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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (June 10, 1906)
.-. PiOwEERS PREPARE FOR Om rzxnn ctat: : IK . SERUIGE UEXT THURSDAY. :zcr."cbri suiiday joumuu fostcand. sui,day "morning, June ia. '-'f Interesting Program Arranged fo : Event, Which Will Occur at i - the Armory. : . . 0ANQUET WILL BE GIVEN - : -MEMBERS IN AFTERNOON Hon. Allen Weir of Olympia, ex .President of Wihington Pioneer ; AiiocUtion, Will Deliver the An nul. Addret Other Features.-; - The annual reunion and banquet of ' the-Oregon Pioneer association will be held at the Armory. Tenth and Couch .'.-"""traeHCTJUKe"!: Inter Ung-PTO; cram wlU be rendered at t o'clock, at which' only pioneer' provided l- with -.. proper badge will be admitted. ' All persona who .came ? to or wera '' bom la the Original territory Of Oregon prlur to aod-htriudlng the.yr lUBiyl v when Oregon u " admitted to' state- hood, are eligible to memberahlp In-the ' association., and may ' be . enrolled -,. rnembera upon filing with Seoretary ' George H. Hlmes a. statement aettlng forth tho facta respecting their birth ' ct arrival In; tne Oregon country. . , ". ' Blank statemente will be sent to any- ". one on -application. "An effort ia being ', ' made to enroll every Pioneer now. living - .' aa well ae those who have paased away. '', la Order that ae full a reoord aa possible ', may D Kept or uiose woo lounuea uue ' '. etata . - i '. , . .t ,,vrotTam AraaoryK! ' r-J Upon arrival -at the Armory, the plo . nee re will be received by Grand Mer , ahal Joseph .Buchtel ' and hla alda, aa , slsted by the women's reception com L -mlttee, and conducted to the second floor, where the exercises will be held. The following prugiam will bs ren- 'aa-raJf" 7- ' :' '-V" --TTifiSayWawrBf Trssldeut Ion Mlnto.-184S, Portland. -- Music, Brown's orchestra;- " V rS -Trayer. Chaplain Rev. A. 'X. " Hun - -V, 1M7. McMinrtvllla . ' .Address of welcome. Hon; Harry lama, 'O-wwynr ft,-PwrtlA.- ... i,.,. l . Response. President J. W. Mints, '; Appointment of committee on resolu . tlons by the president. . .. J . Muslo. Brown's orchestra. . ,-. . , 1 Annual address. Hon. ' Allen Weir, ; Olympia, ex-president "Washington Plo- - neer association-. i '. ; ' -1 Solo, Miss Elisabeth Hoben: (a) "Old Folks at Home",; (b) TJeer Little One." J words by Mrs. June McMillan Ordway; aoeompanlat Mrs. Rose Weinberger. t . Announcement by the grand marshal. Benediction, chaplain.. -, .-i -- ' Muslo, "America,''. Brown's orchestra, uatenre Joining. . . . r Social reunion. ., - " 'J',". '. "aao.nsftn Afmoom. 17':"";; '' At 4 o'clock the pioneers will march ' fo the banquet room, where they will be r received by Mrs. C M. Cartwrlght, - ohalrroaa of the Woman's Auxiliary, as- i slated by the Pioneer Women's. Reoep-i itlon committee, who will eonduct'them ,to tables and the .banquet .will ; be v-senrd. - T ' - V ' - , The annual business meeting will be held at T:IO, officers for the ensuing .year elected, a Hat of rnembera of tho association who have died during tha ' rut year and the report of the eommlt . tee on resolutions read. At the elose of the business meeting Robert A. Mil kier. 1IS4, will preside while the -following program la rendered: . . - Muslo. Brown's orchestra. . ' . Appointment of timekeeper. . - Bong. "The Pioneer Mothers' IUllabr." Mlas Lucy Alfrlda Latourette. words by Mrs. Sarah Fisher Henderson, muslo by Professor E. J. Flnck. Campflre talks, limited to five mln- . ntea. . - ' - Song. Lakme quartet, Mrs. May Dear-' . born Bchwab, Miss-Ethel Iytle .Miss EVERtffllMtFRVIWARSH . ':j: j- irjTHE, ONLY PERFECT VACUUM JAR , SANITARY - SIMPLE - SURE STRONG! . '( -' r f -t .; r, ' 7 Nettle Oreor, Mrs. W. A.- Bushong; ae- oompamsu Mrs. w. E. Thomas. Campflre talks. Bong, "Auld Lang Byne, Brown'e pr- Wojm to, Be 1m Oharge, The banquet will be given under au pices of the Pioneer Women'e auxiliary, wun - omoera ana committees aa fol lows . ( ; ' Oeneral chairman.. Mrs. C M, ' Cart wright, with power to- act. , Secretary and treasurer. Miss Mollis Burke. ; , Reception committee, Mrs. W. S. Ladd (chairman), Mra. Raleigh Btott Mrs. R, B.. Wilson. Mrs. A. C. Qlbbs, Mra Mat thew p. Deady, Mr. C Vantine, Mrs. B. H. Bowman, Mrs. p. Selling, Mra C. B. Bellinger, Mrs, AblgaU Soott tninl way, Mra C A. Coburn. Mra H. W. Corbett, Mra Owen K. Denny, Mra Frank ( Dekum, Mra-Elijah Corbett Mrs. Byron P. Cardwell, Mra Theodore Wy. gant, Mra. William Groom a Mra JJtephenCoffln, Mra William B. Powell, Mra .R. , CUIsan, Mra D. TV' Thompson; Mrs. J. A. - Btrowbrldte, Mra Marlaret O. M. Moore, Mra F. O. McCown, Mra Maiia L. Myrlck, Mra Blgmund Frank, all or Portland; Mrs. E. V. Kelly, Mra George Hsrdlng, Oregon City; Mra EiiaabetnLoroV-MrsElisabeth lit. Wll son. The Dalles; Mrs. Elisabeth! Kenny, Jacksonville; Mra Elisabeth Chambers, Baker .City; Mrs. C. O. Boynton. Wood burn; , Mra Elisabeth Perry, Houlton; Mra James W. Keller, Cathlamet; Mra a. a. juunaon, eaipanoa ,; i. Oommlrtee en Buppllea Bread and caka Miss Nannie Taylor,' Chairman. , Miss 1 M. Parish. Miss Annie Croaaman, ' Mlsa Martha v Hoyt, Mra & E. Harker, Miss Hlldegarde Plummer, Mlas Linda Morton, - Miss Agnes Kelly, Miss Imogene Rafferty, Meats,' nsh and aalada Mra. John W. Mlnton, chairman. Mra Herbert Hoi man, Mra D. MoLauchlan, Mrs. H. E. (loleman,-. Mra '- George Campbell,.. Mra Archie U Pease, Mra John IL Burgard, Mra Charlton. . ' , Ice cream, milk. : cream ! and buttsr. Miss Myrtle B. Moffett Mra C Van Una Miss Msxy McKay Mra Q. Brey- Mrs-.TClsrn" Wstt'"Mtrtrtn."MI 'XInler Sseomtlnr OonunJteea Miss Clara Teal, chairman. ' Mlas Haaei weldjer. Mlas Rachel . Joaenht. Miss Grace Warren. Miss Margaret Cat lln. Miss Katharine- Slttln. Miss Made. use watttaw in. i. . .. Rose Booth. Miss Mills Strowbrldsa. ehalrman. Miss Helen MacEwan, Miss Grace Geartn, Miss Weldlsr, Miss Hof ajuss vtraos. warren. i, . - Aides. George Freeman. Lewie Free. man. Robert Marsh, Simeon Reed Winch, jo. jaov.jure.- .. . - ." r.. able Oonuoitese. i '--. Mra Clara Humason ' Waldo" f chair. man), Mra George W. Batea Mra Alex ander Mulr; assistants, Mlas. Clan Teal, suss . neren tiaraer. Miss . Clementine Wilson. Mra 8. B. Linthlcum; assist anta Mis Wilson.' Miss GUsan, Miss Leslie WdTerr-Mtssr- Evelvn - WHntr4 Mra J. Wesley Ladd, Miss Sallle Lewis; asslstanta Miss Susie Btott, Mra John koiiock. Mra James w. cook.. Miss Elva Hu mason; asslstanta Miss Cla rissa Wiley. Miss Jessie FarrelU Miss La villa Humason. Mra 'J. C Moreland, Mra William D. Fenton; - assistants. Miaa Anna . Farrei. - MUa - Carlotta Parka Mra M. W.