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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (June 10, 1906)
THE OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL!. . PORTLAND. SUNDAY MORNING. JUNE 10. tecs. -' . ; mm 11 in the ELEVENTH Young Hopkins , Proves ' Stum , i - Ming Slock to Portland in '" 1 ' : ' . ' Long Gams.' M'HALE, MITCHELL AND . M'LEAN HIT THE BALL , Locals Secure a Dosen Safe Drives ', but, Could Not Bunch Them Until the Last Half of .the Eleventh In ning Review of the Match.' Portland t, Los Angeles 1. iaUerle.-TEeslclnna Tonxrtwx- Htnterrt:hV,ta,thi - kins and Edgar, " - Eleven Inning were 'too ' much for . Mr. Kid Hopkins to go. and aa a re " sul our bold , athlete, took .another jljamejreaterdajr by the score of I 'to t, As It was Hopkins whoaia"th-snoottn; "-" Nfor the Angels, he save the' Giants plenty to think about, and. on thing ' about It waa 'that be had the crowd with him. He was given all kinds of , encouragement from the stand and bleachers, and when he worked out of. " a hole the ovations on at 'least two ec- casions were ao great that the boy had " to doff his cap. . -If Hopkins arly In th gams had , had the support due him . he gam would -har Seen - a-shutouts. Dillon In ..the sixth inning had just got through " a wrangle with Umpire Knell when be, ,'. piled up two errors one upon the other, ' ' ' with the reeult that a run waa scored. T.' Although Hopkina was touched . up for II hits, he kept them pretty well acat-'-r'-tered, - In no. Innings except the third and eleventh could Warrior Walter and ' hie brev band do better than gather - on little awat In a bundle. ' In th eleventh they gathered three In a bunch, and they netted the run that sent fan .. land horn to suffer, v 1 Jew fsavtu. 1 The" gama was flavnld of fratiirsa rr. oeyiwetty" pawning stsoh worltof .Umpire KnelL. He certainly- bad left hie glasaea hom;"ndthts "caueed.-S; 7 twist in hi tongue. Once hie- , clapper and teeth got tied In a knot, and aomeone had. to. anap his finger and call "Come to"' before Knell - paaeed decision on a pitch!, ball. By ttie time he -got out hie decision the hall .waa bak . ln the pitchcr'a hands. - Tb trouble .. with Knell yesterday waa-that aometimea he saw double and other times hie lamps were out. " " With such work- It la no-wonder- that the yard waa filled with anarla and ungleeful yelps, and these Were taken up by the stand and bleachers, - 8o aw fully awful was Knell's work that on several occasions he brought Bashful I - Dillon out of his cag and the Angel'a ; ' captain hit " off some very choice ads - Jectlvea, th irfeater part of which was : Juatlflablo. Th barks let out by Dillon ' ; on on or -two occasions made Knell . Hiunt for th akldoo sign., but th high' st h could find waa two elevens, and . these -would, never make -23. Mitchell waa another who waa barkful. and hla ' yelpa were not gladsome particularly after he had whiffed- twica. on. balls . . Judged by KnelL . Sfijrap la th Ponrth. There was a llttl mlxup ' In . the . fourth. , On put and Dillon got a aln . gl. McLean fumbled Delmas' ground er and put another on the sacks. Ellis : went out Donahue to McLtsan, but when Dillon started a ateai home McLean . threw it wild. Dillon crossed the plate. - - closely followed by Delmas, but th ump ruled Dillon out for cutting third. How he saw the eut out of the back of . hla head, for at the time Knell was , facing third. Is a question that th bleacher and stand arose and asked. -Los Angeles was' the' first to score. getting Its only tally in the fifth. -One ont, Eagar singled. Jud Smith booted - L .