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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (June 10, 1906)
NEW TODAY. "J AN UNUSUAL' ' ND biBiiln July I. Mei-to-JuJy 1. ll. mount of tha bonds.- Tha truat deed requires that tha Ins into a conservative 8 par cant bond, aa a portion of.thee'e bond ne. two, throo-four .and UVsatasat, Trust Company; 9Ua. Oases Xeer). LOOK! . WILLIAMS AV& : A, GOOD INVESTMENT '-- Twe mn ea lot SOxli alter: an ihh mat over 2,000; eeBnretej iianrun sad bmmin, f large rooms, bsthj bat sod cold ' wafer, washtrsys, i (aa a4 eledtrls light; all senders and a ana home: fruit .and Sowers: re U,00O:H. QHBOWH CO.. B47 Wulu Ma.aWTlMaat Psetae-- isaW. ,, TOW WATCXt. amowi Klamath Falls, Oregon ' Purehaaa a farm In Klamath county. -iMjnAm of all klnda. large aw and loiall . tracta. Wa oar tranaoortatlon. Call or addreaa the Dunn-Lawrenoa Co., 141 M Ftrat atraat, poruana, ureson. ; THE BIGGEST SNAP uiyfioool nn t obiV iots pay v' J"ly AreLnt Ir treat. f 1 ' 'PeVenoemi- n ual lnref January ltd JW. byn le at th offl of the oeihtarl uti nit ynru com int f rr rvi" eem "-'"-ri"iiT. i ' ., fWM Mm& tea tteWffWialratafBt . cent aav iwrura in m -77T m PORTLAND 52 60-100 Acres Opposite OREGON : FUBNtTUBE MANUFACTUBING COS riorokf ox txx MAoanaat oad. ' TICK OKAK, Or TKH MAMtrfA.CTOTtnrg Dtbtmot nt toxrra Portland, ktiir. ?TIM HIDE OX TKX BTKEXXOAU fa0M XX OXXTXB Of TKX C1IZ. AT ONLY $1000 PER ACRE . ran txaot xi iroxTK povxlx tru r,-, - J. W. 1AXODOW, -,-VALLA WALLA, WABHUIOTOX. OxlOd ON 16TB 8T, In WARKHOTTSB ItfSTRICT. Muat cell a once. Addreaa T II. Journal. PAYNE, PBTTEYS & CO. 11 Xaaawk Md., TUrd and Km i ana ata., Baa a larf IO-raom houaa, wltb furnace, bath aad ell eMdam ImpreramaBta, aoltable for a km (aaallr. oa Eaat 23d at.. S3.X0. ttra aeras, a bio a-room houaa, bath, flrnty ot (nilt, xooa aprmg, m aiue mm nwm aaa rau- Il.e00. .. . EXCHANQE REALTYXO; -12 3LUMBEH EXCHANOH BUILDiNQ. , & xs. Cor.' 3d and Btark Bta. ' each, choice Iota In Arbor tiOdga; ..... eaay lenna. 92SO each, alchtly lota m Fulton Park, one piOCK xrom oar una. f,eoO Lot 60x100 and new cottaca at 1,T60 Iot (0x140, ' 4-room houaa with large attlo, on car Una; bearing '. iruit uvea. ; ,. .. . , ,, v 1,800 t-room houaa, with wide Tlnaolad porch, lot 60x100, on ear line. . Abandance of fruit and Xlowera. A : y beautiful ' aubatantlally built houaa and oertalnly a bargain at thla price. cfoae to 1 car llnaa, flna full-bearing fruit traea, ;.. . -. . 2,500 A atrlctly modern T-room - houae, two full lota, , fruit treea, roaea, etc two blocka from 'ear line, -convenient to ecnooL Thia la certain ; ly a rood bargain. Bay tarma. . . 4,000 t-room houae within .Hiw- . inome f . i a nuiuiw wmk, wtU' kept lawn, 100 choice roaa. buahaa. - $4,000 -roorn ' houaa, modern In , every reapect, hot and cold water, Im- jror dJo.k. Ox l o J. Th taiiuy , a, aoap. ,; . ( - t vnavm xzoatAjroa uso, td and anam. Phena Main 1&3S. ! FIVE ROOM COTTAGE And IS fet frontage on ftooeevelt at, between tld and 14th ata.; raaaonabla : tarma. .- - . . ', . ..- ; ; $2000 ; Fe V. ANDREWS &, CO. XCemher PorUaad meelty Xoard. Hamilton Bldg., Ill Id 8t. , Main 114. HtVING STREET 11x100 feet, facing' aouth, betwemt fid and "a l- aoigoooroooa eatao- - Ilaheo. t .,. F.'V. ANDREWS 6 CO. atH VerlBA maaltv xeaaad. Hamilton Bldx, Wil td fiu . Mala Hi. NEW TODAY.' FOR SALE BY V EAST ASH STREET. ' Bee that beautiful f-roora homa and lot 70x120. northwaat corner ioth and H. -Aah ate. For price a.nd terma aoa ua. t v EAST MAIN STREET. " lAk 80x100 and 7-room house, aouth. easg corner ElaM ,18th. and Kaat Main ata. - Prlca 81,800; tarma to eult, LOOK THIS UP. Flna a-room houae and lot 16 x BO, on tha northwaat' corner Eaat Sixth and Couch ata. Price 13,260; rente for SsSJ Bar month. '. ' J & ANOTHER GOOD BUY, V . - 10x100. southwest corner Seventh