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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (June 10, 1906)
THE OREGON SUNDA' JOURNAL, PORTLAND. SUNDAY MORNING. JUNE 10. 1903. li FOR SALE REAL ESTATE; PORTLAND HEIGHTS PbJPISTT.'. f. Am .--.ant iruiJDt4 hdOee. Inear Cr lin. loo kwimt, hardwood flour, beautifully flulabed; fln lw oh km; ,- , -. M ' Nig groomed . bouee and I tot: flM view. e ear Una; $3.700, This to . anap., TV new cottages, sack en lot, on ear He. wll Unlabel!, fine view; $8,000 each. That wtll pay 10 per cent OB la vestment heels. - ' A magnificent building' sit, Mns view; I block from car llns; $-.800. FWI tots lav Montgomery Prk, Ugbtly (loping, good bulldluge urroundlii; mlu ol (rum car.. All lac $I.W it takem at .''. Sightly building sits on sw Council Crest car line; two minutes from present car Una, about 1H oUi . --. One' of the beet eitea on Portlaaa' Heights, comprising 8 lota with evergreen trees, oa cat Una I Boues auftabla for. praa ont a; SMOu., ., Acreage, vacant lota and pomea a.- :lBd Heights our apoclslty. Be .?.: - "AMERICAN INVESTMENT COMPANY."--' BUI Sherlock Bldg. Pboo Main 188 Sunday, sad areola". bens oprltB . Poet M, a leap. Phona Main 1U,. ., . fcW -room strictly boo. l;f,l flnlehed. all convenience: clot la. Ibla W .". ' beauty ud a decided bargain. - 1 acre, highly ImproTed: b-reore " barn. chicken-bouse, all kind or frulti elos " r'. to r; bout' sad Income. . ' . 5 to S-C-onT-OUaes, mU paymenU OowB. , balance montly locations "P't ?"; , 3 bouses with 8 tots. ' ,P,M0,J, - Woo; wall Improvedl will aeU .eparately. Of .. together or will exchange for r loose l.., r. BEST Aj VAN F0-MEN, .- , jh4 iiorrtaon Bt. PO TOU want to beet farm to Oregon 11 scree, .11 in enltlvetloo bat f Berssr ftae houae. out I2.TW, 3 tare barn, other on J--t bnlldloia: pise all In crop and, pre. U fenced, land Iml f'';, ' 10 nil from Portland. I Hmrlln. ! etilj 1M per acre; a,600 caah,' blac I1.000 ; Dk u. T.W-tth lot, pleatr of fnilt. 4.000; H eaab. nui larf wwu "" - 7 Quarter block , Heat '"J .? "T" in t-nw w fjj rT-ot.. t tth and "r'1nf1'oI.o;'-.1.U H lt .l Bd Belmont. a.00: 11.000 cah. $1,400 bura rood T room bow, BatTBjlor, ' "l.tOo'kay'fSio o-rooni boa BoBBfaido, i Ud t.. near ear line; 500 cab. ' $1,604 b;a rood roooi eotug it BoaBr . aide, lot BOilOO; lctrt llbu and all bmmI rn ImoroTementai eay term. 1J40 bur fin qoartar block, Kt SBth, 'bear earHne; Ml nani ,2p0 cajh. a . ( irn.inA Fast TfTl An "aril ! -, : . BUC iMwrrggr $06 bo fin flT-acr tract near Laatbr IIOO cash, balance $29 erery month. ' rino 0-T tract, kit. Scott, Terr alfhtty, ' preeeli only $150 per acre; r Utiom. tS acre fin Und. wU Improeed. 10 mile , rroa Portland, oa pood rood: bone, cow. lv-atilcn.. wUn. fin crop, lLMJ. $6,000; naif ch. baUna ea.j ferma. Crop and Mock with tbl pUe are worth $1,000. , A ra,,,cIIARLE8oH JJWLV .'.. $18 Allaky bldf. , " Puon PaclflO 11BB. ifiiLfiOTTAOB with 4 room, i to 8 lot, 'kood Icar lflp fU-U W RUB WW" A-w-.a. ' , W,UtVS8TSRJI OBaWOH TRUST CO ' ! Stark at. . Phono Padflo . cc Before JBnyta BIMIOotwW lot en KIUln(wortb btb.i ay 'term. - ta00 60100 an " HTjmbolltr, -near tgen ' '. T. ''" " 1 $JtkS rtne lot aa Bomnor, pear L carl a hara-ain. - $400 oOilOO oa Garfield ar.. Beer OolBgl term, half caah. ' $450 Each for aom fin tot oa Grand are.; term rery reaonabl. $W0 60x100 on Cook ' betweaa Unloa .. end WUllam araar $700 Por fine oornor on Bhaeer', look thli y !: -- . up; owner wanU voaey, w want ' " - caah offer. --- tl.WO IOObIOO. nice boaM alt, n Cook ae. il.POO Tbl 1 a fin comer, 100 feet oa - . - Bhaeer it. ' by ISO feet on Alblua; ' ' aulubl for builneaa and' fUta, ' 0,000 r or a ale corn on Unloa ., N. j- ' HOMES ' 1,S00 Thb) B) a fall tw'o-atory bona. Te ' rooms, Bot far from Piedmont car- ' barna, near carlln; owner need ' .money and aald U for $1,600: otter -' ood for a few day only; part cart. ' B1.S00 Si i -room boa on Cook .; torma, $400 caah. balance $15 month. $I,10O new Mx-room boo at ttigniana. M. . THOMPHON. Phoaa Woodlawa SOS. S4S MlsahMlppI are. i. MODERN T-rooa boose, bawmant, cement floor; lot 100x100, wltb fmlt and bcrrle; price ' $1,860. Take St. Johns ear to Denrar ., ' ' fir blocks aoata, 08 Carpenter at. - TOR BALE A T-room bemee with basement. a 1 moat completed, on block from hit. Brott ' car line, 35 aitnate' rid froa city, B-cent car far. Corner lots, eeay paymentet price. $1,600. $400 down or secured, tbe remainder on monthly payaaenta. Por forthcr partlc , . ulara call, betweea T and .10 a. at., and to B p m,, atnnnay. ax-ao-aeera; i roR BALE Fine lot la part of the at $430lda Which 1 belnt rapidly built . op,, oa Eaat loth at.; not too ; 1 far- from baalaaaa Btor to walk l , . a reaaonabl caah 'payment and $10 monthly will buy thl choice piece of groand for yonr home. .,"." PORTLAND TRtTST C0MPAM or OREGON. . j. , B. B. Oor. Sd and Oak Bta. POR PALE Tin piece of ground near Bleb. $660 UIUDU w IM. . . a. Mwmm " " In alee and only 80 feet from to 'ear oa E. 28th aw This price la right. P0RTLAMO TRT'ST COMPAltX Of OREGON. B. . Oor. $d and Oak 8t. mono car una; u w iwiim $500 CASH, ale lot Holladay Park. . $ooo--B tote, extra length, fronting oa '. thro trte, only two block from Union i j--.,- ear lino, this aide FledmonU WIU . - mak 1 good tot. . : ' $1,000 caah, balance Bentbly, for BV ' bangatow, en corner lot. v - anngaew, rRBn H gTK01t0( -- 4a stark St. , . MODERN $-room cottage, 401 Fremont at.; swaef moat tea re city; a bargain; $1,600. 1.000 B-ROOM iMMsa In ' food ' eondltlon. on nod lot. Bunny aide. Hafemann A Blanc hard, 1 Fifth at.. QOOD T-roora bona, Nob Hill dletrlet. nearly new, modcra, lot Box 100, walking darunee; a good bnyr $4.TSO. - WESTERN OREGON TRCBT CO.. 881 Btark at. - - . Phone PadOc 003. tnno IP bongbt at once, will bay my newly completed 4 room bungalow eottagei cloth mom and pantry: tbla will bear lnrtlgt1on . ran b eeen Bnnday; 1H btocka from carllne, Tremont atalton. Pbone owner. East $702. Mt. kcott car. . TSxtOO, ON CIACKAMAS ST.. Bear tsd; Bneat reel rl race aectloa . east aide; all lmprore anta. $1,700. ' . WESTERN OREGON TRUST CO., -'- 91 Btark St.