- '- 1 DISASTER SALE! AT HALF PRICE BARGAIN TABLE PRICES LOT 1. LOT I. 1 fl.40 fl.85 U 9 Ladlea' 16.00 Men's '. Shes. , "' Shoes. LOT ,3. ' , LOT 4. "' fl.20 1.35""."' , $3.00 Ladles' tt.68 Ladlea' Sboea. ' T' Shoes, r;..--'- "LOT . . .. . LOT . " f 1.15 . ' 8St y. " 3 4.0 0 Ladles!.: 1 2.0 a Meix "S. Shoea. . , , Slippere. LOT'T. ' LOT I. fl.20 -i, -s I2.B0 Boys'. $3.80 Ladles' i?. Shoea. ' - Slippers. f LOT. LOTflO. :- f r.45 f i.i5 ; 32.00 Boys' " $4.00 Men's enoes. . ; . enoe. '" "r;iT"lC-rV" "--rLOT" 13.'" '- -fl.15 T5e-. ; . $I.0 Mlaeea' $L$0 Child's Shoea. Shoea. - LOT 1$.' ' LOT II. ' 80 50t $3.00 Girls' . -; $L 23 Infants' . Shoes. . I ' Shoes. " Children's Barefoot Sandals, . BOe Pair. ., " , Shoe Polish, I bosee for Hf. 292 niOHRISON NEAR riPJH 8TkBET. . Xaadreda Turned Away. B AT HS TT7HEN tired .and worn v with a day's work, 1 visit Friedman's baths at .2665 Alder street, be- ' , tweerr Third and Fourth, and become rejuvenated ' thro' a strengthening : t Turkish bath. One dol- lar, with bed for the ' night.'' ' 'V " If suffering from cold.--a vibratory massage treat ment will be . found of great benefit. Friedman's re . the only vibratory " ' massage baths in the city. ' ; OPEN PAY AND NiaHT' Hopkina' grounder - and Bernard fol lowed with a double, acorlng Eager .III. IVU ' V. aaw.. ju,,i u. WaltAr'a hunt. XViLltMw mnt nut nut nn Smith's grounder, . going out short . to seoend. thus putting alike on third, and he tallied on McLean's long fly to cen ter. Nothing more was doing till ' thai -eleventh. 8mltbopne4wlth a double. McLean drew a single. Donahue filed to left and Moore connected to a min gle, eoorlng Jud. Then It waa akldoo for the Angela. , ' , The scor: "': ', PORTLAND. " ''. AB. R. H. PO. A. E. McHaie. cr. ......... 4 o i-.i o s Henderson, as. ...... I 0 0 Mitchell, If. ...... i. t I t MoCredle, rf. .,.... 0 1 Smith, lb. .......... I 1 1 McLean, lb. ......... 5 0 1 S 0 0 V 1 1 1 Donahue,- o.Ti ."i . :'. f 0 Moore, 2b. .4 0i 1 Essie, p. I 0 ' e 3 Totals .: ........ ...17 t IT 1 ' Dillon out for cutting third , LOS ANGELES, ' ... , A B. R. H. PO. A. S. Bernard, cf. 4 2 4, 0 0 Oochnauer, as, 5 0 0 l i t Cravath, rf. ........ 5 0 1 2 0 Dillon, lb. ;v.. .vv 6 - 1 4 - t Delmaa, lb. ......... -4.- - t 0 Q Ellis, If. ............ 4 0 1 3 12 Toman, tb. ...... .... 4 ft 3 . a 0 tEager; c. 0,1 6 4 0 tiimaina. n. a . j 1 1 Totals ft f it l t J.,9 1..7,3t..laB On out when winning run scored. . . . SCORE BT INNINGS. Portland 4 . . . . . . .0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 2 Hits . . ..v : 1 1 1.1 1 0 00 J 313 Loi Angeles . ..,. 9001000000 1 . Hits ..M.,.-,HUHJHCM-1 " . . SUMMARY. - i . Strnck out By Hopkins, 4 : by Essick, I'.' Bases on bair-Off Hopkins, 4; "off Essick, 2. Two-baa hits Bernard; dmtth. Double plays Hopkins to Del mas; Moore t9 Ilenderson to McLean; Ellis to Eager; McLean (unassisted). Sacrifice hits Henderson I, McCredle. Stolen. base McLean., - First base on errors Portland, 3 ; Xrfs - Angeles. . 3, Left On bases Portland, Iyos Ange les, 7. Time of game Two hours and BROWNIES WIN FROM -THE GREATERS' TEAM The Brownies defeated the yesterday, 20 .to 1. Line-up: Brownies v. ' ." .. .. Moltsen aand , J , . . . Burns .......o. ....... Hallock and " Graters - Orators Naah 6 haw ... . p . .p. . , Burns and Moltsan es.'