and Kaat Davie; rente 1311.60; price 13.8.0. EAST PINE. STREET. . ". Lot 80x60 and a '(-room houaa on tha southeast comer Jth and Oat Pine ata.. Can be bought on aaay monthly payments Price, 11,800., . . -rvEAST ASH STREET. '.; Wi hare two $-room houaea now un der construction on Eaat Aah at., near J 4th.: at Prion $1.2 1 L WacaA-mako tarma for you. .. . ;, EAST TWENTY-EIGHTH ST. Lnt'sOxlOO and a. S-room house on Eaat Hoyt at. . Prlca tl,960, on easy paymenta. , r . EAST PINE STREET. . Lot 4Sxl00 and a T-room house on LEaat Pine, between Elhth and Ninth GOOD- INVESTMENT. ' 100x100. aouthwest corner IMh and Eaat Aah. - Price 4,0. Rente for 136 per month. - - :.. : IRVINGTON See the Lota We Are Selling on " ' .... .3 .." ' '. ' Tillamook, Hancock, Schuyler, Broadway, liaI$cyFClackama5F Wasco and Mult-. . nomah Streets At $500 Each, on Easy M6nthly Pay- rt..'. " ments. BTTREHARD BTJXJ. Phono Eaat 111., . , III K. Burnalde St Remarkable Offerings J BYL-;-l The Dunn-Lawrence Co. 4,000 1 JO-aere place at Pioneer. Clarke county, waanington. on Lewia river, I mllea.from LoCenter: alactrto car line will croea the river at thla rilaoe .ML4eat4ne4. to make aoma m portent developmenta. Talk aJout ollr there la nothing better on earth; very comfortable 4-room houae, excellent new barn, all atocked and eoulODed. fine crone: one of tha beat farm buya on tha 4,500 Grand place ow west alopo Mt. xaoor, a-roont reaioencej targe grounda, beautifully decorated. 3,800 8tyltah, up-to-date, T-room , uuen Ann ' cottage, run lot, a '.. charming home, conveniently alt- uated on, Eaat Taylor atreeW aMOo Very dealrabla lot on Fifth at. not rax rrom unooin, wttn lo-room realdenee: tha lot la worth 11.000, ' houae a little out of date. Would . exchange in part for neat aide cot tage, .. 4,500 New and ' complete Queen Ann cottage, . urana . are.,- uoiianaya addition. , . . f LjBOO Quarter block, fine T-room houae, oa Dam, cnoioo xruii, .uuia ana organ atreeta. LXOO Pull lot- beautiful -T-room eot- Tage on rpprnaa au, poula fTjrt land. . .....i ..... .. .. . 1380 Charming cottage, tl Eaat 22d at flfiOO Nice (-room cottage, full lot. . wooaiawn. For further particulars apply to," . First Street Real Estate Bargains TjOTS facing Cleveland, Sfctdmore and Rodney avenuea; graded 'atreeta, walk laid, two car llnea, flna location for eottagea. price reaaonaua. 140 ACmxi tfmber ' land. Klickitat county, WaahlngtOn; orulae -1,000.000 feet yellow pine; only three-fourthe mile from Klickitat , river. . trice i,o. OVa-FOVBTX XLOOX on Eaat Mor rison at. near Grand ave. A eplendld buy; aura to advance; beet dlatrlot on eaat aide; gooa terma; price ngni ' 11 AOUS choice land, one-half mile from Oreeham; laya m two piecear wui aell one or both: make beautiful homa; fine location. 1200 per acre: a anao. TWO norioil flna timber and grai- Ing landa, Kiamatn- eounty, uregon; good opecuiauon, uniy noow per acre. . tO-AOB -tract -near Xante, cleared. In cultivation r eplendld berry and fruit land,- So carfare; 1104 per acre. . 10 AOmztX (adjoining), partly cleared 160 per acre; a anap. ;: TT'l A BXK-&OOV XOtm between tTnlon and Grand avee.;.lot 100x1 IS; flna fruit treea. ftiHibhery, etct a aplendld home ; .1. McKinley Mitchell 04 cTAmx: XT. YOUR SAVINGS Inveated In Hood River or afoaler apple land will not yon big returns In a few years. Better Investigate today. For Information sea .-, ... - - ; j. H. KtlLCr0r,R& CO. IS-ni inmbav Sxahamgo aidfV M, Oor. td and Xtark. Fxona xuu 4438. JALLLCOML tIALL & YOM BORSTEL T NEW TODAY. .7. f: 9 2,000 K block on 18th and B. Uadl- $1,0T5 For very choice corner lot in . xioiiaaay aoa., aouiivwi cwrn.i 10th and Hancock eta. Oo today and aee thla lot;. It la a bargain. 