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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (June 10, 1906)
XL 1 ' THE OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL, PORTLAND.. SUNDAY MORNING. JUNE 10. ISO?. OAIiTIMflSTIiO:; gJbaama f OoBUMiMb aa rtv v. (..Sacaaag to. MMM Quarter block on upper Mor- rlnon L, near Swnrhtr " " Nothing els so cheap an "tree. fL00O--Who) block East Side warehouse district. Railroad track on on aide; Improved street on another. Near Morrison bridge. MaVOOO Fine wholesal location; cloaa to depot ana w barrel ; good term. ; BiMOO Watarfroot at Llnnton. nearlj , l.eoo feet on I he harbor line and ' preaching back to Northern Plc 91T.OOO An apartment - tn th .... northwest reaideaoa section rrg an unusually large Intereat oa the Investment. Thla la a money-mlir. 11 Smt TniartTT block la Caahlonabie v j ki.k h turned Into - fine :. apartment-hooae at little cost. U.OOO One of the llneat farme In old . -, J Bill mil TOWIUJ. - - . i.L.k will nie? In- . now in " ..... a , . .erest. Only half a railroad station. ' . i, " B11.0OO A South Portland proposition - now producing 1 per cent net on the asked price. . r afte fn Keel "V Portland; full quarter block, with. trackage facilities. , ' napoo Tli lull on Wee t Park U utn "'"nt Morrison, overlooking the entire "Oetty. -An Ideal alia for home or s pertinent-bouse. nnouo Kalf iot-at eerner lota And JBy. . V'eretu Buslneaa property already ' I and preaent income oould be easily - trebled. ' ,. . WOO Flats oa RaaMll st, eppoalt the Albina bank. A fine Income.. HOP Tlnn and. one third acrea in the ""Verity limit, easily platted. Its would sell rapidly. ' -- niMMt acre back of . Llnnton and cloae to the electric line surveyed . . by the United , Hallway :Easy UioiToxlOO with a railroad track on York at. la cheap at thla price. . A CHOICE LIST OF HOMES BSBOO Full quarter' block, S room, ce , , ment basement, hardwood floors, . ', . furnace, . two fireplace and all modern Improvements. . M800 Elegant home at corner Id and Hassalo a CaU-aaaV -eee the .plo. " . ture of It. MIV Beautiful modern bungalow In rlolladay Park with two lota. Tou can, only appreciate thla by aeelng it. - WOO New, modern house of t room a. 00 S-roora house, new, with all modern convenlencea, half block r-. -i. kaUar mm alto A beautiful bOBItrrlir -which the bwner atill Uvea. Ula only object In aelling la to build a larger houee. ftBQg A bargain In a home cloee In . on Waverly-Blchmond Una Baay ternia. d - BS00O A comfortable alx-room cottage within walking distance of bual .... . on.Veat Bid i ; SOUTH SUNNY5IDE Bit bad a " moat. phenomenal aala Prices of lota were low---40 to tTSO- and S lota are already Bold. Some pur chasers have sold again at an advance. It la a -safe Investment Only $M cask 1 required, the balance being payable at 1 1 monthly. Fine car service, streets . Improved, water In, sidewalks laid, . If yon want a home or a building lot, call and see us. Wa can aatisfy the moat exacting person, both aa to quality and -price, , . FIVE-ACRE TRACTS. East of Mount Tabor are In demand at the present time. We have two that we can aell at tlO an acre. They li be tween the Baa Lin and Section Line roads. - Recent aalea in this vicinity have been at a higher figure. lIARTIIiSWIPSi or oomcwca. Lamont & Harris mm f ftrtrt (Oxla lot on Multnomah street, IUW near K. lth at., Holladay Add. "IfCfin I 12x190, on Northrop, near v'vW 20tn ,t. 1700 cash, balance easy. , 1 !; t VUVk Beautiful full lot, J4th. between . JWW Johnson and Kearney at. , t'i'Cnn A elegant quarter block on v JJVW Portland Hgts.; fin location. tJXIA Corner lot $0x50. 