., Col ......... .i Alexander '..3b., Shaw and Parcell Ammer Kahler Tucker , . Barr . Clark Hallock .......3b. Chattsrton If.., Hall .rf.. .......... PACIFIC COAST LEAGUE. Won. ....11 ....13 Lost. ' i - 10 12 P.C. .840 .760 .571 .876 .24 .182 Portland . . . . , San Franciaco , Seattl . . .... Fresno . . . ... Oakland . ,-' . . , Loa Angeles . . CRAMMARSCHOOLLEAGUE. Teams. Brooklyn . . .j P.C. 1.000 .875 .777 .655 .375 .876 .338 inuuui x auur ., ........... Hawthorn . . ........... Williams A.venu Highland . . Couch . t Ladd . . . . . .. i ..........V .000 AMERICAN LEAGUE. Won. Lost, New York . ......... .2 it, Cleveland . . ...-..,,..26 16 Philadelphia ......... 1 4 18 Detroit . . .:,.........I4 18 . St Louis ................ .24 21 - Chicago . It 23 Washington .'. ..... .14 . . 28 Boaton . ........... .1 32 P.C. .(44 .1 .681 .573 .644 .428 .363 .200 Ai Chicago Chleorni Vew Yorlt 3. At Detroit Detrol ,. .Tjton . Louis 0, Phlladel- At St Louis St. Dhia 1. At Cleveland Washington . 1. Cleve land t. - . , NATIONAL LEAGUE. Won. . . .81 Loatv- 1 ; 18 29 ,2 32 35 P.C. -.378 .460 .433 -.549 .431 .408 .373 .271 Chicago f . ... Pittsburg . . New York . ... . . -. Ph11drltbi-.--r St. Louis . ... ..........22 ....20 It 13 B: joklyn c Cincinnati Boston . ,. At Brooklyn Brooklyn 0. Chtcaro 2. - At PhlladelDhla PhiladelohlaO. PHta- burg t. ' At Boston Boaton 8, St Louis 3. . At New York New York 7. Cincin nati 1. . ..- . . " Amateur Oames. Wavefleys defeated the Eagles yesterday It to 8. Th St. Francis Jra won from . th Young Eagles yesterday t tp 8. Th Young Hawthorne defeated th Carlisle Kindergartens yesterday by th score of 60 to 6. ' Moasee'e Oood Work. In a hotly contested gam of baseball between JtbeleamsLjlf. th Osuld com pany and the Crane eombany at the Portland academy grounds yesterday the Qauld company team won by a score of 14 to 3. Tb pitching Of Monro for th Qauld eompany was a feature of th gam. i f Th Ladles1 Aid Society of th Nor' weglan church " of Barlow gave a fair Thursday In honor of the dissolution be tween Norway and Sweden. The pro ceeds will go for th purpose of building a church. A program was rehdered in the evening. Those who spoke were Mr.' Swegom, Rev. Mr. Nerock and Rev. Mr. Wrogn, aU of Portland . . '-i A-.; '; . SLU RECORDS III field mm Threa Abrasions in Northwest 'and Three in Stats Stan- dards at Willamette. UNIVERSITY OF OREGON WINS INTERSCKOOL MEET Scores Eighty-Four to Fifty-Six by Agrici. While Willamette and P- ' ciflc Get Ten snd Three Respect ively Summary qf Contests. . V (Speeisl Olspatek to The Jsorasl.)- ' .Wlllamett Lnlverslty. Bwlena.. Or Jun 9. Th Intercollegiate field meet was .won today by the University of Oregon. Score, University of Oregon 84. Oregon .Agricultural college S3, Wil lamette university 10, Paclflo univer sity 3. -. ... i-, . . McKlnney of th University of Or goh broke the northwest record -4a-dla cus and th atat rcord. In th shot put. ' .v- ' : Kelly of' th University of Oregon broke the stats record ' In tb broad Jump. a ' " .Hug of Oregxon broke the northwest record in the hammer throw. . Smlthson of Oregon Agricultural col lege broke the northwest record to th high hurdles. . ', -j Lounsberry : of "Willamette brok " th atat-TooFd-4!vth high. ump.: : . aMoltl Of Jtraata. 