- i a, TOXIOBT'I AHVSmiTf, Helllg ,, , Jaaer . l-yrle .. Htar ... .oral Hawaiian Band ..."The EUrnal City" A CoOTlrt Wit" ."A Pleasant Day" ...... Vrend tentagee Barca A Ralu Circus .... .1. . . . -. VaaderlUe Vaudeville .Sola aad Balelgh MU-eeta : Excursion Sunday to Caacade Locke and return 11 round trip. The atearaer " Charles B. 'Spencer will depart from i Oak street dock at a m., returning arrlvee In Portland at f .,m. .Aa ia wall known, thla la the crack boat of theee watera It haa no equal for epeod, Ita accommodatlona are Al and Ha ca pacity among the greatest on the north Pacino coaaU The aoenery of the Co lumbia river haa not an equal on the American continent. Travelera will tell V you that It greatly aurpaaaea the fa mous Hudaon even with all lta beauti ful lalanda andr romantto borders. To morrow we will carry our excursionists . through the heart of the Caacada moun- '. tains, paat . the - tumbling waterfall a (Multnomah among them, 849 , feet), 'cataracta of all deacriptlona, dark and myaterloua canyons, glorioue and won derful beyond worda - to picture; It la a grand ride on moat majeetio .rlvera, a panorama of beauty being conatantly -lirrtra.-r Meala -eerved - to those deslr- . Ing them. ..'' '.V,- ' Our extra apeclal 10 daye' Belabor picture f ramea and oil painting ta nowon. '. Two hundred genuine bard oil hand patnt- lnga at the following unheard-of low prices: Sine 14x2!. 12.16; UxSO, 11.10 - and tl.SS: IlxSI. 15.00. All fitted with ftret-claaa up-to-date maaalve gold frame ' Five hundred up-to-date l-Ply oak ve : neer and other flrat-claaa portrait and landscape f ramea In all alsea and styles : at prlcea that will enable you to ni up your horeea with beautiful picture for almoet nothing. Come at Once. Don't n il,... .i- .11 nnM and then kick, yourself and everybody elaaand ask uawhvin the world we don't adver- tlae. A beautiful 16x0 picture with each purchase of 11.00 or over. Artietlo utcture framing a apecialty. Loweet prlcea.-. Portrait enlarging of " hlgheat 'grade at bed-rock prlcea. Satisfaction " auaranteed or no' Bay." - Send" for - our " nateloarua " The Tatea Art company, . Brown building. . Hawthorne and Orand V avenueaV. . " " ' Kf rmtneTOni to fill TacIHclWa-tirttia 'federal department are announced by the United S tatea chrll service comrals- "atOS-a f ollowar- On June- tTihree-or Tottf""!! giwrce will be aclocied to rm- vacanclea In -the poaltlon or engineer oi !.tlmber teata In the foreat reserve at a aalary of 11,000 per annum. At the - - aame time there will be an examination . for the poaltlon of general mechanlo at , 1710 per year at Beger agency. Okla- noma, and vacanclea aa they may occur In any almtlar branch of the aervlce. Kxaminatlona will, be held on July 6 and to -fill a-vacancy In the quarter master" a department at large, the ealary being $1,800 per year. " Full particulars i may be obtained from Z. A, Leigh, aecre- tary - of the civil - aervlce commission, poatofflce building, Portland. r" A handsomely"' illustrated booklet,- filled with a sprightly description of the "delights -of travel In the Northern Pa ' clflo Railway -company North Coast Limited trains, has been Issued by the passenger department of that company. The book la equal In text and prlnter'a art to any aimllar publication by rail road a of the Atlantic atatea and far superior to eome of the efforts from that quarter. The writer haa given a fine word picture of -the attactlons that will Interest the traveler Journeying to the Paciflo eoaet.- ,. . -- t..V." . Aa the result of a fractured hip aua talned while moving a barn three monthe .ago, John R. Fay. an Oregon pioneer of 1S5S. died laat Thursday at hie home at to East Ninth atreet, aouth. - Mr Fay waa born In Scotland 71 yeara ago. Hla wife survive. He was thO father of Mrs. E. J. Altatock. K. F. Fay. "John Fay; Joaept Far end Mlea Cecelia Fay, all 6f Portland. The funeral will be held from the family residence Mon day. ' Conrad Ordemann. for yeara ' aenlor deacon of the Immanuel Baptist church, died yesterday morning at the family residence at Fifth atreet. Mr. Orde mann came to Portland In 1S7S. lie waa a native of Qermany, (2 yeara old.