18th and North ; VU rup ,t.. Income 4M. tlCOn 100x100, corner JBth and North- TUUV Tup ,tg.; a flne fcuy. 7 . -ttC( 7 -room modern house. Irvtng, bet, 2 2d and 13d eta.; lot 14x100. " 1lflflfl cn wU" 10 Pr cent on th , WW Investment, balance long term at - per cent; Income S3400. 7CA On of th nicest new " S-roora ''vv modern house on Nob Hill. In cluding the elegant new furniture, near . . ltd and Kearney sts.; full lot. For full - particulars call at this one. This won't last. long. - IT'iVi 3"nty-fou acrcsJllnoludlng ijw new l-room bouse, all In eultl ; vatlon: aeven miles south of court- bouse, on esst side of and fron.tlngDnl ; ine Willamette river; Known aa the old ,. Ioc Thessony place. , ,' tffj fjAfl Ten acrea on Division street; r pia tted ready for the market: ' lOtS, I i payment. ' OS Iota, 13,600 cash, balance 10 yearly $10 Ififl Corner lot, Mississippi ave and i,u3W Russell st.; well improved 14,000 cash, balance long term, per ." cent. - t ; $77 '"AO S9E0. corner, well Improved, iWUw..t Park, near Morrison - building all around It " $22 000 E?' nort tlm n'V. corner of 40,WU Eighth and Flanders streeU; Improved. . . ' . . , ,,. . W want ten modern residences on the west side; have customers waiting. We have some excellent bargains In Jroperty which I not advertised. Come n and eee u about It. We want annrf We want good Income property for a client about 100.000. - If yon want to Sell come and see us. ' see u a If you want to bnv mm nt We study to please. . ; . FOR SALE 1(300 New brick, leased for 10 years, T per cent net. . H.0O0 Brick building, nets I per cent . S10.OO-Quarter blot Tld 4 bin - - Well located for rapid advance In value. "5180 Beautiful lot' Overton, near 23d. . i This Is SiOO less than surrounding ' property, j taaooCorner lot, Johnson and Cornell sts. Splendid view. Elegant resl- ' dene In tb neighborhood. This Is 180 under vain of any corner lot as well situated, feooo Thurman st. business lot' tsoo -House and Tlxllt, East Davis, bet Sid and 23d. 900,000 New building; beautiful . tion; pay 11 per cent net - R. M. WILBUR ' 110 Second Street loca- WASHINGTON GOVERNOR PAROLES A LARCENIST ft' Iph. Tvuoetefe U Tb Jenel. Olympla,. Vash., June ivernor Mead has granted a parol to John Har ia, kites Charles ilsmlln. whOiwa sent tip fsont Whatcom county la ltol for laroenyt . . .v est- Side 25x95 on Ttyird St.,xentrally lo- -rcatco. . f 12,000 60x100 cornc Water and Clay 922,000 A Front St. Bargain Fine two- story brick building. , Jncome $1,800 per annum." - 9 7,000 Fractional corner lot on Wash ington, near Nineteenth St. ;, ' ?12,500J Fine quarter block on Twelfth St. in best: residence district. Two houses. ' . 915,000 One whole block on'iGrand Ave. Two-story brjck building ' on Union Ave near East Oak St. 7,000 Quarter "6YocIT"SeventTi and' Bel mont Sts. This is a good buy. -i. All -solid groundf-two fclocks from Grand Ave., onei)lock . from Morrison. . - : A Great Bargain on Russell St. Centrally, located. 912,000 East Side Qiiarter4"MocktwUnicwAw.Mf.OT With three-Story building. . 917,500 Half block on Union and, Grand ; 1 Aves.,':;::'".:--': ' 95,000 . ' Qnancrblock:rorngr'East'Ninthj --and East Alder Sts. - - - 91,000 - 7"''r Sightly 100x100 Mt.' Tabor, full V of bearing cherry trees. 10 Acres near Peninsula Station. . 1 East Side . 96,500 One of the best modern resi dences in Irvington. This house was built for a home, .and no expense was spared in construction. New carpets costing over $l,000re included in this price. 96,000 ' , Full block and elegant suburban home. 7 Hardwood- finish 1 throughout the entire house. . Beautiful grounds. Best view of Portland. "... . ' . 