100-ysrd dash Kelly, U. of O., first; Smlthson, O. A. C. second : Moo re a, U. of O., third; Schroder, O. A. C, fourth. Time, 0:10 3-8. . , - Broad Jump Kelly first, Frlselt seo ond, -Kuykendall ' third, of Oregon r Swan, O. A. C, fourth. Distance, 33 feet t Inches. ' Broke interstate rec ord." . ' ' ' ' Low ' hurdles Frlsell ' first, Moores second.' oregonr urn it n son, corvaiiia. lthirdlPrjejiujstJPsilUiJthTlm s:za . , Shot put McKlnney first. Hucaea Oregon ;i n tjeimab 1h1rtrMtrtlnn-t)rsn,fOTrth.-"Dl tance. 43 -feet I -Inches. Brok atat Half mile Devolt . first. Greenhaw second. Crow . third, Cortallls; Ober touffer, Oregon, fourth. Time, 33 26. Pole, .vault Moulletu- U. . of J0, first; Burns second. Swan third, O. A. C. ; Wlnslow, IT. of O., fourth. .Ten feet eight lnchea.i-'-r"'.'-T - ! 'U 220-yard dash Kelly first, Moores second,' Oregon; Beach, O. A. C., third; Prideaus, Oregon, fourth. Time. 0:21 3-5. Mile run Devolt. O. A, .C .firsts Lowell, U. of 0. second; Pletchert P. third; Goodrich, O. A; C fourth, Time, 4:40.4-6: Hammer throw Hug, Oregon, first tatt-second, Dunlap third. Tyler fourth, O. A. C. Distance. 183 feet 11 H Inches. Brok northwest record.' -- - ' High Jump Lounsberry,-W. U.. first; Kelly, Oregon, second; Smlthson,, O. A. C. third; Kuykendall. Oregon, fourth. Height. 6 feet- 19 H .Inches, broke state record. 440-yard dash Greenhaw, -O."". jC., first: Prldeaua, Oregon. second; Obar touffer third, Veatch fourth. Oregon. Time 0:D0. High hurdles Smlthson. . O. A. C first; Moores second, Kuykendall third. Frliell fourth, Oregon. Time, 0:11 4-6. Brok northwest record. ( ' Dlficus McKlnney first,' Hug second. Oregon; Finn. O. A. C, third;-Louns berry, W. V.. fourth. DIsUnoe.i 11 feet 8tt inches, Broke northwest reo- ord.. , , - TAOOMA FINDS BOYLE. . .. a v Oet Three Swats Off Bntt 1st but la . . aln of Contest, , ; (Rpecliil Dlspateh te Tb Journal.) - Butte, Mont., June 3. Tacoma puled out In the ninth today, when she piled up three runs on Butte, landing the gam with on run to th good. Boyle held - the vlaitora until the laat lntiln g7-ensTpermltted-jrctmiato And him for three aife swats. The gam waa fast - Th score: t Tacoma 001 0300 Butt f000300 Batteries. Doyle end Bwlndells; Fea hey and Shea. Umplre-Huston, ... At tendance 800. LA GRANDE OFFERS INDUSTRIAL INDUCEMENT ("peptal Dkpttcfc te The leoruL) La Grande, Or., June 8. -The La Grande Commercial association is rais ing funds for th purchase of a site te be offered to th Palmer Lumber com pany aa an Inducement for that com pany to establish Its sawmill plant at this place. An option is held eo 73 acres on the river nortbweat of the city, which can b seaured for a llttl less than 38.000. Nearly $4,000 has been pledged. ' - The Palmer company has extensive holdings below Elgin along th Wallowa extension of the O. R. & N.. and tt la the Intention to put In a mill of a ca pacity of 100,000 to 160.000 .feet per day. - ' ' - The mill will employ 200 men and will run double time, aa nearly aa practi cable,' all th year around. ' ' WWII Buy Our Organs? Yoii can' atlll secure on of ' th fin and almost new parlor organs which we agreed to sell for customer who bought new pianos of us. These people ef fected a great saving In the purchase prlc of their pianos and are wflling to let these parlor organs go for what they will bring. You will also find a large and' almost complete assortment of beautiful new onea; Kim balls, Burdetts, Crowna, etc; also one fin self-playing Aeollam a eeuple of plano-oased organe. twe Vocations and several fin church organs, - Everything must go by Satur day next or w forfeit $1,000. S "ad." page I of this issue, we simply have to get out and must clos out every f thing at what H Will bring. Remember, any reasonable terms will now be ac cepted, - $6.