-Gill. Mra Wlllard Jonea ' Mra Elisabeth Hamilton, Mlse Falling; asslstanta Miss May Falling, MtestRota Falling, Mra William Jonea Mra r W.-I -Brewster.; Mrsv-Harriet K, MeArthur, Mra George Taylor; asslst anta Mra L L. Patterson, Miss Pauline Nesmlth. Miss Margaret Catlln, Mra J. A. Cook. Mra A. B. Croasman, Mra J. M. Freeman; asslstanta Mra Frank Freeman, - Miss Daisy Bella Freeman, Mra W. W. Harder, Miss Eula Frances MoCully. Mra M. A. M.' Ashley, Mra P. " W. GHletter aaelstanta- Mra C. W. Bherman, Mra O. H. Kottaga Mra William Slbson. Mra W. E. Robertson; asslstanta Miss Alice BlbsonMiss Nan Robertson. nUnt, Oeorge W. Weldler, . Mra John McCraken; asslstanta Mlsa Charlotte Sherlock, Mra Robert Lewis, Mlae Hasel Weldler, Mra Hattie Pratt No Spoilt Fruit; No Unsanitary Caps; No Broken Jars; No Caps to Renew; No Trouble; No Worry; Easy to Seal; Easy to Clean; Easy to Fill and Easy to Open. ; Portland Retail PINTS Per doz. QUARTS . Per doz. THE . M OS T ECONOMICAL JAR MADE For Sale at all the WHOLESALE vmhHMJis aV' ' '. ,i " V' ThonsMids of people owe . $1.00 a Week Will Furnish . Your Home Mra A. Meier. MisvE. fi). MCTlIre si stan ta Mra Harold O. Rica Mra Alice McLoughlln. Mra Leon Hlrsch, Mlse fcertlna- Lowenberg. Mra John GUI, Mra' J. X. Gill; asslstanta Mra J Lt-Hartman, Mra.T- J. JStraln,. Mlse Louise BlckeL Miss Dorothy QUL Mra Charlea T. Kamm. Mra W. R. Bewail; asslstanta Mra. Agnes Catlln. Miss Estelle Klllln, Miss Bessie Bewail, Miss Kate Holman. Mra P. .J. Mann, aira Carrie- Well man: asslstanta Miss Fran ceo Warren. Miss - Meredith '- Jamea Mra M. C: George. Mra 1. .W. Pratt; assistants. - Miss Oertrude Pratt, Miss Florence Georga Mra 5 Grace Watt Roaa Mra James'Pj Moffsttr assistants, Mlsa Aanes Watt Miss Helen Mac- Kwan. j- Miss' Blanche . Wrenn. Mra June ' McMillan Ordway,- Mra- H. B. ' ---!-.. ' Mrs. M. Price. MrsvE. W. Bpenoer,. Miss Fay C. Hlmea Miss Benian Mionoiaa. jura. nonn Porter. Mra T. T. Btruble; asslstanta Mlsa Helena Humason.- Mlsa Marguerite Wiley. . Miaa Leola Struple, Mra . b. Westaeott. Mra 'Charles Holman. Mra TV Holman; assistants. Miss Myrtle & Moffett. Mlae Daisy Holman. . ., . M. W. A. PICNIC IN ' GROVE NEAR REEDVILLE - rMneetsl IMseatek to Tbe Journal.) Hillsboro, Or., June .The Reedvllle Order of Modern Woodmen of America gave a plonlo In Allen's Grove, she. miles from this olty, today. . All camps, of M. W. A. of this county were united and hundreds partial pated in the entertaln- ment. Attorney Vaughn of Portland gave an Interesting address concerning ' the merits of the order and or fraternal orayinlsaUona Ro well s - orchestra - fur nished musla The day of merriment followed by a dance at Reeavuie this evening. - ' . - t ..: : Selling Prices HALF-GALS. . Per doz. - Leading Grocers I, & CO. DISTRIBUTORS t we Make happy homes! their, comfortable furnishedhouses. to t Our .Qenerous Credit Plan t That makes it possible for SCRAniBLEFORJOB Resignation ' of Superintendent Addia E. Clark of Oregon City , Causes Stampede. A. ' MORE THAN FIFTY ASK . FOR VACANTTOSmON