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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (June 10, 1906)
v , . : " - i r T 1 - , Eivjk ' 1 P'AGES 15 T0.23 SECTIQIl TV0 V ," III 4 i f ' I 1 T SJ , Ww ' , ' . : ' ' ' . - ' ";" ' PORTLAND, OREGON, SUNDAY MORNING. JUNE 10, 1908. ' t . ' ' ; . .. , . n msasBm.i. n " vi"i i ' " ' i iiBiina ii . ' i Tm n lawiisami isii mi ' i '" ' ' ie i . jp-a-agj-ggqjtp, Largest and Most Complete Stock of Dependable Merchandise for personal wear and household use of any store on the Pacific coast Always the First store in Portland to show the most recent novelties. First to present approved styles before the city's Court of Fashion.' I. I 7t I. Jf h H-)T &adl Annual June "lYftfc Fait? Second Week Which gives convincing proof daily that it 1 ' does under-buy and under-sell all others in ' its territory of its willingness to share with . ' its clientele the benefit of all price conces- sions gained by reason of immense outlet- -and prestige in market: Ample evidence has been given our public thro years, past, that Olds, JVortman A King always bring , Tthe newestjbest and most desirable and"de- - pendable - meixhandise7torthcirpatrong at prices lower, than the same Is, or can be, . ' offered elsewhere in Portland. The -rapid growth of this Portland's leading retail store is oracular evidence of appreciation . ' by the people. Some of the most phenom- : , enally successful purchases in our history have been made recently, and the-, best ; i values ot all the season await you Monday 4 ? in every department of this great store. To- , morrow opens the last , week of the great , annual Tune TWhite Sale," and every article , : or fabric in white (except contract, goods) ' Temainiirf tductioa until Saturday at clbs-r .' ing time 6 p. m., . -,' .v , '. v V-.-..'MIHCJ 9K I &adls- 2Mb ;ibM . Jtmbroidered -.. Stocki Very Mtt and pretty our 16 value; special sal BXii each takreidsred 3; Ton . Poll are- Home In- whiter; - some In colore; also some In --.loe; special sal price, ea. .4 Beautiful Jamie Vet Taraoves Top ' OoUara With lace ease bortierr ow zbo ranier epaetar ti Tjfrerrthia That's Watte ixwpl Mntr&ot ..od.) . ii all the rroas ' ITAWDS EEDUCtO THIS WIU! Seve mi the Willie ' GoxU Tmv'U Thro' the Taw 7 Yar ' thatlng Hew. The Different Store Fifthi Sixth and Washington Streets The Daylight Store Cleverest Summer Wash Suits In Tom on Special Sate Uonday ,' . . i; v Second Floor Salons Beautiftti$3Sl60zLlodels - for $26.85 . VfTwo '''iaaat arrlTala, ' both the meet beautiful raodele hown tola eon In the dainty, charm ing collection of fetch Inf. dtaphanoua sovaa. '.' forming Portland' fore- ' tnoet - ahewinc of eum-.- mersdreaeea for dlaerlm lnatlng women who lor ' pretty toilet tea that lend " a , cool, bewitching look ; .' to their wearer even 6n ' "the botteat of'wnmmer'e' : 1 daya. BulU In this of- ' ferine are In figured 1m- ' .. ported organdie built jhl ' the prince -model' and exqulaltely trimmed in- Valenclenaea lacea. Tho have the modlah elbow ' aleerea and yoke of aU-orer Valenciennes lace. colorlnga are most beautiful. . . , - , . Another lot consists of i-ptgee suits ot handsome 7 mereeriMd- mull. Is foil silk lined and skirt has silk drop; colorings are in the plain shades of - light blueb pink; Urender, gray and wnlte; th faiiBy wilit end sktrt I ulnhorately trijnmed .uLr Jal Insertiona jtt Imported ,; laoe Clean the Summer doves tSo Olore Cleaner fo lao. . OliOVB SHOP FIRST FLOOR. - "You'll need a glove cleaner this season, for your light glove , . Ask for the "Magic" kid glove cl.nwiWgul.axtlce : pe- Special Sate of Fine Mai enclennes Laces r 1 Fine ' v Valencten- , nea Edges and Insertions,"; r r worth 0o y . ... dosen yards. ' Special, at the .dosen yds... 42 i a Qtir- M4o value, special atM the ...... -dosen yards ........63 .