- $3 or. $8 down,- $4 and, ye. ven aa low a $$ a month secures th bat of them. Com tomorrow. They'r bound to go quickly-. Filers Piano House, 36) Washington street. ESTI MATING '0AMA6E BY FLOODS IN UMATILLA Pendleton. Or.une 8. The Umatilla county. court Is considering, repairs of roads and bridges injured in the re cent flood. After csreful Inspection at Echo and different parts of th county It Is found that th damage will amount to about 640.000. in many instances bridges went out, but wer not swept away, ao hy wut not- b a total, loss to tii county, as th timber may still bf nsed. . . ,", bescei:daiit jf brigiiali YBUilfi-TlKJOp , Man Claiming Lineal Descent From Mormon Leader Arrested at Butte, Montana. (DpetUl Dlipatck to .Tke JeeraaL) - Butte, Mont,, June 8. Brtgham "W. Toung, claiming to be a grandsdn. of Brlgfiam Toung and' a son of J. ;W. Ybung. a Wall street broker, Is under arrest, In this city, as the result of .an attempt to pass a worthless check upon M. Slegel, a pawnbroker. Toung baa practically confessed., the forgery- and claim that whlakey was the cause of hla wrongdoing. - The check was drawn on W. 8. Green field t Co of. Spokane for $50 and was made payable to J. VA Wilson, an alias used by Youpg. - The broker paid part of the money. Instructing Toung to call this morning for the remainder. In the meantime communication with the banlsproydlh check , to be a forgery. When Toung called at 'the. broker's of Acs this morning he waa Invited to ac company Slegel .to tb bank and , get the rest of th money. Toung acquiesced and waa Immediately piloted to the city JaiL where he waa placed under arrest. At the atatlon Toung admitted' that hla name jsae not Wilson and'1 told of his family connections. When aakedTort an' explanation of his actions Toung shook his ' head remorsefully and an swered," "Boose. " Several other checks, made payable to J. W. Wilson, were found in Young's pocketbook and th local police believe he has committed numerous forgeries. ARTICLES FILED WITH SECRETARY 0FSTATE ' (Special Dispatch to Tbe JonnuL) Salem, June 8. The following organ isations have filed articles of Incorpora tion with the secretary of state: Excelsior Laundry company; principal office, Portland, Oregon; capital etock. 3100,000; incorporators, , H. E. Cleaver, Charles Roberts and R. A Preston. - Corvallls Creamery company; -principal office, Corvallls, Oregon;' Capital stock. 813.000: Incorporators. H. W. Kauplch,Robert 3 ohnaoh andT-Inn- strong. .QwilberLJLin'!Tfl'rn-T- lr)-eenipany ; principal pfftco, Wallowa, Oregon; capital stock. 325,000,'- incor porators. Q. . t. . wiSBls-forthiJjC. Hall and John McDonald. ' Universal Tool company; principal of fice, Portland, Oregon; capital stock, $50,000; Incorporators,- Edwin L. Fui man, ElfHogan and CP." McGee." . Erlcson Undertaking company;, prin cipal - office, Portland, Oregon; capital stock. $4,000; incorporators. B: E. Krlo son. W. E. Dunn snd R. B. Stalder. St. Elmo Mining company; principal office, Portland, Oregon; Capital stock. $1.000.000; incorposators. C. RDono hoe. A. A. Wright and E. B. MoFar land. : : : . . Paclflo Mercantile Agency; principal t office, Portland. Oregeni capital stook,4 $2,000; Incorporators, R. B. Stalder, F. Robert