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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (June 10, 1906)
THE OREGON. SUNDAY" JOURNAL, ' PORTLAND,' SUNDAY MORNING, JUNE 10. 1SC3. 17 : COPY OF FAMOUS PICTUfig MLL DE BLESSED .Picture One of th feature of the celebration of tha faaat of St Anthony today at St.' Michael's church will ba tha blessing of a work of art just completed by George Da Pyro of Roma and lata of San Fran claco. The picture, which In future will ' hang above th altar. Is a copy of Guido -Ttenr-great' painting. "The Archangel 1 Michael 1 While in Ban Francisco Mr. Da Pyro painted two large - pictures for th churches 8C Peter and Paul and 8L. Ig natius. The morning of April II found him homelea and hla art treasures and library gone. Joining tha relief forces, Mr. D Pyro scted as Interpreter, and by means of his knowledge of three (Continued from Peg 8txtea, - the table and sideboard were banked WIIR La Franc rosea.- rink and white tulle were Interwoven on th chandelier. The wtddlng cake was eut and Mlas Daley Freeman secured th heart,-Mr. Gadaby the money. George Barker th ring and Mr. Honeyman the thimble. . Dr. and Mrs. Walker will be at horn after Auguat 1 at 7(6 Schuyler street. In Irvlngton. ,, . . :. ' t , - .' .. . -ww- - The wedding of Mtaa Georgia McBrld Olltner and - Pink , Charles Patterson Thursday evening waa the prettiest horn wedding of th week. '"The cere mony was performed at-the home of th bride's father and about 70- gueata were there. Rev. Bruce Woiverton officiated. It was a marguerite wedding and th parlors and halls showed quantities of the flowers. The mantlea war banked with them and large vases war filled with them. Dalay chains were drawn bout tha room. Th ceremony took place under a bower of marguerites and feme and a lovers knot of white -tails was held In plac by a whit dove. Vpetairs In the dressing - room there t-er quantities of Rink La Franc roses. " The bride wore a handsome gown ef whit Japanese satin crepe. , It was eut empire with a bertha or duchess lac and rose point - Her Veil was caught up with a solitaire diamond and there were a few clusters of orange blossoms. Her other ornament was a beautiful pearl star with a single largctliamond caught i crescent - of pearle. Her bride. msldTwer WUe1nr-HTW-LtireTiTnt Kama, and Mlas Angle Mcculloch r Ba- 'le-m. Mlaa Wllllama wore white net and Miss Culloch whit silk and both carried maiden hair -fern Interwoven with green Illusion. Charles West was the best man. Th bride's brother. Kd tnond C Olltner. played th wedding "march, and she waa given In marriage fcy her father. - I . ' During the reception following th i bride's father. ' bar ' brother ' and Mrs. Kdmond C Olltner, snd her aunt, Mrs. ' Iff) man. ' received with vMr. and Mr. Patterson.