Educational Center Agog Over, the ' Question of a Succeisor Other r Changes in the Teaching Stafi An- nounced in Thriving City by Falla. (BperUl Dispatch to Tha JeamaL) Oregon City. Or., Juno . Educa tional centers In this city are agog over tho coming election of teachers for the city schools which takes place next Monday evening. The retirement of City Superintendent Addle E, Clark, who will take a years rest, baa created a vacancy that la being eagerly sought mora than lb appllcatlona being on file for the position. - The retirement of Mlas Marjorle Cau fleld, who has accepted a position in the Pendleton schools at a salary of $0 a month, has made another vaoanoy, and It la probable that Miss Frances Myers, who has been primary teacher In the Baatham building for several yeara past, will not apply, aa aba too,' la consider ing a needed rest There are If teach ers in the olty schools. Those employed during the paat year are: .Miss Addle K. Clark, olty superinten dent; Mra Emilia &hawr principal Eaafc-1 bam building; Mra Viola uoarrey, prin cipal Barclay building; Miaa Marjorle Caufleld, Mlas Fraaoes Myera Mra Es tslla Ballabury, Mlsa Bertha Kennedy, Miss Usrriet Cochran, Mlas Maysle Foster, Miaa Margaret Ooodfellow, Miss Estella Niles, Miss Margaret Wllllama Mlae Alice - Shannon, Miss Antoinette Walden. Miss Irene Carter, Miss Irene MoCewn. ; - . , SertUck Club Meettnc. The final meeting of tha Derthlck Mu sical and Literary olub for the year was held yesterday afternoon at the home of Mra Hiram E. 8 tr sight, and aa ad journment wae taken until .October IS, when the olub will meet at tbe name of Mra Lewallyn Adama On Saturday, June 13. the members of the club will Indulge la a basket plonlo at Gladstone park. In which the - husbands of the members will loin, tbe men going to tne park en tne e:40 p. m. ear to partake of luncheon. The past year naa been an unusually successful one, and -the memoerenip naa neen materially - in creased. Those present at yesterday's meeting (Were Mra Charlea U. Cauneld, Mra Boy McAlpln, Mra Llewellyn Adama Mra. OUbert L Hedgea Mra J. Eugene Hedge. Mra William A. Hunt ley, lira Eber Cbapman. Mrs. h. jo. Btralgbt Miaa Marjorle Caufleld. Mlas Mary Melntyre, Miss Muriel Stevens, Mlse Gertrude Falrclough. jreer marar moutee. Inspector of Rural Delivery Routes E. C. Clement has been In the olty this week making Inspection of the terri tory embraced In the three proposed routea petitioned for.- One of - these routes le a loop to Oregon elty route Na I, embracing the territory between Staf ford and the Willamette river. This fiiuta Is very noeeeaary. aauafci fiff the Stafford mall from Oregon City goes to Portland and from there te Sherwood, being delivered from Sherwood -to Its destination, and ending runy a oay to the eervioa 1 The postal department has received atltlonw for the eetabllahTnent ef a DiGCOurarjcD? because your hair keeps falling' outbreaks off, feels harsh.turns gray, makes you LOOK OLD 7 JHcfr Health Kmrnprn Yom ' Looking Yotmq I ureal y Btepa raJllasr Hal aael Heeieree eth(at t eles at Saaal te r4r mmt Ln, UmAv. bnu. a Dw ira - nam. spartio nays Hal,. MMle eAiaiaeVf AmsUs GOVEIUU9S lirscHOOis- young people to go to