-' Our 5o value, special at the - - 'dosen yards .......69 -rOwpSovalne. special at-the - ' dosen yards 50r :i .: I Z"T Va I -.,: ri.J;sV. rial" has. , . I IJT WiSif - W i. I ' -4V4 IV" I T. . . X .v . y?Si i M I of PENNY SAYERS-For those wftoVe "Notions" to buy White pearl buttons,' 2 dozen on . .. card, special ...,...o...lO. S5c aet of S plecee fancy .Rhlne- .tmmintri n.ll hitrlr and " Side combs, special. each the fancy,4mi!Z.l '10c box assorted wire barrplns. l,Ua fJJgt.Vgl S S veuww wwe eew w u . in Portland in a special sal Monday thank the rain of the- past two weeks for the luck ; at'.... ............. f 26.85 Roberts' 5o best English needle book. . special .... .40 . Uq best grip ball and eocket map - - fasteners, special, - dosen . . 10? XverytUagTket'i Wkito ' oontrMt rood,) ii ALL THE STORE . STANDS REDUCED THJgWJ!Jt! Itn n the WhlU Oootl Tee'U V Thra' the Tu ky Tvr. aew. . WOMEN'S HANDKERCHIEFS -Positive . ; - . Great Values A great ' handkerchief- : tore, thle. .i-Tbe soare-'; of .the it-aw mate- had r4tsf ffffert pus Wnir-p -prices' of ' linen" kerchiefs; Ii isn't your store. , As, easy to give as -good . value, price ' for- price,' ' this year i as last - So. ; chances j to V get good linen handkerchiefs at ' i prices - under--r regular -r values . should be snap-, -ped up, if -you are sura- onMonday here, speclsl: - - f Womea's TSo and fl.00 Kerchiefs 40o. These handkerchiefs are-of pure .linen, hand em broidered, and-are - imported' by; us from the ' famous Richardson linen. manufacturers, t They . are worth every cent quoted, but' as a special . reminder that, our handkerchief department Is. 4n e-dtf t erent- part of thy honse we- offer them at a special price.', Remember tbe place first alale close to Washington street door, The handkerchiefs are . 1 6o . and 11.00 : values; special sale, price, each. .........48 , riaXV A3TD rAjrCT KAJTBlLBmCHlBrS. . ..... . Boa Wandkertihlefs 85c. . i A lot of fine scalloped bordered Swiss handker- chiefs, ' all nicely embroidered, in pretty de- ' signs; every one is worth soo: special sale price, each ,........ ....,,.......'..., .25 - V .100 aad MH Xaadkezehlefa for f or ftOo.. :.. Women's pure' linen hemstitched handkerchiefs. loo aiM Z4e valuesy special 1 1 1 our JrjtokeWnWs1roISr" Last Week of the. Great June White Sale Its Every Tailored Suit No w All at $15 -. or Over In the House In a Sweeping Kt Reduction, i,,, , ;, ' ; -'.- ' '. . , , i , : -The . womau'i .opportunity is come. . Of course, theyariety in " A the choosing Is too wide to ad mit of -detailed description. Brev- ity put it thii way :' Largest' nd , ttipptetcJitiowuig ..Qt. cor'.'...4 y reet models in the citjr.r We use he superlative became being the . - leading garment "store irt Port- ;' land onr aoparcl salons . and locks are obviously the biggest in the city. Every correct model in' princess, eton ,, and jacket ef-' fects, every wanted material and -coloring and smart " mixture, '. . every approved gtyle of the ml- ing .season, all with the bare exception of white which are all.''; J. reduced are "radically less. Ex-. T-tt irZXi it mm j ... independently ample : I , Starting at $15.00, now... ..flO.OO , $20.00 suits, special at.. .............. ..f 12.33 $25.00 suits, reduced to . . , i v , , .. i . - v. . 