- Mrs. Olltrr- wor French . net with a Pink caat over valenclenne - lace and don with pale blue ribbon, Mrs. Dolman wore-black net over silk, snd th bridegroom's slster-ln-lsw. who waa a prominent figure, wor asbss-of-roaea allk -trimmed with lace. Tha dining-room emphasised th green snd whit plan- of th whole- wedding. ' A bank of whit carnation was on th table, and chains of feather fern tater weven with while illusion reached out ' ever th cloth.. Th green- eandle were ' held - In sliver .holder. . . Th refreah msnts werejtn th sains colors. Miss SOCIETY 0 " A to Bo Blessed Today st St Michael's languages ha helped In reuniting a num ber ef families who war unable to speak English. Arriving' in Portland h mad himself known to Father Os tein, who : recognised his ability ; and gay him 'an . order-for a copy , of th 'Archangel MIchaeL" :.... ; , , Tha about"ths 1 sis of the original painting, th canvas measuring T by II feet Th figure of St Michael standa out boldly from a rich, dark background. Mr. De Pyro being particu larly suoceaaf ul n his management of light and shade. He -understands color, the deep rich hues the bold masters em ployed, and he uses this knowledge with telling effects Ha Is also thoroughly Grae Brltte-eaaght the bridal bouquet and when-the cake was cut Miss Edith Oaddts secured th ring, and Mlas Ruth Oabrtslson th money. - Mr. and Mrs. Patterson ' want to ths beach on their honeymoon' and will be ar bom after July it at T71-Everett trt.- '- . ,.t 1,1 A pretty June' wedding of more than uaual Interest was that of Mlaa. Nellie iialfsrty and Clarence LUlle, on Wednea day morning. June . at Aberdeen. 'The marriage took plac at " th realdenc of the bride's parents. Mr. snd Mrs. P. F. Halferty on East Third street ths Rev. E. R. Prttchard ef th Presby terian church, performing th ceremony. The attendants were Mr. and Mn. Our P.iHalferty. Th bride was charming In a gown of whits point d" esprit aad car- fried a bouquet of whit rose. An elab orate wedding breakfast was served, af ter which th young ojrople left, for a short wedding trip-' to Portland. - Upon their return they will go to housekeeping in trre horn prepared by the groom. Mrs. Lllll Is th eldest daughter f Mr. and Mrs. P. K, Halferty, and . Is a young womanV of rare charm and winning per sonality. . Th family formerly lived In Oregon -. where . thay have . many friends.-- .---'.-.-r - . . At th home of J.-Wr Bailey in Irving- ton Mlas Edna L Bailey and Charles A. taver wars unftad In marriage Wednes day evening, Jane i. by Rev. Clarence Tru Wilson. 1 Th house - waa beauti fully decorated with wild rosea. Mrs. O. Li Prlc sang ; In charming vote Longfellow' -"Horn Bong," and th bridal y party entered to th strains of "LOhengrtn," plsyed by Mrs. Edward. P. Northup. The bride waa lovely in a lao embroidered gown with a veil and ear rled,; Brldrosea. 8he waa attended Jiy her slater." Mrs. Drew Farker' Price, as matron of honor. Ubert K. Hall acted as best man.- After th ceremony and congratulations Mr. ' and Mfa. g taver left for an extended trip on the sound and British Columbia - - ; r w Miss Mildred Doty and J Cleveland Holt were married with, a simple cere money Tuesday evening at the bride's home at Flrland. About tl of th rel- atlrea-and Im mediate friends mad p th corapany, wltneealng tha marriage. H- ' V. . Mllligaa played the wedding march. The horn wa prettily decor ated with flows rs and woodland greens. Edwin McKlnlay attended th- bride groom and th bride's twin sisters, Cora and Rhode, war hr attendanta They were gowned In pink and carried' pink carnatloa. The bride wor-whits silk with a