- He .leaves a, wife and four children. - The ftrnera! rrlca wilt be-fceld -tomorrow afternoon at t o'clock at the Immanuel - Paptlat-fhurch, - corner of Mead, and Becond atreeta. . . ; The June number of the Chamber of Commerce Bulletin la fully up to the average in excellence. It contalna arti cles by B. H. Frledlander on "Amuse ment Resorts") by Lewia Rusaeil on "Portland Real Estate." and an Intelli gent discussion of the future of Ban . Franelaoo by Rufua B. Jennings, aeere tary of the reconstruction committee at the Bay City.. - Water through" hoae Tor rp tinkling yarda or aldewalka, or waahing porchea er windows, must be paid for in advance end used only between the houre of I and te.ni. and and t p. m. It must . not be naed for sprinkling atreeta. If ' used contrary to these rules, or waste fully. It will be ehut off. . ; . :r.,; ; . v , The -Favorite Boating company, foot of Morrison atreet, aouth aide of bridge, - will start their mosquito fleet running to the Oaks thla afternoon. Boata leave ' Morrison-street dock at 1 p. m. and run every 1 minutes during the afternoon . and every 10 mtnutea during the even- Sng. Ttcksta too, including admission. .! ;' The Teung Women'a Christian Aaao elatlon will hold another "at home" meeting tomorrow afternoon at the as sociation rooma." Among the features will be selections by the T. M. C. A. -' Olee club. There will also be an ad dress r C. M. Wood on "A Trip East" The graduating exerclsea of the North ' Pacific sanatorium, held laat sight at the First Presbyterian church, were, wall attended by relatives and friends of the atndenta. A musical and literary -Billy's Coming Home Qtt ready with yner tmnpet aad seoad tka knf tie bora. William Jomlngs Bryaa seee sgala te life Is boroi Kings hate bnwed before alia end geeeaa kare ktmti bla sand, lad we nraat pay him aoenase .ws isaat aiatt blw with the head. , Tee, end we wast rleanse hie Usee o Imsiamilatalr white. 1at snow apea ale bosaa weald restsible rsypt's Bight. Oh. there'll be hot times la enr eoaatry when the here home doea eome. And Teddy stands a pee. the wharf a-betln( et the drvax.. Thea hare'a to Billy Bryaa, from Nebraska's .rameaa plala. The Mol of iMsMwrary, the reaaireeted aula) - Let as rbant his prtlaes hMdly While ear vnlcas are la tone Aad try e think that at year will be ., like this bkmnia' Jose. - . UNION LAUNDRY tel. Kam tea. All famllr Stated aad Oehuahla. hint Se psvad. REASSESSMENT IS (IflT ItLElF City Council Hat Power to Make It, Rules Judge George ' '- ; Today. - FAILURE OF ASSESSMENT ' QOES NOT BAR ANOTHER Providing Payment of but One As sessment Is Asked, Council Can Make Reassessment to Ita Heart Content Without Breaking Law. Judge M. C George In the circuit court thla morning ruled that the city council naa power under toe new char ter to reaaaeaa coata of atreet lmprove- mente against abutting property aa many tlmea aa It deems proper, pro vided the payment- of -but - one- assess ment la asked.- The failure of any-at tempted assessment doea not bar the council from reassessing.' , This decision -waa rendered In pass ing on the application of Jamea W. Ap plegate. Kills Q. Hughes. John Mitchell and W. M.-, Morgan for write of review on an attempted reaaaeaament against their property. Their contention waa that the council had ordered one assess ment, which had not been completed, and that thla one effort barred them from ordering a reaaaeaament. - Judge George aald that any improve ment coifld be defeated by a valid re monstrance by a proper number of prop- Wltn 'the council whetner a reaaaess ment shall be ordered,' and that nothing discretionary with the council can be reviewed by the- courts. . f ,;- "City bfflctala are not . alwaya ' the plnka of perfection. remarked the Judge, "but the allegations .- of, - misconduct agalnat certain of them In thla matter are without, the Jurisdiction of the, court, and llwlUunot. paae ,;pon ; them, Their - action in creating assessment dlstrlrte la final;"- . . The petitions for write of review were denied. ' .. - L '., ": :J: CITYVTHOROUGHFARE ---f, STILL COUNTY ROAD s' '. , - . -v---e 4 ' County Judge Webster haa called the attention of the coun- 4 ell to the fact that by some pe- - cullarlty the roadway from the ' q 4 eaat line' of Front street to the west end -of the Madiaon- atreet - 4 bridge haa never been convert- ed Into a city atreet, but baa re-" q mained a county road. 4Jt labecauae the county hasj 4 - to pay ---the" expense jtt I repalra - upon thle - highway- that .