'And on through the stocks to $175 at proportion ate reductions. r.i, -;"'rz.r:, Toadies' pure -. and sheer; all-linen 'handkerchiefs, very - fine our 26c value; special sale price. The Smart Summer Coats Reduced .:' . to a Third. vf m. ' - Three-quarter and 24-inch models, stunning gar ' .ments, in swagger plaided and check effects, also v ,r .. the; AMcelLplain minting in " rich imported -roater-r" -ialshelios, tans, corals, grays," greens, pinks,, . 4 garnets., of the tailor's highest,.;., art and newest style conceptions. Values $15.01) to. $75.00 at ONE-THIRD. LESS.lVVhite coatsX .--not included. ' ' - ; PRETTY JEWELRY-less (a "... Price 'j,' - Starling silver novelties, aeale.' : " naU fHea. cutlda knives, etc, all i at special aale prices during ths , Tnits Bala." Extra special:" . SSo (Ml Plate Pkoee PraatWlso. An assortment of pretty) oval' and square. French gold'- plate Photo Frames, with easel ": -zi t backs; -- our 16c value, special at. each. .......19 ' 60s Sterling Silver Waist .. ' ' Seta SSo. " - ., v; Sterling silver WaUt,8eta,, lm a variety of .designa, '.round V.r . a ha pea: pins are all backed up . - with beat soldered - Joint and a . . -satch: coma S pins on a card;' ' ; wr 6o value, special at, the ' - pet --.-.. .-.-.,- -, . .v. .8ft ' snevltsg Uve om Sob';". w, ' gpooaa fias. ' I"'.' ., 'A good showing of - souvenir bon. . i bon spoons . of , finest - aterllng , . ; sliver; various , deelgna era- . boeaed In bowla. and a variety'' ' of stylea of handlee; our tl.69 - ' 2 tlJand -"PT10 rga Per Oaavt Slsoeamt m. "og OoUara." -fj. - ; ,: AM our fancy Jeweled metal don t a collars and pearl or cut bead T -' dog collars; all values from . : ,1 ' !. to tll-00 Included. Bps-. . . , . ' tiMl a On Temrtk Off egales:. The Best Black Silk Petticoat You EverSaw for S7.S0 Special Monday af W.69 . . We never printed a plainer truth than this: Tou'n , agree we've drawn It mild when you see 'em to ' . morrow In the second-floor Batons; a heavy black , v taffeta that will stand alone, rich," heavy, beautl- , ; ful silk, with aooordeon-plalted flounce and three .- narrow ruff lee trimmed In bands, finished with a heavy eotton dust ruffle; Monday at..f 4.69. . - - There'll be a Demand for these Silks -The Bargains Are Unusual N ; 3.500 YardaSoitine Silks, worth $1 and $1.25 :y at 67c a Yard rANNKX FIRST FLOOR FIFTH STREET. r ' , ji : SPBCTaJ-JgOia)AT, TITZSOAT, WTOHIBAT. ' : -. j .60 yards of' atyjlsh new sUks. for suits, linings . and trimming In checked and striped loulslne, taf- '' ';" l' ' fetas, foulards,. "Cheneys. ta a grand assortment -'T of colors, ths wanted grays Included. : black taf- ' ' " fetas and'peeu de soles Included; regular values . ' ' 1 '$1.09 and tl-it per yard; .special for S days only,- r- , yard .... .i..;,.. ...... .i vT Oepeadable, Tard-Wlde Blaek Taffeta. , , t. ' A. new ehipment Just received direct from the , -,,. , looms. 1 '. .."T". t ' . :' -. .. Regular $1.18 grade, 1 Inches wide,. special, yard -...T ; " Regular I l.l grade, inches w1de;vspecUl, , - . : ..... ; ;.....,..r..ri.i9 -Regular 14.TS-grade, at Inches wide, special. : .'','.s..... ?? ?.v . ;Ba42 .. ' V " ". : Ottrtom-Boad UaiVrng"' , , : This weU-known,' guaranteed silk. In every wanted . ,v , . color for either, -street' or' evening wear, always -, sold at 11.90 yard; .special for I days only, . ' yard .... w..'. .... .... ...8&4 . x. " Thta silk Is guaranteed by the maker and a printed J ' ..' guarantee goes with every purchase. 7 T i. You May Buy Any lacetr Silk or lingerie Waist in i ; Who'll Be One of the 68 Lucky Women to' Me nouse at a Kantajavmq..monaay :r:,my, , :,QetJ&m.