veil and orange bloeeoms -and carried a shower- of Bride roe. Mr. and Mrs. Holt will be at horn oa 8 v. aoteeath street . ; w ' w V ' On th evening ef Saturday, Jun , at th realdenc ft th bride's parents, v Church.. familiar with ths original painting, and. In consequence, gives mora than a faith fol reproduction of line and color, in terpreting the spirit and sentiment of ins masters iaes in a way mat aenoiea the htghrat artlatlo feeling. as well as th sklU with the bands. ' , Th picture will be hung above' the alter. wnien- apace -mi rerda a1 beautiful setting for it Lovers of art In Portland will welcome Mr. D Pyro'a work a an acquisition to tha art of tha city. The securing of this picture for tha church will be among tha laet-c-f tha services rendered by Father Ostein for St Mi chael's, as he la leaving that pariah soon to fjll tha vacancy left by th death of aionaeigtrof ciauc'U' HI North Ninth atreet Cliarlea Edward Traverse and Mlas Rosa M. Van Fleet were married. Rev.- H. - Charles Duns- more, D..D., performed th ceremony In the presence of a few Intimate friends of th bride s family. Dr. E. L. ' House has' had three wed dings this week, th first being on Mon day when B. H. Haun and Mlna Noar E. Decker, war married;- the second -on Tuesday when he united Otto Waegll of snawno, Wlsconaln, and -.Mlaa Ida A. Marquardt aad th third on Thursday evening, th couple ' being George 8. Palmer and Mlaa Delia Earl of this city. ' .'. ' Miss Lydla Alma Woehrle and Mar tin Albert Ty o wer married ' Wednes day evening at the realdenc' of O. C Woehrle. . Rer. J. Bowersox officiated. A number of friends witnessed th' cere mony and aupper was served afterward. Mr. and M re. Tyo .wlll b at bom at ttt Mason street - . "f:- . George-All en Bonter. and MTss Ade laide Lorendo Cummlngs' were married laat week at 111 Flrat street by Rev. Georg Jackson. ? . MUSICAL NOTEST Thursday evening Mrs. Ros Bloeh Bauer gave 'her final pupil recital for th year-at Aeolian halL Many friends had to be turned a way, for both th In ner and outer hall were filled before the program began. Th recital was much enjoyed by all and some aplendld work was done by many ef the aingers. Th trio by Mlas Orenter, Mlas Maatlck and Miss Coffee waa especially compll- her pupil and did some brilliant work herself. The program follows: Chorua; "Peggy" (Neldlinger), (al "Au Melnem Grosen Schmerien"(FransK'D)I "At Pnrt- Ing" (Rogers), (c) '"Little IHah Girl" (Lohr), Mr.. Da via; fcA Memory" (Park). Mtaa Helen Bennett; "Ah. 'TIS S Dream" (Hawley). Mr. Von Rheln; "Reverie" (Borowakl). ' Miss . Frainey; ' "Rechte Zelt" (Nevn). Mtaa Compton; "Em be re" (Shelley). . Mr. Alexander Samuel; "When Too Speak to Me" (D Harde lot. Mlaa Effle Johnson: "I'm W sarin' Awa". (Arthur Foota). Mra Vlggera; "Reatless JUver" (German). Miss Made line Stone; "Douglas Gordon" (Kelley)', Mlas Sei;' "gong -of a Heart" KTunl aon). Mlas Alma Swan son; "Merrily I Roam" (Slelfarth), Mia G renter: ."Dawn" (Ie Hf rdejojj, 'Lsy - Song" (Brown). Mlas Carrie May; trio, "Lift Thine Eye" (Mendelssohn). Mlas O re nter. Miss Maatlck,. Mlas Roe Coffee; "VixikllimMcht." "Der - Nuaahaim" f(Schumann). Mies - 'Mildred Meyein Snow flakes" ' (Cowen).' Miss Katharine