5,500 Two flata and 1 l-room cot- tage en aoxiwo-ioot lot on n. w at Good lnveatment 91,600 Good l-roora houae, :- barn. onicjcen-nouae, rruit. eto. .eaat aiao. 92,650 4-room' modern house, lpt 48x lit, on one ox tne oeai impravia . . streata on tha eaat side.": Can ar- Vru terma" to ault .' 920,000 4 block on Flanders st. cioee in. '.. 92,SOO lood I -room houaa' on Clay in exenange or vacant property en r.eaat side., . : , ,' 9260 to 9350 Each buya fine build ing iota on tin ana eotn, oa. bidu 'aouth of Hawthorns eve. car line; 10 per cant ' caah,bajanc $10 per month. Theae lota are bound to -- increaaa in value very faat. aa Haw- - '. thorns ' ave, la to be macadamised thla aummer. Go and see them today. M - E. LEE ICambes ForUaad meelty Board- ; M SZ-CTX XT. - FSOn FAOZFZO 8. FOR SALE CHEAP " M4 AOIH Situated In a very ' proaperoua and rapidly growing boo- , t tan. of the. Btalav 1 jnllOS. Jfrom, eleo- trio oar line, un tiue xarm are lo aeraa In cultivation. 100 aerea paatura, balance valuable timber, J nouae, new, 99 mvrwm II acres orchard, 41 head cattle, anan horaea. waaron. new farming - .M-toola . arevwlthw-Blaoeiv-three- great-) v. springs on the farm ; best all around Stocn xarm in unron . arse miv range Immediately adjoining suffi cient for tnousanos oc catua terms to. suit.- :.; k . -. -; 848 ACU DAXT TAX34 Imple- menta, cream aeparator. It head cattle, Jeraeya, horaea, hoga, houae, new barn, 100. tone feed, etc, go with farm. .Tins Is a great snap If taken at onco Terma to suit. H. L CROSS, Oregon Ctty, Ore. .V $200,000 To loan on ' ' Income Property Secured by First Mortgage Liens. Parties contemplating the erection of bualneas blocks, apartment-house s or extensive building operation a can .make satisfactory arrangements by calling on tha -j Northwest-rn Quarantet r - & -'riisTCoiiiny-r Z amber axohaAge Bldg. (Saoond Floor) Corner of N. 10th and Irving Revenue producing and U sure to Increase In value best portion terminal dis trict. f . ; ; A.H.BIrrell, 202 HcKay Bldg. " DON'T " raQ to see our Hat of Real Estate , Bargalna. ... . ' Lots " '.Y Residences 'r; r, Business Properties " Fruit Farms r J. H. Heilbronner & Co. Hood River and Moaier Fruit Landa 8ia-81 Zjnmbas Xzohaage, 84 and Mark. Quarter-Block, Union Ave. and Lamfcert Whitmer &Q). 103-7-8 Sherlock Bldg. 1 A Choice Buy $10,080 NEW TODAY. JUST LEUt K0M2 M.U .tlkt.. .... HOTEL CLAUTW . ', XOLXABAT ATX-, , " Xttbst and of meal xurldgs, " Idasal PlatTsx to L,lv4. '.' EVERTTHTNO NEW, , TERT CLOBB IN. , MODERN CONVENIENCES. Eoome stngls or on suite only a few ' 1.11, 10 enow our 1 uuiu Bales aa Pav Week and Vp. 1 - , : ;" PKOXTX XAXT 888. ' BEST BUY IN PORTLAND 9150 to 920O each on ess terma. 44 very sttractivs lots, 50x100. Can be seen at any tune by applying to liuhey Brothers Forty-first and Holgato Take Wood- -.' lawn car,- $20,000 Vim. Jaur 60x100 feet within SO feet of Burnaide street that is now on tha market for the first time in .. 42 years. Thia figure is Just $5,000 . below tha prevailing, market price. $6500 A f nice 10-room residence on Hoyt street near Twenty-first. An elo - rant, lov 60x100 feet, all improve- menta in. , - - nArfel'nvAHDWIiFflrahrtimstmente 402 Oregonian Building Phone Main 1S14 RogueRlv Harms 160, 10 miles from Medford and 3 mila (mm narav railraa1. - 200 acrea in cultivation, over one-half of tract under fence, one naif tract oeairaoie fruit and garin land and covers all anilahle rmk Thattom. Fair hoUSO. good bams and outhouses. i-lfice, fizu per acre. we nave several farms for sale in thia rich f armln g "district. - Inquire f or psrtic- uiara. Sinnott & Sinnott 535 ' CHAMBER OP COMMERCE RARE CHANCE ' 6-Room Cottage UuI.m (V1frt nn Monte villa car line;, terma $200 down, balance 913.00 per montn; must 09 soia at once to get. xne cocap pnc. occ-- R. L. CATE. . 