housekeeping. LX-U uj-di. Where ' TAaTTTX. the MUES TJCbAaTS In tractive place to spend one's summer from San Franolsco. July 1. with a to witness the unique native fetea that take place July 14. The B- , tUBirOIA will remain over In the harbor . six daya . affording ample time ta make tha trln around tha Island and visit the native vlllaa-ea Clement Wrarga the famoua writer, : says "Tahiti Is one spot worth while ' first-class rate Ban Francisco to Tahiti and back. at $2.50 to fl per day. Write for OCEANIC S. M0NEY All work guaranteed for ten year. Lady attendant always ' present AU work done absolutely . without pain by specialists of from 11 to t yeara' ikarlanea Gold FUltnra Bridge Work, Gold Crowns, Artificial Teeth. BOSTON PAINLESS DENTISTS til 16 Morrison St. Op p. Meier FianM and roetoxnoa Hotel Eaton 00S. MOSklSOV A WOT tASX ITS. . V " N EW - BastasMly fnralshaa. elefsntly eeleped. srapTMt- Se Bilnataa?- waia (roam heart ( ahopslns and kaalsass dlatrlet, all larsa. atrr, eutatda roeaw, steaa keated, eleetrle lichts. telepboae ta each apartoMat etc. Lars eforaa, laasslnv. BBoklns, wrltlnf. ladlea Tseeptloa par km. Baesas tastaad bt nafl er telapbene. Mmi. MtaiWa akaaaa emlaa aaj staeaaers. Room fl.OO - to $S.OOa Day KU. MAS SAX0S, - fPenserly at Bete: Pldpatk. Ipoktae.) QeanseYQiirDlood! IBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBa, The true way to cure all Blood Disease Baasell's Nstlve route from tha eity to Clackamas halghta beyond Rolcomb school. : re turning to the city via Parkplaca and also for the creation of a route through Canemah to a point beyond New Era, returning to the elty over the Charm an road via Mount Pleasant It is prob able that these two routes will be com bined In the form of a figure eight as neither-route la sufficient In point of population to Justify the expense of an Individual carrier. ... . Weodmea's Kamorial Bear. ' The annual Memorial, day of Willa mette Falls camp. Woodmen of the World, will be commemorated tomorrow afternoon, the members of the eamp meeting at the hall at o'clock. They wnrmarcSTTo "Mountain View cemetery, socompanled by rnembera of Sola circle. Women of 'Woodcraft and there - will nnvell the monument erected over the grave ef the late Oscar Forsberg, who wae a . member of Willamette ; Falla eamp. . . .. ...!.- V ralieatae loea Slea Ksws has been received here ef the death of "Bronse" Potts, a negro, boot black. In Arliona. , He was a well known character about tho elty . and waa etrtcken with tuberculosta some time ago, and went to Arlsope In the hope that the ellmate would benefit ale con dition, . ma Faint Kaaglng Bridge. r The eounty court will make - a eon- traot for painting the suspension bridge across tho Willamette at this elty. and the work la to bo completed by July . The bridge la sedly in need of - fresh riaint and tta redecoratlon will add te te appearaaca ' Aooepte . Voaltios a Bay. Car! F. Caufleld, a eon of David Cau fleld of tnte elty. has secured a lucra tive poaltifm In Ban Frafirlwpo, and left fta BbjswissIs, Saaeaeca, Seaeal. Kldeaf and lava saMbtoa VamaM, mm soy. ISaendW stOnajBaM tm lam kaaal WW, B rale Tnaiaaa -Bsesstt's Ham WrrBa'Te - m r i mi. CaT - tot that elt wlta Mra Cauflel4 