93,250 Six-room modern house, corner lot. East Twenty-eighth, and Salmon Sts. r: - 95,200 Corner East Fifteenth and lain Sts, 8-room modern house with furnace and fireplace. . If you want to sell your place, v v Aeiv- (- ai , Cans va IJJV 4b WALI1 We have some buyers. us. Corner Lots Close In Five acres on Section Line Road, five blocks from car line. Or- chard, garden, T small fruits, $2,500 residence and other im- - provements, : - 103-107 and 108 Sherlock Bldg. ' 404 East Alder SC Giomes Lambert, . rfiitmerEo. MY BARGAIN LIST OF HOMES. 1.600 A four-room cottage, plaa ' tcred, " toller," 1rl'k baeement,'' amall fruit and fruit treea. ' Lot la 60xl3S. -Mltueted on Tillamook alrceU near -Union avenu. - Vot - Is praotloaUy worth the prlc aaked. - - 1.60O Nlo five-room cottage on Eaat Sixth street north. Plaatered, cement cellar, well hiitlt throughout Uot (1x100.. A good buy. 3600 will place you In possession of thla 92,150 Will buy a good five-room cottage on wniiaaer sireoi, near v.ur ' bett Ha porcelain bath, gas.-toilet, ' cement walks, sewer, etc. All well furnished and carpeted, all ready for . Immediate occupation. Fractional lot. Se this If you want a nice bom and a bargain. 92.30O Buys a well-built 3 -room par tlally modern house on Qantenbeln avenu. Central Albina. Rooms are nicely tinted 4nd papered. AH kjnds of mnall fruit; la-foot alley,, small barn. Good terms. . $2,6SO For a very desirable l-room residence. Has - nearly aU modern convenience, concrete baaement, blgh ' and sightly. around f 6x100. corner on Going srreetmear Highland school. 2.650 For a 'very modern 7-room nous on i-ommerciaj aireec. ieiiirmi Albina lit ml of plnmblag. gas, bath, eto. , Nicely tinted, brick basement. On car line and close "toThompson' school. Choice biiyj" Terms. f2.000 BAMAXSf Nlo 1 l-room residence on uanienDein erenuw. block WIlMams avenu car Una. With modern Improvements, barn, lots of fruit and shrubbery, beautiful lot Owner paid 3S,&00 recently. Terms nay. t. . ' ' ' 94,500 A nice ' T-room residence on uusan street, rtoo nut. urairai oue ment furnace, gas. bath, toilet, eta Uot alone Is worth 33.600 9T.OOO A beautiful and up-to-date. strictly moaern, neany new iv-room residence on Flanders - street near Twenty-first A fin home and good Investment 98,500 Two strictly modern t-xoora resKience' oa trviog, uu.imuf. first street Always rented' for. 370 per month. ' Thl Is your opportunity. J -- Lots' and Blocks. 7 9225 Worth 333S. This Is a map. r in 101 on xsinta sireei norm. Small payment down, balance 310 per 'ntntith. 9285 CnnoTTeupTOateaf6r"t85fl:' m. rine lot near inwinurne. avenue. tOxlK, several fruit treea, graded atreet 70 feet wide, within two blocks of two car lines. Easy terms. I 9500 Two nice lota in Kehnelworih Addition, on car line SNAP. S50O Fine lot (0x100, on Eaat Thlr- 94.250 A choice corner lot on Fifth street, ojxivu, concrete waiaa, an im provements In and paid for. A very good buy. Well worth 15,000. . 99,000 Buys a choice lot, 60x108. on wasnmgi on street, a very gooa Day. Acreage and Suburban ;Z : Acre Homes. r f " fl,20O A. choice piece of acreage of II ' ih acre uu East Twemji-eigbtnll treet. Best of oiL Fin place for - a suburban home.- .. 92,000 Nin acre ,of good land In Oak Qrova on Oregon City car line, 2tt acres cleared and In cultivation, balance easily cleared. Soil Is of the ' betver dam nature. Terms 92,750 Ten acres on O. W. P. of fin , land, good small bouse and barn, par-, tlally cleared. K goodUbuy. 