- Phon Pacific SOB. Bt4 ACRES la city, $1,000, term; a bargain. It. J. Day Co., loH roorth U room SB. $3.000 TWO tots sad S-roooj booee, UnlTerelty Park! e y-4erm. - Xl.tRO 7(1x100. Eaat BOth at.; $200 cash, balanca May and long-time payment. $000 Lot and cheep boo la Bunny aide; ' tay terma. $1.10 $U acre, eaet plde, BntroproTod, bin aood nay- 2,760 im aero Bear Traamat rtatloa. ind a good "peculation. ' .. . $1,1501 tot on Tillamook all bait caah. - . . I. O. DAVIDSON, - ... . d08 Cbambor at Commerce. ' - MATR) ae-wral boo ranging from $1,000 an; will sell on ay monthly paymenta'nr will ' build to Putt purchaser, which he can pay for In tbe am manner. Can B4MI Eaat Bntb at-, north., or phoaa East B7B. . ' POXCHAIIl-r- --. ' ' " ADDITION " $100 joxioo-root lota, $5 ath sad $8 per month. Foxrbee addlUoa, 4 block from eerllee; water pipe laid, ..' 2o--Oi1iiO-foot tote, $8 caah and $8 per month ; Boll Ran water; adjoining Arbor Lodge atatloo. , .. - $060 A triangular fraction, 6$ feet ,' . front street, near Bancroft. V ' ig $0080x100 feet, eontnweat ' corner " Ol bta and Hood I $M per month rere 'nne; eaa b atoro than drmhted. I Wanted A new 4.8 or 8-renm boaab nT 1 fortlad F-lfbi". 1 or t aalmproTad IM ' at a bargain might eiilt. All .sorla of pmpwtlH for 1 la Kla- jik coninte. . ' Aivr"TM Pt.TT CO- .. a It, . --' FOR SALE REAL. ESTATE. $1,3U0 Nice new d-room cottage; bath, gaa and electric llghta. Maple at. between, Hamilton are. and Seymour. 1 block from B car and . acbool. South Portland; terma. lnqutr ) . r'ourth. Phon Pndoe 1124, Uesldcnc. Mala DO yon want a 6-roota cottage wltb porcelain bath, toilet, full lot, bouae now under oun atructloal W1U allow . yoa to arrang In tcrlor of bona; prlc only $1,060, with $160 caah. take It balance at $10 per mnnib, with $ per 'cent Interest; don't fool away your money any longer when yoa caa buy a tuxn at area ire than rest. 4 .room boose, tot 108x11, ... corner, ale shady grore, a block from earllne; It' a auap at $775. - 8-room bouae. bath, toilet, lot 100x100. corner, variety of elegant frails, berrle. rosea, large bare, chlckan-bona and yard, 1 . block from car; It'a Joat an elegant borne, located la Bunnyalde. and tbe price la only , $2,060; aay about $700 cash, balance ea aaay payment. If desired. 8-room modern bom la Al aeffkhorbond , oa Eaat 17th at.; thl I one of the eery beat bargain la Multnomah County at $2,260; term; block from ear. . . Hi aero la garden, berries and fruit; beet of aoll, orar look log city; only bait way to Woodatnck, 1 bkk 'from car; th price la 1 only $uno aad - $:mj0 cash bur It. -j ' If yoa want borne at bargain yon will . ae aa. aa we- Hat nothing but good boy , aad wll thee end other -aaapa ille j bot r. J. BTEINMFTB ft CO.. Tbe Uomeaellere, 108 Morrlaoa at. $2.000 riNI CORNER. 60 1 100, ,good T-room houae, ' In nice realdenc location, fruit and ' Iota of roe; term. Cell. Huoday, 1B7 Eaat 48th t, or phon Tabor 86. . . NORTH WEST LAND COMPANY, 308 Goednougb bldg. - Geo. W. Turner. H. W. Miller. : We transact a general el oatat and brokerage bualneae and abllclt a share of your patronage. . . . . $160 IVANH0B tote, $8 down and $6' per month; a car I in. A. H. Blrrell, Bo2 Mc Kay bldg. . " V. ' Jtew B-room cottage, located at Bellwood; corner tot,' 100x100; fine lawn. 1 moat - - leaee tbe eity and will a-!l at coat. Prlc $1,800. $K00 down;, balance tare "year. - Owner, 1870 East 13th. MAKE A NOTE OF THIS. ? - - - Inrldo of 0 dy you will wish yew had loreeled m St. Jubn property. Th anderalgnad baa complete list of prep . arty, lm proved end un Ian proved, .that will make money. Location nd .term to .gult anbody. .Boa or communicate wltb . 11. G. OGDBN. - Rwrfcrw Office, St. John. Or. j. . .'. ' $13.000 8IOHTLT qnarter, Weat Park at., - walking: dlatance, near two carltnee; v ' eueceptibl of hlgh-claa Improreioent and corraepondlijg Income. , $0.000 J lrat at. lot, email d-raUtae; bow nualnea property and mod Tain. ' $3,TB0 Bl loU, good dwelling, barn and ' otbes ImproTemonta, ML Tabor. $3,000-Lrg lot. room dwelling, SM Knott at., fine to ctrlln and walk- , $2,t00 Tull lot, modern two-aiory dwelling v luat bollt, 1 room,' Eaat 84th, naer ' llawthorno; term, and a llttlo gem. ,. $3.900 Dwellings room. . full lot, $41 . Cook are. I choice, and ay term, arkraa other too .nnmerou to mention. I. . Tan a, soauv-waata. Mn bur baa lou. rariona addition a. at aarract prrcea. t Warehona altea, cloae In, railway facllltlea, 80c a aquar foot; almllar property peer by "held at $2 a qur foot. - B. fl. JAChlSON ft COMPANY, - v- . Phon Mala $45. .. . . . 348 Stark .xt. $2.500 FOR sal by owner. T-room ' bone, tot 60x100; mil brick basement, beet plumbing; $780 to $1,000 eaab, reat at B por cent latet t.' 718 Eaat A ah at. . FOR SALE 13 acre of good land, located a - mile north of fair greendst all eomparatrrerr lerel and good aoll; a -acre In eultlTatkta and aora clearing don oa tbe reat; about Ba -ocw- -Of xlnieer on - on part- TtnmlDg water- oar two aide; young orchard, good . Tarlaty; tars new modern T-room bouse sl- - ot flnlaued, alreedy pa In ted f mile from railroad etatloh and boatlandlng; good road. ' Write or cell aa A. R. Folk an berg. XAom - ton. Or. . . . , $7W) FOR 8ALPJ New 8-room cottar, lot 80s 100, well lnipruTd. Owner, 860 East 23d gt. FOR BALE On, two ot three 8-room cottage an. Monro t., Upper Alblna; In good repair; ' 16 minute' rid from Fifth and Washington; bring $380 yearly rental; $1,200 each, f3 three for $8,600; pay what yoa wUI down, balance $10 per month. . Addreee D $0, car . Journal. . v B ACRES, model borne, well ImproTed, eait ,. aide; $2,000; half caah, baiaac tlm. Ad dreee H a, tar JouraaL . Br OWNER. 8-room cottage, lot BOilOO, with 18-foot alley) prlc $1,100. Address 1018 Height are.. Upper Alblna. GOOD SAWMILL aad farm of 880 acres, 10.080 capacity, plenty of lumber, good market, nar Philomath; lbtbuy Jo state. .Prlc $.600; baU caah. t. N. Blair ft. Co., $18 Abingtoa. ' " BUT THIS HOME 100x125, 8-room boa, good condition; 0 bearing fruit tree. 80 roeebwahe; oatwcea Union, and Grand are, etoae la; prlc $2,800; half cash, balanc long time: mast alL v J. N. Blair, 818 Abingtoa bldg. FOR SALE - . T" Lots la central Alblna, $800 aad ap. re men to at., new, modern. at your own tar ma. Call and aee our Mat of v farm prop- we can t ron monev. MryTT-Oa, a. - urirtHfia Xmm, eoa.etA rnn. . . i Lie. L bon Paclflc 227$. ' Second and V. ashing tooT $800 Bt'TS a 6 -a ore tract abont IV. miles eaat of Mt. Tabor, betweea Baa Lltt and Section Lin roeds. laTeatlgat. $1,800 buy 10 acre of One garden or fruit land, 80 minute' walk from tatloa . at Mllwankl. 