-WhacLSummer Dress ; Have You Seen These Pret Choose from lavish stocks the largest in the city, and moat approved styles. Most women here in Portland know the llnee -too well to nee descriptive. The price Is the thing read: 111.50 .WeUti at S9.38 I2M Waiats at....f 15.00 tlt.00 Waiats at,.,.. . flil.25 .0 Waists at fl8.7S : And values np .tt) 155.99 at similar raducttoa, Are All the Needs In Dress Goods Filled? ' Tou'll save by buying Ihese tomorrow, even -though you- put --them aside for future use. Figure the savings! . What- bank - pays such interest on your money? Read of the Colored Drees " ; Goods, seduoed fo Uonday, Tuesday and Wedeadays selUag. New check suitings, all alsea. In checks, la blue and white, brown : and white, tan and white, gray and white, black and white, in ' -; foules, Panamas and wool taffeUsr-the moat seasonable stuffs. l "' in our 'stock . ' T"Regular 11.09 gradeaT pctol forX days only, ; yard .-rrrvrrs-i 82 e ; Regular grades, special for. days only, yard. 98 " ReguUr S1.S9 grades, speolal for daya only, yard......f 1.19 - Cream, dress goods at .special reductlona, the most wanted. weavea. auch as Panamas, serges, cheviots, batistes,' taffetas, si . cillamvbrllllantlnes, voiles, etamlnea, eta , 11.90 grades for. yard. ...89 -,l.7 grades for, yard. 81.48 . . 12.90 grades for, yard. 81.69 ... I1.I5 grades for. yard.fl.O&- Uii Kraaea for. yard. 81.94 $1.50 grades for, yard. 81.25 $2.60 grades for, yard. f 2.19 K00L K0MF0RTS FOR K00KING gnaolal atomdav Third Floor.- " " - '.Iron atands for gas or oil stoves; heat 4 Irons over 1 burner; , TV" special; each 35- - "girxoK armaiv oa BAvaaa. ? ll-inch oven, high closet; regular value Ut: special. .828.00 IC-lnch oven, high closet; regular value 111; special... 924.00 19-inch oven, high ahelf; regular value 36; special. 822.75 . 19-Inch oven, plain .top; regular value $l.60j special. .$14.00 Hot plates; coal oil and gasoline stoves. 1 Worth $8.50 to $20 for $W5? If you'd be one, better be on Kand early In the morn-- Ing tomorrow. The lot will melt like a "cream chocolate In a . school alrl's mouth. To close a ; 4ot-ef these cool and dainty lawn drawees stop-" evere from last season we'll allow f H-. and free - choice first come first to choose hers Monday . ,' st above marvelously low price. The dreseea sre , attractively . trimmed in pretty- laces. Insertions , , - snd embroideries, shirt waist and fancy effects; . splendid values at tne former prices, ranging up from $. to 120.09; while they laet. Monday. . ... ..'..84.95 Need a Hand Bag? See These i if Xadlee' $10 Sandbags A line of ladles handbaga , of best .grain leather,; . with either gilt or nickel V - riveted frames. They all come fitted .with conven-tent-slze coin purse; all . are moire lined and have '. beat leather handles; ccrne lnblackv. brown tan, blue, green and gray: I Zjquantlty la - limited. - sq come early; our $1.19 -value, special at. . - each . 98- SUS TUJah auik Xaadbags Se. . . An assortment of "Rajah" silk handbags, with metal framea They are in delicate shades of rose, blue, ' !. . green and purple; also white; pur $1.26 value, special at, each- ..- rritT,,',,i,, 98f y - ty Novelties in Dainty, y 'Summery Wash Dress Stuffs? , We suggest some most satls- " ' " factory "ind dafntny r "pretty mnC " mer staffs for the makings of, the numerous frocks and gowns one needs for near-by eummer daj-n. Half the department ia in white ' this week, the moat complete showing in Portland of the new set weavee and novelties in the" seasonable beautiful "tub stuffs" ' now so much In demand. Great . . values for example. '" j ... ; ' Pure . linen ' hand-embroidered -waist patterns, at 82.19, 82.24,- 8 2.64 -and fS.OS i each. -. i .