oa,t'( 184-186 First Street to Gq the lOtm BSAS, is a moat at- vacation. :ion, - B. aCAX0A - sails , party of happy people on their way in hla "Romance of the South Bess." in a tour of the world." tilt Is the Good botela in Tahiti circular to S. CO. looS Broadway, - Oakland, Cel. TRANSPORTATION. ALASKA EXCURSIONS - B. ,- Spokane, Xme T, ill sjy a swi asgasa a MASotrsTS.rffosT-ioirirs'' xxovmiovs inii yirx datb. . .; MUTSZARUS AIAsXA BOTTTS. Jnaeao, Skagway, Wblte Uorsa, Saareoa aad rairseBts - , B. 8. City ef Seattle, Jane 10, 10, Ml B. B. Rambnldt. Jane 4, 14. M. B. B. City ef Topeka (tU Bltka), Jaae la. St . Jroirs sovtjv 1. i;i Second sailing B. B. Btsstar aboat Jaae St FOB BAH rXAY CISCO VOXOT. "' Ptem Seattle at a. ta.. qoeee, Jane S. 1; rmatllla. June la, St; City et Paebw, Jaae la, Jnly A -,Fnrtlaa4 Ofaea. St Waikisgtsa St M. LU, Paas. Pt Aft ' C . DONAHS, 0. P. A. . 10 Msxktt St. Baa marmee. I Fastest aa the mhree The only steamboat making; a round trig e : 3ahvt -.-.r - Except Sunday1 Between ' - PORTLAND and ASTORIA ASTD WAT NIRI Leave) Portland. 7:00 a m. Arrive Astoria 1:10 p. m. loave Astoria. ....... ....;...!: p. m. Arrive Portland ....t:00 p. m M,LB SERVED A LA CARTS) Pcrtlaad Xandlnr, Alder Btreev zeek. Astoria Trading. Oalleadew IXwk. K. B. SCOTT, Agent Phone Main III. "REGULATOR LINE" The Dalles, Portland & Astoria Navigation Co. Boats lea re Portland and) The Dallee dally,1 except Sunday, at 7 a m., arriv ing about I p. m., carrying freight and I tsaengera Bplendid aocommodatlone for outfits and livestock. Seek Foev ef Alder et, Fomandr Se - of Oewrl st. The Ballea ' Fbobs stain S14, FestlaaA. ALASKA PAST AND POPOTAB BTBA1UBIPB T -' leave Baatfle "rrrrtssoB " Kav irt STi rae a It I Jaae 1. IS. St "DOLPaUB," Kay St Jane 1. IS, .: , '. CAtXIO AT - i- gatrnntaa. Jnneaa. rnngUa Bataea Skat way, Cnsaeets arltk .W. P. T. paste tar AtUa. Pawnaa. Taaaea, Meeas, eta ' far All Seetheeetera Alaaka Parts. . Call er snd fnrrHp a Wendarfnt Alaska, Indian BaaVtrp." Toteai Pulaax .ill AUlU s. S. 0(t. ; PtsbAI Wesawy.' OtwarBta IX Oak at. fertlasd, fit. S. S. F. A. Kilburri ' Par CSes Bay. Barak a sad Baa Praailaee. Fart SBflmg front Parllaad, ateaday, Jvae It eat Saiilaa fraaa Sea Ffaaolsea. tataaar. Jaae It P. U BBTBirotHrT. Ag Be. a PWa Male ISt nlght'a train. Mr. Caufleld is sn sleo trlclahl and baa been connected with the Northwest F.lectrio Engineering compear eevexai jjeara I f , -iili.. 3TraIas to tbe East DaiIy-3 , nah Paluasa etsHdud sb4 anrlet tU. nre Ssllr to OsMks. Cblessn, Opo") trlst sleaolnrue dally to Kaaasa Ctu. eh rwMnlag . cnalrcant (seats tree) le ast Ornljr. ", . T ., .- , V 2tTTJ!T"irkr" esiiy. iiiipa see SB, colcmbi iiUR rnnnoit. "t"rla and war points. fmrrtt wrM Bomlfr, Batardav. 10 s. Bk ,Arrlae S--.SL. antpt Hrmi,r. m" sso siMioe. aas. oara, HM?B. "r. eeapt Snnday (water aS.?' - ' ---. eany. exeef " Bl!-l.IS" M amy solnts freal Cl'Wa!i- etessaws Bpakase snd tewls v a?'40 as., or epea sirlTal Trale 3.t"' ,'tefc'' Arrlv. 