4 or 8 scree la eultltetioe, . all tillable land, running water an oa cor ner ot ame. a email bouse; no better land , la the valley. I bar a good T-room bbu near : Mt Tabor aad 1, a or 8 acre of land, no gravel, all covered with frntt, to trade for a good 8 or T-rooa boa la South Portland. For - particular ace . eAMKS WleUMl.'V. Room 100 Abingtoa bldg. Phon Paclflc 1848. $3.800 T-ROOM atrlctly modern houae. with gas ehandellera la cb room, corner Int. Holla day'a addition; a mall payment dowa, ,B per cent. $2.500 8-room bouse, ' every convealeBc. south front, 8 btocka from car at Eaat An kenv and Eaet 22d: 82iO to 8800 down. $12.60 per month sad keep np Interest at $ per cent. $2,0C LOOO Bnlendld , T-room bona. ' walla tinted, bath. barn, woodbouee. cblcken- bouee, tote of fruit bearing, 100x138, well kept lawn: $800 down. - Il.ow Neat 8-room houae,- lp BOilOO, Eaat 22d at, oonvnlent to car. . J. F. OOMPTON. 100 Abingtoa bldg. , Phon .. Pacing 184$. NEW Toom anodern bouae, gaa and electric light cement bamment and walk, tot 80x100, Monro at. near Union; bargain for abort tlm. Owner, 308 Fraaaont at. $4,800 WILL buy a good star building and nice realdenc oa Wll lie me are., lot 80x100; beat InvestmeBt la th elty. We . hav v. era! good bargain la bouaea and Iota la all riarta ot th city. Call and took over anr lat before buying. B18IMCS8 CHANCES A nice clean atoca - ot groceries, also a ' good meat and grocery bualneea for sal at a bargain. ' O'BRIEN ' REALTt CO., - 838 Lumber exchange. Second and Stark Bta. NICE 8-room cottag, Eaat Seventh at., acar Kkidmore, full tot. eaey terra"; fl.Tnn. ' WESTERN OREGON TRfST CO..- ,s BB1 Btark at. : , Phon Paclflc 881 CITT PROPERTY. 81,800 Lot near -eteel bridge. ' $1.460 8-roonv bonee, fruit, axall ban, OB Woonatork line; terms. ' . . I ota la Kanllworth, $30 down. $10 per month, 8 per cent lu tercet; good soil: 13 mlnuta ' ear aarvlca; city water, electric light. Farm ta tb fanaou Bannrald dletrlet, OB main road, rural delivery, telephone Ime. $1.800 80 acre fin orchard land; tkec I aleo a largo depoalt ot til clay oa this piece. - i . $2,00080 aerea, fenced, ISV acre clear and In wheat; en me onion land. $8,60041 arree, 88 la wheat, 13 acres alaabed; rannlng water: small boaaa Bad barai thla la anexcslled orchard land. $3,000 80 acre. 28 clear and la Crop; good bona, S barn; running water. FRKD 0. KING. . .808 Commercial N.lg . 3d and Waahlngtoa at. Phone Main 8063. FOR BALE 18 acre of good laad. located IS mile, north of fair ground: ell comparatively level and good aoll; 8 acre la enlttvatloa end eome clearing done an the reat; about Sift corda of limner en on part; rannlng ' water on two aide; yonng orchard, good variety 1 large new modern t-room bouae, al Bviat flnl.hed. already painted 3 mile from " rellrnad station and boeflandlog; good roda. Write ot cell A. M, rulkaabatge Lkuv 30I o Display Advertising, . May, 1906 Display Advertising, May, 1905 : ill-?-; , "'GAIN -. -LJ'''. NOTE THE INCREASE-The demand for Journal advertising space proves -thif advertisers in the Daily and Sunday Journal get results. . : V-' nor FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. Tlarce "Special Bargains ; - $1,800 60x100, 8-room cetuge, full baa, ment, batb, electric light, city wator; fruit, flower; near Piedmont:, eeay terms. . $700100x100. fins sightly tot, several had tree. Bancroft are., weat aide: suit able fog a bungalow; $180 caah and $18 per . month. . , ' t $2,0008 acre In cultivation, ', T-room houae, barn aad outbuilding; 1 cr n grain, 1 acre In trawberrle. H ar la fruit, good Jar den; 3 Jery sow, 100 chick ana; a mil ram eeurtbeuee;. aaay terma; pew . railroad od .Slectric line. . , HOTC'HKISS WOOD, - , 313 Allaky bid.. Third and Morrtoon. LOTS 80x100, part caah. In tb beat taburb ot Portland: a few left at $78 aaeh. Phon Tabor 18. - . 11 ACRES, partly eleared, all level; wlU mak a beautiful home; caa b bought bow for $1,850; term. Phono Tabor Ia0-t $4.800 NICE anartcra la Holladay addltlew. f.000 Income property, Yamhill at. 6 acre at Montavllla. ' JXtrn 11 T iuuiii luuum u huumv nigblaud. .. d.OOOtJ" pervnt Swaf-MMo toveatmenC WILSON ROWE, - j 227 Chamber of Commerce, TWO choice lot In Piedmont, on block north : of KllUngaworth are.. ch 100x180, oa V an no arm.-, a iasau..acu.iicuk. wr.. ae.Juu.iL taken now. WESTERN OREOOir TRUST CO.. 291 8Urk 8t. Phono Pacing 88$. NICE marter Mock - for Eaat 38th and East Uoyt ata., Die Belghborbood. Prlc $1,460. ' - WESTER W ORBQOJT TRUST CO., . 1P1 Btark St. Phono Parlne 80$. FOR SALE FARMS. BEST BUtS IN THE COCKTT ' 185 acre Dairy ranch; can run 60 "eowg . and other etock; 78 acre level awale bot tom. wtU drained; graaev.. timothy, -clovgt crona, balanc land Brt elaaa. Ilea eooae roll ing, oa a good county road; good family orrtaard, beat farietle small 'fruit; a good new ban, a Urg bare and other ' bulld - Inge: ft neat of water, well : anInge aad . creek an th place; ae 3 milk routae; your . check milk monthly: not a foot of waat land oa It, when all rlsand; 40 aorv 8n l. timber, there ar 10 flue row and I bore -and wtbrthlng go- -with th--placet- 8V ; mile from beat tore la Waahlngtoa Bounty; K. P. D. mall and phone; H mil to a. good school. Price $41 por acr. - - B - 180 a arc fnt-els Tamhlll eeenty land: 48 ere fall oata, IB crea timothy, 1$ . acre vetch, 10 acre flneat hop la th county. 8V aerea good bearing orchard, 18 acre ready to aced,. good bopbonse. Brat- elaaa T-room boaoe. a good barn, granary .' and all ether neceeeary buildings: v all th hopgatherlng and drying Bitores, 1 aaower; 1 binder, 8 plow, 3 Barrowa aad other term ing tools, 1 good $60 cow, 8 Cblna-Polaad hog. 1 good team, wagoa and haruoaa, I ' colta. 1 dlec plow, 1 buggy and baraaea, 3 belfer. doaea chicken aad 100 email ooee. $8,800: terma. ' 880 acre level' laad; 189 In crop, fln 1 T-room boubo, largo aam aoo oinvr vuuum... I fln orchard; crop Bj-wboot, eela, eoteb-ud other crop;, good water wnoie yeer, e aonva, 3 fln cow, 18 bogs, wagoa, baggy and hsrneca, binder, mower, chicken, turkey, all honeebold good. Prlc $18,000; would take good Ineom property or aooat. . . 