- the ,; e 4, county court wishes the city . , council ' to take the- necessary e , action to make it a street. Judge ; e Webster haa aent a communlca- w e tlon to the council, and It will e e probably be acted upon at the next- meeting. He writes that " there are 24 tenants facing the 4 roadway, and that It la built up' ' 4b aolldly, yet la attll claaaed aa . a ' e county road. - progrim preceded the presentation Of the dipiomaa by Rev. Dr. E. p. Hill. Dr. W. T, Wllllamaoa delivered the princi pal address. The graduating claaa waa composed of Valeria Martin, Helen Jack son. - Lulu Knight- Bayne, llabel Watt, H. Josephine Nelson, Nora Keeling and Himrna ilojax Blngleton.- v The conference planning Portland'a Fourth-of-July celebration la In-aeealon at the city hall this afternoon. . It la expected that within a few day a the canvaaa of the city for the necessary funda will begin, and that the I roe-ram's principal leaiures win ne arranged for. Dr. Clarence True Wilson will give a prelude to hla Sunday evening eer- mon OtLthe.moralJeseone of the June election (woman'e suffrage, local option and Word) at the Grace M. B. church Sunday evening at 7:10 o clock to fol low a popular aervioe of aoqg. ' . . We invite you te call and look at our stock. We make any auM in the house to order for no more, no leas. This la something no ether firm in the city will do. We save you money or don't want the order.-- Unique- Tailoring Co lot Btark, near sixth. ; 1 Trolley excursions tomorrow on' 'the O. W. P. to Oresham, 16 cents; all polnta eaurt-ef -Gresham te and Including E- tacada,' 0 centa round trip; rare lea Flrat and Alder atreeta 7:S0, 0:10. 11:10 au m.; 1:10. S:40, 1:44. 7:11 p. m. Tlcketa on aale In waiting-room. Trolley tripe tomorrow on the fj. W P. to Oregon City and Canemah park, IS centa round trip; dancing afternoon and evening; care leave First and Alder atreet on the odd hour and every 40 mlnutaa.. Tlcketa - on sale .in, waiting, room. '' '' ,..'.": . ;: j ; A Beethoven musical aervlce will be given by the choir of the Flrat Con gregational church Sunday evening. Pastor's subject. The Sorrowa : of Beethoven.': , v ?- - , j , : Watches, diamonds and Jewelry on easy payments, ft down end 10 centa per week. Ail mamspnnga l; all watchea cleaned II. Metxger Ce 111 Sixth at - Concrete Construction Co.,' Tot Cham ber .of Commerce, manufacture of concrete atone blocka Contractore for all klnda of cement work. Tel Main ISO, W. Cooper-Morris of the Oregon Sav- J-lnga bank. whOl"lbgeAJUljajatie to nn at tne nanx to attend to buslneea We ere still eelllng eye glaaaea at 11; a perfect fit guaranteed or money re funded. Metager Co., lit Sixth atreet There will be no concert at the Lewie and Clark fair grounds tomorrow. The grounda will be cloeed to the publlo. . C S. Walborn, furniture repairing, pel lahlng, packing, shipping. TeL East Sill. . Prise waits. Cedar Park; dancing Bun day afternoon and dvenlng; late can. Acme Oil Co. sella thebeat eafety ell and fine gaaollnea - Phone Eaat 71. Woman'e exchange, ltt Tenth atreet lunch, 11 to t. , Panama hatter. Ill 4th. Phone Pad. I0T. ' Milwaukle Country Ctub. Memphla and Louisville racea Take Sellwood and Oregon City cars at First eat Alder, . , . , ( - ,t , v . . THE FIHST CALIIDATE Miss Powell the First to Enter , The Journal Educational r .. ....... Contest, Many Candidate Already Entered- " Sepd In, Your Favorite's Name at Once Balloting Commencea Morw " day, June 11.-' r4 In order to acquaint The Journal read era who are Interested In thla contest with the various Candida tee and their merits. The Journal will, aa faat aa prac tlcable, print a picture and short story of each candidate. Pick' your choice and aubecribe at once. - Miss Mary- E. Powell enjbya the dis tinction of being the first to enter The Miss - Mary E. Powell. Journal Educational Contest; having en tered aoon after the flrat announcement. . .The young-lady .was' boril at The Dalles, Oregon, but haa lived in Portland since she was five yeare of age and ia virtually a native of tble elty. She la at present attending the Portland high school and jsraduatee-n the elaaa of 1 90S.- this . month; TAraTie lslles1rduS of attending the University of Oregon and paying her own way. The Journal contest was eagerly grasped aa a means of doing this. ' There is no doubt but what a hard fight will be made, for her ambition, namely, one of the eaah prises, and many f rlenda of the young lady throughout the- city will gladly rally to her eupport and assure a band some reward. " .-..