CHara; "Hear Me, Ta Winds snd Wares" " (Handel), Miss Letourette; "When th $loa Bloom" (RelcbarO. Mlaa Mstschek; (a) "But the. Lord la Mindful of-Hla Own" (Mendelssohn). b) "Mondnachf (Von Flellts). Miss Harriet Johnson; (i) "lion Coaur Louvr a ta volx" (8alnt-8aens, bX-Duramer Nlghf YJorlng Thomaa), (c) "I LOvd But The" (La Forge), Mlaa Maatlck: (a) "Tha Danza" (Chadwlck), b) "Counaela to Nina" (Wcrkcrlln), Mlaa Grace Gilbert; a) ' "I Do Not Aak" (Neldttnger). (b) "I Para Not Ballava It" (Schumann), (c) "Vlolela Every whera" (FlellU). Mlaa Jaaala Parkr (a) "Herodlade" (Maaaanat), (b) "Panala DAntolnne (Maaaanat), (e) "Kaahmera Bone" (from Indian Love Lyrics) (Fin den),, Mrs. George Da via; (a) "Halden rosleln" (Schubert), (b) "Wldmung" (Schumann), tc) "Wars I a Star" (Hw ley), Mlaa Abrama; chorua, "Sleep, Llt tla Baby of Mina" (Dennee). , V ', W W-; Tha programe for .tha eommaneament recital and concert at St. Helen's hall this week will, ba under tha direction of Mlaa Gheen of tha piano department, aa folloara: r Tuesday; I p. m. "Country Dance" (Nevin), Mlaa Alice Lamb, Mlaa Flora Darla: "The' Gingerbread Man" .Gay nor). Mlaa Bernlce Crawford-, "Sonatina Allegro" Kubellk). Mlaa Mildred Mor gan! "Tha Little Dustman" (Brahma), 4-Mla Aansa Ralatoni "Bttda-aml-Btoaf aoma" (Noe. i and 5). (Gurlett). Mlaa Helen Hart; -"Huaheea" ' (Need ham), Mlaa ' Margaret Boots; Pledge Roaea" (Sohubert), Mlaa Dora Rome; "Soherso" (Schubert). Mlaa Millard Bird; "Julia's Garden" "(Rogers), Mlaa Alfca Lamb; "Minuet de Moaart" (Scholhoff), Mlaa Flora Davis'. "Spring Bong" (Schu mann), Mlaa Pearl Wilbur; "Valae d' Amour" (Schutt). 'Mtaa Marguerite Croaby; "Popplea" '(Deoven), "Found" (Von der Stucken), Mlaa' Vera Buttera. . First Half. Tuoeday Evening "So nata F Major" (Moiart). Mlaa Ethel Hackett, Mlaa Hllla, second piano; "Air da Ballet" (Chamlnade), Mlna Dolly Gil bert; "Tha Singing , Leaves" (Lowell), Mlaa Francea Conlln; "Novelletten." op. II (Schumann), Mlaa Marie Van der Moat: 'The-BrWoe-o Kndorey'H Inge low). Miss Ada Weat; "Warum" (Schu mann), "Valae" (Leachetltiachy), Mlaa Dorothy . Morrison;. "Coneolatlon" ( Ar pad Luaalo). "Sparks" (Moskowskl). Mlaa Maude Carlisle; "Overture au Man fred" (Schumann), quartet, Mlaa Maude Carlisle. Mlaa Maude van Duaen. Mlaa Marguerite Croaby, Mlaa Hazel Robb; Tha Statu Scene from "The Winter's Tale" (Shakespeare), Mlaa Ada Weat, Mlaa Helen Dobla. Mlaa Francea Con lln. Mlaa Hasel Kennedy, Mlaa Pearl Wilbur. . V -. I . Second Half Cantata, ' "Springtime' TTOT Ada- Weal flrat aeu'aae, Mlaa "D6r0thF"M6rrlon"Setrl"pT)n Mlffa , yirglntH,fjirt dj rectress, Mlaa tsnook, accompanist M ism Hllla, v - - - v- - : --- ' Th following program waa given- at Aelolan ball, Wednesday evening, by the Junior pupils of Miss Dorothy Nash and Gilford 'aah. - Tha-ehlldrea ,tt 414 well and aome did remarkable work. Little Brma Ewart brought forth storms of applaue and waa pronounced a won der. IJttle Helen Wegman and Dorothy Walton, who have appeared before In recital, sustained their reputation tor clever work. - "Homealckneaa" (Demuth), "Jack and the Beanstalk" (Florence Maxim),, Helen HalL four months' Instruction; "Ro- mance" (Schumann), "Blclllsn" (Bchn- mann). Carolyn