480 ere bench (aad. Brat elaaa, 3-8 level; all caa be .cultivated wbea cleared; aom clear; a good T-room houae, 3 barn, a email creamery and U th oitoxee, aa- a-Bio stream through th place, bot and ,eeld water la th bouee; oa a good coanty road; .th-gradg ecbool H mil. R. W. D. mall pnoo in th boo, rataldw-rangg-Tinnmlted' or wlU cll 180, 820 cres or all to suit buyer, Vrlth-er without stock; 8-8 eaah, -beJereo Jeag Um, tow rata $ head cow, a yeaning aeuere, a bead hog. I fln work boror aad harseee, 3 lumbar wagon, 1 top buggy, plow and harrow and nil aoeeeaary tooto; 4Vi-oa platform acal. 1 email acalea. vraigblng 800 ponnda; good hay barn and other outbuild (ngn; bate In bono; S mile rotn rlrer and railroad, 88 mile from Portland. 85.000 rtwo thlrda down, the balanca caa atand $ per. cent per annum. rull tot 80x100, oa soutbeeat oornor Union ;avenu and Bchoyler. 31,800. I IMU lot 80x100. corner Going aad Malory $460; tcrn-.w MT - ' Corner Becond and WahlBgtoa gta. 1 -5 . . Room 801 Commercial bldg. ' aV-SAROAIrW 188 acre, 4 miles from railroad . and ale tow with beet of ebool. oto-rrcbee, eollego, e eakaanJU- flneat climate; good orchard, ap ple., plums, peers snd other fruit: new 8-room novae, two rami, too. in cn-itnr "T boa, chlckM-non, etc. I bmubUIb sprlag water piped to tb Bona: one . pair wor bone, harneee. wagoa. bach., binder, mower, hay rake, bow plow, harrow, cultivator - aad ntimeron other arnall too la: thre good sow, 40 Plymouth Rork hen; o11 I of th very ' beat and crop a re floe; beet of tack rang outalde; all goes for $4,800 If sold- by July ' 4; $.1,800 caah. bahvac oa May) term If dealred at 8 per cent: half mil to ebarrh, " 00 rod to acbonl. Call oa Be, or writ for farther particular. ' CALVWELL CO.. Philomath, Or. ' ASSIONr-E'S BALE. " " '' S" ' TIMBER AND yABVlMfT LA?tT AND CITT PROPERTY. In order to rloa np estate I most aell with in tbe next 80 daya th following doaevlbed Rrnperty belonging to the oatat ol ft a. hart, bankrupt, of Arlington, Oregon, to- MS acre gwd. well Improved farming land. . (5o acre tlmW'land In Hood River valley, 13 mile eoath of Uood River. . 88 rr farm tand, 13 mlVes soutk sf Arltngton. - .. . On rV room cottag, 3 tot. ' . On gtnro and warehoa, Mfosk w 1 One dwelling. 38-foot lot. . 2 - In Arlington. Oregon. , All e tbe abov doecrUjcd property . Biti.t b eold. , W. H. MOORE, Aaatgne. rov-terma. and full partlcnlara address , B. t. BARNETT. - 83 Eaat Oak St.. rortland. Or. ' 180 seres, d miles vroet of Cerlto; 80 awe ra .cnltlvattoa. good building d orrtard. well watered and feaoed: price. lh preoent ' crop. . $17 80 per cr. Address Mr. . 8. A. Murphy, Box 8, Carltoa. Or. - - POR BALE CHBAP-1.000 acre. aader cul tivation, wlib crop, tool and Mock. Apply B. L. Smith. Spring Held. Oregon. rOR BALE A good 80ra farm la Tamhin . enunty; 80 cre ta crop with tock d farming Impleme8b, good - binding, well ' watered and fenced. " klad of fruit. Por further Infoematlod addree C 80. JouraaL $8 000 loo-ACRB farm, aader cultlvatlo, right l it.tbo a 8. P. Ry.. near Portlands good . 10 room hous. 3 bern aad thro wlla; prlnga.' Lambert, Wbltmer tJo- Bhwtock 'bldg. - a. $10.000 PINE farnl near , neon ver; 11$ acre all ander eqltlvatlna aad fenced: avmlera 10 ropm bouse, good barn and eomplet chick. , en outfit: all klmle of fruit: abandonee of , water, which la plpad to all parts of the places Improvements .worth more than the ioehoi ill The popularity of THE JOURNAL as a Want advertising medium continues. ' During the month just passed the classified advertising published by The Journal Daily and Sunday was . . . 08,500 lines The same month a year ago . . . ". . V . f . 76,434 lines GAIN ..... . 22,126 lines I 64,432 lines . j- ior ior FOR SALE FARMS. ,aaemB)jaoiB etsu a, is ;' CIIOICB BUYS. 300 acre In Clark county, Waahmgtoa, 4 1 mile from Columbia river; all- fenced ami eroee-fenced, 80 acres In fln atat of cnltl- vat km; fin 13-room bouae, new bam BOxftO, frame; all level land, variety orchard. 3 living spring, aome timber, belanc of land I lly cleared; 40 acres grain, $ aerea potato, r balance ta hay t the farm he In flret-clea enap;- good wlr fenc; th toll 1 flrst claae, no better; thl 1 n of th beat farms on th market todert aood team worth S-TjO. pony, 80 need cattle, 8 milch cow a; alt ainos or nra macntnery rnac la needed on a farm; hoga, ehickene, cream eeperator; ' R. F. D.: mlh) to ecbool. Prlc $7,000, Include - Ing 4l pronI property: will divide" .place, ' grr term or will take part la city properly ' guaranteed aa advertlaod. $3,30000 acre. 18 mile eaat of Vancon- ver. 18 miles from Portland: 40 arree fenced wlth good 4-berb wire. 36 cleared and seeded . to hay, free from stump, 16 acre alaabed and aeeded, balanc awale, really cleared, all -level; email -creek, good well; new , 3-tory ' T-roora boa, email aublc; R. F. D. and . telephone; mil to school and church; county road oa two aide of place; 1 horee. 8 heed eowa: will give terma; this I a good tnveatment: beat of oH. . . .a 000 . ta n.. fr Portland; acres In fins atat of cultivation ; good 7-roota honse, good barn; 3 aerea ftrt-cla orchard, mostly apple. 8 acre -tn-opuda, balanc hay: - good team, wagon, harneee; 3 cow. 8 calve. nog-a, ov cnicxena; mower, rax, awa ptowi ' harrows, cultivator, other " amll toola.A "farm macbinery, new team" worth $.1K); tbl 1 a -beautiful place.- , mil to rbool, 1H mile to railroad etatlon, oa main count . toad, leva and grevoled: fln aoll. u $1,36038 ecree.-l milfrom neoavar: will give good terme. , ' W Jiiv other small tracts from 8 acre -.up. Call end, e our list. . . . . TUB WASHINGTON A OREOOhf REAXTf COMPANY, ' 33$H Waahlngton, room -13, Portland. Or and 800 kialn aU Vancouver, Wash. " 680-ACRB farm la -OiUlam county. 8 miles gram railroad atatloo at Condon ; 4st acres In -wrhet, and It hi paying good Interact ; will aell-for $13,600, or will trad for Ineom Property In Port UojlJLunlatrUJH'bJtmr. A Co., Bberlock bldg. - ..... 1,100 ACRES at $6 per acre, 1H mllea .from - railroad nar.Xaieballe...yaab.; good for fru't . and paature; will aell on .aay term. Lam bert. Wbltmer A Co- Bberlock bldg. - 11 ACRES fine bearing prune orchard, 14 mile from Vancouver, only $3,000; Crop thl year-will amount to .bout $1,008. Lambert. Whltmor Co.. Bharloek bldg. EOR BALE OR TRADE A fla farm or 1Z7S .acre, beat location In the veil. Addreee W. R. Lord. Irving, Oregon. IMPROVED fsnaa, $60 t $100 peg acr: B t 10 ml lee out. O. R. Addltoa, Lenta. Or. Take Mt, Scott ear. 8 cent. . .. $30 ACRES la rest wheat belt of . Pttona . eooatry; all tillable. 