4 a, eet OTSre , TnW and WsaUsgfeia SSK, Tatar-baiw Mala T1S. a v ,7- T,I'aBB' City Ticket A seat. 4V ta CHAIO, Omaral Psaatocer ageat ""-' EASTvu SOUTH TfnfrvH tVtW tassiTm. Arrive, ", BairamaBlo. Of dan,.. aarliuav Btorktoa ' Anseles. El Pass, Naw Orleans and the east I:W BS) r 'us tula aisnsi Is , , Waodburs dailr aseept , . . Snadr wtfh train foe : Mount Angel, BUmfon,. , t ' '; friFwniii,, . . npnnfueia. Wandllng sad Natroe.'... B:lya' S"Mraee' : saaartisae..eoo...,,, Woodbors wltk Moant Aagal a ad BUrar- , ' - " ten lneal 4-1 pel Onmnis pasaenser....... 7-.m am Sheridan peaaenaer 4:IWpni Penwt QroVe naasensw. 11A:45 pot - TJSeei in-m snj 8POpi ': ., Ill -usiir. iimnv enwn snaeav. - T . . J jEyrgasowTRrrr btatio". . Per. ' Dallas and intermediate points gaily 4:1s a na. Arrive Portia ad 10:10 a. m. Per time sad card ef Oawega snbnrbaa trains applr at City Ttrket Offlee. er statins. Tlrketa to Paatarn points snd Enroeet atop , Japan, CMna. Bnnelnla and Ansrr.Ua. Cltr Ticket OfSce enrner Third and Waab 1or atr-t. Phene Mala Tit 0. W. BTTNOEB, A. I. CI A TO, . Cttp Ticket Agent 11 Oea. Pasa Aaaat . TIME CARD OF TRAINS Portland!, TTnlna Leava ; Arrive, ' Ystlowetsne Park-Kaasee Cltr-et. taais Special fa " Caaba I la. Centralla. Olrm pta. Gray's Barber. Bontb ;. Bend, Taeema Seattle, flro- , aee, mam, uatia, mi. lias. Denr, Omaha. Kaa- - . ' ,. ma City. St. Leala aad " . ; Boarbeaat. daily , I JO .4:fss North Ooaat Limited, alee- , trie llfbted, tor Taenme- , Seattle. Spotana Batte. ' - ' - - MlnneapoBB. 8LI Paal aad m ' " ' the Baet. 4.11 1:09 pal " Te Pnret Soaad United, for -r , .. Clprenamt. Cheballs, Can- ', v v traits. Taeema and Seattle . ' enlr. dny 4:t9pa S:S0 pm Twla air Poi ass fee-ta- . r r enma. . Settle,. Spokane, .: R.lmt. Batte. ' St. Paul. . v ' Mlmteapella. IiWIa, St Jesepb. Kansss City. Oma sa. St lVeeia wltnont t-i -.--'-ekanse et eat, plieit eon- - - 1 '": nertlons for all points ' Bast snd Bnatneaet. dally.. ll:4gpm le.B pS A. D. CHiar.TOH. AssWtaat Oesernl Paw semret Agent Miinmus street esraet XkiaaV fart lead. Oraana. V--- -.- r : ' Astoria & Columbia ; River Railroad Co. Pee Blaycera, Sataiep, flats. . , - ksaia, Weatpart. Cllftna. "l, Aatorla. waiieutoa Pla- . ' ens. Oaarbart Park. SVaaida.- f-00 I 11 :og aa - mMvwtM mum fc raea deny ., Ian ps. pal AH trains dally. ..'.' J. C. MA TO. O. P. and P. A. Aatorla.' Or. n A. STbTWABT. riianalal Aaaat. SSfl Alder street Pases Mala Mt . is.--. IS W,NS 2 Overlaid TixIsD2l!y 2 Zhe Orleatal Lismltsd. tae Past MaA" VIA SSATTLB ANV SPOKANA Dally. eny. Antra PtafUnd time pebadale "Te snd free, epeaene, i St. PnaL lilnaeapolle. Imth aad all aoUts - - . Bast via Seattle t M set . e am UtfApm eepai Ta sad frees Bt Pent. Bflaaeapolla. Delath all p points Beat ' via Spokane e-ISpnj IMia Bieat Wait alnag feaai eeattle ier aaoaa end Olna parte and Mesne, eanriag see Baasera sad frvlsat T '.1 B. Wtnoeeeta, Tary tS. -' S. A Seaeta, SeptemBar A riPPOB TtJSIW BAISWA i Japan Mafl Staasjablp Ce. , Xanasawa Bara will salt f""e fUttle atxwt Jane U for aoee ad falne aorta esrryine smisere aad tVbeta' ' Pima aerfb issues Meaa ate., eall ea er addreae h. rimtto. O. P. t. A, is sti rartiaaa. oeeraa. rmmmm - Steamer Ch.. tl - tiff errtsr CTftffBFtAv y xaa taaves eakireet eWk T a. ta. . nitee aad way a-"- ' " - -il SAiretanJng ' S.5 10 p. -. IIX rrm.r .J I day eaenraiees Caacade i P otm aad abart t r , SU , I afar sorf f1 1 DaaaS 'N - .