Friendly, nlna montha inatrucUon; ' Melody amuthX"vea-Ti5 Frolic" (Harris), gelma Meyer; Vradle Bone" (Vin I,ee.r "Stscnato Mlnuet(-W. O. Smith. Amy Rothchlld:-"Under th Leavea (Thome). "Impromptu" (Thome). Florence Norval; ."Gavottee Pastorale" (Oaear Schmidt). "Rondo" (Kuhlau), Erma Ewart; "Shepherd's Tale" (Nevin) "Cradle Song" ; (B. O. Klein)., "Arab- eaqu" (Karganoff). - Dorothy Walton "Butterfly" -(OHeg), Night Song" (Schumann), "Witches' Dance" (Mc Dowell), Evelyn Ewart; . "Hunaarlan Dance." four hands, (Hoffman), Evelyn and Erma Ewart; "Invitation, to tba Dance," for two pianos, (Weber), Helen Wegman and Dorothy Walton. v v. .. - The marriag ef Mlas Harriet 8. Baker and L. R. Busan took plac at th horn of th bride. ISt Roas atreet. Wednesday afternoon.' Miss V. B. Stelnegger waa the - bridesmaid - and George N-Hardier- attended the- bride groom. Th bride was elaborately gowned in whit and carried a 'bouquet of Bride rose. Rev. Henry A. Harden officiated. Luncheon waa served ' In th dining room after the ceremony. Among th guests were Mrs. Mary A. Busan, th groom's mother, of 8t. Louis; Mrs. .H-G.3Unsk thabrlda'a slater; . Qenrgai Johneon of Phoenix, Aiisona, and Mr. and Mrs. C H. Baker. Mr. snd Mra Busan left on tha avenlng train for SeatUa Th following program was gtven by ths younger music pupils of St. Hel en's hall Thursday afternoon: Sym phony, O ; major, "Andante" (Haydn Kuhner). . Mlaa Marguerite Bergh, Mlas Myla Chambera ; Trfay Pole Dane" (Gurlltt), "Mlsa My la rhambers; -Bfrr- carole" (BartoiioH "Trumpeter's Ser enade" (Splndler), Mlsa . Anna StretftT "Sonatlne-Alegro" (Kuhlau). Mlaa Dixie Bord: "Daffodlla" (Orth), Mlas Eileen Le Mon. Mlas Fme Burton; "Happef- Thoughts" (Dennis), Mlas name Bur- kion; "Scherao ' (Rohde), Mlaa Frances Joaeph; "March," "Dane" (Bads). Hlu Gladys Curry. - t x . '-- w.w 1 Ths Treble Clef club, under th di rection ef Mrs. Walter Reed.' held Its last meeting for the season last Thurs day. The club will reeume Its re hearsals th flrat of September with th following members: Mrs. Sander son Reed. Miss Ethel Lytle. Mrs. Jorv dan Purvlne, Mlas Helen Lytle, MlsS Kathleen Lawler. Miss Hilda Hegele, Mra J- E. Howard, Mlas Helen Biig ham. Mra. William Hblman, Mrs. Er nest Laldlaw. Mia Mabel Mlllts, Mra Brroa K. MUler. Mtaa Vlda Reed, Mra Lulu MUler. Miss- Evelya - Hurley end Mra. Wslter Reed. Frederick W. Goodrich has been en gaged for a second organ recital at St. Paul's Episcopal church, Ths Dalles, to be given oil Tuesday evening. Jane IS. Th program will Include, among other Item. Bach's D major fugue and Han del's B fist organ concerto. w Mrs. Ross Bloch-Bauer and Mrs. Wal ter Reed leave Tuesday evening to give Wsrtnsaday at Kllenahurg. Wsshlnatdn, under Ibe abplci-or Th Ellenaburg Woman's club. Mis Vlda Reed, contralto, will be the soloist for the Portland academy commencement exercises - Friday even ing at tba rirat Baptist cnurcn. t WW. Mlas Ros Coffee supplied Jn th synagogue choir Friday for Mrs., W. A. T. Bushong. contralto. .'