378 acre In wheat, fair Improvement: cloa to school, poe to and tor; $'6 per acre; terma. J. P. Ball, Albion, Whitman county. Washington 180 ACRES of good fruit hind. 8 mil north of Lylo. Waah. gently rolling, with sew 8-room fram bonee, bern nnd other bulMlnga; .good family orchard! water; mil to school, good road, K. P. D.; 8 acre cleared and 10 acre can be cleered very easily; 600.000 feet of pin and fir timber oa tb place; fl,80 . buye It If takea at once. By owner, D 44, , ear Journal. ... IS ACRBH 11 acre la high atat of cultiva tion, new T-room bou. good well ef water I and fln aprlng oa place, cloae In: a map at e, uw; nun eeu; 00 not orrnovi inta. - u 1ft, care Journal.- Clackamas County Farms Clarkamaa county Join Portland and Mult nomah county." Portland Is the beat and only market ta the aorthweet. The Bolt In Clark am county la very productive, nnd I coud to none In th atate. Th competing line of tranaporttatton make freight rate very low. Wo hav farm ot all deocrlptlon for l at reaaonabl price, and w.delr to.abow tbera to proepecttv purchasers. W bandl farm land of all kind for noct-reeideote. Abatracta of title furnlahed. -OREOON CITY TRUST COM PA 5 Y, Oarde bldg., Oregon City. Or. COME TO CANBY Garden a pot of Willamette valley; ormals Bond River for a trawberrle; beet potatore In Oregon; fruit, bar and grain can't b beet; lend cheep; 33 mile from Portland, quick market. iet me anew yea. u. w. insoa. Canby, Oregon.' FOR BALE By owner, 30-area farm, an cleared and In blgb atat of eultivetlton; excellent coll, will telee anything; good house, barn, ehickea-boua and runa, fine , orchard, etc.; cloae to city, within 10 mln, utea' walk to 0. W. P. R. R. Phona Mala , 1371. Addreee P 4, car JouraaL FOR SALE 80 acres, level: 40 fenced. 8 bot tom, 18 cleared; enrdwood, all tamarack; buildlnga; 3 mile t station; 18 mils Atom Spoksne. W. Johnson, Elk, Wsab. EXTRA GOOD - .. -100 acres la Marlon county. H " tram Marlon; 13 scree under cultivation. 40 acre lhd and bnrned, aom good timber, about . 3 arrea In orchard, 1 email houae and barn, , 8 good aprlnga, near graded school, prlc BS.SoO; terme. i 140 acre la Una county. tK mile from ' Holley; 30 cr nnder cultivation, good aoll, an reneea, x large ipring. lieu tmtt tree. B-room bou, barn 6o60, Beer school. Prlc $2,100; vary aay terma. , 100 acre In Yamhill eonnty, near New. berg; 60 arrea ander cultivation snd 38 sere tump land saeded to graae, 8 acre, creek bottom, small creek beada on ths place, water piper Into th bouee. 1.800 fruit tree. 000 In bearing; brae 34x3r), old barn, otber outbuilding fair. Price $4,800; terma. T8 aerea In Yamhill county. 8 miles from Gaeron; about 8 acle baa been under- coltl- a-tine. -wiiiie old TruirTreew on thw nlaeo-.t I acr of beavrdm land, abuadance ot water. Price $so. Severe. Ifli amnui cvmmy w siiiei . .rrom ncth Yamhill: 2a acre hnder culllvatlon. bout BO fruit tree, 3 room bona, bara Ox44. good "outbuilding, 38 head of atork and all farm Implement go wltb th place. Prlc 82 000. LAKOILI.B BAND, T8 Sixth t. 84 ACRES, T Bile eoutheaat ef Oregon City; 88 acre of plow land, 10 acre of fln wlr hopvard. good 8-room bono, bara and out tnilidUga, H Interest In Isrge bopdryer) this place h on of tbo beet In tb country If yon want a good farm took at thla. It can't b beat; $4,300. Phon 8.1 1 wood T4. W. H. Morehoae. Tak Bellwood car. A ncney nakcr - j . A $80-a ere timber ranch. SO aerea valley land,1 80 acr In cultivation, - aeeded to vetch and oat, fruit of all kind, 8 dwelling boner rnd other building, a waterpowee aawmlll and planer' complete, 'rapacity lO.ono . feet per day, 4.000.0tx feet of good aaw 'timber, aad It 'la estimated that there I feet tributary to th mill. Ave mllea to railroad oa good gravel 'road; all goes for $8,000 if aold la 80 day. Call aa or addreaa ' - . cALtrwrrx a co., . tbllomsta, Oregoa. ' 1 40 ACRES near Portland, 8 cultivated. 80 fruit tree, new boo, on connty road; iplendld, barialn; $1,160: term. W. J, IHj m Ca ISbU routlw $Ct taoa SB o O ii o 370,328 lines V. 315,806 lines ior FOR SALE FARMS. ' My List cf Choice Buys In Farms - $1,100 FOB 80 acre of flna brigand laad near Prlcevill, Crook connty. Oregon. Thl I a choice piece ef ground and worth twice . th prlc asked, but ctreumatance permit Be to offer it frar th. .hn. .u.aai . win - consider part trade for unity lu dty tots w . rm ivam or nor. $8.800 Worth $8,000. - A fln loo-aere 'farm. nuui. a -miies rrom Br. - Helene, tnhiaMa OOUUtr. OreeoOL Includlna- .11 llaiM.k . Can Implement .and lmprovemnti; 30 acre cleared and In cultivation; T aerea In cleared meadow land. T-room bouae, good - i, Hiiiiu.iu.,, ec. , larna I U fenced and eroaa-fenced; tork la w.,rw fiov. iBirt ta no una 10 D naa ta thla . vicinity for lea than $80 per acre. Thl will go for $06 per acre. Good terme. $8.500 For a wail Imnroved farm ef 84 acre, alttiatod la the Tualatin baain, Waab- lngwa county, uregoa. about 3H mile -from Riod railroad town; 40 nnder plow, balanc uah and timber; high and alghtly; the - very beet vartetM of fruit, watered by well nd aprlng: a flne 8-room, well Bnlahrd f nouee, woooenao, -waehtvxiae, wine cellar. S f tc-: JroTmnta cannot-Pe-.uilkovA 86,000. I cheap at $12,0u0. Annual Bet locom $8,000. 818.000 This Is on of the largest and best fruit farms In Waahlngton county, alt- - u.ira in jiiiaua oaiia; contains r. acre. a8A-of whleh go 4Maoe-"eoapr. $o In beai lug , apple. pera. peach, olama. Brnnea and cherries, lo aerea la bearing vineyard; land la high and gently rolling; building ennslet or gooa T-room Boos with cellar, fruit, , packing houae, large evaporator, barn. . varl- ouv outbuildings, sa abundance of fln prlng water piped "Ihto-: building. "This .;.piacia gooa or per year....-;xj.i.- J. FRANK PORTER. 323 Waahlngtoa etreet, room 8. I ... . ........ Over waiting Btattonu 40 ACRES ta Marlon coanty, Oregon. Bear Bil--: vr-grek fail; a aaap; mqulr foe particu lar, utnsr Bargain in Clark county hand. . near north bank railroad, on Columbia river. H. L. Browning, room IT Waahlngtoa bldg. ' LINN COI'NTY. .. . JOB acre. 80 acres fine Blow land bottom, balanc good paature; fair bulldlnga; oa creareery route and R. F. D.l a fna dairy ranch, very cheap;. $26 per acre; terms oa perb - 100 acre, all la cultivation; building and fence new: on half la winter barley; yield -teat yeer with veiy puur ciup. $ff per aer; eo.ww csen, oaiaaca urma. . - 435 arree, 110 acr bottom land, 00 acre la cultivation: good Improvement; an limited ouirang aa joining: railroad run through jf-Plac. Prlc $7,878; mortgag oa part, or . will "change for town property . aa part I payment. 4 ... r Fln dairy farm. 800 acre. U mD from railroad; boos snd orchard; 10 acres m eultl vatlon; prlc $3,000; H essh. . Others from $8 per acre up. ; Oregon Home Land Co. 138 SEVENTH ST. 181 ACRES, 168 la cultivation. 100 acre la crop, 80 anmmer fallow, balance paature; ' kite or "wood.- good watar, orchard." house, barn, gong ware hoe ae oa Willamette; all level, above high water-mark. Will aeU very cheep before July 1. No agent T. Jackaon, 300 Stark St.; evening or Sunday, dll Wil liam eve. Phono B. 4328. THESE FARMS ARB BARGAINS AND, HA VB TO BE BEEN TO BE APPRECIATED. $2,00030 here Bear Raedville. fully quipped, or exchange for dty pro pert v. .ow no acre in wewperg, la tb high' (K COIIITIIH'X $4,80080 aerea, 14 miles from Port knd, on eouBty road; aaw building; first class soil. 8" ,800 100-cr flna farm. 11 mires from . Portland. Bear Tlgardvlll; WlttxcJiang lor part la city property. $20 000 Th beat ap-ia-data 828-acre farm la tb valley. 1 $30,000 030-acr farm, cbotcaat wheat land, near PuUmaa. oa eeay tarsia; 3 crop pay for place. $2,6008 tcTes eholo garden land aa Kelly av. $.1,0008 aerea oa Coartbaey aUttoa; sew bulldlBga. 130 fruit treea of cboloe variety, 360 grapevlnea, toch and Implements; eeay terme. Don't mi thl bargain. ' - F. FUCHS, 1 First St. MO ACREM near Besvortoa. 8 miles frore Part land; level land, very rich soil. 140 acres of It hesvy flr, belanc ha been farmed; t only $40 aa acre, on long tlm. 13 cvr- near abrve, all Improved; bona, barn aad other building, 4 acre ebote young fruit trees; . rich, level laad; price - $8.000. ' Bifl aerea, aom Improved: trout - stream. "T miles out of Canny, oa th Molalla road; . elay toam aoll; will donbla la value aooa; only $18.80 per acta; half caah, balance tlm, B per cent. A number of 8 and 10-acr tract, both Im proved and unimproved. Come aad eee a. . HOBAN TAOOART, Koom 311 Allaky bldg. FOR SALE TIMBER. SAWMILL, fully equipped In rannlng order, . with 30,000.000 feat fln timber; prlc $30, "000. - i $1.340 Good timber aawmlll and togging propoeltlon, on tbe Columbia river. A large tract of fln timber la Klickitat county, Waahlngtoa, and la other parts ef Waahlngton and Oregon. . HOBAN TAGOART, . Room 311 Allaky Bldg. ' CERTIFIED eerlp. any el ptee hrwest price. W. O. Hew.lL 888 Chamber t Com- $700 FOR SALE SO acre yellow pine In Klickitat connty. sear river aad railroad, or win chng l ea or two me To Al blna v. WANTED Timber land, yellow fir,. niaj. 000 tu nOfi.vewr rewrreet r nrui tocelod. Addreaa Eastern Boyar, H a, ear JnuroaL . $T,ono A GOOD togging camp and outfit pear - Columbia wltb O.Ooo.Ooo feet yellow fir. ,amhrt, Whltmer Co., 103-T 8 Bberlock bldg. HORSES AND CARRIAGES. FOR BALB Carload of tern Oregoa broke horses. I tots to suit; sll good oaas; com and ae them; popular price. . . . W. fi. HCBOIIABDT. At Dlck'a Bala Stable, Becond and Mala' at. FOR BALE Team. 8.000 ponnda; 1 t-eaa. 3.808 ponnda. and 1 aaeap Borer, i.auw boubo, Phoaa East 8843. 338 Russell , . - HOR8KB AND COWS of all kind for Ml at very reaaoaabla price.. Inquire 378 Front at, A riNELY-BREIl driving and oaddl mar. B I cere, thoroughly city broke, with swell trap, arneea ad ssddls. will b eold st a bsa gata; owner going eaat. 011 8V8 Ollsaa at. o M IOEU SNAP NIc bay bore, 8 yer. wetrht 1.2S0, .$116: orrl, 4 yeer. weight 1.040, tM: r nrret pony and saddle, 836,; 8 light Wflrieg Wagope, $28 each; top buggy, rubber - itred, cheep; rubber-tired runlotita. new; one breaking cart. PtrgoB' Slaul, ii Lhiog - B.r aarawg Mn, ' ' '. I .. ' ; '.. ' " '... MORSES AND CARRIAGES. k'OK BALE Top bnggy wltb steel tire, for hslf price, Aoar gt ui, eare JouraaL. LlaO-POCNa MORSE. Bound aad true, yeera old, single or double; price $M6; also Inrh . kioiber wagon and 1 doirbl aerLiig wagoa. ao0 Front at. FOR BALE A good aaddl pony or will trad for a gooa xreen mux cow. u. r. .eneriee, 478 Patton road, l'bone Ma(n 4708, TO EXCHAN0E. FOB EXCHANGE 2,oi0 101 aerea well-tmpreeeg aad stocked good land, S allies from Monmouth, for mer chandtae. $8,2:uj 184 acres of ths very beet land near Hearer ton, 8 mllea from Portland, for a general store. $10.000 Country stor. beet - location, doing big baeaeee end making good aaoaey, for good farm -or aawmllL City property for farm, and vie vara. F. FUCHS. 1404 First at K1CE corner tot o Improved ave., near earllne, to exchange for goad upright plan. D 1. ear JournaL" WILL aoll or exchange my equity tn 7 room booee and tot ta ttesttle, value. $1,000; mort gage $1,000, ran d to 8 yeera. It 1. JouraaL. WILL trad a 40 acre farm near Hill horn for . city property; farm t la fins stats of culti vation with good buHdlnga. U age menu Blaoeherd, 81 Fifth st. ' FIjORIDA farm, 828 erveav-oo gulf coait aear Appalacblcola, no malaria, price $10 per, acre, free of Incumbrance, to exchenge' for Port lend property; would aaaume reaaonable mort- tag. Hiram Vrooman, P. 0. Bog 464, Port ind. , , WB BATB THESE PLACES TO TBADB FOR CITY PROPERTY: , 8 acres on O. W. P. line $ 800 820 arrea. Tillamook county............ 1.000 , 80 acr, Waahlngtoa county,, S.0O0 40 acre. Waahlngton munlir ......... . $,600 Hi."t:n at MitarainuA, Boom 7, 181H Fint at., corner Yamhill. B-ACNB bom, well Improved, to trade fog farm; price $2,800. Addreee K 7, Journal. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. 0BEAT DANE PUPPIES FOR BALE Tbor oughbrad. pedigreed, t all $13 Sherman, near sixth, rnon uaua 1 HOLOBN'B BHBf'MATTO PTJBE' Bur euro tor rheaaaatasam. Sola By ll arugguu. WE prtBt roar nam aa 80 celling cards, proper ha and etvle. IV: tnO bneln card. 31. A. W. Scheaal Co.. 338 Birat. Portland. Or. GROCERS' count er acahr, 308 ponnda: coffee mill No. 4, good aa new, Weetern Salvage - law tun waahiBgtoa t. FOR BALE Aa e lee ant large circular a how a, MB xtremely low flgnr. Apply to Mr. O. If. Lowlrt, Ooldeo Bgle.