92,760 Five acres nicely Improved ' , on iteny avenue, live nnute waia ' of Mann' station, Woodstock car Una ' Splendid orchard and all In cultlva- 'flon,-mall boasandgo)tiariiroTt will U S or S acre without nous cheap. This Is a bargain. 95.750 A beautiful 10-acr bom on , th height, overlooking the city and surrounding country. 1 A fin -room - house, modern, stone basement; It fin location for a awell country , bom, -Th view' from thla" point 1 excellent and for a bargain It cannot, b beat 97,750 A choice bom of 24 acre in a good state of cultivation on the Oregon City car Una A fine view of th Willamette and surrounding coun ' try. ' Jfew 7-room house, good barn and other outbuilding All fenced. ' Small fruit, good orchard. . A fin buy. -910,000 An Ideal place for a coun . try - borne, - with - practical ly .the- con venience of th city, overlooking the : 1 Wllamtt-Tlver,-iaw-Gity--er4 . Una; SI acre, all fenced, two good houses, two barns, prune dryer, eto. Th vary best of soil, nearly all clear. Large orchard and great bargain. . Room S, Over Waiting Station. ' J. FRANK PORTER, 222 Washington St., Corner first. 'Boom t, over Waiting Station. PORTLAND HEIGHTS ... i . . Nearly three lota, very flne view and cholc surroundings, until noon Wed nesday 15,750. ... f '.-.i ;, s ; Seventh Street Corner, north, fin business- location; rents until lease runs out fill. Price flS.OOO. ,. . ,. . . "' Full lot, - within stone's throw of Wells-Fargo building: cheapest close-in lot in line of rapid advancement Sixth Street 100100." fin "brick, pays 8 per cent net on price, in neighborhood of 190,000. Alder Street lOtoclOO, corner, 70 feat from Wssh Inrton street; three frontage S1B.OO0. Will pay big Interest If Improved.' E. J. DALY a Falling Bldg. Fhoa Malm 5383. An Old Story Tee sis wk ears rest for tea rears pert searlr tae erlsinal eoet of the property d In , amat cans tae sppreclatloa is agore thaa tb intmat e the iBvaetmeat Tea EAHT Sins aa the sioal nOMF, kae the ORBATKAT popalatlon. Is OB.OWINO the swat RAPIULT, and the OREAtSB POETUAND MUST sad W1IX ee tkere. - HOLLAOAVS ADDITION IB the nerephlear rantar ef tba city, snS la tlie moat Kr.SiaABI.B raeldeaee dlatrl, and wash ef thla will bMDe BCSINEXS propertr. Do sot evarlook.j thaaa rACIS wbaa naklnc nTaetawnt and eall , and 1 spaet tke peopartf, tor aaelisj Is bellevina. The Oregon Resl Estate Corapzny M'- Third at.. Hnom A. Portland. Orrfon, Tke Joaraal, dally and Sua day' dally sr4 s yoa a far is sent a week. . 1 ' Poesing a matchlesg natural gituatioh for a home ii now opncd to thoso who desire to I . " INVEST; MONEY WELL Jf you would build a home what better place than QLAD- : STONE? , If you would' invest your monejr where it will , ..i earn you money, whatbetier place than ' v , 1 :OLADSTONE "., v Lots 50x100 feef, flOO. Acreage, 9300 to $50. Easy ernistotJiose jvhojatnj'ajiorne and can't pay cash." v H. E. CROSS, t CITY PHOPEEITBXS! :l-S. M. BARK. Manaser. - : Fin blf block between tracks on East Taylor, bet First and Second "ta $a0,00O. TElther ouarter"rorrr. i. . V.77T. ... . .. .lSKM " Fin corner, 10x60, paylna S per cant, cholc location ......... ...fai.000 Two-story brick, lot, paylna-S per oent net ...................... .$31,000 Fin busines lot on Seventh street aetrf; 't, e f9VW Acrease Two adjoining tracts of SS acres each, $7 SO. and fSOS per acr. re spectively. These ar well located propertlee. . .. . ;- ) Oreon City cr line we have fin acr tracts, rich soli, no A aravei, well located, cheap and on asy monxniy Tnstaiimenta utnaew - have doubled the value of their Investment there In th past two year. You can do likewise. This la th opportunity tot tn parson ox moderate or alight means. - ' ' ' i ' . . y . ... Fctnnte --''.'