(-' w w- '- ' Mra Walter Reed wilt be heard In solo at the coming Chautauqua held at Gladstone park. - t .ENGAGEMENTS. Miss LlllUn T. Eisen will be married next Thursday In Los Angelew to Wll- V Irk of ikal rile Sha left Thuraw day night with her father. Dr. William Eisen, the Danish vice-consul at this porti Th ceremony - will take plan In th First Presbyterian cnurcn. H. A. H ye caasot obtain ArbnckW ARlOSA Coif es at a nearby store, send as poaal or express avoocy onJcr lor $10 asd ws will send baaipaiUuoa paid to your freight auoioa ten peands of Arbucklss' ARlOSA Coffee ia s atreag wood bos. ', Th $10 pays for both hanjportetioa sad coffee, snd diem will be sotbing -stof to pay. Price fluctuates and caasot be taaranlced (or any period. The coffee will be sHippcd ia the origiaal wrappers ' oearing the agnaiuie of Arbuckla Bras. 10 pailssai i 10--aignatMrsai W gvo prsienU (or ognatures aad will sesd free if you write for g, new book with colored pictures ef 97 useful and Valuable nreaestt for wen of Arbucklea' AWOSA. , - : -t Dos't buy loose ffoeery-store coffee, for Voa aever can tcQ whets it comes front; where it baa . been, or bow much k bas bees bandied. Tbess ii sotkins; to sientif it except the price, ao way to know positively tLet you ate actually lecetving , wKat you pay for. You doa'l kaow, aad the grocer doesn't kaow. You tmai bim, be truss) eoBjebody wbo trusts soebody cla. Coffee value are deterauaed by flavor aad cap quality when cooked, sot by ojtfwajd appearsac sat by lbs price asked t -About loose grocery store coffee yea caa ba aor only of ibis rtbst k cofkxktba dast of nSs stars sad freely abssrba impsrkies, . You Buy sot w'asb il yes ssust amply cook it asd dasi itdustaadalL " . ' Proud foot gave a supper In honor of Miss Etsen Wednesday evening. . t" - - rsed. re r,t anrr"'r"HT'g the yornlng meyer, the daughter of O. H. Spring Minnesota.' Th wedding will take place -tmxr at StrlJiwrenr cmiiriT; Th marriage of,Mlss Greta Strlckler and B. Allen Percy will-take place at -.o'clock; . Tuesday-vaing v at-at, Stephen's chapel. ' . ' 7 .'rri.'-- erv- The marriage of Mlas Ethel Hudson to Charles Walter Wheeler will take plac Monday evening, fun 11, In this city..- ... "- COMING EVENTS. th Daugh ter ef tb Confederacy will hold Its -regular "bimonthly meeting Friday even ing of this week In tha committee room at the city halt All southern people, whether member of th chapter or not. are Invited to be preaent. All peraona attending will find the entrance to th city hall on Fifth atreet. . Members of the chapter will pleas not th change of the date of meeting from Thursday to Friday evening. w ' Th Children's Lyceum and th Dra matlo and Musical elub of tb Flrat Spiritual society hsve united snd will meet every Sunday In Artlaana' hall, 106 Vt Third street, near Washington, at t o'clock. There will he a good musical program and all ar Invited. w Th postponed picnic of th Illinois St udy-eluk--wilt-take- piae on Wed nee ds y. June It st 1:10 o'clock st the horns of Mra W-C Jones, St Bain street. Taks U Car. : PERSONAL. Dr. Wight of this city wss In Sutsun th latter part of the week to attend hla- brother-in-law, Carl Martin, who la UL Mra. Newton L. Cornel he of Helena, Montana, is visiting Mrs. Frank' Schle gel, (ST Lovejoy atreet. Mrs. E. D Witt Connsll returned Sat urday, night a week ago after her ab- a year In Europe. 