113 8econd street. TWO BLOCKS LWATER.ER0NT W. lim three aeraa with deer. water frontage and running back to 6. W. P. tracks on Grand avenue for the low price of $6,500. An ideal sin for factory or nun. - - Lambert, Mhitmer&Co- 105-107-108 Sherlock Building, All Klxds o Inside REAL BSTATB. Improved or Un Improvad. F. ABRAHAM 113 Second Street , , FOR SALE FINE RESIDENCE twelfth and Clay Streets . PriceJ7,250; PARRISH, WATKINS & CO. , , 3)0 Aider Street. FOR SALE Now T-room' houses. Just completed, full lots. Eaat Ittn and Thompson. Price 14,(00. PARRISH, WATKINS 4V CO., ' . , 158 ALDER ST. ;$1200 M Twenty-fourth and Waaco streets fHolladay Park), cement sidewalk, a ban gala.. B It, Journal. WANTED s " ' ' a ii il NEW, TODAY. TRINITY PLACE Is a new etreefjust open ad. running from Washington to Everett and la alt- uste between 11th and 20th atreeta. Parked aldewalka and bitullthlo pave ment will make thla tha most dealrabla roaldence district of tha Wast Bide. Within 4 few minutes walk of the busi ness center. For plat and prtcee . . F. V. ANDREWS & CO. Kembera of Portland Bealty Board. Hamilton Bldg., 1S1 Third Street, Telephone Main tltt. . East Ankeny SL '18 choice lots 'between Wiburg lane and West avenue, all, for $250 each. The Healy Investment Co. 210-214 Abington bldg 106 3rd st aterLFro 100 feet, S acrea or mora, at Mllwan kle, crossing main line O. W. P. Co. 11,600..' - -. . , R. Rl WILBUR. 110 SECOND ST. Beavertoii i ' (, 10 or 18 acrea, all cleared; house and barn, half Villa from station; cheap. t It WLCl't. 110 SECOND ST. Grand Avenue m e d 4 a ' " . iAA1" unoice quarter-Diock wunin iuu teet . . t . t T7 . : . , oi inc corner di cbbi iuuiiiiuu, uiiij $30,000r""with rproper improvements thia nrnnrrtv will div 10 nrr cent nrt. r.vr..v w j r -w... 210-214 Abington bldg, 106ji 3rd st DEN ADDITION : , . g-ast - PoriUneV Desirable lots In this beautiful addi tion, Baas otb ana juaai-urani atxeeia, $300 to IMS each. WXXTXmaT OatBOOXT TVT CO, ' Aa-snts. 81 sTtark an. none Vaolfls . JOHNSON STREET 7Hz100 feet, makea a dealrabla alsed titiiMln lot. Thla ia between 22d and 23d sts.- Lioeation-la-a very dealrabla F. V. ANDREWS & CO. SCember TorUand Baar Board. J HamUton Bldg., Ill Sd St Main lilt. $2,400 Per Mum Rent from building, nearly new, that I can aell you for I1S,00.- . 1. R. M. WILBUR, 110 Second St. Couch Street Business Property jhtjasB aVb cneapeat utue piece oi J: I V tsll 111 bualnesa property being; inl.tJUV ""'ni for aalai Slae Y" " la good and location ex cellent. rice ia eaauy. unoer rnaraai value. For terms apply Portland Trust Company of Oregon S. B. COR. THIRD AND OAK BT8. MiwcyrqcK? Clone d'Alene. Idaho l Xadez and Bi. XlsVsne Viateiot, WaaUatrboaw- -A -few snaps on the around floor for this week. Investigate. . -7 Mckinley " Mitchell ' . t0aH stark U 18,500 Tha finest residence in KjLSt Portland; strictly modern, barn and half block of ground, Thla Is an lnveatment. WXtXOsT BOWS, 227 Chamber of Commerce. East Morrison 50x100 on East Morrison, near Grand avenue,' pays 6per cent net on the price, $12,000. ' 1 The Hcaly Investment Co. 210-214 Abington bldg., 106J4 3rd at. . . WEATHER REPORT, - The prsssore ass rlsea rspldly durtef the teat IS boors In the western pert km of this district rsad no rsta ot cosseqnsoos has fallen la the north Pacific ststes sines morning. The temperature bss rlsea slightly ia ssatcra Ore gon ssd sou there Idaho sad remained aeerly stationary slsewbere. Tha conditions era rsvorabls for partly eloody weather la tola dlatrtct Sunday with probably showers In sret tared pUcs. . . - Msilmnm tempersiurs. i, auaiis xeio. peri tare, 62. Xlver reeding st 8 a. m., 13.4; change la M hours, -1-0.1 foot. Total prselpl tstkm S a. m. to 5 p. m., .OA Inch: total pre. cipltatme since Septsmber 1. I00. M SS toefiee; mmueJorvclBllI t ! nf .BntP'br 45 SfTncheeTief IcTencfn ir-nionS; Totaj sunablne. June S. S hoars, 10 minutes: poeelbis sunsblB. IS houre. 40 minutes. Baromstes ireduced to see level) st S p. m... 80.04, MARRIAGE LICENSES. Joseph Toanf.