- y -. '''.,..-. Scotch homespun table damask. Heavy and medium weight, spe- " cut at 63e and 85f yard. .Persian mulls and percallno clothT in fine, soft, silky finish: spe cial at 21, 26f, 30 and . .38 yard. . , .3S Whits Vowelttsw SSo. About 9.909 yards white noveltlea. In silk finish Jacquard walst zrrz:lnu. euibtoldered battet . pop- linettes, lac lawns and fancy..... v suitings; regular Value ISc: . . special, yard 25 -ls Wait Uaetto' UH. . " "White llnette" has the look of real linen; regular value 19a: special, yard ........ 12 1-2 ? rVftaf Are the Vndermuslin Needs? Rare: Bargains Await You Here Monday ' ANNEX SECOND . FLOO.. . . ' .-, -'A big eastern maker'; tred . - to monopolis certain Una ef the ' underwear ;- business . made some splendid garments, but an awful fiasco ef the ' business and . sold out at ' a loss. Son of the goods are : here." Ready Monday at bar ' . gala price. , '. ,..,'" V Ladles' fin cambric corset , covers: doubl row of lac and - beading. " drawn - ribbon - ' . and lac edging around neck v. and arm, holes;, regular 9So ,. value; special, ach...4Tt .Ladles' ftne 'cambrl petticoats; deep flounces, with ' lac er embroidery , lneertlon and4 edging, and. fcaw j---. w j. .... .'. . Regular tl59 value. ' Special, each. ...... .,.$1.18' Regular $J !S vala.. Special, each. ......... 81.47 Regular $1-7$ valua Special, each. ........ ,f 2.49 Another shipment of corset cover came' to. about . style to select from: lac or embroidery trimmed; regular price ISc; special, each ............59e ' A great assortment of ladies' gowns, ef fin cambric or nainsook, long or lbow Sleeve; high or lw .'neck, including slipover styles; regular price $3.S9; special, each .......flT Ladle fin- cambric drawers, deep lawn ruffle- f tn -hemstitched tucks; lac fmaertlon,' embroidery aad " r lac edging; regular price 75e; special. patr.48 Ladles' black, petticoats ef Italian cloth and fin sateen flounee. in a variety of styles; regular price tl.fO; special at, each.... ......... -S3.3T Record-Eclipsing Sale of Walking Skirts A', part of ' Immense purchase by our eastern : ' buyer. The product of a leading maker, eold to"' . us at actual coat of making we'll share the good fortune with our Monday 'patrons. Wev divided . ' the offering for convenience In eel ling. . SOT 1 All light 'colorings- In smart, mannish . suitings,-Panamas, fancy Imported alpacas, etc; - Bklrta mad In circular flare and flounced styles, - : plaited and gored effects: all mad up In first class workmanahip. Special as printed: . ' $!.& aktrt for ............ ..V;... ..86.38 - 119 90 skirts for .87.50 $11.90 skirts at .89.00 $li.99 skirt at ....811.25 Others up to I2S.1 at similar bargain price. AOT S consists of alpacas, serge and Panamas. . - with a few fancy mixtures Included: tnee In black, brown, blue, green, light and dark greys.'-' r- hr- mixture and blue- and brown- mixed efferrts; Just the skirts needed for vacation and outing . ' trampa. or for In-town shopping Jaunts; worth " Whtlrsaving by choosing tomorrow while prices . r quoted Uk this: . $$. skirts for .83.00 . tt.(9 skirts for .84.33 .00 skirts for 85.33 - $lfe94 skirts for -i-n tin . . . . .yrv.r . $ 6.6 7"" 1 To wn Topics and Popular Texts on I ; ViPretty Cushion Tops 'I V - wlRRK SPECIAL, AT 37c . -' . ur.