8h spent the last six weeks In New Tork, though Dr. Connell returned directly horn. . ----- Mr. A. J. Bloch and daughter. HeTlen and Florence, have returned from Orr Ml Wy IpW - Aw4v " m-i . m s s ,' Among: ths noUble msrrlagcs of. th past week wa that which.' took piae at Kenwood Wednesday evening. When Miss Dora L. Ham mam became th wife sf Charles C- Onrdner. Th marriag waa solemnised st th bride's borne. The ceremony was a quiet one, attended by enly a-few relatives and friend of tha fcrld and groom: Rev. Mr. Smith of Sell wood officiated. Th bridesmaid . r ', J ' '. ' ' - Ti. . . j l . i m a v t . I I Pei ,wea wa mai waren wua II I 1 I I at Kenwood Wednesday evening. When 1 II l I Miss Dora L. Ham mam became th wlf f f - Z Doa'l yoa uka it so matter wheuW lbs price be 10 casta or 35 cents. Insist on baring Arbucklea ARlOSA Ueed."Th geaaina Ar buck Irs' ia sold oaly k sealed oa pound packagaa that sever costaia lest than a full pound sod stack yoa cjuacily boa lb suO snbssffled aad para. It will keep freak foe yeaa. Each berry is bennetically sealed witk S coanng of frask eggs aad granulated aagart wbicb pweenee strengtb and laver, snd settles the coffee quickly wbea cooked. Tbs an original " Mother's process-1 si ill J by-tbis 4ns, is wbicb lb cbsracterishca of our skilled coles j blending sod roasting are sscared (or you intact ao matter bow distsot yout locebcai sod uSese am sot to be compared witk crude ncrhods oa a atoallet scale. It is best te griad st boat as wanted j warning it sUgKtly Bakes k esiy to grind aad develop tbat delicices cup cjualky peculiarly Arbackku.. ' , Tbi. is tk tarns ArbockW Roasted Coffee, the same turn that introduced k thirty ssvm yesrt ago. Through every vicissitude of all uSosa long yean Arbuckks' ARlOSA bat sintsisad ss reputacioa witk corneas are, aad ks tales bav multiplied sntil we lo-day bvy toatLSpd tell sors coffes men lbs four sext laigest coskssbs ul the world combated. Huadmdt of feeble awhile have casts aad gone asms) to die in the benung, etbew to iosrisk brieffy, decay sad past away. -.. -. Yoa wsl kaow bow goed Albacklat l-T?irnflRI ABSOLUTEf.V FREE -Tatcacheravof-41 braivcheofllatic and EIocntLon for ae-Aimiial--Samisvet"TaKBen Jane 26, and lattins 5 weeks held by the The Aleafe Cbaservstory is th best aad Btoaf eonplete Osoasr ; vstary of Msste la Aaierlca. CHICAGO CONSERVATORY. ciuaes usiiy . Tk e feealty eav braces the most emi nent taa tractors tar as foaad la , Borope -AKerlea. - The Chteage Oe take s persoasl Interest la tnra. N Delsarte. LeC J"' Faalle Bahsel Sflssie, the welfare and arosrese ef . . .7. -Tl MKw4 - ""I' OeeaterselatL El, every studset. - - tUIBS Oil Metnoos--Jatioe, Oratory, Oj-rs, Bi. ' ot interpretation, ma, isin i. .- Ha Akift Oenservatery ef- .... The CorressoBrtent Dep't ef tee fers better sdsats-es an far a fUlesso CoDservstnry will for te ralttoa thaa any other On- COME and - slsfe Jrmt intotmrntUm - aeeralas servstorr. Beard sad reoat secured rrp;T anme- 0T atasleal eableet snS sit la the east fsaulUe at apseial atea.yr . asskes , of araslesl lastmuwass. -N H, W- pianos, vtollaa, orgaas, baail la Th rail Tersj opens Beot. 11th; " Ideas. etrosstate. ete., aa4 will sire free ake row erraaavsMets ' HOW. Bead