- " - AT THE THEATRES. -Last Concert Tonight at fieilig. i The last concert M the Koyal Rawallaa band of Honohila will he glvea at the HeUlg theatre, roarterath and. Waahiiurtoa streets, -teetht at R:16 o'clock. lAa eatlrelr dllfereat prncram will ba gives -than haa heietefere heae rendered, Thla excellent ertaalsaUea has made a swat decided hit with the aaatc-lovara of thla elty. whe have filled (be Bellly the past two even, bis, aad no dnaht will do the same tonight at this their laat concert. i . -. "The Rounders" Tomorrow Night. Henry B. Smith never eoaeoeted a finer bench of araaatng mirth than "The Beondera," which the- Keadall Musical company wlU hecm their eammer engafenMnit at the Uelllg theatre tomorrow eight? aad he' has pat masy a bit befuee the Amerlrta pnhlwi for. their apprecla ttoo. "The Enundera'' ran for 883 nlihte at e-eteeteb- la - liew Tork wbea tt waa fmt breosht oat st the Casino, and that reminds the people of what tt 4e. Tbemaa Q. gebfooae sod JeaBaette Lowrle were last aeea la It here. The piece abnonds In musical gems sad chasccs for hits by the arttete that are eomtng here. Several of the seaas have become famone. It will he 1a every way a eatlafactory pradaetlea. floerial ereeerv will be erenared for each nc- ceding week's ehaage ef Mil, aad every effort te -ta he .made to IjTa Portland a fine season ef meslral stock. The sale of sea ta opened at the Hellla theatre yesterday aaernlax at 10 o'clock. Pooalar Bricre will prevail, ate. 8Ae, boc, Id the evening and lac aad 2Se at the Wednesday aad Saturday matlaees. ;r Extra Performance of "Eternal City." There will be three extra performances ef 'The Eternal City" at the Bakar theatre Mon day. Tueeday aad Wednesday of the coming week. 'The Eternal City" will he pot en be cause many people whe want to see It bare not keen able te eaesre seats during this week's run. There are bigger crowds- than ene week raa satlafy. ' But the three nights-mentioned will be the last and only opportunity the puhlle wtu hare to wltneaa this great peerormaaea, for the regular play for the fifth week of the stork seaeoa will occupy the balance ef the week on the Baker a tag. "The Maa Prom the Oolden Weat" opens at the regular Bunds matinee, June 10. thea glree way tn "The Sternal City" Monday, Tueeday and Wednes day, aad looniws Its raa Thursday to eontlnoe te the end of the week. ,' , .. . - ii i - - .VAUDEVILLE AND STOCK. 7 At Pantaf.es. Tonight and tomorrow Pantagea' big bill for this week will be shown for the last time. The Ust'of features Include the Hunt trained dog and amnkey elnres. which ta a treat for all, end Ralph Cummlngs and company la an ap-to-date comedy with a lasgh for every minute. Half a Aosea other strong sets supplement theee features. - - - ' . rsT"? -At the - Grand- -With the performances tomorrow the Ms vaudeville bill, which haa attracted tbousamle ta the Orand thla week, will rioas to Brake way for a new bill, headed by the world's greatest Juggler. Rannll. This week's program Is s eerie of headline sets, with good eome- ntane, good singers and , good aovelty acta There ta not aa uninteresting apecialty an the long Hat. Tomorrow's performances will be from I te I sad from T:30 to JO.ao. At the Star. ".. - Tomorrow wlU be the last ef "A Pleaaant Day," the mnsh-al farce given this ereek by the Star stock company. These whe want an al toyed raa aad aa smpte espply ef moste will rind what tney aeaire at iae etar. m musical fares Is a hit sad Is more thae making goad with the steadily growing patroaage of this popular theatre. The show tomorrow will be from S to S aad from T 0 to 10.-4S. , Wives Object ; Te life Insurance sometimes. Widows never do. ' They i Know lta value.- Get particulars free. No Importunity.. Penn Mutual Life.. Sherman et Harmon, gen eral aieaia, ', -','. '" :,. - 1 1 I , . ui 1 l-llni. Mi If , M - t I , ,-t f - ,,: ' . i f r f I'JOBK BEGIilS 00 -lIlIVflDGE Materials Arrive for Two Million Dollar Structure Over River , at St. Johns. PILE DRIVERS WORKING ON TEMPORARY APPROACH Crew of Several Hundred Men Will Be at Work Within 'Few Weeks, Many, of Whom Will Make Their Homes in St. Johns. , , - . ': ; ; (Xaat aide Bepartmeat) Construction work baa begun on the f 2,000.000 railroad bridge that ie to epan the Willamette river at St Johna. A pile driver ia at work on the weat aide. opposite St Johna, driving, pllea for the temporary- approach. The meea-houee haa been finished and a warehouse la under way. . V-uantltlea of building ma terial for uae In the conetruction of the bridge have been unloaded at the weat approach. Men are being engaged for the work and It la announced that In a few. weeka a crew of aeveral hundred men will be employed. It