-Thlr4 and lamhlll at. BILLARD AND POOL tables for rent r for sale on eaar pavmenta. B Clll,tBNUBB W :MaVUMdRl, I, HENDERSON Carpontering and lobbing promptly, attended to. Bldenc 888 Mll waukl at. Eaat 3888 FOR SALE OR BENT NEW AND BBTOND H AND SEWING MACHINES. STANDARD SEWING MACHINE AGENCY. B. D. J0NK8, 380, YAMHILL 8T. WESTERN OREGON M1NIN0 A MILLING 0O. keedquartara etock for a. la and Inforaiattoa at sua riret at. rnoaa Mam lozsv. BOOKS bought, sold and exchanged at the Old Boob Btor. 328 Yamhill C ELECTRIC MOTOR, H. P., D. 0. BBd atarting box: bargain. Weatera Balvage Co., S2T Waahlngtoa at. . WE need furniture Bad win nay full vain. I Phon Pclfle T98, . WeatraBalvag Co., z( woaaingioa x. , BOOMING HOL'BES and restaurant furnished for small money Wastm Salvage Co.jflST Waahlngtoa at. BHOWCA8ER AND FIXTPRBS mads o order; socoad-baftd goods for sale. Carlson ft Kall ' trom. Ho)- Couch St. Pboa Clay 871. BH0WCA8RS, counter, flxtar bongbt, onld or eschaaged. Weetero Balvage Cov 827 Wash ington at. Paclflc TBS. TO BUILD heaae e so ttege eve C. B. Black, contractor snd builder; ' kav some fair ground lumber: can ear yon money aa re pair work. Phon Woodlawa 308. 1308 Alblna are. FOR SALE Fine cano. Cell ap Mala 8468. 80 SEWING MACHINES, all makea. $0 and ap. Including 8 dropbeede. Wee tern Salvage Co.. 827 Waahlngton at. FOR BALE Registered Shorthorn sows snd heifer. II. H. Acker mm. PuHmaa, Waah Blgtoa. R. F. D. No. 2. BAILROAT-aompletPf- fln eondltlon. at-ha. gain, xci luta at, nor in. SPLENDID tot of damaged sewing-machine: Wheeler Wilson, Kluxer , Domeetl aad then. B. S. 81gl, 888 Morrlaoa ARTISTS' mtrlla. picture end framing. E. H. Moorhou At Co., 813 Aider t. 8TERN-WHBBLER combined lapnob and boa. boetr nientr ot room -tor ix people to aieep rwHiMriahtri eookrng atanatlg, - trrve, pte.r ut th thing for duck-hunting, m a, journal. FOR SALE Good milch cow, cheap. F. Slrona, Woodstock, cumer Woodstock ST, tnd -hill-wsukla road. BTOYB fix tares, rhasp: showcases, reunter, helving. te. 348 Grand ave. THOROUGHBRED Bptta pvrpe: male $18; male $10; beaatlee. T86 Thnrman at. AUTOMOBILE fog -i 74 sd St. NATIONAL esah regiater. No. 83. total adder, check snd strip printer. Wrstara Salvage Co., 827 Waahlngtoa at. FOR BALE 800 straight Homer pigeons. Hum train; breed for ale and aquab production; Garwood a atralght Ilomera produce that fancy No. 1 aouab thatL dealer a re looking .. for at advanced price. Address R. E. Gar wood, Haywarda, California. FOR SALE Panel-top delivery wagon, wbr painted. $40) a enap. 808 BUrk. BARGAINS IN 8BOOND-HAND MACHINERY. Douhl dhik panel eeedVe. ..$ 88 Boring machine, horlsooial, three eplndle. 138 Double endleee bed Hoyt aur facer, 30x8- kich , ST8 - Double snrfcr, roll feed, Hoyt, 34x8 la. 800 Moider, T Incbe. four el.tee, Oolloday 136 Flooring machine, 16x8 In.. lixA la.. $30 nd ' 460 Hurt I ears. Smith ft Hoanton, each 100 Blngl urfaoar, endleee bed, Lan, $7x8- Inch ....' 18 Sharper, donbl epmdl. , 00 Planer and matcher, Clipper, ItiO-tnch. .. 326 , Iroa lath, 80xl7-lncb 87J ENGINES. 12x28 Inch, atatlonary .,..$2fl0 ' lOxIS-lnch., atatlonary........... 2.V) Pi 12 Inch 100 Tx 10-Inch traction engine "140 Also new machinery and other second-hand machinery. O. L. PACKARD MACHINERY ' CO., 181 Water St.. Milwaukee, Wat. Chi cago branch 34 South Canal at. S FLOOR CAPES. 8 feet: 3 counter rae. ail oak, Weetern Salvage Co., 7 Washington. FOR BALE A hull for s houseboat, also 14x28 feet,. 830. 888 Wnrooafr -blag. Pheoo Use 1487. ATS Btern-wheelrra, tugboats, gasoline lophths launch. bargee. gaehtev aa gnflJ eanhtha row hoe ta. honeeboer. boathoueea and gasoline marina engine, for sal cheap. Phona East 184.,. .. -- SHOWCASE for jewelry, etc, en roller, re volving a helve, round body, at about half rle; aleo 1 era all aslooa bar, cheap. Boa 91, Oregoa City. WILL sell or trade a latg heavy table 8ttxH feet, finished la cherry, anttabl fog tailor, oreeemakee ot milliner. 1 Addreee P 8, car JournaL FISCHER upright plana, rd 4 moath. $11; eoond-hnd upright piano, good Bone, I JO; $ISO org. 330. 841 Vk First, earner Mala, Bpstsira. J IMPROTED SMELTER STOCK. 4.000 at IO per ahar. Addreee H 8. car Jouraal. 4 HANDSOME wall ceee. 14 feet. 11 feet, 1 8 feet. Western Balvage Co., 82T Waahlng toa at. ' PRINTINO ontfit enmplete, lateet atylo, for al at a aaciiflce. If sold immediately ; tlm given ea part. lvSVa Fourth at. A LABOR oak roll-top desk to TTf ' rd-e, with chaw, for A)H7. Adtlrea e. J. B4 817 t liamber of lormarrce. HOMKRS rf8 SALK-I'heeaanta' eirea, Roeavl, lkl and Indian Runner I'm. e a. CkateM - X Lawdoiuh BtuatAlB ata A-e. t r 4 1 FOR SALEMISCELLANEOUS. FIE Kngllah ae tier poppy; bo reearmeble offer raruaeu io aecure hlui a rwa hoiuc. 'tall eg a'Lrei J, K. B.wllnaea, X Sillweed t., cuy- ' TOR BALE Laws mower, nearly new, met $4, caa be bought cheep. Pkeae Mala 8A BABY buggy, rubher-ttrerl. almoet neva eoet ii a ..I. .. , -., a... ... . W""i .-- ,u vv. mw etv ooerauaa ti.. Bear Sixth. ... " PERS6NAL. MADAME ANNA tCCKEY PiiBdpal of the Amerlcea Beeuty fWhwa, give clent1fl trretmeat for removing wrinkle end facial blemlabe wttb the French paeu; aleo Mm. Karrow' faaaeua reavedle. Electrlo aad vapar hatha given, ' Patient received, with treatment, board and room. ' Satlafactloa guarantee d. Taett- -uoulals from leading phralclaaa. Snlte 18 Lenge hotel. Sixth and Waahlngtoa . Plwe Mala 3011. BDITS preeaed while you watt, 80a, LaaJee axirm pc-oe.a. oc. utlBert, ins u guts , ' Bext to QneUe. Ilnaa 1 ail J0M. . - 1 DR. PIERCE.