- SellweoS, Oregoa, ST Sera WC5"Butcnsr,, 88 , wteT et, 88; Lsurs ELoiilarI. BoyeV It. Job as. Orefea, t Myrtle rank't. ''Dliea, 8sa PraaehMe, 84; Martha r Pk-k. S4. e . . - Wadding lavititlose. class sseeencsmeats, celling eerde. etc.: proper forms end latest styles. Alvls a. Hswa vo., ,vti - w4ta Cards. W. O. Smith Co., Weva- rngtou kids-, ear, Peerth ssd Wssblngtea sts. Weddlsa? snd ealllrig cards engreeed e pvtBted. X. T. Xuabtoa. S3S wsasisgeoa su BTtss Bertha Marti a. rones SIS AlUky blog. Btsmplss ssd nsseeedlewerh I eee aoa etvee. DEATHS. flOtwia fats etty. iuas 8. ISOS, Out Bias, aged 88 rears, taaersl setisa aeseanat. . UNDERTAKERS. P. ffleWr- A Son. himmI fliMtopa and embalmaca, auraar Third esd afatflaoa atreerai w winy wuajor. A.wpao. aio a. Denalna. MiBntee A nilbaarh. andartakere and embaUBara; BKxSara ia every detail, eenalh aA Vlaa. 'Male & Lady saatataat. n. RaSMtark. mAftmmm ,m mhalm.r. aat Thlrtaesta sad Csatula ale. Phone Sell- Tl. Kdward Holmae. esdertakar, 330 Third atraat. XITXaVHW CXMITIXT.' . . giasle SrSVM S1A Faaillv lota ITS So II ABA. The only ceaMtery ia Port I aad whlrk eer- Mttmlly malsutna aad earee for lota, lor full aierawtloa spply U W. K. Markenale. Wor easier block, city. W. hf. Ladd. preeldent. Oet rear tnenrsnoa aad abatrapta to ml aatata rrom ua Title OoarantM Trott eomnaay, wv w aaoiaaiwai aireei. NOTICE. ADVERTISEMENT FOX BIDS FOB WATER system The eitj coasell "t tha city of Wallowa, ia Ue eranty of Wellows. atata t Oregon, will recelva BIOS as to sad In. clodin tha alttMDUt aay J". ion, fur tha eoestractioa of a water ajsteoi . tor said cttr. Tha water skall be ukan frn Bar crack about 214 mllaa from aald eltr aad tbara akall ke a SOO-foot fall to ke ijitm. ' Tb mala pip. Una to be coDstrnetcd of S-Ibtb, machlBe-bandad, wood storcptpo. There ahall he en S-laca sata ralre at source, of aaoolT: ,m . aultahl ' braaa-wtra cloU strainer at loart tour tlnwe tha ara or tae a-lncb ptpa; sack ep-riu imui'i earvea, ate., aa mar be ararr te, fol low ebaiujaa at dlrortioe In plprlln. At tb. Intaka thara ahall bo built a ott- ni. aiaanoia or concmie or aajacvn, .w.-, wltk a enrer of Iron with braas Inrk and kay, to nroporlr protect aod proTaot a ata to the atralntr and to allow .lamina tion. . "i The trosFh for the mala pipeline shall be j an ereraae of sot Iraa than tbra. f-t eeoB and at so BAlat ahall tha. mala DlDe ba ro?md loaa than two fe.t. In tha dl trlbutlon araten all tha mains and braacbra aha!l be eomad at laaat thro. ft orr tha top of thr plpa. Tha mala ahall be sultshla. for s Sno-foot baad and all malna and bran? boa shall be properly beddsd In " tha tranrboa to prevont aottllos. The elatribeUoa ayatom will reoatre. sp Culmsuly. l.SOO faot of S-lnrb machln sood wood storaptpa; l.TBO frat of S-lnrh maehlne-baadad wood atoroplpa: S.2X0 feat of a-lnch maeblna-aaBdcd wood atoTrplpo; f oar t-lneb . boaody braaa-mousted aato Talraa; four 0-1 nek tree-body braaa-axmoUd SataTarraa; St. 4-lnrb iron-ooay wi monateJ v,tav.lM' 11 -tandard hftarr Sdluat Shi. eaat -Iron (atrboxoa and 1.0OO pounna anlal caat.fwm srrtn.a. Thar. . ahall be 15 Bra hTdr.nls, which ahall bar. oetlcta . lor two SH-lncb boaa ana ana 1 1 no rrosrprnoi. AU hydranta abain ba to bVorkad, braead ' sad aachond to tha plpos supplying them aa to brine blown eft by water ram. n. . . i. m,,UtMl ana Srat any aad sU bids without lncurrtns ear liability for Sorb relacUoa. Dstad ..Jans V l0e.; T Mayor of the City of Wallowa. Attratl C. A. VUBFILUAT. fet-.WeUewa. PROPOSALS TOR rUEL Notice is berehy given that bids will be reeelred at the office . of the school elerk, op to Monday, 13 m., - Jobs 11. 1800. for fnrnhiblits school district Jo. t, Maltnqmah connty. Oregon, with fuel for ' the enraln year. Theae bids wlfl - be opened pnbllelr it 12 m. of said day at the office of the school clerk, -city hall. Specifi cation can be bad et the office of the school - clerk.. 1. V. Beaca, jucnara wuiiama, cam. mlttee on supplies. omCX Dlsbanlna Onartermaater. Portland. Oreaoai. June A. land. Sealed nroDoaals in - triplleate will be recetood here entll 10 a. m.. Parlfla time. Jane 18. 1000: for far. Staking 300 revelry horaea for Philippine lalands. Delivery at Seattla, Waanington, - or otber prominent railroad points. Further - tnformatloe rerelebad st-tbls-ofSee, Dettod Bute reeerrea the right to reject or accept any or' all bids, or any part thereof. Kn- - velnrjea eontalnlns nrODoasla abonld be marked "Proposals for Cavalry Horaea" . and ad dreeaed to Alfred M. Palmer, afajor. Quarter- - maaur, v. a. A., ineooraina vurnnwuc. FUNERAL NOTICES. PAT At Us Ists rssldsncs. 80 Eaat Ninth St. June T. 1008. Jobs R. Psy, - aged TS years, T months sad 1 day. Pensrsl erUl take pises Mondsy, Jane 11. at S s. m., from St. Francis church, eoraer East 11th and Best Oak sts. ' Prlands invited. . - LDXON Prisads end ecquaintsncee era re spect rally tnvitea to stiena ins runrrsi serv loss ot Ernest J. Luzon, which wilt be held st Plnley's chapel st S:30 p. m. today (Sun day). Interment Rlvsrvlsw cemetery. OROCBr-la this city. .June 8. 1008. at tb family rssldsncs. sue piorta lTta sr., uirrer J. Gross, aged SI year. Prienda sad sc. ?uslataaese are respectfully Invited to attend hs funeral cervices, which wlU be held st Plnley's cbspsl st 8 p. m., Monday, June 11. Interment Lone Fir cemetery. r .... MEETINO NOTICES. COLUMBIA LODGB. NO. 114. A. P. A A, M. Special eemmunlcs tlon Mondsy. 1 p. m., June It. load, at lodge rooms. Mssonle temple, to attend snd conduct funeral of ear Ists brother, Olive 2. Gross. AU Master Maeone . fraternally Invited., By order w, M. i . ii. i i. in ii ii i ai -sTemejryi sj 1NDDSTBI LODGE, NO. 8. A- 0. V. W ,. Msmbsrs will sseembls st sar hall at 1 - sclork Snndsy and proceed ia a body to the B Oder taking par lore of Edward Holman te conduct the funeral est rlt'ss of P. G. Greens, e member of Caldwsll lodge. No. KX of Cald well, aUaaaa.-'T- --- PHILIP GEVURTZ. Master Workmaa. . JOHN W. PADDOCK. Recorder. M. W. A. ITEBGREXN CAMP, 8,40. meets wsdneedey ovaomg, Aiiaay ma, -raira aoa laoa sts. PACfltMrLX typewrinea brttsrs, addressing, mslUng. stc. Circular Letter Ce 8lm Btark at. - Mata tie. ; ' M. W. A.. Orsaoa Grsps Csmp. No. S.STB, Mos dsys. ITth ssd MsrshslI; visitors wslcome. LOST AND FOUND. BTRATED er Stolen 1 bey horse. 4 years eld, weight 1.S0O lbs., 8 hind white feet snd small whits strips ea the aossi 116 reward if returned to Prank MUler. Barnes road, R. P. D. No. 8. - t,OST Troa grsr pony (isldlngl. brand 90 sa flask: rewsrd 10. H. T. Page. Oswego, Or.; B. P. D. Ne.ll. POUND Shoes. Pbeae East SSSS. LOST Multnomah enonty rood, trme check. (Co. bsfld. favor B. Psulr. lasusd by W. J. MUler, for lis. Leave at Journal office: reward. LOST OB STOLEN Jedy's gold-riled watch, hunting esas. June S. between East Eighth snd Ursnd a vs.; 8ft rsward. Phone 8eU- loa. I)8T A black sad tse fo terrier; newer te the asm ef "Rip"; Heevtee tag IA 1X22; wss Isst seen Ssturday Juns 3; rswerd for lnrormaiiow . loa, wiu r eea - ' SOS Third St. ' HELP WANTED MALE. WANTRD Vsrnlebers. mecbtne u hsnds. Oregoa PurultuTs Mfg. Cs, rosA WI secure smploymsnt for awmbers; Sperlsl BMmberstlp one moeta 88. ..X. M. C Au. Pourth and Tsmhill. IP roa play pool, go ts the Welliagtesi Pa, lors, AUeky bldg.. Third sad Morrtsoa. WANTED Pmiebsr ts ftrmrture factory, stsedy work rear round. 4S Proat, eoraer Dsvts. WArTTBD Msttrees maker. 