ii- a4vtrs- sod aid la the arasalssrtoa Be stamps fnr free illnsrrsted rata- - and- Btalntensare of Cboral I'lnta, logaa. Add-as J. A. Hlashaw. Kawle " , . " Oivrrh Choirs. Orebostrss aad Basds, timr, Oaiosgo Coaasrvstory, AaditasruuB TT ssd wtn aeatst ta sweorta - toe east Bailillngi a- n. r ., Unm tot art tat taleat far coacerta, - ALLEirS ' FOOT-EASE q A CsrUla Csrs-lor Tiros, Hot, AcklRf Net NNeUsaayOC-aAa OO NOT ACCEPT A SUBSTITUTE. gon City snd are the guests of Mr. and Mrs.- Leo Sellig. 447 West Park. James Llsk Is . vlalttng'-old time f rtndsWATistofenrjvlj0rs rJ 1 f Morrison street. .... , PENDLETON TO BEAUTIFY ITS PROTECTING LEVEE Wpeelal P la sales as The oeiaal.- Pendleton. Or.. Jun . Th Pendle ton city council has plana under wsy for tasking ths lev Into a beautiful park. Tho levee will be strengthened by tree and gravel along ths top to prevent future floods. v . SEND MERINO BUCKS Tj-50UTHWEST-SECTI0N -" (BseeM Dlapsteh te The Joarasl.) Pendleton.- Or., June) I Two . thou sand fin Merino bucks have been driv- urn Mtu: : y- - 2 ; - s. w':vyv'A-A.';.:.!l I III; if M1 ' : I" : I'.r. tnA L'n, Charles C Cx' "-n, whlla. Frank I n se b-' f was I' 1 C ' rt "re1 !f i st t a i ef LV. C na- a ! ( si 4Vlsl I a ii a) ail ARlOSA .rally i. ff-you try I aad sccbsIbhJ toft, k furnishes juat the proper tmsslant. ensbUs as to wkhstaad latigua, acrmsi lb pewen of mdursnra, sjaickeas tha pul clears ap the brsia aad pets bseit bae the wsrk- That it a, lb bast, avae) wbnltsnis coffas to b bad tor the SMaey it proved by ss saormout tales, which exceed moseof all Other packaged coffees ia the United Ststes cosL iaed. Adckess sat nearest Office Bog Dept. -.JM?U3X BROTHS 71 WaarasMtj NswYwk Cay. 100 MxWa Anaes, Oiieass, DL ' taWr As. aad WmJ V. Pimssiah, Pa. . 421 SswaSt 9m. 9k Leas, Ma. IF. CYQUR GROCER REFUSES TO SELL ARBUCKLES ARlOSA COFFEE WE WlLLr-SENDYOU- 10 lbs. BO AID ef KTT. -' SIOAI. - 03KO. -TOUr Hr. VII. The Summer Normal- CoUrae In- . Skaw) StS glasses laugnt or -wans t , kins. Dr. - in an oat bmineni insirucnas Snnaaes ij.i.l in the following branches : asasBWeW, sum ILnnf ' w1"' OaaU.Ll Public . School MUSIC, -Werde. Star a. C MrlU, PUno. Elocution and J ffrTrsT rr Oratory, Physical Cul- rui. vsai, TieUa. Or. FN Cat Trial racks. Addrsss, Alts B. Olmsted, LsBoy.W.T. ss every hex. n In from th - Cunningham Sheep M Land, cornpany a ranch, and will be shipped" over th Northern Paclfl to Denver and New Meslco. Half tt Jfha band wtli ; be reft a4 Denver, and th" remaining 1.400 will be placed on tba market in New Mexico. , . ' -- -- Yellowttone National Park. Th government official entrance is) ylathaJfortbrn . Pacific Livingston, Montana,, and Gardiner gateway. . It I the wonderland ef th worUfr . llmltlea - In recreation opportunlUaaa Offering th finest coaching trip In America and th etudy of nature's moat wonderful phenomena. It may b seen . sa a sld trip sn routs to or from the? eaat. ...... .... Special excursion rates for th rovadl trip will b mad during th lumnir t points at, nd Tsllowstoa para: should be Included. Join th "Sea America Plrst" club and tra-sl via th Northern Pacific. Particulars st ticket office. tSS Mor liaon atreet. comer Third. rlll t ; '1