. .' , -.:'',: " Over SO. 900 acre: of. th best, farm on th market - Call for Informa tion or writ for dcriptly Hat . "... . , ,. THE SHAW-FEAR C0MPAHV,'245StarK Stret SZZ5ZZS3 TleA C on the Willamette river, ; Near St. Johns "About 800 feet fronUge, for only 10,000 fi - SHEPARD, D0BIE & PETERSON : Phone Scott 4061. . St Johns, Oregon. Moun Scott Letter No. i 6 W ar establishing a reputation as dealers In bargains exclusively. Our modus operandi la to hunt up thoe who for various reason deelre "to sail at figure bejow the market price. - W can undoubtedly-aav - you money. Her ar some good buys: rfeoo-M3ooa-TOom hous and-two-Kl lots all feaeed) Ilea- eah- and tit per month. . aO0 Good S-roora . house and 160 cash and f IS Tier month. 1.650 A swell new S-room. right on car Una, with a good store per month. This I th plac to mak 7.000 If you ar In a position suburban home,' com out and see ground, fin 8-room houee. good barn, prtvat water plant email houee that rent ror 110, nne lawn, an aounaanc or young iruii, s minutes -walk -from-can ground alone worth tl.4 per aori on half oash, bal ance per cent. Som- cholc lots cheap on very Scott line, -6c fare; open Sundays and THE MROW O. . IT. . rord, Manager, Stewart .KZZZSZ2X2XZZZZZXZ3C3IErZ: Pnr enm'nlat Plana. Kner.ifl. cations and Details of this i room Cottage; can be built fol Costing from $400 to $5000. V. Voorbees, Architect 35, 36, 37 Eitel Bldg, Seattle, Wash. FOR. S ALE tote Y and . ailook SI, Portland City Xomeetead. aaa being generally know as tba ItcnS gomsstead. Oood aerea-rooni aonse, witk eement casement good barn aad ontboildinga, aad on t the an view Imaginable, rrloe only $1,000. ' . ' VVftkcfisW, Fries & Co. v: j Agents ' . ' - Member Fertlaad mealty Board, aae gTaAKllTBaliT. . , . " containing JjCrtSn OJr and ; X OREGON CITY. t On Pcniatula. lot SOxlO, on block from station; strictly modern house. Ith tare Int. bulldln ldlna on lot; $300 cash and Hi rent buy a bom. to wijoy th conffort of a swell - this ( acre of wall Improved easy payments, alt Tn th Hoont evening. . , REALTY CO., SKattoa, Stoaat Soot xiaa. . for Sole ParrislWatkins &Co. . Rat Ettatm, RintalS and Insurance and Loan . Jtgmntt "..1 ' 250 Alder Street J. V. OGILBEE Room If, 145 J First Street Two lots lOOxlOS feet, with l-room cat tags, near Sellwood and Brooklyn ear lines. This Is a good little horn near tn and vrjr cheap. . - ." f . . $2000 - ESxlOO ft of ground, with (-room ld houee, bringing III. B0 per month, with plenty room for good flat centrally lo cated and clos la on east aid of river; very oheap la valu with adjaoaat prop erty, . ; , $1200 ! rkiiibers Portland Realty Board '. 1 SssSBBnjsewwasssanBiBBl ' ' t " -v '' - '' MOORE INVESTMENT CO. . . i . . . '. . .-. . . . 150 Sixth St. THE TITLE GUARANTEE AND TRUST CO. 240 Washington St WHITING A FOUNTREE.. ........ .........419 Abington Bldg.. L. A. PATTERSON ........i....... 3ll Pins St. STEVENSON-BROWN CO. 110 Second St P. V. ANDREWS ft CO... Hamilton Bldg. WILL H. WALKER... .606 McKay Bide.. R. M. WILBUR. .;......,............ ....110 Second St. WAKEFIELD. FRIES ft. CO. ....;.......... ......229 Stark St. FLORIAN FUCHS. . , . . . 1494 First St. A. H. BIRRELL. 202 McKay Bldsr. A. F. SWENSSON ft CO.... . 253 Washington St, HARTMAN ft THOMPSON 3 Chamber of Commerced HENRY O. BROWN. .. ......... ..5J3 McKay Bldg. PORTLAND TRUST CO. OF OREGON . . Cor. Third tnrf (S.k Rt. t GOLDSCHMIDT'S AGENCY. ,....,.253 Washington St X X JOSEPH M. HEALY. ..v.. 214 Abington Bldg.' I GRINDSTAFF ft SCHALK.;;777.rrr...r.Tr:. 