la expected that a large portion of the employee will make their homee In St. Johna, aa numeroua Inqulrlea have been made In the paat week for houaea to rent by those engaged In the work. ; v At the regular meeting of the city council of. St Johna Wednesday even- aagrIiicJ-.mjm of the Faclllo Statea Telephone company waa present and made a brief talk to . the council on matters relative to the telephone franchise. Mr, Hickman said that hla company could not comply with all the demands made In the propoaed ' fran chise. - lie said the company waa will ing to erect, a building for a central atatlon and would establish a central at St Johna-bttt-aot. ltt-lh remori thai that-lt-would-prnhaMy lake e do eo. with reference to the demand for a cable to Llnnton, he aald that it would coot a large amount of money,! an-ami"fhrT5ni"taken"Tiron"lnW would not Juailfy the. eapendfture. Ho- aiao wanted tne H per cent commis sion on gross receipts, demanded by the council, eliminated. The council ordered the. waya and meana committee and the city attorney to examine .the fran chise granted the company by Port land and uae It ae a guide In drawing a new franchlae to be preaented at the next meeting.' . .. . , ,. :--,,". . :' '.-.iV. - The - graduating - exercises of the eighth grade' of the- St.- Johna school will take place Tuesday evening, June 11.-in Blckner'a hall. The claaa will give - a rendition of Longfellow'a Kvangeime At ma cmaa or .jpa.pror gram dpldmaBTfrfawMeorethe following pupila: Chester Maaaey, Edith Baldwin. Abble Graves, 7aase Hanks,. Edith Tork, Joaephlne ' Toung, ' Lola Walker,- Lola Herald, Ida Jones, Bessie Phillips. Ray Brock. Everett Buery, Earl Brodahk Henry Toung. Clyde Teellng, Melvin Boyle, Maude Peterson, Arthur Clark, George Butt, Emery OIU more, Floasle Xgden. Jack Douglas and Sylvia Taylor. Thia Ie an unuaually large claaa, all of whom exceeded the requirement, 10 per cent, on their final examination.. . "; f The realdenta on Oneonta atreet will file a remonatrance agtlnat Improving that atreet. The specif ications ' of the engineer call for trading and curbing the atreet from Scrofflna addition to Co lumbia boulevard. The eurvey for tha peninsula line of the O. R. A N. company croaaea thla atreet diagonally, and the nelghbore claim wlu render, two or. Ita four blocka in length undealrable for realdence purpoaea. The property-hold- ere object to paying Improvement, as sessments with tha prospect of having a part ef the atreet and of the lota front ing on it, appropriated by a railroad for a right of way, The McMlnnvlIle Glee club gave a con cert laat night at the aecond . Baptlat church, Eaat Seventh and Ankeny atreeta. The glee club waa aaalated by Mrer H.- W yea Jonee, who-gaveaeveral resdlnga. -The glee club la composed of the following singers: Flrat tenor, 'McAllister, Arthur, Carl In, R. McGee; aecond tenor. Culver. L. Tlll- burg. R. Arthur; flrat baaa. Hill. Olds, McOee;. aecond baaa, Corpron, . G. Tlllburg. C McOee. -The efforte ef the glee club and of Mra. Jonee were received by the au dience with demonatratlona of approval. Rev. S. C- LaP ham. on behalf of the Toung Men'a club of the aecond Baptlat church, preaented the McMlnnvlIle Glee club with a pillow containing the motto of the Touna Men a club. The gift waa received by Gilbert Tlllburg on behalf of the dub. Woodstock and Lenta voted laat Mon day that etock ahould not be allowed to run at large In those suburb., Two yeara ago Montavilla. Mount Tabor and South Mount Tabor enacted a atmilar law, but it waa found difficult to en force the regulation so long jg etock waa allowed to run at large In the neigh boring towne of Woodstock and Lenta. Now, i however. It la not expected that any trouble will oe round in enrorcing the law In the entire territory, aa the Mount Tabor Justice f the peace haa Jurisdiction tn all - five of ' these pre cincts. The people of these towne ere pleaaed at the prospect of having lawns and gardena without the fear of their being deatroyed by roaming cattle. Woodmen of the World ef Arleta and Lenta are looking for a elte en which to build a lodge hall. It haa been proponed that all of the campa of thia order along the Mount Scott car line unite and erect at aome central point a handsome build ing to coat ts.000 or more. It la thought that an effort wilt be made to carry out thla Idea. If thla plan la carried of VepuUtion in that d1rrtrtct,--wt!r prob ably be selected as the place te build the halj. Thursday