 44 Blerler niag. racine sua. MONFY TO LOAN on an klnde ef eeeartty. William Holl. roam 8. waeolngrou aiog. TO LOAN Bum. te ult en. chattel eurtty. R. A, Frame. 814 th Mraum. WIIA lna SS.nnO ar leea en real eetate aecurlty at e pee cent, rarrmgioo. bib CBamuer ai Oon.nj.rce. WANTED Note, aortgage ar enutract na any kind of real eetate la Oregon or Waah , Ingtou; aecoad amrtgagea narcbaaed tf well aeenred. H. E. Noble. 813 Commercial blh. efONEY TO I)AM AT PER CENT Fire and eeeaelty lnearnc. Heary C. Prndbomine, J Chaaihrr of Commerce. Pheue Main 1123. PRIVATE money tn loan near Portland at rra anna hie rate. Bol Bloom, 830 Chamber ' of Cammerce.. ' Hcncy to Loan y - From private fnnde on Improved pro sf If. , . I. U WELLS CO.. .. . M flrand are, . ... HAT FACTORIES. HATS cleaned, blocked. Aad Ilk HI for 01 INSURANCE. ISAAC U WHFTB. Or I: bld .- , I AH. Mrl. WOOD, emploeare' llabtllty aad dleldaal eeetdfnt anrety benda ef all bla ar. aui atraay aiia. LOCKSMITH. I. If. RICHARDSON. Mekemltr tat repairing-, ar Barneide. paeti looa. MUSICAL. KMIL THIBI.HORN, popll af BBYC1K. etnll learner, aiaoai ivn nixia. vet. ataia avna. LEHHON8 BOr; plana,-guitar, beajo. maadolht, eioiin inatrnmeat ror aaat. atra. atarua. 341 rirat. near Mala. MAGNETIC HEALING. SEXUAL -dlaeaeea af both mea and woman rnred: conaulta tlon fre. Via 4173. d, C Diamond. L. H. Heart. I Sereath pt. MONUMENTS. hKV It KINOSLBY. 36S rtrat at.. Portia ad leadlnr marble and granite work. ' a? ii i m i in i in ii laananpataara MACHINERY. THB H. O. AXBBB CO Bocoad-haad mach leery, awmuia, etc. zta urana are. HIPPELY aV MYERS, machtnlata aad alee. trarlan: electric eleeatora, electrical aeaeaia ery and (aaollne engine a apadalty. -324 Oak t. i'aon Mala 1830. : TRENKMAN CO. Mining, aawmllL log- flng machinery) hydranlie pine, caa ting; all Inn repaired. 104 North Fourth. OSTEOPATHS. DRS. ADIT NORTH RUP. 416-ls-lT Dekum bldg . Third and Waahlngtoa ata. . Phoae Mala 84a. J Examlaatloa free. THE vary beat lady eeteopath la towa. Dr. - C O. Jobnaoa, ault IS. Salllna-Buracb bldg. DR. PISRCR, eeteopath. Tlnrarkm and the aew light. 81 H Third at. Pboa Paeide 8T. PRINTING. THB MODERN PR INTER T Arttatt prlnrlag. 38 Roeael bldg.. Fourth aad Marrlaan. . Pkaa Pad fie 1B3S. . ANDERSON DUNIWAY COMPANY, pHaUaf. ntbograpalna, blank book a. Paeaa Mala 17. ' 308 Alder l JjTBLCH. DAV18. CARSON Printing fhr pay the" payer. Kneuie-aua an bo axaarna. (ldg. Slifh aad Morrlana. Pboa Mala 4I4T. ORIENTAL RUGS. ORIENTAL Rl'OS ' repaired and cleaned ' by native expert; w Dee toe original vegetable dy ca ah mere wool for our repairing; all work guaranteed. Call nn Oriental Rug Re pairing Co.. Pacific 3M. 544H Waah. ' at. PLUMBERS. DONNRRBERcl RADEMACHBB. No. SOS Bamalda at. - FOX A CO., eanltary plumhera. 3S1 Seeoad, art. Mala aad Salmoa.- Oragea Pboa Mala BOM. FINNIC Af BROS. A CO 3M Third at. Pboae Mala 3600. Plumber and beating engineer. PHYSICAL CULTURE. KINGLER GYMNASIUM Private elae aad ta dividual teatrortloa. 