- pci11t dtseaeee of womon: all Irregnlerltlea corrected: no expoenrp; Bdvieo free. Call or write. Boom 8, 8114 Third at. ANY ar woman caa be tmag and heeer r wiof wiim rue, aee are. awi a. ww $1 a bog. 8 box $3. with fall gaaraate. Addreee or aall f. A. Clemexoo. drngglat. ear. Boad and Taaahlll atak. Portland. Or. DETECTTTB AGENCY Cofldott1 " tav-etV - ga tlona; r.porta mad on any tedletamat heel- " - aeaa or property t mkwlng relatives toeatedf . bad debts collected ; charge reeeeaablet eee. reepoadoaca aoildtrd. Oregoa . Detaatlv ' Berrice, offlcee $14-818 Com hi a bid. 8aB ' Wsablagtaa eg. Pboae Mai 818. . . - LADIES Torkleh beth. maeaage, hyarlatna parlors; strictly flrst-ehiss plea tar ladle uly. Flat A. 681 Waahlngtoa at, betweel lAtlk ..J 1VM. ' . MANLY vlgoa rstored by Dr. Robert' JSa-vw uiooui. uae monrn-a nreaimenx. aei moath, $8. at ecarely aaaled by mall. rUamt, 4a. geata, Woodard. Clark 4 Caw PorUaad. DR. O. T. KETCHCM euree promptly private dleeeeea, kldsegi aervoaa, skla ssd speelel . female troablea. Call or write. Offico 170)4 Third at., cor. Yamhin. Phoaa Pctfi 3338. TCRKIBH BATH 8, 800 Ongnntan bldg. ladlaa day. gestWme alghtfc - Mala 1818. . "FORBIDDEN FBOTT, "A Gay Latkart, Story of a Slave," ''Faaay Bill. "Womaa of rire.fa 80c eoeht Usta free. A. Bchmair Cow 338 tire ti DOIL'B HOSPITAL Repairing and draae.Bg. 381 Yamhm B. BALM OP FIOB for an female BINO CHOONO. Importer of (Mi etnas; sells Cutnee Tea rant tor all dleeaass. 181 and Taylor. D18BABB8- OF --WOMEN Privat aaetaralt? Boapital: ouiet loeatloa aad apoeiai car, ur. Atwood, 8!U)V Morrtooa St.. paarn 8. . r Picta 1T68. - - . .-. ,Iaw.J'alaa.8-ahliB7 rablass maha yoa aleep aert'yi rvoossaas snd maks yoa atronal tjog.' 8 boa- 88 80t gaaratoaft- - they euro a piiceBu 1 pne oue DOT, a new- wow- B aai 11 1 1 1 -Ail drnggleta, sr sddreaa Brooke Drag Co al Sorth. asu-q ex.. rortlaad. BEXINB PILLB cure all forms ef muscular weakneea. For - men or women. Prlc 81 a bos. 8 box $8, wltb full guaran tee. Address or cell J. O. Clsmenana, drug, gist, Becond and Yamhm Bta.. Portland. Or. HOLD OX There I one- thing that wU ear ;. rheomatkrm. Aek yoor drnrgtat for nark or addreaa or sail J. G. CtomeBaavarag..,,- glat. Portland, Or. .' :""'", ' PROF. CNEIL, teecher of dormatntogy, mal- -' curing and beanty culture: ectentlnc treateaeal - of the complexloa. hair, acalp aed skin; faea bleaching; manual aad electric measege giveat " sunerftoug balr end sll facial blemlabe per ' maoeetly removed without leaving ecara; all , I work poaitlvely gaarentaod; best rfrnca given. Parlor 14EIventh et,cornr Alder. - Phon Main 8507. ' . " DR. WALKER. - ----- Dlaas of women a epceialty; lady -pay. -Mela a la attendance. . - Ml Ftrat St. ELECTRO THERAPEUTIST. . Ben). H. Stab I cure everything, rheum. : tlm pectaJtjoili Tlrat it. VIBRATION rellevM supprssscd ateoatruatlon. " female waakaee. paralysts. rhenmetlemi- no operation: ooneultatloa free. Psclfle BIT. Vlbntortom. 108 West Park St. BOLDBN'B RHEUMATTfl CURI rheum at lam. Bold by all dragghrr. HUMAN HAIR BWrTCHES psy aftar yoa r. . eetv them; ssnd a sample t yoor balr and . we wlU send yoa on of oar $i.M witches. 34 oa. 33 Inches; sxsmtns It: If a big bar. aln remit; If not return. Addreaa Ldle Hair Emporlnm. 334 arborn at, Chicago. YOUR character and pronltty will be reed from your handwriting upon receipt of 3n , and sneclmen. Mo other fees will be snllcttoi. L Louie Bice. 11 West Hat at.. 'aw York. PA RTSFR Trill ted with $000t--erorh eo oatsldep ; siDencBCS not neceeeary. Can at 18. Cltlsens' Bank bldg.. 123U Grand ave. CARPENTER'S. NOTICE Fin sample sprlghj piano t' exchange for carpenter work. M . Georg Ano-raoo. expert Blsno-taasr, UrO) Third St. . MOLES, wrtnkle. - aunerfloooe hair removed. ' 4 Iee ma-vett yoo how. Ne eksrge. Mrs, hi. P. axiii, nun 1, aeuing-uiraca okig. racsno lso. AN extremely ugly and bashful widower won 14 like 4o bear from an "unlearned" lady anded 1 aw . o n..r iruna n anicamen - .or .mr 40; obtoet. matrimony. AU letters snawereqj " -mmn - giwiiw vamengeo - wll mo nill gawiye- Addreee Bog 182. Kelso, Wash. MISS ETHIC L, WABD gives fee and acalp maaa eg, aleo ma a tea ring aad chiropody. Room 86, 146-4 Sixth St. TWO hatfnea. . frute. rowers, veglUbele enif w. For one In fifties. A loo. ilk my. elf. Wltb espitol enough ta baleaetog enove forts. To aajoy Ufa. "Strictly beet repttatlon Inquire" H. B. H- Boa 87. Mllwaakla. OtO . FAT FOLKS. ' ' Tone" welrTir.-double r1. rmsts. abnVmtoa; grid hip reduced; have toet 41 ponnda: nq i exercise, no starving or wrinkled. Call Wed. ' aesday or writs for free booklet. Mr. A. J. rivers, 308 Cherry at.. Portia sd. Phew Baa. 8778, TIM. YTOOR. YITALITY Da Pea a da - Kola Tablets, Nataro'o great teule for eltb . ex. 36e by metL Albert Bern!. Seeoad s4 Waahlngtoa. agent. Portia sd. Or. . ' MAKE MONEY BABY. Become a foot specialist; get a dlptosssf w- mall -sour In chiropody conslata ol four lecturre. Formalss, Instrnctio- aad ear method of removing earns, bunions, cel. lonees. Ingrowing and crabbed Bat la. wsrts, mole and all excreeepea of tb bumsa foot. By mall, 328; $6 down, balance ea eeay par. menu; tfter flrat ilectur It wtll pay for It. self. Writ for full particulars. Addrrsar '. Weetern ('orr. pond-nee School - of Chirop ody, AUxky bldg., Portland, Or. '- TRUNKS transferred 25c. aad light farnltar moved. Stead oa 8th sad Coach. , THE PURITAN la now open for neatness. 8tJ Thnrman. corner win; mas aa or TV eee. , 1 normao. woar ,, Mrs. Laura Coyksndsu. WB MAKB a speetsity of Mperflvjoss hilr, skln refining. , acalp Invl gore ted. menlenrlugj blemlabe removed, baldnea treated; work guaranteed. Room 303 Goodnougk bldg. VERY wealthy widow would Ilk to eorreepnn. with e eentlemen of boa m eee ability: HiWt. mauimouy. ora rw "J -'wpo. -., WILL yoa marry It wltdt My aew pie f . privet rntrodac-one by mall la beet for Ben ' ttcular people. Writ to me. Wsltsg Ma Doanell. 488 Mad leu St., Chleag. SOUVENIR POST CARD CM IV-Jlead 38 cent In allver to Jotn snd receive poet card from 11 over th. world. Colored view of Pine burg dletrlet xn cents per set. Ellis Boaveolg . Postal Card Club. Dept. P. Washington. Pas FREW Yens- fortua tsld, rnrero aed peat r. ealed. urprtalng, by Amevtc' eminent phll. sopher. aelrofc.xlat, ekilrvoyaat. St. obn. , 12 Shekton t, thicaro. Bead bu. J data a- (tamp. Know thyorlf. WlU. io marry If anlsdt Mr aew sUa o prints latro-lscttorai by aaall la b-e foe par. ilcular people. Writs to a.e. Wallor V. j lfw.1 gmJr bb-sw 'xyisy . " IkHinell. 4N- Msdhwa at., Chicago WILL aom Kalght amtot a yosng w. nogvapbae to g.t s prmaaot p and boawfc whoa be.. sB o PythU. Call as. Paci.. WTiT. Acquaintance of lady of p, aboutea. wlOow praferred. who a preeiere eempenlos.hlp of g.el' ng evening aad Besdsya. A cars Journal. . -. 1 -s WA NTTD Inforwiallce) ef wa rlalrlng to travel l"a I I lie via Sen Kren" gmail est, iat4 1 V . J...