evening ' membere ef the Third Presbyterian church weytt to the Cumberland Preabyterlan church. Beat Twelfth and Taylor -atreeta. where a union prayer meeting waa held In honor of the merging of the branch of the Presbyterian faith. Rev. A. J. Mont gomery ef the Third church and "Rev. E. Neleon Allen, ef the Cumberland churoh made addresses. Remarks on the union movement were made by Prof. R. R. Steele." . ' i i hi The Montavilla board of trade and tha Improvement association have agreed to combine Into .one organisation. It ia thought that more good ean be accom plished for the upbuilding of Monta villa by combining the energies of the two organisations. ' ...... A physical culture claaa was organised Thursday evening at the Second Baptlat cb.ureht Eaat' Seventh i and , Ankeny atreeta.' The club begins Its career with' 42 members, . , . V Dr.N.J.FULTCrJ NATUROPATH - Ssecasafal IS the word that heat daecrlbes bet career sSnee eemmg te Pertlaad. Seeoaaafal la earing disease, s aafal ta balldlag ap what Is today the largest efQce practice ef say doctor la the elty. . Thla Ie why bar efflree are at all times fan, aad that people sometimes wait for boars te see her. If roe bare anr aOmest. ehroale er, aeate. each aa rheumatlam, la grippe, broorhltta, goiter. eviarra. iwairn ana . oowei iroaniesi servo troubles, etc. etc., jeo would do weU to eon suit her. She cea cure you. . . TZSTtKOVIAU OP PXOPLS i cuaxo, SHZ JtAS "Portlaad. Oct. 17. UOS. "To whom it May Uwvre: 'l aaffered a lung time with serious stomach trouble, the dtoaaae having - pregraaaed so far that I waa unable to rata In my food, and finally found water to cause nauaee; la- enort. mr entire eystem waa ta a sertooalr depleted ene Attica. On or about Jnir lft laat I mAwtmmA .Hh Tr. Naacf J. yultoa, of thla elty, and waa tnooeoe, o laae aroaimapia rrnia nenAaLAtler. taking the twelfth I waa dlecbargMT I can bow eat anrthins I deatro, feel perfectly well aad am conatantly gaining atreagth. Thla mar. velpoe Changs I caa truthmily aay ta " due te Dr. mitoa. CLYDK VAUGHN. . - ' "Homo, Jertereoa, Or." Note Mr.- Vaughn can be communicated wltb at Jrfferaoa. Or., or his father. Kll Vaughn, raa he aeea at the New Orand Central corner Third aad glanders, thla elty. . '"'' ' "Octohae SO . ions. ' hom Tt'May" Doneeraf ' . . If-a frorda-me area r - Bleaanfo"-TnrrttirTr word is nralao ef Dr. rultoa. I suffered antM agony for one week with pam la my whole body. My huaband called In whom we aun- w una i .1 liMjauiana III the elty. He waa not euro, hat thought I had left medicine and thonaht. I would be ht neat day; bet I gradually grew worse: sot aa relief from pain eieept under enlatee. Raring neura oi it. r nnun innmin irienna or ours, wo decided to call her tn; eo my hoahaag went St once and brought her to the house. Cnon examination aha pronounced tt a cans of scute gaatrltla. and after ene treatment I was abM to get up, drees myself sad ro about my naoal houaehold duties;- I have now -taken n - wean's treatment and certainly think her the atost wonderful doctor I erer met. . . . Man. o. . "Bmnorf. - L, . . . "SOS Tenth St., Portlaad. Or." Note Don't forget te inrloee noetage atamn for reply wbea writing to any of my patients. BKM.FULTCBI : I ' VATOaOPATK. T,'"".''"." T 3 1 5 TWELFTH STi Ooraer Clay, one block from tT ear. one from 11th street enr, t from Jefferooa car. TelepbOBO Mala S13X STATE GUARDS RIFLEMEN TO - COMPETE FOR TROPHY- Annual Competitive Meet Will Be f Held on Salem Range July Ninth-to-Eleventh. TTT " Official noticea were mailed today by Adjutant-General Flnser to the different infantry companion of the state- notify ing them of the annual rifle competi tion which will be held on the rifle range near 8alem from July 0 to 11 in clusive. Four men and a aubatltute are to be selected from each company, but no member will be eligible for the eon tcst unlees he ahall have performed 71 per cent dfThe tanitary dntleavrnch sjr paradeoi drills and eneampmenta during the preceding year. The com manding officer of each company will report to headquarters not later than June 90 the name of the captain of hla team. Tha range will open for practice Saturday. July .7, at I o'clock. . ' There will be three aeparate matches dtirlnar the meet the atate trnnhv mairti foTnpgrr-rhamptfmahlp at dlntanoea of too and 00 yarda; atate medal match, open to all membere of teama compet ing for atate trophy, and the atate In dividual match, which will be shot un der the following