808 Alder et. "PAINTSr OIITANTJrGLASS.r r. B. BEACH CO. Th Pwaeer Paint Ce.f wladow-gln aad glaalns. 18S Flret -at. Phon I8A4. ar i niaiai iiiiliial ! iiaagaamaaammaa RUBBER STAMPS. P.C. STAMP WORKS, 84 Aide at.. phone Mala T10: robber atanapa. aeele, a tend la, hag rage, trade cbecka: d for catalogaa Ra, 8a. ROOFING. Tin ROOFTNO, guttering, re' pa triad rfaraaa aad giaatil LaMU. ela Jel SAFES. DIE BOLD SAFES ALWAYS RELIABLE, net In TRUST. Norton and Buckeye lecka. Metal Office Flitaree. Bepalra. Phone Mala 1808. ' laba E. Davie. Ageat. 88 Third at. PORTLAND SAFE CO.. nla areata for HER--RIMI-H ALL-MARVIN Safe aad MANGA NFSE Steel Ha fa C.' Bank Bf. M Tib t. STREET PAYING. WARRRI Cone tract! o Ce.. atrevt varta. ataa. t waiae - aaa -eroaeiao. tie THB Berber A en a It Pavlad Co. e Office 886 Wereretav bib. Pertieaa. SIGN PAINTERS. OULD SiaNS.w1ndow lettering, clot teaaera. econonileal electrie sign and eigna ef all . klada mad ealckly. F outer XI elae. Fifth Bad Everett. Pboae Ei change 83. - W. P. BRRORR A SON, 34 Yamhill at. Sign ef ell klnde. Phoae "erISc :as. SHOWCASES " AND . FIXTURES. SHOWCASES of every deecrlptloc: beak, bar aad a tore Sxture mad to order. The LaUa MaaafaetarlBg Co.. PorliaBd. R. H. BIRDSALL. deelgner: agent II. Winter Lumber Co.. T Hamilton bldg. Main 858. SECOND-HAND, GOODS. OUOOS S Furniture Rouae Hlghrat price paid for aeroud-baBd aaraltare. 818 Seeead at, Phoa Padfla 4M. HIOHRST caah price paid for eecond-hand goad. Phone Eaat 807T. 128 Futon eve. SCALP TREATMENT. ORAY. falling hair, dandruff treated: ehai Ind, manicuring, chiropody, face work. Mr. B. F. Kyae. Isw rearm, cof Boom S3. Pboae Part ft tut. SCALP and face maaeag. tnanolcnring; cgent for Dr. Chrlatlaon a French toilet article, 11-13 Grind theatre bldg. Mala 84 7 L Hear, 8:80 to -8. TELEPHONES. TBS only aarlnalv tehtpboa boea. B.-R. Electric A Telepbeae MaaafacterlaR aeaa. pear. 83 Fifth at. TRANSFER AND HAULING; BAFRS. plaaoa aad furattore Bored, sacked . reedy fee ehtpplat and blppd ll work guuraateed; large, S-atory brick;, flre-peeef .warebonae for atorag. Office SOS Oak et, C. at. Olaea. phoae Mala 84T. -1 . TBS BAOOAOE A OM!ISCS T RaNSFEB CO., ear. girth end Oek ata.: baggage cheeked freaj hotel or reeldeae direct t deetleetleat '- panaenvera therefor vod rueh and aaaey a ace at depot. Private Eicbeuga SS. a O. PICK, of fire 88 Flret t between Start aad Oak ata., pboa SeSt and faraltnr , Boved and packed for ablpplagi eouMMdleu ' brick warennno with eeprt lra r.ama. ' Frost aed Clay ata. OSFOOIt TRANSFER CO.. 14 North Slvt. Pben Main 80. Baevy nasllaa? aad etorafa. POST 8PCCUL DELI VERY Me. 300 Uj Weak tagtoa at. Pboa Mala 83. CI'T rate nn bouaeboM good to all pntnt ' eaet; we retake up carina da; apeclal mma for . trunk a whll waiting. Oregon Atite-Deenetcb, 18 Flrat at. Phone Mala Tl. TOWELt SUPPLY; v. CI AI TOWELS DAILY Tomb, arueu. an, I :1 per siuath. Port lend Leeadry aad Tearei apply Ce.. MlaU aad Couch, rasa AM. . 