- f " r u:. t . ' iu v.uaiiivu lupa - Willi . plain backs of fitte tan- ., colored . art - deaims j " stamped with the em- w .blem, of the MultncH mah -Athletic club A Portland Rowing clubA ' and Oregon Vacht . ' club. Special tTiis week ' at, each ....... ;.37t A Sweeping Clearance of : Summer Millinery at Half Price A sweeping clearance. Too many hat for the 11th of June. W are going to bal- - anoe the stocks j more evenly to morrow. Ton . may choose from 10 of the choto- eat of the season' smartest style in trimmed .and tailored or ready, to-wear hats, each positively the -biggest value la town at the reg ular prioa, an assortment embrac Ing every new and popular shape ' and desirable color; styles for all sees and becoming to every face. Grand choosing, for Monday only. : HALF PRICE i ' wants f Monday Bargains- A Handy ' " Shopping List - X Tear Seed Heret - lie can Peterman's bedbug ' -. destroyer, speclsl ........ .10 , lOo box Bhtnola shoo polish, - special .................. .74 Gilbert's 3&o felt reversible shoe polisher, special ......... 15 .Itc 4-tnrh diamond shape heavy - chlppe4-edg glass mirror, special . .... .10 I So alumlnam soap boxea, (- . .special 1... 10 . 19c box Japanese twilled linen writing paper, special ,..12 Zio crep paper lunch sets. - ' special ..17 Ic beetv. quality Ragle leadtpencll with rubber tips, special.. -Xj 20c package fin enamel-back. - playing earda, special ....15) lc tuba Carter e best photo li brary paste, special ....... .6 The You to Put These Items on Jour Shop ping list Monday ' . " ' ' SECOND FLOOR. - Infants bonnets In sa endless variety - of . style of fine lawn. lac, embroidery., ribbon and . fin hemstitched tucks trimmed -- ' Regular prices from lee. KOo, J&o, $1.99 to $7.19; srveeUI. each, 22, 37, 56f 67 tp ' ' 85.62. ' - ' Broken line ef children' whit lawn er nainsook . dresses, in Mother Hubbard or French effect. . laoe or embroidery -trimmed: only one or two . of a kind: price 19 to $7.90; your cholc at XA&P nics. ...' -.'- -'" A Trio of "Hot Favorites In Footwear Womea's 'Bin Morooeo ' ZarbWa TW Oxfords Seamless vamps, cov- - ered Cuban heels. - band turned ' - sole. They are fitted with white kid collar of entirely nw design. A very Vsmart. at-' tractive Oxford, and approprlato with elth-. ; er whlt'os-4tit dress. Price, the pair 83.50 Same style Ok fords as 'those described above, . . made with patent vamps and white tope, very pretty worn with black or white dress: price, ., . the pair vf3.C9 All . whit kid "Gibs" Oxfords, large eyelets. ' ribbon lace, hand-turned soles, covered Cuban heels; great bargain at the pric e; prlnM st. the pair .... ...,f..C ) Men May Save a Silver Half ' Of a big ' round American dollar by buying the wanted golf shirt her tomorrow. Is tha saving worth while? Special value, too, tn . Men' SO Waderweag '..'v. at STH. .4''- t splendid line ' of 'men's - summer balbriggan ' un derwear, ecru and flesh . - colored. In ribbed fabric and ecru shad tn flat bal ' brtggan; regular value 0c; special,1- :. each .3Tl-2 ' ' to " -"- 1 - --" ' SLSO 9eU Skirt tSo. V ' . . t A Una of men new summer golf shirts, fas black and whit platted, cuffs attached, coat style; also same In blu and whit and pink and whit plaids; regular value $1.89: special, each ....99 Stoslery at 1SV4. A line of men's fancy hosiery, In ten ami white and black and 'whit; regular value ioo; special. S pairs .... .... ..... ,..25 Some Reductions In llohairs Interested? V Thee special value In the dress goods section should bring an eager response. The mohairs are among the summer's most wanted fabrics. - Imported English pnr mohairs. In Sicilian and brtliantin weaves, all wool serges snd cheTlots in the fine finish arvt Ieuvten Storm weae; sll furnt blacks and unequaled values at the reguler prl.'e Tlegular $1.00 grades red need t yerd. " Pnsular $1.25 grades, reduced to. yard . T.-jtu'ar tt 50 grades. rrlii3d. to, ynr-1 ...