conditional Two hun dred yarda, alow Are; 000 yarda, alow fire; 100 yarda,-alow Are; too yarda, rapid fire; one skirmish run, 1,000 yards, alow, Are. . - A. allver cup and gold, silver and Dronse medala will be awarded te the auoceaaful contestants in the different eventa. , General Flnaer ia new . negotiating with the railroad companies with ref erence to aecuring special rates for the meet. . -, , INVITATIONS ISSUED FOR CO;.lf.lENCEMEIiT Pacific : University Exercises to - Begin With Recital by : : Music Pupils. Irivltatlona bkVi beerr Isauad for tne forty-fourth annual commencement" of Paclflo unlveralty at Forest. Orove June 15-20. The commencement exercises ill begin Friday evening at t' o'clock when a recital will be given by the pupils of the conservatory of music. On Saturday evening the anniversary of the conservatory will be observed. The program for : the- ether exercises will be ae followe: -- Sunday. June 17.-11 a. m. baocalau- reate aerman. President ferrln; S pv rn., aermon berore the Christian aasocla tione. Rer. Richard K. Ham, Portland. Monday, June II.- 1 p. m., exhibit by the art department; I p. tn.. addreaa before the literary aocletles. Professor IL H. Ilerdman, Portland. Tueaday, June !. 1 e. m., annual meeting of the trustees: I p. tn., clos ing axerolaea of the academy; p. m. anniversary of associate alumni. . , Wedneaday, June 10. 10 a. m., grad uating exercises of the unlveralty; II tn., annual bualnaea meeting ef t the alumni: 1 p. m., corporation-dinner; I p. m., 1 commencement ooncerv aaercisea ex sunaay wiu oe neia is She Cures the Sick AJbTOI CerThjctrcHS: atgr. tke"'floew of Ulgh-Ciaae 'Stock.""" ," AT.I. THIS WSBK MATirtca SATCKDAT. TUB " ORArTDMtT PRODUCTIOW ' or. TM ISA a mix caiks's wortDBart'L KJaOTlONAI. DBAMA. ThoEtcrnalCity ft Imaneaee east. ; augalocest scoery. . aug- geaud oreheatra. ' raiCKS Eve., tfte. SBc, Sort Mat.. lBe, SBe. Bvealag Cartes. 0:10 Saara. ; - HZXT WEEK ': BTJNDAT MATIKEB AND HIOHT. ' Tho Man From the - Go!doiWcst afONDAT, TDBaDAT, WBDNESDAT, Br Immense Popular Den and. "ThoEtcrnalCity it BATS NOW OJt SALS. &! The Ecia Thejtre .rTi! Seats Now Selling ' ' 1 ' At the BoxofSea ef the Batllg, - , Kendall Musical Company '" ' la the Kaslesl-iesaedy Sscreea, F'T "The Rounders" . - AZX VZZT irTZX, antataTVTjrS -..'t'-;'. SWaTDAT nSXT, -..' a Popular Prices . Evening, See, Me, aOe. I Mm tinea, las. Ssa. aeeerve fan regalar seats each week. Id gal re at Boaofnee. ' TH UlTf I to THIATJUC lata aad A a I M 1 1 a w rona Waahlaatos 1 1 ' klala L r TONIGHT LAST COKCBBT Anas sAMn op arnsoiuxpl eo htrsici a k s eo UBAKO OOMCCBT. 1 ' Military Bead. Stringed Orrheetrs. TaTaadolla, Oultar. Banjo. Ctuhs. Choir sad Sole Singers. K ren lag prteea, ase., hoc T5c. 11: matinee S6e. eoe. Toe, ', -AtMetic-Park- .JPnrnsr Tandrha aafl Twenty-fpttrta JUNE 7, 8. 9 da 10 : , Portland vs Los Angdts reasnee OaUeS Smo p. an. Baily. . --- Oaaass OaUe S40 p. am. ajmadaya. : . Xritdlee Say rrloay. ADMISSION" 25 CENTS GRANDSTAND, 2 Sc. CHILDREN, ISO. BOX SlCATsV Zee TEe GREAT SAN FRANCISCO r DISASTER. 1 ftJTrft, a1?T-T-mTa' fl r a) v.T.fi ; iriO'ooe IreprOduetlon' ef 'the' San Fran cisco dlsaatar. Before, during and after the eerthquaae and Are. T" - ; - ; A Pyrotcenical Mechanical y Demoastration Requiring four ecree of space for its -: . preeentatlon. :-.. t ., REAL CITY, REAL EARTH QUAKE, REAL FIRE - At the Lew la and Clark, fair ground a Ave days, commencing Wedneaday. June II. QRAIND Week of June dth Bit Orphean. Vaudeville . SAJSA CO. eiOBOB TXOMAM. nxs-woBTH ass .-.:' SVBT. ' ' 1B0A3WAT TBIO. " habolo atorr.- eaABDisoopr. ABJtSTBOBO ABO KOIXT -IS - "The Expressman" STAR THEATRE Commencing Monday, Jane fifth Week STAB STOCK COMAST . "A Pleasant Day, la Cooseetioa Witt a Strong TaaeevUle Olio. PANT AO C& J22SUm BALTfX OTTM atnTOf 00. B-tTXrS CSUBSATCD I0 ASS XOaTXBT oiaova VeOleud aad Melville, V' rieteaer aad Betas. '. - . ' Mias Alia ebeea. . Jaaa Wllaea. Moving rietarae. Perfermesce delly at 1:S0, T:0 and I I. m. Admlaaloa -iO and S0e boxes, Se. Ladias sad cblldrea admitted te any seat at week gar matlnaa tee lOe. SAN FRANCISCO DISASTER Meke money. Big preftta. email raveatmeot Moving pictures of 'rriece earthquake and fire,. Por parflrulare, Newman a Mottoa P let ore Co.. liSVt Sixth at. OUR METHODS OF TEACHING Are Not Only Vp-to-Date. But a 7 T " Date Ahead, . ' We ' leed ' all other Bnalneea -Schoola in up-to-date " met hod a 1 and eystems. . One aradaaesa Are All Smployed All Business . Branches Taught, We also teach Practical Adver : tlelng. .,, ,--.