1 . . , '-,- FINANCIAL BANKS. TWTED tTATX JfATIOBAI. BASIS OP 0RTLAJID, OBEOOW. KJ . Kortkweet tea. Third aad Oak Ste. . wianal -Wnklaa Buelneea. DRAFTS rsnUEO AvalUbla Jb AH CIMe f JbTaltad Stato aad Aurope, Hoaakeng aad Manila. OelleeUea Hade aa faverehle -Taraja. Praaideat,, S c. aIniWOHTR Vlee-Preeldeet j. W- B. AYER yice-rrealdeat..... U LEA FARNES . LEA T A RNES A. M. WBIUHT ra.aa.nae ef Manager. IMT aTATIOlf AT. It TaT 0F POBTLAND, I " K. "UTOaUaA Xatehtlehad 1884. Heed Ofdce. Baa Preae!, "'- A'telH!?1! "Jt-.' ' ' - J - -M twaOOOdOl Surplu. ! "ndlvMed rrotlta. . ... "",.': fnri i aM ascaaaga auaiaeaa iriaaimq. - " " . atareot aa Uaea deaoela). Aeeeenle n pane 4 fer aama ef and apwara. Portlaad Braaca- , yjLA. MACRAE F ueaaa-aatoa. pepealtory and Flnneci.l agent ar me unnro B'" !.d'V, -l-f- MILLS CartOer eVW. KJT-" cehler ..V,. ft ALVORD Second Aaalatant Caaala B. P. STEVENS A aetata a,. ..w witjm arewn in HIM V ami Honaocg. Yokohama. Copenhagen, 8tockh.lm. I "-DO Aj TTLTOnT BAaTaTKRa faeeihtlahaA Let tap a.LtV i'""1 'aeueei available la Furope aad tn aa.tcra atarei a iVfr, ,"nge aad Telecvapbl Treaafev acid aa New York. sr.;. efi; rrr .y 'r'"' ."""l" ' Traaaaat a Ooaaral .Maaktag Bnalaaaa. Collectloaa made at all aetata oa -voe. able fwn. v . ... . . . . . ... ... i, VTMltod " - aa; rtwin laaneei nrarea. aia-n. . . . t. Lent a. Deavee. Omahe. San raaciaen aad Montana and Britleu Columbia. Frcbaage aeld aa Leaden. Parte. KwHn rr.p.fort Hongkeng. Tekohaaaa. Manila and Honolnla. MtRORAaTTS VATTOITAL SA3TK, POST i t?,!! WA.TSON. ...... JreeMcat . . . nuTi ,, Caeblar ' Traiuaeta O..M.1 a..Li w - - - to All Part of the World. Collection Specialty. ; ' BAlTXXRr ITaTBZBVAerfl BANK Partlaad. Oregon. Corner Second and Stark arreeta. - fommeetilal aad aavlng department. Intereat paid on aavlngf aceounia -Drata-ad-letteM of mrill l.an4 ...u.t.t. -ii -t- vi A1A An tUhirri. evenlnee from T to 8 for tha aaromaaadatloa of caatoaaere. D. C. PF.LTOV Prealdent FRED H. ROTHCHILD.'. rirat Vlce-Frealdcnt it'ri.t A. KEATINO....Becond Vlce-Preeldent TRUST COMPANIES. 4Tt ln eanae.M, .wm m ' ' - u f wHr. a. a va vaaave x nr.nui inu uvitti ai,an.puo. oenerai V, SAVINGS ArrvilINTA T1. WO ee ever. SK to 4 per vent. Call (or M ' . , 'aad 0k ata. Phone RENT. rnsaa' , . . . ' - - - veauaveaan aaaeaa e , mieraiv B. LBB PAOET ...Secretary ' ECVRITY SAtT0S Si TBTTST COKPAaT 8a Kerrteea Street. Partlaad. Oregea. ) Tranaacta a General - nklna Bualneea. SAVINGS DEPARTMENT. . Intereet Altowed aa Tlaae aad Baviaa taT Acta a Trnatea for Betatee. Draft e a Letter ef Credit ' . . Available la All Parte af the World. - -kae r.' ADAMS.. Prealdent L. A, LEWIS .......Plrat Viae-PTeet dent A. 1 MILLS. .....Second Tlce-P. eaideat ORO. F. RI'pnRI.L,.,.., TM MOETOAOB 0TJARAVTEE TSVBT Ceneral Baaklac aad Trial t Bnalaaaa Tra CAPITAL ' , . 8. LOOAN HATS...., -- Elk a Temple. Seventh and Stark NOEIHWESTXEaT STfAEAlfTXE TeluaT C0MPAT PertUnd, Oregon. : - Lambar Biebaag. S. B. aoraer Second aad ' Start Street . (aecond floor). ''..'. :'. a,f'amv. '.aaM vaw State. County. Municipal and Corporation Bonde ana nnanceq. ntoc Tm.t OTJAKABTT.B m nmr COMPAb-Y M0RT0A0B LOANS aa Partlaad Baal . .. 0 mtm--m BONDS AND INVESTMENTS. M ORRIS 0.-WtrWinrtraefa Offer Otlt-Edge Inreetmenta fa Mualclpai DOWalTMtJ-HOPiniS OOaUPAJTY latabUahel ltfte BK0XZRS ... -.v. ' .. STOCKS, BONDS. GRAIN Bought aad) Sold fog Caah aad ee Margin. Private Wire. - ROOM 4 CHAMBER OF COMMERCE. Pben Mala ST. OYcrbeck. Starr & Cooke Co. -----.i. . - 8a ArT.TOYrBI08. COTTOW.STOOTS AVV B0BDS. VI DO A STRiCTXT COMeftBSIOX BTJBISZBa. " CanrtoiiaaS Mark at by Private Wlr. - Quick Service. REFERENCES Ladd Tlltoa,. Bank aaammm " lBd united State National Bank of Portland. rnercelled fadlltle for handling Tonopeh. Gold Held, Manhattan and other Hted mining atock. LOUiS J. r jroaiciPAti SCHOOL AND CORPORATION . 7-H, futeraa to Invaateea PORTLAND AS NORTHWESTERN BOMB TYPEWRITBRS. MBW tyi typewrltar, en aaakea, rented. eeM aaa Ires caeat A earner, aai au-a. . . WIR3 AND IRON WORKS. BAST PORTLAND FENCE WIRB WORKS. 188 I. Water at. Pboa Beat 831. CITY JAY GET WATER F SUBTERRANEAN RIVERS ' If; Flow From Cascades Is Im mense, as Reported, Tacoma May Need Watching. (Special Dlapatch to Th Journal.) Tacoma, Waah.. June l.-r-8everal sub tarranean Fivers are) - running - beneath Tacoma, and many in this city bellev that 4 nay -can .be.JtUlsedf orcty wa ter. South ot the city- lor many miles there etretchee away m wide champaign of prairie. Theae plalne f re ot gravel ly formation and water coming down TroifnMT oothllla of IhcCaasraDtleB-iraB" a tendency to sink to the hardpan etrat um upon etrllclng this sand And gravel. This produce the subterranean stream, which flow on In the same general di rection and And outlet In the Sound. Wells have been dug through tha gravel crust on tbla region And streama en countered. Home yeare ago Charles itohr. Jiving eight mllea from Spanaway lake, came near loalng his Ufa while digging auch a well by the ground caving when he had aunlc the well to within a few feet of the underground river. ' Rohr and others had heard tha water roaring be neath for aereral days and were on the lookout for trouble. More curious still la A well In ' the park and boulevard Addition to Tacoma, which alternately sucks and emits galea of wind. : For many yea ra It ha been known aa the singing well, and atortes have been written in th newepapers about it. Scientists have investigated the phenomenon .without unraveling th mystery of Its action. For a time the well had a strong odor, and It was thought It was some peculiar gaseous vapor from the Interior of the earth and gas experts visited It, but th odor disappeared jarKl .the air-coming from th well became fresh nd sweet, . Tba eizenlAtloa of Th Journal la rortland And la Oragoa Mooed that of any other orego ewspaDer. - T M lit ' V ' : y -m: J v We nT - CHRONIC DISEASES, SKIN DISEASES, ULCERS. GONORRHEA, GLEET,-STRICTURE, PROSTATIC DISEASES. NOCTURNAL EMISSIONS. , BLOOD POISON, HYDROCELE, VARICOCELE. NERVO-VITAL, KIDNET and BLADDER DI8 " EA8E8. Consultation' Is FREE and confidential. Although a personal visit I desired. If you cannot call, writ for SPECIAL HOME TREATMENT. . . 1 ";f HE OR. LIEBIQ STAFF, Sth k4ltt(s! Portland, Or. Oaahler , . ". A. U0Vt Aaeietaat raanier. ... Ceenmeroa building. J. T. BURTCHAETX. ... , . . Aaelitant Manage OKEOOV. - , . "" ' Boetoa. Chlcera. St. Leola, nocthw... i. Frankfortm-the-afata, on Linnoon. ran St. Petereburg Moacow, EnMch, Honolulu. tn 118.1 evajiaoaa in m.vw'w an - . . v rvttcaea. LAND, 0RZO0W. - B. Ie DURHAM........... jfrJ?'J OKiiKoa w. iiiiit.,.. -.eaiemo. rw-e. mmA 1 . rvalt laareal Available E. . IfKARS.. ......OatMer H. Di STOREY Altnt Ce abler PLATT 4V PLATT ..General Couneel .mm. . , . e. .. ..a ta. v,i . . i ,. w 1A- ' oenaing. ucaaage en an j, l" v a to a nee ent; eborVell enaeial ortlScft, ,f ILLCKTRATION " Soataaaat eara Third Private Fvchaaaa TB . , . ... n . wtT-rorlt . . Tlcev Preida aa mm .-'--vwwavwawww------ - a. - I. O. OOLTRA Aaeietat Srcrvtary .aaratary u. iuaiia .Aaeietaat Coevotarp COMPAJTY BA1TC. ' . aaactad. lat'reet Paid aa Tim Depoalt. .100.000.o , .. .. Aaeietaat necreiarr Btreata. . Pb ne . Mala 1 IM. cnennaivrnat - . ' ' . bought and aeld. New enterprieea argaalaas ' nn oonne ynarynTwa. , 340 WaBb!ngtoaStrvet, Cnrne Seeead , . Ealat at Lowtat Bate.- Title laaured. Ah. WmwmlmkmA- - - - - - - - - aad Baliroed Ron dp. Write ar Celt (M .inhere tTilcege- Board -at Trade.) 103 Third St., McKay BUlg Portland. Oregon. . aVawa 3. 4 and S La Fayette bldtC 0T. SfxU I - , Bd Weak. St, Partlaad, Oragoa. DITTbEND - STOCKS--.- BANK AND CORPORATION ' Oaahler B. W. SCHME1R Caoaleteat With Abaolute BafetF. :. . . TELEPHONE 4V TBLBOBAPH SECPBrTlBS BODY OF MISSING MAN FOUND UNDER BRIDGE Special taipetrh te Th ernaL Walla Walla, Wasli., June . Trie body of John Carrol, th Aged milkman, who disappeared May 23. was found be neath, a bridge on Garrison creek, two mllea west of Walla Walla, today by Chinese gardener. 'JTh Chlnea made sur of th $50 reward offered before they would tejl where the body was. Coroner Cookerly decided' that Carrol came to his death by drowning. Th body Is tn A fair atata of preservation. Thfunral will tak place -tomorrow, WHITMAN STUDENTS AT ' . THEIR ANNUAL PICNIC (Special Dbtpatcb tV The Journal. Whitman ' College. Walla Walla, Waah,, June fllinifints of the eollegs gave the annual picnic at Whitman tac tion today. The affair waa attended by sue students and many people from Walla Walla.: . The Monday Journal la a great aew. If yoa wank It, pkoa stain 500. IE WO Portland! Widely , Known and Successful Chinese Medicinal, ,C i ' Herb Doctor Hie- Aeatoua remedlea, th Ingredient ef Which w Import direct fmai the Orient In large euantltle and prepare and put np for aaa la hi np-to-dat labatorr. No mercurv. polaon or drnga ef . any kind aaed. Purely TVgriaonj. Th Doctor treat ancceeafullr and euarantee to cure all atomach tronblea. catarrh, aatbme, lung, Ibmat, rheumatlam. nerveuaneea, liver, kidney and toet menbond. rZVAU r TK0VBI.ES AWD AtL MUTATE DISEASES. . fl fal or mleleadln atatemenU to the afflicted. A aafa and laetlng cure In the quick eet poaalble tint and at I he lowt eeet pee. slbla for boneet treatment. If yoa cannot call, write for .eymptom blank and circular. - Incloae 4 cent In atamp. . , OOBSUTTATIOV TKEX. The C. 0e W Chinaa Medicine Oo., lSSVi an ov., jwt. jaarnaen, a-ertiaaa, or,. . . - Pleaae aientloo- tbl patter. Read MEN CURED FOR $7.50: ' Th French Electro Medicated Crnyon cures diseases of men without drugging the stomach. We desire to reach All classes, poor as well as rich, and by making our fee only 17.60. payable 0 days after being cured, we cur thousands who would otherwlae remain afflicted tf It were not for our liberal offer. . . ... . j. NOTICE FOR We will treat any single uncompli "cated anmeiit for $12.50 for the fee. v . , v 1. ; We never disappoint our patients! . , U i " . ' , 2. Wef accept no ihoirable cases I r,, " 3. We never hold out felse hopes! v--..'V" , C 1 "v.'l 5 4; We never fail in any case we take! . BX.OOD rorsoBT, 3TX3T BinAHi, loxint Trxoxm, arrmioTirma, tasioo. oxu, Brrsmoexu, nnvov Dioim, wxakbtbss, , rasa oa cxmosrzo siaxAazs or m atxxTBTs ad pboitati.' . OOBirn S00ATO AWD TAaTaTn.T. ITU1II, rOBTXVAjrS, OBSOOaT. V We no not offer you any TREE. TRIAL TlIATafXNTsV IXK0TKI0 BYXTB, WOETaT. LFB8 CRAYONS. . er ether . ua.lial aiellKMla of treatment. Our ad are ear earn, and -while ether cony them, thev eemmt tmltefe our auiwrlor" method of treatment. Wal ARE THE LONGEST LOCATED AND OLDEST SPECIALISTS III PORTLAND, having -beea located her 25 yeare. We do aot advertta cheap. Inferior tree truant, hut we give yoa all the reealte ef year of ripe evperlence. gained la tha treatment of many tnoa. ' aand f petlente. We give yoa ear eklll a ad ability la lb treatment of dteeeaea ef men for fair fee, which may be In any way the . patient dealree. IaTVESTIOATI OUR METHODS AND LXARK THAT WE ARE ALL WX CLAIM TO BE. AMD WHEW YOU PLACE YOUR CASE IN OTTR HANDS T0V ARE SURE 0Y OZTTIVa XATI BEST TREATMENT THAT 0AM BB OBTAIVXO ANYWHERE. .... HOURS 8 a. ' at., to a. m. Evening, T to 8i Bead aye, f a. oa, t 13 SI Louis UEE1CAL AND SVSGICA1 OORNEB ' SEOOND AJTB TASTXTIX conlt of an association of-m! Dr;v: WOiisTCo .nent phyaiolana, aperlen)ed- lwe geons and expert apeclallBta, with ' . abundant capital, established for th purpose of treating iu DIOAZi AWO anrmaioAX, 01 aanr. They will - accept - no v eagafner: treatment except certain tht-. they can errect a cur, nor win they make any charge in case of failure. . .- . . AXZ. nBTOTTSJ, BX.OOS, aisTO FaozAXi Duuni - or . .icnr. Through our vast experience Aa . speclailata w Ar able to make a full and early cure" m theae trou bles in th' majority of Instanee Where the ordinary practitioner rails to relieve. s , . - STOMACH, HKAKT. rTTER, KIDNET. BLADDER.' THROAT AKD NERVE TROUBLK8 ar very quickly relieved and a permanent cur made In all curable caaea. ' We tell you frankly If your case la incurable. We will have no person s money except for benefits received. ,; , " You Can Pay When Cured If you wish you can deposit th price of cur in any "bank In Port land, said amount to be handed over to us when you are cured. Or you : may pay us by weekly or monthly Installments if you prefer. , : AIPMedfcfnes Free Until Cured A. personal Interview is desired, but If you . 'Cannot call, writ as, giving your symptoms In full.; Consultation fre. ' - - Our horn treatment 1 successful, even in complicated caaea. Strict est confidence observed. Plain en velop 'used In all correspondence. Office hours f to t. Sundays and holidays 10 to 11. . , . DrTW. Norton Davis & Co. Leading speclailata of tha Northwest, t Established Hit. Offices In Van Noy Hotel, 62ft, Third St, corner Pine, Portland, Or. , If YOU :: : Sieli People T Will come and stay at my sanitarium -a few days" you will be astonished at the numper of patients prominent men and women among hem we are curing. You will speedily learn, too, the methods ot treatment we pursue -with 'our ; VV- Chinese Herbal Remedies The cures I am effecting: are truly marveTomnf you are auffer ng it will cost you nothing to at least com and ee me. You will bless the day that brought you to my place. ' ' - - Saniurinm, 27 North Fifth Street, Bet Buraside and Couch ' .' PORTLAND, 0REQ0N C Fook Sang & Co. im,t.aTT . nn jtxwsiubav JAT Tlf CHONO. Mgr. I Alder SL, Portland Pur. Beautiful Jade Jewelry, Gold Bracelet and Signet Rings of All deaorlptlons maa to or der. Amerloan name engraved In 'Chines characters n pure sold . Mleiclc rlnca snAxaved with the, three cardinal Chinese characters, via. Glory. Prosperity and Longevity. Charree reaaonable and orders of any deal n promptly executed and snt"pr " Hlfl pAJd to any part of tb United State. WE CURE MEN $12.SO Wc will treat any single, un complicated ailment under absolute guarantee. No pay unless cured. We are estab lished 25 years in Portland. CONSULTATION FRCE Dispensary STREETS. PORTLAND. 0BZ0OV, l 1 .. u. - . aa w t t SJ W eV -a urv .ar IJ.iF 9 rS "Si,... rv Szd r""' " "eBBaMBBBBBBBaBBaBBBBBBBr s .'."' P " la, WINfi l,F,R. eaaaaeeaj OMJiniMrly. : Aewbraa, KIOWI TO VAfk J Tarrant Extra ef Oases aadJ Oopaibala , OAP8ULI8. J Tneaeel.lan. f etoa aAdareia eat M roaorreoe. (leai, vaitea. ee. Kaay t take, eon, anient te Barry. Flit aar eaeeeaafnl aaa, Priaa SL a Ituwe A alartln a. 8S1 Waahlnetoa tM (Zetland, Orem ar ky all frosj Ike Tarrant Co.. 44 tlndena at.. New vrnrk. a, CHibetircA'i (NiekisM IfO OHaellfaalr alee. kt-.. en- a n .vnr. r.rvr. , ht SI ea e.14 Maine aaae, -uA I etik MaartMna. aaeaeeaaee, aaarea i Seketllatteai aed laaH. fir Meaia. Bar at j mar Oraaeta ar aie 4 . JT auaiea Af Peralanleen. Teeelaae JE ana NaMW fer llea,'MMier, ea. If taea la aia, !. VaMeMalale ieay ' ei uTMaau. a ei.a a,, a, . a fe. 7 4 v s V 1