40 Proat. omen Davis. r- A PEW COOD HOMESTEADS ta central goa; -for ir.rnvm.tloa eddress U L 8 Berber, geueia, weurj, v.. ., WANTED alga writer; must be flret-eless werkmsa; stssdy Job te right party. Apply st seee. W. P. Xergsr See. 884 Tsmhill st. WANTED PWst-clsss bene mse. Portlasd Ssah A Dear Ce.. Best Taylor and Varna sve. WANTED 8 men te- wort I brickyard St 81st ssd Tlllsmeos. , tsss irvutgiee ear. ALL-AROUND grove rvujaa te drive wagon, tsbs -. . , a.J . A , imi, ku. sctlve. koneat young mas ad epnlri gl'S age ana r - - .-' w. . . . . D 12, cere Journal. . WANTID Ai yoang coW.re4 boy a s . Wa ut. te toe Jua eCate avaes, V. B, a., HELP WANTED MALE. HANSEN'S EM PLOY MS it? 0rrtK. 89 .Nertb Second at. and ZOO haraeloa et. OPSH TODAT. t railroad ramp bWrk.mHha, ea eosetree tkoi. S3.M s day. free farsi tool ehatpeoe only, aame plni IJ y.. free fara.8 aUl. wrlsbta, trsay; rot) U rarpenlra tw build fiauidatlono for ell taaka. etc., railroad ww. ?3; S belnere, tJ.50; laborers, ti . fiwe arai hook tender, horea ramp; rilling allnsera, rhaeers, burkera. np: dam kborera, 12. M: wooila Uhorera. SIM); edereaa, S3) sawmill kanda. Mitt. , Man or man and wife be board a erew rf about BO men st M M per week; doa't apply anlraa roe caa handle it. BANASMS EMPLOYMkXT OPPTCBS., SS North Seeasd St. 360 Baraslds t. hi It AND WOMEN le tears barter trade In eight weke; gradoatee aare Dom sis t. ta weekly: ex pert inetreetorsi eatalogns frvo. Molar hyatam ef College. 88 XarUt rsertb St., PortUsd. '- - SALESMEN WANTED Tor eee ef the largeee onreatie. re the west) easa aevsacea weckiyi good territory open. Addrees Wssblsgtoa Nursery Co., Toeeeslstt. Wsah. ) A R ARB, opportunity fBe-s-mae - with some capital; invoatlgat. sad pea wui aare Btveet. 0 110, tare JosraaL AGENTS WANTED to aH en pert e. hlgb-f rvoa. raraery storki complete eetnt rorpiatMe rreei eaeh weekly; writ, todey for choice ef ter ritory. Capital City Nuraery Company, Salem. Oregon. WANTED Oood boalnaaa ebsncs salesman ts manage well-located office: small guarantee fund required. Par perUealssa write D , care Journal. WANTEIV-Poor bnya. IS per weak; , steady wora yrar ronno, wito rnanew law so. sow ment. 40 Pront, enrtMr Davis;' WANTKD sm men. women snd ehtldren be ' sppesr le the prtxtnctle ef tne aaa rran. - rleoo- Disaster, which opena at the Lewis ssd . : Dark fair grounds June IS. Cell et SA Seventh St. Monday snd Tuesday, frssa W . to ia a. m. snd 1 to 6 p.' m. SOI.OSRERS wanted. . Apply PeetSS . Coast Blacait Co., Ulh and Davie sts. ; OR 8 MEN wanted to do shove! work. 1a quire enrtMr Grand svs, snd wygsat n4 Highland. . WANTED Partner In transfer knelnese.- se manager; doing flna fcnsisoss la city. - Keorsf Bresdea bldg.. Third ssd WuMnftom sts. . Pboos Psclftfl 3008. . i , WANTED Immedlatsly, five men to Issre tbe . srt ef operating moving ptetare mseblnMi f 25 weekly when eompeient; tultloo reeaos)' sbl. 143 1, BUtb St.. room 1. ' WANTED Strictly flret-rlaaa chef, one famlllaf firet-claas botels; good salary. ' 13th St., room 81. S4T Nertn PARTNER WANTED for erflce boalnaaa; msej "oe estalde; bnalaees sxperlenr sot . aeeas. saryr with SOuO snd good refersnees. - 123 Grand sve., room IS, Cltlsans' . Bask bids. Xt'TCHER wssted for shop work. ' alaalppl are. Pause Baal HA T81 Mte. MA.N'AljER wsnted. every section, to select sgsots for "Oameoertrnce," world'e srsetsat new lawful gams for drinks er r,tgsrs: tskee place forbidden alot mschlasai played with nickels er eusrtera; sea to seven persons eaa play at once; finish beautiful, like caah regie ter; rented or sold oa ssay psyments; es.ona now In ane ; sample aent free. Proposition wlTrpV syoO" -Tts-vrrrr-vs-iriwiitBr ter--your eectlos. United SportloS Goods Mfg. Co.. Dept. ldl. Cblesse, 111. WANTED Six metr ts-trsvsl in earn, state, dlntrtbute ssmples snd advert toe ear soodet - ealsy al pvr week and axpenaea, guaranteed; . sipenees sdvanoad; eiperlence unneoaeaary. " , Address. -with stamp, stating cie'sad occupa tion. Reeve Co., 16 Dearborn St., Chicago. WANTED zperteBcsd road salesmen; staple line; don't apply unless sbb to ara larse salary: eld established Jobbing bones. Ad drsss Boom SO Sykss blk., Mlnnea polls, Minn. WANTED Men, everywhere) good pay; to dla trlbut. circulars, sdv. matter, tack signs, etc.; ae esnvseelng- Addrees National Dis tributing Bureau, 100 Oakland Bask bldg., - Chicago, lit- 1 iw- SALESMEN WANTErV-aleemn 'ran ' eevlry msks 10 a day aelllnr oar Gold Window Letters, Novelty Signs snd Cbsngeehl Slgne; eatslogoe free. Sulllvaa Ce el West Tsa Bursa st-, Chicago, IU. ... ; . . . WANTED EVERTWHFRB Hustlers to tack signs, distribute eb-celara. ssmples. stc; ne csnvssalng; good pay. Sea Advertising Bu reau, Chicago. OET your rssor put ra flrst-claes eoadltloa top liie. nnop zee Ham sr. WANTED Msa. everywbsre; good psy; te dls rrioBie circuiara. sar. msttsr, tsrs signs, stc; ne csnvssalng. Address National Dis tributing Bursas, 100 Oakland Bank. bldg. Chicago, 111. WANTED Big mea te travel to sseh state. diem bote ssmples and aaverase eer good,; salary $21 per week ssd sspsesss. gusrsnteeu; expenses sdvsnced; experience unnecessary, Addrees, with stamp, stating sg snd ooruns- tloa,. Roots Cs.. 41T Desrbora st, Cblcsgo. WANTED Eapsrleeesd road salesman: staple line: don't apply snieaa able to sans isrge salary: old established lobbing hews. Address Boom SOS Sykss blk, Minneapolis, Minn. BARB BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY Am here from Denver for the purposs or estsblMblBg brsach of ear manufacturing boil Dees; we have westers monopoly, 100 pee cent profit, goods staple: sober msa with SfiOO esa secure control snd sslsry; references v rbsnged; we slso wsat rspreeeBtative fog Brltleh Columbia. , Call , Mr. Wales. Hotel PertlSBd. -- WANTr-Sblp carixnterS ' and calkws te"" work on et earner norms, Kipsris. e-amse ve era. 408 Xsst day it. Phone East leod, - WANTED Pry cook: famlllsr first-class ke tel: good pisce. zer norta lain; room si. SFIOEM AFTER wanted at 878 Seedy road, Beav Esst 28th. . WANTED vtalssmsa to sell trait aa sMe ho. O. B. A N. ssd sestsra Oregon. Address C 8, care JonrnaL DRl'O clerk, registered phsrmsdst or assistant! glvs asms, refsrsaeee sad sxpsrmnrss, Ad dress tk A cars JourasL . 8800 AND-BEBVTCR Bsenrag batr tatersat tn business paying 8200 per month epwsrdi reason selling, slchnsss aecesslUtaa changing - climate. D A care JonraaL THE MEIER PRANK store seeds bore IS years ef sgs and ever; chance for Advance ment. Apply st ones. BUTTRX88MAKBB wssted. Apply It to !, St. HELP WANTED FEMALE.! BBBSsBSSnSSX ' OIBLS Shoot 18 years of sgs te srerh In fae. tory. Apply et sacs. Amee-Harrla-Nevllle Co., tifth sad Dsvts eta. , ; , i . HANSEN'S LADlWr AGBNCT. ' tsll Early Monday. Working housekeeper, hotel. S2S snd foundl 8 ehambermalda. 2S: 8 waltreesss, a week; T wsltreesee, $30, room ssd board: 8 family eenke, $30: 8 second girls. I2A. S st. $20; boarding -Sou ea cooka, $40 sad ITS: nnree girls, sseend girls, boeseglrls, etc, 20 le S30i elty and eoeatry places. , . HANSEN'S LAblfeo' AGENCY, 8481. Wsshlsgtsa sW-eorf Itk. sped Ira. BANBEira tADTEr-GBNt'Vi Vtt WssaWHS." . toa at., ear, kmlk. .oetelra. Fbooe Mala SaOS. Pumals help wssteA . . THE HOMB LADIES' A0PNCT. , Temale kelp furnlebed free to employer. Begtstrstloa Pree. " tasu, 4th st, opstslrs. rosm 88. Mala B2. WANTED Befmed girt or womss to seelst IB) very light .work (temlly of two); cm si would appreeiste good hose mors thaa bi! wages. Call 818 Sasrmss, sr sbase Wsla 848A " ' ' . WANTED--Olrls ts msks 'Besa ef All- ever, ells st TS Ptrst st - . . GIRLS WANTED Operstoee workeaOlrta snd evsrslis. - -- Appirenddtaclory Ne. 8. ved sr., ssd B-. Tsyier St. . w . WANTED-Ompeteot girt for e?erel b work) fsmlly of three. Apply U v WANTTD bflddle-sged wemsa tor a 24 Jeckeoe WANTfD "'rt seelet with b email family meet elfep et hoo-- ' ne e-4k preverred. t !l s Gantcnbels ave. 0!"' foe general 1 er Jssaeea, 7 i 1 1 .