BuetschU and J, P. Locktvood. . OFFICIAL COUNT SHOWS : GALLOWAY CARRIED LINN ISiwclal DtSDatrs t The YnornsLV "Albany, On, June 8. Th official count shows that Galloway for congress carried Linn county over his Republican opponent by a plurality of (7, receiving 3.068 to tiawley' 1,999. Th unofficial returns gave the county to Hawley by a plurality of about 60. The unofficial count showed that O. H. Russell (Rep.) and H. C. Powell (Dem.) wer tied for th position of county commissioner. Th official count shows that Powell received 2,019 and Russell 1,016, giving th election to Powell by three votes. Chamberlain carries Linn by a ma jority of 617 over Withycombe, and Gearln defeats Bourn by a total of 668. M. A. Miller .(Dem.) of Lebanon waa elected state senator over Wright by a majority of 916. ' INDIANS-VIOLATE- IESERVATION RULES (gpeetal Dtipsteh te The loarnaL) Pendleton, Or., June 6. Deputy United Btate Marshal Griffith arrived In this city this morning from Portland with two Indiana for th county Jail and left on No. 1. Three prisoners for the fed eral court, in Portland, are now prison ers In the county-Jail, serving sentences " orMtklngTIquor on the reservation. Upon hla return to Portland Deputy Griffith took with him Andrew Barn harj, We-Cat-8ee and Ta Tats llama, all fr taking liquor on the reserva tion. Cent Assessment. (Special THapatch to Tfee Joernal.t Klamsth Falls, Or., June 9. Directors Of the Water Users association levied an assessment of 1 cents per sbsr (acre), which Is expected to carry the association through the year. There ar 2.600 shareholders on the roIL Hotel Wau-Cwm-Gwin vow or. 5- "V r- '...i Mr.- Z2 Tot Bates and lkrtlealars Jkddres M.C BAJTO, S0OII EITta, OB, Mi S & it inu . . . - i Tans and Blacks o - Corner Sine Dentistry All r a 8. 5. Work Omarantesd. Gold Crowns. . S4.00 Bridge work..SS.OO FQ11 set teeth . SS.OO Telephone gree. Opposite SUera Srlaao X red lodge stops business :to attend funerals Day Given - Over o Burial of Thursday's Min? Disaster Vic- tims Rres Still Burning. - . (Special THipatrh te The Journal. ) 1 Red Lodge, Mont, June 6. Today was given over to the burial of the eight victims' of Thursday's mine disaster. From 10 o'clock to 8 business of every description was suspended. Including sa loons, out of respect to th dead. In th absence of cultivated flowers, wreaths, ' bouquets and clusters wer formed of wild flowers from th moun tain sldea and laid on th caskets. Th only work In progress at th coal mine la keeping pumps In operation and th fires and boilers golrg. Th gaa In th entries Is still strong and danger- oua. : . , Mining Inspector McDermott and SuprUtendant-Pettlgrwmad . sn In vestigation this afternoon-and they got within 800 feet of th fir. Mr. McDermott says the bias Is vis ible, but th fir Is not seething, or roar ing. There Is Terr little' draft for it The smoke, he says, clings and curls to ward the roof of the openlnga Large quantities of timber used as props have been burned away and there ha been considerable fall of ground. Fire" Chief Jack Bond of the Billing Are department arrived today with 1609 feet of hoe. HOW VOTE STANDS ON AMENDMENTS IN MARION (KiecUl Ditpateh te Tee JMrnsl.r Salem. Or June 9. Official rote en amendments In Marlon county. Appropriation .. pills Tee 2185, no t,86. Equal suffrage Te Z.Z29, no 8,131. Local option Tee 8434, no 8,844. Barlow road Tea 1,688, no 9,618. Referendum amendment Tea 1,764, no 1,846. . -X (, City charters Tes 1,8(6. no 1,428. Stat printer amendment Tee 4,116, no 786. Initiative and referendum on munic ipal laws Tes 1,841, no 1,629. Prohibiting passe Tea . 