264 Stark Stt I A. C. CHURCHILL ft CO .... REED, FIELDS ft TYNAN CO. ... .......... ,102 Second St F.-O. NORTHRUP ft-COrr.T7;:Trrrrrr.T7r.- Commercial Blk GOLDSMITH ft CO.......... :;.442 Sherlock Bldg. JOHN P. SHARKEY ft CO. .. ..........701 Chamber of Comroerc ISAAC W. BAIRD ft CO,.. ......325 Chamber of Commerce CHARLES K. HENRY. ..,....,.... ...273 Stark St MALL Jt VAN BORSTEL.. ........ 393 East Burnsid St. C F. PFLUGEKr... ...... ..v;. Room 14, McKay Bldg. INVESTMENT CO...................... .....244 Stark St M. F. CULVER. ......... ..v.623 Chamber of Commerce I. O. DAVIDSON. 408 Chamber of Commerce CORD SENGSTAKE... ..a., ...... ..90 Fifth St ROUNTREE ft DIAMOND.. ....242 Stark St E. S. JACKSON ft CO .......................... . . . . . 246 Stark St LAMBERT, WHITMER ft CO .... ........ 107-108 Sherlock Bldg. F. BRESKE.. 444 Sherlock Bldg. LOUIS SOLOMON........... 104 First St M. a GRIFFIN.... .....266 Stark St h DwlL9?.35 . v v A- ; ' X fe. HABERSHAM ft CO.. t CHARLES H. KORELL..... DAN W. EDWARDS... ...... 51NNUTT a 8iNPiurr...i.iT.-ii...ri,533 cnamDer ot commerce PACIFIC COAST ABSTRACT GUARANTEE AND TRUST CO.. .204-205-206-207 Failing Bldg. e BUCHTKL a KttKNS. ............... ;....soz.Kast Morrison K. PALY. Ml IKItMni tT f 1.1 IVLim D,H . . AMMSftl sk ttHTVlTTFti - t-J.-U-WELLS CO J. 8. TAYLOR. 9ction 1. Payment of regular commissions on net contracta X m Multnomah county.. Property - Including not lees than the regular commission. No division of com- j X mission shall be allowed except with active members of this asso X elation or with active members of other aimilar organise tiona.oatsid .. of Multnomah county: DrovidedL however, that these Drovieiona shall . Z ' not apply to sales under $1,000 .. i am louowing nummum acai 01 tomnuHiooi ana cnargee is adopted as obligatory:- . r,--j; -- Over $1,000 and up to $2,000, 5 per cent . . - ' . --Over that amount tft per cent" - T -r :: HtTr? '- On handling of addition, rmnimurn, S per cent - . A. F. SWENSSON, Secretary. ;mm ,'''.'''" J ;" '" ''"."''' f 'V, '.. ,'' " . '' : Lots. Block and Acr ! LOTS IN "GREEN WAY" . : . Theiew Addition on tha HEIGHTS ' i From $250 to $500 KEASBf D.L Exclusiva Dalrt in "Office Opposrte !he Observatory on the HEIGHTS ;-;'VVv;v's i' 'K.v- Phone Pacific 437 ' 7-: .'r';'; ee)4eeseesseeeese)eeeeeeeee ""'rr '.iii'?!","li."IPJ 'W -if" , .-'3 .tft '"r'.-.- .t '' '' MODERN BOUSE PLANS FROM $5.00 Vf , Designs ' mad front ' tour own Sketches, and with skill and taste. C. IaHONZH, Architect 1S-1T Oaanbrldf Blague. W. Oorme Third aad Saosrlsoa, FerUama, Or. NEW SAN FBA1.CISC0 REALTY ' The greatest Investment opportunity in the world. Large or small amounta If It I good snoush for Rockefeller' and Harrlman's millions It Is good enough for you. Writ for Information to EN TERPRISE REAL, ESTATE CO.. Room A. ilU fine atrveaa fraaeUco, Cak 4a .....110 Second St. t'-' 107Sherlock-Bldg. 330 Sherlock Bldg. 251 Washington St J.:.... ,.412 Oregonian Bldg. Tw22-Paili ITtJ DlU( :t;t:93 sixth stTt .--l. 213 Abington Bide. 94 Urand Ave. W . 515 Marquam Bldg, shall not be offered for sale in Mult. ' This article to take effect on June 1, X Tracts Favorably Situated X &C0. Portland Heights Property f, ; ACREAGE FOR SALE ..;-..-'- ON V' . erms AT " 1 " : Five minutes' wslk from Laurel wood station on O. W. P. ft It-car line; the only acreage left in that see tion; streets are cleared and water pipes laid In front of each block. They are selling rapidly. Now is the time to buy-before they are all sold, v A. Cowperthwsit, agent at LaureU wood station. , . . EasyrT LAURELVOOD C C. SMITH, 'Agent Room 226, Chamber of Commerce T , Phone Main 172. -