-'.-. Men Meecrs Es,aliHa Sckesl la tat Wtrt r-f -,v; DAY ANP WCHTe ; OPSOT AVU ' Send, for Oaealearne. Behnke-Walker- Business College Elks' Bldg., Seventh end Stark . Stetipj;iiati-pe the Congregational church. All other exercises, except as otherwise Indicated, In the auditorium of Marsh halt 's . .J' Offieese anasted. -: s." (SpeeJel ptspstefe te The Jeataet) -Pendleton, Or., June S. Damon lodge, No. 4. K. of P., haa elected the following officers for the coming year: ' Roy Raley, chancellor; Van Pr Smythe, pre late; Carl Ceoley, master ef work; M. 8. Kern, master at anno;' C. D. Sample, Inner guard; Conrad Bralts, outer guard; A. E. Lambert, keeper ef records and eeal and master of flnancea) Louis Oreenawald. master ef exchequer. . ollaeeo Aseealatleta Xeeejac. . The Hotineae aeeoelatloD wlU held aervleea In their tent at North A'blna tomorrow afternoon at t -e'clock. Rev, L. I. Hadley will preach en "The Sec ond Coming." Everybody invited. Take Lower Al . cr tt, Joans car. BASEBALL '.( IS. ? : STo Portland -..' PORTLAND, OR1CGON. : ; tuaort an plan only HEADQUARTERS FOR TOURISTS AND COMMERCIAL . , . TRAVELERS. ,.,.'..', ' everything 'to eat and drink, and It ooate no more ta the Portlaad Hotel RetbakeOer than elsewhere In the elty. ATvsry weekday night from :! to it. , . . --' BL O. BOWIBS, aataaage. Dollar Pacliace FREE Man Medicine Free rr-Ton eaamow obtain a urge dollar alaa tree.. package of Mas Medicine free oa requeet. Maa Medicine glrre you oaea atero the guate, the Joyful aatlatacttoe. the- pulae aad throe et physical pleeeure, the heea sense ef maa-eenaa tlon, the luxury et. life, body-nearer end body npmfort free, hlaa Mrdlrtna dnao-H. Maa Medicine eureo man-weaaneae, earvans deMllty. . early decay, dleoamrageA - saeahnod, functional failure, vital .weeknean, brain tag, backache, prostatitis, kidney trouble sad aerv- Voa eea cure yourself at borne by Mas Medi cine, and the full alas dollar package will be delivered to you tree, plala wrapper, sealed, with full directions sow to use. it. The rail alaa dollar package free, no permeate ef sny kind. ' no receipts, ae promlaes, as papers to sign. It Is free. All we want to knew Is that roe see set sending for It out ef idle curiosity, eat that roe waai to do well, ene become roar strong Bturai aalt ooct jnore. Man Medicine will do waat yon want It to do: make you d real BUST manlike, man-powerful. Tour name and address will bring It; sll yea lira to do la to send and get It. We sued tt free to every dlerouraged one of the maa sex. Interstate Bemedy Compear, T50 Leek bniieV big. Detroit. Michigan. YUEN CHINESE PHYSICIAN JJ-e! Having studied aasdl. 3 elne foe mane reera an. China. He cures all esronie sad private dleeeees ef Maa and Re -eompoenda end psts np for use his remedies, the . lugredl-. ente ef which a -a care fully Viocted.- My-rem---edtes will not destroy your stomach er en danger your. life with an oneratlon. If oat tana as rlaka. as I see aw eeleona or drugs. . ' t taeore quick results st the Irowast aes dble eoet. ... - Call and eee me if you are sfflieteeVi. . -, w . OOBTSTJiTATIOBr VaSI., . SOTiUtBt- dlair ca ' MAKBIC ABB OBAITfTX r'-". WOBKS. Artistic mono- ; 'saenta, aaaaao leatna. Cemetery aad building work manufactured from the beet ef marble and granite. Correepoadenee and orders promptly attended to. Cast End Naalsoa Street Irkt ' PORT LAND ORE- . OON (i. 1.111 DLOOD poison . roi mom mi tweitt mis ere have made the ear or blood polsoe a specialty. Prtsaary. AeceeMtory er Tertiary Bleed Pelsee Permanently Cured. Vou caa be treated ai home ander aame guaranty. Capitol SaOftOOO. Ws so) lot t the moot obott aa to eases. If yon have exhausted the old methods of treatment, and still have aches and pains. Mucus Pate bee In Mouth. Bore Throat. Pimples, Copper-Colored Spot Ulcere ea any part of the body. Hair or Eyebrows falling- out, write tor proofs et eurea. 100-page Book Pree. COOK REMEDY COY 138 BAttW TUUlt, Ihkasa, a,s.a. StomQfliTroutlES Positively Cured by- iNarure'a Owe) Remedy, Rasaeri'a P4ATIV t ntHDS,or costs vou nothing' 23c and tl (contains Sight Draft 4or actum at your. m i rfMa AtCeae. I away (w Mm aesni Teal j narewe - l&aaewtt'a Native Herbs Company in Bams as. uaaa oe ape rrsanrmem, aa. Open for the Season Parle fee FAMILY " SUMMER CARDrrj Wsshlngtoo Street, Ketr Cry T" ; ,.i - Eatrar.ee. Strictly Vm-c't Fine line of 1 .i -wichee sn J C" eiewisaua I. v;,.,: