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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (June 10, 1906)
18 1 ! -V 1 m m m 1 mH . ' ' ' . v.- - .. 1. J.' MMll tW-&&-r -j- - HI ILJ -POPULAR jKBNPALL MUSICAL 'AT THE All i- MILLAR TACON SHE KENPM t WJK AT THETHEATRES: - ROUND ER8'- th HeHg; Lottl Kandkll, " Baast Tnnehlll. .. ert mucin and enonia or thlrtr; all wK, , -r: THB MAN FROM THB QOLDKN WRST" At tho Baker, by tho Bakar stock oompanr, Sunday matlna and night, Thursday, Friday and Saturday nlghta and Saturday -THB ETERNALf CrTT At th Baker, by-IS5 BaSor atock company, . apodal porformaaoaa. Monday. Tuooday and- Wednesday-ntg-hta, -Ed-(&r Baume as Darld Rossi; Miss lAwrencs as Donna Roma. - "BROUGHT TO JUSTICE" At the Lyrlo. by the Lyrte stock company. all wnk with dally nisthieM; Illustrated longi and motion pictures In addition. BOTEX. FLIM-rLAiir AFthe gtary the fitar stock company, all week, with dally matinees, vaudeville, Illustrated ploturts and motion ' picture la addition. - - TAUDBVILLB At the Orand. all week with dally matinees; Rapolt. Bert Ijryt panny MannMr Mantwr Harold Holt and motion pictures. - TAUDBVILLB At Pantaa-es. all week with dally matinees; Techau TaTtra quartet, the Oreat Helen, the Haslltt trio, Stearns and Jones, Jeaa Wilson, notion pictures, La Toeka, By J.'McC TONIGHT at the Helllg the Kendall Musical company opens a stock ' encasement . of llht opera at popular prices, a thing never at tempted In Portland before. There will be a number of prominent principals in -the east, and a chorus ef to Joyous chorus girls calculated to sweep the : cobwebs from th eyes of the older jicople ln tiJdlenf.e and quicken the senses of the younger set. . Heading the aggregation Is "Lottie ' Kendall. . Bessie Tannehlll is second by a neck.' ' Down the stretch are Ben Lodge, Robert Pitkin. Millar Bacon, Rdgar Seamens, Laurel Atkins, Belle Dale and Myrtle Vane. The company arrived the middle of the week, and -Mur-beenr -busy -wttlrr rehearsals since. Manager W. T. Pangle mad a special trip-to Los Angeles to pick out the art ist. The first bill, opening tonight, is Ttis Rounders. In It there are plenty of chances for the principals to how their merit and the chorus to tune ' tip their voices. The second week's bill will be "Said Pasha." It looks as though the Helllg stork season was going to get off en the right foot. " But In the meantime the Baker stock ompany , wUl be the old - stand Thar--wuX-open- ( afternoon -TheMan- From the Golden West." a play that 4s expected to add to . the reputation of the Bakerltes. After an Introduction of the new- bill Sunday - matin and night, Th Eternal City" will be put on again for Monday; Tues day and Wednesday - nights, to give tho wb could not get tickets last week a chance. '"The Man From the Oolden Weet" will begin again Thurs- -4ay . night and oonclud the week. ' . w. ' . ' The run of "The Eternal City? has tyrant a surprise. It is second only to Ben Hur" In the dramatio annals of Portland. .. It is a stupendous produc tion, so much so that the company, dur ing rehearsal began calling tt "The In fernal City." In H JBalnpolls - won greater honors than have been his be fore. Miss uvnixs aid rainy wen in h dtf ncnlt ml - of Donna ' Roma. tlaam yas good as David Roaal Itua U gave us a touch of something akin CMiio la bis character ef the des- . rienhls secret service agent But Don 14. Dewlea as Bruno supplied on of IU graat partg f the bill and use an- ROBEKT 3 PITKIH' , . Wl.'in - V MUPi "V - by -thKS8all Mualcal eompmnyj Bea Ixxlt. Edgar Seainen, Rob- maun. plaus flowed in a steady stream througout th week -In. Donald's direc tion. As His Holiness, Fred Esmelton did , remarkably well. Th play was stared beautifully, -and th hoodoo which so persistently followed the Ba kerltes th week before during "Hands Across the Sea" had been properly eon signed to the-coroner, and there was nothing to mar th opening performance of The Eternal City." The crowds filled th theatre every performance, and th "S. R. O." sign was out con tinually. Patrons who Journeyed to the box office were compelled to get seats two or tor days in advanc. , .,- .. - -- w At th Lyric th past week th bill was :"A Convict's-Wlf, Th-tltlf the playlet betrays Its character. Thar was sona good work' don by Frank Fanning and Starling Lord Whitney, the latter a new acquisition. "A Pleasant Day" was th bill at th Btar. and this house ef mirth turned out an entertainment that drew good audi ences. Ths olio at the Star is an added attraction not to b overlooked. The Royal Hawaiian band held forth at the Helllg for three night concerts and a Saturday matinee. Th concerts about whenr tbere centers no-imis-T-ootherthTTeUIgS Thir$resent "Baker mane, deliver pleasing musle in - a pleasing manner. The solo .numbers were good. -The Royal Hawallana made many new friends In Portland. .... "-- -k : -J " '. It was a busy week In vaudeville cir cles. The Grand had a bill that was fully up to Its standard. It was novel and amusing and there were some Jokes that are not on tb retired list. The show was worth while. Pantages . burned Ban Francises all week before good audiences and gav vaudeville acts on th side that were highly agreeabl. Nbw that, the sum tner aeason Is at hand, l is to be ex pected that the vaudeville theatres will give us something good and whisk away our small cnange. , - ' ' " Los Angelas critics have pleasing pleasing things to say about the work of- Rosemary - oioss (Mr, Jtace Whitney) now . playing I light opera In that cltV with Rica and Cadyt. In reviews of the attraction she Is styled a ''miniature Nordics, who can paralyse her listeners with th wonders THE OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, SUNDAY MORNINO, JUNE 10, 1803. LOTTIE KENDALL ra-HElLIG 'fl - 5' "II. lllIH.(lPif SWBiBmtfS j-. ji LW I t - . - :lfy ft - :: I -i ' I ,11:' I BEiSlSIE TMWEHILL, with. KEmamLr co., of her vole and pereonaHty."- Th troupe with which Mrs. Whitney Is working th Harry- James Travesty company la billed to play at th Ma son In, Los Angeles for th summer sea- J son. liman Butnerland is also wttn th company. .; Rumors of new theatres for Portland have been flying thick and fat during the week Just closed. One, at least, seems nor than talk. It is accepted as certainty that a playhouse will be erected on tb sit of th Dekum home stead at Morrison and . Thirteenth streets, by Charles Sweeny, John F. Cordray Is behind th project. There are also," it Is said, other gentlemen be hind It, but Mr. Cordray has not di vulged their names. However, It Is sig nificant that he has said the house will be Independent In every sense of the word, and Blanch Bates, a Mrs. Flake or a Bernhardt may play .in it Th plans lor this new building ars being drawn, t It is to have 100 feet front on Morrison street and extend 100 feist on Thirteenth. The building will be five stories high, will have store rooms en ths ground floor and th the atre proper will hold 1,009 people." Mf. Cordray has always expressed a desire to hav a theatre In Portland largs enough to handle national conventions and large meetings. It is understood that construction Is to begin as soon as th plans ars completed and materials can b obtained. : ' There Is also a project, as announced exclusively In Th Journal a week ago, for a big double theatre In tb down town district It Is planned to have two theatres, probably put back to theatre will be called th Orpheum after th stock, aeason. Th Bakerltes will tour for six mouths, then return to play In- th Empire here- until th new theatre ar finished. Then they will go Into th present Helllg, while the present Helllg will go Into th new Helllg, and th new Bakar will houss something, the nature of which has not yet been decided. If these plans carry out, Portland will hav a good supply of thfatrea the Orpheum. Empire, Baker, Helllg, Cordray and new Helllg all first elaaa, In addition U th mailer bouses. . -.- w . .'. . Next week the Bakerltes will put on Henry V. Esmond's delightful comedy "When We Were Twenty-one." .It was to have been th bill this week, but th great demand for additional perform ance of Ths Eternal City" caused th plan of th Baker to be o hanged. In "When We Were Twenty-one" there will he good roles for a majority of the company. ' It has not been decided yet whether Donald Bowie or Howard Rus sell will play th Imp, but cither Is sure K) CfOf&'QOO, FREDERICK EMELTOK iH BAKER STOCKCO f ' ..atAnr '""r"""' JIT-' - MYRTLB SV3USTF to make a hit In th role. 1 Th leading female, part In th cast, , is peculiarly adapted t Miss -Lawrence, and Margaret-Neville, -taking into consideration ths work she did in "Hands Across, th Baa," should take th part of Tb Fire fly In an acceptable fashion.' Baume shoi Dlok. Following "When W Were Twenty on" th Bakerltes will put on "Mad am Bane-Gene," on of Sardoua great plays. Th play Is picturesque, and In all versions of It there are dramatic situations to th blood. .. Th madam Is a cigarette sort of a person,- and when .properly , Interpreted si ways charms th audience.' - '"'; On of th mainstays of th Kendall musical company, which begins a sea son of oomlo opera stock Helllg tonight. Is Ben Lodge. He baa been with Savaga productions' for years and was last seen in Portland three years ago with The Sliver Slipper." For th past two years a has been a big corner In th cast - of "Nancy Brown." t" :'t."" :,":'- , ' ' Th Helllg Is particularly fortunate in Its selection of a soubrette for the Kendall -company, -for certainly th soubrette 1 on of th all-important parts of any comic opera. Myrtle Vans is a delightful t little person, with, a wealth of magnetism. She can sing and she can dance and she has a knowing way of looking at the ' audience over her shoulder that causes gasps of de light from 'old men and young men and glares of jealousy from th women. Th leaders of ths Kendall company hav Individual reputation, and th thing to conjecture-Is whether fhey can work well together. We -shall find on t ton 1 ght. The second week's "' I asaJL.wUl. give, everv oemedlan and every prima donna a good chance, and we suspect that the real worth of the aggregation will develop In th first two weeks. The tribunal of Portland theatregoers can sit In Judgment and give a verdlot. SPOTLIGHT FLASHES. The 8tudent King." the light opera by, De If oven and Strange, is having a record ran lit Chicago at th Studebaker. Raymond Hitchcock and Llna Ararbanell furnish th fun. , " - . Th Lion and th Mouse," with Ger trude Coghlsn in the cast. Is also doing wonders In Chicago. Charles Klein, who wrote the play, says he believes svsry piece should have an ethical purpose for It Is thus a play obtains its Vitality. Speaking of The Prince Chap," a Chi cago critic says It is "a sentimental trifle about an angel child and her noble guardian, diluted .Dickens and very in nocent" "Julie Bonbon," a new play by a new i . sL. C3 - ;; - t l A. l ,-w"ihi.n ...t tHt i-i.nw ..iwrcir'ip.-1. K 1T .L.j - iiiAiiin;: .-'ins... i '"""if. iTOii imiii nuns ii ii 11)1 ,wm THB KENDSIX M03ICAL CO.1 woman playwright that- la, tho playwright-part-Is new Is making a Jilt In the eaat It tells th story of a frisky Uttl French, milliner who marries . Into high society despite the handicap of a drunken, thieving father, the latter character--being portrayed -with- painful truth by Louis Mann. All people interested In th drama mourn the loss of Henrik Ibsen, who the - world over as ths Scandinavian Shakespeare. His d ramus live after htm. Walter Hale, . recently of the John Drew company, and his wif. Louis Closser, - will spend th summer. In Franc and Spain. ' C. M. 8. McClellan has' been awarded 11 II. 000 damsges in the king's bench division of the high court , of Justice In London against Charles Herman, another playwright for charges contained In a letter. It is alleged, whica stated that "Leah Kleschna" la a colored imitation of "Tb Coachman With th Yellow Lac" previously copyrighted by liar man. The Jury decided ther was no Infringement of the copyright ' -. Melbourne MacDowell will spend ths summer playing In stock In Albany, New York. Sardou plays will b pre sented. '-. ,' The Roundert" Tonight. . A delightful summsr season of comic opera and musical comedyat the Helllg theatre. Fourteenth and Washington streets, opens tonight with Th Round sra." ' There has bn so much talk about It that nearly everyone knows that th Kendall Musical company. Just from Los Angeles, and which forms ths nucleus for the organisation that' Opens th Helllg season, has been gotten to mVimr .UK .rv.rl.1 rare tO Suit thS tastsw-of thwPortland WMisio-loving pub lic Thar are artists In It whoss clev erness and, capability are famous all over ths United States. Lottie Kendall, th premiere. Is well known here, as she has been her before. Myrtle Van Is perhaps th beet soubrette on the Pa clfio coast Miss Bessl Tannehlll Is acknowledged to be among ths highest In her line of work. She wss on of the mainstays of the Tlvoll opera-hous In San Francisco. Robert Pitkin Is sure to be strongly felt, as hs Is a splendid comedian. Millar Bacon Is famous. Ben Lodg.had on year wlth-th "Little Slipper" company, and. was for th last two years with "Nancy Brown," to gether with John Vy". Dunne. Ths prin cipals and chorus ars distinctly, worth while,' and Portland 1s sure to be pleased'.' Everybody knows "The Round era" It is the big New York Casino hit The full cast tor today's opening follows: , Priollla, Miss Lottl Kendall; th Duke de .Paty du Clam, Robert . O. Pitkin; MoOlnnls Pasha, an Irish Turk, Ben Lodge; the Marquis de Bsocarat Millar Bacon; , Siegfried , Cotterdammerrung, Harry C Bradley; Joseph, Ned. Lynch; : ; MONOLOGUES. ' i!5 '.' .: ! A. A ' - A J s w fc Jk. A Afcf A Jfmrfmm iiiuottJ tt- xjtrT rr - "i W ' ""- I era I C aft J : :.J ' - HOWAKD -RUvStSELL ,;. -wim THE EifiKEB STOCK.-CO.- Ludwlg Dollar, Frank Abhrams; First Nlghter, Melvln Mayo; Call Boy, Kittle TThea. Bessl Tannehlll: Mama Bera- phlna. Laurel Atkins;. La Polama, Nina Beam an a; . Angeliqu. Emerga Oorden; Adel Ver d Vera, Edna Pltkins; Jollet, George Spauldlng; Fanchonette, Bell Dais; members of Siegfried's band, ladles of th ballet swells and patrons of ths ballet V a Act L th beaoh at Blarrits; aot t. th dressing-room of a theatre;' act I, corridor of th Hotel Metropole. Seats ar now selling for the entire week at the box office of th Helllg. - -- .- . ; . "Th Man Prom th Oolden West" Th stirring comedy-drama. The Man From the Oolden West" l th play to day that opens th fifth week, of th Baker theatre stock company. The first performance 1 at ths regular matinee this afternoon at 1:11 o'clock. The Eternal City" Is put on Monday, Tues day and Wednesday only of this week. B. -A. -Roe wrote -this comedy-dram, "The Man From the Golden West" and It is a peculiarly effeotlv piece of dra matio story-writing. It takes hold of th auditor's Interest at the very outset and It does not let up a moment nrgtll the Anal happy ending. It 1 th story of a man from th west coming to New York to seek his fortune among the shrewd men of Wall street . Thus th west is brought to th eaat in this play, reversing matters from their order In David Belasco's great play of "The Qlrl From . ths .Oolden West" A couple, who also come from th west and meet James Brrel in New Yoiky supply a great deal of comedy, as they ar natural-born gamblers In so far as betting goes. They tackle th races and th ball .game with a lust that is re freshing. Errol finds opportunity to straighten ont all -the troubles of his friends and the people who hav become Involved with him, and at th same time he develop a splendid siege ef true love. Miss Lawreno has a fin part in th person of Mary Lawton, ,., whom Errol (Edgar Baume) love. The Deanes are on their flrat visit-to Nan York and Mrs. By ars 'makes It a novel trip. The play has mad a big hit In th eaat and is sure to please her on ac count of Its strength. Its Ingenuity and Its human Interest - Th csat Is as fol lows: James Errol, Edgar Baume; - Harry Lawton, Howard . Ruaaell; Mathew Lawton, Harry D. By ere; Simon Dean, William , Dills; Andrew Burke, John Sainpolls;' Charley Reld. Burt L King; Messenger, Harry MacAuilffe; Martin Ferris, William Harris) Msry Lawton, Miss Lillian Lawrence; 1 Mrs. -Simon Deane, Mrs. It, I). Byers; Jessie Deans, Mlaa Jewel Power. , , . Time Preaent ., PUc New tork,. i i mTTOfl TiTtn "VTTi'WrnO Act 1 Mathew Lawton's . drawing room. (San Dlabolo above par). Act 2 A gsrret-4nv4wYork-Cityr- (San Dlabolo fall). -. - r ' Act l-r-Mathew Lawton's office. - (San Dtabolo wavers). . Act 4 Mathew Lawton's '. drawing room. (San Dlabolo 171). - -. - v:w if : Henrietta Croemaa Coming-. 1 Henrietta Crosman will be the attrac tion at ths Helllg theatre shortly in her latest New York hit, th comedy, "Mary. Mary, Quit Contrary." Many women Of the tage,bV fads which are more . or less questionable from th point of utility. Everybody knows of. famous . artiste whose pet, is a tiger, while an other popular young American star lav ishes tenderness on a cow, another has been pictured, about -and written as. fondling a tame pig, while It Is related of a successful actress that callers at her oountry home hav to step over a live boa constrictor" -which stretcb Itself many feet In- the entrance hall. This leaves out all account of ths many who hav pet dog and horses and birds.-' Miss Crosman has neither pig nor cow nor snake to oocupy her thoughts or (Continued on .Page Nineteen.) ' 231 ' MAKE IT WASHINGTON ST s V Of . v , PORTLAN0 - r- MENS ' OWSON. ,ClOTHt$7, : .','. '- -. - . ' . . . ' . ..' ; ' ;; -' . .' " -' ' ' V t '-r- v ;; : -