8.741, ' no 1.129. - Taxing private car a, etc. xes f,B, no 476. Taxing express, telegraph companies, etc. Yes 4,666, no 436. - - FOR THE WELL-TO-DO. ; The Vims Bree Seen BeautifuL AjrUs tio and Dirt -Cheap. I 'e Don't fail to seethatbeauUful Lcwl gant mottled walnut -case, On of th ilneat and most valuable pianos ever shipped to this state. Be It, try It, test it critically and severely. - Listen to Its deep, exquisite ton, find fault twtth' lt action. He touch- ana dlplt you can. Nothing finer has ever been produced anywhere by any man. Can be had tomorrow at virtually half price, for w must get rid of It We're clov ing out Ellers Piano House, 161 Wash ington street t - SECURES VERDICT FOR COMMISSION ON SALE (fetet Diapateh to Tbe Jaarnel.) La Grande, Or.. June 9 rTh Jun term of Union county district court la In" session at La Grande. Th Jury-) Which had th ease Of William Grant Vs. H." Harrell under consideration hrniieht lit a verrilnt of 61.000 In favor of Grant.' Grant brought suit to r cctver commission for th sale of liar- i,rell's farm. The amount eued for was something ever, 11.60. V BLV AT' V7-V aaa Taa saa. OWti' For All 3,09 Low Shoes mm M l SHOE Rl S f I 1 I .. t Fourfli and-Yamhill.SlrccIs V. M. C. A. Building; ' " ' A ' -am . ' M - CoTtstawtly-lit our emplOTr hav t all- tha extremely fancy. a4 xodlngly artlstio , - . : - - - mm ln.the-Banker ft, Lumbermen's bank, Oregon Trust A 8av!nga bank, th Portland Trust company'" Dank, " th Northwestern Guarantee dc Trust company's bank, the Tltl Ouarante A Trust . company's bank, th Portland Hotel's t5 new baths, and like-. wise did all that -beautiful art eeramlo work for th Knights of Pythias in their most elegant new halL In Tact, when if comes to tiling. . - MEN ADC NOT - LOOKING. fOR CtlCAPNEftS; but for excellence and no other kind of work can be bought . from UK, We likewise hand! all klnda of electrical and gaa sup- plies, fireplaces and equipments. . - - . ' .- The John Barrett Co. . Telephone Main' 122 . ('"" '' 408-410 Morrison Street Between Tenth snd Eleventh In FIRS SALES or any other humbug sales, but go to re liable stores to buy your goods. After seeing a few be sure to see '. . v - JOHN-MlbEAEl-'S- The 'very latest Myl of ltfensand Youths $8.00, $70, $10.00, $13.80 and $15.00 Suits are from ?2.50 to ?5.00 .: less in comparison with high rent stores' prices. Shoes, Hats, Pants and Shirts Of the newest designs from 5ty to . ?1 less in comparison with high rent stores' prices. Ws run ' TWO STORES : 181-183 First Street and 53-55 North Third Street G. N. SMITH, Manager. Use Smith Bros.' Patent ASBESTOS FLUE LINING This flue lining has stood, a wonderlul test. Meat does not crack it, rwater does no.txrtimble it.1-Mamifactttred only by "Portland-Asbestos Manufacturing 1 Co. 70-74 Randolph Street, Foot of Russell Street, Albina, Phone East 5333. . - . STEAM PIPE AND BOILER COVERING A SPE CIALTY. Ring us up and we , will bring you samples. An Unsqudsd Offer A t ef ear famous US rals TXKTH for fir. Paint etrotmit fie wiu this offer, i t- -nation aad consultation, fr. Crown aa4 a-.- iroi a specialty. Extracting. t eats -;.. O ;.0- o. AU Widths & Sizes For All $3.50 low: Shoes y o :'?.:--'':--i::-.rt.'(: C. MTlMITHrSecyTToss.1- ' vy 11 - rrr -" ill ' r